


RE: Impending Catastrophes
Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari
Fri 11/23/2007 4:18 PM
Victor, thank you for your niece lettor. Of everything you said, NOTHING WORTH LEARNING CANNOT BE TAUGHT, was the most thought provoking.  Yes, this is generally true with exceptions like getting into the drivers seat of a jet airplane.   We can do things imperically yet it is frequently the long long route.  Some people have difficulty grasping theory and translating it into practice.  Most of the people who learn from the school of hard knocks by the time the knowledge is useful to them they have a lot of gray hair.  This is my case with the herbs and yours probably with SOCIAL ENGINEERING.   In the end, if you do not look at the theoretical alternatives, you will pass on your job to the next generation.  However, your contribution in history will be noted.  Best Regards, Frank >From: victor gruber <> >To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <> >Subject: RE: Impending Catastrophes >Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 03:05:09 -0600 > > >Franklin, >      As I've told you before, hate is something I reserve for my worst >enemy, which you are not.  I don't think I know it all, Frank.  I never >claim to.  I don't know anything.  That's all I know.  Surprise me.  >Besides, anything worth knowing cannot be taught.  But I am convinced, >without a doubt that the leaps I am taking are certainly in the right >direction.  Anything is possible and you have to start somewhere. >      I've already heard your excuses.   No need to repeat them.  I don't >hate you Franklin.  I never have.  Don't flatter yourself.  I don't feel >much towards you at all.  Ada more than made up for your absence.  Now that >I have a better idea as to what you are really like, I am grateful for your >blatant ignorance. >      Maybe you haven't been paying attention, but money doesn't  mean much >to me at all.  Enough with your bribes.  How long have you been waiting to >sell your formula now(which if it really worked, you should be giving away >freely for the betterment of humanity)?   What?  Only people with money >deserve to be cured? >     Not accept your apologies?  Maybe you forgot, but right when we first >began emailing each other I forgave you for your absence and even invited >you to share your knowledge with me.  It was you that broke your promise, >ASSUMING I would use the remaining sum you promised me on marijuana.  "When >will you stop failing me?" I pondered. >      Me thinking you're some educated natural cures healer not ignorant to >cannabis' healing properties.  You ended up thinking it was a drug.  You >probably still do.  I am not, or have I ever been a drug dealer, Frank.  >You should know I am not in it for the money at all.  Do you not see how I >could find your assumptions offensive and worthy of my comments? >      In the end I realize that us butting heads is not conducive.   I >would very much like to see Failure Franklin turn into Successful Franklin >on my website, but you would have to deserve it.   I hope this message >doesn't offend you too much.  If it does, I apologize.  I just want you to >know exactly where I'm coming from. > >Well, it's time to get some sleep.  I have a lot on my mind right now.  >Best wishes for you, as well. > >- Victor Antonio > >From: >To: >Subject: Impending Catastrophes >Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:00:03 +0000 > >Hi Victor, I have been meditating over your most recent offenses and >disrespect.  Have you everD acknowledged you are wrong on anything????  Are >you always the smart person and every body else the dumb guy! >Before the advent of internet how was I to locate you???  For your >information, I did not locate you via internet.  Your mother had moved from >the location I last saw her at  It was my cousin Mario who called Panama to >inform me that you had been in a terrible accident.  At the time of his >call  I knew vary little about how the web functioned.  What I did was ask >Mario for your mother´s phone number and I called her to ask about you, how >you where faring. >When I was working with Computerland, back in 1982, Panama as the first >company employee to help organize the franchise they sent me to Florida to >their franchise school, from there on my own I went to visit your mother in >San Antonio to ask her to reconciliate with me and all of you come to >Panama with me.  She had stated that if I received a stable job that she >might reconsider.  She had custody, I could not force her to give you or >your sisters up to come with me to Panama.  Thereafter I sent the allemony >agreed on until I became sick and had to try and survive myself as alive >someday I could be of value to you three.  Back then, in the interior of >Panama jobs paid no more than 300 dollars a month.  I could not live in the >city due to my extreme allergy to car fumes.  Your mother decided your >destiny until we where able to again communicate.  I am >awaiting the eventual sale of one of my formulas for a substancial amount.  >I intend to pay you and your sistors what I owe you economically, although >I know the hardship of lack of fatherly love is something that never can be >repaired.  