

Tita barged in and said, "STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING!  This is worth it."  She sure AF was right!

When we first met in Mount Shasta we stopped into the astrologer's on the main drag, Glenn Kaufman.  We paid for a reading and I'll post them soon, but we for-sure got on his mailing list.  I just copied straight from the email and indented paragraphs.  ENJOY!



“It’s Only a Flesh Wound”

My Forecast for April, 2024

        The largest gift that I have discovered, by understanding Astrology, is that there is absolute proof that God exists, staring us in the face at every moment. It is truly “written in the stars” as so many speak. And it should be noted, that this proof shines most notably when things are at their darkest. The cosmic yin/yang principle at work. Which comes first? The dark or the dawn?

        Although, there is a problem with the question, as it has been presented to us, ever since the start of the Kali Yuga many centuries ago. And that problem lies in the concept that there ever was, or ever should be, a “first”. Why do you think so many of our fore fathers and mothers represented the world and the heavens, as some sort of cosmic egg? Could it be said that in truth, we have never, ever “hatched”, and continue to reside in a world of unborn potential? Does it even matter whether we are the cosmic egg or the chicken? Both eventually getting swallowed up over time. Unless, of course, God turns out to be vegan.

        Here,I would point you back to the words of last month's forecast, the symbol of the Ouroboros and the power present in the attitude of Pisces, the center of the storm. The “first” is no more powerful than any other point of time along the cycle. Whether  Full Moon or New, or anywhere in between, the power and potential of the moment is ALWAYS, the same. It is the unique ability of each individual (their relationship with, and in relation to, the archetypal Sun and Moon) that determine HOW that individual will be triggered by this eclipse, to use or abuse as they see fit.

        I have spoken often in my life on the power of conjunctions and how I like to think of them in relation to Humpty-Dumpty falling from the wall and never being able to be put back together again.  However, this is only half of the full teaching, as hidden in plain sight in this nursery rhyme. This is only the part that was available to the “common” man or woman. The initiatic continuation of the Humpty-Dumpty rhyme, has a new chick emerging from Humpty's broken shell. You can't go back, only forward. The cycle always continues.The cosmic egg cracks. And time marches on. It is the cycle that is important. Not when it began.

        It does not matter what specific day or date the Age of Aquarius will begin. What does matter, is the movement. The motion. The changing.That indivisible energy of any and every cycle. Humpty is in all of us. Ever teetering. Ever falling. Always bound to crack. F+ck, all the King's men, The chick is coming. Of this, you can be sure.

        And this time around the grand zodiacal clock, the chicks now have that Aquarian mad-doctor flair, experimenting with body, mind and soul. Especially, as we are (once again, mind you) newly being introduced and interconnected to the powers of Atlantis...I mean Aquarius. Aquarius is knowledge, plain and simple. Knowledge, and the ability to use it, for better or worse. Can we honestly say that the invention of the

        I-phone is a good thing? Have the Dr. Frankensteins of the world, created life worth living or not? Have we lost the heart of the Piscean Age in our quest for the head? Have we beenbitten by the snake as we attempt to climb the Tree of Knowledge?

        With Pluto dipping his grimy fingers into the Aquarian angel's waters, the world is getting to see, once again, how technology can distort and destroy. All it take is the altering of just a bit of nature's way. Snip a gene here, sew a meme there, and wallah! The egg cracks once again. Do we do or do we die?  Do we crow or cry? Do we enter the serpents maw once again or do we fly?

        April of 2024, is going to bring us to that brink. Especially, as the middle of April marches in. And I highly suspect we will see many new chicks emerging. In the language of Astrology, what we have this month is a LOT of Aries energy, the attitude of the new chick. Run around and shout and get what you need.

        Add to this increasing generic Arian attitude of assertion and acclimation, one Mercury retrograde in Aries, one Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Aries, one Mercury/Venus conjunction in Aries, one Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, one conjunction to the transiting North Node in Aries, one conjunction to transiting Chiron in Aries and I would say it is a safe bet we are going to have to deal with a whole bunch of new incursions and issues that test the bounds of our patience. Aries is the wanderer. The warrior. The watcher on the wall. And they always seem to want to scream about something.

        Let me break this down. There is going to be a Solar Eclipse this month, which always bring about a birth of the chick. Sometimes Humpty doesn't just loose his balance, but hurls himself from the top of the wall, and sometimes Humpty is pushed, of which both are more possible given the eclipse is in Aries this month, heightening the power of assertiveness and offense.

