


Some difficulties
franklin gruber <>
Sun 4/10/2011 2:33 AM
Victor, Life is risk and we are always dealing with incomplete information.  We really have no guarantees on anything so we need to be alert and adriot and adaptable as a cat that is thrown into the air and manages to turn and fall on its feet!  Its a state of mind that you cultivate over time, relax like a shrimp eating carrion and the current takes it and may be eaten.  So life is a balance between relaxation and tension, the right mix for the right times, part of the art of living.  Your leaving the comforts of home to encounter all kinds of risks here, anything from more probable earthquakes to tsunamis, volcanos erupting, etc.  You might be better at home watching it from TV.Caldera is not as Boquete that is physically at the base of the Volcano, we are about 30 miles away just a little beyond where the last volley of volcanic rock fell in the last eruption.  The volcano is ACTIVE.  Have friends that live at the base of it that hear its rumbling inside. There has not been any eruption in about 400 years....but probably one due.  Odds are probably higher of being hit by a car tomorrow but that it will erupt some day yes that is highly probable.   The fact is that you are there and I am here and its easier for you to come here than me to go there, the cost of living is lower here as well but life probably also has more risks involved.   Survival here is an art form that if you do not learn it you can become in many many ways more miserable than you are there.  To start with we have no hot water, there are deadly bacterias and other germs that your body is not used to, the sun is hot and can and does frequently cause skin cancer.I am here if you come to meet me and I will do all I can for your stay to be pleasent and you learn some of the skills that I have plus maybe make some money also teaching english, if you wish.   I have a stack of books collected for you to evaluate and see if any of them are of value to you.  I am a book collector, especially of books that have practical tips I can use for survival purposes.  Yes, do continue to investigate if you can still receive your check beyond 30 days...there probably is a way, when we search we usually find.Your mother did not want to live here because its not so developed as the US and Puerto Rico. She felt it was going backwards instead of forward.  And you know, she was absolutely correct! The only thing is that I like ancient knowledge over modern materialism.  I am happy in a hammock living from my back pack experiencing the uniqueness of jungle folk lore.  Tarzan and me could have been cousins!But I am also on to some NEW STUFF.  My hobby in old age will be becoming one of the worlds best Financial Analysts dedicated to becoming a stock market guru.  Now that I have a computer can place my theory of general variation into practice to forecast price movements more accurrately than the competition.   Your mother also hates that theory for she saw me "waste" thousands of hours trying to crack some math formulas which I finally resolved when I was 33, a project that took me from age 16 to 33.  It was my way of staying sane in an insane world.  Now will try and make some money with it.  Math is probably something that does not interest you much, does it?If you do come this way, just know that this is a place where only the brave and wise survive, a place where murphys law, if anything can go wrong, it will, rules supreme.   Our ancestors here are pirates and cruel spanish conquistadors.  This is the land where the best American con artists get coned!   Leave yourself vulnerable in anyway and odds are near 100 percent you will get hit in some way.  On the other hand if your attitude is positive you will tend to attract positive even here is what we make of it.  So come with a positive attitude and make the best of it or use it as a spring board to other places.  Your still free to go live with your girl friend if  you think that is the less of evils.  I don't want to hear that because of my insistence that you come here you lost out on that opportunity, you still have it.  Don't want you to blame me for anything that happens to you while here.   I can advise you but you make your own destiny with your decisions..the wiser you learn to be the better things will go for you.  If I make it big with my plans and projects your included yet we all have to live and reap what we sow, good or bad....I do have a feeling though that our friendship can be productive and lead to happiness in spite of the hell world we live in.  Catch ya later Victor, have some medicine cooking have to tend to.  Franklin
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Some difficultiesDate: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 00:19:51 -0500Hi Frank,     Argh, my mind is still going up and down in regards to Panama.  Of course I can't talk about it with Ada because of her demeanor towards you.        That day that I read your email with the subject: farming, it was at night, I had gotten exasperated here at Ada's and told her I was leaving and never coming back.  I called my friend Echo from Florida and told her I was thinking about going back there and supporting her, that it would be better than being here at Ada's.  Well, that's when I checked my email and saw your farming opportunity.  I've lived on organic farms before and was interested in the idea, so I cancelled my thing with Echo and started looking forward to Panama.  But even Panama has it's complications for me.       The closest Panamanian consulate is in Houston.  Would it be a better idea to ride the bus up there and talk to them personally, or should I send such a valuable document in the mail?  I'll call them on Monday and see what they tell me.       So you were feeding that guy 3 meals a day?  So you've got Baru overlooking the town, huh?  When the earth changes start, you think it'll blow?        Clarify the sentences, please: "Investigate if there are legal ways of retaining it if for instance your coming here to receive specialized medical attention of some kind.  There exists the regulations they go by see if you can obtain copies thereof."       I can legally remain out of the country for thirty days without effecting my "crazy check."  There's talk about social services being done way with soon anyway, so it might be in my best interests to learn a trade.  If I were to like Panama and wished to remain there past the thirty days, then I would contact them to cancel my disability.  Hmm, hold the phone.  I've been googling on if I could still get my SSI in Panama and I just might be able to.        ::yawn:: i'm tired i'm going to bed 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Some difficultiesDate: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 18:06:55 -0500Hello Victor, its good to have internet service in my backyard now that I am connected via cell phone 24 hours a day.  It costs 44 to hook up and 40 dollars monthly thereafter.This is farm country, I can rent an hectaria arround here if you really want to farm and all the produce not half would be ours.  