

 From :  gretchen <> 

Sent :  Sunday, June 29, 2003 7:47 PM 

To :  victor gruber <> 

Subject :  Re: VICTOR 


  |  |  | Inbox  



Dear Victor,

You know what?  I miss you too!  I'm sorry you met so many assholes in

Albuquerque, but it's good that you made it to Santa Fe.  Keep watching

the signs and you'll be ok ... I really hope you can get yourself a

camera!  And make it to the Rainbow Gathering!!!!!  That sounds like so

much fun ... I've always wanted to go to a rainbow gathering.  If I'd

known about this one sooner, I might have been able to join you.  Anyway,

I'm so glad you wrote.  I was wondering about you (and worrying just a

little.)  Keep me posted when you get a chance ... hearing your stories is

a lot of fun - I almost feel like I'm travelling with you:-)  Not much has

happened in Socorro since you left.  Except that this cute little puppy

showed up at Shannon's house last night and I might keep him.  Just what I

need, another animal in my tiny apartment!  I haven't made a decision yet,

though, cause raising a puppy would be a big responsibility.  But it just

might be worth it.  Anyway, I need to get going now ... I can't wait to

hear from you again.  Hope everything is going smoothly and that you are

having the time of your life.



On Sun, 29 Jun 2003, victor gruber wrote:

> Hello my dearest Gretchen,

>      You are probably wondering what's happened to me.  I would've emailed

> you yesterday, but I couldn't find any access.  Let's see.  I had planned to

> walk around Albequerque and talk to some people.  I got some bad signs,

> though.  You know me and my signs.  Soon after getting off the Greyhound, I

> was walking down some street and I heard these guys in a car honking their

> horn.  I turned around and gave them the peace sign, and then this Mexican

> guy in a little beanie grinned at me and gave me the finger.  I didn't

> really care and laughed it off.  Well, about ½ an hour later, I'm walking

> down the sidewalk and notice this guy walking in the opposite direction.

> When we get close to each other I smile and say, "What's up, brother?"  He

> looks at me and gives me the finger.  Whoa, it was that same sude in the car

> earlier.  It was pretty funny, but I took it as a sign.

>     Oh yeah, and on the Greyhound, right before we got to Albequerque, I got

> the urge to look out the window and saw a billboard advertising some camera

> or something.  It said, "Take pictures, or no one will believe you."  Didn't

> you give me that same exact suggestion?  So I don't know.  Maybe I'll go

> talk to people at camera stores and ask for a donation.

>      Ok, back to what happened.  At the Greyhound, I was able to tell one

> guy my idea.  He was a young kid with a broken arm.  I left and walked

> around downtown Albequerque searching for a park or plaza.  I was directed

> to the concrete plaza by the convention center.  It sucked.  It was 99%

> paved.  There was one big strip of grass where I saw some street kids.  I

> went up and talked to them and they sucked, too.  They were all junky and

> ghetto.  So from there I had made up my mind I was going to try to get out

> of Albequerque that same day.

>      I considered riding the city bus as far north as I could and start

> walking on interestate 25.  I said fuck it and headed back to the Greyhound

> station.  I went up to the desk and asked the guy what the next town North

> was.  He told me Santa Fe and that the bus fare was $10.50.  Next one left

> at 11:30am.  I went outside and just sat down in the smoking area.  I really

> didn't feel like going up to people and making it all obvious that I needed

> money.  So, I just sat there to see who would initiate conversation with me

> first.  All of a sudden, I spot that one guy with the broken arm again.  He

> came over with his girlfriend and told me, "Can you tell my girl the stuff

> you told me before?"  I was delighted to oblige.  I put on a great show.  In

> the end they ask me, "So what bus are you getting on?"  I told them I was

> waiting until $6 fell in my lap for my ticket to Santa Fe.  They immediately

> reached into their pockets and gave me $5.

>      Sweet.  I now had $9.  $1.50 to go.  I went back inside the station and

> talked with the same guy.  I told him, "I'm short $1.50 for my fare to Santa

> Fe.  Can you just let is slide?"  He said no and was very adamant.  He gave

> me some bullshit excuse about how it would be up to the driver and the

> driver wouldn't allow it.  At the desk where I was talking to him at, this

> guy he had just helped was counting a wad of money from his wallet.  I hit

> him up right in front of the Greyhound guy and he gave me $1.  So, I had

> $11.  50 more cents to go.  I go back in the Greyhound station to ask the

> guy, "Do you the think the driver would let 50 cents slide?"  There were a

> couple people in front and when it was finally my turn the dickhead wouldn't

> let me talk and threatened to call the police.

>      So back outside I go.  I go up to this guy and tell him, "I need 50

> cents for my bus fare and the dickead inside won't let it slide.  I'll give

> you a hit of weed for 50 cents?"  The guy told me he didn't smoke, but gave

> me a dollar anyway.

>      So bam, $11.  I walked back to the desk and told the dickhead, "Santa

> Fe at 11:30am."  He took his sweet time getting the ticket ready and when he

> handed it to me, he said, "If I see you panhandling my customers again, I'm

> calling the police."  I gave him my script on how it doesn't hurt to ask.  I

> asked him,"What crime have I committed?"  The dumbass told me tresspassing.

> Man, what an idiot.  As soon as I got the ticket in my hand, I told him,

> "Thanks for making my book so interesting."  He said, 'Thanks for

> panhandling my customers.  I told him, "No problem, any time.  Whatever

> works."

>      Hehe, so now I'm in Santa Fe.  This town is damn beautiful.  No wonder

> it's such a big tourist attraction.  When I first got downtown yesterday, I

> wandered into the plaza.  They were having a big rally and there was a mob

> of people in the plaza.  It turned out being some campaign rally for some

> dude running for president.  I forgot his name, but he was gay.

>      Anyway, after talking to some street kid today in the plaza, I found

> out the rainbow gathering starts the 2nd of next month some place close to

> Salt Lake City.  Which just happens to be on my way back to Berkeley.  So

> I'm definitely going.


> Ok Gretchen.  My half hour is up at the library.  I'd be lying if I said I

> didn't miss you at all.  You are like my best friend.


> Love ya,


> - Victor



 From :  gretchen <> 

Sent :  Sunday, July 6, 2003 6:41 PM 

To :  victor gruber <> 

Subject :  Re: VICTOR 


  |  |  | Inbox  



Dear Victor,

I only have a minute to write but I just wanted to let you know that I'm

thinking of you ... I can't wait to hear about your journey to Denver -

and wherever you are now.  Things are ok here, pretty boring.  Hope you

are having fun and doing well and that I hear from you soon ...



On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, victor gruber wrote:

> Hi Gretchen.  I'm in Denver right now.  Lots has happened and I'll be sure

> to elaborate when I get more access.  I have to take off right now, so I'll

> be sure to update you when I can.  Peace, sister.


> Love,


> - Victor



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