        The shadow of this eclipse is going to affect mostly Central and North America, while cutting through the heartland of Mexico and America.This new birth, this new chick, is going to happen here. Not somewhere in a remote part of the planet and out of sight from us 'Mericans. This Eclipse is the third in a series of recent Eclipses that sliced and diced the United States and will lead to many secession movements taking hold, most likely starting with Texas in 2026. Our very own Brexit. Texit, if you will.  

        This Total Solar Eclipse in April of 2024 is also happening during a Mercury retrograde. Which brings in a whole other layer of karmic recompense. In essence, what is being revealed from the egg now, what Humpty-Dumpty is about to become, has happened before in humanity's past. And it would behoove the world to remember how it happened before and why. More often than not, the answers we seek during any Mercury retrograde period can be found in our past, not our future. Given that the retrograde falls completely within the sign of Aries, we can refine our search of the past to military, expansionist and survival events. Now, morethan ever, we must remember that those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.

        This eclipse is also occurring in conjunction to transiting Chiron, which brings in another layer of healing and humility. Chiron had access to much wisdom and magic and had a reputation as being moral and just. Yet, every now and then, Chiron was know for getting caught up in the frenzy and shooting himself in the foot. So, make sure you have all your safeties on this month. Accidental discharges of mouth or muzzle are forecast. Words of wisdom and deeds of decency are never given or done in haste. No matter the situation. Be wise, then act. Not the other way around.  

        And get this. All of this Arian activity in April of 2024, occurs conjunct natal Chiron in the United States chart.  The wound that needs to be healed. The knowledge that needs to be applied. We have to stop picking at our scabs if we want to heal. This eclipse trigger is going to bring up many opportunities to bring these national and  personal hurts out into the open, that healing may begin and the scabs disappear. Pay special attention to where the middle of Aries falls in your own natal chart for where to apply your cosmic salve this month. And don't shoot yourself in the foot!

        For the United States as a whole, this healing of old wounds and welts occurs in the fifth house of PERSONAL creativity. It is not about how do you stack up against others. It is how do you stack up against yourself. If you are truly being creative, you can not but have fun.There is no way around it. And this is one of the very hidden gifts of April 2024. When you peel back all the layers of obfuscation and worry, when you get to the kernel of the situation, if you are being truly creative in your own special way, then God helps those who help themselves. And I do not mean helping yourself to others possessions or hard earned values. I mean helping yourself and not expecting others to do it for you.  

        Now, what takes all this Arian energy of April 2024, and amps it up many times over this month, is the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20th, of which I have been warning and wondering for years. I would relate this crack in the egg, this conjunction, this huge Humpty-Dumpty moment, with the scene where Peter Parker is bitten by the mutant spider and Spiderman is born. When you least expect it, miracles happen. Mutation IS evolution. Whether you like it or not. April is going to be very representative of that old axiom “evolve or die”.

        With Mercury retrograding this month through the second half of Aries, look to that area of your natal chart and pay special attention to where you might be repeating patterns from your past. If they are destructive, this months gifts will help you see so. If they are patterns of light and vitality, the higher side of Aries, the gift this month, may lie in the energy to keep on cranking? Or should I say cracking? Gives a whole new meaning to cracking up doesn't it. Crack up, not down.

        The first few days of April in 2024 will be a very emotional time, as Venus conjuncts Neptune at 6:10 AM on April 3rd, sending Venus void-of-course until she enters Aries at 9:00 PM on the 4th.Our hearts overshadow our heads these first four days of April. Watch for the knee-jerk emotionally triggered responses. With Mercury retrograde in Aries and all of us experiencing the Aries/Libra eclipse zone until April 8th, we are way too prone now to reacting from a need for protection and striking out from a position of anger and exhortation. This would be a distortion of the truly positive gifts that can be available during a Venus/Neptune conjunction in Pisces, the power of love and tenderness. WHATEVER happens these first few days of April, we must remember to come from love. To rely on love.To immerse ourselves in unity, not separation.

        I can see the Jester at work this month with Mercury stationing to retrograde motion on April Fools Day. Lots of double takes and I-can't-believes as the month starts out. Did they really just do that? Did I just say that? There are many ears to hear this month. Especially once Venus goes into Aries on April 4th. Pillow talk at its finest. And with the coming Mars/Saturn conjunction just days after that on April 10th, many mutterings made during tender moments make their way into the public mind. No doubt they will revolve around the brandishing of the proverbial sword and illegal interventions.

