


RE: Impending Catastrophes
Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari
The relevant data I found in google,  World Watch, Climate Change.  Both these together. >From: victor gruber <> >To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <> >Subject: RE: Impending Catastrophes >Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 14:21:16 -0500 > > >Franklin, >      I'm sure I've told you this before, but words can only offend or >disrespect you if YOU let them.  Sticks and stones.  I do not hold any >malice or hatred towards you.  I never have.  Guilty conscience?  The only >reason I still have those WORDS Bastard Franklin, is for the mere >shock-value.  Not to insult you, but to elevate the interest in my site.  >That's the only reason.  From the looks of my website statistics, I'm doing >things right.  I don't have enough time to respond thoroughly.  I am in the >public library in Chicago right now.  Five minutes left.  Gotta go. > >- Victor Antonio > > >From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: >rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Impending CatastrophesDate: Mon, 29 >Oct 2007 15:58:21 +0000 > >Hello Victor.  I see that you continue your difamation campaign of BASTARD >GRUBER.  Frankly it annoys me from the perspective of the immaturity >displayed on your behalf.  A truely wise descendant realizes that what ever >comes out comes back.  When I was initiated into the mysteries of the >beyond I was informed that 7 generations back and 7 generations forward >would be benefited.   You are working to cancel your own spiritual >evolution.   You speak of love yet still harbour hate and resentment.   >Wait till you come face to face with the door of hell and you will >understand what I mean here, I was there in January of 1988.   In the being >reborn process you will also have to conquer it  or be sucked under.   Only >those who have experienced this can venture an informed opinion.  Those >ignorant of other dimensions are bound by their ignorance.    When are you >going to stop making a fool of yourself?   Your derogatory comments  do me >no harm only create contrast.   It takes a little bitterness to make >something sweet sweetor.  There are only two ways, by your thoughts, words >and deeds, you can either ascend or descend.  Descending does not appear >bad until you realize where you are going. >I was born with a God given mission which was activated in various phases.  >It will be accomplished regardless of the folly of those who try to >interfere.   Some become preachers others doers of God´s will.   This >mission intrusted in me has priority over family and Worldly mattors.  If >you knew for a fact that GOD, THE SUPREME LORD OF ALL THE UNIVERSE EXISTED, >you would cease your immature behavior and you would serve him.  Sooner of >later we will meet face to face, here or in the beyond.  I hope by then you >KNOW that GOD EXISTS.  The only way of knowing is to EXPERIENCE HIM in your >life.  Possibly only 2 percent of humanity KNOW that GOD exists.  Search >and find that EXPERIENCE  and in some ways you will become as him NOT HIM.  >When the small miracles begin to accumulate and you are shocked by the big >ones your realization of the divinity will humble you and lead you to his >feet.   If I leave now I already have accomplished my mission.  I am >happiest when I have the least attachments to this World.  I do not need >nor cherish money.  It is a temporary thing.   Regardless of your insults >in my present state of mind, I wish you well.    Try also to preserve the >love of God in your heart and your thoughts of him will inable you and six >generations more to  accomplish also their God Given Missions, helping to >move forward the EVOLUCTION OF LIFE  on  Earth. >About Scientific hand reading.  The most authoritative text with 50 years >of a scientists observations of thousands of patients with 98 percent >accuracy of diagnosing internal ailments was by the wise german, ISSBERNER  >HALDANE, Kier  Editorial.  In this editorial literature, over 1000 books >you will also learn many  facts varifiable lator in your life about the  >Intergalactic Government.  If ever you come to Panama, these books are >available in the LIBRERIA CULTURAL in Via España, one Kilometor near the >antiguo teatro Lux.  Morrison stores in the El Dorado Mall also has some. >I do not know whether you will come this way but if and ever you do and you >wish to locate me visit the DON  PEPE  HOTEL, ASK FOR PEPE.  He can bring >you to me if at the time I am not deep in the Mountains.   ALSO, in El >Valle behind  LOS  CAPITANES  HOTEL, you can find  THOMAS  GARCIA.   He is >a wise campesino who does organic gardening.  He has a doors open policy >for backpackers.  