


RE: Land
victor gruber
Sun 4/3/2011 10:09 AM
     I was reading online at that after I get off the plane at Tocumen I need to take a taxi to Albrook Bus Terminal to catch the bus to David.  Is Albrook Bus Terminal the same thing as National Bus Terminal?  What's the average price for a taxi to the bus terminal?  So I don't get overcharged.  Am I expected to tip the cab driver?       Oh, and I have officially stopped smoking pot.  It has been well over a month since I've smoked and very sparingly before that.  I would definitely pass a urinalysis if given one right now.  Also, since I've been jogging a lot lately, I'm trying to stop smoking cigarettes.  It's been two days now and hopefully I can quit for good.  It's very difficult though.  Supposedely the craving will fade after three days of quitting.  The other day I jogged for an hour straight and yesterday I ran for half an hour.  I've been going to the gym a lot too.  I hope there is a way to get my exercise in Panama as well.       I don't plan on making any enemies in Panama.  I can't afford getting into a physical altercation with anyone, any blows to my head could be deadly for me.  Therefore, I have lost a lot of self-esteem.  I feel very stupid.       I plan to travel with a full smaller backpack, as well as my big external frame pack.  It would be nice if I could bring my walking stick, but I can always make one there.  I can only be out of the US for 30 days before my $449 "pension" stops.  Hopefully I will be able to finalize my decision of remaining in 30 days.  Internet rumors say there will be a drastic cut in all government social services soon anyway.  If for some reason there wasn't, I might be able to reapply if I stayed longer.  Not sure when I'll be leaving, but Ada said she would give me two hundred dollars extra, that if I didn't use I could return to her.  So it seems I'm going to meet my long lost father.  If not to relocate permanently, but visit for sure.         Oh yeah, does it get cold where you are?   
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: LandDate: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 05:12:41 -0500The ideal Victor is for us to get along well so you dont have to go spending your money on an apartment and food although one person alone can live a decent life here on 400 dollars a month if he is wise in spending. I got more than I bargained for, although the house has one big bedroom the living room is huge, 18 feet by 13.  The owner moved all of his stuff out to a shed where he keeps a room but spends most of his time managing another business a good distance from here, however, he did leave me a car....going to be the company car in case of an emergency, I normally ride a motorcycle.  This property has about 2.5 acres that I am going to cultivate with all matter of tropical foods and split the profits half and half with him.  He is a nice fella from Alaska, used to sleeping on the ground while hunting grizzly bears, soft spoken, well mannered, vary straight, does not like drugs.You might say Erving has adopted us like family and us him....lets say he is our God given uncle!  What ever food he left in the house we can eat of, left in it a freezer, obviously a modern bathroom.  He is vary sensitive about people walking off with his tools.  This house had been broken into before when it was alone and that is why he is happy to have us here besides he has taken every seminar I have given on medicinal plants and wants me to plant a herb garden, we have known each other for two years as friends.  Our rent is only 50 dollars and the electricity bill 7 dollars monthly!  Actually he was not going to charge me rent but I was not comfortable with that.  He is a good hearted fella but strick in his principles.  He would throw us all out of here if you got involved with pot.  If you really want to start a new life I think this is a wonderful opportunity.  We don't have any close neighbors to speak of, there is a lot of privacy here and a creek and trees to hang hammocks in.  Nearby there are a lot of swimming spots in creeks and rivers if you like that contact with neighbors.Next week I will begin teaching english classes to the local children at one dollar per hour, already have 10 students lined up, there will probably be 20 to 30 by next thursday.  There is incredibly high demand for english teachers.  My classes are direced only to build vocabulary not conversation.  However, I teach vocabulary by transalating their own small sentences after insuring they know the english alphabet well.Don't be so concerned if you have not heard from the lawyer, I understand that tourist now can stay longer, heard it was six months but shall varify.  As the world economy slows the Panamanian Government wants Americans to stay longer.If you arrive here with about 400 dollars you should be ok.  Your itinerary would be as follows.      1.  Arrive at the airport and go through customs.  If you only bring hand baggage you will be the first to come out of customs otherwise the wait in line can be tedious.  I was given that advice by a frequent travelor friend, also that way no one can put drugs in your suitcase....that can happen in going from country to country.  Ideal is one hand bag and your small backpack there can fit several changes of clothing.      2.  As you go out of customs directly on the street, there will be cabs.  Ask how much they will charge you to the National Bus Terminal in Panama city.   There may be shared taxis that may cost more but always ask the price so you do not get over charged.  Once at the bus terminal in Panama city about two hours away from the airport go straight to the DAVID buses.  Get on it and sleep until you get to the midway point and lunch stop the city of SANTIAGO.  Eat but keep your eye on the bus, and your belongings, the stop is usually only 20 minutes, 4 hours to Santiago from Panama city and another 3 to David.  Email me the day you leave the US, call me as soon as you arrive and several times along the trip so I know where your at, I will meet you at the DAVID BUS TERMINAL and from there bring you HOME in a taxi.   Place my phone number in several places, in a small notebook you can keep on your body.  My wives phone number also bring in the remote chance that mine is not working, hers is 6035 8081.You will sleep in a cot until we can arrange to get you a bed.What I prefer and think its also to your best advantage is that we all get along well so you can save your money for three months.  You can help arround the house spontaneously if you wish only cleaning after yourself, wash your own dishes. Marisol will wash your cloth and feed you without any complaints so long as you are warm and respectful.  She is a real hard worker.I have recently been collecting some interesting books, no novels, not much interested in them mostly books that add to my life in  a practical way or explain or express some mysteries of life and ways to resolve them...some go unresolved but its interesting to know they exist.We have under our care a dog, took him 3 days to get used to us, will be adding a few more.The bottom line is this....avoid being argumental.  We can only live together SO LONG AS GOODWILL PREVAILS AMONG US.  If that gets lost so does mutual trust.  I am not the type you can play mental games with.....I don't  waste my time on anything that creates unneeded anxiety.   Your given the benefit of the doubt because your my long lost son, if we have affinity we can stay together as long as ewish if we don't well I will help you find an apartment and orient you so you can settle down here and look and find purpose in life.  My battery is low on the lap top.  Have a good trip down here, Love and hopes for a better future for all of us, Frank  Any more questions let me know.
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: LandDate: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 10:13:01 -0500Frank,     Ok, I have in my account $1,020.  The round trip ticket will be $530 which will leave me $490.  You ddin't reply to my last email about me not being sure if I'll have enough money.  Also, have not heard back from your lawyer.  I looked on a map and Boquete is quite a distance from Panama City.  So you've moved in at the farm?  How are the living conditions?  You, Marisol and two kids?  All in a one bedroom house?   
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo:; gruber_laura@hotmail.comSubject: LandDate: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 09:49:53 -0500The countryside where I have just moved for 7,000 one can obtain titled land 1,000 square meters  20 minutes away from a modern city yet farm area.  I do not have this kind of money now but just want you to know these possibilities are here.  Frank

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