


RE: look up scabies on the internet
victor gruber
Wed 11/11/2009 5:33 PM
Not that much of my body itches.  It's much better nowadays than it was before, but I'm still obviously infected.  Sometimes my hips itch, sometimes my butt-crack and other places.  I'm still hoping it's just their dead bodies making me itch.  I've been washing my bedsheets and clothes every day in hot water to avoid reinfection.  I really, really hope nobody else gets it because of me.  Good luck on your talks. - Victor Antonio   
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: look up scabies on the internetDate: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 17:05:19 -0600Hi Victor, my opologies for calling your mother poor.  It is a relative term.  Poverty does have i ts advantages if you know how to be poor.  My rent is only 45 dollars a month and there is plenty of tropical food arround here at reasonable prices, so 400 dollars a month here would be equivalent to about 2,000 dollars back in the states.  I do admire your mother for being hard working!  The stress of life up there is not worth the money, when one gets to retirement age your burned out!  Like you I would rather keep life as simple and free as possible.  I do prefer a jungle hammock and perpetual travel in the mountains in small villages healing people where nurses and doctors don´t go.  That is where some day I will leave my bones, even living near this lush Boquete is only a temporary thing to insure my retirement so I can go back into the mountains.  My retirement is simply coming out of the mountains every thirty days to deliver more medicine to my distributors and collect what I left on consignment.  The picture here may change drastically though, saw on national TV where Hugo Chavez calls his people to prepare for war with Colombia, which is next door. About the oil. Its coming to you in small quantities to your address, 3 envelopes, one of the envelopes has the instructions.  What percent of your body is covered with Scabies?  Apply 3 to 4 times a day on the worst spots then report the effectivity, if it works will send you more.  Peace & Blessings,  Franklin 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: look up scabies on the internetDate: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 22:46:32 -0600Franklin,     Ada is completely stressed out by her debts.  Of course I asked her if she could make me a doctor's appointment when I got back to San Antonio.  Unfortunately, I'm not on her medical insurance.  I've been gone for a year doing my own thing saving the world.       You can get free medical care if you're homeless and I can play the part just fine.       I had a fever not too long ago when I first got back and she took me to the emergency room, not at the hospital, but like an express place.  She ended up paying $93 for just the doctor to say I have the flu and to take Motrin.  I don't want to add to her monetary stress more than I have.  I'm 31 and my full-time job doesn't pay me money, after all.  I rather be free.  Everything has a back door, it's loopholes.       Ada isn't rich, but don't you dare call her poor.  Ada doesn't have anyone to help her financially and she lives in this four bedroom house all by herself(which she's barely at because she's always working).       It makes a lot of sense for me to stay here.  If I wasn't here this house would be empty most of the time and messy.  Ada doesn't lift a finger cleaning unless she wants too.  I am a total house-son.       It's the very least I could do.  Feeling welcome at a place you don't pay rent at is priceless.  In return I get a nice place to do my computer work in between travels.  This is my headquarters, after all.       Once I get my website updated and current(which I'm about to do) I'm taking off East again.  I figure I can stay on the I10 level until it warms up more, then head North towards New York.  I haven't been there yet on my mission.  I am way overdue.  I'm not scared.       I would like to have this scabies thing out of the picture before I leave as well.     Doesn't much matter how you address the mail.  My name and Ada's address will suffice. Thank you for your efforts. - Victor Antonio
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: look up scabies on the internetDate: Sat, 7 Nov 2009 19:53:47 -0600Victor, possibly I can send you  100 dollars by Christmas, I have several irons in the fire so to speak that may bring me in some extra money.About weed, well, you know your environment and risks.  On something like this, scabies, I can´t understand why your mother will not pay your doctor consultation, is she that poor?  I know she has done a lot for you all your life, more than I have yet she is the parent that is closest and able. Had you been with me we would probably be working together long time ago, I value your intelligence.  You probably would have made a better doctor than myself, your more analytical.  But we first have to cure ourselves.  