



>>From: "victor gruber" <>
>>Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!
>>Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 14:00:08 -0500
>>     So are you saying you are not going to send me that money?  I
>>thought you to be a man of your word Frank, like me.
>>     Can't you grasp the fact that you don't know what I know is
>>possible?  Even though I spell it all out for you.  Don't you see
>>what the mere existance of pirated software means on the
>>global-scale?  You can get things and not pay for them AND get away
>>with it.  It's the next step Frank.  Why can't anyone else share my
>>foresight?  It makes perfect sense to any educated person.  Thing
>>is, that in the back of everybody's minds, they ALL agree with me.  
>>Anyone can do it.
>>     Don't you find it rather odd that I have gotten this far?  
>>That I haven't been assasinated yet?  I am positive the CIA, Secret
>>Service or other intelligence agencies are keeping an eye on me.  I
>>hide nothing and make myself known everywhere I go, on the Internet
>>and in San Antonio.  In the end, I am doing no wrong.  I am just
>>being myself.  I have a right to.  I'm a human being.
>>     I don't know what has gotten into you.  You have convinced
>>yourself that I am some low-life drug user.  I have been the same
>>person the entire time we have been corresponding.  You have known
>>about my habits.  Why place judgement on me now?  Why choose now to
>>fail me once more, father?  That money would have been of great
>>help to me.  It would've sped things up dramatically.  But, now I
>>will have to wait to do without and lives will be lost
>>unnecessarily.  What a waste.
>>     Today has been a monumentous day in my mission.  I have
>>assembled my website.  The smart man backs his shit up, and I plan
>>to follow through on ALL of my goals.  If you care to check it out,
>>do so at:
>>(If you don't know how to copy and paste, ask for help to view my
>>Maybe I didn't send you my journal from jail, I'll be sure to do
>>that.  You need to form an educated decision on me.
>>- Victor


