


RE: Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>
franklin gruber <>
Hello Victor, just went through all the videos you sent.  No doubt that a MATERIALISTIC  NEW  WORLD  ORDER is what is being tried to be imposed on the World.  The seen World comes from the unseen, the material depends on the spiritual, and to a degree vice versa.  The real problem is that MATERIALISM is being taught as a WORLD  RELIGION.  Without spiritual understanding, materialists only do what is appropriate and opportune according to their interests.  The idealists, on the other hand, mostly God Loving and fearing, are manipulated by the materialists due to their own nature, the more advanced spiritually the more apt to give and share.  The materialists are specialists at taking.  Three levels of spiritual development, what is yours is mine and what is mine is mine, then level two, if you give me I give you, that is tit for tat, and here take this, no, no I want nothing in return, just seeing your happiness is sufficient reward!  Those at the first level just love to find those at the third, but those at the third level, often naive, are becoming extinct as the whole humanity becomes more and more MATERIALISTIC.   So everything earthly, money, sex, power, control  becomes more prevelent.  There are parts in the bible which talk about this, only those who perservere WITH GODS LOVE TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED.   A person without love has no real ideal for all love, life giving love comes from the creative principle, the Supreme Lord, the consciousness of the Universe, the power that on a spiritual level is PERFECT.  Show me a true humanist, altruist, and I shall show you some one who recognizes the existence of his creator, an IDEALIST.  The marxist idealists are not true idealists. They use humanitarian idealism as a vichicle to power.  So what we have in the World is GOVERNMENT  BY  THE  MATERIALISTS, those who worship the creation instead of the creator.   Where shall some true idealists with God´s love hide to prevent the mark of the anti christ?   The macrocosm is in the micro cosm, the Universe is a body, the lower part of that body is oriented towards materialism, below the bellie button lies the intestines, above it the higher energy centers that process energy coming from the crown, right at the top of the head.  The World is being governed by the intestinal and sexual lower chakra centers.  Until true idealism and idealists run the World who have inspiration from the Universe itself we will always be mislead by the materialists of the World, call them demons if you wish.  But let us not forget that material things have their place in the body, they have their utility to us and the SOUL of the Universe but things must evolve to their proper order, the head ruling the body not the opportunistic body ruling the spiritual head.  I do not know if this makes much sense to you because to a degree its metaphoric, but this is more or less how I see it.  The law of affinity prevails in the World, but every day there are less and less God loving and fearing idealists willing to find each other and work towards a genuine better World.   Franklin

From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:06:12 -0500Frank,     Interesting video.  I have only seen the first ten minutes, and it's already linked on my website.  There are so many paths, I am just trying to be both the candle and the mirror in the illumination-role I have been cast in.  Thanks for helping me educate the masses.  If you have the patience to sit through these, then you should watch some of the NWO Videos on my website(  Start with this one( Peace and love, - Victor Antonio

From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 18:14:07 -0500Victor, received this from Wally Crawford jr. a childhood acquaintance in the area of Ocala, he too is an initiate of Guru Kirpal Singh.  Info in it say that global warming is cosmic not just local, cites whats happening, the recent changes in the rest of the solar system, in about the year 2010, the ascencion this whole area of the Universe will go through, like into another dimension, please check it out and give me your feedback as I respect your opinions and views!  Franklin

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