However, your assualt on my integrity out of hate and resentment >is something that primarily HARMS YOU and the MISSION you claim to have of >bringing World Peace.  I would like to make a substancial donation to your >cause.  I believe that you can make a difference, that you can contribute >substancially to World peace  ONCE YOU OVER COME THE HATE IN YOUR OWN >HEART.  This donation could come sooner than you think.   Once I have my >money in hand will buy a prepaid credit card and make you initially a small >donation to get to hear your STORY.   From what I learn of your story will >decide then how much inheritance you shall receive. >Meanwhile, the odds are that you will continue to be your normal self, to >not accept my apologies but to insist on your hatred.  In life there are >circumstances that regardless how much we try we cannot one >knows why, it could just be karma.   I do not blame you for being who you >are......every one receives for unknown reasons what he deserves as we are >constantly planting and harvesting.  We see often the harvesting but forget >the planting when it took place.  The law of action and reaction is a just >law.  Injustice is just forgetting to pay our past debts.  What you >received from me what you have is in your own past that neither of us >remember now.  However, if we do not reconciliate this time arround, these >antagonisms will continue beyond our present existence.  Its in our mutual >interest to work together to overcome >them to insure spiritual progress.    Best Wishes, Franklin Gruber Chiari > > > > > >From: victor gruber <> >To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <> >Subject: RE: Impending Catastrophes >Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 10:10:06 -0500 > > > > > >Franklin, >      You think you have paid for your mistakes in life?  You haven't even >tried with us.  Like I said before, if it wasn't for the advent of the >Internet, I doubt you would have EVER made contact with "your" children.  >You lazy ass.  Biology does not make a parent. >      I know what bastard means.  I just liked the alliteration it had with >your name.  I'm thinking of a differnt title for your section though.  I'll >try to find something a bit more offensive.  You deserve it.  You have to >give respect to get respect, you know.  Your abondonment affords you zero >respect from us.  You deserve "your" children's disrespect.  It amuses me >that you allow my words to offend you.  Sucker.  Grow up, Franklin.  Sticks >and stones. >      My >customers?  I'm not selling a damn thing, Frank.  I'm giving things away.  >Do you think Jesus saw the people he tried to enlighten as customers?  If >you were around in Jesus' time would have have hoped he found a legitamate >way to make a living?  Don't insult me.  Money is the illigitamate way to >make a living.  It's the root of all evil, haven't you heard?  Jesus knew >that.  In the end, judge not, lest ye be judged himself.  When will you >ever learn?  You ignorant old man of the mountain.  Thanks for reminding me >how we live in a world where wrong has right of way. >      Screw growing up to be an adult.  Age is just a number.  You can grow >young too.  Well, maybe not you. >      There you go assuming again.  I don't have a girlfriend.  I have >committed myself >to world peace first.  A companion will be my reward.  But that will have >to wait until I have stopped devoting my life to world peace.  Then, when I >don't have to worry about bringing peace anymore, then the girl I am with >will have my total devotion. >      You think YOU are my proginetor?  Haha.   You think being a >proginetor is as easy as getting somebody pregnant?  All you do are easy >things. >      Please do not contact me ever again, Frank.  And you can totally >forget about me coming to visit you as well.  If I were to make that >journey I would be doing it to learn more.  It's become obvious that >wouldn't happen if we were to ever meet. >      Thanks once again for making my story so interesting.  I cannot wait >until I have the chance >to update my site and add these recent emails. > >- Victor Antonio > > > > > >From: >To: >Subject: Impending Catastrophes >Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 17:29:35 +0000 > > >Conscience?  Do you have one Victor?????????????????????? >Shock effect, for whom, me?   Or shocking your potential clientel with a >lie? >The word BASTARD means that the person did not know his parents or was born >out of wedlock. >I was born from two parents that where married, loved each other and myself >as well. >You are not only lying to your customers but you are using DIFAMATION OF >YOUR PROGINETOR as a means to accomplish that goal......thats pretty low >Victor for a person preaching LOVE !!! > >                     For you Victor I wish a Miracle!   I hope you find >some legitimate ways of making a living.   Being an opportunist is like a >ship without a rudder or command wheel. The Conscience is the Captain.  >Tells you the >differrence between right and wrong!  There is a law working over which we >have no control.  