

 Fyer Flai:  i dont get it 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  let me send my story and all questions will be answered.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  harmless text 

 Fyer Flai:  whos is this is 

 Fyer Flai:  u obviously come in peace i c 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's right 

 Fyer Flai:  umm b4 i read anything there chief how did u get my name  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  member directory 

 Fyer Flai:  what were u searching for 

 Fyer Flai:  berkeley in my profile stands for berkeley college in new york not the city in cali bro 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  well, everyone and their mom should read my story.. 

 Fyer Flai:  give me a good reason y 

 Fyer Flai:  the infomercial at night tell me to buy their shit also but y! 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  up until me, humans have been preoccupied just treating the symptoms(and charging money for it).  i believe i have found the cure, and i'm gonna give it away.  will you let me send you my story?  harmless text, i assure you. 

 Fyer Flai:  ummm, im a stock broker bro. i luv money!! 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you are a slave to ink and paper.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  wouldn't you rather be free than rich? 

 Fyer Flai:  i make the ink n paer, wouldnt u rather be rich than free, i could make anythin happen for you baby 

 Fyer Flai:  im a catholic bro, im tryin to be free 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i would rather be free 

 Fyer Flai:  free of what man u need to explain yourself 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  free of most anything.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  free to do whatever i want 

 Fyer Flai:  u should find jesus than the only son of god n saviour of our world 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  money fuels cars, cars fuel laziness and global death 

 Fyer Flai:  money puts food in your mouth 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  free from bullshit fairy tales 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no it doesn't... 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  generosity does 

 Fyer Flai:  money feeds families 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  since i walk so much(i don't own a car, that's how i save so much money) whenever i get hungry, i can walk into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and i'm a long-distance walker." 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  "i dont suppose you would care to donate any gasoline for my stomach?" 

 Fyer Flai:  id do the same for u man 

 Fyer Flai:  do u smoke pot 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  "if it's a big problem and you can't afford it, don't worry about it.  i'm sure the next place i walk by will be generous and help me out." 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  like 99% of places hook me up 

 Fyer Flai:  u jus insulted him 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  which just goes to prove that not only is it human-nature to be generous, but that there is an accepted loss every company figures into their finances, that makes it ok not to always charge for it.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you see, money is just a game.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  we don't need it to live 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  it's the root of all evil 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  just like they've said since its invention 

 Fyer Flai:  money wasnt invented, it evolved  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  well, we will need to regress some, if we all want to progress 

 Fyer Flai:  do u believe in jesus 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i am just expediting human-evolution 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no, i believe i am my own god.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no one elses.. 

 Fyer Flai:  youre a lost soul n i will keep u in my prayers tonite  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  a higher being has never been proven to me.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i challenge you to 

 Fyer Flai:  thats y its called faith 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you should have faith in yourself, before you can have faith that there is no evidence for  

 Fyer Flai:  youre a lamb of god n hes there to help u if u only ask him  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  how do you know? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  how many gods are there? 

 Fyer Flai:  because i have faith in one gos n hes been good to me  

 Fyer Flai:  theres only 1 true god  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  well, what about all the polytheistic religions in asia, that beleive in demigods and such... 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  are they just damned to hell for believing in the wrong thing? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  who the hell is right? 

 Fyer Flai:  instead of judging, open your heart n eyes 

 Fyer Flai:  n everything else will come to u 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i think the human species, as a majority, is an instinctly-insecure one that can't handle the weight of their own existance on their own shoulders.. 

 Fyer Flai:  n u will be rewarded in the kingdom of heaven 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  so they make up some bullshit "god" to explain everything for them.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  too bad logic rules the world though.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i believe that when i die, i wll be dead.. 

 Fyer Flai:  god made logic for man 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i won't be around to give a shit if i went to heaven or hell.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  because dead people don't give a shit about anything 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you don't know what god made, you weren't there.. 

 Fyer Flai:  god made logic for man, other cultures created gods for themselves which r not real 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  so don't pretend to know better 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  what are you basing any of your beliefs on? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i don't believe in god...i believe in love.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  what makes you think the other cultures are wrong? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and you're not? 

