


RE: VISA for Panama?
franklin gruber <>
Sun 4/18/2010 8:21 PM
Victor, at this end a young man named Michael may contact you, he may offer you a job here in El Valle in any number of positions, ecological business, etc.  Initially though he may write you just to offer his friendship.  We talked for an hour today on business matters, nice his late twenties or early thirties and already is retired, is open minded.  I will use my contacts and influence to assist you every way I can.  Unfortnately I did not receive this help when I lived in Puerto Rico from Ada´s brothers who just le me sink or swim, guess they did not like Panamanians vary much. Please take Michael seriously he is a good person, I know his mother as well, they are Canadians.  Any luck with any temporary employment.  I am working to increase income at this end and the time can be shortened by us both doing our best.  Let me know how things go.  Frank 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: VISA for Panama?Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:34:46 -0500Hi Franklin,    This morning I drove Ada to the airport.  It seems her mother is sick in the hospital and might be on her deathbed.  So I am at home bored.      Obtaining a disability check is a lengthy process and I really doubt I'll get approved anyway.  They usually deny you a lot of times and you have to fight it.  Ada thinks they'll approve me, but I don't feel like waiting around for it.  I want to go out there and make money somehow.  It's not as easy as it sounds since I have virtually no experience.  But I can't keep waiting for opportunities to fall in my lap.  Tomorrow I'll try to be proactive and go talk to managers or something and explain my situation, how I've been on the road traveling the country for the past seven years and I don't have much work history.  Maybe someone will give me a chance.  I feel like such a sell-out though.  Maybe I should go be homeless somewhere else where not everybody knows me and try to get a job.          The itching is secondary nowadays, it's minor and if I do have scabies I don't care anymore.  Worrying has consumed too much of me.  Nobody has started itching and I've been back home for six months.       Ada doesn't want me to leave just yet until I finalize the disability thing, but that could take years.  I still don't know what to do.  I hate the fact that everything hinges on money.  I miss being free.       If by some miracle the funds appear for me to come to Panama, I don't want to wait a month before I start working.  The last thing I need is a vacation, that's what I've had for the last six months.  I want to feel productive again.      I'm sorry if I got your hopes up with me, but I've been out of the money-loop for years.  I still think it's wrong and I'm going against my beliefs succumbing to the mere consideration of making money. Best regards,- Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: VISA for Panama?Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:50:40 -0500Hello Victor.   This letter is simply to better explain the need to build my money reserve before you arrive.  I do not want to be anxious about money while you are here...when it gets too low it puts a lot of pressue on me and puts me in a bad mood.  I will try to bring up my reserve to about 1,000 dollars that way when you do arrive I can take a month vacation and show you arround and we can really enjoy ourselves, not just work.  Is it possible for you to do a build up of your economic reserve at your end so you do not arrive broke either.   With regards to accomodations.  There is one better place right next to us available now for 100 dollars, much better than the place for 40 bucks.  The advantage is that it has a large lawn with trees where I have several hammocks that gets us out of the sun, also for eating well you do not have to walk a kilometor several times a day.   If your mother cannot pay your trip down here could she lend you the money?  Frank 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: VISA for Panama?Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 02:05:59 -0500Franklin,     I just received my passport in the mail today.  I still regret wasting those sixty dollars.  I found some more information on visa's here:      It says they'll issue me a tourist card in leiu of a visa for 30 days(extendable to 90 days at the discretion of the immigration authorities).  A return ticket is required.       I went to my first NA meeting tonight.  After seeing everyone introduce themselves and hear about their stories I felt like I shouldn't be there.  I haven't smoked in like a month so I felt very out of place introducting myself and saying, "I'm an addict."  I still don't classify marijuana as a narcotic like the government does.  I didn't say anything.  I just sat there and listened.  I'm not sure if I'll go to the meeting next week.  Best regards,- Victor Antonio       
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: VISA for Panama?Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 15:45:55 -0500Read Panamatavels, and still did not see whether US Citizens require visas.  If you are elgible for some kind of disability it does make sense to apply.  You may with time overcome your disability....the mental part of it and still enjoy your disability check, although technically that is not the ideal.   Your accidents may have caused some kind of " post trauma " that the stability of the disability check may help.   But see if you can influence the process so the diagnosis is of a physical and not a mental nature.  We may meet some other time, by then may have my income situation also more stable.  Best to you, Ada and Sisters, Frank  PS Will not hurt though to have all your travel papers in order, you never know when its most expedient to travel. 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Self Love, not egoism, can cure depression.Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 14:06:26 -0500Franklin,     It seems an onward ticket is required for all visitors to Panama.  Also, one is supposed to have at least $500 in cash or credit.  Here is a link to all the requirements:      It was a nice idea, but maybe it's not going to happen.        I am in the process of applying for disability.  If I were to go out looking for a job and actually get one, that would disqualify me from any benefits.  I very seriously doubt that I will get approved anyway and even if I did I still don't know what I would do with the money.  Life sucks.  I hate money. Best wishes, - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Self Love, not egoism, can cure depression.Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 14:50:18 -0500Victor, read all you can on Pleiades Emisaries of light.  They are pretty up to date on what is happening relative to 2012 and beyond.  Franklin   
