

 Session Start: Thu Aug 24 12:00:17 2023
Session Ident: #Gulag
[00:00.17] <@BodegaCat> i still hope he wasn't on the plane
[00:01.00] * katy_uk ( has joined channel #Gulag
[00:03.32] <@BodegaCat> i guess we'll see in a day or 2 if he pops up with a revenge plot
[00:06.19] * katy_uk ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:11.46] <+Timur> that's absurd. Putin had more than enough reason to kill Prigozhin.
[00:12.07] <+Timur> might as well say it was Martians.
[00:12.41] <+Timur> and Putin has shown a pretty consistent pattern of doing away with those who threaten him or oppose him.
[00:13.16] <+Timur> simplistic narratives from people with not much info, not much understanding of process, and/or absurdly conspiratorial mindsets.
[00:21.20] * P-1 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:40.41] * P-1 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[00:41.04] <P-1> the Russian commander deadpool LOL
[00:42.00] <+Timur> lol +,
[00:42.01] <@Lard> [Twitter] I Smoked Elon's Ketamine (@BlackKnight10k): Debate recap: ⏎ Vivek Ramaswamy:  not only constantly lying, but insane ⏎ Ron Desantis: new campaign strategy is yelling ⏎ Mike Pence: still a bitch ⏎ Chris Christie: literally no one likes him on either side of the aisle ⏎ Doug Burgum: why tf is he even here ⏎ Asa Hutchinson: George… | 1929 RTs | 9947 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-24 - 02:19:15UTC
[00:42.56] <P-1> ha true
[00:45.37] <P-1> Ron Desantis is so transparent.....he wants to tap into the MAGA fanatics and gain their support....he correctly noticed that the more cruel, nasty, and bigoted shit that came out of Trump's mouth, the more MAGAs fell in love with his schtick is to try to be MORE bigoted, mean, nasty, and cruel than Trump
[00:46.40] <P-1> thinking that being a Nazi will win over the far it hasnt been effective....but you never know how MAGAs will react
[00:47.21] <+McBoatFace> I think banana
[00:47.53] <P-1> one thing for sure, the extremists are scaring away the crucial swing voters
[00:48.26] <+McBoatFace> I will say this
[00:48.40] <+McBoatFace> Pence far outperformed what I expected of him. His speech on 1/6 sounded positively presidential
[00:49.13] <+McBoatFace> wouldn't vote for him of course but he was the only one there that managed to sound sane with enough consistency to stand out
[00:49.44] <+Timur> agree
[00:49.49] <P-1> McBoatFace: yeah he was more sane than expected, but still very much disliked by the right and the left
[00:50.33] <+McBoatFace> lol there was a lot of that!
[00:50.54] <+McBoatFace> I was proud of Christie for powering through the boos
[00:51.05] <+Timur> +,
[00:51.06] <@Lard> [Twitter] Chris D. Jackson (@ChrisDJackson): 🚨 BREAKING Overnight a new Yahoo/YouGov poll was released that shows President Joe Biden opening up a six point lead over Donald Trump. ⏎ This is Biden's largest lead yet over Trump in this poll and represents a trend showing the president opening a consistent lead on the Former… +, | 3689 RTs | 16507 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-23 - 12:21:50UTC
[00:51.07] <P-1> McBoatFace: Pence wanted to ride the fence for so long....pretending to be a good gay-hating christian....yet at the same time selling his soul to the orange anti-christ.....the only time he showed balls was on 1/6
[00:51.55] <+McBoatFace> yeah he was the epitome of the spineless, hide in the shadows VP
[00:52.07] <+Timur> +,
[00:52.08] <@Lard> [Twitter] Chris D. Jackson (@ChrisDJackson): +, | 32 RTs | 112 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-23 - 12:24:02UTC
[00:52.24] <+McBoatFace> I really, really didn't like Vivek. His constant interruptions, his bonkers platform and that giant fake smile and fake laugh
[00:53.08] <P-1> the limited segments of chris christie i saw, he appeared to be the lesser of all the loonies.....he didnt appear radicalized....then again, in 2016 he sold his soul to MAGA and Trump turned him into his bitch LOL
[00:53.13] <+Timur> +,
[00:53.14] <@Lard> [Twitter] 🇺🇦 Tempus fugit 🇺🇦 (@wbrownkl): @MikeSington Don’t you hate it when you’re right all along +, | 58 RTs | 399 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-23 - 22:15:19UTC
[00:53.30] <+McBoatFace> I will genuinely be curious how this affects trump. I was of the opinion that missing the debate couldn't hurt him at all, but by the end of it the other candidates were riffing off him and the audience wasn't all booing anymore
[00:53.38] * Wilderness ( has joined channel #Gulag
[00:53.44] <P-1> mcboatface: yeah, Vivek was off the rails loony
[00:53.51] <P-1> hi Wilderness
[00:54.06] <+McBoatFace> P-1, I'm not worried about him winning but I am worried conservatives might find him appealing
[00:54.45] <+McBoatFace> but then I remember he's a darker skinned hindu and I don't worry anymore
[00:54.52] <+McBoatFace> he's two kinds of minorities!
[00:55.14] <P-1> McBoatFace: well....Vivek has 2 things working against him.....religious fanatics and rednecks...who both make up a large component of GOP base
[00:55.16] <Wilderness> hey P-1
[00:55.27] <+McBoatFace> P-1, nods
[00:56.17] <P-1> all you have to do is mention to the GOP base that we are "one nation, under an elephant god with 8 trunks, and justice for all".....that will be the end of it
[00:58.07] <+McBoatFace> +,
[00:58.07] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Simpsons - Hey Ganesha, want a peanut?⁩ | 4s | ⁨IzTendo⁩ | 1,841 views
[00:58.30] <P-1> LOL
[00:59.57] <+Timur> +,
[00:59.58] <@Lard> [Twitter] Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski): The funny part of this “plan” he’s floating for Trump to remain in jail and refuse to post bond to prove a point is that they actually believe their soft, pampered, weak hero could handle a single day in jail. +, | 1125 RTs | 6747 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-23 - 10:11:16UTC
[01:01.10] <+McBoatFace> what the hell point would they be proving with that?
[01:01.16] <+Timur> now, this is interesting, and damning: +,
[01:01.17] <@Lard> [Twitter] Really American 🇺🇸 (@ReallyAmerican1): DISGRACEFUL: Members of the Secret Service under Donald Trump were in direct contact with the leader of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, for several months before the January 6th insurrection they helped instigate. ⏎ According to internal Secret Service emails acquired by… +, +, | 3850 RTs | 10008 ♥s | Posted: 20
[01:01.35] * gannon (~gannon@ has joined channel #Gulag
[01:01.59] <gannon> ssad?
[01:02.07] <+Timur> overjoyed
[01:02.18] <+McBoatFace> I once watched this video of this guy, 20 something kid who wasn't EXACTLY a sov cit, but he was close and absolutely refused to cooperate with police. He refused to give any ID, had to be hauled out of his car, etc. his girlfriend looking on with contempt the whole time
[01:02.29] <+Timur> chuds in jail, epic fail, chuds flail, must post bail
[01:02.59] <+McBoatFace> but the big bit was at the end the car had to be towed. It was one of those flatbed towers and the cops asked for his keys so they could drive it on. He refuses
[01:03.14] <gannon> Added *!*vendo
[01:03.17] <+McBoatFace> so the tow truck guy explains that he can get it on anyway, but it'll almost certainly do permanent damage to the axle and such
[01:03.22] <+McBoatFace> and the idiot fucking kid STILL refuses
[01:03.23] <+Timur> MAGAs wail, all hail
[01:03.35] <+McBoatFace> so his girlfriend ends up yanking the car keys away from him and giving them to the cops
[01:03.44] <+McBoatFace> and he spends five minutes yelling at her about how he's trying to make a point
[01:03.56] <+McBoatFace> and I'm all, "what the fuck point is watching your own car getting destroyed making you useless imbecile?"
[01:03.58] <gannon> who's wailing
[01:04.08] <gannon> the imaginary people in your head?
[01:04.12] <+McBoatFace> same with the idea of Trump willingly rotting in jail
[01:04.45] <+McBoatFace> "oh gosh okay Mr. Trump you sure are proving your point to all of us! You should definitely keep proving it more, just in case we haven't quite got it yet!"
[01:04.58] <+Timur> well, likely most or all of these folks and their supporters +,
[01:04.58] <@Lard> [Twitter] Andy Cortez (didn't pay) (@TheAndyCortez): These are like the mugshots of all the crazy villagers in Hot Fuzz lmao +, | 105 RTs | 1014 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-23 - 23:13:22UTC
[01:04.59] <+McBoatFace> gannon...
[01:05.04] <+McBoatFace> snicker
[01:05.08] <+McBoatFace> gannon actually likes Vivek
[01:05.24] <+Timur> certainly Ellis is, Trump wouldn't help fund her defense, despite all the promises
[01:05.36] <+McBoatFace> lol
[01:05.52] <+Timur> hence: +,
[01:05.53] <@Lard> [Twitter] DCPetterson (@dcpetterson): What I'm about to say is not provable in court, but it seems to me that Ellis expecting Trump to "fund everyone's defense" is really close to an admission they were all in on the same conspiracy. +, | 68 RTs | 303 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-21 - 12:29:45UTC
[01:06.08] <+McBoatFace> now there's a point
[01:07.15] <gannon> look at the culters cheering over perfunctory booking photos lol
[01:07.50] <+McBoatFace> look at gannon putting his word of the day desk calendar to good use!
[01:08.26] <+Timur> sad?
[01:08.35] <P-1> lol
[01:09.48] <P-1> "Land of the Lost" Sleestack, Sidney Powell got booked and mugshot taken too I noticed
[01:10.30] <+Timur> also, gannon, being against a cult is not 'being in a cult'.
[01:10.48] * Forbin (Forrbin@ has joined channel #Gulag
[01:10.49] <+Timur> we don't cosign anything and everything Biden or whomever does. That's what you chuds do with Trump.
[01:10.51] <+Timur> derp
[01:11.02] <gannon> i'm not now nor have I ever been a Trump supporter
[01:11.09] <gannon> that's how retarded you are
[01:11.35] <P-1> Sidney Powell mugshot  +,
[01:11.45] <+McBoatFace> gannon is a trump supporter
[01:11.45] <gannon> "I'm not the culter" - culter exclaims just before categorizing everyone with Different Beliefs as being in the Trump cult
[01:11.58] <gannon> Added *!*timur
[01:12.07] <gannon> how do these dullards manage to wake up in the morning without hurting themselves
[01:12.12] <+McBoatFace> if there's one thing we all know about gannon is that he's not trustworthy
[01:12.36] <+McBoatFace> also that he keeps getting more and more angry at everyone
[01:12.52] <+McBoatFace> time to start laying down bets for when gannon finally goes on a shooting spree
[01:13.41] <Wilderness> if there is one thing we all know about gannon its that he is really really stupid, which makes him even funnier.
[01:14.01] <+Timur> +,
[01:14.04] <@Lard> [reddit] Ladies and gentlemen I give you America’s Mayor (+, to r/WhitePeopleTwitter | 30319 points (95.0%) | 1307 comments | Posted by nume23 | Created at 2023-08-23 - 19:26:58UTC
[01:14.22] <gannon> hey guys I can play too "hurr gannon is stupid hurr"
[01:14.22] <Wilderness> probably the same gene pool as hopesnothere
[01:14.31] <P-1> gannon thins that anyone who installs flag pole holders on their truck and drives around daily during non-election years with MAGA flags, and invests large amounts of money in chinese made TRUMP hats, flags, clothing, yard decorations, etc....and participates in Trump boat parades and attends Nuremberg-style Trump definitely NOT a fanatic or cultist of any kind
[01:14.37] <gannon> zero who's never contributed anything
[01:14.56] <+Timur> sure, gannon's not a Trump supporter, except for gratuitously defending him in every imaginable way. Kind of like how all the Qtards took the tack that they aren't Q, or never heard of it, despite buying into every idea Q promoted
[01:14.58] <gannon> that's no way to talk about your Dad
[01:15.21] <+Timur> these are not smart people.
[01:16.27] <P-1> Timur: not at all....before committing acts of violence, they will always boast about it on social media...and even film themselves doing it.....they are definitely NOT very smart at all
[01:17.25] <+Timur> thanks for providing us with all the evidence needed for prosecuting you, chuds. More Gab, Parler and geolocation data pls
[01:21.24] <P-1> gannon: and how do you know what I have contributed? For all you know, I could have been the live show drummer for lesley gore, ron dante and the archies, the drifters, platters, coasters, shows, as well as bobby vee, and many more from the late 80's thru 2010.....i could be a household voice for years that you have heard many times over.....i could be a documentary film producer with my word
[01:21.24] <P-1> distributed around the you just never know :)
[01:21.52] <gannon> wasn't talking about you bro
[01:24.03] <+Timur> yeah, 'bro'
[01:42.40] <P-1> Police have confirmed that the man who fell from an 18th floor nightclub was NOT a bouncer
[01:43.14] * __Forbin ( has joined channel #Gulag
[01:46.50] * Forbin (Forrbin@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:48.35] * euphony (~quassel@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[01:51.15] * __Forbin is now known as Forbin
[06:18.49] *** Server disconnected on LosAngeles.CA.US.Undernet.Org
[06:19.15] TITSANDASS resolved to
[06:22.30] * You have joined #Gulag
[06:22.30]  Topic: congratulations to kritklmas for winning the Russian commander deadpool!
[06:22.30] Channel Topic Set by: Debaser on 6:26 PM 8/23/2023
[06:22.30] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[06:22.30] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[06:22.46] <wptmj> hell-woe!
[06:25.01] * MissBliss ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:25.08] * JustBeKalm skipped the debates. Trump will w in.
[06:26.00] <dilligas> [08:17] <Lottoman> so..  who 'won' the debate?  <<< joe biden > +,
[06:26.01] <@Lard> [Twitter] Acyn (@Acyn): Biden campaign ad running before the debate +, | 2243 RTs | 8987 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-24 - 00:39:50UTC
[06:26.11] * deRuyter ( has left #Gulag (Closing Window)
[06:26.23] <wptmj> Welcome to woodworking club,
[06:26.28] <wptmj>  please make a seat.
[06:26.55] * mgm17 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:27.10] <wptmj> The first rule of The Condescending Club is pretty complex and I don't think you would understand it even if I explained it to you.
[06:27.26] <+JustBeKalm> hi, mgm!!!
[06:27.37] <mgm17> good morning
[06:27.42] <mgm17> hi there JustB
[06:28.01] <dilligas> good morning mgm17
[06:28.44] <+JustBeKalm> Did you watch the debates, mgm17?
[06:28.46] * Cleland ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:29.01] <+JustBeKalm> Hi, Cleland.
[06:29.07] <Cleland> Hey
[06:29.15] <Cleland> Any Nazis around?
[06:29.36] * Wilderness ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:29.53] <wptmj> hi Cle
[06:29.53] * dilligas glances around for vivek
[06:30.19] <wptmj> i do nazi any nazis
[06:30.22] <wptmj> :]
[06:31.58] <wptmj> let's get in a cab!  
