

RE: Sings of our times
franklin gruber <>
Wed 1/9/2013 12:02 PM
Does it matter that I still be breathing...anyone asking  you? Been on vacation, wasn´t feeling to well and am losing weight, not much energy.  How have you and your sisters and mom been doing?  Wrote US Social Security to see if I am due any benefits...but no clear response, think some one else has been using my social security number all these years...Frank

From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Sings of our timesDate: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 11:39:04 -0600
are you still alive?
victor gruber
Wed 10/24/2012 7:13 AM
Hi frank.  Theres only a cpl months left of 2012 and I have a real itching to travel.  I've lived in weed, California since march 1st.  Little town with only 3000 people.  I've got a cheap studio and its really inexpensive to live here.  Anyway, I've just been through this roller coaster with this pretty psychopath girl.  She broke my heart and made me rethink things.  I felt like killing myself over this girl.  So I've been having all those ideas.  I can't tell you for sure but I might be hitch hiking to panama soon.  Would I still be welcometo visit?  I might fall in lobe with it and want to stay.  Its all still jin the air right now.  Seeing you is something wanted to do before the government takes most of humanity out.  Let me know whats going on.  I am even thinking about hitchhiking with my 50cc scooter.  Just thinking, get back to me.  Sorry for all the silence.  Call/text me if you can 530-925-1936Best wishes, Victor
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Sings of our timesDate: Fri, 7 Sep 2012 10:24:46 -0500
Hello Victor, am reading  what amounts to a survival manual for 2012.  It has a rather interesting name IDIOTS GUIDE TO 2012.  Every week I get at a sharp discount half a dozen books on many interesting subjects at BCP Farmer´s Market.   The mere title of the book turns off most people, but once one reads it and catches up with the synapsis of differrent culture´s predictions about 2012 as in the book varified by scientific data, one no longer is an idiot.  The seagulls left on the island washed over by the hurricane then become the idiots....comparison from  JOHNATHON LIVINGSTON SEAGUL.  Your first communications to me talked about the evil nature of money, well soon there may be none, only hugry mobs and then pestilence.  So what one can consider doing now is investing in tools, survival equipment and to learn well a survival zone, with some livable caves for getting out of the intense ultraviolet light that already is beginning to cause more and more blindness and skin cancer.  Near the refuge should of course be a water source.  Panama, well, what will be left of this area will likely just be a few islands.  In reading the Idiots guide, it talked about the difference between regular volcanos and supervolcanos. The regular like Baru here is conic shape, the super volcano with explosive power of up to 1,000 times the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima, is conic inverse and lies dorment so that those on top when it erupts get caught by supply.  It forms a CALDERA on the top and people arround or on it feel heat from below and there are natural springs, possibly radiation from the ground.  That is the case of yellow stone national park, its a suoer volcano that is beginning to burge upwards and when it blows scientists calculate it will affect the four states surrounding the area.  So if CALDERA where I now live goes off there will not be much of Panama left, it meets all the criteria for a Super Volcano that I read in Idiots Guide to 2012.  So should I move from here, of course but in Panama, well there are said to be 18 underground volcanoes, we are obviously too close to the ring of fire that goes up from the phillipines to alaska and past california, Panama and clear to northern chile.  So don´t blame you for not coming this way.  And income is not sufficient to take my family any where else other than walking or a nearby bus ride.  I am working on a project that could dramatically increase my income, its internet marketing of the Miracle Gel from Marvel Pads.  If your interested send me your mailing address and will send you one pad with instructions for reconstituting it into 4 Miracle Gels, good for about 90% of skin problems either heals or improves them.  Each pad weighs about 20 gram and costs about 50 cents to send airmail, once reconstitued produces 80 dollars.  Whoever has these pads in times ahead will be a hero for those arround them as the sun affecting skin will be a daily number one problem.In this difficult time the world is going through, we have two choices, to let pass resentment dominate us or to put real peace between us and collaborate in any way possible to live a little longer on this planet.  These pads are available to your sisters and mother as well.  Think it over carefully, this is not a time appropriate for burning bridges behind us because one is more happy and comfortable, I have been practicing survival for 30 years and a tip from me can make a big differrence.  Victor, take care and God BLESS!  Frank