        The period from April 4th through the Solar eclipse on the 8th will test our ability to resist adversity through remembering to swim for the center of the storm, and not swim WITH the storm. The trumpets will be sounding from steeple and strong-hold. A call to arms, will go forth from the castle keep. Black Knights unite. Suck it up, though you may be fighting with just one arm. No matter, there are invaders at the kingdom,s door. And Uncle Sam knows what you must do about it. So pony up to the table and enlist your services to defend democracy. Never mind that a sword can cut both ways. Sacrifices must be made, especially the little people. The big fish never fries.

        In our own situations as April unfolds, we must stay aware of the need to feel safe and protected. It is not the moat that will do this. It is the ocean. And this will become blatantly clear as Mars comes to his conjunction with Saturn in Pisces on April 10th, 2024. Sometimes Humpty falls because the walls themselves come tumbling down. In our own charts we can look to where early Pisces falls for a more detailed description of where we must take down the walls, or watch them fall, and move on.

        When in our first house, it will likely have to do with our physical appearance and personality. In the second, it is likely to be financial or affecting our priorities. In the third, it can affect our siblings and abilities to communicate our wishes. In the fourth, it can be of a familial or foundational nature. In the fifth, our ability to express ourselves into our environment. In the sixth, our health or daily happiness. In the seventh, we usually project issues onto our mates. In the eight, we watch our pertinent partners bring instability and a danger of loss. In the ninth, we usually want to blame some higher power or foreign land for our situations. In the tenth, we often tack toward a new course in life. In the eleventh, we watch our friends run around like chickens without heads. And in the twelfth, our pasts come back to haunt us, driving us to cleanse our stories.

        Another interesting cosmic situation that arrives in April of 2024, is the fact that as the Sun and Mercury form an Inferior conjunction, Venus is also in on the action forming a Superior conjunction to the Sun. Looking out from the Earth, we would see first Mercury, then the Sun, then Venus behind the Sun, all in a straight line heading out toward the part of the sky ruled by Pisces. And what has to be remembered is that it is not about us projecting ourselves into the Universe, it is about the Universe, especially that part indicative of the attitude of Pisces, presenting itself TO us, through Venus, then the Sun, then Mercury and then to us.

        This would normally be a most enjoyable event. Wholesome, family-friendly, where everyone seems to be on the same page. The thing is, if you look further out in our solar system, toward the area of Pisces, we then see that it is not just all the inner planets (Sun/Moon, Mercury, Venus) that are lining up. So are three other planets, Mars, Saturn and Neptune. Four inner and three outer planets that are all lining up now to filter the coming Pisces turn Arian energy. Seven planets all in a somewhat straight line forming a direct link, a portal if you will, with Pisces. And again, the important part, is that Pisces is now connecting with us. And that focus of Piscean energy is being amplified by more than half of all the planets of our solar system.Think of the planets as prisms that fracture and disperse the “light” of Pisces. Right now, in April of 2024, they are transformers and amplifiers of the Piscean principle of unity and stillness.

        What this is likely to present us with will be a very active, yet very repressed, attitude of sacrifice and immersion in a higher calling. Do be sure to understand what it is we are being asked to forego. And do be sure to stay grounded when you decide what it is you are willing to sacrifice this month. None of us should have to play the role of the Red Heifers and be led to slaughter.  And with this in mind, given all the hoopla surrounding this coming eclipse across America, I want to address some of the more fantastical pronouncements being foisted upon society. First off, I have to remind you that Solar eclipses signify the end of one cycle and the birth of another. Nothing more. Nothing less. And whereas the birth may be imminent, the effects of that birth will continue long into the future. And with the path of this eclipse falling across most of the United States, this new birth and the effects of this new birth, will be with us well into the 2040’s. So do not expect the Earth to change dramatically on the 8th. Jesus is not going to return. The world is not going to end or suddenly transition into some 5th dimension. You are not going to suddenly sprout a third eye and understand the universe.

