


franklin gruber <>
Wed 3/24/2010 1:22 PM
Well, I was rather happy you called me old man, its a step towards your recognizing me as your father. The main thing you accomplished Victor is that the spell on you, your delusion of grandeur related to marijuana has been cast off, the stopping of smoking cigarretes can come with time as you desintoxicate hiking with me or alone. The pure mountain air and food and love of the mountain people will nurish you.  The medicinal essences evaporated into the air from hundreds o medicinal wild plants also helps. Sorry to hear about your mother tripping.  Hope she gets better soon. Your mother chose to stay in San Antonio and not to follow me to Panama, it was her that asked for the separation not me!  My problem then at age 31, I was younger than you are now, is that I too felt about Urban living as you now feel about it.  I wanted spiritual food and environment not only material welbeing.   Had I stayed in San Antonio when my spirit rejected it I would already be dead, I left there in a state o  depression as you are now.  Even then I got a job selling computers and went back to ask her to follow me to Panama and she would not.   The sadness that she would not follow me back, she had custody of you children, so that separated us as well plus my allergy to smog sickened me to the point that I had to leave the city and go to the country side.  Here then the highest paying job was 200 dollars a month and even i I had it there would be nothing left after eating to send you.  So from what I had arround me I had to make my own job and grow slowly, modied the world to fit my needs not being modified to fit the worlds needs.  We are all born unique and some o us just do not it into other peoples molds.  Your mother preferred the security of the standardized world, I would risk all the dangers of developing my uniqueness as her world made me sick! We all have a social and genetic component, elements that can become imperatives in our lives.  My anthropology professor Doctor Loftin, once shared an experiment with rats pertaining to genetic inclinations.  There was this group of rats that lived in the open field and those who lived in the forest.  The were raised several generations in captivity. The offspring of the field rats where released in the forest and they sougt the nearby fields and the offspring of the forest rats where released in the fields and they returned to the forest.   The german genetic pool prefers high mountain areas with fresh air and food for maximum happiness and longevity.  We do not do well mentally either in hot areas especially polluted by cars. Now, by no means am I trying to pressure you into coming here.  Just being born is risky, all life is full of risks, life offers no one guarantees, we simply are born in this world and take advantage of opportunities while being exposed to differrent degrees of risk.  What is good for your mother is not necessarily the best for you.  She would rather have you a medicated idiot for life next to her blouse than you take the necessary risks to realize your potentials.  Why are all these European backpackers coming through here.  In Europe is the custom that after highschool and some times between graduate degrees students are taught to go out and interact with the world to learn more about it and themselves and eventually having more chances to find your nitch...your place and passion in life.  Genetically we have the explorer bug which leads to discoveries, your mothers side o the amily does not.  The german mind is classical, it looks to the future, is  oriented towards ideas, the latin mind towards things and the past and details and security. All I am offerring you is breathing space, an opportunity to rest and recharge, receive my love, not necessarily pampering, to meet a person that is more like yoursel than what you have been told.   I did not begin to do anything worthwhile with my life until after age 31, when I followed my instinct to leave THE RAT RACE.   Back in nature´s arms I disintoxicated, was able to think straighter again, and found my passion.  Your passion is likely differrent than mine, but we all need mother nature´s nurture, in a sense go back to Eden. If anyone in the World will need medicinal plants in the future it is you.  Do you want to go the expensive route, the phychiatric drugs, 100 dollars for 100 capsules of lithium carbonate that eventually wear out your kidneys and put you on dialysis, or the medicinal plants that you can buy for a couple dollars that do it better.  Wherever you live in the world buy 20 or 30 plant pots and grow them outside your window.  Through internet learn all about the ones you use.  Some years back before your uncle John went on dialysis he ran out o lithium carbonate and I put him on the iguivalent herb.  He told me he was happiest in 30 years.  No side effects either, he took two other drugs for the side effects of the chemical crap.  Well, John was so brainwashed by his doctor that he punctually returned or his next appointment, eventually he died on dialysis, kidneys worn out by his drug.  The herbs used wisely not only treat the symptom but the CAUSE.  There is a herb available to you right now that cures depression!  Its called lavander, one hal teaspoon to one glass o boiling water, add a litte honey take only starting the day instead of coffee for two weeks and your depression is gone!  Its a brain tonic herb.  Its one o the herbs I would put in a formula to increase IQs o children at least 20 percent on average.  