I have gone cold turkey on coffee now for a week, Marisol is helping by quiting coffee at the same time.  Once I quit for 20 years until I visited Boquete, where ever you go here you smell the aroma of so called good coffee.  Raising Patrick, I understand you better.  He is a boy you can`t force into something that does not make sense to him.  He hates intimidation and can only be motivated by love and affection.  Can`t stand to be couped up in a room all day even if he is sick, recently cut his foot, loves freedom, nature, rivers especially.  Also he inherited his grandmothers vocation for art, loves to draw and paint.  Also vary vary brave, will fight and often beat his older brother.  Between him and Frank jr. he is more attached to me, sleeps next to me, as almost every night about 2 pm he awakens and walks in the dark to my bed and cuddles between Marisol and me.I will be sending you a large envelop in the mail.  Along with it will be a letter with medical instructions, its a sample of my oil, concentrate.  I can repeat the process every few days if it gets through, probably better than sending a box.  How should I write to you at your mother´s address, c/o  or just your name and her address?I imagine Ada has her own personal problems as we all do.  I do wish her the best this holiday season.  Franklin
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: look up scabies on the internetDate: Sat, 7 Nov 2009 18:15:55 -0600Frank,     I've considered having something other than scabies thoroughly.  True, I haven't been officially diagnosed with scabies by a doctor.  See, when I first got the outbreak on my penis I was sure it was Herpes.  I've been paranoid I had Herpes because I had sex with girl with Herpes in Missouri a couple years ago.  In Missoula, at the clinic the doctor looked at my penis and agreed to start me on herpes medication.  He gave me a prescription for Acyclovir.  I started taking the pills but noticed no difference.  So I thought, cool, it might not be Herpes.  Then I got my blood test results and came out negative for herpes.  I told the nurse I was itching all over and she suggested maybe I had scabies.  I went straight to a computer and looked up "scabies on penis."  The picture on the internet looked exactly like it.  Plus, all the reading was matching up to my experience.  Also, when I put that permethrin cream on where it itched, it would temporarily stop itching, so it was obviously reacting to the scabicide.  To get diagnosed by a doctor(I don't have insurance) they have to do a scraping of your skin where you have bites and then search for bugs or eggs or feces under a microscope.  But the mites could be anywhere on your body and are almost microscopic.  So it would be like a hit or miss thing.  I am fairly confident that the itching I get is from scabies mites and not anything else.       Or, the treatment might have worked and the itching I'm feeling is from their dead bodies and feces until my body cleanses it out.  I'm not itching nearly as much as I was before and am still washing my clothes everyday to avoid reinfection.  Wish me luck.  I haven't looked up any of those herbs on that list you sent me.  I don't have much money.  I just donated plasma on Thursday and got twenty bucks.  I spent ten on weed and five on milk for the house.  Monday I'll donate again and get $30.  Then I'm going to go to the free clinic and ask them if they can give me a prescription for ivermectin which will kill my scabies dead, for thirty bucks. - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: look up scabies on the internetDate: Sat, 7 Nov 2009 16:30:30 -0600Hello Victor, thanks for the report on your scabies condition.  Have you actually been to a doctor and received a diagnosis?  Thats important as often you have several diseases with similar symptoms.  For example the man I began treating with herbs, I am sending to a doctor for an offitial diagnosis, he may have the beginning of psoriasis, it also itches and comes from within.Victor was not able to get the package out to you this last week so I will not say I sent it and lie to you.  This last week everything was closed for a few days in celebration of Panama´s independance.  It will be monday, two days from now before I can get it in the mail, if they accept it as no liquids are supposed to be put into the mail system.    As I said before it can take several weeks for a package to reach you from Panama.  I will also do an alternate route, which may arrive sooner.     Meanwhile do some of the herbs I sent you.  There has to be herb supply stores and pharmacies in San Antonio, herbalists there you can call and consult.  Do everything thats at your reach, Panama is a long ways out and the mail system from this end is not too reliable, even money transfered to the US get lost.This last week, a hurricane began to form over Panama, first time in recent history, and washed out much of Boquete´s lushest neigborhood, Valle Escondido, all residents where evacuated, except Don who is my patient with the itch condition.  