We all reap what we sow, its the law of Karma.  One is >rewarded for the good things and punished for the bad thing, independantly, >they do not cancel each other out.   So I have paid dearly for my life >mistakes.  Every sinner has his past, every Saint his future.   Working >towards Saintliness should be the objective to approximate that ideal as >much as possible, then when the individual Soul is ready  THE  MASTOR  WILL >APPEAR.  Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened.   NO >EXISTE PEOR CIEGO QUE EL QUE NO DESEA VER! >    Still wishing you the best,  FOOLISH  MAN.  Write me again some day >when you have grown up to be a RESPONSABLE ADULT.  One who can be sure he >does not have >any children out of wedlock.  Do you already have some???????    Or are  >your asking your girl friends to abort them, killing them!    Try to do it >bettor Victor as the cycle usually repeats in families.  Franklin > > > > >From: victor gruber <> >To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <> >Subject: RE: Impending Catastrophes >Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 14:21:16 -0500 > > > > >Franklin, >      I'm sure I've told you this before, but words can only offend or >disrespect you if YOU let them.  Sticks and stones.  I do not hold any >malice or hatred towards you.  I never have.  Guilty conscience?  The only >reason I still have those WORDS Bastard Franklin, is for the mere >shock-value.  Not to insult you, but to elevate the interest in my site.  >That's the only reason.  From the looks of my website statistics, I'm doing >things right.  I don't have enough time to respond thoroughly.  I am in the >public library in Chicago right now.  Five minutes left.  Gotta go. > >- Victor Antonio > > > > >From: >To: >Subject: RE: Impending Catastrophes >Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 15:58:21 +0000 > > >Hello Victor.  I see that you continue your difamation campaign of BASTARD >GRUBER.  Frankly it annoys me from the perspective of the immaturity >displayed on your behalf.  A truely wise descendant realizes that what ever >comes out comes back.  When I was initiated into the mysteries of the >beyond I was informed that 7 generations back and 7 generations forward >would be benefited.   You are working to cancel your own spiritual >evolution.   You speak of love yet still harbour hate and resentment.   >Wait till you come face to face with the door of hell and you will >understand what I mean here, I was there in January of 1988.   In the being >reborn process you will also have to conquer it  or be sucked under.   Only >those who have experienced this can venture an informed opinion.  Those >ignorant of other >dimensions are bound by their ignorance.    When are you going to stop >making a fool of yourself?   Your derogatory comments  do me no harm only >create contrast.   It takes a little bitterness to make something sweet >sweetor.  There are only two ways, by your thoughts, words and deeds, you >can either ascend or descend.  Descending does not appear bad until you >realize where you are going. >I was born with a God given mission which was activated in various phases.  >It will be accomplished regardless of the folly of those who try to >interfere.   Some become preachers others doers of God´s will.   This >mission intrusted in me has priority over family and Worldly mattors.  If >you knew for a fact that GOD, THE SUPREME LORD OF ALL THE UNIVERSE EXISTED, >you would cease your immature behavior and you would serve >him.  Sooner of later we will meet face to face, here or in the beyond.  I >hope by then you KNOW that GOD EXISTS.  The only way of knowing is to >EXPERIENCE HIM in your life.  Possibly only 2 percent of humanity KNOW that >GOD exists.  Search and find that EXPERIENCE  and in some ways you will >become as him NOT HIM.  When the small miracles begin to accumulate and you >are shocked by the big ones your realization of the divinity will humble >you and lead you to his feet.   If I leave now I already have accomplished >my mission.  I am happiest when I have the least attachments to this World. >  I do not need nor cherish money.  It is a temporary thing.   Regardless >of your insults in my present state of mind, I wish you well.    Try also >to preserve the love of God in your heart and your thoughts of him will >inable you and six generations more to  accomplish also their God Given >Missions, helping to move forward the EVOLUCTION OF LIFE  on  Earth. >About Scientific hand reading.  The most authoritative text with 50 years >of a scientists observations of thousands of patients with 98 percent >accuracy of diagnosing internal ailments was by the wise german, ISSBERNER  >HALDANE, Kier  Editorial.  In this editorial literature, over 1000 books >you will also learn many  facts varifiable lator in your life about the  >Intergalactic Government.  If ever you come to Panama, these books are >available in the LIBRERIA CULTURAL in Via EspaƱa, one Kilometor near the >antiguo teatro Lux.  Morrison stores in the El Dorado Mall also has some. >I do not know whether you will come this way but if and ever you do and you >wish to locate me >visit the DON  PEPE  HOTEL, ASK FOR PEPE.  