[06:32.07] <wptmj> I'LL BUY YOU KABAB!
[06:32.14] <wptmj> +A
[06:32.45] <wptmj> i cant believe that i am sharing a kabab with the most beautiful girl i have ever seen
[06:32.49] <wptmj> with a kabab
[06:34.03] <wptmj> +,
[06:34.04] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Flight of the Conchords-The Most Beautiful Girl In The Room⁩ | 3m 34s | ⁨R⁩ | 807,490 views
[06:36.13] <+JustBeKalm> Looks like the nazis re sleeping in. After all, they don't work and the KKK has night meetings. I don't k now that for sure, but it's a guess.
[06:37.04] <wptmj> Did you hear about the Mexican racist?  
[06:37.05] <Cleland> wptmj  have you got any transgender jokes for me
[06:37.11] <wptmj> He joined the que que que.
[06:37.30] <wptmj> its hard to think of a funnier joke than the trans concept
[06:37.35] <wptmj> itself
[06:37.45] <mgm17> hi ya Cleland
[06:37.54] <Cleland> jeu ,g,
[06:37.54] <wptmj> youre a trans, cle?
[06:37.57] <Cleland> hey mgm
[06:38.03] <wptmj> EVERYTHING makes sense  now
[06:38.06] <wptmj> :]
[06:38.07] <Cleland> wptmj you a moron?
[06:38.18] <Cleland> Pathetic little autistic idiot
[06:38.21] <Cleland> Now tell me a fucking joke
[06:38.31] <Cleland> fucking fly
[06:38.31] <wptmj> dont get that confused with altruistic
[06:38.34] <Cleland> Ill swat yuou again
[06:38.35] <wptmj> totally diff word
[06:38.45] <Cleland> you oozing boil
[06:38.49] <Cleland> You fucking infection on mankind
[06:38.56] <wptmj> quite the opposite
[06:39.01] <Cleland> Tell a fucking joke AutistoTroll
[06:39.03] <Cleland> lol
[06:39.05] <wptmj> you doublespeaking tool
[06:39.05] <Cleland> quite the opposite
[06:39.07] <Cleland> LOL
[06:39.09] <Cleland> You fucking moron
[06:39.13] <Cleland> You mad?
[06:39.18] <wptmj> >:[
[06:39.19] <Cleland> Now tell the fucking joke or shut the fuck up
[06:39.36] <Cleland> Thats better
[06:39.36] <Lottoman> wow
[06:39.42] <wptmj> “Run from what's comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I'll be MAD.”
[06:39.45] <Cleland> Dotto get me some worms
[06:39.45] <Lottoman> amazing out burst
[06:39.46] <wptmj> >:[
[06:39.49] <Cleland> Now!!
[06:39.53] <Lottoman> wtf
[06:39.57] <Cleland> And tell oily beefy wife I need to talk to her
[06:39.58] <wptmj> ok ok, one sec
[06:40.00] <Cleland> roll her into the shed
[06:40.02] <wptmj> you dont have to be so mean
[06:40.03] <wptmj> :[
[06:40.05] <Cleland> Give her a computer
[06:40.07] <mgm17> saw this am news... trump is getting new set of lawyers for turning himself in for arrest in GA
[06:40.12] <Cleland> ahaah
[06:40.15] <Cleland> Thats better
[06:40.20] <wptmj> lol
[06:40.22] <Cleland> mgm, you would think there are none left
[06:40.34] * Freiser ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:40.43] <Cleland> I mean its not like he hasn’t burned all this bridges yet
[06:40.44] <mgm17> lol... the selection of lawyers has to be getting slim
[06:40.52] <dilligas> mgm17 I haven't seen that... did trump not pay his old lawyers?  
[06:40.53] <Cleland> did you see the most recent one
[06:41.01] <wptmj> My favorite sex position is called WOW.
[06:41.03] <Cleland> she looks like a street walker in a bad neighborhood
[06:41.05] <wptmj>  It's where I flip over your MOM and she has her legs in the air.
[06:41.22] <+JustBeKalm> NEW lawyers?
[06:41.26] <+JustBeKalm> He can get new lawyers?
[06:41.34] <Cleland> yeah thats what was reported
[06:41.38] <Lottoman> Added *!* to ignore list
[06:41.40] <Lottoman> wow
[06:41.41] <wptmj> What's the ideal weight for a lawyer?
[06:41.46] <wptmj> About five pounds, including the urn.
[06:41.51] <mgm17> +,number%20of%20high%2Dprofile%20cases.,
[06:41.52] <Cleland> I mean maybe he is dialing some of those ambulance chasers on the billboards
[06:42.08] <Cleland> I mean 1-800 Chase SIren
[06:42.09] <wptmj> Why did the lawyer cross the road?
[06:42.13] <wptmj> To get to the accident on the other side.
[06:42.54] <wptmj> If I had but one life to give for my country,
[06:42.56] <mgm17> Just before his visit to an Atlanta jail to be booked on 13 felony counts, Donald J. Trump has shaken up his Georgia legal defense team, adding Steve Sadow, a veteran criminal defense lawyer who has taken on a number of high-profile cases.
[06:42.57] <wptmj> it would be a lawyer’s.
[06:43.54] <+JustBeKalm> I can't believe all thjs is going down and in our country he can still run for POTUS.
[06:43.59] <+JustBeKalm> What did we miss?
[06:44.05] <+Timur> JustBeKalm: even that is contended
[06:44.05] <wptmj>  Ironically, it’s my humility that makes me so much better than everyone else.
[06:44.10] <wptmj> :[]
[06:44.15] <+JustBeKalm> Timur, I know :<<<
[06:44.22] <mgm17> trump as introduced more insanity than we know
[06:44.54] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, I had not known a felon could run for President from prison!!! He taught me a lot!
[06:44.59] <+Timur> JustBeKalm: you think it's bad that his ability to run for POTUS should be contentious, vs. the assumption that he can?
[06:45.03] <+JustBeKalm> That's a flaw in our system.
[06:45.18] <+JustBeKalm> Timur, it's all bad.
[06:45.25] <dilligas> I wonder what this sadow fella is going to think about his client ignoring his advice to keep his damn mouth shut :)
[06:45.53] <+Timur> +,
[06:45.54] <@Lard> [url] Will Donald Trump Be Disqualified from Running Under the 14th Amendment? |, ( +, )
[06:45.56] <mgm17> remember, according to our system, trump is still innocent until proven guilty
[06:45.56] * TekWiz ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:46.06] <wptmj> like there's even a real race  how long have you guys known the government and voting is UTTER BULLSHIT yet you are still entertained by the GMO youre sucking down
[06:46.10] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, that I could accept.
[06:46.14] <wptmj> keeping you distracted
[06:46.17] * TekWiz ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:46.18] <+Timur> "it's all bad" is not meaningful, in this context. There are better or worse options.
[06:46.24] <mgm17> so.. yes, he can still run for pres.
[06:46.27] * Forbin (Forrbin@ has joined channel #Gulag
[06:46.44] <+JustBeKalm> But the idea that our voters will still support him enough for him to win the primaries is scary. And the idea that he can  run even in prison is alarming.
[06:46.47] <+Timur> it depends
[06:46.54] <dilligas> mgm17 under republican system trump is innocent and shouldn't be tried
[06:47.06] <Cleland> Just remember, Republicans are a minority--to dems and independents
[06:47.08] <+JustBeKalm> dilligas, lololol. True.
[06:47.14] <+Timur> this is how politics, and in this case the politics of the worst of the mob, upends the putative rule of law.
[06:47.27] <+Timur> Qui Pro Dominus, Justitia Sequitur.
[06:47.34] <+JustBeKalm> Timur, I never thought I'd live to see a clown show like this.
[06:47.44] <+Timur> JustBeKalm: same, but here we are.
[06:47.48] <wptmj> "Well, most of the cultural spread that goes on is not brilliant, new,  out-of-the-box thinking, it's INFECTIOUS REPITITIS."  - Dan Dennet
[06:47.50] <+JustBeKalm> Yep.
[06:47.51] <wptmj> +,
[06:47.51] <Cleland> lol--life is a clown show
[06:47.51] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Dangerous memes | Dan Dennett⁩ | 17m 25s | ⁨TED⁩ | 495,995 views
[06:47.58] <Cleland> Come on now you have been around the block
[06:48.07] <mgm17> JustB... if you lived thru the 60's, you saw other insanities
[06:48.08] <Cleland> Think about it how old is the earth
[06:48.21] <wptmj> who can know for sure?
[06:48.22] <Cleland> How long does the average human live
[06:48.26] <mgm17> kent state comes to mind
[06:48.27] <wptmj> who can know for sure?
[06:48.31] <dilligas> richard nixon was a straight arrow compared to trump
[06:48.41] <Cleland> Nixon was quite liberal in many ways
[06:48.47] <+JustBeKalm> Nixon was a prince next to Trump.
[06:48.50] <mgm17> "i have sinned in my heart"
[06:48.52] <wptmj> he was an actor, just like trump
[06:48.58] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, Carter :)
[06:49.03] <Cleland> Wasn’t that Jimmy CArter
[06:49.08] <mgm17> yep
[06:49.09] <dilligas> oh for the days when all republicans did was burglary
[06:49.10] <Cleland> Playboy interview
[06:49.17] <mgm17> as inflation ran to 18%
[06:49.26] <Cleland> oh for the days where republicans only grabbed their dog checkers by the ears
[06:49.40] <mgm17> yep
[06:49.55] <Cleland> or the days when republicans were just liars--not liars and insurrectionists
[06:50.18] <wptmj> +,
[06:50.19] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨TOP 5 The IT Crowd Best Moments | Series 1⁩ | 11m 46s | ⁨The IT Crowd⁩ | 1,741,066 views
[06:50.30] <mgm17> we've come to accept lying from our politicians, but Jan 6th?  no way
[06:50.36] * tzipsaway ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:50.36] <+JustBeKalm> I long for those good ole
[06:51.05] <mgm17> i don't miss the VietNam war playing out on tv news every night during dinner
[06:51.11] <mgm17> horror show
[06:51.26] <+JustBeKalm> I don't think Trump is going to win. But even if he loses by a hair, how sad is it that so many voters will vote for him???
[06:51.30] <Cleland> good old days weren’t so good
[06:51.40] <mgm17> bingo Cleland
[06:51.42] <Cleland> and future days should be worse
[06:51.43] <Cleland> lol
[06:51.45] <+JustBeKalm> Cleland, no.
[06:51.52] <mgm17> they will be better
[06:51.59] <Cleland> mgm, you are glass half full
[06:52.07] <Cleland> I’m glass emptying quickly
[06:52.07] * Lottoman is now known as LottoAFK
[06:52.10] <mgm17> ;)
[06:52.23] <wptmj> you should enjoy that IT Crowd clip Cle
[06:52.33] <wptmj> its fugging funny
[06:52.41] <mgm17> we have big challanges ahead..but that has never stopped us before
[06:52.44] <Cleland> wptmj, nobody gives a shit autisticboi
[06:52.46] <Cleland> NOBODY
[06:52.48] <tzipsaway> Reading through my morning news letters, almost all are saying a version of "Nikki Haley came across as the adult in the room."   .. for those of you who watched the debate.
[06:52.49] <Cleland> STFU and type your spam
[06:52.51] * tzipsaway is now known as tzip
[06:52.55] <wptmj> it talks about guys getting a rag like girls
[06:52.58] <wptmj> JUST LIKE YOU
[06:53.03] <Cleland> My god are you in need of meds
[06:53.12] <wptmj> say no to drugsa
[06:53.18] <wptmj> all we weed is weed
[06:53.23] <wptmj> -a
[06:53.48] <pw_zapffe> weed n shrooms
[06:54.07] <+Timur> +,
[06:54.08] <@Lard> [url] A Hairy Situation | The Nib | ( +, )
[06:54.16] <wptmj> no shrooms for me, saint anthony died of ergotism
[06:54.26] <wptmj> and i AM san antonio
[06:54.44] <wptmj> (or at least that fits my story real good)
[06:54.54] <pw_zapffe> :)
[06:54.59] <wptmj> ;p
[06:56.08] <wptmj> theres a legend that when no one listened to him he went to the riverbank and started preaching to the fish
[06:56.22] <wptmj> and all of a sudden they all schooled up around him
[06:56.28] <+thefed> +,
[06:56.30] <@Lard> [url] Iranian delegation arrives in Moscow to discuss ground forces cooperation -TASS | Reuters |, ( +, )
[06:56.35] <wptmj> and amazed the villager
[06:56.44] <+Timur> oh please yes
[06:56.52] <wptmj> so when i get back home soon i am gonna go to the riverwalk
[06:56.59] <wptmj> and try the same thing :]
[06:57.03] <+Timur> send all available Iranian troops to Ukraine to be bombed into oblivion
[06:57.15] <pw_zapffe> sure, why not
[06:57.26] <pw_zapffe> re-enact
[06:57.58] <dilligas> I wonder what the Iranian people are thinking about that (if they even know)
[06:58.01] <wptmj> i look JUST like the statue of saint anthony over by rivercenter malll
[06:58.12] <wptmj> like spitting image
[06:58.44] <wptmj> +,
[06:58.45] <@Lard> [url] Statue of Saint Anthony of Padua on the Riverwalk | Statue o… | Flickr |, ( +, )
[07:00.47] * Slayer78_ ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[07:02.20] * WiffilW ( has joined channel #Gulag
[07:02.42] <wptmj> i have begun the realization of the the whole benevolent internet "worm" dream
[07:02.53] <wptmj> that will spread by itself and reach every corner of our plane
[07:04.04] <wptmj> the ultimate NON-DANGEROUS meme
[07:06.41] <wptmj> i am drawing a line in the metephorical sand.  which side will you pick?  I bet all the youngsters will support me.  and there's a metric fuckload more kids
[07:07.11] <wptmj> than ignorant parents
[07:07.38] <wptmj> REVENGE OF THE CHILDREN!
[07:08.58] <+NineVolt> st anthony has an unfortunate hairstyle
[07:09.04] <+NineVolt> wicked bowl cut
[07:09.43] * WiffilW ( Quit (Quit: Quit)
[07:10.03] <wptmj> he would dip his head in the water and his fish disciples would eat at it for him
[07:10.16] <wptmj> his fish barbers
[07:10.47] <wptmj> i am high i have no idea whats going on
[07:10.51] <wptmj> +so
[07:10.53] <wptmj> +,
[07:10.54] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Wanna Get High? - SOUTH PARK⁩ | 4m 21s | ⁨South Park Studios⁩ | 1,013,015 views
[07:11.09] <wptmj> :[]
[07:11.31] <wptmj> hell-hoe ninevolt :]
[07:12.25] <dilligas> +,
[07:12.26] <@Lard> [url] Wagner Group will become even more dangerous after Prigozhin's death Polish PM | Ukrainska Pravda |, ( +, )
[07:12.44] <wptmj> i'm addicted to marijuana
[07:13.25] <wptmj> IT'S LIKE I'M WALKING ON SUNSHINE
[07:14.12] * Tina`a ( Quit (Quit)
[07:14.45] <wptmj> "dont worry, everyone. i'll just use my getting-high powers one more time."