I arrived in the middle of the storm, whet head to toe, my motorcyle barely able to go through the mud, his front door hardly opened as the mud from the hill next to it was packed beside it.  His toilet did not flush for three days for lack of water, the pipe to the urbanization busted. He was renting there until he could buy a house in the area. He was alone as his wife had not arrived in Panama yet. So under the torrential rain I grabbed a bucket and went out to get water, dirty water, to flush his toilet.  While I was doing that I heard this THUD against the glass door in his terrace. He slipped backwards and smashed into the glass, how it did not bust I do not know. I dragged Don to his sofa and prompted the 80 year old man on it, reached for the concentrate of Gruber´s Jungle Oil and did a circular friction massage on the back of his head for about a minute, went into his freezer and brought out some ice and applied it inside a towel on his head.  For such a hard blow he never even developed a bump or hematoma.  The concentrate along with the ice worked better than arnica.  The hurricane in development traveled to Nicaragua then to the gulf course near Texas, category one hurricane.  Throughout Panama though many rivers over flowed and hundreds of homes where invaded by river water and also their own EXCREMENT.  About 50 percent of the homes in the country side near the rivers have out houses for toilets, would not surprise me if a Colera epidemic where to break out.  What a wonderful country we have here, being here is just a bad habit, I used to love this place, I still love the mountain environment when the weather is better.  Will write you monday the minute the package goes out along with the letter.  My apologies for the delay!  I can just see your mother, "I told you so."  No wonder she did not want to live here, murphy`s law is about 300 percent more effective in this country than in the states, I estimate.   It usually takes about twice as long and twice as much money and a lot of head aches to accomplish the most rudimentary thing.  For example, Don has not been able to talk with his wife in a week, nor has he been able to email from his home, and the progress on his ailment is minimal, until I have a clear diagnosis its just a guessing game which herbs to apply, he needs to go to the doctor for a daignosis, but by the time he gets his blood analysed and the doctor and I prescribe, another week may elapse.   Until monday. Frank 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: look up scabies on the internetDate: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 22:40:08 -0600The Permethrin treatment still didn't work, I've still got scabies and am itching.  It's not as bad as it used to be.  I've been washing my clothes in hot water for a while now, hoping I don't keep getting reinfected.  It says it's normal to still itch for like a month afterwards due to the reaction to their remains and feces.  I need to get a prescription for ivermectin, a pill I can take that should kill them dead.  It will be tough because it's not FDA approved for human use.  Look it up if you get the chance.  Still waiting for your jungle oil.  I hope it helps.Peace, - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: look up scabies on the internetDate: Mon, 2 Nov 2009 18:13:21 -0600Victor, how is your treatment going?  Franklin 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: look up scabies on the internetDate: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 16:42:55 -0500Frank,     I did my second treatment of Pemethrin 5%.  It's this medicated scabicide cream.  I had done my first treatment of it back on 9-22-09, in Missoula where I discovered I had scabies.  See, back in 07 in Missouri I had sex with this girl who had genital herpes.  She told me before we started but I thought, hey, we've got condoms, the spirit's got my back.  We had a lot of sex.  Afterwards, when I looked up herpes on the internet I found that condoms weren't 100% effective, that it could be spread by merely skin-to-skin contact.  So for two years I've been walking around convinced I had genital herpes, even though I had never had an outbreak or anything.       Well, last September in Missoula I got this little sore on the head of my penis!  I thought, finally, an outbreak, confirmation I DO have genital herpes.  I talked to the nurse at the free clinic in Missoula and a doctor looked at it.  He assumed it was herpes like me and prescribed me some herpes medicine, acyclovir, I think.  I took those pills and the itching didn't go away and it looked as if the sore was healing.  Since the herpes medication had absolutely no effect I went and talked to the nurse again.  I told her I had been itching for months in a lot of places and the herpes medicine didn't do anything.       The nurse is the one that suggested it may be scabies.  