victor gruber
Sun 8/26/2012 1:54 AM
hello, franklin, all is well for me.  i'm enjoying the time we got left.  i ride a 50cc scooter nowadays and am a full time volunteer where i live, weed, california.  i am well-liked by everyone in town.  i even took it upon myself to clean up this vacant lot next to the chamber of commerce.  they put my picture in the paper for it and everything.  hope things are going good for you.  - victor antoniooh, and no offense, but please remove this address from your mailing lists.  unless you are directly talking to me, don't send me massmails.  i get enough spam.

From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo:; botanicogruber@hotmai.comSubject: Emergency Food Supply--Planning!Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2012 21:47:43 +0000
EMERGENCY FOOD SUPPLY IDEA!Most Americans retired in the Chiriqui highlands are in Boquete or Vulcan areas and their fresh food supply comes mainly from Cerro Punta through Super Markets. Needless to say it’s loaded with chemicals! This IDEA answers the question: Where would Americans in the Chiriqui area obtain their SURVIVAL FOODS if social unrest caused the local super markets to be sacked by desperate local populations without money? Recently World Wide there have been interruptions in the supply of electric energy, India for example, the whole country went without electricity for more than 24 hours trapping miners and causing havoc in elevators. There was much spoiling of refrigerated foods and inability to draw money out of AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINES. Computers in banks where down. Recently short power outages have been occurring frequently in different parts of Panama as well. The bible teaches us to PAY ATTENTION TO THE SIGNS OF OUR TIMES!Here is the proposed SURVIVAL IDEA if done in time by the American Community of Boquete. An American Operated food supply COOP can be organized to buy DIRECTLY from small farms ORGANIC PRODUCTS. In Chiriqui the abundance of organic natural farming is done in the area of Rio Sereno from which small pickups carry their food supply to principally David. The coop would also buy from other areas once the products where certified by the coop representative to be entirely organic. Suggest the leadership of the proposed COOP to approach such producers as Ron & Kim Miller of Santa Marta Organic farms for a wholesale price given a higher volume of purchases that could be offered them. Stability by contract in price and volume should be secured for the proposed COOP in time. Food prices are expected to SOAR World Wide. An increase in the Sun’s radiation is causing an increase in Skin Cancer and Blindness. Americans and Panamanians alike should consider the building of underground compartments as a refuge for the worst moments of the probable intense increase in radiation due to various reasons including the depletion of the Ozone layer and the likely existence of the 10th Planet doing its elliptical 3,360 year orbit nearing our Sun. You likely have a chose, build your own underground bunker or limit your freedom in a government bunker. I think that those who have the economic capacity to prepare for the shape of things to come SHOULD! Also keep handy the plant known as ALOE VERA. It was used at Hiroshima to treat radiation burns successfully. Consider keeping handy several GRUBER’S WRINKLE CREAMS on hand, they have been frequently successful in treating MELANOMA and BASAL SKIN CANCER in their initial stages. Requires a minimum of 4 applications a day. Its available at BCP Farmer’s Market on Tuesday and the rest of the week at SUGAR & SPICE BAKERY AND CACIQUE SOUVENIR next to Central Park. I am recognized by the Panamanian Government since 1997. For testimonials search “Skin Cancer” on For treating and preventing insect bites you can now purchase GRUBER’S JUNGLE OIL as Dried Tincture and reconstitute it at home. Does not weigh hardly anything and is easy to ship anywhere in the World! Any one can now become a small wholesaler of Gruber’s Jungle Oil. “The Bugs, my God, they are everywhere on this planet!”Its especially effective to eliminate QUICKLY the torment of Mosquito & Sand fly Itching! Thank you for your time in reading my posts. Frank Gruber ChiariFor more information about my herbal products see me at BCP Farmer’s Market next Tuesday or write me at: Don’t forget the COOP IDEA, hope the American Community in Boquete starts brainstorming on it so you have food in the worst moments ahead. Ignoring the problem will not help much. Bible prophecy has been vary accurate!

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