[07:15.11] <+bastion> oh no... anyway. +,
[07:15.12] <@Lard> [url] Dealers Are Turning Away Electric Cars As Demand Cools |, ( +, )
[07:15.27] <wptmj> weed dealers
[07:15.39] <+bastion> wptmj: you smokin dat endo?
[07:15.47] <wptmj> dabbin
[07:16.07] <+bastion> dabbin nibbas be trippin
[07:16.55] <wptmj> tokin' negritos
[07:17.54] <mgm17> what a clown show.. +,
[07:17.54] <@Lard> [url] Trump changes lawyers in Georgia election case ahead of arrest |, ( +, )
[07:17.59] <wptmj> Let me tell you about my new shoes.  
[07:18.04] <wptmj> I bough them from a drug dealer.  
[07:18.10] <wptmj> I don't know what he laced them with but I've been trippin' for days.
[07:18.21] <wptmj> :[]
[07:19.16] <wptmj> te voy a cocer el culo con un alambre finito
[07:19.39] <wptmj> no te quedara bonito, pero te quedara seguro
[07:20.01] <wptmj> google translate that shit
[07:20.03] <wptmj> hehe
[07:24.26] * Daggett23 ( Quit (Quit: The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese)
[07:24.44] <wptmj> i love that mouse quote
[07:25.43] <+Debaser> When does Trump get weighed in
[07:26.19] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[07:27.16] <mgm17> i just hope he pees his pants when the mug shot is taken
[07:28.47] <tzip> mgm17,  he hasn't had a mug shot with his other bookings, I doubt he will with this one.  .. more's the pity.
[07:28.58] <wptmj> yay, im going to sift through all the celebrity deathmatch episodes on dailymotion and make a page on my blog.  so i can find a trump one i am sure there is one of
[07:29.54] <+Debaser> tzip: everyone else has
[07:30.06] <+Debaser> You think they'll make an exception for him?
[07:32.10] <+JustBeKalm> I thought mug shots are just of the if he pees it won't show.
[07:32.38] <+JustBeKalm> I hope he looks very orange and embarassed.
[07:35.31] <dilligas> they used to profile you against a yard stick, to show your height too (so I've been told:)
[07:38.24] <dilligas> it is amazing... he has already grabbed the headlines away from last nite's debate... new lawyer announcement
[07:39.39] * Forbin (Forrbin@ Quit (Quit)
[07:40.46] <mgm17> what a mess in GA
[07:45.04] <wptmj> here is my mugshot from 2008 in Celina OH
[07:45.15] <wptmj> +,
[07:45.15] <@Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: JUSTICEWILLBEDONE | ( +, )
[07:45.31] <wptmj> charge: contributing to delinquency of a minor
[07:45.44] <wptmj> JUST for passing out my site
[07:45.48] * Deanr ( has joined channel #Gulag
[07:45.52] <wptmj> because it was about mj
[07:46.39] <wptmj> i had awesome dreadlocks right before then, i got lice though
[07:46.45] <wptmj> had to shave them off
[07:46.49] <wptmj> :[
[07:47.04] <wptmj> all the camping outside without a tent, i figure
[07:52.30] <wptmj> " Man, FUCK THE POLICE! They cut the bell out of my dreads! This means war!"
[07:54.01] <wptmj> :P
[07:54.19] <wptmj> amagansett press
[07:54.21] <wptmj> rogue nation
[07:56.18] * caleb` ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:57.21] <Cleland> fuck this guy needs help
[07:59.36] <wptmj> you're projecting :]
[08:01.11] <wptmj> have you ever been hitchhiking, Cle?
[08:01.24] <wptmj> on the road?
[08:01.25] <mgm17> i'm wishing the ga clown show will stop soon... STOP giving T the free exposure
[08:01.35] <wptmj> how about you, mgm?
[08:02.06] * katy-uk (~thsh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:02.36] <+Debaser> Deanr: do you think trump will have a mug shot taken
[08:03.09] <katy-uk> Debaser We know he will.
[08:03.21] * You are now known as titties
[08:04.09] * You are now known as UOYKCUF
[08:04.44] * Heysoos ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:05.09] * You are now known as UOY-KCUF
[08:05.38] <Freiser> Trump 2024! Maga!
[08:05.43] <Freiser> jk
[08:06.28] <UOY-KCUF> i think i found my new nick
[08:06.31] <@BodegaCat> why j/k?
[08:06.40] <@BodegaCat> Trump / Palin 2024!!
[08:07.02] <Deanr> Debaser: who knows.  
[08:07.17] <tzip> lol BodegaCat!
[08:07.20] <+thefed> Who's Nailin' Trump?
[08:07.55] <+thefed> They've asked Ron Jeremy to play Chump.
[08:07.59] <UOY-KCUF> why doesnt everyone just call him chump?
[08:08.05] <UOY-KCUF> there you go!
[08:08.10] <UOY-KCUF> what a coincidence
[08:08.42] <UOY-KCUF> crazy synchronous irc connection
[08:08.59] <UOY-KCUF> same wavelength kinda thing
[08:09.19] <UOY-KCUF> 4 milliseconds apart!
[08:09.51] <Cleland> Why did you change your nick AutisticBoi
[08:09.59] <Cleland> Nobody responding to your rambling idiocy
[08:10.00] <Cleland> STFU
[08:10.02] <UOY-KCUF> aww, how come? :[
[08:10.34] <UOY-KCUF> i dedicate this next one to you, cle
[08:10.43] * You are now known as FUCK-YOU
[08:10.49] <FUCK-YOU> >:[
[08:10.55] * You are now known as wptmj
[08:11.00] <wptmj> jk
[08:11.02] <Deanr> Debaser: do you think you'll increase the quality of your channel anytime soon?   It's been pretty pathetic lately.
[08:11.15] <wptmj> yeah! we all want to know!
[08:11.21] <wptmj> :P
[08:11.47] <@BodegaCat> Deanr we've been talking about scheduling scripture sessions to raise the quality here
[08:12.16] <Heysoos> oh god
[08:12.16] <+thefed> Someone with the email address just emailed me to let me know that my social security number has been suspended and that I must call them immediately
[08:12.21] * Heysoos is now known as PrezPusyGrab
[08:12.22] <Deanr> BodegaCat: yeah, well, my comment was a tad more serious.  This channel has really become garbage.  
[08:12.32] <wptmj> and i think you meant altruistic
[08:12.33] <Cleland> thefed you can now get vanity SSN's
[08:12.36] <wptmj> common typo
[08:12.39] <@BodegaCat> ah so it used to be not-garbage??
[08:12.40] <tzip> scripture sessions, huh.   
[08:12.48] <PrezPusyGrab> Deanr: you're a slaver and proponent of mass murder, so no offense, you are the garbage.
[08:12.48] <+thefed> Haha what
[08:12.58] <@BodegaCat> what is a vanity SSN?  like 333-33-3333 ?
[08:13.01] <Cleland> Slayer is trying to get 88-8888-88
[08:13.04] <Cleland> But thats taken
[08:13.14] <PrezPusyGrab> Deanr is the christian version of Charles Manson.
[08:13.22] <Cleland> Hardly stupid
[08:13.26] <@BodegaCat> slayer is no longer 88
[08:13.26] <Cleland> Stop being so melodramatic
[08:13.29] <@BodegaCat> he is 78
[08:13.32] * katy__uk ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:13.35] <Cleland> He’s just a fucking Christer--
[08:13.39] <Cleland> He’s never killed anyone
[08:13.40] <@BodegaCat> 78 = GH i.e.  "Good Hitler"
[08:13.44] <Cleland> fucking drama QUEEN
[08:13.44] <+thefed> Haha
[08:13.51] <Deanr> BodegaCat: the channel has always had a pretty low bar.... but, sheesh, lately, as you saw it being discussed in #political, it's the worst it's ever been.
[08:13.55] <PrezPusyGrab> no he's just said that the government would be justified in murdering millions of people
[08:14.02] <+thefed> 98 "Evil Hitler"
[08:14.06] <+thefed> 88 "Juuust right"
[08:14.07] <Cleland> lol
[08:14.16] <PrezPusyGrab> so yeah, I guess he's more hitler than manson, manson only wanted a few people killed
[08:14.54] <Deanr> especially in the evenings
[08:15.05] <mgm17> more repub crap.. The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee opened an investigation into the work of the Atlanta prosecutor who has criminally charged Donald Trump with interfering in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.
[08:15.20] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland, on the other hand, is just a sperg.
[08:15.25] <mgm17> +,
[08:15.26] <@Lard> [url] Trump Georgia election case target of House Republican probe |, ( +, )
[08:15.29] <PrezPusyGrab> and spergs are harmless
[08:16.01] * katy-uk (~thsh@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:16.03] <+AAAman> MAGA hats converted into diapers
[08:16.20] <wptmj> just learned what sperg means, pretty clever
[08:16.42] * LottoAFK is now known as Lottoman
[08:17.07] <PrezPusyGrab> I dont know sometimes they can be, but usually they're just emotionally unstable and awkward
[08:17.17] <PrezPusyGrab> always screaming and shit
[08:17.30] <tzip> oh, speaking of, Deanr...  an exchange from awhile ago about the difference in character of the god of the old testament and that of the new one.    This one made me giggle:
[08:17.34] <tzip> <@tzip> <+avskum> old testament god is the best one
[08:17.34] <tzip> <@tzip> <+avskum> imo
[08:17.34] <tzip> <@tzip> <+avskum> hes got way more kills
[08:17.34] <tzip> <@tzip> <+avskum> i'm a gamer
[08:17.41] <PrezPusyGrab> lol
[08:17.55] <PrezPusyGrab> Old Testament god killed like 30 something kids with a bear for calling a guy bald
[08:18.00] <wptmj> all hail UT99
[08:18.02] <wptmj> !
[08:18.12] <tzip> I've seen a lot of thoughtful discussions on the contrasting nature of the 2 gods but I thought that one was the best.  :)
[08:18.14] <wptmj> GOTY!
[08:18.42] <+JustBeKalm> You've seen thoughtful discussions about religion here?
[08:18.46] <+thefed> +,
[08:18.47] <@Lard> [url] TRUMP INDICTMENT ODDS | Betting News & Picks |, ( +, )
[08:18.52] <+JustBeKalm> Most of us just hate organized religion.
[08:18.55] <+thefed> Under 278.5 pounds: -145
[08:18.56] <+thefed> Over 278.5 pounds: +105
[08:19.02] <tzip> lol!  no, not here, JustBeKalm.   In a few of the religious rooms.   
[08:19.03] <+thefed> lol
[08:19.03] <Cleland> lol
[08:19.05] <Cleland> I  got a bet in on his tie
[08:19.08] <Cleland> it will be RED
[08:19.17] <+JustBeKalm> tzip, oh, okay. You scared
[08:19.22] <Cleland> I had to bet 1000 to win 50 cents
[08:19.24] <Lottoman> ROFL..   I got kicked from civics..   Cleland..  gave you a hardon didnt it?
[08:19.40] * kmh (~kmh@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:19.41] <Cleland> Dotto no probalby your deviant sexual posts
[08:19.43] <+thefed> Why'd you get kicked?
[08:19.48] <Lottoman> ROFL. . JustBeAKunt..
[08:19.48] <Deanr> tzip: that's Marcionism essentially.  It's the result of people not having read or understanding the bible.  It's silly.
[08:19.51] <Cleland> Dotto you are of my Pinatas why would I ban you
[08:19.52] <tzip> LOL JustBeKalm!   No, my idea of a 'thoughtful discussion" about much of anything happening wouldn't be in here.
[08:19.58] <Cleland> Dotto stop talking about hookers
[08:20.09] <Lottoman> I went to civics to get away from her..   she follows me..  
[08:20.11] * X sets mode +b *!~*@ for #Gulag
[08:20.11] * Lottoman was kicked by X(  - Reason ((federal) come on, we did this yesterday)
[08:20.11] <+JustBeKalm> tzip, phew! You scared me :)
[08:20.14] <Cleland> And stop whining
[08:20.17] <PrezPusyGrab> tzip: in other words it means people who haven't done mental gymnastics to justify all the violence, slavery, and killing
[08:20.24] <tzip> Deanr,  oh it's just a hilarious basis on which to base evaluations on the 2 natures of the 2 gods.
[08:20.26] <+JustBeKalm> Oh, what is he whining about today? Me again?
[08:20.28] * kmh (~kmh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:20.29] <+JustBeKalm> lol
[08:20.29] <Cleland> PPG going full melodrama
[08:20.29] <+thefed> He can't stop calling women cunts.
[08:20.31] <Cleland> WTF
[08:20.40] <+JustBeKalm> thefed, oh. Well, he's the cunt.
[08:20.41] <Cleland> thefed and he was talking about his 1000 a night hooker
[08:20.43] <+JustBeKalm> Vagina Man
[08:20.44] <Cleland> Her name is Elsie
[08:20.51] <Cleland> Elsie the Cow
[08:20.51] <PrezPusyGrab> its melodramatic to say the bible is full of violence, slavery, and killing?
[08:21.02] <+JustBeKalm> PrezPusyGrab, it is.
[08:21.03] <Cleland> Thats shit is hard to maintain
[08:21.05] <Cleland> PPG how profound
[08:21.06] <kmh> +,
[08:21.06] <PrezPusyGrab> or are you just a sperg looking to scream at your "enemy"?
[08:21.06] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨'NO SHOW' Biden Slammed By East Palestine Residents After 170+ Days Pass W/O VISIT: Rising Reacts⁩ | 16m 18s | ⁨The Hill⁩ | 27,908 views
[08:21.07] * JackBurton ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:21.10] <Cleland> We had no idea!
[08:21.14] <Cleland> The Bible has violence!
[08:21.26] <Cleland> kmh Heil Nazi Fuck
[08:21.30] <Cleland> 88
[08:21.34] <+JustBeKalm> The Babble as I am now going to call it. All the Babbles. There are more than one.
[08:21.40] <PrezPusyGrab> or are you just a sperg looking to scream at your "enemy"? <---- Cleland in a nutshell
[08:21.41] <wptmj> so does the three little pigs!
[08:21.42] <Cleland> Who gives a fuck about East Palestine
[08:21.55] <Cleland> PPG come on now you can do better
[08:22.00] <Cleland> You are so fucking easy to make fun of
[08:22.01] <PrezPusyGrab> you can't do better than the truth.
[08:22.04] <Cleland> YOu are out drama queen
[08:22.11] <Cleland> PPG you thinking of doing a change?
[08:22.18] <PrezPusyGrab> watch now he's going to spergout and scream/flood for hours.
[08:22.26] <Cleland> I mean maybe thats why you reunited with the WOMAN you doxxed
[08:22.32] <Cleland> :SExy boi
[08:22.39] * Slayer78_ (uid522228@2a03:5180:f:3::7:f7f4) has joined channel #Gulag
[08:22.43] * PrezPusyGrab is now known as PrezPopCGrab
[08:23.16] <Slayer78_> Hi
[08:23.34] <wptmj> are you from OH, cle?