>From: "FRANK GRUBER" <>
>Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!
>Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 21:51:22 +0000
>Victor, how did your report of how you got in jail jump up again in
>front of your last email?  Someone seems to be messing with this
>email account again, in this case, naturally I do not think its you,
>maybe its just a computer quirk.
>Do you have a logical argument to refute my everyline in my last
>Even then do you know that you cannot trust logic entirely.  There
>are many things which are logical that are not true, example, " if
>God made herbs we like to use and abuse who the fuck are you to
>judge."  No good father wants harm for his children.  A knife can be
>used to peal an orange but also to do harm.  When one is abusing
>oneself with God's creation an act of involution instead of
>evolution is taking place.
>"can't I see that exploiting pirated software is o.k." (summarizing
>your words).  In my stage of "evolution" i have developed a value
>system in which I prefer not to steal and lie even if its easy.  
>That would make me simply an opportunist picking up everything of
>value along the way, even the snakes which may later bite me since
>falling in temptation has a price.  Jesus stated, " the price of sin
>is death."  Make enough mistakes and one is prone to die, its the
>law of involution.
>You have chosen the path of involution, your value system reflects
>Quite frankly Son you are a grown twisted oak. you have grown up
>with a twised mind with affinitywith negative spiritual powers.  You
>have a thirst for power so strong you would die to be number 1.  In
>so doing you will not try to reach the top democratically but rather
>impose yourself upon the World.  I tried empathizing with you, tried
>to establish a bond of affection which could help lead you out of
>your mistaken thoughts.  Yet now I realize you are fully in the
>grasp of the negative power and have no will of your own to shake
>lose.  I do not believe that even your thoughts are yours at least
>not self inspired.  You are the conterculture personified where
>everything goes even if its self destructive and harms society in
>general.  Right now all I am to you is 300 dollars.  You expect me
>to reward you for your behavior which has hurt your mother only to
>go out and repeat the errors in bigger ways, not alone but in
>company of other people with twisted minds.  I see now no hope for
>you in making a significant contribution to humanity.  I see it
>difficult to understand that you do not believe in the usefulness of
>money yet request it of others instead of finding ways of making it
>yourself.  While it is true that I owe you much financially, I would
>only harm you to reinforce your ways with the very money that could
>do you much good if used wisely.  This does not mean that in the
>future I shall not reward you for truly " evolutionary work on
>behalf of humanity."  I was making a personal sacrafice to send you
>that money, denying myself and current family elements of stability
>which would contribute greately to my economic prosperity.  Allow me
>to give you a concrete example.  With 300 dollars I can buy 3,000 4
>ounce bottles which when filled with anti arthritic oil at 10
>dollars each wholesale has a value of  30,000 dollars!  Thats what
>it would cost me in the next year to send you now 300 dollars.  I
>was willing to make the sacrafice but your behavior indicates that
>you really do not appreciate it.   Your concern is in teaching
>others how to steal software and smoke pot.  You plan to gravitate
>towards evil.  You plan to join forces with people (demons) who in
>final analysis will also eat you.  You stated you cannot trust
>anyone but yourself then how in the hell are you going to trust
>other hell raisers.  Band players are hell raisers.  I wish
>sincerely that you could record every word I state in my last two
>letters and never forget them so when you are in trouble again
>because of marijuana and bad associations you can reflect on them
>and see if they finally get through to you.  Yes, I did say that I
>accept you as you are.  True so long as you are not harming others
>because of your ways especially your own family.  I am talking to
>you from the heart.  Until you learn to truly care for those who
>love and want to assist you by not harming them by getting yourself
>into trouble, there is not much anyone can do for you.
>I care enough about you to listen to you even if you are mistaken in
>60 percent approximately of your recent statements.  As you gain
>experience you will understand that your father is not as stupid as
>you think.
>  I have given you a picture of how the "real world (the mayority of
>people) see you.  You are set in your ways and so is the vast
>mayority of humanity, they will not change over to your side.   They
>will remain the mayority all of your life and there is really
>nothing you can do to change that,just suffer.  Even the mayority of
>the counter culture people will switch over to the "real World."  
>But there will be the leftovers and hangovers. The " rest" learn
>with time the hard way that the counterculture does not pay, it
>costs, and dearly.  Get back to you in about a week have a lot of
>productive work to get done this week.  Still wish you the best but
>sincerely have lost hope of your leaving the World of illusion that
>lying, stealing and drugs is what life is all about.  Franklin


 Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!

     Allow me to give you a concrete example of what I would have done with those $300.  First, I would have bought a good backpack.  I would have purchased some more of that health powder.  I would've shopped around for an economical digital camera, so that I could really prove my shit.  I would have bought another tape recorder and cassettes.  I would've bought a greyhound ticket instead of walking(because time is of the essence).  Not to mention, I would've had some reserve cash/piece of mind on my journey.  
     Now, the detective from Hays County called me last week and said I could go pick up my stuff.  I fight with paranoia everyday, convincing myself the feds will be waiting for me when I show up.  They have my hard-drive(Which I need to type up my book.), 50 computer floppy disks loaded with my main ideas that I was going to give out on the way to Austin and in my travels.  They have my army rucksack containing my entire wardrobe, too.  Now, if any of these things are missing, I can legally get them back because they were held illegaly.  You can't trust the law when you are fighting against it.  So, if I could have replenished those resources, I wouldn't need to go pick my stuff up.  I could replace most of it, head back to California, find an attorney to work pro-bono and get my stuff back that way.  In California I will have much backing.  
     But now it seems since you are breaking your word, I am going to risk going to pick my stuff up.  If I can't replace my belongings, that makes them that much more valuable to me, thus worse risking more for.  If the feds are there waiting for me, at least I will have some closure with this issue.
     I'm not going to lie to you, I got my hopes up.  I trusted you, damnit.  Someone I don't even know.  I thought our similarities would tie a firm knot in our respect.  This is what I get for thinking?  
     Frank, I am not saying anyone is wrong in their beliefs.  If what people believe make them happy, I am all for it.  I want people to have the right to be themselves, damnit.  That is how I view everybody.  I expect the same respect.  
     Would you dare dispute the fact that, like snowflakes, ALL people are different?  How can a society of DIFFERENT people all abide by the SAME exact rules?  People need to mind their own damn business already.  We don't need a government.  We can govern ourselves.  
     I don't know if you ever watch science fiction like Star Trek.  Look at all the "modern" civilizations the Starship Enterprise encounters.  There is no money in that forecasted future.  Obviously someone has figured it out before me and shares my vision.  Like I say Frank, it's not that my ideas are new, just my delivery-method.  You don't agree because there is no way for you to understand.  You haven't been through the learning experiences I have.  I am only trying to share the truth when I type up my days.  I am trying to lead by example and prove to people my way of living can work.  We make ourselves rich by making our wants few.  Why do we want what we don't need?  Read my stuff and get to know me.  
     I don't think I am smarter than anyone Frank.  I am not special.  What I am is just less ignorant to the obvious truth that locic supports.  If everyone followed my lead, all would be well.

