


RE: Sorry
franklin gruber <>
Fri 7/29/2011 6:27 PM
Victor, my apologies also for my delay in answering your letter. Life here at this time of the year becomes more of a challenge.  It is the tourist off season and I have to switch to marketing my oil in its original name version ACEITE  SANTO REMEDIO as inspired aftr prayer in 1991.  I sell an ounce and a half of it for 3 dollars.  Last sunday at the local Softball park a player fell and injured his leg.  I applid and rubbed in a free sample of the oil, the pain went away almost instantly and 20 minutes later he was walking about.  Needless to say, the publicity he gave me sold me 20 bottles in 15 minutes!  That was 60 bucks where I was expecting to make maybe 20.  So the good news is that Santo Remedio Oil indeed is an excellent SURVIVAL TOOL.  Vary effective and economical and can be traded for food those who do not have money!  It has about 30 differrent applications, virtues!I am also putting out the word that I will prescribe for One Dollar an Ailment.  In other words building up my local fame should the tourists coming here twintle due to the world economic recession.I have another oil product coming out, just only for the Bug applications, called BUG ITCH LOTION.  Intend to distribute to existing ecological businesses throughout Panama, as a back up.So as you see Victor been busy keeping you brothers feed.I am glad that you find pleasure in gardening and that you are listening to the word of God although you may not agree with everything, the important thing is to learn from the bible as much as you can  Keeping the commandmants is the KEY thing, especially the first commandment which basically incorporates them all.  Your friend may not want to listen to your point of view, bear with him, go for the essential teachings in the bible that all the disciples witnessed, don{t get lost in the minor arguments, it is possible that mistakes crept in in the translation processess nevertheless the essential truth is also there. Ask God for discernment and revelation regarding confirmation in your personal life of his truths!If you talk to God frequently, ernestly, you may notice that he begins to answer you in discreet and some times bold ways, eventually telepathically in times of crises.  There are just things we cannot believe until they happen to us.  Be patient, seek him and all other worthy things will be added to your life. A Wealthy educated person once was complaining about how much he gave to charity and yet his bad luck streak did not seem to end. A passing grand mother heard his complaint and looked him in the eye and simply stated  "  Seek God{s blessings by keeping his commandments and you can receive better luck.  "People do not have because they work hard.  Without Gods blessings nothing of value lasts in your life.[I find much protection and good fotune by automatically repeating the Lords´s prayer while traveling on my motorcycle.  The day I leave the house and encommend myself to the Supreme Lord all goes well in spite of the dangers out there!Continue to be patient with your self, the more peace you have the more truth will come into your life.  Truth leads to everlasting life! Best regards to your mom and sisters! Frank

From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: SorryDate: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:09:36 -0500
Hi Frank,     Sorry for the lapse in my writing.  Well, things are ok, I guess.  Last month I got a hair up my ass to start a garden in the back yard.  On June 20th I started tilling.  I spent like three whole days tilling up a 10 foot x 10 foot plot in the back yard with a shovel and getting all the weeds out.  My garden has evolved beautifully since June 20th.  I've got six tomato plants and six cherry tomato plants growing.  Almost one fourth of the square is devoted solely to corn.  Some green peppers and and more.  Still waiting for a row to come up.  I forgot what I planted, it'll be a surprise.  The garden has kept me busy, I suppose.  I water it like crazy.   Yesterday I bought some plastic garden fencing and spikes and fenced off the garden.  Only to keep our new chihuahua out(other story).  i still need to fence off the compost pile.  The dog keeps getting into that too.       Ada's condition seems to have gotten better.  She is in much better spirits being able to live in her own house with a faithful servant like me.  She's going to fly to Baltimore soon to see a specialist about her condition.  The guy is supposed to be one of the best sarcoidosis doctors in the world.  She's still dizzy everyday and needs my help.       I don't go out too much these days.  Well, I did make friends with this born again Christian guy who lives in the neighborhood.  I even went to his baptism.  I've also been to church with him a couple of times.  Ada likes me hanging out with him.  Thing is, he can see no other way.  Isn't even open to any discussions that might hint at being any ideals being different than his.  He's a believer in all this nwo stuff and believes his mission in life is to save souls with Jesus.       I've gotten so lazy lately.  I've stopped going to the gym or jumping on my rebounder.  I make fruit smoothies every day and that habit contributes to my smoking habit, and I am smoking more these days.  Both things.  I think my visit in November will only be a visit.  I feel I should at least meet my father before the government takes me out.  I still haven't sent my birth certificates to DC to get authenticated.       I still feel lost and just ready to give up.  I'm not in survival mode at all.  I've stopped walking every day.  I drive Ada's car.  I'm not out being seen and talking to people.  I feel like such a failure.  Now I feel like I can't handle any struggle.  And struggle's comin'.       Well.  I won't bore you any further.  How's life in Panama?   Best wishes, - Victor

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