[08:23.41] <wptmj> ever been to celina?
[08:24.07] <euphony> I'm not sure it matters tbh kmh. The demographics are changing, but the Democratic Party's POV wrt the occupation has always been more or less unwavering support for the maximum goals of zionism.
[08:24.43] <Slayer78_> I literally have no issues with Israel or Zionism even
[08:24.44] <mgm17> there is no such thing as a "thoughtful discussion about religion"... since all is based on myths and not reality
[08:24.50] <euphony> From the River to the Sea Palestine won't be Free has been a pretty solid bipartisan consensus
[08:25.25] <kmh> euphony,  dunno whether it matters in terms of election, but imho it is simply bad job/failure of the president and his administration on that issue
[08:25.26] <Slayer78_> mgm17: but religion matters to a shitload of people
[08:26.16] <+thefed> Is Ashoka any good
[08:26.20] <Cleland> euphony, our self loathing Jew!
[08:26.22] <Cleland> How are ya
[08:26.26] <Cleland> Lets HORA
[08:26.26] <kmh> euphony,  and just because some gopster wuld most likely to do even worse that is no reason to let Biden of the hook here
[08:26.34] <Cleland> Drive the Jews into the SEA
[08:26.44] <Cleland> and a Heil to KMH
[08:27.10] <+AAAman> Slayer78_-- What about Replacement Theory
[08:27.13] <Slayer78_> kmh: funny tha
[08:27.18] <tzip> PrezPopCGrab.  the point is that it's a deeply serious theological discussion.   avskum squirreled it off into an entirely different universe.     ok ok, I have a twisted sense of humor.
[08:27.37] <Slayer78_> kmh: funny that a lot of people are perfectly content using that excuse
[08:27.50] <mgm17> lol... "serious theological"...... what crap
[08:27.57] <Slayer78_> AAAman: you should indeed be replaced by a better chatter
[08:28.33] <dilligas> funny, Slayer78_... I was just thinking the same about you
[08:28.36] <+AAAman>  attempting to replace white citizens with nonwhite
[08:28.46] <mgm17> how can anything be "serious" when its discussing myths
[08:28.54] <+JustBeKalm> Oh, I'm in favor of replacing white men with nonwhite men.
[08:29.00] <+AAAman> Slayer78_--  Stop with the personal attacks
[08:29.06] <Slayer78_> AAAman: only racists like yourself have such preoccupations
[08:29.07] <+JustBeKalm> Hiya, mgm
[08:29.07] <@BodegaCat> AAAman like in those sci fi movies where the aliens secretly replace people?
[08:29.14] <mgm17> hey JustB
[08:29.16] <+JustBeKalm> We meet everywhere :))))
[08:29.21] <mgm17> lol
[08:29.24] <Slayer78_> Hi JBK
[08:29.25] <+JustBeKalm> lol :)
[08:29.29] <+JustBeKalm> Hi, Slayer.
[08:29.33] <+JustBeKalm> Hi everyone.
[08:29.42] <Slayer78_> Looking forward to the inevitable lecture about how I am not an American
[08:29.56] <+JustBeKalm> I'm sort of floating channel to channel. If somebody talks to me and I don't respond, I'm probably not here. Apologize in advance.
[08:29.58] <@BodegaCat> are you even canadian?
[08:30.03] <@BodegaCat> i sure hope you haven't naturalized
[08:30.05] <dilligas> you definately are Not a citizen of the US
[08:30.10] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, lolol. Canadians are actually also Americans.
[08:30.19] <+JustBeKalm> But can't vote here.
[08:30.19] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: indeed
[08:30.27] <@BodegaCat> JustBeKalm heh NO canadians are not american
[08:30.30] <@BodegaCat> please be kind
[08:30.45] <+AAAman> Slayer78_- Are you for or against immigration
[08:30.52] <Slayer78_> AAAman: for
[08:31.08] <mgm17> everyone in this hemisphe are Americans... ONLY usa citizens are USA
[08:31.30] <+AAAman> Slayer78_ -- Should certain immigrants be favored over others
[08:31.36] <Slayer78_> AAAman: are you going anywhere with this bullshit?
[08:31.40] <@BodegaCat> usually "american" refers to people & stuff from the USA
[08:31.46] <mgm17> just like only ppl Panama (central America) are Panamanian citizens
[08:31.55] <Slayer78_> AAAman: yes, legal ones should be favored over illegal ones
[08:32.01] <+JustBeKalm> BodegaCat, that is a fact, yet it
[08:32.07] <+JustBeKalm> it's actually not true
[08:32.07] <+AAAman> Slayer78_--This is a fair question
[08:32.12] <+Debaser> Has anyone asked slayer about the jordan Peterson ruling?
[08:32.21] <Slayer78_> AAAman: it's mostly a useless conversation
[08:32.33] <@BodegaCat> like if we wanna be silly and say "well the word "america" refers to the 2 americas continents" ok fine but that's not the usual intention with that word
[08:32.43] <+AAAman> US immigration policy has favored certain immigrants.  It is not useless
[08:32.44] <euphony> kmh you are right but I think Biden going to East Jerusalem would just be theatre. Would the sale of weapons stop? Would the construction of settlements stop? Would the chilling of human rights activism stop? My feeling on each of those is a hard no. Biden might not be as "kill em all!" as the average GOP candidate. But nothing in my experience tells me the Democratic Party or its Presidents have any real interest in justice for Palestine
[08:32.51] <mgm17> why encourage slayer's foolishness
[08:33.08] <Slayer78_> AAAman: I'm guessing you're stuck on what obvious retarded people tell you about my otherwise long gone past
[08:33.21] <Cleland> What happened to Peterson
[08:33.28] <Cleland> Did the shrink board take his license
[08:33.43] <@BodegaCat> this whole "we're american despite not being in the USA because the land mass we are on has the word 'america' in it" is some juvenile grade 5 level pedantry.  Literally the kind of word games we would play in grade 5.
[08:33.45] <dilligas> they were screaming on stage, last nite BIDEN OPENED THE BORDERS which is total bullshit...but he should open them... the US is a country of many nations and they should all be allowed in
[08:33.57] <Slayer78_> Meh.. is Palestine interested in justice for itself?
[08:34.09] <+AAAman> The "Most Favored Nation" Approach in America’s Immigration
[08:34.46] <+AAAman> Slayer78_--  I am not talking about your past
[08:34.47] <@BodegaCat> slippery Slayer78_ is avoiding giving an honest opinion because he senses a trap
[08:34.48] <mgm17> every nation has the right AND the responsibility to act in the interest of its citizens... not necessairly immigrants
[08:35.04] <Slayer78_> AAAman: ok, but why these questions?
[08:35.08] <Cleland> Slurpy
[08:35.14] <Cleland> You up to your tricks again
[08:35.14] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, that is actually true.
[08:35.16] <Cleland> HEIL
[08:35.19] <Cleland> Everyone give him a HEIL
[08:35.24] <Cleland> Calms him down
[08:35.28] <Cleland> Its like a pacifier
[08:35.34] <+JustBeKalm> Or I should say I agree. Citizens first.
[08:35.39] <+AAAman> Slayer78_ You refuse to offer a simple opinon
[08:35.41] <mgm17> bingo
[08:35.57] <Slayer78_> AAAman: since when?
[08:36.06] <euphony> FWIW as a Canadian, I don't mind Americans calling themselves American. Sure there's some ego there but I mean, your the largest, wealthiest, most powerful country by a mile. May as well claim the title. It has a nice ring to it, its a nice sounding word. I mean, what is the alternative? United Statesian?
[08:36.08] <Cleland> hold on he does have many opnion
[08:36.14] <Cleland> sHe thinks viruses are sentient
[08:36.18] <mgm17> NOT corporations first...that is the big push for unfettered immigration.  keeps the labor pool excessive so corporations can pay less
[08:36.20] <@BodegaCat> euphony indeed
[08:36.21] <Cleland> he thinks the Holocaust never happened
[08:36.35] <+AAAman> Slayer78_ -- prove me wrong
[08:36.51] <+AAAman>  AAAman: ok, but why these questions?
[08:36.56] <Slayer78_> AAAman: I'm answering your questions,  and my answers are straightforward
[08:37.12] <+AAAman> Slayer78_ -- Should certain immigrants be favored over others
[08:37.14] <Slayer78_> Why do you ask that shit, though?
[08:37.23] <+AAAman> No answer
[08:37.26] <@BodegaCat> My point was:  Canadians are a distinct country and distinct culture from United Statesians, no matter what silly word games someone might play with the word "America"
[08:37.30] <Slayer78_> AAAman: that has already been answered,  retard
[08:37.54] <Slayer78_> Don't blame me because you're too retarded to follow a thread
[08:38.04] <+AAAman> No answer  ---
[08:38.09] <Cleland> lol
[08:38.19] <Cleland> Slayer go easy on your fellow retarded people
[08:38.23] <Cleland> I mean really thats a slur
[08:38.24] <@BodegaCat> see?  he's slippery.  "oh,I already answered!"  classic slayer
[08:38.25] <+AAAman> Slayer78_-- No answer is not an answer
[08:38.25] <mgm17> Canadians ARE americans too... as I explained earlier.. but Canadians have nothing to do with USA policies or politics
[08:38.32] <Slayer78_> AAAman: second time... legal ones should be favored over illegal ones
[08:38.32] <@BodegaCat> evade, personal insult, and pretend to have answered
[08:38.38] <Cleland> Slayer has a very limited knowledge base
[08:38.39] <euphony> I'm honestly curious what reasoonable alternatives to "American" would be. Like what terms would be historically meaningul, yet at the same time reasonably inclusive and nice sounding. I think Canada is a good word historically. First Nations in origin, adopted by the French, and later the Anglos. Its a good word for a common identity.
[08:38.46] <Cleland> Little to know history
[08:38.52] <Cleland> Little to know appreciation of viruses
[08:39.02] <Slayer78_> AAAman: but since you've proven your bad faith,  you're getting the fuck out of my sight
[08:39.03] <Cleland> and no
[08:39.09] <@BodegaCat> euphony it's a good word to add "ian" to because of how it sounds.
[08:39.16] <euphony> Ya
[08:39.22] <Slayer78_> Have fun fucking yourself,  you useless robot
[08:39.26] * vulcan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:39.30] <@BodegaCat> the founding fathers kind of dropped the ball in making a country name that rolls off the tongue
[08:39.35] <+AAAman> Slayer78_--  I will answer your questions in good faith -- you cannot do the same
[08:39.56] <+AAAman> Slayer78_-- Personal attack mode again
[08:40.09] <vulcan> good morning Slayer78_
[08:40.15] <Slayer78_> Hi vulcan
[08:40.15] <Cleland> Fuck off Vulva
[08:40.25] <@BodegaCat> "We demand freedom from tyranny!!!   but a country name that's tedious to pronounce?  Nah, we coo wit dat."
[08:40.27] <Cleland> Slayer and Vulva, a marriage made in--MUNICH
[08:40.39] <dilligas> the whole thing should be changed to Eriksonvilleland, anyway
[08:40.41] <Cleland> Vulva things quiet over in fascist centray?
[08:40.43] <vulcan> Cleland:  be careful applying the vagisil
[08:40.46] <Cleland> lol
[08:40.52] <Cleland> vulcan you are kinkier then I thought
[08:41.00] <vulcan> heh
[08:41.03] <Cleland> Dude you got an infection
[08:41.04] <@BodegaCat> vulcan why does applying vagisil require particular care?
[08:41.05] <Cleland> But dude, it doesn’t go in your anus
[08:41.07] <Cleland> fucking moron
[08:41.12] <Slayer78_> vulcan: in fairness,  maybe he has sand in his vajayjay
[08:41.13] <Cleland> cause wifey asked him to apply it this morning
[08:41.16] <vulcan> BodegaCat:  I would not kn ow
[08:41.22] <Cleland> And she wiggled like an eel
[08:41.29] <@BodegaCat> vulcan maybe you shouldn't talk about things you don't know about.   
[08:41.31] <vulcan> Slayer78_:  lol
[08:41.32] <@BodegaCat> just an idea.
[08:41.33] <Cleland> Vulva did you masturbate to the Tucker interview
[08:41.35] <Cleland> Vulva?
[08:41.51] <vulcan> BodegaCat:  I have opinions and not much knowledge
[08:41.58] <@BodegaCat> i masturbated to the tucker interview, i was wearing my red hat & my adult diapers & nothing else.
[08:42.04] <vulcan> Cleland:  dont watch Tucker
[08:42.33] * salkas (~user@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:42.35] <vulcan> BodegaCat: with MAGA on the hat?
[08:42.37] <salkas> guten abend
[08:42.44] <euphony> Hmmm I can't find any serious conversations online about alternative names for the States. Columbian is great but taken. Fredonia apparently is something people have tried to make happen but.... oh god no lol
[08:43.19] <euphony> I once had a sex dream about Trump's hairpiece. Not him, his hair piece specifically. It was seven feet tall and oddly comforting. Left me feeling messed up for days lol
[08:43.35] <@BodegaCat> vulcan obviously
[08:44.00] <vulcan> Biden probably dreams about sniffing Trump's hair
[08:44.23] <Cleland> Vulva stop projecting you pervert
[08:44.35] <Slayer78_> Maybe Biden dreamed about something in Hawaii when he went sleeping there
[08:44.38] <@BodegaCat> When Trump first started campaigning in 2016 or whatever, I went on a date with a lady from China, and she showed up very proudly wearing a MAGA hat, and I thought she was being ironic.  But in hindsight she actually was a legit Trump lover
[08:45.00] <Slayer78_> Clearly,  his 'empathy ' is off the chart
[08:45.02] <Cleland> Wow critical anecdote
[08:45.03] <Cleland> Thanks
[08:45.05] <Cleland> Sometimes you need to just shut up
[08:45.11] <Cleland> no comment necessary
[08:45.27] * Cleland ( Quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:,
[08:45.45] <euphony> Ya... I remember that, very early on there was a CHinese MAGA fad.
[08:45.49] <vulcan> I love this room
[08:45.49] <euphony> I doubt it still exists
[08:45.59] <euphony> Like, it was a fad, in china
[08:46.10] <@BodegaCat> euphony oh it was common with lots of chinese?  as in chinese in the USA or worldwide?
[08:46.25] <Slayer78_> You mean,  like transgenderism is a fad here?
[08:46.30] <salkas> cleland fuck off
[08:46.43] <@BodegaCat> This was back when there was like 20 republican candidates, so the idea of supporting Trump still seemed like a cute, quirky, silly idea.
[08:46.45] <euphony> I dunno about America, I do remember reading stories in 2016 and 2017 of chinese folks in china adopting the MAGA aesthetic, hat and all.
[08:46.51] <+Debaser> The shrink board is making Peterson do social media training lmao
[08:47.04] <salkas> he thinks hes a democrat,number 1 reactionary is he
[08:47.25] <+NineVolt> wow
[08:47.26] <salkas> Debaser,didint clealand doxx?