        That being said, this Solar eclipse in April, being the third eclipse to cut up the US into pieces over the last 8 years, has been active since the August 2017 eclipse first cut the US in half. The second eclipse in October of 2023 cut us once again and now the third time is a charm. And as I have already mentioned, will begin a period of secession events which will fracture the United States into smaller regions. It should be of interest to note that solar eclipses like this, whose shadows cut across the entire US, have only happened seven times since this country was founded. Twice during the Revolutionary war. Twice during the Civil War. Twice during the Viet Nam war. And then once in 2017 with the second eclipse of the set to appear this April. (I will leave it up to you what wars you think wemight be battling at the moment. There are so many to choose from.)

        Eclipses are how the heavens communicate with us. The US Pluto return that has been occurring these last two years to our country is WHAT is happening and what the eclipses have been trying to say.  What goes around comes around. If you live by the sword, you die by it. If you cut the world up into pieces to serve your own desires, eventually your desires come back to haunt you. I have long predicted that there would be boots on the ground in the US come 2026. The man in the high castle can not change this. Nor all of his men and minions.

        Other issues that I have been crowing about ever since transiting Uranus went into Taurus back in the Spring of 2018, are sure to be front and center once again, while Uranus finishes out his sojourn through Taurus over the next two years. Most notably, are the supply line disruptions and lack of availability of our luxuries (not so much our necessities) and the sudden disruptions to our economy. The taking down of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore surely fits the bill. Here I would refer you back to last month's transits reminding me of the Black Knight skit from Monty Python. And the US is the Black Knight. The taking down of one of the busiest and economically relevant ports on the East Coast can be seen as the first blow by those who just want to be free to pass on through. There will be three more such strikes to come this Spring and all will most likely be seen to have been triggered by cyber manipulation, be they man-made or celestially driven. Better stock up on those extra supplies...and cash. Nostradamus even mentions this period of time.Our on-demand propensity for accessing our “money” is going to slap us in the face but good. As the saying goes, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.  More precisely, a bar in the hand is worth two in the bank.

        From an international perspective, the United States will lose face once again over this  targeted transportation tragedy, due to the fact that such a militarily and economically strategic structure and position, was not properly protected and thus subject to attack. You are going to tell me that our national defenders never saw the strategic vulnerability here? We are supposed to be the military leader of the world, yet we can't even protect our own lands and communities. “It's just a flesh wound” our government cries, whilst still waging wars abroad and wasting the blood and well-being of our precious citizens. If the Black Knight were truly awakened, our country would not now be in danger of amputation. It is up to all of us to install the type of leaders that can deprogram the many Black Knights our country has created.

        The 19th and the 20th of April (actually one could say ALL of April) is off the charts when it comes to cosmic influence, as we see Mars sextile the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. It is not going to be boring, that is for sure. It is likely to be anything but boring and have many of us on our toes and on our guards. I would call this period of time the cosmic boy or girl scout. If you have studied all those merit badges and become proficient in the ways of nature and self-sufficiency, then this period of time will have made those efforts worth while. If you have not, you better know someone who has, for our lives get very complicated this month. Whereas the alleviation of these complications are very simple. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love unto others as you would have others love unto you. Lend your hands, not just your mouths. Good deeds to you, too.

        Something else that is occurring in April of 2024, is the fact that all the planets of our solar system, including Pluto, will be bunched together into just one quarter of the sky from April 3rd through April 10th, 2024. (And if you don't count the Moon, this gathering of cosmic cohorts continues throughout April and most of May.) From Aquarius through to Taurus. The rest of the starry skies, from late Taurus through to late Capricorn, will be devoid of any planetary influence. And what does it mean to go from Aquarius through Pisces, through Aries into Taurus? From the last two signs of the Zodiac into the first two signs of the Zodiac? What is the world trying to say to us that Pluto is in Aquarius and transforming society right in front of our eyes. And Mars, Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces, bringing us to the center of the storm. As Mercury, Venus and the Sun enter Aries presenting us with a new day. And Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus reminding us how to manifest our realities. How do we get from the high castle to the common cottage? How do we dissect that which has hobbled society so that we may understand and return to the roots of the individual?

        The only way that I know that can make this work is through what is called in Buddhist philosophy the Diamond Cutter. To see out into the world around you through a new angle or facet cut in the diamond body of man/woman. To view the world in a new light, from a new angle. Perception is reality. Change your perception and reality follows. Change how you look at the world and the world will change with you. Change the angle, change the resultant. (Which by the way, is the reason Astrologers study aspects.) This my friends is the big gift of April 2024. Our shifting reality. The gates we are passing through, the concentrations of time and space, that we see for this month, stand out from the crowded pages of history.

