


RE: Life
victor gruber
Thu 10/15/2009 11:32 PM
     You think you deserve any more from me?  Ha!  You reap what you sow, you deadbeat.  You've been absent from the majority of your children's life and you expect to be honored?  What a joke.  You deserve much worse from us.     You could read exactly what I have been doing with my life on the journal on my website(pictures and everything, updated to Sept 14, 2009, soon to be current), if you weren't so damn ignorant of it.  Plus, I never let my schooling interfere with my education.  School is slave-training and I'm no slave.  Knowledge is free.  I don't need to be fed knowledge.  I can feed myself, thank you.      You're just bitter because you never have or ever will amount to anything.  It must suck to be you.  And I could care less about America.  It's all one world and every life form on this planet is directly connected with each other.  This country is stolen land to begin with.  When will we ever learn??
From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: LifeDate: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 17:32:40 +0000Well, isn´t that nice of you to honor me with such polite words.  Your so charming!  Your letters to me are full of funny polite words...hope you also enjoy them!  They will, coming from me, enhance your image, it just needs a little polishing not much.  By the way, what have you been doing with your life now days besides getting stoned on pot and preaching that religion?  Have you been planting or harvesting any food, working for it, or still just asking people to give it freely to you in exchange for your wisdom?  There is always some sucker out there willing to give to a taker, right?  I wish you would have meet Randolf, an American stranded in Panama for 20 years. He had been a taker for 30.  When are you going to leave the states and see America as other nationalities are seeing you folks.  Math and Science grades have been dropping there while much of the rest of the World has been exceeding.  Why is America losing its great luster, too much pot, cocain, too much materialism?  Do you even have an answer?  Does it matter to you? 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: LifeDate: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 23:42:11 -0500Failure 10?  Huh?  Taking a sentence out of context?  Do you mean you just now noticed I changed Bastard Franklin to Failure Franklin?  I did that so long ago.  I even recall apologizing for using bastard and would find something a bit more fitting.  I think I did.  Why should that offend you, anyway?  You must think you're a winner, or something.  Ha! 
From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: LifeDate: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 23:15:22 +0000Hello Victor, saw your latest attack on my character, failure 10.  Your taking a sentence out of context is childish, anything to hurt the old man!  Don´t you have anything better to do with your life???  You know life is a boomarang, all your own thoughts, words and deeds will also come back to you.  So make what comes out of you a practice of your love and forgiveness so that life and God may also have mercy on you.  Wish you the best, Franklin Gruber Chiari> From:> To:> Subject: RE: Life> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 19:06:35 +0000> > > Hi Victor! Asking for sidewalks is a lot better than robbing banks. However you might consider doing it as a JOURNALIST, you seem to have talent for that. Just for a couple of pages some news papers or magazines pay up to 25 thousand dollars. The important thing is that information be interesting and accurrate. Born writers can change the World, check out writers associations, there are a lot of rebels in there too.> > As for me Victor, all my victories come mixed, a few demons mix themselves in as sheep then create the impression I am the bad guy but in the end it all works out to my advantage as truth, light is greater than darkness! PS Whatever you do in life do so respecting the rights of others and all things will go well for you! Glad you are alive and kicking, take care of yourself. Will spend some time looking at your web site. Franklin> ________________________________> > From:> > To:> > Subject: RE: Life> > Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 13:23:06 -0500> > > > > > Frank,> > Sorry it took me so long to answer. I rarely check my hotmail account anymore. I have been terribly busy doing my thing. Around the beginning of the year I walked around Loop 410 here in San Antonio, twice. Bandera to Bandera. Both directions. 49 miles each time. I documented every step and took pictures too. Do you remember Loop 410? How about Loop 1604, the outer loop of town? Well, last week I walked Loop 1604 too. Bandera to Bandera again. I did it in three and a half days. 1604 is 94.4 miles long. All for world peace through marijuana. It was such a blessed walk. I'll walk it again eventually, in the other direction like I did 410. I have to stay consistent.> > Also, before I left last February to head to the East Coast, I was sure to spraypaint a fence nearby with OLD TEZEL NEEDS A SIDEWALK. I had been planning this for years. It really does need one. They raped the woods I grew up in to build a new neighborhood on that corner. So I had beef with that hood anyway. I had absolutely no problem defacing that fence. There's TONS of sidewalk in the neighborhood.> > I had always wanted to spraypaint the fence before I took off on one of my trips. I thought I would need a getaway car. Last February my friend agreed to drive for me, but stood me up and never answered his phone that night. Well, the next day I was determined to take off traveling. But, I still wanted to spraypaint the fence. So around noon I mustered up some balls, walked all my bags the half mile to corner I wanted to tag and around noon in broad daylight with cars everywhere I spraypainted that fence. Then I walked over to my bags and straight to the bus stop.> > I stood there wondering what would get there first, the police or the bus. I'm sure people called the cops when they saw me spraying the fence. Lo and behold, ten minutes later I see the bus pull up. I skipped town that day. I've got current pictures of the sidewalk on my MySpace, Click on Pics.> > > > The fence spraying was even on the local news. Check it out:> > > > I hit Houston, New Orleans, Pensacola, Panama City, Tallahassee, Lake City, Gainesville, Ocala, Tampa, St. Pete, Gulfport, Miami, Key West, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, back to Gulfport, Mathews, VA on the Chesepeake Bay, Little Washington, VA, Morgantown, WV, Charleston, Huntington, Portsmouth, OH, Cincinnati and Celina. I documented it all. I even went to jail for three days. Read up on me if you have the time.> > In Celina I called my mom and she told me, "Victor, are you sitting down? They're building your sidewalk." Woohoo! My name ain't Victor for nothing. I had to come home for my sidewalk. Ada volunteered me the bus fare and I caught the Greyhound home.> > It's been great back in San Antonio. There is no place like home. I'm totally famous around here. A regular hero. I get recognized everywhere I go in town. I am still spreading my word and having great presentations with people daily. I'm giving everyone a big heaping helping of hope and it's spreading like wildfire. You can always track my progress by checking my website. It's fairly current and I just added a new section with my San Antonio Loop walks. You should check it out. Pictures and everything:> > > >> > > > I'm on the right track and I have photographic evidence.> > > > Hope things are going productive for you too.> > > > Praise Love!> > > > - Victor Antonio

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