[08:47.50] <vulcan> if Trump wins (I have my doubts), there will be mass suicides among democrats
[08:47.50] <+NineVolt> going on a date and the chick shows up in a low-quality baseball cap
[08:47.52] <salkas> isnt that against the chan rules?
[08:47.59] <+NineVolt> i mean, even political statement aside, lol
[08:48.22] <+NineVolt> at least it wasn't a trucker hat, i guess?
[08:48.26] <@BodegaCat> although i wonder how accurate "fad" would apply to anything in china, they have a billion people and if you capture 20 of them doing something, it's literally an insignificant number, but you can still make a news story out of it saying "look at this trend sweeping the nation!"
[08:48.30] <Slayer78_> vulcan: no, there won't be, for their entire existence is about despising that man
[08:48.42] <+NineVolt> did she have a pack of marlboros tucked into her tshirt sleeve?
[08:48.57] <vulcan> Slayer78_: I've never seen so much hate
[08:49.03] <@BodegaCat> NineVolt the baseball cap was average quality manufacturing, and it was brand new, so it's not like she showed up in ratty clothes
[08:49.10] <Slayer78_> Which reminds me..
[08:49.21] <Slayer78_> NineVolt hi... why do you hate Trump?
[08:49.29] <+NineVolt> is it? i've never actually beheld a trump hat from up close.
[08:49.40] <@BodegaCat> NineVolt and i'm not the kind of guy who cared back then, I still don't care, she has large breasts so she's allowed to show up wearing a burlap sack if she wants
[08:49.41] <+NineVolt> i assumed they were shit.
[08:49.47] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: your question is faulty.
[08:49.55] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: how so?
[08:50.12] <Slayer78_> Euphony why do you hate Trump?
[08:50.13] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: it contains the false premise that i hate trump
[08:50.25] <+NineVolt> how is that not obvious
[08:50.36] <vulcan> Trump 2024
[08:50.36] <@BodegaCat> NineVolt i wouldn't know how to identify a "high quality" baseball cap from a "low quality" cap since i never wear them, my presumption is that like all clothing, the difference is only apparent when the cheap stuff wears out faster
[08:50.37] <+NineVolt> in what other way could it be faulty, even in theory?
[08:50.55] <euphony> BodegaCat fair point. I mean frig China just admitted to misestimated their population by 100 million! A roudning error 3 times the size of Canada. +,
[08:50.56] <@Lard> [url] 'China Has 10 Years Left, At Most' — 100 Million Population Drop Could Lead To Economic Disaster, According To Famed Analyst | ( +, )
[08:51.07] <+NineVolt> BodegaCat: nah man people pay big bucks for nice hats. there's a whole subculture.
[08:51.12] <@BodegaCat> Slayer78_ please stop pestering people with questions with faulty premises
[08:51.29] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: ok
[08:51.51] <@BodegaCat> NineVolt i understand that such a culture exists.  What i'm saying is:  i am not of the culture so i can't identify good manufacturing from bad when it comes to baseball caps
[08:52.00] <+NineVolt> fair enough. same here.
[08:52.06] <Slayer78_> Anyway,  interesting to notice few purported liberals can adequately answer that question
[08:52.17] * katy__uk ( Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( +, ))
[08:52.20] <+NineVolt> how is it interesting that liberals don't hate trump?
[08:52.23] <kmh> euphony, i agree that Biden should not engage in theater, but he should engage in substantial help rather then let it run of sorts
[08:52.44] <+NineVolt> i mean it would be interesting if you were able to update your mental model to account for that reality
[08:52.44] * Wilderness ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[08:52.47] <+NineVolt> but you won't
[08:52.51] <+NineVolt> i think that's the more interesting part
[08:52.55] <@BodegaCat> NineVolt that would indeed be very interesting.
[08:52.59] <vulcan> if Biden is the n ominee, Trump wins
[08:53.11] <@BodegaCat> I would be highly interested in seeing Slayer78_ learning and growing intellectually.
[08:53.15] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: Trump is literally talked about all the time by purported liberals,  lest ye actually noticed
[08:53.19] <kmh> euphony,  in particular since east üpalestine exposes a lot of regulatory and administrational issues
[08:53.35] * ^skunk`` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:53.36] <euphony> kmh the Democratic Party is still the sort of place where a politician can say "Palestinian children should not be murdered to make room for Jewish Living Space" and the rest of the party will call you a vicious antisemite
[08:53.37] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: yea, in the same way that literally anyone would be talked about if they were spearheading a movement to end our democracy
[08:53.47] <dilligas> debating trolls just increases their perceived power
[08:53.53] <kmh> euphony,  and the Biden administration could have used that as an opportunity to address them
[08:53.57] <+JustBeKalm> Why wouldn't we? First of all, there are very few U.S. Trumpers here to talk about him. Secondly, he is #1 in U.S. news.
[08:54.03] <Slayer78_> NineVolt he's also literally never talked about in a positive manner by these people
[08:54.04] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: where you go wrong is in assuming that liberals hate trump, that there's something inherent to trump, independent of his actions, that bothers liberals. that's false. liberals don't give a shit about trump. they give a shit about democracy.
[08:54.07] <vulcan> dilligas:  :)
[08:54.17] <+JustBeKalm> I don't see why it's surprising. This channel is primarily people from the U.S.
[08:54.24] <kmh> euphony,  it could also have used gop theater to take them by their word or expose them
[08:54.29] <vulcan> good morning JBK :)
[08:54.30] <^skunk``> rudy harmed trump more than any dem could ..rofl.
[08:54.30] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: liberals everywhere invite trump to take actions where discussing those actions woudl be seen as talking about him in a positive manner.
[08:54.36] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: lol, well it's cute you wrote that, even cuter if you believe it
[08:54.47] <+NineVolt> instead he commits crimes.
[08:54.53] <kmh> euphony,  but they more or less did nothing of that sorts
[08:55.43] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: it sounds like you're attributing motives to liberals that don't exist, and then dismissing liberals' explanation of their motives.
[08:55.53] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: liberals today literally don't give a fuck about democracy since it's only democracy if the Democrats win
[08:55.55] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: that doesn't sound like a great way to be informed about liberals' motives.
[08:56.01] <kmh> euphony, but East Palestine we're talking isn't in the mideast
[08:56.08] <+JustBeKalm> It most certainly is not just liberals in the U.S. who talk about Trump.
[08:56.14] <^skunk``> is slayer still dissing ppl ?
[08:56.23] <^skunk``> kmh east palestine is jordan
[08:56.23] <euphony> God this is depressing. Like, the fact this is even being talked about. Something that would matter: Tying military aid to the deconstruction of settlements. Joe "nothing will fundamentally change" Biden: Hmmm should I do a photo op in East Palestine or a Denny's in Anne Arbour today?
[08:56.29] <@BodegaCat> Slayer78_ you also tend to make generalizations about "liberals" as if they are a bloc of people who all share identical beliefs about every single subject.  Rather than treating people like individuals who may or may not match your preconceptions.
[08:56.31] <euphony> kmh lol
[08:56.34] <euphony> kmh kk
[08:56.36] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: no, it's also democracy if anyone else wins, so long as that person isn't championing the end of democracy.
[08:56.38] <salkas> skunk your mom is jordan
[08:56.45] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: your previous claim seems baseless. you're projecting.
[08:56.48] <^skunk``> trans jordan it was called then they invaded palestine
[08:57.00] <euphony> kmh i put my foot in my mouth a lot with you lol
[08:57.01] <^skunk``> and did some ethnic cleansing
[08:57.04] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: listen I am quite fond of how you bullshit yourself... but it's still bullshit
[08:57.19] <^skunk``> salkas take your meds
[08:57.19] <salkas> skunk,california is mexico
[08:57.26] <+NineVolt> 15:55 <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: it sounds like you're attributing motives to liberals that don't exist, and then dismissing liberals' explanation of their motives.
[08:57.35] <PrezPopCGrab> salkas: damn when did mexico get so rich?
[08:57.37] <^skunk``> salkas the doc told u take your meds lol
[08:57.43] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: damn right I dismiss it
[08:57.56] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: so you're arguing that you know what motivates liberals better than liberals themselves.
[08:57.58] <euphony> I mean ya, Israel-Palestine is East Jordan and should have been set up as such. I agree with that to an extent
[08:57.59] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: that's retarded.
[08:58.28] <^skunk``> jordan occpied the west bank for 30 years and ethnically cleansed it
[08:58.33] <PrezPopCGrab> whats funny is the people conservatives hate about california the most is the more conservative issues, like wealth inequality, lack of minimum wage, lack of rent control and lack of public housing.
[08:58.35] <^skunk``> also east jerusalme
[08:58.39] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: you can view it that way if you want... I have talked to enough liberals to know they don't smell their own shit anymore
[08:58.40] <PrezPopCGrab> the thing*
[08:58.45] <vulcan> classic liberals were ok
[08:58.49] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: your entire argument is retarded.
[08:58.52] <vulcan> not the liberals of today
[08:59.00] <kmh> euphony,  i see it like this in here. We only get better result or behaviour from Biden or establishment democrats if we criticise them
[08:59.00] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: i invite you to keep at it.
[08:59.00] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: I don't care
[08:59.01] <^skunk``> changed name from trans jordan to jordan and they annexed east jerusalem and west bank
[08:59.06] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: that much is evident.
[08:59.11] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: thats not true, you just got older and you're the conservative of decades ago, but today
[08:59.25] <@BodegaCat> Slayer78_ if you have genuine curiosity about NineVolt's feelings, then may i suggest you ask something like "Why did you say xyz?"  instead of jumping to conclusions about his mindset and asking gotcha-sounding questions like "why do you hate trump?"
[08:59.27] <+NineVolt> that's consistent with you being retarded.
[08:59.42] <@BodegaCat> Slayer78_ or at least lead with "DO you hate trump?"  before making assumptions
[08:59.47] <kmh> euphony,  criticizing Trump (who is way bewyond any reasonable choice anyhow) won't imprive Biden or DNC behaviour a bit
[08:59.51] <euphony> I cant tell if Skunk is trolling or is just so far to the right he thinks the arabs are squatting on our god given oil
[08:59.54] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: your opinion of me is irrelevant to the matters I otherwise gave raised
[08:59.55] <vulcan> PPG I have always leaned libertarian but libertarians have faults too and can NEVER win elections
[08:59.56] <PrezPopCGrab> Slayer78_ is a trumpsimp
[09:00.05] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: fault mostly being that they're stupid.
[09:00.09] <euphony> kmh, ya, people like biden and trudeau need to be grilled hard as well
[09:00.25] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: it's absolutely true that you being retarded has no bearing on the merits (or lack thereof) of your arguments.
[09:00.27] <vulcan> PPG no, you and your ilk are the stupid ones
[09:00.34] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: "no u"
[09:00.39] <vulcan> PPG I said libertarians have faults
[09:00.43] <@BodegaCat> "ilk" eheheh
[09:00.51] <+NineVolt> indeed, it's actually the other way around. it's because your argument has no merit that you seem retarded, not the other way around.
[09:00.52] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: and I'm saying that fault is that they're stupid and their ideology makes 0 sense.
[09:00.52] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: you have not addressed these arguments in the slightest
[09:00.55] <vulcan> I like the word "ilk"
[09:00.57] <@BodegaCat> librarians, on the other hand, are heavenly angels
[09:01.19] <Slayer78_> Yes, PPG is clearly smarter when muted
[09:01.22] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: i have by pointing out that they're predicated on your false belief about what motivates liberals, which has been contradicted by firsthand testimony from a liberal.
[09:01.32] <vulcan> PPG their ideology is to have more liberty for people
[09:01.32] <PrezPopCGrab> BodegaCat is seeking new allies now that the partnership with barathron fell through.
[09:01.40] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: but you can go on pretending that didn't happen.
[09:01.48] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: no it isn't, it's to give rich people all the power.
[09:01.49] <@BodegaCat> Slayer78_ are you genuinely curious about NineVolt's opinions?  Or do you just wanna argue with him?   
[09:01.54] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: it makes you look even more retarded, which you already clarified you don't care about.
[09:02.06] <@BodegaCat> I totally get the desire to argue with people.  that's the #2 use case for IRC, right after finding new people to have sex with.
[09:02.13] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: well I dismissed your view, and don't mind dismissing it again
[09:02.17] <vulcan> PPG that is absolutely false although rich may benefit
[09:02.19] <+NineVolt> i can't believe you'd have sex with people met on irc.
[09:02.21] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: its like mini anarchists.  They think without a government there will be freedom.  No there won't, there will be gangs and warlords who just do what they want.
[09:02.50] <vulcan> PPG maybe freedom but also chaos
[09:02.52] * McBoatFace ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:02.52] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: therein lies the retardation. please keep at it.
[09:03.01] <^skunk``> plane fall out of sky by itself we so sorry says putin
[09:03.10] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: getting rid of democratic power just creates a power void filled by private power, that's why libertarians are morons.  If you take off the restrictions of how corporations and rich people can fuck people, it won't be freedom, it will be a dick in your ass.
[09:03.14] <vulcan> PPG lawyers would starve under anarchy
[09:03.17] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: your opinion of me is well established but still extremely irrelevant
[09:03.36] <McBoatFace> good morning morning people
[09:03.41] <vulcan> PPG I'll take a WILD guess and guess you oppose private property
[09:03.49] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: huh?
[09:03.51] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: that's a different topic. i wasn't sharing my opinion of you.
[09:03.59] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: that would be hard, seeing as how I own private property
[09:04.01] * mrlamont ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:04.06] <vulcan> PPG you oppose capitalism
[09:04.07] <+NineVolt> Slayer78_: i was explaining how the actions you're engaging in are retarded, and encouraging you to continue taking them.
[09:04.15] <McBoatFace> :D
[09:04.17] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: in what sense?
[09:04.19] <Slayer78_> NineVolt: moving on
[09:04.20] <McBoatFace> morning mrlamont!
[09:04.23] <McBoatFace> I just joined, too!
[09:04.27] <vulcan> PPG you diss Ayn Rand
[09:04.29] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: the problem is people who say shit like that can't even define what capitalism means
[09:04.36] <PrezPopCGrab> Ayn Rand disses herself she's retarded.
[09:05.00] <vulcan> capitalism is the free exchange of property (implies private ownership)
[09:05.07] <PrezPopCGrab> no it isn't dumbass
[09:05.15] <McBoatFace> Ayn Rand made her husband ring a bell when coming home so she could let him know if she were currently in the act of fucking some other guy at the moment
[09:05.26] <McBoatFace> vulcan, WRONG
[09:05.29] <McBoatFace> vulcan, WRONG
[09:05.30] <McBoatFace> vulcan, WRONG
[09:05.30] * McBoatFace was kicked by X(  - Reason (### Channel Repeat Protection Triggered ###)
[09:05.31] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: capitalism means someone with capital owns the fruit of the labor that their investment produced.
[09:05.43] * mOrO^ (~chrome@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:05.46] * McBoatFace ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:05.49] <vulcan> poor McBoatFace
[09:05.55] * McBoatFace leans over and slaps the shit out of vulcan
[09:06.04] <McBoatFace> don't cry for me vulcantina
[09:06.09] <vulcan> bood morning McBoatFace
[09:06.14] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: so if you go to work at McDonalds, and you make a hamburger and sell it, capitalism means the owner or shareholder owns the profit from your work, and pays you a wage.
