


RE: Health?
Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari
Thu 6/3/2010 3:20 PM
Victor, where I find you wanting is in your failure TO SEARCH  AND FIND!   The energy you put out to travel and see the US, part could now be put to Library or internet research to better know yourself and potentials relative to the alternative the world offers.  Depression is something you can fight with your mind as well. Your still young and you can accomplish anything good you set out to do!  Youth is a blessing, its almost like a blanck check you fill in yourself. About me selling post cards to become a millionaire.  Right now its to decorate the box in the back of my motorcycle to attract the tourists attention that then comes closer and reads my product information.  I will contnue to sell the same or improved product, what may change is differrent versions of names, the one that hits the most makes me the most money,  a lot of it is trial and error but I never give up.  Its not bad to fall its bad not to have the will power to get up again and get moving.  Even if you fall 100 times, get up and fight life itself until you succeed!   You can do it!  Join in your heart the forces of life, the Creative Intelligence of the Universe and IT shall help you win your battle.  We all have a battle to fight in life to succeed in all possible ways. Love and Peace, Frank 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Health?Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 18:05:12 -0500Franklin,     I am still depressed.  I did write you back on the 23rd.  Did you not receive it?  I'll resend if that's the case.  I asked you what kinds of stores sold lavender.       So you're not selling your medicine anymore?  What about your wrinkle cream that was supposed to take off and make it big?  You think postcards are more profitable?  You envision selling postcards making you a millionaire?      Even though I am not telling my story anymore, I still hold on to my views about money and how it's slavery.  I still do not know what to do with my life.  I don't know where I'd fit in this sick society and am always contemplating taking off traveling and just being homeless again.  I actually miss it.       I went to the doctor yesterday for my physical for disability, paid for by the disability people.  I seriously doubt he thought I was disabled.  My psychological evaluation is tomorrow, aslo paid by them.  It seems like I am just waiting to be denied then I'll take off traveling again.       I'll forward my last email just in case you didn't receive it.Blessings, - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Health?Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 22:01:13 +0000Hello Victor, how is the depression doing?  Have you been able to beat it?  Have you taken the lavander tea.   Have you not written because I have not sent you money? I have come up with some ideas that are going to help me.  We all need a vehicle to move us forward, some times its not with wheels but a product cheap, easy to obtain and sell until we find something better.   Here I have discovered post cards.  Get them wholesale for 15 cents and sell them retail for .50 cents or 1 dollar.  I have decorated the box on my motorcycle with them and attached three painted wooden macaw birds. The idea is to make the motorcycle into a better tourist attraction.  The cool thing is that I do not have to sell the post cards as they are pictures that sell them thelves.  I also added a sign tht says  FREE TOURIST INFORMATION, 30 Years in Panama.  So if there is only one tourist in town I catch his attention. Its not that I love selling medicine any more, or that I love selling tourist cards.  Its simply a matter of developing an inventory of  SURVIVAL  TOOLS.   If one is good at surviving, one can go on to do something one likes some day.  With medicine, herbalism, I loved it a great deal, but it did not make me enough money to keep the love of my family.   Here I have your brothers nagging me to take them to the store to buy them candy, if I don´t, all hell breaks lose on me! So I came to the conclusion that I ought to set my sights high again, to become a millionaire so I can have plenty of love Are you familiar with an EVENTUAL  ACHIEVEMENT  TEST.  It measures your interests relative to those of successful people in differrent fields.  Back when I took it my eventual achievement level potential was PHD.  My interests where more in l ine with the interests of those with phds in Business Administration.  But interests and circumstances in life change, so I am a herbalist. God Bless, PEACE!  Frank
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