


RE: Coffee
franklin gruber <>
Wed 4/13/2011 6:50 AM
Victor, your not dumb or stupid or anything of the kind.. your just going through withdrawel symptoms of being doped up for so long.  When your soul vibrates low, depression, your awareness drops, yet that is a temporary situation, I have been through it.  When this happens a positive change of environment is critical whether it be in the states or here, seek an energy vortex area that will supplement your own life force and recharge you!You have gone from the illusion of power to humility.  That is progress, humility shall give you the objectivity to see things as they really are.  Your Soul already has all knowledge.... it is activated in degrees as your vibration increases.  Eventually all true answers come instinctively as REVELATIONS, even to scientific questions.  Having and developing faith in God helps to recharge you and increase the vibration of your Soul.  You do not have to agree with anything religious to acknowledge the presence of a mastermind intelligence in the Universe that is creative.  Try to communicate with it, believe it is possible and it shall be.  You go where your thoughts are at, it is the law of affinit!  Franklin  PS  How is it going with the Dale Carnegue Book?  Look forward to seeing what Novels you bring....some are good! 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: CoffeeDate: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 14:07:21 -0500Frank,     I am not a coffee drinker.  I might have a cup once in a blue moon, but it usually makes me jittery.  I have quit marijuana altogether.  It's one of the reasons why I am still so depressed.  Smoking it doesn't relieve my depression nowadays either.  It amplifies your current mood, so I smoke now I start dwelling on how messed up the world is, along with myself.  I am also trying to quit smoking cigarettes, but that is easier said than done.  I hate having cravings.  Even though I don't smoke nearly as much as I used to, I'm still smoking like one a day or so, so I'm not free.       Oh, and I called the Social Security Administration today and they told me I could not receive SSI while out of the country at all.  I could stay out for only thirty days before my benefits stopped.  They would put them on pause until I returned.   I asked if I would have to go through the whole application process upon my return and the lady told me no, that I would only have to contact them for them to start it up again.       I called the Consulate in Houston and they told me they don't have juridisdiction for someone born in Puerto Rico and that I would have to contact the one in Washington DC, which I'll need to do tomorrow since it is closed.  I believe it will be $30 for the stamp and I'd have to send a return envelope to get my stuff back.  I'm still a bit wary about having my original birth certificate in the postal system, so I should send it Express mail or something.       I don't know.  I just hope in my weakened state I am not overwhelmed by life in Caldera.  I also don't know how I should book my return ticket.  Make it for a month, or two?  Argh, this is frustrating.  I still feel like giving up everything.       Is the water safe to drink there?  Are there any shots I should get before traveling?  You may be right about pot making you lose critical thinking skills.  I've lost mine.  I will not seek marijuna while in Panama, so don't worry.  I've even turned it down here.  I think you're wrong in saying pot makes people volatile.  I'm going to go buy that Dale Carnegie book now.       As far as friends go, I have absolutley none here in San Antonio.  It's hard to trust anyone these days.  I can't seem to hold interesting conversations either.  Like I say, I'm stuck on stupid.  I hope I don't get taken advantage of too badly by the locals.       As far as all the intergalactic stuff on the web, I'm not too sure what to trust that I read online anymore.  I would even doubt stuff they would teach me in college if I ever went.  I'll always be thinking it's lies to make money, or scare people, or both.  I just have, and have had, a gut feeling that the world of money has been wrong for a long time and the clock is ticking and soon to stop.     I am very much lacking in spirituality.  I haven't had any visions that weren't drug induced.  Know anything about datura aka deadly nightshade aka gymsum weed?  I feel like my mind isn't human anymore with all my documenting and now that I've stopped I feel just dumb.  I mean, there must be a higher power, just don't know if I'm worth anything to it anymore.  I know you don't like novels, but I'm bringing some that I'd like to share with you.  Author's name is Daniel Quinn.  I think you could get something good out of his writing.   Well, I don't know what else to say, - Victor
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: CoffeeDate: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 10:38:50 -0500Do you drink coffee in the mornings?  Takes me about 3 cups to awaken my system, my father was a coffee addict, seems to run in the family.  When it hurt me the most I managed to get off it for 20 years!  Then I brushed my teeth with a herb that strengthens the nervous system and I could handle the abuse again but of course its not good for you, actually one or two cups is enough if one can handle it to wake up and accellerate metabolism.  Helps my constipation, go to the bathroom after the second or third cup.  Yea not much of a naturalist any more, been too much in towns and cities taking on old so called civilized habits.  At least I don't go to jail for it.  It too, the abuse of it can make a person more volatile.   Marijuana may induce a peacefulness at first but over the long run can make a person overreact to stimulus, lose control...would you agree or disagre?.  I guess everything in moderation and knowing how to do it not forgetting that we are all responsable for the outcome of our actions. good or bad, etc.  Prefer you stay off of it while visiting me???In the states marijuana is almost fashionable among young and many older people.  Here anyone associated with it is also seen as a thug, thief, derelict, jobo, etc and is quickly excluded from acceptance.  Yet here is where its most negotiated except mexico for exportation, sort of a double standard.   The stereo type for Panama is mostly true, those young people who use it here do tend to be criminals in general, again that likely is not the case in the states.   Just letting you know what the system is like here on this topic.   Many things are bad only if you get caught!  Don't get caught here, you would spend several years in jail and be subject to sexual abuse by the real bad boys.  Its not worth it, ifyou intend to continue that stuff better stay home, not being biased, just sharing the facts of Panama with you.What would life be like for you here in Caldera?   Its extremely peaceful!  Extreme peace can lead to boredom if you do not take advantage of the peace to catch up on self analysis and reviewing possible goals and achievement objectives.  As a small town basic services are near by, also rivers, pasture and agricultural lands, beautiful mountains.Here is my routine.  Tuesday I wake up earlier than usual and go supervise the sale of my products the two sales people I have are doing at BCP.  Wednesday just unwind from the day before, relax, eat well, maybe go to the river or a nature walk with the kids or alone.  The rest of the week in spare time when not doing errands for Marisol, read from my collection of books relaxed in my hammocks in the back of the house close to the wilderness environment present there.  Wherever I travel my hammock, mode or rest, meditation, place to study I take with me.   For me the greatest invention man made was the hammock, not the wheel.  For travel we have our feet but the hammock is better than the hard floor up away from most snakes.  I use the hammock now to do my computerwork from my laptop.  Moving forward my plans.Incidently have several potential orders for concentrate of my economy may change substancially this year.  The first objective is to buy a farm!   Won't say much more about it until the transaction becomes a fact....In the early morning we watch flocks of parots fly by, we feed he birds in general and enjoy watching them as we have breakfast.  We are so happy to be back and appreciate Caldera now more than ever before.  Take care, Peace be with you and all mankind!  Frank

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