


RE: Trip
Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari
Tue 5/3/2011 12:14 AM
Victor, things are not so hot in Panama, 5 earthquakes above 4 on the richter scale and one above five in 2 weeks.  Its the plate tectonic thing, South American plate is supposed to push the central american plate under the sea soon during or after the pole shift.  A lot of souls are likely to leave the planet dead or alive soon.  Are you familiar with the ZETA letters...from ET source.  Over 200 such letters from past years to the present predicting what is happening to the planet almost on a detail basis quite successfully, will forward info on it to  you.  Franklin  Sorry to hear Ada is still in the Hospital, wish I could do something for her....give her a hug for me if it does not insult her, in any regards say hello! Frank
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: TripDate: Mon, 2 May 2011 10:40:39 -0500Hi Frank,     I just called the consulate in Washington DC and they finally received my birth certificate...but, since it was my original one(from when I was born), and not certified, they couldn't do anything with it.  Therefore, I called the Demographic office in Puerto Rico and ordered a certified copy, two just in case.  It should get here in a couple of weeks.  Once I get it I'll have to mail it to DC to get authenticated.  Hope airfares don't go up then.  Ugh, I'm still doing nothing and going nowhere in life.  Ada is still in the hospital and the rest of the world is still wrong.  How are things in Panama? 
From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: TripDate: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 14:38:07 +0000Victor, there are things we can change in life and things we cannot, wisdom is knowing the differrence.  Ada took care of you in your worst moments, its fair you do the same for your MOTHER.   Lets flow with life not necessarily buck it, when the time is right we shall meet.  With all love and understanding, but lets keep in touch.  And keep your apostillas in the works.  Franklin 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: TripDate: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 20:44:55 -0500Frank,      Yesterday I went to the police station downtown and for ten dollars got a copy of my criminal record.  It's crystal clear.  The only thing on it is a traffic violation from 2002, which I paid, even though I'm not sure what it was.  All my other San Antonio jail episodes were dismissed, as they should have been.  I've only been to jail here three times.  First one was for no insurance on a Uhaul I rented.  ALL Uhau's have insurance!..dismissed.  I had gotten arrested for criminal trespassing on a city bus, but even though I had my bus pass..dismissed.  And then most recently I went to jail for holding a sign downtown that said FREE HUGS AND/OR BREAST EXAMS.  Charge was aggressive soliciting...I wasn't asking for anything!  Dismissed.  So my record is crystal clear.  Absolutely no felonies.       Also, yesterday I mailed my birth certificate to the Panama Consulate in Washington DC to get my Apostille stamp.  I forgot to include contact info so I'll have to call them on Monday and give them a phone number.  I included a $30 money order.  I should get it back in 5-7 business days.       Argh, Ada is back in the hospital.  Been there for three days now.  She has some inflammation in her brain which makes her very dizzy.  She hasn't gotten her results back from the brain scans they did, so they still aren't sure what exactly is wrong with her and given her a prognosis.  It's quite possible she'll be needing supervision indefinetely now, which will put me in a very awkward situation.  My nephew will be moving back with Laura...where he should have gone a long time ago.  Diana is in Europe doing her thing and she does not plan on coming back to help take care of Ada, but only help financially.  Laura will have her hands full with her work, school, her daughter and soon her son too.  So that leaves me, unemployed with nothing to look after my mom for a while.  So, I don't know when I'll be able to go to Panama.  I wish things were different.        
From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: TripDate: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 02:13:57 +0000Attorney Ariel Sucre wrote me and informed me that you should also bring a copy of your police record from the place you have been residing.  That you have no felonies that is what counts.Life does have its ups and downs and for some of us progress comes one must be kind but tough as well to survive and have the opportunity to do well in life.  Let me know how things go, don't let anything depress you!  Prepare, prepare, prepare so your chances of success here are greatest.With fatherly love, Franklin
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: TripDate: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 18:55:06 -0500Franklin,     Ada's condition is is deteriorating.  Laura thinks she might be showing the onset symptoms of a mental condition, and I tend to agree.  She doesn't always make sense anymore.  To me, she hasn't for years.  It's a certainty that her illness is delaying my trip there.        But that's not all.  I still feel like a fool and quite ashamed of my past.  I still believe the concept of money is wrong and everyone else has been brainwashed to live their lives for it, neglecting everything else that's important in our world.  I despise society so much and feel like a total hypocrite for driving Ada's car.  My nephew is a regular pubescent 14 year old that all he does is go to the gym and watch tv(I detest television.  I hope your kids don't watch too much).  He's fairly good at sports and is quite popular at school, which only feeds his already inflated ego even more.  I feel him and his mother are partly to blame for all of Ada's stress and current condition.  Laura should have never dumped him on Ada.  I despise her for that.  Well, it seems like I'll be here at least until the end of the month, so I'll have another infusion to my bank account, which should leave me with more than enough to go check out Panama.  I've been procrastinating on getting my apostille.  I need to call the consulate in Washington DC, not the one in Houston, because I was born in Puerto Rico.  I'll have to go to the post office and send my birth certificate with priority, or express mail.  I still have cold feet about my ability(or lack thereof) and starting over in a whole other country where I don't speak the language that well.  Especially with our doomed future.  Hell, I can't even speak my mind in English well.       I have fallen over to the fear side, I used to be with the love side.  Are you familiar with the law of attraction?  I'm scared the with all my negative outlook on life now I will bring something bad upon myself.  Lately I tell myself, "Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts," but I'm sure there's more to it than just thinking that to myself.  I still can't find anything that makes me happy.  I keep telling myself it's because I am awake.  I also have found myself comparing myself to all these sleeping masses.  I have it so much better than most people and they can be happy.  Why can't I?  It's really frustrating and I still think my life is pointless.   - Victor
From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: TripDate: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 14:01:21 +0000Victor, how and you and your mom fairing now days.  Is Ada better?  Hope so! Since its highly probable that her illness is delaying your trip she may also want it that way...consider making a short one or two week trip here to look at the environment first hand then going back and tend to your mother.  Save up and return at a later date when your paper work for citizenship is advanced or concluded.  Some times we cannot do things in  one step and require two or more steps.  Your moher will not be able to say you did not care but not blocked your escape from a standardized life.  The world is big and the current American way is not the only way.  Yesterday had the visit of a Canadian, vary nice people.  Let me know how things go  Franklin

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