


RE: How are you doing?
franklin gruber <>
Thu 6/17/2010 1:46 PM
Hello Victor, glad your  helping your mother and sister with car and other.   I should have enough money for a one way ticket to Florida in about 3 weeks, thereafter its a matter of renewing my US passport, that might be arround 100 dollars. Next to have some cash on  hand to survive until I can make some sales.  The ideal is for me to arrive and buy a used motorcycle right away and go camping with you in the Panama City Beach area.   I believe in MARACLES so have a little patients pray for them with me....and let God do the rest!   You sound better, Im happy for you!  Will get back with you in a few days, feel free to write me though whenever you wish, love Frank. 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: How are you doing?Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 21:44:25 -0500Hi Frank,     I'm doing the same, still depressed.  Haven't gotten the lavander, but will soon.  Hmm, Florida.  Have you taken into account that the beachgoers will be diminished due to the oil in the gulf?  It hasn't hit PBC yet, but it's only a matter of time.  Cross your fingers.      I've almost had it with life here at Ada's and do plan to be traveling soon.  Maybe I'll meet you in Florida.  I was thinking about going back to Oregon.  I have to stear clear of California because I have warrants there.  I got a ticket in San Luis Obispo for possession of marijuana, and another one in San Jose for not paying lightrail fare.  I just ignored them and left town.  Maybe I'll show up and see how long I'd have to stay in jail to pay them off.       I've been to Panama City before in 2008 and I had lots of fun there telling my story.  Tallahassee too.  I even had me a PBC girl.       Traveling is going to be way different without my mission, or not smoking marijuana.  I might try it again, I miss being happy.  I just hope I don't freak out in my depressed state.  Maybe I'll liven up once I'm free and on the road again.       Sorry for the delay in responding.  Today I drove with Ada to Houston to get Laura a new used car.  Diana's friend sold it to her for five hundred bucks.  I drove it back to San Antonio with Ada following me in her car.       Ugh, the roads are so crowded nowadays and it irks me to drive on them.  I am against cars and money and I'm driving.  Makes me feel like such a hypocrite.       I'd love to go to Hawaii someday.  I hear that's the best place to be homeless.  I've always wanted to surf.  When exactly do you think you'd be in Florida?     Let me know. Blessings, - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: How are you doing?Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 15:42:55 -0500Victor, how are you doing?   Was just checking, I can get to Florida with 277 dollars.  If you decide to travel in that direction we may meet arround Panama city beach, Florida possibly in 30 to 60 days.   Thats cheaper than your two way trip to Panama and more accessible.   Could you let me know what a Grey Hound Bus ride from San Antonio to Panama City Florida costs_    I appreciate the possibility of our meeting there remain confidencial!  Would not want your mother to spoil our reunion out of spite.  Its true I owe you all money but if I don´t work I can´t contribute and if its forced on me, that won´t work.  Discovered that Panama city beach is loaded with sand flies.  Tallahassee, where I went to school is only two hours away by car.  My objective would be to sell ten bottles a day along the beaches, live sparsely, camping out, send money to your brothers down here, they can live well here on 300 a month, while I buy and park a used trailer up there.   I should have established a home base in the US long time ago, one though that is more appropriate than San Antonio.  Florida is tropical similar to Panama but has the tourists and the sand fly problem I can resolve.  Tourism there is all year arround here it is seasonable.  Maybe we could meet in Florida, its a place I like and did well in!  What do you think?   The Panamanian educational system is vary deficient and the worse school in the US is better than we have here.  I would like for your brothers to be educated in an englishing speaking country, at least highschool. Just got Patrick´s report card for his first quarter as a first grader, on a scale of 5, he made 4.9.....its a good start considering all the problems he had at other schools in the past year.  In Boquete he left the class room and jumped the fence, his mom found him up a tree.  His teacher would not allow him to go pee, he was supposed to wait until she said so.  In Volcan, he beat up the kid next to him for making mocking faces, tore up the whole class room, the entire class had to be evacuated and he was left alone in the  room until his mom came to get him.  So now, here  a 4.9 on a scale of 5 highest score is incredibly fantastic, I am vary proud of him!  He is brillient BUT TEMPERAMENTAL!   So are you and I and Frank Jr., its a trait with the males of the Gruber  clan.   We don´t function unless we like our environment, and no drug is going to make us like our environment! Another place I am considering other than certain islands of Panama is Hawaii and Tahiti! Before you travel to Florida it would be best for me to arrive first a couple of weeks in advance to insure that economically I can make it there before sending for you. If there are people on the beaches sandflies will be biting them and I will be there. For me San Antonio was a haunted community.  Hang in there or flee but whatever you do think it through well, what starts well usually ends well!  Love, your Dad Franklin  
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