


victor gruber
Mon 4/11/2011 11:00 PM
Don't think I'm ignoring you, I'll write tomorrow. 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME!Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 03:47:26 -0500Victor, read the link below and then the letter i wrote Ralf that follows.  Let me know what you think!  Franklin
Dear Frank, I am sending you this link because it can't be a coincidence that you wrote this morning of Sirius and if you read the article on the linked website called message from Salusa, it is from the people of Sirius... think we are headed for a combination of an ascension-galactic rescue of some-tectonic pole shift within the next few years. I have done some extensive research on tectonics and Central and South America, and if our goal is to survive as opposed to trying to ascend, it seems that there is a large probability that Panama will be subducted under the S American plate as the Atlantic rift opens. Basically, Panama will be ground up or crumbled under Colombia. My best guess for survival in S America is Bolivia-N Argentina-W Paraguay, due to it's elevation and solid rock anchoring. I guess it depends on what you are trying to accomplish at the pivotal moment, survival or ascension. Decisions to be made, but there should be more clarity as we see if the Elenin-Planet X-brown dwarf approaches and begins to become impossible to ignore. Cynthia
Cynthia Henrich, CHHC, AADP
Thrive with Holistic Health and Nutrition  - -  507-6558-1248 - find me on skype at CynthiaHenrichListen to my twice weekly radio show on-line or via free iTune download, The Family Balancing Act regenerative nutrition at in exotic Boquete, Panama, the land of cloud forests and rainbows
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To: blueskysunnyday@msn.comSubject: Fwd: SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME!Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 11:24:41 -0400From:
-----Original Message-----From: franklin gruber <>To: rhen166@aol.comSent: Sun, Apr 10, 2011 1:39 amSubject: SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME!
Hello Ralf, there are some things I should share with you.         1.  When I was in the US Army back in 1971 stationed with the US Embassy, Military Group, Venezuela in a sargent E7 position as a Finance NCO but in reality filling multiples positions, radio operator, loading and unloading military aircraft, shaparon to the colonels daughter at diplomatic parties, etc I had the following vision one early morning.  I had a vary vivid dream that I was a two star general coming down on a helicopter on a little beach on the causeway at Fort Amador.  I threw myself down in the sand to cry over the total destruction of Panama City by an atomic bomb!  At the time I was only 21 years of age and never had had any combat duty...was always in administrative positions, the last with Headquarter, US Southern Command, Ft Amador, Panama, Office of Military Assistance to Latin America.         2.  Around the middle 1980s, in early morning hours maybe arround 4pm awoke with a light going out on the ceiling light bulbs where one.  Then through my mind rushed the just preceding experience.  I found myself like suspended in the sky, that is my conciousness.  I was over seeing a high plateau where twelve people where gathered receiving instruction from a beautiful tall person dressed in a white robe on the platform of a small UFO.  He spoke of impending catastrophes to the planet earth, that all present should gather their tribes for the evacuation of the planet.         3.  In early January of 1988 in a meditation saw the actual evacuation of hundreds if not thousands of people who had gathered on Campana Hill near Chorrera and Capira.  One after another UFOs would come down and people would rush in.The Bible states, two are gathered in the field, one will be taken the  other a beam?  Personally I believe I shall remain or be among the last to leave.Question is, if we are falling into a black hole is it proper to evacuate the the planet earth really falling into a black hole, drawn towards the center of our galaxy....or are we headed towards the twin stars of Syrious.....?   Martin Sicle whom I meet in El Valle de Anton who remembered from age five he was from a planet in the constellation of syrious and on a mission on earth, claimed that energy resolutions where coming out of the area of Syrious that where increasing the rate of vibration of the earth and I imagine the Universe.  Are starts being born in one section of the Universe and being sucked into another similar like plate tectonecs....lava pushing out where certain plates meet creating new uprising mas while other places its being sucked under.  Is really the macrocosm in the microcosm and vice versa?  We see it in planets revolving around stars and electrons revolving around the nucleus.We can speculate and become fearful of the shape of things to come or we can find the place we feel most comfortable on the planet and accept cheerfully the transition our souls will be making to the astral regions where possibly the kingdom of God will be.   The area where the giant rock is visible on Jaramillo Mountain has a striking resemblance to the hill I saw in my vision of a Christlike being talking to those gathered there.  Was he Jesus or not, I do not know but he had an aura of Peace and Radiance.So the question is, do we run like chickens with their heads cut off...if they can still move, or cultivate an attitude of PEACE.  Fear lowers the vibration of the Soul, it should be the highest at the moment of evacuation.Now the transendental stated, back to human logic.   The height and the food is in the area of Rio Sereno, there as everywhere are also potential dangers if one does not manage well our presence....should we go there?                                                                                         Franklin Victor Gruber Chiari
Subject: We Have Until July at Latest--Even a Caveman Can See ItDate: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 19:58:52 -0400From: rhen166@aol.comTo: There is a new members only action alert from Michael Ruppert. This timeline makes much more sense especially with everything going on around the world at the same time. 
To watch use the directions from my last email below. 
-----Original Message-----From: Ralf Henrich <>To:;;;;; hbotoffice@aol.comSent: Fri, Mar 25, 2011 8:53 pmSubject: Fwd: COLLAPSENET - ACTION ALERT: GLOBAL ECONOMY SHUTTING DOWN AT BREAKNECK SPEED
As some of you know I am a Beta tester for Michael Ruppert's paid subscription emergency planning web site. Michael Ruppert was the focus of a documentary filmed 15 months ago called "Collapse". It won many film festival awards and over 70% of what Mr. Ruppert predicted in this movie, about peak oil and collapse, has already come true. It is a excellent movie to watch especially in hind sight of what was laid out.
Micheal Ruppert sent out the below emergency action alert today stating that he sees large outbreaks of panic spread throughout the world starting within two weeks.
 I do not agree with his timeline but his reasons are compelling.
To view the video go to using the provided link below and log in using my credentials. USERNAME: beta139             PASSWORD: henrich
Once logged in, select the third tab "WORLD NEWS DESK" and scroll down to his video alert to watch it. After watching the video continue to scroll down to check out his commentary on things and links to current world events that paint a clear picture of where we are headed.

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