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Self Love, not egoism, can cure depression.Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2010 19:35:54 -0500Franklin,     Sorry it's taken so long for me to reply.  Ada was using the computer all day today.     There you go again getting defensive again.  I said that I wouldn't feel comfortable moving to Panama without a roundtrip ticket in case it didn't suit me.  I never said you had to pay for it.  I was just stating what I felt.  You yourself told me I would just be visiting.       So I'm a bit spooked on thinking something's going to happen in 2012.  I think I have a right to worry.  What makes you think El Valle would be immune from the new world order's advance?  Maybe nothing will happen, but anything is possible.         You keep trying to butter me up with this Lorrie girl, as if that is supposed to lure me to Panama.  I'm sure she's beatiful and great, but I don't feel like I have anything to offer a girl in my current condition.  Relationships take responsibility.  I haven't done anything substantial with my life for so long and am so unsure and confused about so many things.  If this girl is as well-traveled and smart as you say, I would totally feel as if she were out of my league.  Especially with my brain injuries.     As far as me not doing anything on my end.  What exactly do you expect me to do?  With my lack of work history and the current economy, it's not like I can just get a job tomorrow and work for a coupe of weeks.       Maybe I'll try and tackle writing.  Maybe I'd be good at that.  Maybe I could even make some money off of it.  I still don't know anything.Best wishes, - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Self Love, not egoism, can cure depression.Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 19:36:05 -0500Victor, your not coming to Panama to work for me but to work part time for yourself if you cannot do it up there.    The rat race is when you are forced to work hard to survive, here if you work intelligently you do not have to work hard, just intelligently...and that you have plenty of.  You, the male part of you, a unique person, one who won the race between millions of sperm cells to make a unique union with the female egg, is now trying to express your uniqueness in this world, no matter how weird it may be doing that in itself is work, hopefully work of value.  In a sense, the competition, is even at a genetic level.  I you give in you get recycled down, at a lower level of vibration and conciousness and have to keep doing it over and over again almost eternally.   In eternity all soul elements that are separated from God return, even though odds in one cycle are millions to one but one by one eventually everyone returns.  Eternity is like an hour glass and you a speck of conciousness. Spoke to Lorrie a couple hours back, she is going to give me her email to send to you want her to write you, brief you on travel in Central and South America?  Or are you just going to go back to the streets of the USA you seem so familiar and wait for the unevitable... Here my mood is a little better. I am like my mother in that being broke or nearly broke puts me in a bad mood.  Starting to recuperate, it will take several months. You have not uttered a word...on doing something for yourself at that end...just working a couple of weeks, that little sacrafice is that TOO MUCH FOR YOU TO HANDLE.  Are you brainwashed into the WORLD OWES YOU A LIVING PHILOSOPHY?  Or is it your pride that will not let you work a little, the minimum to make it over a hump?  If it bothers you that your mother might find out that you are working in some humble task, you can go out for a couple of weeks without her knowing.  Love thyself means doing all you can for your well being without hurting or burdening others.  Here I don´t need or you to work for me Victor, do it for yourself.  Once we meet in person we might strike it out well, who knows and both our lives might change for the better.  The door here is open, the opportunity we both deserve awaits us to improve our relationship and learn from each other.  I am though not guaranteeing anything, as I said, I will treat you exactly as you treat me.  If you treat me with friendliness and respect you shall receive the same from me.   Everything you receive from me, other than food and a roof, will depend on my seeing some initiative in improving your own life.   What has kept my head afloat in life when people did not love me is that I did and that is a commandment from God.  I am sure you will succeed eventually as we males in the Gruber family are late bloomers, it takes us more time but when we do succeed we do it in a spectacular keep your head above the turbulant waters of life!   Frank 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: PASSPORTDate: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 13:00:43 -0500Franklin,     I'm not so sure I want to come to Panama and work for you until I have the means to get a round trip ticket.  It somehwhat seems like it would be going from bad to worse.  I would still be in the rat race in Panama, still working for money.  Not to mention, I wouldn't have anybody's full support.  I don't want to have to worry about ruining your reputation.            I am not all here mentally.  Maybe I am and everybody else has been brainwashed with money and enslaved.  Maybe I should just take off hitchhiking again and hope something good happens to me.  If something bad happens to me, oh well.  I should try and enjoy these remaining two years.  Sorry, I'm a bit confused.  I still don't know who would hire me here with so many years of not working.  I don't fit anywhere in society anymore.  I'm back to wishing I was dead. - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: PASSPORTDate: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 13:00:07 -0500Hello Victor, OK, I see your point, some how I recalled it would take you 60 to 90 days and could be expetited sooner, going back to your letter I see it was 4 to 6 weeks and could be expetited, my mistake.  Thanks for handling this misunderstanding respectfully!   The summer sun affects my mind in weird ways some times.  April is predicted here to be the hottest, so good for you you will be meeting me when its already getting cooler in May or June.    The important thing is that we be loving and caring enough to forgive each others mistakes and move on to the more positive creative aspects of life.   When no one cared about me my father and mother did....that is the beauti of true kinship.The tourist season begins to wind down here and sales of my products are slower.  Once I reestablish the minimum we need here to keep the business alive, which means withstanding three bad sales months, as my sales work in cycles, will tell you how much have accumulated towards your plane ticket.  Investigate at your end whether the Panamanian government will allow you to fly to Panama with a one way ticket, who ever would sell you there the ticket would know.  Working on getting you here.  FrankYou have not answered me whether you are willing to work a little up there in anything available to help pay for your ticket.   The going wage there should be above 5 dollars an hour, working 10 hours a day is 50 dollars, quite good while you have a roof and food over your head, in 10 days you could have 500 dollars at your end.   If you want to expedite your trip here, why not do it for the next 30 days....there is always work other people do not want.   So long as its not too hard on your body or mind, take it, the reward is starting a new life sooner.  Even if its only 4 hours a day....grap what comes up!Best regards to your mother and sisters.  Franklin
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