On the way out, there is a little can for donations for >those that can afford it. >                                      Best  Wishes   FRANKLIN  GRUBER  >CHIARI > > >From: victor gruber <>To: Botanico Gruber Gruber >Chiari <>Subject: RE: Impending >CatastrophesDate: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 11:15:54 -0500 > >Care to elaborate?> From:> To: >> Subject: Impending Catastrophes> Date: Thu, 25 >Oct 2007 20:44:06 +0000> > > Hi Vic, hope you are able to get out of the US >in time. Seek the highest > peeks with a small survival community. >Franklin> > >From: victor gruber <>> >To: Botanico >Gruber Gruber Chiari <>> >Subject: RE: >Yahoo Groups.> >Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 11:05:50 -0500> >> >> >Hi Franklin,> > > Right now I am in a public library in Rochester, Minnesota. It's > > >cold. I couldn't find a line as you described on my left hand. As far as > > >god being sued. "One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope > > >that the evils in this world are to be cured by legistlation." There's >no > >government like no government. We can govern ourselves. We can heal > > >ourselves too. We need to stop acting like humanity is on top of creation > > >and give control and care of our lives back to LOVE.> > Have you ever >read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn? It's such a masterpiece. > > Diana bought if >for me before I left this year on September 18. It's > >been my traveling >book. I have read if three times now and cannot wait to > >read it again. >If you have never read it, I highy recommend it. The > >entire world needs >to read it. It's fiction, a novel, but it might as well > >be non-fiction. >It pinpoints so many things. It's screams volumes of > >truth.> > Well, I >hope everything is going good for you. After I finish my > >East Coast trip >I just might be going South. We'll see what happens.> >> >Peace and Love,> > >> >- Victor Antonio> >> >> >From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: > > >rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Yahoo Groups.Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 > > >17:03:07 +0000> >> >Hello Victor, glad you are well and trying to do your >best to leave the > >World bettor than how you found it. Everyone has a >place in the World and > >you found yours, hope your messages contributes >to making a bettor > >humanity. Congratulations! Franklin PS Yea, enemies >make things more > >interesting but try to keep them to a minimum. There is >a Christ Spirit > >influence on us. Check your hands and see if a line that >goes down the > >middle curves slightly to the right on your left hand. If >its there its a > >hereditary sign of NATURAL MEDIUM. It does not mean that >everything that > >comes to your mind is inspired but straining it out you >will find the > >inspired thoughts that come in bursts especially when the >vibration of your > >soul is at a higher frequency. In my next lettor to >you after I go home > >will give you the page and German author of the text >on Scientific > >handwriting, a Kier Editorial text. The lines only >indicate tendencies > >that are projected into the future. They can change >in about 5 years > >depending on your physical, mental and spiritual >health. The lines vary > >from person to person and are the reaction to >AURIC ENERGY EMANATING. > >From that editorial you will find the texts with >information filtered in > >from extraterrestial sources, the series, about >1,500 books is mostly > >scientific.> >I wont be on Yahoo for long. Look >for me elsewhere if you want to follow > >my steps. Obviously this forum is >not interested in natural products or > >the ultimate fate of humanity. >They are mostly interested in the details > >of softlanding in Panama. If >they only new that potentially I can be one > >of their best allies as my >26 years of experience here goes beyond first > >impressions onto the real >facts of life. For example, he who obtains now > >6 hectarias in Panama >will in 5 years be the holder of 1.6 million dollars > >at 20 dollars a >square metor. But those opportunities are drying up. I > >know where to get >the good cheap titled land, thousands of hectarias, > >however in less than >two years these opportunities will vanish. In 5 years > >land in Panama >will probably be as expensive as downtown Manhattan, of > >course this is >an exageration but illustrates the point.