     Ok, Frank my Mom needs to use the computer.  Write back please.

- Victor

     If excuses were money, you would be rich.  You, like the rest of your generation is just paranoid of everything.  Computers fuck up sometime for no reason whatsoever.  They are still man-made machines and not perfect.  The easiest fix to the majority of computer problems is just a quick reset.  If it keeps on fucking up after you reset it, then just format(erase) everything on the hard drive and reinstall windows.  If you're smart(speaking generally), you'll have important documents backed up in case of such an occasion.  
     Of course my answers are logical.  Logic is what rules the world, not some fairy tale.  What the hell is wrong with society?  Why does everyone always have to fuck with the guy that's trying to bring world-peace?  Why am I the only one it's all been made obvious to?  Doesn't my shit just make perfect sense?
     If you knew me as well as you thought you did, you should know I follow no paths.  I let something else take control, be it chance or coincidence.  I cut paths myself.  
     Like I've said before, until I phase money out I realize I must still use it.  Just as little as possible and I'll try to make it money I didn't work for.  You have it all wrong.  If you would have kept your word and helped out my cause, like you said you would, you would've been much more than $300 to me.  You would have been the supporting father I never had.  It seems like I'm still never going to get one of those.  That's ok, I will do without some more.
     The money isn't why I was amiable with you Frank.  It was the support I thought I had with you.  It's about you drinking so heavily from the mainstream that now you, of all people, think I'm crazy or delusional, too.  How can you be ignorant to your whole blood line?  I am different than others, not because of my head-injuries, but because I am a Gruber.  You once said that our kin was from a different world.  I'm starting to play with that idea as the truth.  I can't even begin to explain, nor am I even going to try.  This is just how things are.  
     You should feel fortunate that I was even open to permitting a relationship with you.  Look at your track record Frank.  I have been fatherless for the past 22 years.  Anybody else would have damned you to hell a long time ago.  But no, I couldn't deny our similarities.  You didn't raise me yet we were so much alike.  It's truth like that speaks volumes.
     I don't know what I'm going to have to do to open everybody's eyes.  My west coast trip should have been enough.  I left walking from San Antonio, generosity picked me up and carried me on it's back the whole way.  I had an all-expenses paid vacation ALL FOR FREE.  Everything went my way the whole entire time.  I'm not special.  I wasn't expecting any of it.  It's true.  The more you know, the less you need.
     Well Frank, in my last email I gave you my FTP server address.  I am planting the seed on the web.  Go back to that email and follow that address and see for yourself.  The smart man backs his shit up.  I dare you to back yours up more than I have backed mine.

- Victor

P.S.  Or, just continue to let ignorance, ink and paper rule your life and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.  And you call yourself a Gruber.

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