


franklin gruber <>
Sat 9/10/2011 7:38 PM
Victor, I am glad you are relaxed and enjoying home life!  Hope Ada is happy too and that she is feeling better.  Forward, if she shall accept my mass email on my stock market analyzes service.  Its the end result of a Price Variation Theory that I had been working on even when she and I lived together.  When it succeeds, at least, I want her to know my time on it was not wasted! Yes, November is better, the main thing is to finish your documentation so you can have an alternate pass port and nationality if you ever need it.  The cost of living her is about one third of what it is there so if you ever retire here money will go further, Give Laura and Diana my love even if we have not corresponded much, I have not forgotton them and if you and I have been courageous enough to overcome our frictions and misunderstandings I hope they too are as courageous as you.  It was Laura's suggestion to me that we try and batch our differrences and now she is the one that has lost more contact with me.  I still love her and Diana and wish your mother the best in spite of our distance.  Frank 

From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: TripDate: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 14:28:48 -0500
Hi Frank,     These past three months have been okay, I guess.  I still think humanity's doomed and have trouble finding the purpose of doing anything.  My garden does great at getting my mind off of things.  It's evolving quite nicely.  I'll have to take some pictures of it soon.  When I was cleaning Ada's house I uneathed an old hammock she made.  I scrounged around the house and found some cord and promptly went in the backyard and found a perfect place to string the hammock.       I am sooo addicted to laying in the hammock now, right next to my garden.  I love being in the backyard and that's about all I do these days.  Water my garden, the front lawn and tend to it.       Seeing as how it's my first vegetable garden I planted things way too close together.  It looked great when it was about a month old, but now it is way too crowded.   The starting parameters were 10ft x 10ft.  About a month ago I tilled up a four foot extension in the back.  I tried transplanting all the summer squash plants, but they didn't survive.  A couple flower transplants did though.  I have some nice zinnia flowers growing.  At first I had a very nice and tall sunflower growing, but it eventually got sick and I uprooted it.  I successfully transplated the other sunflower I had growing and it was good for about a week, but it has since developed the same sickness the first sunflower had.  It might just be birds pecking at the leaves.  Diana bought some Tiki torches for me and I have them around the hammock.  Paradise in my backyard.  My morning routine is basically waking up before the sun comes up and going outback to smoke and water my garden.  I have a nice watering wand.  Soon I'll be getting a wheel barrow.     It's been(and still is) a learning experience.  I should not have just tilled up a 10x10 square and loaded it with seeds.   Instead of tilling a square plot of yard, I should have just tilled individual rows.  That's what's kept me busy lately.  I've already got two 10ft x 2ft rows dug.  With the wooden boards that were already in the back yard which I originally used as a border for my garden, it dawned on me that I could use them to make raised beds from the rows I just dug up.  I've read up on raised bed gardening and they're a lot more productive.       Visit in October?  I thought you had said November.  I should have enough money for the trip, I've been saving.  I'm still not sure about uprooting my life(and my garden) and replanting it in Panama.  My current mindset is for just a visit, how long I'm not sure.  My mind is still a blob of nothing.  I need to strengthen my critical thinking skills.  I have none, or much of any other skill.       I have totally stopped documenting, which I shouldn't have.  I used to be pretty precise at my logging and I've stopped altogether now.   Well, I'm going to take a nap now.  Good luck with everything.  Next time I write I'll send some pictures.  I just got a new digital camera. Peace, - Victor Antonio  

From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: TripDate: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 13:49:37 -0500
Hello Victor, have had you a lot on my mine recently.  Th reason is every week when I go to the local Farmers Market where gringo meet, I am arriving earlier to have first pick on the used books being sold there.  Books that new cost 40 to 80 dollars I am getting for 2 to 4 dollars.  This enables me to build my "retirement library."  Reading all the topics that interested me that I found at give away prices there.I found a set of cassettes on the SCIENCE OF BUILDING SELF ESTEEM. Also, a book called MEGA MEMORY.  Its a fella by the name of Kevin Trudeau who wrote it. He had a lousy memory and teachers thought he was a special student, retarded.  He did have though enough intelligence to do personal research on everything that had been written on memory and also started to make contacts with the Masters in memory training.  The first thing he states is that there is no such thing as a poor memory but rather UNTRAINED memories.  Yes, there are natural super memories but the same can be achieved through training!   His book offers a program of training of just 30 minutes a day for 30 days.  After that he states SELF ESTEEM RISES as you amplify your natural intelligence, its memory driven, and it can be increased.  Obviously a person who cant remember things cant apply his intelligence in real life.  It does a lot for your self esteem to be introduced to 30 people at a party and 4 hours later say good bye to each one using their full names!By the time you get here in October, if your still planning to come, I will have mastered MEGA MEMORY and if your here for 30 days and wish to spend 30 minutes a day at it you can return to the US to your mother an improved person.  I do not have money, especially in the tourist off season, but I have this interesting personal library you can enjoy.  We have a near by river where we can be at peace with nature in hammocks and jus chat, swim and read good books while my wife cooks for us at home, its only 10 minutes in a taxi to get us there.By now you should be well settled down taking care of your mother.  I think its important that you do so as long as she needs you and you want to be arround each other. I loved my mother vary much and was glad to spend a lot of time with her in her old age, she taught more as an adult than when I was a child.  Nevertheless, you visit here can add significance and value to you life, whether or not you stay or return.Hurricanes are hitting the US, how you and ADA and sisters fairring the siuation there.  Give your sisters my regards and ask them to get connected via email to me.  It should not be all about money  I never lose faith that it will come abundantly in due course.   God Bless and Keep you and Ada, Diana and laura, Frank

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