


RE: Impending Catastrophes
Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari

Get ahold of the June 2007  National Geographic Magazine on the details of the Melting of the North Pole, how advanced it is.  This was before the great heat went up in the recent California forest fire which displaced more than one million people.  Todays news paper THE  PANAMA AMERICAN had an article that in Peru, this far South, 300 Species of Aquatic animals are being washed up on the coast due to the INCREASE IN COLD WATER!  The speed of the ice burgs going South has increased.  What Scientists expected in the Next 100 years took place in the last 5 years.

Two years ago approximately while in the Las Tablas area had a vivid vision while sleeping.  My conciousness was over  THE GRAN BUS TERMINAL OF PANAMA CITY.  At a distance saw the buildings slide like on mud and topple, immediately afterwards a huge wave greator than I could imagine in waking life, maybe twice as high as the empire state building came down on Panama City and probably washed through the whole isthmus of Panama.

A previous vision about the year 1985.   I awoke about 4 am seeing extinguish a light on the ceiling above and recalling immediately that I had been on a high mountain plateau maybe in the Andies or possibly arround here.  Down came a small UFO craft and a platform was extended.  A beautiful 10 foot high man dressed in a long white robe spoke to 12 persons gathered there about impending disastors and that those present where to gather there flocks for an evacuation of this planet.

In 1988  while meditating on a nearby mountain traveled forth in time and saw the evacuation of the intellectual and professional class of Panama from a mountain called Cerro Campana.  Back then that mountain had no paved road, now it is paved almost clear to the top.  In the El Valle area a new project called Las Nubes which only has the model house built up in the clouds has received a paved road so inclined that only " mad people" would venture to buy and build there.  Its real purpose is the pending evacuation.

When I was 12, in Penonome, alone in the yard I had this irie feeling of being foreign to this planet.  Now as an adult I realize that all human beings, THEIR SOULS, are of EXTRATERRETIAL ORIGIN.  Souls are COSMIC ELEMENTS FROM OUTER SPACE.  Even God is an Extraterrestial as witness the LORDS PRAYER,  my father  who ART IN HEAVEN, your WILL be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Jesus stated:  "  MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD!

What happened is that as this world became habituable THE ANGELS, GARDENERS OF OUTER SPACE, brought the first human beings in PROCESS OF EVOLVING to this planet.  They also needed mineral resources so some went under to mine and others to farm and give food to those below.  Those that went below where genetically modified to see in the dark.  So in such a way 4 gardens of eden, one for each race where established on earth, maybe there where more.   The first of the Gardens was EL  VALLE DE ANTON.  Below in the cave system interconnecting is the initial mine depicted its entrances in the giant petrogligh boulder called the Piedra Pintada.  Only a handful of persons have been able to decifer it.

The rest is now for the 5% approximately of the remaining humanity to decifer.  They can call me crazy or say I am on some kind of a drug, but here in Panama thousands of people can tell the World who I am.  I am a concious co worker with God.   Events and time will prove this.

I am not perfect in my current state.  Simply at some time in my life I asked to do Gods willing and he can manifest through me at times like he can do with any other human being.  So those who would be quick to judge me not judge so fast.  Realize we are in apocaliptic times....

In my next lettor will send you the info on  Scientific Medical Diagnosis by the hand so you can tell the differrene between a Natural Medium, such as Edgar Cayce, and those who use the drug Ayajuasca, a plant from Central and South America to astral travel.  Drug abuse can change the lines on your hands!  The lines are the reactions to the flow channels of electo magnetic energy. When you die they quickly disappear!

                                   As always wishing you the best, Old Man of The Mountain, dad.