In todays modern world no one lives up to his natural genetic intelligence potential because their bodies are so accumulated with modern intoxications, so they function about 20 percent on average below their natural potential. I you do decide to use your will power and determination to make it here, you will need to work just 2 days of the week, saturday and sunday to make ends meet, if you accept about one months of training from me.  You have two options one is to sell my products and the other is to become a Mountain Tour Guide, or combination of both.  Take a two month vacation first on me an follow me with an open mind.  You shall see that where ever I go the vast mayority of people like, love or respect me.  These two work activities, only two days a week unless you want to do it more, is just a filler in until you discover your reason and passion for existing.  I did not until after age 30.  My mother used to pester my father about me not studying and he answered, leave Frank alone he is going to be a late bloomer but when he does bloom he will do it well!  He was right, and it was his faith and my perserverance that helped me in trying times.  Your mother is a wonderful person but I agree, Panama is defintely not for her.  Each o us have a right to pursue our future.  In the worse of scenarios coming here will just be a vacation, you can always go back some time unless you throw your US passport away...which you should not. Funny this morning ran into 4 tourists from Florida, we got to talking and the oldest Joe said he wants to get his money out of the US before it goes communist, asked me if I would help him find land.  I said yes, He bought 45 dollars in my products and he will be emailing me.  This is now just one more typical day.  The herbal medicine was a vehicle for meeting people and exchanging views plus resolved my days economic needs.  Nothing like making money while having coffee!   Can`t make it any easier for you Victor.   All I have to offer you is my example and accomplisments, if that is not good enough for you then do not come. Your stay here I am sure will not be perfect but probably better than what you have now, besides your free from here to find that spot that is optimum for you in this world.  Here or elsewhere.  In San Antonio and the US distances are great and its costs in wear and tear.  Here in EL Valle de World comes to us and we learn about it and can go elsewhere after analysing the reports. May God give you the courage to stay an independant thinker who now gains in wisdom.  Many in the past generations  "fucked up the world", you can still help make it better.  Only recharge and regroup and find a better vehicle to make your contribution!  Love your dad Frank   
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: RESPONSO DE SAN ANTONIO Y TEMAS AFINES...Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 22:04:15 -0500Franklin,     Are you not an old man?  How old are you anyway?  This morning I woke up when Ada was leaving for work.   I went to her room and told her I wanted to go to Panama and what it would cost.  She's against it and immediately told me she didn't have the money for the plane ticket or the passport.  I told her how I needed to change my environment and I felt like I didn't belong in the city.       I lay back down to go back to sleep and all of a sudden I heard her scream.  I was terrified.  She tripped on the dog and had fallen down on the tile floor.  She was bruised pretty badly.  Very shaken, she still left for work.  I'll worry about her a lot if I leave.  Especially with the questionable future ahead.       Are you sure you want me to come?  Now that I'm not smoking marijuana anymore I feel like I know nothing and have wasted the past seven years on a delusion.  Since I haven't been walking I don't even have the good health I used to.  Not to mention I'm still addicted to cigarettes.        My unskillfulness is really why I've been depressed.  I'm 32 and living at my mother's.  You are right, I never learned the meaning of work.  Life was a breeze for me when I was free.  I thought I was doing a job by my persistent documenting, but it was never really that detailed.  I feel like a total loser now.  I don't have much to offer the world anymore.  I am not disciplined enough to go to school.  I always thought school was slave-training, anyway.  I'm not even sure I can learn new things with my head injuries and any memory deficits smoking nonstop for years and years has brought.       Flying to Panama seems like a fanciful escape, but I'm a manic depressive wreck.  Actually, just depressed.  I know staying in San Antonio isn't going to help me get any better either and I am very tempted to come to your fertile valley.  In fact, that's been the only interest I've had in a long time since I became depressed.  You've presenteed me with a tiny morsel of hope in bettering my situation and I hope it isn't false-hope.  I hate being surrounded by all this Babylon, but how can I be sure Panama won't be any less stressful for me or me being there stressful for you?  I am sure I'll be a lot more comfortable in nature.       I know I said I've forgiven you, but I still can't forget your abandonment of us and the hell you put Ada through.  How can I know for sure you have changed?  Just thought I'd let you know what I'm thinking.   Best Wishes, - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: RESPONSO DE SAN ANTONIO Y TEMAS AFINES...Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 09:36:47 -0500Thanks for the compliment of calling me old man!  I was supposed to go on a long hike with an old man this morning.  He is preparing for me a secret that few know about, a wisle that calls ALL ANIMALS.  Sounds crazy but through conversation with old hunters in other areas of Panama realized that it did exist.  