


RE: Whats New
franklin gruber <>
Wed 2/2/2011 3:49 PM
Hello Victor, thank you for your letter even though you are a bit depressed.  Thats how I felt when I lived in the United States in 1980...your going through a similar trayectory.  Life would not mean much to me unless I found and lived my UNIQUENESS.  I was not born to be a standardized person.  Its in nature that I found my energy renovating and in it my Uniqueness.  We are now entering the height of the tourist season in Boquete, its the ideal time for you to come even if its a short visit of less than 30 days-  I am planning one to two jungle walks in these mountains each week with my indian guide who was the official forest ranger for this area for 33 years until his retirement.  I also rented a one room apartment in Boquete differrent from where I live 30 miles out of town to stay several days a week for business purposes.  I have been assigned the task of installing a Herb Garden for the North American Association here, its where the gringos  have their weekly farmers and flea market.  This is the ideal time for you to come and visit.  Once you have been here for several weeks take a new reading on your life and you likely will find new purpose and reason for existing yet for that you should also come with FAITH that here you will discover your uniqueness and prosper both materially and spiritually-   Like I said I can handle  your food and housing while you are here.  Go into and google Frank Gruber, learn everything I have been up to recently, ignore any negative comments by some people, my over all mission in this area is succeeding.  Just arrive at the gran bus terminal in Panama city there immediately take the bus to David Chiriqui and call me while you are on your way there or email me before you travel as well.  From the City of David its a 30 minute bus drive from that terminal to Boquete.  I will meet you as you get off the bus in Boquete-  This is the tourist mecca many Americans enjoy each winter.  Before you travel send me your cell phone number, mine is 6798  4246.   By May I hope to retire for good into the mountains, this may be our last chance to meet. If you have a belief in God at all, all of what he wants for us is summarized in the first commandment, LOVE GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND SOUL AND FELLOW MAN AS YOURSELF.!  When we are depressed we should constantly pray the lords prayer and ask for guidance and inspiration and it shall come.  Ask him if you should come and visit me in the near future-  I am a survivalist, have learned to make poverty but a prick of a pin and in the worst of scenarios have learned to enjoy life...that is the attitude we need in loving ourselves.  In the states you as I where a fish out of water, an IDEALIST surrounded by a culture of pure materialism.  Hope to see you in person soon, LOVE your dad, Frank 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Whats NewDate: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 18:08:12 -0600Hi Frank,     I guess I'm ok, not doing any better though.  I'm still in my depressed phase, which has lasted for years.  Did I tell you I had quit volunteering at the dairy farm?  They were too pushy with their religion.  Nowadays I don't believe in anything, especially myself.  I guess it's because I was out there firsthand experiencing true freedom and knowing how things could be, that make me so sensitive to how things really are.  My mission liife was easy.  I guess I got used to things being easy when I thought I was doing something special.  I still sit at home all day doing nothing wishing I was dead.  Without my mission and scripts I am at a loss for identity.  I have absolutely no interests anymore.  No talents either.  I feel so stupid.  I just dread my future.  Everyone else's too.       My "pension" will be revoked if I leave the country for more than thirty days.  They won't keep giving me money in another country.  If they found out I was in another country and never told them, that would be considered fraud.       I wish I would've never learned about the new world order and the coming apocolypse.  It makes absolutely nothing seem worth doing.  I wish I was as ignorant to the truth as everybody else was.       Are earthquakes common in Panama?       Ada is so brainwashed it's not even funny.  She hasn't said all will go wrong in Panama.  She's a little crazy, anyway.  I've even thought of having some pills and alcohol handy in case I need to kill myself to avoid being tortured.  I feel like crap.  Maybe I should go back to the dairy farm and wait out the end.  I'm really ashamed and am finding it impossible to start life over knowing the stuff I've learned.       I'm a wreck, you don't want me complicating your life in Panama.  I'd just be another mouth to feed.  Is there any work for me to do there?  What would I do all day?  I don't have any pasttimes so I'd probably be bored there too.   I could theoritically wait a few months to have enough money for a plane ticket.  I don't know what will make me happy.  I wish I could just turn myself off.      Sorry for all the insane ranting.  Just letting you know I'm still around.  At least for now. Adios, - Victor      
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Whats NewDate: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 19:02:56 -0600Victor, are you OK, have not heard from you or sisters recently... I am currently in my survival mode plan as mentioned in my last email, 35 dollars a month for one room with an independant bathroom.  However, my stepson who has the rest of the house for 45 dollars can facilitate you a place to stay, we would be in the same building, I will absorb food and rent expense during your visit.  You have lived in worst conditions I am sure.  I cannot pay though for your trip. I am beginning to save to invest in food as with 2012 upon us want to have a couple months on hand and my jungle survival gear ready should an earthquake destroy the house.  I get the impression your mother is saying don't go to Panama, all will go wrong, she surely did not like this place.  Maybe she also insists your sisters do not communicate with me.  I have opened up the communication yet if none of you want anything with me I can close it and not ev en the trace of where my bones shall be will ever be known to any of if any of you care.  When you had your accident I did communicate, spoke to your mother over the phone and once with Laura.Had I had any money to speak of I would have sent it, when one is on the informal economy banks do not lend one money. After 30 years of hard work have developed a cosmetic that reduces or eliminates wrinkes.  It will be my retirement. Quite frankly, although my income is low so are my living expenses.  I sell now only once a week at the gringo flea market in Boquete, 3 hours, the rest of the week I dedicate to your smaller brothers, swim in the river, do therapy for my injured hand. sort of retired!   In my last trip to the US in Dicemer of 1990, I worked several months as a security guard.  Looking for a room then in Connecticut the cheapest was 600 a month with a shared bathroom.  What I have here is much better for just 35 dollars.  If your pension is 400 dollars or more monthly it can be arranged here so you live confortably.  Act on this offer, this is the peak of the tourist season so business is at its best, I shall be able to at least feed you while you get to know your little folks are all you have left in this world that you might be able to trust once your mother and I am gone. With  love, Frank

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