Decide when you get here.Now that we are back to Caldera life is so much more peaceful not having to live up to the expectations of an old retired American.  In return for his air conditioned home, we gave him 3 meals a day, 50 dollars rent, bathed his dog, looked after the safety of his property he had been broken into.  Two things caused me to cancel the arrangement in 4 days of being there, one he exclaimed when my wife served him some food looking at her that he was in love.  Well even as a joke I did not like it, seeing him drag his dog by the foot a long distance indicated cruelty in his character, third one day he gave me the car keys the next he asked for them in return with a pretext of starting it up but never did.  The first day of school there 3 kids ganged up on Frank jr.  So we are happy to be home in Caldera.  The scenary here is beautiful, the high mountains in the background, we have a thermal springs, some good rivers to swim in yet the mentality of the people here is some what ancient yet they are getting used to tourism.My plans to give English classes persist, am organizing that now and before two weeks should be giving them, about four hours a day 3 classes at 2 dollars an hour total capacity of 60 students.  Will let you know more on this as it develops.  My regular business in Boquete continues, I shall visit there BCP once a week for sales or have my salespeople sell and deposit in my account.OK now about your establishing residency and citizenship in Panama.  At your end 1.  Your original birth certificate would need to visit the closest Panamanian consulate office to be reviewed and receive a stamp called apostelle, find out by phone what they charge for that.   You need to declare your San Antonio residency, actual address, before a notary public so he certifies it then get  on it .. the apostille from the Panamanian Consulate.  You shall need a copy of your pass port and that of your mothers.  All the other requirements I will do at this end, declaring you my son and submitting the process, takes five days once all the paper work is done.  You pay half of the 500 dollars and if I have the other half shall pay it otherwise you will have to.  You can make the effort to bring these documents with you and within 30 days or less you shall be a legal resident of Panama with Panamanian citizenship.  The US recognizes dual citizenship, I have been one all my life, these are birth rights!About your pension.  Investigate if there are legal ways of retaining it if for instance your coming here to receive specialized medical attention of some kind.  There exists the regulations they go by see if you can obtain copies thereof.  Also come here and do not declare to them that you have left in last instance, they may not notice that you where gone.  Don't be your own worst enemy by being so honest you tell them. If you do you shall surely lose it, if you don't you might not lose it.  When it comes to SURVIVAL some times omissions are warranted.OK here is a way of staying a long time in Panama legally.  I understand you can now stay up to six months as a US tourist without much of a fine if there is one.  However, if you simply cross the border to Costa Rica stay a few days then return your months of tourism stay in Panama are renewed.  You can do this as often as you wish.  If you had some legal business that would pay for travel expenses going back in forth every 90 or so days that would help.  In time you would become an expert in both countries.  You could eventually have residency in both.  Obtaining residency without being a citizen is more costly and igually complicated obtaining the apostilles from the Panamanian Consulates, etc.  The cost to establish residency in Panama that way is 1,500 dollars, that is lawyers fees plus some administrative expenses.  Obtaining your residency as a citizen would be the easiest and cheapest way.Your still free to come as a tourist tomorrow if you wish, usually the cheapest air fares require you to return on a specific date or lose the return trip....try to get a ticket valid for a year where you establish the return date even if it costs a little more.Let me know your thoughts.  If you come as a tourist and want to become a PERPETUAL TOURIST just simply go back and forth between Panama and Costa Rica.  However, while here help me teach english and sell some botanical medicine, learn about this trade so you can survive any where in Latin America.Meet a man recently that claimed he has a friend that is also now down here that actually worked in a place where hundreds of guillotines are being installed in the US.  Why, we can only guess...could or could not be true, who knows!   Maybe our US leaders have made a deal with bad extraterrestials for their own survival in return for tons of human meat?  But let not fear be your driving force....where ever we may find ourselves, peace be in our hearts now and forever....hope to see you soon, bail out while you can even if you become a perpetual tourist, your decision.  I am ready to receive you here when ever you arrive!  With much fatherly and brotherly LOVE, Franklin
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Some difficultiesDate: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 18:42:01 -0500Argh, life hasn't gotten any better here in San Antonio either.  I went to my pysche evaluation yesterday.  I won't have the results until two weeks.  The only purpose to go through it is to try and get me a job here.  I'd imagine my iq has lowered since my last evaluation back in 2002, especially since I lack much self esteem now.  If I go to Panama I would tell them I would be gone for only a month, but if I go and I like it, I'll stay.  Also, after a month I would lose my crazy check I get.  I was looking forward to life on a farm in Panama, but I guess that won't be in my future.  And also now you won't have a company car.  What's Caldera like?  Will you still be selling your wares in Boquete?  From the looks of Caldera on Google earth it seems tiny.   
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Some difficultiesDate: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 05:07:23 -0500Victor we have been on this farm now for 3 days.  Inconveniences are popping up.  Frank jr on his first day of school was dragged to the floor by his hair by 3 kids.   There is recent history of a gang and rape cases, Marisol does not want to live here.  The owner of the property has had some border disputes, not on vary good terms with local authorities.   He does have a mean dog but has not fixed his fence so its always tied up, not much protection that way.  We are moving to our default location, Caldera tomorrow.  DO NOT CANCEL YOUR TRIP DO TO THESE INCONVENIENCES.  In Caldera shall find the best way to accomodate you, your are welcome.  Sorry about this news.  This is the nature of life good and bad all the time.  Frank

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