


RE: Life
victor gruber
Thu 4/14/2011 12:26 AM
Franklin,     No, they have absolutely nothing to do with Mormonism.  Why would you make such an assumption?  I would prefer for it to be a surprise, but here's a review:  It's such a great read, as are his other books.  I have read it countless times now and will re-read it again, I'm sure.  It even takes apart the whole biblical fall of Adam thing.        Diana is in Italy again.  Laura is working hard at her job as a breast feeding consultant and also going to school and raising her new daughter.  She comes over once in a while, usually to drop off her daughter so Ada can babysit(as if she doesn't have enough with Laura's son too).  Most of Ada's stress is rooted in Laura these days.  Diana calls here once in a while too.  Since i have no job or skill and just stay home all day anyway, I guess driving Ada around is the least I can do.  I'm still very down about my position in life.  I know it doesn't help, but I also can't stop watching all this new world order stuff online either.  It makes doing anything constructive seem really pointless due to my happier past.  I should go to bed.  It's almost 12:30 and I have to wake up and drive my nephew to school in the morning.  Oh yeah, I haven't been able to get through to anyone at the Panama consulate in Washington DC, but I'll keep trying.  It should only be thirty bucks to get the Apostille stamp.  I'll have to mail it express mail or something.  My original birth certificate is a very valuable document.    - Victor 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: LifeDate: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 19:44:01 -0500Victor, are the books your talking about from the Mormon Church... sure am interested in reading your books and dialoguing with you about their contents.About Ada, she has always helped you in your most difficult moments, bear with her, don't leave for Panama until she is well!  The best way to honor her is by assisting when she needs it.  When you come here do not leave her with the feeling that you have abandoned her only that your coming to meet me.  Keep in touch with her then via email and phone as much as possible.What are your sisters doing now days.  They no longer respond to my letters or appear to want to communicate with me, its a love equals money issue, I imagine.  Where are they in Adas time of need?In spite of our being vary different I think Ada has some great human qualities and respect her for them...wish her a fast recovery!  Be patient, flow with the reality you must live with, one step at a time and you will get here when the time is right!  Franklin
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: LifeDate: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 16:00:20 -0500I have indeed been checked for AIDS and no, I do not have it.  The only thing I have is Herpes, which is very common and not life threatening.  I never had sex with Echo without a condom and lubrication.  Ada has been gravely ill.  At first she thought she had vertigo, she's really dizzy, but that has been ruled out by doctors.  She had appointment with an otologist, ear doctor today.  She pleaded with me not to leave until she got well.  Her complaining really gets to me, though.  I've been shuttling her back and forth to school in the morning, as well as dropping off and picking up my ingrate nephew at his school.  I would like you to read the Ishmael Trilogy, consisting of the books by Daniel Quinn, Ishmael, My Ishmael and The Story of B.  I don't know if you are familiar with these titles, but I have the first two.  I used to have The Story of B, Diana had given it to me, but I've misplaced it over the years.  They're excellent reading.  I might buy it again before I leave to Panama.  I hope you are ready to accept me in my feeble condition and my starting over from scratch.  If we are not able to coexist together, how would I be able to pay my rent?  From my research most jobs in Panama are reserved for residents of Panama.   
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: LifeDate: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 10:25:00 -0500What are the names of the books you want me to read?Have yourself checked out for AIDS virus, that Echo woman has probably been to bed with dozens of guys.  Here there are herbs effective for aids.  Hope you do not have it.One of the main causes of depression is the gradual build up of intestinal intoxications. Almost all people that are depressed also have a slow intestinal metabolism and digestion problems due to excess gets into the blood and brain...sends alcohol the by product of fermentation continuously to the brain and dulls thinking over time.   When is the last time you did a good intestinal purge?  Castor oil, tastes lousy, but is the best for this.  Will remove parasites that such life as well.  Vegetables that grow close to the ground accumulate parasites.  Try and intestinal purge and your depression will improve, also your thinking.Good digestion feeds good blood to the brain.  When you get here will give you digestive and brain tonic herbs, build a health program for you that you can do the rest of your life, if it interests you.  These herbs exist here locally.Today is a rather good day for me, yesterday in spite of fair sales, 200 dollars, was feeling lousy, it was due to my ear infection, today its much better.  When we moved back to Caldera last week we moved into a tiny room with a small terrace outside but big frontyard and back yard.  We share the house with my black stepson Ariel who has the bigger half we ceded to him last time we lived here a year and a half ago.  Yesterday came to an agreement with Ariel to return the bigger half of the house since we have a greater need, your arrival, and the english classes I plan to give soon.   I offered him 25 dollars a week until 500 where reached and he accepted.  He made clear though that he did it more for the comfort of his mother and brothers than for the money.  The living room and kitchen is big enough to house another bed for you.  If you want to plant food I am surrounded by old folk with plenty of land we can rent.   I want you to just enjoy your stay being close to nature as you can....just eat, swim, go for nature walks, relax until you get your second wind in life, it will come to you in a peaceful meditative environment.    Thats how it came to me, with my mother's love, good books and no rush!  What you have in your mind and heart is what you shall take with you through eternity!  The satisfactions of living, go for them.Just for you to know how the 200 dollars went, my weekly income.  30 dollars for Marisol for her participation helping bottle and label medicine. The 25 to Ariel, 50 for the weeks groceries, 35 for the montly room rent, 15 in gasoline, for a total of 155, leaves me forty five for pocket change and buy some items for the business, bottles, rose essence, etc.  