


RE: Sisters
franklin gruber <>
Fri 11/19/2010 5:10 PM
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: SistersDate: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 12:12:30 -0600Dear Son Victor, thank you vary much for putting me back in touch with your sisters!  They both wrote me and just wrote back.    I am happy for you that your depression has eased even if its not entirely gone.  THE IMPORTANT THING NOW is to review your past and note down only the positive subjects even if they appear now irrevalent.  You shall find that some little insignificant topic will begin to stand out more and more as time goes by, it will be flashed to you often in your current life through coincidences.  Then go deeper in this topic, you may find your Uniqueness and mission in life in it.  But go slow no forcing the issue.I am in a transition back from Volcan to Caldera, closer to Boquete where I make most of my money.  Volcan this time arround was sickening for me, too much herbicide on the ground and air, although people where nice.  Caldera well if you visit me you will enjoy, lots of rivers and mountains to climb arround here.  Basically though I am tired of living in Panama and see it as a half way house to go to some other corner which may be least affected by the 3rd WW at some future not so distant date.  Probably the best time to visit me is the days before Christmas or maybe in January as surely you and your sisters will want to be near your mother for that time period.You shall find a summary of my work, good and bad, in where I am now posting.  I am making a transition from making a living through personal consulttion to email consultations hence take the income if I ever leave Panama and continue to help other peoples health.  I have been attacked on this forum by some one who discovered I have three children in the US.   If I had the way to support you folks while living in Panama I would have. The person found your old posts critizising me for abandoning you three, which in my mind was not the case, I was trapped into a situation of which I could not do much about.  Millions of Americans out of work are now in a similar situation, losing homes, wife{s children.   My respirtory problems are for real, the severe allergy was affecting my mind, the car fumes of the cities even in San Antonio, no the problem is vary severe.  If I am arround cars for too long, more than two hours I start to get heavy and begin to have memory lapses, end up going places differrent than where I set out to.  That is lose my concentration.  Ok let s not blame it all on that, yes in spite of circumstances one is responsable for ones children, I hope I can make it up to you three some way some time although I know the lost love is almost impossible to make up, better stated impossible.   When you come my way you shall receive all the hugs you need!Check out, God Bless Frank
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: SistersDate: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 21:41:18 -0600Hi Frank,     I forwarded your email asking for the girl's emails to Ada, since I don't know them.  I just checked Diana's facebook profile and got her email(  Wait, I just checked Laura's and got hers too(       Oh yeah. Update on myself.  I've been living at an organic dairy farm in a town close to San Antonio for a couple weeks now.  THey don't allow smoking of any kind here, so I'm kicking the habit.  Cigarettes for sure, but I might take a hit of two of weed when I visit San Antonio again.  I've been milking cows every morning and busting my ass.  Ha, Laura is a lactation consultant, so we're in the same line of work somewhat.  I don't know how long I'll be here though.  It's a Christian ranch and I always feel like they are trying to assimilate me.  Nobody here will give me a hug, it's weird.  When I asked them, "What would Jesus do?" I was told to get all my hugs from him not them.  I guess Gandhi was right.  "I like your Christ.  I just don't like your Christians.  They are so unlike your Christ."       I'm still a bit depressed and worried about the future, but at least now I have something to do to take my mind off things.  And it's a lot better than being at Ada's with my pain in the ass nephew.     So how are things in Panama?  I don't know.  Maybe I'll come visit temporarily if I have enough money for a round trip ticket.  The clock is ticking, after all. Best wishes, - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: SistersDate: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 13:49:59 -0500Victor,  amazing as it seems, Laura's email addresses has been erased from both of my email  accounts, not by me.  Could you please ask your sisters to write me.  Frank

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