In these mountain islands there is some incredible stuff to be discovered plus plenty of peace and tranquility.Your problem in America is that your a thinker, philosopher and analyser, not taking anything for granted.  The tendency there is to standardize everything for the benefit of a few, people included.  In this part of the world, close to nature their is much Uniqueness to be discovered.  I knew spontaneously that my soul would not be happy in the so called modern civilization the US has become.  I needed more love and Uniqueness in my life.  But Panama city and bigger towns where also becoming a reflection of materialistic Western Civilization so I escaped to the mountains.  In the mountains I healed myself, found my peace with my maker.Maybe not tell your mom that you want to live here, just simply that you need the change and environment and would like to visit Panama for a couple of months then make up your mind if you want to return or do something else.If you like conversing with World Travelors of all kinds, backpackers, etc this is the place to meet them.   Like all places it has its good aspects and bad, nevertheless, over all for spiritually oriented people I believe this is the Oasis in the mountains.I have a knew and revolutionary product come out of the heart and soul of the uniqueness of these mountains  GRUBER'S  WRINKLE  CREAM.  Its beginning to sell like hot cakes at 35 dollars an ounce!  If I just sell 4 a day nation wide with distributors, at a cost of 25 dollars, well that is 100 dollars a day or 3,000 a month.  This stuff is green gold, maybe I and my family including you can enjoy the fruits of labor and mountain peace after all, possibly a happy ending to our odessy!  Will forward a testimony from Byllee Burgess, she is 67 and all her wrinkles have disappeared, after that she decided to become a distributor and is doing quite well.I will be working on the economics of getting you here at this end, work on at least getting the pass port on that end.  Remember where there is a will there is a way, let s shoot for a 60 day dead line to get you here!Forward Byllees Testimonial to your mom, here it went out to 2,000 Americans living in Panama.    The Old Man, Frank
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: RESPONSO DE SAN ANTONIO Y TEMAS AFINES...Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 01:57:08 -0500Franklin,     The price for a passport is $135.  Used to be a hundred bucks but they went up recently.  I've spent a while researching airfares too.  A one-way ticket from SAT to PTN(Tecumen) is $400-$500.  It would be cheaper and less complicated if I were to hitchhike to Houston and catch the plane there(IAH).  If I were to book a flight that didn't go to Miami first I could be in Panama City in four hours.       I've been thinking lately and you are right.  I drastically need to change my environment.  I hate living in society here in San Antonio and would love to be someplace more natural.  I haven't been walking that much lately because I get really uncomfortable outside hearing cars zooming by.  It's a constant reminder of how we live in a world where wrong has right-of-way.  It really distresses me.       I would feel bad for ditching Ada here.  She would worry so much and appreciates the help I give her at her house, but alas, she is brainwashed and does not understand where I come from and only tries to mother me.  She wants to help me and believes I wouldn't be wasting my time seeing a psychiatrist.  I disagree and think psychiatry is evil and is a big gear of the money machine that dehumanizes people.  I think the drugs they get you hooked on damage the soul.       I am in the process of applying for disability for my head injuries but I don't think I'm going to wait around for that.  I am very doubtful I will get approved and even if I had a check every month and not have to work here I would just be bored and not do anything.  I'll talk to Ada tomorrow and let her know what I am contemplating.  She's already frustrated with me with my up-and-downs and will plead for me not to go.       I figure if I'm ready to kill myself here, what do I have to lose by leaving San Antonio and starting over in a more natural place?  My Spanish is a little rusty and I hope it comes back.       I'll see if Ada is willing to help me with this venture, but I am doubtful.   I don't know how else I could raise any money though.  We don't have a lawnmower or anything and if Ada is going to buy one for me I would rather her fund my escape.      Well, I'm dead tired and need to go to sleep.  Best wishes old man. - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: RESPONSO DE SAN ANTONIO Y TEMAS AFINES...Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:27:33 -0500Investigate the exact cost of the plane ticket and obtaining a pass port and let me know, possibly I can contribute, maybe we can do it in three ways, you, your mom and me.  I have to maintain a reserve of cash to keep things going businesswise at this end.  If all comes to a hault then I will kick in the survival system, meanwhile the accumulation of money for tools, etc is important.  Frank 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: RESPONSO DE SAN ANTONIO Y TEMAS AFINES...Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 13:14:57 -0500Franklin,     It is very tempting the accomodations you offer, but my mom isn't going to pay for my airfare.  Ada wants to help me and probably wouldn't view sending me to you as much help if any.  Isn't the plane ticket like a thousand dollars or so?  Plus, I don't even have a passport.       I agreed to see a psychiatrist even though I have no trust in them or our evil system.  