He can bring you to me if at the >time I am not deep in the Mountains.   ALSO, in El Valle behind  LOS  >CAPITANES  HOTEL, you can find  THOMAS  GARCIA.   He is a wise campesino >who does organic gardening.  He has a doors open policy for backpackers.  >On the way out, there is a little can for donations for those that can >afford it. >                                      Best  Wishes   FRANKLIN  GRUBER  >CHIARI > > > > > >From: victor gruber <> >To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <> >Subject: RE: Impending Catastrophes >Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 11:15:54 -0500 > > > >Care to elaborate? > > > From: > > To: > > Subject: Impending Catastrophes > > Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 20:44:06 +0000 > > > > > > Hi Vic, hope you are able to get out of the US in time. Seek the highest > > peeks with a small survival community. Franklin > > > > >From: victor gruber <> > > >To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <> > > >Subject: RE: Yahoo Groups. > > >Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 11:05:50 -0500 > > > > > > > > >Hi Franklin, > > > Right now I am in a public library in Rochester, Minnesota. It's > > >cold. I couldn't find a line as you described on my left hand. As far >as > > >god being sued. "One of the greatest delusions in the world is the >hope > > >that the evils in this world are to be cured by legistlation." There's >no > > >government like no government. We can govern ourselves. We can heal > > >ourselves too. We need to stop acting like humanity is on top of >creation > > >and give control and care of our lives back to LOVE. > > > Have you ever read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn? It's such a masterpiece. > > > Diana bought if for me before I left this year on September 18. It's > > >been my traveling book. I have read if three times now and cannot wait >to > > >read it again. If you have never read it, I highy recommend it. The > > >entire world needs to read it. It's fiction, a novel, but it might as >well > > >be non-fiction. It pinpoints so many things. It's screams volumes of > > >truth. > > > Well, I hope everything is going good >for you. After I finish my > > >East Coast trip I just might be going South. We'll see what happens. > > > > > >Peace and Love, > > > > > >- Victor Antonio > > > > > > > > >From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: > > >rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Yahoo Groups.Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 > > >17:03:07 +0000 > > > > > >Hello Victor, glad you are well and trying to do your best to leave the > > >World bettor than how you found it. Everyone has a place in the World >and > > >you found yours, hope your messages contributes to making a bettor > > >humanity. Congratulations! Franklin PS Yea, enemies make things more > > >interesting but try to keep them to a minimum. There is a Christ Spirit > > >influence on us. Check your hands and see if a line that goes down the > > > >middle curves slightly to the right on your left hand. If its there its >a > > >hereditary sign of NATURAL MEDIUM. It does not mean that everything >that > > >comes to your mind is inspired but straining it out you will find the > > >inspired thoughts that come in bursts especially when the vibration of >your > > >soul is at a higher frequency. In my next lettor to you after I go home > > >will give you the page and German author of the text on Scientific > > >handwriting, a Kier Editorial text. The lines only indicate tendencies > > >that are projected into the future. They can change in about 5 years > > >depending on your physical, mental and spiritual health. The lines vary > > >from person to person and are the reaction to AURIC ENERGY EMANATING. > > >From that editorial you will find the texts >with information filtered in > > >from extraterrestial sources, the series, about 1,500 books is mostly > > >scientific. > > >I wont be on Yahoo for long. Look for me elsewhere if you want to >follow > > >my steps. Obviously this forum is not interested in natural products or > > >the ultimate fate of humanity. They are mostly interested in the >details > > >of softlanding in Panama. If they only new that potentially I can be >one > > >of their best allies as my 26 years of experience here goes beyond >first > > >impressions onto the real facts of life. For example, he who obtains >now > > >6 hectarias in Panama will in 5 years be the holder of 1.6 million >dollars > > >at 20 dollars a square metor. But those opportunities are drying up. I > > >know where to get the good cheap titled land, thousands of >hectarias, > > >however in less than two years these opportunities will vanish. In 5 >years > > >land in Panama will probably be as expensive as downtown Manhattan, of > > >course this is an exageration but illustrates the point. > > > Finally received the assistance from two computor geniuses, one german > > >and the other north american, so as yourself will be all over the web > > >bringing my messages. The main point is that with global warming germs >are > > >mutating at an accellerated rate. It takes the