> > Finally received the >assistance from two computor geniuses, one german > >and the other north >american, so as yourself will be all over the web > >bringing my messages. >The main point is that with global warming germs are > >mutating at an >accellerated rate. It takes the pharmaceutical industry 10 > >years to come >up with the average product. By the time they catch up with > >the >mutations we will all be dead. We need to get back to nature > >especially >medicinal plants that are semi toxic, these in formulas have a > >shot gun >effect on germs that do not allow them to mutate, the dosages need > >to be >carefully calibrated. There are hundreds of plants that in common > >sense >experience of thousands of years have given the dosage that kills > >germs >but does not kill people. As a whole these plants have INSECTICIDAL > > >PROPERTIES. One such humble plant is MENT, it kills intestinal parasites > > >and is safe with children, another example is garlic, but there are > > >hundreds. Science as a whole classifies plants into TOXIC and NON TOXIC > > >for instruction purposes but the gold mine in rapidly making an arsenal >for > >the coming epidemics is in the SEMITOXIC PLANTS.As always Victor, >wishing > >YOU the BEST! I do not know if in any way our God given missions >are > >complementary yet if I can assist you, " estoy a tus ordenes. " You > > >obviously are doing already a good job. Franklin Gruber PS What do you > > >think about God Being Sued in US Courts?> >> >> >> >> >From: victor >gruber <>To: Botanico Gruber Gruber > >Chiari ><>Subject: RE: Boomarrang > >effectDate: >Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:19:04 -0500> >> >> >> >Franklin, Life has been great >for me lately. My mission and my website > >have been evolving beautifully. >My site is spreading like wildfire. I am > >taking off soon again. I'll be >going to the ignorant coast this time. > >It's going to blow the lid off my >story. I like a challenge. Tell me > >more about your "enemies." They might >just be trying to scare you by > >making you think they would come after >me, wanting my address and all. > >Failure is completely based on fear. >Plus, my address is fairly easily > >obtainable through my website, if you >know what you're doing. I'm not > >scared at all. This is all happening for >a reason, for everything > >does. It's all just part of the show. I am not >scared one bit. I am a > >walking peace publicity stunt. Just last month I >was walking twenty miles > >downtown every other day. Did it like four or >five times in a row. Every > >car that passed me got the peace sign. I've >been waving at cars for six > >years now everywhere I go. In San Antonio >EVERYBODY waves back. On > >Wednesdays I would walk downtown AND back home >too. Walked forty miles in > >about ten hours, taking my time. I was >wearing a shirt that said FUCK > >BUSH. Relax, I'm a professional. I have >some new armaments as well. > >My mission has evolved into digital >pictures. I was blessed with a new > >digital camera, so there will be tons >more pictures soon. You might be > >watching me on YouTube soon, if you >know what that is. Everywhere I go I > >get recognized. It's all just >excellent confirmation that I have NOT been > >wasting my time these past >six years and am being very productive with my > >volunteer work that is my >life. What more do I need to motivate me? I'm > >never going to stop. Like >I said my site is spreading like wildfire. Have > >you looked at it lately? >It's evolved much. Be sure and check out my > >guestbook and witness the >great reaction I am having with your own eyes. > > It was weird. I never >check this address anymore. It had expired and > >I reactivated it like >three months ago when I got back to San Antonio. I > >usually use my > address. This morning I luckily > >remembered the >password to this one and I have a message from you from > >yesterday. >Weird, wacky stuff.Well, let me know what's going on.- Victor > > >Antoniop.s. "Love your enemies and be kind to them. Then you will receive > > >a great reward."> >> > > From:> To: >> > >Subject: Boomarrang effect> Date: Fri, 14 Sep >2007 20:35:03 +0000> > Hello > >Vic, hows life now days. Recently been >receiving some messages from > some > >of my enemies. They saw your BASTARD >GRUBER publicity while looking > for > >me. They ask me for your address. I >do not know what their intentions > > >would be for you as my son. Just >thought I would let you know. Take > good > >care of yourself to avoid the >reactions to your actions. Franklin> > > > >_________________________________________________________________> >Express > >yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! > > > >> > >From: > >> To:> >Subject: > >Boomarrang effect> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 20:35:03 +0000> > >Hello Vic, hows > >life now days. Recently been receiving some messages >from > some of my > >enemies. They saw your BASTARD GRUBER publicity while >looking > for me. > >They ask me for your address. I do not know what their >intentions > would > >be for you as my son. Just thought I would let you >know. Take > good care > >of yourself to avoid the reactions to your >actions. Franklin> > > > >_________________________________________________________________> >Express > >yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! 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