        The potential, nay probability, of these attitudinal adjustments in April of 2024 are astounding. Everyone is talking about the cosmic events that occur this month, be they Fundamentalist Christians, New Age nutcakes, and even many of the scientific disciplines. Everyone is watching and waiting for a sign. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, it is up to us to decipher what we see. To understand. To view from another angle. To cut us another facet.

        It is not necessary for us to just accept what we are being told to see. See it for yourself, not because someone else tells you to see. Cut a new facet in the cosmic diamond egg of your world and don't be afraid to peek your little chick self out from that cozy egg. There is a whole new world out there coming down the pike and waiting to be explored. Humpty had it right. Just tell all those king's horses and all those king's men, and all those Black Knights out there, to kindly go f%ck themselves and stand on your own spindly little legs. In no time at all we should all be crowing at the dawning sun. Crack a doodle do!  

More in my May forecast...if the internet alloweth.

Certified AI free by me.

And now for Quala's Corner.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis and soul contracts.

Adventures in consciousness.

        We each have a soul or spark of the creator within ourselves. We are much more than a human vessel, which is the container for our soul. And we have had many soul contracts over many lifetimes.

        As souls we have had many experiences on this plane. As a soul we decide before we come in, or are born, as to what we want to experience. All of our experiences are for the souls growth and expansion. Sometimes we have lived a life of extreme challenges or suffering and some lives are easy and fun. We are helped by our guides, or even a council, that helps the soul decide what experiences are desirable for each lifetime. And of course, our current family is a big part of the many contracts and karma that we are working with and completing.

        Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioners help their clients look at these choices and contracts, so that they can understand and heal. There are always reasons for making these choices. Sometimes it is very difficult to believe that we have actually chosen certain parents or life experiences. But keep in mind, that our soul level is coming from a higher perspective and that we may not fully understand what is going on with our human mind.

        There is a lot that goes into planning the life experience you desire at a soul level. And many other souls take part in those decisions since their souls are also desiring certain growth experiences. Yet, many of those plans can get derailed since we all have free will, so there are always back up plans in place to help us get back on track.

        We are part of a soul group or soul family. These groups tend to incarnate together throughout multiple lifetimes. And everyone plays their role in the soul growth of each family member. And as you can imagine, there is every type of experience available. Some of those roles are very challenging and some easy and of all degrees.

        I will share an experience of a soul contract of mine. Thirty years ago I had my first hypnosis session. The hypnotist was not trained in the type I have been trained in and back then I had no idea about Quantum Healing Hypnosis. I went for a health issue. I had read in the Brian Weiss’ books on hypnosis, that if we saw an experience of our death or trauma in a past life, it could resolve current health issues, since we often will carry these issues over from lifetime to lifetime. I made the request to the hypnotist that I would be taken back to my most recent lifetime, and I asked her to keep going after I died to see what that was like.  After experiencing that death, I was then taken to a huge crystal mansion and inside this structure all the souls were at stations being healed after they died. Then I was shown my current lifetime, and was shown I had been repeating many of the patterns that I had in the last lifetime. I was then shown my daughter in this lifetime. She and I have had hundreds of lifetimes together and she and I had a contract in this lifetime that she would help me to stay and remember who I really was.

        I had always been bewildered about her behavior as a small child. She monitored me constantly and told me what to do as if she was my mother and I would often get very irritated with her. She was doing her job and I had no idea that she was under contract with me to keep me here on the planet in a human body and to help me remember who I really am. It was because of her that I committed to staying here in a human body and embarked on a path of self-realization. I felt I was not being a very good mother, I was so very confused about life and spirituality and I needed to understand myself and what was going on! I was guided to begin participating in rebirthing workshops and sessions continuimg for several years which truly change my life. My daughter was my constant companion, at 5-yrs old she also did rebirthing sessions and supported me in my growth in every way as I did hers. This experience of seeing our soul contract helped me so much in the years to come . It helped me to honor and embrace her behavior and see who she really is and who we are together that we may continue our growth. She is still that person in my life who understands me and supports me and loves me unconditionally. And I am so grateful for her companionship in this lifetime.

        As a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner, I now help my clients look at and understand their choices and contracts made in this lifetime, which can greatly enhance healing and growth! You can learn more about what Quantum Healing Hypnosis can do for you on our website

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