[09:06.17] <vulcan> good
[09:06.17] <McBoatFace> anyway, that's not what capitalism means, buddy
[09:06.22] <euphony> Ayn Rand and her cult were fascinating to read about. Before I got into scientology I spent about two years reading most of what she and her followers wrote, as well as the writings and goings on at the ARI and TOC. It was fascinating stuff.
[09:06.23] <mrlamont> hello
[09:06.35] <McBoatFace> good morning
[09:06.36] <vulcan> McBoatFace:  maybe we should look at wikipedia
[09:06.38] <mOrO^> The GOP is an absolute joke.
[09:06.43] <mrlamont> good morning
[09:06.44] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: socialism means that the investor only owns a reasonable percentage based on their investment, and that the workers own the profit from their effort.
[09:06.46] <mOrO^> and they know it.
[09:06.51] <+thefed> They show up together again
[09:06.52] <mrlamont> wow deep thoughts mOrO^ thanks
[09:06.53] <McBoatFace> vulcan, don't use first person plural pronouns
[09:06.53] <Slayer78_> euphony: yeah it is
[09:06.54] <vulcan> PPG working at fast food is for teenagers
[09:07.06] <mrlamont> wow you nailed it, the gop is a JOKE!
[09:07.10] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: thats irrelevant, it's an example to teach you basic civics.
[09:07.13] * mrlamont clutches pearls
[09:07.26] <vulcan> McBoatFace: ok, I"ll look
[09:07.35] <mrlamont> politics!
[09:07.36] <mOrO^> mrlamont : Nothing deep about it. and by the way....gOfUKyOseF
[09:07.43] <euphony> Yugoslavia had a system of market socialism through worker owned co ops. I find that sort of thing interesting. The early Jewish settler community in Palestine was similar.
[09:07.43] <mrlamont> im soooo into this
[09:07.44] <McBoatFace> vulcan, you're going to see the word "private" and think it makes you right, but it won't
[09:07.50] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: so for instance, in say, Germany, companies over a certain size are required to have representatives from the workers union on the board.  That's an example of partial socialism.
[09:08.12] <vulcan> Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. wikipedia
[09:08.15] <PrezPopCGrab> because its giving worker representation
[09:08.29] * katy-uk ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:08.30] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: yes, thats what I just told you, with an example, dipshit
[09:08.37] <euphony> Its part of workplace democracy and anarchism. Ya
[09:08.41] <mrlamont> thefed translated to english "hi, good morning"
[09:08.45] <McBoatFace> vulcan, right, now focus on all the words after "private"
[09:08.50] <vulcan> PPG ok, where else should I look
[09:08.56] <McBoatFace> vulcan, it has nothing to do with the "exchange of property"
[09:08.59] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: in a capitalist society, private shareholders own the value of your work, in a socialist society the workers own it
[09:09.13] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: huh?  are you stupid?  I just explained the difference multiple times, with examples
[09:09.16] <vulcan> McBoatFace:  actually it does have to do with exchange of property
[09:09.24] <McBoatFace> vulcan, capitalism is at its core using private resources to build either wealth or more private resources, or both
[09:09.37] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: no, it's about ownership of the means of production, and the results of that labor
[09:09.46] <mrlamont> welcome to #lecturehall
[09:09.47] <vulcan> McBoatFace: agree
[09:09.48] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: and whether that is owned privately, or shared amongst all the workers
[09:09.54] <McBoatFace> vulcan, a company going public and selling stock to foster its growth, while also offering the chance for investors to profit from said growth, is a good example of capitalism at work
[09:09.59] <vulcan> PPG McBoatFace knows more about this than you do
[09:10.10] <mrlamont> so much knowledge
[09:10.13] <mrlamont> so little money
[09:10.16] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: he's saying the same thing basically but you're just too stupid to understand.
[09:10.17] <mrlamont> its crazy
[09:10.17] <euphony> In socialism the workers are the stakeholders, in capitalism the investors are. To my understanding anyway. Its a continuum tho
[09:10.20] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, from my many years as an accountant
[09:10.26] <mrlamont> yeah
[09:10.26] <PrezPopCGrab> euphony just summed it up for you there vulcan
[09:10.38] <vulcan> PPG I have easier time understanding McBoatFace
[09:10.46] * McBoatFace blushes
[09:10.47] <mrlamont> do you think youre the smartest poor person in the world, McBoatFace
[09:10.50] <PrezPopCGrab> well that's a first.  You easily understanding something.
[09:11.22] <mrlamont> i can tell youre giving this some thought
[09:11.25] <PrezPopCGrab> but owning private property isn't capitalism, thats just private property
[09:11.33] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, no there was that islander guy who advanced linear algebra like a whole generation because he found a book washed up on shore or some shit. That guy didn't even have power!
[09:11.36] <vulcan> good day mrlamont
[09:11.37] <Deanr> +,
[09:11.38] <@Lard> [url] Florida colleges bathroom rule: Harsh penalties approved for state college employees who use restrooms that don't correspond with gender assigned at birth | CNN |, ( +, )
[09:11.45] <mrlamont> general knowledge then
[09:11.46] <PrezPopCGrab> capitalism/socialism is about who owns the value that work produces
[09:12.08] <mrlamont> i mean think about how truly poor you are
[09:12.09] <Slayer78_> Deanr: that's good, less likelihood of rape then
[09:12.09] <euphony> For example, the Kibbutzim, in which the workers decided what work would be done, who would do it, what property to purchase (they shared everything from clothes to guitars), how to raise the children and so on. There was no private individual(s) who owned the means of production or decided its distribution. It was pure socialism - tho no indigenous need apply :(
[09:12.15] <mrlamont> really let it sink in
[09:12.28] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, it does seem to be a trend that anyone I think is smarter than I am is also far wealthier and just generally more successful overall. About the only exceptions I can think of are the suicides
[09:12.35] * imagi ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:12.45] <vulcan> hi imagi
[09:12.48] <mrlamont> youre the worst, man
[09:12.53] <mrlamont> i hate everything about this chat
[09:12.54] <McBoatFace> :/
[09:13.03] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: but the key takeaway I had about capitalism/socialism etc... is that any person that holds on to an ideology and can't make adjustments even when its not working is a dumbass.
[09:13.06] <McBoatFace> I'm starting to, as well
[09:13.12] * mrlamont non-chalantly throws coffee mug at wall
[09:13.15] <McBoatFace> man the morning seemed so promising five minutes ago
[09:13.22] <PrezPopCGrab> Right now the way the US is implementing capitalism isn't sustainable.
[09:13.31] <vulcan> PPG it works for me :)
[09:13.33] * mrlamont sighs
[09:13.38] <mrlamont> remember that day blanco was here
[09:13.42] <mrlamont> then he didnt show up again :\
[09:13.47] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: thats because you're a moron, and when the economy collapses you'll understand.
[09:13.52] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, yeah that was awesome
[09:13.58] <McBoatFace> the not showing up part
[09:13.59] <mrlamont> fuck you i know where-
[09:14.21] <vulcan> PPG I spent 34 years at U of Texas writing code and was respected by my cohorts
[09:14.43] <wptmj> UTA?
[09:14.51] * salkas (~user@ Quit (Quit)
[09:14.53] <vulcan> no Arlington
[09:14.56] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: Right now companies have expanded to the point where there's no more market share, and no matter how much money they make, it doesn't matter.  Even if stock is worth 1billion a share, it has to increase next quarter so the people who bought at 1b make a profit, so they have to do detrimental things long term to get short term increases.
[09:14.57] <@BodegaCat> mrlamont is calm this morning, he's only throwing dishes at the wall and not at passing schoolchildren
[09:14.57] <wptmj> jw
[09:15.16] <PrezPopCGrab> and thats not sustainable
[09:15.20] * salkas (~user@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:15.29] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: writing qbasic doesn't count
[09:15.35] <vulcan> PPG I tend to like dividend stocks
[09:15.40] <wptmj> vb does :]
[09:15.51] <@BodegaCat> vulcan is from the old days when people who had jobs writing computer code were called "coders" or "programmers".   now they're "software engineers"
[09:15.55] <PrezPopCGrab> that doesn't change the fact that our system is fucked
[09:16.08] <vulcan> BodegaCat:  correct :)
[09:16.34] <PrezPopCGrab> and there's really no way to fix it, it will eventually collapse.
[09:16.52] <@BodegaCat> vulcan i interviewed in the year 2000, and 1 of the interviewers literally said that "oh, so you're called software engineers now, huh?"  so i figure the transition happened in about 1999/2000
[09:16.55] <vulcan> BodegaCat:  the high dollar employees were the Network Engineers (one working on Juniper and Cisco routers)
[09:17.14] <vulcan> BodegaCat:  you are correct
[09:17.16] <wptmj> GEEK: The people you pick on in high school and wind up working for as an adult.
[09:17.29] <McBoatFace> <BodegaCat> mrlamont is calm this morning, he's only throwing dishes at the wall and not at passing schoolchildren
[09:17.30] <McBoatFace>     
[09:17.30] <McBoatFace> <PrezPopCGrab> and thats not sustainable
[09:17.48] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: but speaking about code, I'm a partner where I work, everyone is, we vote on who the CEO and board are.  There are no private stakeholders, we directly vote on the people who choose our salaries, and it means tons more money compared to most
[09:17.56] <wptmj> did you ao-hack in the 90s?
[09:17.56] <@BodegaCat> true, it's not sustainable, mrlamont will run out of dishes either way
[09:18.12] <PrezPopCGrab> so imo socialism is much better
[09:18.27] * Slayer78_ (uid522228@2a03:5180:f:3::7:f7f4) has left #Gulag
[09:18.34] <mrlamont> every time salkus joins
[09:18.34] <vulcan> PPG AI is taking over :)
[09:18.36] <mrlamont> +,
[09:18.37] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Didn’t expect this⁩ | 58s | ⁨Rudy Ayoub⁩ | 24,690,866 views
[09:18.59] <PrezPopCGrab> vulcan: so?  that just means we'll be able to do more
[09:19.14] <mrlamont> friend.
[09:19.21] <PrezPopCGrab> since I'm a partner and not an employee it doesn't really matter
[09:19.26] <vulcan> PPG Air Traffic should be controlled by software
[09:19.40] <PrezPopCGrab> okay?
[09:19.42] <wptmj> howdy pardner
[09:19.45] <@BodegaCat> wow this is surprising, the DMV renewed my license for 5 years
[09:19.57] <mrlamont> that almost made me smile, McBoatFace
[09:19.59] <mrlamont> what BodegaCat said
[09:20.01] <mrlamont> i felt it
[09:20.07] <vulcan> BodegaCat:  I have driver license but I don't drive
[09:20.20] <wptmj> cars are death machines
[09:20.25] <@BodegaCat> vulcan so you mentioned, but that's ok, uber is convenient
[09:20.28] <vulcan> the public is safer if I dont drive
[09:20.29] <wptmj> made everybody lazy, impatient
[09:20.33] <PrezPopCGrab> my license lasts until 2145
[09:20.33] <wptmj> and overweight
[09:20.40] <McBoatFace> you know what I need?
[09:20.44] <McBoatFace> coffee
[09:20.50] * mrlamont starts typing furiously
[09:20.51] <mrlamont> oh
[09:20.54] <wptmj> cars are stunting human evolution
[09:20.59] <wptmj> we are not walking
[09:21.01] <PrezPopCGrab> I got it in arizona and never switched it to a new state, az licenses last forever thanks to all the old retirees who don't wnat to retake the test
[09:21.02] <@BodegaCat> hmmm and i have an ugly driver's license photo, hard to believe i'm better looking today than i was 5 years ago
[09:21.02] <mrlamont> can you not set me up like that please
[09:21.05] <wptmj> so we get sick
[09:21.29] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, I'm sorry, I'll work harder to make sure you're taken into account when I type things going forward
[09:21.38] <mrlamont> .
[09:21.44] <@BodegaCat> nice, i am licensed to ride a motorcycle
[09:21.56] <wptmj> i miss my scooter :[
[09:22.01] <mrlamont> can you re-read what you just typed and tell me how it differs in any way than some cringe shit oldmole or one of those stupid boomers would type
[09:22.02] <wptmj> 86 honda helix
[09:22.04] <mrlamont> i mean seriously
[09:22.06] <McBoatFace> NO
[09:22.07] <mrlamont> what was that?
[09:22.08] <wptmj> 250cc highway legal
[09:22.14] <wptmj> top speed 75
[09:22.14] <mrlamont> you know that was bad
[09:22.16] <McBoatFace> we are not doing more motorcycle chat
[09:22.26] <mgm17> ever expanding consumerism is bound to reach capacity... and now? what is being sold is US...
[09:22.33] <mrlamont> ok well when you type generic cringe shit like that its hard to avoid it
[09:22.36] <wptmj> drove that bitch from mount shasta to texas
[09:22.38] <mrlamont> do better
[09:22.57] <mrlamont> McBoatFace> mrlamont, I'm sorry, I'll work harder to make sure you're taken into account when I type things going forward <---Fucking chat killer.
[09:23.01] <@BodegaCat> wptmj i had an 86 vfr250, maybe it was the same engine
[09:23.02] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, well the first glaring difference is that I'm Gen-X
[09:23.06] <PrezPopCGrab> why does McBoatFace hate motorcycles
[09:23.08] <@BodegaCat> mine could only go about 150kmh
[09:23.09] <mrlamont> thats us playing tennis and you return the serve right into the fucking air
[09:23.14] <wptmj> water cooled
[09:23.26] <@BodegaCat> oh not the same, mine was air cooled
[09:23.27] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, perhaps you read it in the wrong inflection
[09:23.35] <mrlamont> OH
[09:23.36] <wptmj> basically a scooter with a bigass trunk
[09:23.38] <@BodegaCat> an 86 250cc scooter that was water cooled?? sounds unusual
[09:23.38] <mrlamont> OH IM THE BAD GUY HERE
[09:23.57] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, I didn't say you were the bad guy, I simply offered up one possible explanation for the ...
[09:23.59] <McBoatFace> friction
[09:24.11] <PrezPopCGrab> dude reading the motorcycle subreddit is insane.  These guys are basically like "yeah fuck you I do 180 to work and run from cops because i have no license or registration" "omg that's dangerous". "shut up you melodramatic dweeb, stop being a pussy"
[09:24.19] * ^skunk`` ( Quit (Quit: Evil man kills another evil man)
[09:24.20] * salkas (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:24.30] <@BodegaCat> PrezPopCGrab ya a lot of motorcycle riders are nuts
[09:24.51] <@BodegaCat> i wouldn't do 150kmh on public roads again
[09:25.02] <mrlamont> gross.