pharmaceutical industry >10 > > >years to come up with the average product. By the time they catch up >with > > >the mutations we will all be dead. We need to get back to nature > > >especially medicinal plants that are semi toxic, these in formulas have >a > > >shot gun effect on germs that do not >allow them to mutate, the dosages need > > >to be carefully calibrated. There are hundreds of plants that in common > > >sense experience of thousands of years have given the dosage that kills > > >germs but does not kill people. As a whole these plants have >INSECTICIDAL > > >PROPERTIES. One such humble plant is MENT, it kills intestinal >parasites > > >and is safe with children, another example is garlic, but there are > > >hundreds. Science as a whole classifies plants into TOXIC and NON TOXIC > > >for instruction purposes but the gold mine in rapidly making an arsenal >for > > >the coming epidemics is in the SEMITOXIC PLANTS.As always Victor, >wishing > > >YOU the BEST! I do not know if in any way our God given missions are > > >complementary yet if I can assist you, " estoy a tus ordenes. " You > > > >obviously are doing already a good job. Franklin Gruber PS What do you > > >think about God Being Sued in US Courts? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >From: victor gruber <>To: Botanico Gruber >Gruber > > >Chiari <>Subject: RE: Boomarrang > > >effectDate: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:19:04 -0500 > > > > > > > > > > > >Franklin, Life has been great for me lately. My mission and my website > > >have been evolving beautifully. My site is spreading like wildfire. I >am > > >taking off soon again. I'll be going to the ignorant coast this time. > > >It's going to blow the lid off my story. I like a challenge. Tell me > > >more about your "enemies." They might just be trying to scare you by > > >making you think >they would come after me, wanting my address and all. > > >Failure is completely based on fear. Plus, my address is fairly easily > > >obtainable through my website, if you know what you're doing. I'm not > > >scared at all. This is all happening for a reason, for everything > > >does. It's all just part of the show. I am not scared one bit. I am a > > >walking peace publicity stunt. Just last month I was walking twenty >miles > > >downtown every other day. Did it like four or five times in a row. >Every > > >car that passed me got the peace sign. I've been waving at cars for six > > >years now everywhere I go. In San Antonio EVERYBODY waves back. On > > >Wednesdays I would walk downtown AND back home too. Walked forty miles >in > > >about ten hours, taking my time. I was wearing a shirt that said FUCK > > > >BUSH. Relax, I'm a professional. I have some new armaments as well. > > >My mission has evolved into digital pictures. I was blessed with a new > > >digital camera, so there will be tons more pictures soon. You might be > > >watching me on YouTube soon, if you know what that is. Everywhere I go >I > > >get recognized. It's all just excellent confirmation that I have NOT >been > > >wasting my time these past six years and am being very productive with >my > > >volunteer work that is my life. What more do I need to motivate me? I'm > > >never going to stop. Like I said my site is spreading like wildfire. >Have > > >you looked at it lately? It's evolved much. Be sure and check out my > > >guestbook and witness the great reaction I am having with your own >eyes. > > > It was weird. I never check this address >anymore. It had expired and > > >I reactivated it like three months ago when I got back to San Antonio. >I > > >usually use my address. This morning I luckily > > >remembered the password to this one and I have a message from you from > > >yesterday. Weird, wacky stuff.Well, let me know what's going on.- >Victor > > >Antoniop.s. "Love your enemies and be kind to them. Then you will >receive > > >a great reward." > > > > > > > From:> To: >> > > >Subject: Boomarrang effect> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 20:35:03 +0000> > >Hello > > >Vic, hows life now days. Recently been receiving some messages from > >some > > >of my enemies. They saw your BASTARD GRUBER publicity while looking > >for > > >me. They ask me >for your address. I do not know what their intentions > > > >would be for you as my son. Just thought I would let you know. Take > >good > > >care of yourself to avoid the reactions to your actions. Franklin> > > > >_________________________________________________________________> >Express > > >yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! > > > >> > >From: > > >> To:> >Subject: > > >Boomarrang effect> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 20:35:03 +0000> > Hello Vic, >hows > > >life now days. Recently been receiving some messages from > some of my > > >enemies. They saw your BASTARD GRUBER publicity while looking > for me. > > >They ask me for >your address. I do not know what their intentions > would > > >be for you as my son. Just thought I would let you know. Take > good >care > > >of yourself to avoid the reactions to your actions. Franklin> > >

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