So I ran to the day-center and got on the computer and was looking at pictures of scabies bites and it looked exactly like mine.  Then. the next day I got my blood test results back and it said HSV-2 Negative!Boy, I was overjoyed!  I was so glad I had scabies.  I know that sounds a little sick, but I much rather have scabies than genital herpes!  At lesat scabies is curable.  Herpes I would have until they day I died.       The nurse gave me some permethrin cream and told me that was all I had to do and they would be gone.  On the internet it says you will still itch for some weeks even though they're dead because of the eggs and feces and if you still itch after a month you should have another treatment.  I did my second treatment a couple days ago.  The next step I want to take is getting a prescription for something called ivermectin.  Look that up if you get the chance.  It's anti-parasite pill you can take that cures mange in animals.  It's not FDA approved for human use, but it's common knowledge it should cure scabies.       Oh yeah, and humans can't get scabies from animals.  They have their own type of scabies(mange).  Humans can't get their mange, but they can get something similar to it that's not permanent like scabies.       Also, I didn't get scabies from camping in the woods all over the country without a tent either, as I thought I might have.  Bad hygeine doesn't raise your chances, and I take care of myself on the road anyway.  I got scabies from another person who had it, maybe a girl I had sex with(not that there's been so many).      I haven't tried any of that stuff you recommended yet. I don't have any money to buy the supplies.  Shortly I'll start selling my plasma for cash again like I used to with Chasity back in the day.  It'll be a small income, but hell, I've been traveling around with no money for years just fine.  I'll put it to good use.  It's easy money.  I would go work at the telemarketing place again, but I'm banned from there.  Then I'll buy the supplies I need.  I need to replace a lot my traveling gear.        As far as the Google results go.  I have hereby replaced every instance of your name with X's on my website.  Google is still coming up with FAILURE FRANKLIN 10 and 7, but that's because I just replaced your name right now.  Give it a day or two and it shouldn't come up at all, hopefully.   Peace, - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: look up scabies on the internetDate: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 18:12:24 -0500Voctor. my apologies for the lapse of several days in communicating.  I live in a rural community about a half hour drive on motorcyle from Boquete and the internet service in this dinky town is variable, works when the secretary to the sheriff is there as she doubles operating it, uses it for their Corregidor administratie work as well.I will send you two bottles of the concentrate of gruber´s jungle oil, it may take two to three weeks to get there if it ever does, since its not registered in the USA it could be confiscated, but I know of clients that have sent it to the US and has gotten through.  As soon as I get it in the mail will write you, it will be tomorrow or the next day.  Once you receive it do not merely put it on but rather rub and massage it in every three hours in waking hours.  If its going to work you will note that much of the itch and aggravation will be gone in 30 minutes.  Caluculate how long it takes for the itch to come back and then apply at half that time interval which probably may be arround 3 hours.  Its a strange coincidence that when you wrote me about scabies I was treating myself for something similar if not the same that had initiated recently, the concentrate of my oil did worked for it. And also coincidentally am now treating a Doctor with what is probably Scabies, he had this bad habbit of petting stray dogs that begged for food at restaurants.  The treatment started yesterday and 80 percent of the itch has been alliviated in 24 hours with the concentrate. I am also making some strong herb extracts in water for him to do spunge bathes.  As soon as he heals will ask him for a written testimonial to send up to you, I calculate it would take about three weeks for him to heal.Have you been doing any of the other suggestions and getting any results?About your odessy of the last 12 or so years.  Could you summarize IN ONE PAGE  the essence of what it has taught you about yourself, life in America and the World, both the good and the bad as life is a growing and changing experience as we go through differrent stages.  What I once read of your journeys was descriptive, whot insight or synthesis did your experiences reveal.   What value or lessons would be there for the present and future generations of Americans or World Citizens?                                               Best Regards, Franklin

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