 Fyer Flai:  dont accuse me of pretending to know anything better than u bcause thats against my religion, im jus sharing with you what i believe 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  as am i.. 

 Fyer Flai:  GOD IS LOVE U FOOL  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no, love is god 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  fool 

 Fyer Flai:  it works either way man 

 Fyer Flai:  love is god n god is love 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  humans need to stop trying to personify love.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's as simple as it needs to be.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  love 

 Fyer Flai:  youre still not gettin it man  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's it 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  there's no heaven or hell..we love because we are human 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  plain and simple 

 Fyer Flai:  c, youre the one thats tryin to personify love, by u sayin that im doin that youre expressing your own opinions about me which u have no idea wheter they r true or not 

 Fyer Flai:  hey man what about the computer youre using right now , that requires money 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  unfortunately, until i phase money out i still realize i must use it.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  just as little as possible.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and i try to make it money i didn't work for 

 Fyer Flai:  whats youre address im sending u a check for 100,000 dollars n u tell me how u feel 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i would feel great..since money talks so much now, with 100k i would be able to shut it up much sooner 

 Fyer Flai:  so u want it? 

 Fyer Flai:  right now give me n answer n ill wire u the money 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yes, i would love it.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  the whole world would read about your generosity.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  but i doubt you're gonna send me anything 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you're just trying to make a point.. 

 Fyer Flai:   because of your answer u proved to me u dont believe in what u say  

 Fyer Flai:  its a damn shame 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you know what i would do with that money? 

 Fyer Flai:  walk on over to the east coast n well get high instead 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i would prepare myself for a sequel trip, only what i needed...i would buy me a digital camera and other supplies.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  then 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i would give the rest away as i traveled 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  along with my email address 

 Fyer Flai:  id get me some hookers n a forty 

 Fyer Flai:  how old r u 


 Fyer Flai:  what state u in 

 Fyer Flai:  can i ask u a question 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  texas 

 Fyer Flai:  yo whats your impression of me from my profile, read that shit again if u need to, then ill read your story  

 Fyer Flai:  n u better not be sending me any fuckin viruses 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  money's got you good.. 

 Fyer Flai:  u bet 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  it's a selfish-happiness you have, though 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you are the stereo-typical stock broker 

 Fyer Flai:  haha thanx bro, hell yea 

 Fyer Flai:  i do love though 

 Fyer Flai:  tell me more  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  there can still be bad people with lots of shouldn't excuse them from being bad.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you are materialistic..possessions mean the world to you.. 

 Fyer Flai:  hey man, if u believe in no god then u prob realize that in order for there to be balance in this world u need good and bad  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  the human emotion hate doesn't need to exist.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and anything is possible.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you have to start somewhere.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you know what i am basing all this freedom i envision on? 

 Fyer Flai:  god 

 Fyer Flai:  love 

 Fyer Flai:  god=love 

 Fyer Flai:  love=god 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  the pirated software scene on the internet, where everything is free already... 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and has been since the birth of the internet.. 

 Fyer Flai:  damn right life is a fucking free for all man, its either u fuck or get fucked 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you can download new movies still in theaters and watch em at home on the computer 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  for free 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hell, i had windows xp months before it was released 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  for free 

 Fyer Flai:  u thief 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  it's an accepted companies will spend a lot more money tracing and litigating each offender..than theyre already making off all the suckers paying for it anyway 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  it's not they ignore it... 

 Fyer Flai:  yo whats the hottest chic u ever been with 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  like i said, all you care about is your possessions.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  real beauty is on the inside.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i've been single for over a year..havent had sex either.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm holding out for a relationship 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  theres a big difference between having sex and making love.. 

 Fyer Flai:  yeyo thats good shit 

 Fyer Flai:  sex on love is awesome 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm not a bad looking guy, i'm 6'6" and in shape..i've had my chances and i could go out and get laid easily.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i choose not to.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  casual sex is way too risky these days.. 

 Fyer Flai:  i know thats y its so awesome 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  only if you want to knock a bitch up, or get some disease.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  better safe than sorry, brother 

 Fyer Flai:  true 

 Fyer Flai:  better to believe in god than not 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  if the christian god is oh-so-forgiving..what do i have to worry about not believing in him? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  if when i die, i see god with my own eyes, then i'll believe.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and all i'll have to do is say i'm sorry, right? 

