


franklin gruber <>
Sat 7/3/2010 7:26 PM
Victor, there is always an appeal process!   My brother John was denied compensation for a mental problem that began in air force basic training.  He appealed, with my help organizing his case as a lawyer would, and with help of the V. A. administration won on the third appeal!  He received 100 disability status.  When they deny you, they have to give it in a letter in writing, the reason.  One takes that reason and submits additional evidence, affidavits from witnessess etc., showing that the reason they deny is unapplicable.  You have to show or prove that your disability resulted from the cause you allegate, car accident, etc.  You obviously have some one on your side.  Have your mom contact the lady that called and ask how best to proceed in the appealing process. I am in the process o moving back to the Boquete area, will leave here in about 3 weeks.  Its the tourist off season here and there is more all arround tourism there for my sales. Its probably best to return the money, wait until they ask, or bail out of the country with the balance if that is your final decision.  Should you be held responsible for their mistakes?  It may well be that it was denied but was overturned in your favor, which came first, the date of the phone call and the deposit or the date on the letter?  Get back in touch with the lady that deposited it in your name, she may be able to cancel the denial process as she may have authority over it!   Well, let your mom continue to handle this matter, she should contact the lady that made the deposit! Here things are vary slow.  Have you noticed the sun´s axis is about 20 percent more towards the West, at least thats the way we preceive it here.  I went into internet and there is a scientist that attributes the change on the shifting weight due to the melting of the ice on the north and south poles.  If the change goes 45 degrees, 1/4th of a circule at say about  3 or 9 am or pm, would it create a revolving motion of  the planet, e.g. pole inversion?   Would this cause earthquakes and Tsunamis?  How high would a title wave go  as result o such an inversion?  A friend of mine, more o an acquaintance now, in a meditation about 20 years ago, saw that o Panama only seven islands remained.   There is a company out there that is building underground towns for 200 residents if they are at locations of 4,000 ft high or higher.  I have the link if you are intereste, Byllee Burgess forwarded it to me. Should you come this way,  your welcome to food and a roof for as long as you stay and meet the people I hang out booze, nightlife, etc, mostly intellectuals but with light fun attitudes. I you decide to leave San Antonio try to get the appeal in process before you leave and eventually you shall win! Best regards to your mother and sisters!  Frank 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: HUGS!!! WONDERFUL..Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 17:49:16 -0500Franklin,     It was funny, this lady called and talked to Ada and told her I was approved and they put $1300 in my bank account.  But a couple days later we got a letter in the mail saying I had been denied.  I knew it was too good to be true.  I've already spent some of the money.  I hope I don't have to pay it back.  I still don't know what I'm going to do with my life.  I still have no interests and don't feel I can do much of anything.       I want to take off traveling again soon.  Ada is going to Puerto Rico and I don't want to be here at home alone with my nephew.  If I leave he'll have to go stay with his mother.   
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: HUGS!!! WONDERFUL..Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 19:34:10 -0500Victor, congradualations on getting approved your disability, congradulations also to your mother for helping you get it!  I think that part of your health problem is that you got burned out early in life, a nervous system can only withstand so much trauma.  The important thing may not be how much money you get but rather how wisely you administer.  Use the peace the pension gives you to analyse your experiences and grow! I have noticed that the sun has shifted position about 20 degrees counter clockwise, have you noticed anything like that up there?  Thanks for writing, Frank  
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: HUGS!!! WONDERFUL..Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 09:43:42 -0500Hi Frank,     Sorry it's taken a while to respond.  I actually have done the free hugs thing in my travels, but my free hugs evolved into FREE HUGS AND/OR BREAST EXAMS.  It was a hoot.  I had a blast with that sign.  I was in Seattle for two weeks flying that sign every day.  I got the best reactions.  The police even complimented my sign in Seattle and I got to pose with my sign holding girl's tits twice!       I got arrested for it here in San Antonio though.  Only spent from 5pm - 2am in jail and eventually got it dismissed.  Freedom of speech!        Anyway, I actually got approved for disability.  They'll send me the paperwork soon for all the details.  I don't feel disabled, but maybe I am.  My disability stems from the fact that I have given up on society.  It's doomed.  Too many people are brainwashed by the government.       I always used to think I lived a simple life when I thought I had a job to do.  But without my job, I have nothing and feel like I know nothing.  I feel plain stupid now.  Even marijuana doesn't make me happy nowadays. Best wishes, - Victor Antonio 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: FW: HUGS!!! WONDERFUL..Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 14:10:35 -0500Victor, here is something worth analysing!   Check out the vedeo below, people with signs saying FREE HUGS.   Its a vehicle to MEET PEOPLE and maybe travel the World!   After you receive a hug, those you want to you can give them a little list FREE of all the FREE important things you have found in internet.   They then might fee the urge to give you something free in return, a meal or place to stay.   One should try and stay clean as one travels since a stranger might not want to hug some one loaded with Body Odor.    The free list could have your email address and some interesting relations, with woman might develop, exchange of ideas itc.Your  a "YIN" energy person, not a "yang."  YIN in the oriental philosophy is Energy Expansion, yang contracts...more egotistic.  The tic tac of the heart of the Universe is Expansion and Contraction and all other dualities are within this major duality. Wish you the best, here wrestling with the education of your two brothers which would like you to meet some day.   When your mother and I are gone you might be able to be of some help to each other.  Life has many funny twists and you do not know who among you will be the MILLIONAIRE or have some special wisdom or talent to share.  Yea, the oil spill is scarry, Frank 
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 17:07:20 -0700From: bylleeb@yahoo.comSubject: HUGS!!! WONDERFUL..To:
HUGS  This is a joy to watch Music <> Hallelujah Turn up your music - here is your hug for the day.   
Some friends and I did this on the Board Walk in Santa Monica in the early eighties and it was wonderful....  I wonder, it worked in Italy and Caifornia.  Would it work here?? 

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