


franklin gruber <>
Thu 4/7/2011 4:56 AM
For most people  life is an up hill walk or run and you can  now and then be happy unless you tire or get too sick. Yet if you make it a major goal you can be happy, that usually happens when you find a worthy cause for living and stay in it.  Once you do have your goals set then one not only has to define the resources to reach it but also the obstacles...or mine fields...usually people...blocking the way.By those strange coincidences I have come accross some tapes on achievement and building your self esteem, you might find them interesting.  I have been collecting literature that might serve you...from it pick out what you think is relative to your life.I have not fully analysed Ariel Sucre's requirements, will do so today and get back to you.  Frank
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: LO QUE VÍCTOR DEBE CONSEGUIR...Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 18:50:23 -0500Frank,      I don't have any other sources of income, nor have I made a final decision about permanently relocating to Panama.  I feel like I'm mildly retarded after all of these hardships I've had this last couple of years.  My mind is blank.  I don't trust anything, especially anything associated with money.  I hate television and how brainwashed everyone is.  To me it seems resistence is futile, with all this 2012 shit happening.  Like, what's the point?  I still consider getting it over with and just offing myself.       I totally detest my life here at Ada's, mainly due to my stupid nephew who doesn't give a shit about stressing Ada out.  She's going crazy with all the daily stress she's going through at school.  She has all these medical problems and I've been having to wake up early and drive her to school, along with my nephew, then pick them up later on in the day.  I hate cleaning her house when all my nephew does is lay on the couch and watch TV.  He's never known any discipline and Ada let's him walk all over her, and he does daily.  I got a two day break the last couple of days because I met this girl, who I'm not attracted to, but let me stay at her new house for a couple of days.       What exactly must I do at the Panamanian embassy?  Get them to stamp my birth certificate?  There isn't one in San Antonio.  Houston is the closest one, I believe.  I can't travel to Houston, unless I get a bus ticket.  Should I trust my original birth certificate with the postal system?  They did mail it back to me when i got my passport.  What kind of letter do I need to mail to Houston with my passport?  I need a photocopy of Ada's passport?  I need to provide certification of my current adress?  Would a US driver's license work?     My Spanish isn't so hot so I'm not sure I understood everything in Ariel's email, but if I have to figure another 500 dollars before I get on the plane to Panama, it might take me a couple more months to depart.  Geez, I miss being happy.    - Victor   
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: LO QUE VÍCTOR DEBE CONSEGUIR...Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 13:48:22 -0500Victor, just received this email from our lawyer, Ariel Sucre.  Send me any questions you have and I shall consolidate them with my own to send to him for clarafications.  There is one or two documents that have to be authenticated in the US by the Panamanian counsul closest to you, the rest of the procedure we can take care of here.   You should bring those documents with you otherwise it will be more difficult for  you to obtain them after your carefully the requirements and get back with me.  The down payment once all the requirements are meet to process your Panamanian citizenship is only 250 dollars, the balance once the process is finished another 250, for a total of 500 dollars. I am now back to Caldera and feel quite at home, its a relaxing environment although humble.  Yea PEACE RTHER THAN MONEY!  Nevertheless have not lost any of my business in Boquete which is now closer.  The internet reception is ok here also.  Catch ya later  Frank  See Below. 
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 09:53:02 -0700From: arielsucre@yahoo.comSubject: LO QUE VÍCTOR DEBE CONSEGUIR...To:; pedrosagaman@yahoo.comCC:

Estimado hermano Frank, te agradezco que le trasmitas a Víctor mi saludo y excusa por no haber respondido antes, recibí su correo en medio de la atención de la única tía que me queda, hermana de mi mamá que estuvo de visita en casa y me tocó atenderla en algunos trámites. Por ello me trasladé a Las Tablas y me tomó bastante tiempo. He verificado el asunto de Víctor y hago a continuación un recuento de las pruebas que deberán aportarse para su debido trámite. Saludos a Marisol, Patrick y Frank Jr. Quedo a la orden por cualquier aclaración.



Panamá, 6 de abril de 2011.

Estimados hermanos  Frank y Víctor:

He verificado a través del Registro Civil del Tribunal Electoral, lo relativo a la ciudadanía de Víctor.

El deberá aportar el certificado de nacimiento original, el que deberá estar autenticado por el Consulado de Panamá en el sitio o el más próximo a su expedición, usualmente se utiliza el reconocimiento llamado Apostille, que facilita su utilización. Debe traducirse su texto por intérprete público en Panamá.

El hermano Frank deberá concurrir a una notaría para realizar una declaración jurada expresando que es el padre biológico de Víctor, describiendo el hecho del nacimiento en detalle, sitio del nacimiento habido con la madre y fecha del nacimiento.

Debe aportarse una certificación de residencia del ciudadano panameño en este caso Frank, expedido por el Corregidor del área de residencia.

Debe aportarse copia de la cédula de Frank, padre de nacionalidad panameña y fotocopia del pasaporte del progenitor extranjero,en este caso de la madre de Víctor.

Debe suministrarse una fotocopia de todo su pasaporte del país de origen. Víctor deberá aportar de igual manera una certificación de su residencia actual, legalizada o autenticada por el Consulado de Panamá más próximo o con apostille del propio Consulado.

Se entiende que el trámite de inscripción de nacimiento deberá hacerlo el hermano Frank en su condición de padre de Víctor.

El poder y solicitud mediante abogado deberán estar debidamente notarizados por notario panameño.

La duración del trámite es de cinco días hábiles contados a partir de su presentación en el Registro Civil del Tribunal Electoral de Panamá(Departamento de Hechos y Actos Jurídicos Ocurridos en el Exterior).

El costo de honorarios por dicha tramitación los fijo en US$500.00, pagaderos la mitad al iniciar y el saldo al terminar



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