From: victor gruber <>To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <>Subject: RE: Impending CatastrophesDate: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 11:15:54 -0500Care to elaborate?> From:> To:> Subject: Impending Catastrophes> Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 20:44:06 +0000> > > Hi Vic, hope you are able to get out of the US in time. Seek the highest > peeks with a small survival community. Franklin> > >From: victor gruber <>> >To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <>> >Subject: RE: Yahoo Groups.> >Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 11:05:50 -0500> >> >> >Hi Franklin,> > Right now I am in a public library in Rochester, Minnesota. It's > >cold. I couldn't find a line as you described on my left hand. As far as > >god being sued. "One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope > >that the evils in this world are to be cured by legistlation." There's no > >government like no government. We can govern ourselves. We can heal > >ourselves too. We need to stop acting like humanity is on top of creation > >and give control and care of our lives back to LOVE.> > Have you ever read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn? It's such a masterpiece. > > Diana bought if for me before I left this year on September 18. It's > >been my traveling book. I have read if three times now and cannot wait to > >read it again. If you have never read it, I highy recommend it. The > >entire world needs to read it. It's fiction, a novel, but it might as well > >be non-fiction. It pinpoints so many things. It's screams volumes of > >truth.> > Well, I hope everything is going good for you. After I finish my > >East Coast trip I just might be going South. We'll see what happens.> >> >Peace and Love,> >> >- Victor Antonio> >> >> >From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: > >rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Yahoo Groups.Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 > >17:03:07 +0000> >> >Hello Victor, glad you are well and trying to do your best to leave the > >World bettor than how you found it. Everyone has a place in the World and > >you found yours, hope your messages contributes to making a bettor > >humanity. Congratulations! Franklin PS Yea, enemies make things more > >interesting but try to keep them to a minimum. There is a Christ Spirit > >influence on us. Check your hands and see if a line that goes down the > >middle curves slightly to the right on your left hand. If its there its a > >hereditary sign of NATURAL MEDIUM. It does not mean that everything that > >comes to your mind is inspired but straining it out you will find the > >inspired thoughts that come in bursts especially when the vibration of your > >soul is at a higher frequency. In my next lettor to you after I go home > >will give you the page and German author of the text on Scientific > >handwriting, a Kier Editorial text. The lines only indicate tendencies > >that are projected into the future. They can change in about 5 years > >depending on your physical, mental and spiritual health. The lines vary > >from person to person and are the reaction to AURIC ENERGY EMANATING. > >From that editorial you will find the texts with information filtered in > >from extraterrestial sources, the series, about 1,500 books is mostly > >scientific.> >I wont be on Yahoo for long. Look for me elsewhere if you want to follow > >my steps. Obviously this forum is not interested in natural products or > >the ultimate fate of humanity. They are mostly interested in the details > >of softlanding in Panama. If they only new that potentially I can be one > >of their best allies as my 26 years of experience here goes beyond first > >impressions onto the real facts of life. For example, he who obtains now > >6 hectarias in Panama will in 5 years be the holder of 1.6 million dollars > >at 20 dollars a square metor. But those opportunities are drying up. I > >know where to get the good cheap titled land, thousands of hectarias, > >however in less than two years these opportunities will vanish. In 5 years > >land in Panama will probably be as expensive as downtown Manhattan, of > >course this is an exageration but illustrates the point.> > Finally received the assistance from two computor geniuses, one german > >and the other north american, so as yourself will be all over the web > >bringing my messages. The main point is that with global warming germs are > >mutating at an accellerated rate. It takes the pharmaceutical industry 10 > >years to come up with the average product. By the time they catch up with > >the mutations we will all be dead. We need to get back to nature > >especially medicinal plants that are semi toxic, these in formulas have a > >shot gun effect on germs that do not allow them to mutate, the dosages need > >to be carefully calibrated. There are hundreds of plants that in common > >sense experience of thousands of years have given the dosage that kills > >germs but does not kill people. As a whole these plants have INSECTICIDAL > >PROPERTIES. One such humble plant is MENT, it kills intestinal parasites > >and is safe with children, another example is garlic, but there are > >hundreds. Science as a whole classifies plants into TOXIC and NON TOXIC > >for instruction purposes but the gold mine in rapidly making an arsenal for > >the coming epidemics is in the SEMITOXIC PLANTS.As always Victor, wishing > >YOU the BEST! I do not know if in any way our God given missions are > >complementary yet if I can assist you, " estoy a tus ordenes. " You > >obviously are doing already a good job. Franklin Gruber PS What do you > >think about God Being Sued in US Courts?> >> >> >> >> >From: victor gruber <>To: Botanico Gruber Gruber > >Chiari <>Subject: RE: Boomarrang > >effectDate: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:19:04 -0500> >> >> >> >Franklin, Life has been great for me lately. My mission and my website > >have been evolving beautifully. My site is spreading like wildfire. I am > >taking off soon again. I'll be going to the ignorant coast this time. > >It's going to blow the lid off my story. I like a challenge. Tell me > >more about your "enemies." They might just be trying to scare you by > >making you think they would come after me, wanting my address and all. > >Failure is completely based on fear. Plus, my address is fairly easily > >obtainable through my website, if you know what you're doing. I'm not > >scared at all. This is all happening for a reason, for everything > >does. It's all just part of the show. I am not scared one bit. I am a > >walking peace publicity stunt. Just last month I was walking twenty miles > >downtown every other day. Did it like four or five times in a row. Every > >car that passed me got the peace sign. I've been waving at cars for six > >years now everywhere I go. In San Antonio EVERYBODY waves back. On > >Wednesdays I would walk downtown AND back home too. Walked forty miles in > >about ten hours, taking my time. I was wearing a shirt that said FUCK > >BUSH. Relax, I'm a professional. I have some new armaments as well. > >My mission has evolved into digital pictures. I was blessed with a new > >digital camera, so there will be tons more pictures soon. You might be > >watching me on YouTube soon, if you know what that is. Everywhere I go I > >get recognized. It's all just excellent confirmation that I have NOT been > >wasting my time these past six years and am being very productive with my > >volunteer work that is my life. What more do I need to motivate me? I'm > >never going to stop. Like I said my site is spreading like wildfire. Have > >you looked at it lately? It's evolved much. Be sure and check out my > >guestbook and witness the great reaction I am having with your own eyes. > > It was weird. I never check this address anymore. It had expired and > >I reactivated it like three months ago when I got back to San Antonio. I > >usually use my address. This morning I luckily > >remembered the password to this one and I have a message from you from > >yesterday. Weird, wacky stuff.Well, let me know what's going on.- Victor > >Antoniop.s. "Love your enemies and be kind to them. Then you will receive > >a great reward."> >> > > From:> To:> > >Subject: Boomarrang effect> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 20:35:03 +0000> > Hello > >Vic, hows life now days. Recently been receiving some messages from > some > >of my enemies. They saw your BASTARD GRUBER publicity while looking > for > >me. They ask me for your address. I do not know what their intentions > > >would be for you as my son. Just thought I would let you know. Take > good > >care of yourself to avoid the reactions to your actions. Franklin> > > >_________________________________________________________________> Express > >yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! > > >> > From: > >> To:> Subject: > >Boomarrang effect> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 20:35:03 +0000> > Hello Vic, hows > >life now days. Recently been receiving some messages from > some of my > >enemies. They saw your BASTARD GRUBER publicity while looking > for me. > >They ask me for your address. I do not know what their intentions > would > >be for you as my son. Just thought I would let you know. Take > good care > >of yourself to avoid the reactions to your actions. Franklin> >

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