 Fyer Flai:  but u already died, its u gotta b sorry when oyure still alive  

 Fyer Flai:  otherwise it doesnt work that way  

 Fyer Flai:  duh 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  so you're saying life ends at death, eh? 

 Fyer Flai:  if u look at it that way then hitler would b in heaven 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  how do you know how it works? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  have you died? 

 Fyer Flai:  im simply telling u that u have to be sorry before u die 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and i'm simply asking you what you are basing that belief on 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  let's keep it simple 

 Fyer Flai:  on the catholic faith thats what basis 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and what makes you think it's right? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  when there is so much variety in faiths and religions.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  who the hell is right? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you should try and think for yourself sometime.. 

 Fyer Flai:  what r u running away from, i can tell youre scared of your own self 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i don't need a rulebook to know what's right and wrong.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'll decide that for myself 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  how can you tell that? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  explain, if you can 

 Fyer Flai:  whatever man, im not gonna tell u how to feel 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  becase you don't know it yourself 

 Fyer Flai:  or try to convince u, u have to convince yourself 

 Fyer Flai:  damn right thats what i have my faith for 

 Fyer Flai:  i dont have to know shit! all i have to do is believe 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  listen, every person out there has their own individual reality.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  if what you believe makes you happy, i dont want you to believe anything else... 

 Fyer Flai:   i dont have to know shit! all i have to do is believe  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  just try to make some logical, rational sense out of your beliefs.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  like i have of mine 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  well, the truly smart man backs his shit up.. 

 Fyer Flai:  fuck logical, u honestly think you puny human mind knows anything??? bullshit 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  so when you are actually able to support anything..then try and convince people you are right 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  because until then, you're just preaching bullshit 

 Fyer Flai:  i dont try to convince anybody about shit, i show em what god is 

 Fyer Flai:  but expressin love 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  my "puny" human mind has made itself independant.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  from money even.. 

 Fyer Flai:  yea n god 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  betcha you can't do it 

 Fyer Flai:  i dont want to 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's right, i am my own god...i take full responsibility for myself and my decisions.. 

 Fyer Flai:  i am what i am  

 Fyer Flai:  good for u man, im happy for u 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i dont need to give any credit to something that hasnt been proven to me, without a doubt 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  why can't you be your own god? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  what's stopping you? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you are no better than anyone else..just because you have lots of money 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  if you think you need a major reality-check 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  we make ourselves rich by making our wants few..not by making lots of money 

 Fyer Flai:  god has taught me to humble myself 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  the less you have, the less you have to worry about.. 

 Fyer Flai:  god has taught me to humble myself 

 Fyer Flai:  n to love my brothers n sisters  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  has god taught you generosity, too? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  or are you just another selfish stock-broker? 

 Fyer Flai:  if by genorosity u mean love than yea 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no, i mean making sacrifices to help others.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  helping people for free.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's generosity 

 Fyer Flai:  i try to excercise that as much as i am given the chance to 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  send me some cash then, oh generous stock broker 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  should just be pocket change for you, right? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  since you've got so much..and most everyone else has so little.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  back your shit up 

 Fyer Flai:  youre not asking me nicely n being very rude n sarcastic 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  if excuses were money, you'd be rich 

 Fyer Flai:  u r too concered about money 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i beg to differ mr stock broker 

 Fyer Flai:  thats all u seem to accuse me off 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no, that's how you portray yourself.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  glance at your profile again 

 Fyer Flai:  i am what i am n u should have your heart open to me just as much as mine is too u 

 Fyer Flai:  aight man, i had nuff of this shit, lata dawg n good luck 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  ok, i apologize..just noticed your profile says choose love 

 Fyer Flai:  damn right dawg 

 Fyer Flai:  love makes the world go round 

 Fyer Flai:  peace bro 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no, money still does..but hopefully things are going to change for the better real soon 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  did i ever send you my story? 

 Fyer Flai:  nah yo, do it, but im outta here anyway, later man 

 Fyer Flai:  tell your hot bitch friends bout me 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  peace, brother  

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