


Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari
Mon 3/7/2011 4:48 PM
Last letter went incomplete...there was more to the last sentence.Victor, visit and read my latests posts. It will help you to understand your father better.  In the early morning hours I get inspired with a topic I later post on that forum.  When God saved me by responding to me, he also gave me a mission besides pleasure seeking.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying youth but more important is serving the intelligence behind all intelligence,  point yourself in that direction and your life will be renewed, place your worries on his shoulders he can handle them.  If you do not have memorized the Lord´s prayer do so, its the most powerful thought form in the Universe.  A few months back Marisol felt a presence land physically on the bed between us. It was eerie and fearful for her. immediately she cemented her attention on the Lord´s Prayer and it LEFT!   The same thin happened to me in a differrent way.  It was the early hous of the morning when I felt a strange electrical current paralysing my chest and arms.  Immediately I began praying the Lords prayer and it LEFT!    God is like a radio station we can tune into.  For that we need to direct our thoughts to him and as Jesus stated, ASK AND YE SHALL receive.  Ask God for help from the vary depth of your soul, he shall answer in one way or another. Frank 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: SKIN CANCER HEALING TESTIMONIALDate: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 14:02:35 -0600Franklin,     I apologize for not communicating more.  Things have been very dreadful for me.  See, it's been over a year since I quit my delusional mission and have been staying home at Ada's doing nothing.  A couple weeks ago I said forget it, let me go visit my friend in Florida, maybe that will cheer me up.  I hadn't been with a girl in a long time.  I had six hundred in the bank from my monthly crazy check and I figured I'd go see her.  She was elated I was going to visit her, I told her online.  I made it clear I was just visiting for ten days.  At first she told me I didn't have to come back, she wanted to keep me.       I got all my traveling gear ready and Ada gave me a ride to the airport in the morning.  I bought a book to read at the airport for the flight.  It only took less than six hours to get to Florida.  She met me at the airport in Tampa and we drove to where she lived.  She has a job as a mortgage analyst, telemarketing.  So I just stayed at her house cleaning all day while she was at work.  Same thing I do at Ada's.  We were really lovey-dovey and kissing and everything.  I knew she wanted me to stay and be with her, I wondered why though.  I'm the biggest loser now.  I don't do anything.  I don't know anything.  She's got plenty of backup boyfriends in Florida, and I got scared how co-dependant she was.  I think she just wanted me to be with her because I don't have a life and she was hoping I would make her my life.  She believes and trusts in the government and is involved with the US Department of Peace, which just lost all its funding.  Also, they don't do anything, just talk.  They say their organization was responsible for ending the Vietnam War.  Ha, whatever.  She's beautiful and I miss her, but she's got a 12 year ol son and all these problems in Florida.  And I think she patronized me.       I'm so stressed about the future.  Sure, I get $440 a month from uncle sam for being head injured, but I can't count on that.  The shit's going to hit the fan soon and to top it off last Friday she got in a car accident and hurt her back.  So after ten days, I nervously rode the bus to the airport and flew back home.  I still hate it here and regretted leaving Florida.  She needed me after her wreck, but I was too big of a pussy to stay.  I miss her a lot, but don't feel like I have anything to offer anyone.  With my past why would our satanic government let me live?  That drains my motivation to do anything, to try and learn anything new.       I know, I should be saving for my plane ticket to Panama, but a girl was more enticing, and I thought maybe it would cheer me up.  It was also hard to save because Ada always needed some.  Plus, in my condition, I don't know if I could handle Panama.  I'd probably freak out and have an anxiety attack.  Since I left her alone hurt, I feel like a bastard for having loved on her.  Like I used her, even though I made it very clear I was only visiting.  She's ignorant to the coming doom and she wanted me to get her pregnant.       Ugh, I miss my life being free with no worries or responsibilities.  I would return to that, but without my mission I'll just be another homeless guy.  The homeless are on top of the extermination list, right next to Christians.  So here I am severely depressed.  I swear I would rather be dead than alive in our evil world.  I think about killing myself on a daily basis.  I'm just waiting for Ada to die, she's the only reason I haven't, but I'm even tired of taking care of her house and putting up with how stupid everyone is.  I also can't stop smoking cigarettes and wasting my time on the computer and reading all this 2012, new world order stuff.  The government has everybody by the balls including me.  I used to think I was a fearless leader, but there are so many people out there doing so much more than me for world peace, and marijuana legalization.  I'm just not happy at all these days.  I've even stopped smoking weed.  Anytime I smoke these days I get even more depressed.  I've become a scared failure.  I lost my purpose in life.   I don't know what's going to help me, I wish I were dead.  I hate this world.  I hate money and how everybody is programmed to love it.  I'm slow in the head.  Ever since I gave up my fight I can't be original and speak from my mind.  I don't trust anyone, or anything because most things revolve around money.       I know, I'm full of excuses and am just complaining.  I feel like Ada.  I have become what I most despised.  I used to be a long distance walker/damnit.  I'm going to try and get me some Xanax pills to overdose on, just to have them handy if I can't handle things anymore.  I would much rather just go to sleep and not wake up than be tortured and guillotined.  Just filling you in on my loserness.  Argh, I find it so hard to make any decisions.  Maybe I'll save up for my ticket to Panama so I can meet my father before I kill myself.  It'll be some months though.  I'll need more than a thousand dollars.  When you lose hope, you stop trying.   Bye, old man, - Victor Antonio   
From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo:;; botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: SKIN CANCER HEALING TESTIMONIALDate: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 23:09:37 +0000To Whom It May Concern: I have a history of basal-cell carcinoma on the end of my nose going back over 7 years.  The first occurrence was treated by cauterizing the area by a dermatologist and then followed up with a special cream developed by a research doctor.   After several weeks, the area appeared normal again.The next episode, which occurred in Panama a few years later, did not completely heal leaving a large depression that never filled in.  Recently it began to bleed inside the depression.  I applied Gruber's Wrinkle Cream and a scab formed quickly.  After applying the cream every 2 hours during the day for 8 days, the scab came off and the depression began to fill in.  After 3 weeks, it is almost back to normal!  I expect that in a few more weeks, my nose will appear normal and be cancer free.  I highly recommend Gruber's Wrinkle Cream for skin cancer or pre-cancerous skin conditions. I have also been using it for wrinkles in the eye area and my skin looks much better now.  I hope all of you that need it will be able to buy it as I know it is a scarce product made from medicinal plants of Panama. Sincerely,Alan 6741-290@Alan King, a satisfied customer, has decided to become a distributor, order from him at   or directly from me at   Retail price 35 dollars, 10 units or more the price is 25 dollars.   Available in Boquete, Panama at the HAVEN, CULTURAS RESTAURANT, SOUVENIRS CACIQUE and the BCP Tuesday Meetings, just look arround for the sign THE WRINKLE CREAM.

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