If the drugs they put me on will kill me eventually, oh well, I was planning on dying anyway.  I told Ada I would try it, just to evaluate it, but I am really doubtful.  If with medication I feel better, than logic would have it that I would become dependent on their drugs and would have to wean myself off of them just as with any other drug.       Back in 2003 you told me I might be added to a world government "black list" and that I would be an enemy of society wherever I went.  Don't you think it would raise some attention if I were to apply for a passport(a hundred bucks I don't have)and then flew to Panama?  Big brother is most likely watching.  What makes you think Panama is immune from the current global situation and I'd be safer there?  What makes you think our emails haven't been read by agents already?  They were, after all posted on my site for the world to read.  But even these recent ones are available to people who know what they are doing.  I can't trust anybody.       Also, the volcanic valley you live in will not likely remain inactive with all the earth changes taking place.  Remember krakatoa?  Ka-boom! - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: RESPONSO DE SAN ANTONIO Y TEMAS AFINES...Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 18:25:46 -0500Victor, my apology in the delay in reading and responding to your last letter. I had recently moved back to EL Valle de Anton  where I am updating my SURVIVAL TECHNOLOGIES.  In your own way you have been out on the road, an observer of the fast line of the rat race...but mostly observing.  That observing is of great value, it will bring you great wisdom with time.  Failure in life is natural.  No one fails or succeeds all the time, its from the ashes that fertilize trees that fruit can be beared.  Everything is cyclical in nature.  The meaning of your odessy will become clearer to you with time.  American as a whole is depressed spiritually.  Its still possible for you to step out and come this way.  Once here you can exchange thoughts and ideas, get a new and differrent perspective in life.  There are herbs here that work better than head shrinkers.  While there is LIFE, there is HOPE!If I had the money to send for you now I would.  I do have some that I developed that will go for 35 dollars an ounce....a cosmetic that eliminates wrinkles and facial stains, leaves hands and face nice and soft.  I am planning in the future to take an ocean line cruiser and sell my product to the 2,500 old people that are the ones usually fleeing the cold ion the winter.  One needs something light with value to pay one´s way in the adventures throughout the world.  I know you are not into selling....but you need a vehicle and something that almost sells its self. I have rented a two room apartment for 40 dollars a month.  If Ada will pay your way here I will turn it over to you.  I live elsewhere with my wife and children but keep this room as a fall back position should the economy collapse.  You could live there, one mile away from us, and eat your meals at our home.  My time here in EL Valle is free now about 80 percent of the time, I am semi retired, don´t need much bacause here I know where to get everything dirt cheap.  What is nice about El Valle, a community inside the mouth of an extinct volcano, is the energy, life giving energy, everything is close by, the bus makes a round inside the Valley that takes 15 minutes for .50 cents, we have four big supermarkets, plenty of organic food, excellent spring water, and the beaches are only 30 minutes away by car....miles and miles sof beaches with dozens of resort areas. The easiest and simplest job here if you want some part time work is as a tour guide, bilingual people are extremely scarce and the hour of bilingual tour guide goes for 10 dollars.  If you come my way for the first two months shall pay your rent and provide you food, thereafter if you want to stay will try and make it as easy as possible for you until you get new bearing and interest in life.  Although I hate the city, due to the car fumes and dangers, I will meet you at the airport if you decie to come and visit with me.  Remember, should you decide to stay, you have a right to Panamanian citizenship without losing your US citizenship as far as I know.  Anyone with a Panamanian parent is entitled to Panamanina citizenship.  I have dual nationality.  I what you say is true about the 800 concentration camps, what are you waiting for to BAIL OUT OF THE US?  Follow your intuition, the head shrinkers will put you on medication that will kill you eventually, it did my brother John, the lithium carbonate ate up his kidneys and died of dialysis.  Get back in touch with nature and nature will make you free! God Bless you and Ada and Sister, Franklin 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: RESPONSO DE SAN ANTONIO Y TEMAS AFINES...Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 11:48:29 -0600Hi Frank,     Things have been terrible for me lately.  I have been so depressed and wanting to die.  I stopped smoking weed.  It seems that now when I smoke it really opens my mind up to all the problems with the world and I get real depressed.  It's like my kryptonite.  I have utterly lost all hope and have quit my mission.  My life has lost all of its purpose and I have absolutely nothing now.      I truly believe a lot of people are going to die very soon as the new world order advances and I'll be one of them.  I have been glued to Youtube watching new world order videos.  Ada doesn't like this obsession of mine and would rather I ignore it like she does.  It makes a lot of sense though.  