

 Let me transcribe a 'lil.  It's an hour long, but I'll type up the first ten minutes. :] 

  "What's going on, guys?  Illuminostic., late night.  I usually can't sleep until like two-am anyway.  I thought I would pop on   I've been pounding ayahuasca.  I've got ayahuasca blood all over my hands.
     But, at any rate I thought I would pop on and see what kind of late night audience I'd get.  I am trying to do everything I can to grow the channel a little bit.  
     I was thinking earlier today about this article that I saw, I think it was The New Yorker or some stupid publication like that.  There's sort of this cliché challenge to people that propose that there should be a revolution.  What are you going to do the morning after the revolution?  
     Realistically, most people don't have much of an answer for that.  And if they do have an answer it's usually some pre-fab, cookie-cutter, ism-schism, like capitalism or Marxism, or socialism, or Communism, or Satanism, or whatever, you know?  
     None of those things are really answers.  And then it occurred to me that the reality is that there actually is only like one set of answers.  There is only one possible course of action, and this is actually true.  It's pretty mind-blowing.  Because, you know, one of the weapons that has been sort of used, part of the social engineering, narrative, I guess, or protocol has been to sort of confuse about what opinions are, and what truth is.  
     It could be just that people have accidentally created this circumstance where people have lost a sense of what is truth and what is opinion.  Some of these things that are exploited by our overlords are not actually engineered by them.  They're just sort of lucky happenstance circumstances that they've turned to their advantage.  
     So, it doesn't really matter, it's neither here nor there, but that is a big problem, really, for people, truth seekers, those of us who want to live in a sane, rational world.  It creates quite an issue, that people can't distinguish between opinion and truth.  
     In the case of the potential course of a revolution, there really is one possible course.  The fact is that if you do not change the consciousness of the people that are not only ruling, but being ruled, ALL of the people, doesn't matter what ism-schism game you put in play, it's always going to go bad.  It's always going to go bad.  
     I just saw a meme on Facebook just before I popped on that had villains from cartoons whose schemes always failed.  It had that mouse that would chase Tom, the cat would always fail, or maybel like Cruella Deville.  That caricature of the Jew, that super antisemetic Smurs villain.  IO don't know if any of you guys remember that cartoon, but it was really bad.  The antagonist had a big hooked nose and wanted all the gold, it was really obvious what it was supposed to be.  It had all of these cartoon characters that were villains who always lose and the last one was Karl Marx.  
     Who's idea was capitalism then?  Because it's eating itself, alive.  It's devouring the entire planet.  It has devoured the souls and minds of people in the United States.  

     Driving around in Peru today, actually, we weren't driving.  We were riding around in the back of a tuk-tuk.  In case you don't know what a tuk-tuk is they are these three-wheeled motocycle wagon things that everyone drives.  There are almost no cars.  People in Peru drive like they are trying to kill each other.  By the way, if you are ever down here and you get into a tuk-tuk don't let your feet dangle out, don't let your knee kinda stick out.  You know how we usually have our groceries, our pitbull tucked into the front, a toddler in the middle, and my partner and we are all crammed in there.  I'm a pretty big guy so I am tempted to let my knees hang out, but you will lose your kneecap.  You have to stay inside.  
     The point that I am making is that they are super-aggressive.  When you go to get in the thing, there's like ten of them in a line and they're all going like, "Get in mine, get in mine," they are all fighting over you.  Then, when you get in the, when someone gets you no one gets mad.  
     Then you go driving out onto this road and there are people cutting everyone off, they're like a centimeter away from a dude's kneecap on a motorcycle with edge of the tuk-tuk.  It's like ten deep and they are just pushing through and no one gets angry.  Nobody jumps out of their fuckin' tuk-tuk with a 45 and fucking starts shooting, or whatever.  You know what I mean?  It never happens.  
     That's not the whole story, of course.  It's something that I've noticed the entire time I have been out of the United States.  Just this sort of different mentality, different level of aggression, different levels of decency and respect than we are generally used to in the United States, and certainly almost a complete and total absence of the kind of rage that sort of permeates the atmosphere in a lot of places up there(the US).  
     My point is that you do see a different consciousness in different places.  It proves that it can actually be done.  People aren't the same everywhere.  The cultural influences are a tremendous part of that.  There are all kinds of different influences that manifest in people.  
     One of the things I have noticed about  Iquitos here is that it's pretty safe.  Peru is not necessarily safe, but Iquitos is pretty safe.  Also, in having traveled around South America a lot, I haven't been offered cocaine once.  Not once.  That might not sound that impressive to you if you've never been here, but if you go to Mancora or pretty much anywhere else in this country that I've been cocaine is normal.  It's not like a big deal.  Everone sells it.  The waiter sells it, the tuk-tuk drivers are selling it.  Everywhere everyone sells it.  I have not been offered cocaine one time in Iquitos.  Why?  Because of the energy of the planet medicine here.  Probably.  
     What I am sort of getting at here is, if it's not obvious is that these devices, cultural differences do change the levels of aggression and selfishness and greed, umm, pretty dramatically.  
     There are things on the horizon that can do that to an even more powerful degree.  Another element of this that I noticed is that in Ecuador, for example, and this came up just because we were buying ice cream, in Ecuador we would never get like a tub of ice cream from a cooler.  You know, like in a grocery store, or something.  It's going to taste like plastic with sugar in it.  Don't ever buy bread there if you're a foreigner.  It's going to be like putting sand that has been glued together into your mouth and it's made from the worst, fakest flour.  
     Normally, when you go into a convenience store here to get something to drink, there's no option of something natural.  Here in Peru the people here are far more authentic and sincere.  In Ecuador, for example, they'll call you a gringo behind your back most of the time.  Here, everyone just calls you a gringo.  Seroiously, there's this authenticity and relaxed kind of natural vibe that Ecuadorian's don't really have much of.  Some of the indigenous groups, sort of.  
     But guess what.  The bread is real here.  The ice cream is real here.  You can't convince me that there is no correlation, the people eating all of the fake food are more fake.  Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?  That's an interesting question.  I am willing to bet that food has a pretty significant influence.  People that eat a lot of aluminum, certainly, processed foods, ayahuasca sometimes doesn't have any effect on them.  It can take weeks, months,  before it can finally chew through all the metal and plastic that are blocking their neurotransmitters, and finally have some visionary consequence on those people.  

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