[09:25.04] <PrezPopCGrab> there's some wild fucking police chases
[09:25.07] <PrezPopCGrab> on youtube
[09:25.33] <McBoatFace> on youtube
[09:25.42] <PrezPopCGrab> like people getting up there, like 150mph+ just swerving in and out of traffic on the freeway like its nothing, running from police
[09:26.06] <PrezPopCGrab> one driver merges in a way they don't expect and they're dead
[09:26.15] <@BodegaCat> a theoretically self-correcting problem
[09:26.46] <PrezPopCGrab> not as much as I would have thought, so many people apparently do it and don't die
[09:27.00] <@BodegaCat> i occasionally see the biker gang processions on the freeway around here.  They have the legit leather vests just like in TV
[09:27.11] <McBoatFace> lol
[09:27.18] <PrezPopCGrab> its the sports bike crotch rocket people who are the dangerous ones imo
[09:27.33] <@BodegaCat> ya, stupid motorcyclists are like anti-vaxxers:  they DO have a higher death rate, but not high enough for my desires.
[09:27.48] <wptmj> check out my old scoot.  redid it in digital camo duct tape
[09:27.55] <wptmj> +,
[09:28.21] <@BodegaCat> ya cuz the lounge cruiser motorcycles don't ride at insane speeds and their machines are incapable of drastic maneuvres
[09:28.23] <PrezPopCGrab> someone doing 150-180 miles per hour on a public road has my disdain while simultaneously being very impressed
[09:29.24] * chocotaco (~chocotaco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:29.38] <wptmj> +,
[09:29.44] <wptmj> flower of life!
[09:30.05] <vulcan> on a straight road with far visibility and no traffic, its only dangerous to the driver
[09:30.38] <@BodegaCat> PrezPopCGrab i read a story 20 years ago about a guy riding with friends on his hayabusa (1.3l engine in a sports frame) .. and for some reason he decided to go as fast as he could from a stop light... and he crashed simply from the undulations of the road throwing him off the bike like a bucking horse.   And he was sliding so fast the asphalt wore through his leather gear and scraped up his
[09:30.38] <@BodegaCat> flesh
[09:30.44] <McBoatFace> so when I said no motorcycle chat I guess that just meant nothing to you people
[09:31.23] <@BodegaCat> i've had a few high speed crashes wearing my leather gear, and it's barely scuffed, so i'm amazed that his cow hide got chewed through in a single crash
[09:31.36] <wptmj> i scored that from medford cl, the guy wanted 800 for it but i traded my old broken chinese 150cc and het let have the helix for only 6 bills
[09:31.49] <@BodegaCat> McBoatFace it meant plenty to me.  I took it as a sign of encouragement to talk about motorcycles.
[09:31.56] <PrezPopCGrab> a lot of bikes people have aren't made for those types of high speeds unless you add a lot of after market modifications they don't
[09:32.02] <wptmj> rode it for two years
[09:32.05] <PrezPopCGrab> most people aren't driving some ducati
[09:32.10] <wptmj> almost died on it in texas
[09:32.15] <@BodegaCat> wptmj is this scooter your daily driver?
[09:32.18] <wptmj> close to el paso
[09:32.20] <wptmj> it was
[09:32.21] <PrezPopCGrab> its some dude on a 6k ninja thinking he's a badass
[09:32.23] <euphony> I feel like Remember that story, they scraped him off a few meters of road.
[09:32.25] <wptmj> i had to abandon it
[09:32.52] <wptmj> i loved that thing, it was more like a shittle craft
[09:33.01] <wptmj> -i +u
[09:33.12] <@BodegaCat> PrezPopCGrab the sports bikes are most definitely made for high speed though.   They're actually quite fantastic to ride on the track
[09:33.24] <mgm17> anyone who goes on open, public streets and travels at higher speeds are a danger to all on the road... i don't care if they don't care about their own lives, I do care if they endanger other.  
[09:33.25] <PrezPopCGrab> yeah but not at the speeds these people ride them at
[09:33.31] <PrezPopCGrab> They don't have suspension, etc...
[09:33.37] <wptmj> if i ever get another motorbike i am getting another helix
[09:33.40] <@BodegaCat> and i think people who ride sports bikes on public roads are masochists but they're so painful at slow speed
[09:33.44] <+JustBeKalm> mgm, me too. Like drunk drivers too.
[09:33.52] * WiffilW ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:33.53] <+barathron> BodegaCat you catch the latest on Prigozhin's plane?
[09:34.08] <+JustBeKalm> If you want to go driving drunk and you hit a pole, you asked for it. But you are also endangering others in cars next to you.
[09:34.11] <mgm17> drunk and distracted for whatever reason... especially the GD cell phones
[09:34.33] <wptmj> theyre our tricorders :]
[09:34.40] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, oh, yes. Cell phone chatting causes accidents these days. Looking down..........*BOOM!*
[09:34.41] <@BodegaCat> PrezPopCGrab the suspension on sports bikes is actually adequate from the factory for casual racing.   You need a season or 2 of racing at least before your skill level would exceed the usual stock suspension
[09:34.43] <PrezPopCGrab> having an engine that go to 150 doesn't mean the rest of the bike can handle it stably
[09:34.52] <wptmj> right!
[09:34.59] <chocotaco> ever since I got in shape, I feel confident enough to look at sexier hentai videos instead of just the fat ones
[09:35.04] <mgm17> ppl reading their text at the red light and don't pay attention to the green are wasting everyone else's time too
[09:35.10] <mrlamont> hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[09:35.15] <PrezPopCGrab> BodegaCat: thats not 100% true, a ninja 650 could probably get up to 150 easy, but would it be stable?
[09:35.27] <mgm17> get the GD cell phones OUT of the auto... same as an open bottle of booze
[09:35.34] <PrezPopCGrab> you'd get the wobbles for sure
[09:35.41] <+JustBeKalm> I know so many bike riders who were seriously brain damage, two others both lost the same part of their legs under the knee (he was on the seat, she on the back). My first jobs were at hospitals. Many young deaths.
[09:35.43] <@BodegaCat> but on public roads, there's no suspension possible that will help you for high-speed.  The environment is too uncontrolled.
[09:35.44] <+barathron> <@BodegaCat> barathron "a device on board" is needless cloak and dagger stuff.   If there are traitorous wagner soldiers willing to "put devices on board" a plane, they could more easily put a device in a car, or under his bed, or whatever.  
[09:35.44] <+barathron> <@BodegaCat> Why waste time recruiting a spy of unknown reliability, to put a device of unknown reliability, to commit an assassination... when you have well tested, proven, reliable anti-air missile launchers ready to go 24/7 anyways?
[09:35.44] <+barathron> 'Wine crate bomb' took down Prigozhin plane as female crew member killed in crash told of 'last-minute repairs' +,
[09:35.45] <+barathron> Wagner Boss Yevgeny Prigozhin Taken Out By 'Wine Crate Bomb' +,
[09:35.46] <@Lard> [url] 'Wine crate bomb' took down Prigozhin plane as female crew member killed in crash told... - LBC |
[09:35.47] <+barathron> 'Wine crate bomb' took down Prigozhin plane as female crew member killed in crash told of 'last-minute repairs' +,
[09:35.52] <wptmj> just think of all the empty seats being chaueffered around out there.  
[09:35.56] <wptmj> how wasteful we have become.
[09:36.02] <+JustBeKalm> I was so glad my kids never got into ridiging bikes. My husband used to, but he quit when he growed up :)
[09:36.14] <+JustBeKalm> riding too
[09:36.20] <+thefed> You didn't let your kids ride bikes?
[09:36.23] <PrezPopCGrab> JustBeKalm: I think its fine as long as you don't speed
[09:36.25] <tzip> Unlike some of his co-defendants, the former president is explicitly barred in the order from using social media to target his 18 co-defendants in the case, as well as any witnesses and the 30 unindicted co-conspirators.
[09:36.35] <PrezPopCGrab> JustBeKalm: and you're alert/careful
[09:36.36] <wptmj> yeah, as long as you stay Kalm
[09:36.39] <wptmj> :]
[09:36.44] <mgm17> I liked riding motorcycles... but have NO patience with ppl who endanger others
[09:36.45] <tzip> That "target" is a little muzzy.
[09:37.04] <+JustBeKalm> thefed, I'm talkin motorcycles and I would never have tried to stop my kids from riding them by pouring on the "I'm your mother! I'll worry!" That wasn't me. However, I'm glad t hey didn't :)
[09:37.07] <PrezPopCGrab> the problem is its so easy to get up to insane speeds and you have the agility to survive it too
[09:37.13] <PrezPopCGrab> so people get cocky and stupid
[09:37.18] <@BodegaCat> PrezPopCGrab yes, the suspension is actually rather irrelevant at the highest speeds because you're going straight.  The whole point of expensive suspension on a race bike is to tune in your ability to brake  & turn
[09:37.29] * barathron notes after being a jerk about it yesterday BodegaCat has nothing to say now
[09:37.32] <wptmj> and coast
[09:37.35] <wptmj> and glide
[09:37.38] <PrezPopCGrab> shut up barathron no one is interested in your whining
[09:38.00] <PrezPopCGrab> someone tell wrathro to come beat his dog
[09:38.03] * barathron notes PrezPopCGrab's obsession continues
[09:38.20] <PrezPopCGrab> spamming the channel crying like a bitch
[09:38.27] * JustBeKalm throws a speeding tricycle in thefed's way :P :P :P
[09:38.42] <+thefed> Don't make mrlamont jealous
[09:38.46] <@BodegaCat> PrezPopCGrab a crappy rider (like me) cannot brake & turn any faster on an expensive tuned suspension vs. a stock suspension.  But a skilled rider will shave 0.25s off that turn because it's tuned to match their weight & bike geometry, and they can brake just a bit later and hold a tiny bit more speed through the turn
[09:38.58] <dilligas> crotch rockets on public highways should be outlawed
[09:39.02] * JustBeKalm throws a speeding motorcycle at mrlamont hehe.
[09:39.03] <wptmj> Never argue with an idiot.
[09:39.12] <wptmj> They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
[09:39.12] <mrlamont> thefed translated to english: "hi, how are you?"
[09:39.19] <+thefed> wow lol wow lol
[09:39.22] <PrezPopCGrab> BodegaCat: I mean the suspension also matters in a straight away, if you hit some kind of uneven surface at those really high speeds
[09:39.30] <+JustBeKalm> Did you see him JUMP over it? AMAZING!
[09:39.34] <PrezPopCGrab> which any deviation at 180mph is a huge deal
[09:39.36] <mrlamont> heh wow
[09:39.44] <+thefed> Was it heh wow
[09:39.56] <+JustBeKalm> I'm so impressed.....:P
[09:40.00] <@BodegaCat> PrezPopCGrab yes, and stock suspension from the factory is going to be as capable or more capable than anything aftermarket for the kind of rough terrain on public roads.
[09:40.12] <PrezPopCGrab> at 180mph?  doubt it
[09:40.19] <@BodegaCat> Aftermarket suspensions are great for tuning for flat road surfaces i.e. race tracks
[09:40.33] <+thefed> I wonder if a Ninja 650 could do 180.
[09:40.40] <+thefed> Kind of doubt it really
[09:40.40] <PrezPopCGrab> thefed: I think it could do 150
[09:40.47] <PrezPopCGrab> a 400 can hit over 100mph
[09:40.57] <@BodegaCat> But you're never going to get an ohlins shock and then tune it to be more tolerant of wild bumps as found on public roads.
[09:41.02] <+thefed> From the factory, the top speed of a Kawasaki Ninja 650 is about 131 MPH. Zero-to-60 is in the neighborhood of 3.5 seconds with a 12-second quarter mile.Feb 15, 2023
[09:41.20] <PrezPopCGrab> thefed: ah well I guessed wrong then, I was basing it on the fact a 400 could hit over 100
[09:41.36] * WiffilW ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:42.06] * Cleland (~JasonArgo@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:42.07] <PrezPopCGrab> the 400 can hit 116.7mph
[09:42.45] <PrezPopCGrab> which by itself is pretty crazy, so these people buying 1200cc bikes are straight criminals usually.
[09:43.12] <@BodegaCat> If someone was both a skillful rider, but also determined to be an idiot and race on public roads, they wouldn't use a supersport frame.  They'd get a dualsport frame and tune down an offroad suspension....  instead of tuning up a road race bike.
[09:43.40] <+thefed> BodegaCat Motard
[09:46.48] <@BodegaCat> When I watched the local A-class racers, there was a mix of motard riders & supersport riders.  And with 1 or 2 exceptions, the motard riders would just whip ass even on the racetrack, even though their bikes were inferior for flat track in every way.   If these people were racing on public roads of varying conditions, the motards would be lapping them easily.
[09:47.07] <+Timur>  +,
[09:47.18] <+thefed> With that much travel, easy to evade the fuzz too
[09:47.40] <+barathron> <@BodegaCat> barathron i think YOU are "over-romanticizing" it by saying "a device" while leaving vague what the device is or what it does or who put it there or why.  When the obvious story of "Putin ordered the military to use its AA to shoot down a plane" is really basic and obvious and there's no reason not to do that in Putin's shoes if your goal is to kill Priggy
[09:47.40] <+barathron> BodegaCat Yevgeny Prigozhin: Wagner chief's plane 'brought down by bombs smuggled in wine crate' +,
[09:47.40] <mrlamont> cringe
[09:47.41] <@Lard> [url] Yevgeny Prigozhin: Wagner chief's plane 'brought down by bombs smuggled in wine crate' - World News - Mirror Online |
[09:47.43] <@BodegaCat> i like The Nib, i have saved some of his cartoons from 20 or so years ago
[09:47.46] <+thefed> heh lol
[09:47.50] * gloops ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:47.54] * salkas (~user@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:48.07] <+thefed> mrlamont Don't worry, gloops and salkas have arrived
[09:48.21] <salkas> thefed dont be mean
[09:48.36] <salkas> hi guys
[09:48.40] * barathron notes BodegaCat's continued silence over the topic of him just possibly being mistaken
[09:48.41] <gloops> h
[09:48.48] <@BodegaCat> barathron that's a fun story.  I'd love if it turns out to be true.
[09:48.53] <salkas> is there any news about prigosine?
[09:48.59] <salkas> prigozine*
[09:49.04] <+barathron> Me too since you'd look like an ass :P
[09:49.05] <dilligas> +,
[09:49.06] <@Lard> [url] Bar shooting: 4 people including the shooter are dead in gunfire at popular California biker venue | AP News | ( +, )
[09:49.23] <+barathron> BodegaCat could be BS, may be true. Who knows
[09:49.25] <PrezPopCGrab> lol let's bully barathron like he's gannon
[09:49.35] <@BodegaCat> barathron last i heard, Wagner officially claims it was missiles.  Random speculation on telegram seems to carry about as much weight as random speculation on irc.
[09:49.39] <+thefed> +,
[09:49.41] <@Lard> [Twitter] Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en): Wagner PMC mercenaries are going to take revenge on Putin and Shoigu for the death of their leader. Calls for revenge against the killers fill the chat rooms of Prigozhin's channels. Law enforcers of two regions have been raised on alert. +, | 3353 RTs | 14333 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-23 - 20:41:39UTC
[09:50.06] * Freiser ( Quit (Quit: -a- Connection Timed Out)
[09:50.16] <+barathron> BodegaCat well I'd have no problem with your speculation yesterday if you weren't such an asshole about it
[09:50.17] <gloops> too late
[09:50.19] <+Timur> BodegaCat: nice
[09:50.31] <@BodegaCat> barathron i'm not going to say it's IMPOSSIBLE to be smuggled wine crates, but it sounds like the kind of thing a random person makes up because it sounds cool.  It's not like anyone besides the smuggler would be left alive to confirm either way.