The term 'ignorance is bliss' really comes to mind because if I hadn't learned these things I might be able to keep playing along and get a job working for money.  I think things are more wrong than ever now.       I have stopped documenting my life because I am no longer proud of it at all.  I'm not walking anymore either and just wasting away at Ada's doing nothing.        Recently, a friend I made in Florida two years ago named Echo invited me to attend a US Department of Peace conference in Austin.  I said sure and rode the Greyhound up to Austin.  I took all my traveling gear with me because I was supposed to fly to Florida and live with her there.  I thought hey, my life sucks and I want peace so let me give this a shot.  So I went.  When I got out in the real world again I got scared and remembered why I had dropped out.       Echo and I were hosted at these student's house.  They all smoked weed, like a lot of students these days do.  I tried telling my story, and they were interested at first, but in the middle of it a lot said they had to go and I didn't get to finish.  The next day, the day of the conference I changed my mind about attending and rode the Greyhound back to San Antonio.  I let Echo and everyone else down.  I don't trust the government at all and I know they don't really want peace.  It's false hope they're giving people.       My court stuff was dismissed.  I had some free legal help from a college here.  We were going to have a jury trial and everything.  The policeman never showed up so they just dismissed it without even hearing it.  Being arrested was also a reminder of how we are slowly losing our rights.  The police state is coming soon.       I feel like I should kill myself before they start rounding people up and sending them to concentration camps to be tortured and killed.       I've been going around telling the same exact story for seven years now and frankly I have gotten tired of telling it.  I feel very ashamed walking around with my walking stick and world peace through marijuana shirt.  I'm stupid to think that what I was doing was going to bring world peace.  I thought if enough people knew the truth it could stop the new world order, but it seems to me now that resistence is futile.  This Victor has failed.  I have nothing to show for myself now.  I even deactivated my website.       Also thanks to Youtube I've learned that the internet will be shut down soon.  They're going to replace it with Internet 2, fiber optic based and supposedely ten thousand times faster, but censored and government controlled.  No personal websites.  No pirated software.  Pirated software has been my big weapon against money.  I feel if I go around telling my same story I'd be lying to people.  A lot of these "conspiracy theories" make a lot of sense.     The government is building concentration camps all over the country, 800 of them so far.  Google "FEMA Camps" and "depopulation plans."  They're building all these detention camps all around the country along with mass graves and ovens all nazi-style.  They want to depopulate 90% of humanity.  The entire middle class and more. Here's a depopulation movie and also click on the suggested videos too.      Also Google "HAARP."  It's how they control the weather and start earthquakes.  I am convinced the government caused the Haiti and Chile ones also Hurricane Katrina back in New Orleans.  9-11 is another event that frightens me, just like they want it to.  Things are going to get worse, not better.        I am going through some major marijuana withdrawal.  Not too long ago when I went over to the only friends I had in the neighborhood they gave me a hit of weed and we were watching some scary movie where these two guys broke into a house and stabbed the parents and raped the little girl.  Since I was all stoned I started dwelling on my pathetic situation and had an anxiety attack and collapsed on their floor.  I felt like I was dying.  I didn't lose consciousness or anything.  I just leaned over and put my forehead on the carpet.  This freaked out my friends and when I calmed down I walked home.  I hadn't smoked for a couple of weeks and I attribued my attack to marijuana and my depression.  I probably won't go over there ever again.     I have absolutely no friends now.  I can't seem to find anything to do either.  Nothing at all interests me.  I feel like I've wasted my life away these past seven years.  I don't know what's real now.  The only reason I haven't killed myself is Ada.       To top off my fears, this guy knocked on the door a couple of days ago.  He was wearing a white suit and said he was doing a background check on the neighbor boy next door for an internship.  He asked me for my name and I gave it to him and asked me what I did for a living.  I told him I was unemployed.  Then I noticed the masonic symbol on his ring.  It seems like he's recruiting my neighbor.     It's not that I think I have been wrong all these years, more like I am scared I have been right.  Whenever I smoked marijuana it made me want peace and motivated me to walk.  Now that I'm not smoking I just stay on the computer all day and smoke cigarettes in the backyard.  The hardest thing about being a success is to keep being a success and I have stopped.  I am just a failure now.  I feel like nothing is worth fighting for it we're all just going to be killed soon.  At least all of the middle class.  I just feel like giving up now.  I've lost hope.       Ada wants to take me to see a psychiatrist but I don't trust them either.  They'll just want to medicate me.  I don't trust anybody. The fall of Victor :[

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