


RE: I am sure if you purposely don{t rock the boat! Just relax and live day to day!
victor gruber
Wed 3/9/2011 4:54 PM
Frank,      Please find out exactly what one needs to travel to Panama from the states, like I asked before.  If all I need is a return ticket, then I'll leave as early as the beginning of next month.  But, if I need to have a bank account with at least five hundred dollars, it's going to take a little longer.  I am getting pressure from Ada to help her out with about two hundred dollars, which might delay things even further.  I do have a sleeping bag and I do not mind sleeping on the floor.  I usually camped outside while I traveled around the US.  There was always a place to stay.  I never used a tent.  That's probably how I got lice one time and had to shave my head.  I had some nice dreadlocks and was sorry to cut them off, but now I shave it with a number one guard and keep it simple.  Echo, the girl from Florida, since I didn't stick around, will get in a relationship with someone else, I'm sure.  She has many suitors in Florida, most with jobs and a way to support her and her child.  I cannot give her what she needs.  In my position I don't have anything to offer any girl.       It's hard to relax after learning the good nature of humans from all my traveling, and then knowing how brainwashed everyone is with money.  Also, having knowledge of their dreaded depopulation agenda and new world order they are forming doesn't help keep me calm either.  They want to depopulate 90% of humanity and keep the population at 500 million or so.       Oh yeah, latest internet rumor says the rapture is coming soon, in this year.  May 21, to be exact. Best regards,  - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: I am sure if you purposely don{t rock the boat! Just relax and live day to day!Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 18:40:23 +0000Son, Victor, your name is VICTOR, right, dont forget means you perservere.  The first thing we need to preserve is a LOVE FOR LIFE, not to give in willingly EVER!What I expect from you when you get here is just to RELAX and learn to enjoy LIFE day to day and sort just follow me for a while, not necessarily emulate me, I realize we are all differrent and eventually have and find differrent callings.Now is the window of opportunity for us to meet before all hell breaks lose.  Our number one goal is to keep expenses down and income as high as possible so we can save enough to accumulate survival equipment and food.  If we do our home work well we can watch the 3rd WW from our hammcks in high mountains with plenty of food, if we do not do our home work well then at least we meet each other.  Dont think of suicide, let nature take its course.  Here is where I am at right now.Every tuesday the gringo society gets together at a near by facility and they have a farmers market where I have for o nly 5 dollars a table.  There I have two distributors selling that I oversee, Alan who is curing his nose of cancer and Lisa.   They work fr 3 hours and make 50 to 80 dollars, I get about 300 dollars weekly.  This has been happening only in the last month but may continue on several more months.  That will give me time and money to expand a sales route.  At the gringo meeting they also sell books, I am renewing my library from these books real cheap.  We live only a block away from the meeting place so that cuts down our expenses.  I now only have in savings 300 dollars which is the fund to feed your brothers, and secure minimum survival equipment, tents, food, etc until we can live off the land.On the territory of Panama I know how to survive in any direction so come what come you should be willing to follow me.  Just keep an open mind, we may end up eventually in another country together.  I can make in one day over 20,000 dollars in medicine to take with us wherever we go.  Just look at it as experience and SURVIVAL TOURISM.Not long ago I gave a talk on Jungle Survival to the Expat community here.  I am integrted with them, some are millionaires.   Just come and enjoy life day to day and try not to rock the boat so much.  As you see what I am doing to survive the training may be of some value to you.  The main thing to remember is that here there are ALWAYS OPTIONS to make money or of places to live.If you have a sleeping bag bring it with you.  I do not have an extra bed right now.  For a few days until we can find you a one room apartment thats economic you might have to sleep on the floor or Marisol and I give you our bed.   I had some problems with the landlord so we will have to move in about a month...but that is no problem so long as the weekly gringo meeting keeps going and monies keep coming in.  When your are with me its almost like living with GIPSIES.    I practice a philosophy called total flexibility!  That means if its convenient I move to some where else over night but keep spiriling up with my over all plan.I know have the advice, paid of course, of a top computer engineer who is putting my internet plan for selling my products on line, he happens to be the person who cured his own nose cancer with my product and is one of the salespersons at the gringo meeting.  The show is on the road well, just watch it, meet many of my friends at the gringo meeting and little by little adjust to this new world.This will probably be better than living in the streets because you have me arround, some of your own income, etc.I have a formula I can share with you with time.  It will give you day to day sustenance the rest of your life.   I will talk more to you about it when you get here.When is your flight.....are you ready to take the LEAP OF FAITH!   Frank
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comSubject: are you sure?Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 13:00:38 -0600Franklin,     I'm such a worthless mess.  Are you sure you want me over there complicating your life?  I see my situation as hopeless.  A round trip ticket to Panama is about six hundred dollars and I should be able to afford that very soon.  I'm going to sell my mountain bike on craigslist.  I might get two hundred or more for it.  I only bought it for the dairy farm I was at, but since i gave up on that it just sits there.  Please find out exactly what I need to visit.  I've read on the web that I need to have a bank account with at least five hundred dollars, which I wouldn't have after buying a round trip ticket.       Ada's economic situation is getting worse, she's retiring and will only get half of what she's making now.  Everything, like gasoline is so much more expensive now.  They're tightening the noose.  I am sick and tired of Ada's indirects and guilt trips.  I am starting to resent her for them.       What would life be like for me in Panama?  How would I be expected to pull my weight?  I can barely hold conversations in English, let alone Spanish.  I have no friends here.  Sex would be nice, but I have my insecurities about that too.  Not to mention in all my wanderings about the country I picked up Herpes which has just compounded my depression.      It seems like everyone is still asleep about the coming doom.  It's a new WORLD order they're after.  I don't know where we would be safe.  Since I don't have any interests in my life, are you expecting for me to just jump into herbalism?  Do you plan to be my sensei?  What exactly would you expect from me?  What if I get hurt?  My medicaid won't cover me in Panama.  Also, my Spanish isn't very well.  It also seems like Panama(as well as the rest of the world) is being Americanized.  Oh yeah, there's rumors on the internet about the rapture, judgement day happening on May 21st of this year.  What if I still feel like killing myself after spending a month there.  I doubt I'd want to return to San Antonio.  Maybe I can find me a nice lagoon in the forest there to drown in.  Like I said, it would be nice to meet my dad before I offed myself.   Best wishes,  - Victor Antonio

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