I owe a few hundred dollars to some friends that I need to be paying back soon.   There are several 1,200 dollar sales pending, if they come in the money will go to savings tgo buy a family farm.   So long as we can live together and enjoy each others company you will not have rent or food expense so long as I am alive and able to work.  If we cant live together but talk and help each other in differrent ways, well rooms in Caldera are cheap and food is reasonable as well.  I have faith that we can have a good relationship as our will is goodwill for each other.  So this is sort of a report on how we are living right now.Marisol went to Boqute on the bus to the super market, she prefers to go there than buy in Caldera.  I am now in the back yard hung between two trees in my hammock with the rest of the week off until next tuesday market.  On monday will prepare medicine shall sell tuesday.  Probably later this evening when your brothers come home from school will take them down to the river for a swim.About Dale Carnegues book.  What I remember most was that he stated how every living person likes to feel his life is IMPORTANT.  Most people want to talk about themselves more than hear others.  To the degree that we become interested in other people they also will become interested in us, then they open up to us.  Every person has some interesting positive aspects of his life we should look for and find and touch upon them, when we do they bubbl up with enthusiasm and its contageous, we feel better for helping other people feel better.  In a sense when we busy ourselves helping others our own worries are assuaged as we rest our minds putting our attention elsewhere.  One example is what your grandmother Diana used to say " there is no such thing as a sad arts and crafts person.  When he is creating he forgets about his problems and when he sells he resolves his problems...alliviates his poverty, etc buys books of interest, can transend with them to other plateaus of non monetary existence.  Money should never be an end to itself but a vehicle not only for food but for higher satisfactions.  Your right, if goodwill prevailed in an absolute way money would not be necessary, how would that utopian society be organized, that is the challenge for your generation to put substance to it not just ideals.  Franklin
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: LifeDate: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 07:36:11 -0500Frank,     She's not my girlfriend.  I met her back when I was traveling around the country telling my story.  She was engaged when she met me, met me and we fooled around a little.  She never got married.  She's a little crazy too.  Back then I told her I was married to my mission and had to leave.  We still communicated via email.  Not too long ago she told me she was going to a United States Department of Peace Rally in Austin and invited me to come.  I rode the bus up to Austin and met her at the airport.  That was when I was really depressed and really stressing out on society.  I dreaded the bus ride up to Austin.  When I met her at the airport we hung out for a while and then these college kids picked us up and hosted us at their house.  Not long after getting there they pulled out a marijuana water pipe, as most college kids smoke nowadays.  Of course on the way there everyone was asking where they went to school/majors etc.  I told them I had been working on a mission for seven years for world peace through marijuana.  Well, later at the house they seemed really interested in hearing my story.  I was a bit rusty, but I started it off well.  I asked them if they were willing to listen and they said yes, but about halfway through one girl says she has to go(even though she had agreed to listen).  I told her that was what the webpage was for and didn't continue with my story.  Anyway, the next morning I said forget the peace conference.  It was all about money and government affiliated.  It wasn't for world peace at all.  It was for peaceful resolution to problems, but all centered around money.  Anyway, they gave me a ride back to the airport where I caught the bus to the Greyhound station and rode it home.       Echo, her name, was really dissapointed that I left, but oh well.  Echo wants a husband.  I made it clear that I don't believe in marriage but she's still delusional.  When I went to visit her recently I told her it was only going to be a ten day visit, that I was buying a round trip ticket.  But then when I was there she got in a car wreck and tried to use that to pressure me to stay to take care of her.  She just stunk of ulterior motives.  It ended up she wanted me to get a job there so she wouldn't have to work and stay home all day.  Me, who hasn't been on a payroll in nine years.       Yeah right, I felt totally taken advantage of.   And she had plenty of backup boyfriends who would give her cash.  She was having an affair with this forty year old dude at the time.   And she, like most everyone else, is in total denial that anything's going to happen in 2012 or soon afterwards.  She wanted to keep me forever and even have children.  No way, jose.  I had to go.  She is sinister.  We still talk once in a while, but I'm not going back.       Oh yeah, I bought that book you want me to read for fifteen dollars.  I'm going to start reading it today.   There's some books I want you to read also. 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: LifeDate: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 07:04:13 -0500Victor, how did you meet your girl friend in Florida?  Can I get to know her, can you have her write me?Its amazing that there exist a woman that loves a man who has gone through your circumstances....most woman are after money.  Do you love her.....don't correspond because you feel you have nothing to offer her?  She sees the real you, the real person, the real potential does she?   Frequently behind a great man there is a great woman one who can love him when he is down and encourage him to rise again and again and again!  Its not bad or evil to fall but rather its bad for us NOT TO GET UP AGAIN.  Each time we get up we get stronger!  Practice makes perfect until we get it right!   Imagine a person fall from the pennical of success and lose it all, how difficult it is for him to rise again and even to greater heights of success than he had been to before.  There is a case like that in the bible, Job.  The greatest lasting success comes not from our own efforts but from receiving the blessing of God!  Man does not have anything lasting because he works, without God's blessing its not lasting!  Success that comes from man's own efforts builds his ego and he loses his humility and touch with reality.  Caatch ya later, Victor, battary is low on the computer. Frank

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