[09:50.37] <gloops> wagner has been relieved of its heavy weapons
[09:50.42] * Freiser ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:50.52] <gloops> also, no leadership
[09:50.53] <+barathron> <@BodegaCat> barathron nah i'm just saying you look like you want to believe spy movie crap because it's more fun or something, even though using AA to shoot down a plane makes a lot more sense from every angle.
[09:51.05] <gloops> Putin cut the snakes head off
[09:51.18] <@BodegaCat> barathron yes that is an accurate quote of mine.
[09:51.22] <+Timur> the snake he raised?
[09:51.25] <+barathron> Yes it is, you were an ass :P
[09:51.41] <gloops> Timur raised to do a job
[09:51.42] <PrezPopCGrab> bullylist: ["gannon", "barathron"]
[09:51.49] <mrlamont> How is everyone avoiding my ignore list
[09:51.51] <+barathron> BodegaCat so when I saw it may have been a bomb I thought of YOU :P
[09:51.57] <+thefed> The Fulton County Sheriff's office distributed Giuliani's booking photo, or mugshot, on Wednesday afternoon. Jail records say Giuliani weighs 230 pounds, is 5-feet-11-inches tall, and that his hair is "Gray or Partially Gray."
[09:52.01] <PrezPopCGrab> mrlamont: they're not you're just too stupid to do it right
[09:52.05] <+thefed> BodegaCat So about your size?
[09:52.13] <mrlamont> how come you can't spell that person's name correctly, salkas?
[09:52.18] <salkas> mrlamont who vares about yout ignore list
[09:52.22] <salkas> cares
[09:52.23] <mrlamont> who vares?!
[09:52.26] <mrlamont> cares?
[09:52.28] <+thefed> How vare you!
[09:52.29] <gloops> BBC seems to be going with missiles
[09:52.33] <mrlamont> who vares who cares?
[09:52.38] <@BodegaCat> be that as it may, AA shooting down the plane still makes more sense from every angle, and anyone who thinks it was a "device" or "wine crates" looks like they're looking for the fun of believing spy movie crap
[09:52.43] <mrlamont> i sure dont vare if you care
[09:52.50] <Cleland> Globs--Heil HItler
[09:52.51] <salkas> +,
[09:52.53] <@Lard> [url] New offensive, same stalemate in Ukraine – The Red Phoenix | ( +, )
[09:52.56] <Cleland> Give us a Heil Nazi Boi
[09:52.56] <@BodegaCat> thefed ya i'm guiliani sized ;(
[09:53.03] <mrlamont> is that the only website you use, salkas?
[09:53.10] <gloops> shutup Cleland, get a job
[09:53.15] <Cleland> lol
[09:53.20] <Cleland> creative come back you dips hit
[09:53.24] <salkas> mrlamont yes and  +,
[09:53.26] <@Lard> [url] - | ( +, )
[09:53.26] <Cleland> Lets go to the nazi quotes
[09:53.34] <mrlamont> two websites, wow.
[09:53.37] <salkas> this one too +,
[09:53.39] <@Lard> [url] ANF | Articles | ( +, )
[09:53.40] <@BodegaCat> salkas i quite like the "stalemate" where Ukraine periodically de-occupies a new village every week or so.
[09:53.42] <Cleland> [20:52:07]  <gloops> the Jew needs to shut up because it WILL happen again.
[09:53.46] <gloops> salkas provides the middle eastern perspective
[09:53.48] <mrlamont> incredible, no wonder youre always asking people on irc to fill you in on whats going on
[09:53.56] <Cleland> 9:54:02]  <gloops> well yeah, the SS were blonde haired, blue eyed, 6ft plus, skin like ivory
[09:53.56] <Cleland> 10:30:33]  <gloops> yes, the SS selected the fittest clean limbed youngsters
[09:53.56] <Cleland> [10:30:45]  <gloops> these were indeed the flower of germany
[09:53.56] <Cleland> [10:30:54]  <gloops> needlessly saughtered
[09:54.01] * swin ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:54.03] <Cleland> Turkey isn’t in the Middleeast doucetwat
[09:54.04] <Cleland> STFU
[09:54.12] * Whagu (~Guru2@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:54.12] <wptmj> just finished up season 1
[09:54.14] <salkas> turkey is in stone age
[09:54.15] <wptmj> +,
[09:54.16] <@Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: celebdm | ( +, )
[09:54.18] <+Timur> Cleland: well, it's a definitions issue.
[09:54.35] <mrlamont> i mean look at the people (you)
[09:54.37] <Cleland> lol
[09:54.40] <gloops> i need to get a bowl and start loading it
[09:54.40] <mrlamont> no wonder!
[09:54.46] <Cleland> 20:12:19]  <+gloops> it was as much in Rothschilds interests as lenins to unlock the secrets of industrial society
[09:54.57] <salkas> gloops,why love on fascists?
[09:55.03] <salkas> let them die
[09:55.09] <gloops> my words are for people with intelligence Cleland
[09:55.21] <Cleland> Salkas so what happens when you get all the Jews killed--what are you left with--who will the new victim be
[09:55.24] <salkas> fascists are the weapon of capitalists
[09:55.24] <Cleland> Globs so tell us
[09:55.28] <+Timur> lol
[09:55.30] <Cleland> Why do you think it can happen again
[09:55.36] <gloops> salkas british workers had no grievance with german workers
[09:55.36] <Cleland> Globs?
[09:55.48] <McBoatFace> shut the fuck up, gloops
[09:55.50] <+Timur> where autism meets neonazi conspiracism.. Obsession. Ah, the stench of it.
[09:55.53] <gloops> both were radicalised into hating and killing one another by savage regimes
[09:56.06] <Cleland> Well then again he thinks the long limbed SS boys are SEXY
[09:56.11] <Cleland> lol
[09:56.15] <Cleland> He just fucked up again
[09:56.25] <Cleland> So he tried to correct himself
[09:56.25] <gloops> Cleland that was in reference to a part of Hitlers final testament
[09:56.30] <Cleland> hahahah
[09:56.30] <+Timur> gloops: what color suspenders do you wear - red, to match the laces?
[09:56.33] <Cleland> Yeah Globs
[09:56.35] <Cleland> We get it
[09:56.37] <gloops> which i have tried to explain
[09:56.41] <+Timur> ok, he's fully outed
[09:56.43] <Cleland> Globs do you have actual teeth
[09:56.53] <gloops> you arent funny Timur
[09:56.53] <Cleland> Or have they been “removed"
[09:56.59] <wptmj> Shut the fuck up
[09:56.59] <wptmj> A phrase you can use when you're thoroughly fed up and you want someone to stop talking. It works better than "Shut up".
[09:56.59] <wptmj> I don't understand why I can't talk about your girlfriend in front of you. Bitch, shut the fuck up.
[09:57.14] <Cleland> 19:51:23]  <gloops> there was a quite moving note in a british soldiers diary, in viewing a destroyed german SS positio[
[09:57.15] <Cleland> [19:52:07]  <gloops> he remarked on what a tragedy it was, the SS soldiers were all very young men, teens, and all pretty superb specimens of humanity
[09:57.19] <gloops> 'centuries may pass but from the rubble of our cities the old hatred will always arise anew'
[09:57.25] <gloops> read that again
[09:57.27] <Cleland> lol
[09:57.40] <wptmj> "what you say when you're losing an argument or stuck talking to an idiot you dont want to waste your time talking to
[09:57.40] <wptmj> asshole: blah blah blah
[09:57.40] <wptmj> you: shut the fuck up"
[09:57.41] <Cleland> Superb Speciments!
[09:57.49] <Cleland> STFU Autistoboi
[09:57.51] <Cleland> Tell a joke
[09:57.54] <Cleland> or spam this shit
[09:58.00] <wptmj> ugh, fyne
[09:58.04] <gloops> what Hitler is saying is - ok, you beat us, you can bomb cities and blow up tanks and slaughter individuals
[09:58.07] <gloops> but
[09:58.12] <gloops> you cant kill an idea
[09:58.14] <McBoatFace> I'm never "losing an argument"
[09:58.21] <vulcan> Cleland: wb
[09:58.24] <gloops> 'the old hatred will arise again'
[09:58.32] <gloops> the idea will prevail
[09:58.34] <wptmj> My sex life is like COVID-19
[09:58.36] <wptmj> I don't have COVID-19
[09:58.39] <wptmj> :]
[09:58.40] <gloops> try to fucking ready, study philosophy
[09:58.44] <gloops> read
[09:58.57] <Cleland> General Sherman Vulva--he wants to burn Atlanta--8:40:25]  <@vulcan> at least gang up on Atlanta
[09:58.57] <Cleland> [18:40:30]  <@Alan> yes the real Orange
[09:58.57] <Cleland> [18:40:34]  <@vulcan> the WORST town in America
[09:58.57] <Cleland> [18:40:48]  <@Alan> hotlanta
[09:58.57] <Cleland> [18:41:00]  <@vulcan> I"d like it to burn
[09:58.59] <gloops> its about memes
[09:59.03] <wptmj>  I just bought a new car.  
[09:59.05] <Cleland> Vulva don’t hate on black people
[09:59.06] <wptmj> Should I fear getting the car-owner virus?
[09:59.07] <gloops> study Richard Dawkins
[09:59.07] * barathron notes gloops' reverence for Hitler
[09:59.14] <gloops> you might have some clue then
[09:59.16] <Cleland> globs is so Nazi
[09:59.28] <wptmj> not he's na
[09:59.29] <wptmj> zi
[09:59.29] <vulcan> Cleland: I'd save the conservative blacks
[09:59.31] <Cleland> [20:52:07]  <gloops> the Jew needs to shut up because it WILL happen again.
[09:59.35] <wptmj> -t
[09:59.45] <Cleland> well at least VULVA admits he is a racist
[09:59.50] <Cleland> Thank you Vulva
[09:59.53] <+barathron> It's no wonder gloops is such a Putin sycophant given his adoration for Hitler
[09:59.54] <gloops> put that in context of what i just explained
[09:59.57] <vulcan> Cleland:  yw
[10:00.07] <gloops> please try Cleland, to think, just once
[10:00.13] <Cleland> [20:52:07]  <gloops> the Jew needs to shut up because it WILL happen again.
[10:00.16] <wptmj> I bought a Muslim sex doll.  
[10:00.18] <mrlamont> lol
[10:00.19] <wptmj> She blew herself up.
[10:00.21] <vulcan> gloops: thats impossible
[10:00.24] <Cleland> Thats pretty clear you stupid fuci
[10:00.26] <Cleland> Heil HItler and all that Jazz
[10:00.30] <Cleland> Vulva you agree with Globs
[10:00.31] <Cleland> [20:52:07]  <gloops> the Jew needs to shut up because it WILL happen again.
[10:00.42] <gloops> do you think nazi ideology died with adolf hitler and ww2?
[10:00.47] <Cleland> Vulva is confused
[10:00.49] <McBoatFace> yes
[10:00.50] <wptmj> Drunk Muslim: Mohammered
[10:00.55] <Cleland> Vulva you taking any meds for your memory
[10:01.01] * tzip is now known as tzipsaway
[10:01.04] <gloops> so there is no nazi ideology today McBoatFace
[10:01.06] <gloops> ?
[10:01.07] <wptmj> Muslim comedian:  Mu ha ha ha med.
[10:01.10] <vulcan> Cleland: adjust your tampon
[10:01.15] <McBoatFace> gloops, no there is no nazi ideology today
[10:01.17] <Cleland> Actually its being carried on by brave Nazis like the Glob
[10:01.22] <Cleland> Vulva--how cutting
[10:01.22] <McBoatFace> gloops, there's just racist clowns playing dress up
[10:01.24] <wptmj> Most popular kids show in Middle East:
[10:01.27] <wptmj> Dora the Exploder.
[10:01.28] <Cleland> How creative
[10:01.32] <gloops> McBoatFace you spend half your life calling people neo nazis
[10:01.33] <Cleland> fucking imbecile
[10:01.36] <mrlamont> oh so youre the guardian of nazi ideology eh McBoatFace
[10:01.37] <Cleland> [20:52:07]  <gloops> the Jew needs to shut up because it WILL happen again.
[10:01.38] * mrlamont smug smirk
[10:01.39] <Cleland> Thats a NAZI
[10:01.42] <Cleland> EASY
[10:01.46] <McBoatFace> gloops, I also spend most of my time calling people retards
[10:01.47] <wptmj> Muslim shrink:  Terrorpist
[10:01.53] <McBoatFace> gloops, but I'm going to let you in on a little secret
[10:01.57] <mrlamont> here we go
[10:01.59] <vulcan> what would this channel be without cleland?
[10:02.03] <Cleland> Then you get into the autoerotic yeaning :Globs has for young long limbed SS memembers
[10:02.05] <wptmj> Sexy Muslim girl:  G-hottie
[10:02.08] <McBoatFace> gloops, almost half of the people I call retards aren't technically diagnosed as being clinically retarded!
[10:02.13] <McBoatFace> gloops, crazy isn't it!
[10:02.14] <gloops> the dressing up part of nazism is of some interest actually
[10:02.16] <wptmj> A LOT LESS LAME
[10:02.24] <Cleland> lol
[10:02.29] <+barathron> McBoatFace simply undiagnosed :P
[10:02.29] <Cleland> Globs you gonna show us your tatoo
[10:02.34] <dilligas> there is a lot of nationalist ideology out there, today... they call themselves maga
[10:02.38] <Cleland> Of the Jew banker
[10:02.39] <wptmj> Unemployed Muslim:  Bin Laidoff
[10:02.42] <Cleland> With blood coming out of his fangs
[10:02.44] <mrlamont> remember how you guys have known each other on irc for like 30 years
[10:02.44] <McBoatFace> barathron, I haven't done the kind of leg work needed to commit to anything beyond that
[10:02.46] <mrlamont> isnt that wild
[10:02.56] <McBoatFace> "you guys"
[10:02.57] <wptmj> Muslim alcoholic:   Allah Vabeer
[10:02.58] <mrlamont> kurtz and gloops: what a pair!
[10:03.04] <gloops> i wasnt on irc when i was 12
[10:03.07] <McBoatFace> somehow trying to excise yourself from that group
[10:03.09] <+barathron> McBoatFace I stand by your theory. On IRC its not far from the truth
[10:03.13] <Cleland> Where is the drama Queen PPG--I want some entertainment
[10:03.14] <mrlamont> it predates me
[10:03.28] <McBoatFace> <mrlamont> I'm young! And not at all fat!
[10:03.29] <+NineVolt> gloops: i joined undernet when i was 12.
[10:03.32] <mrlamont> wow.
[10:03.33] <wptmj> My doctor told me I was xenophobic.
[10:03.36] <mrlamont> wow. wow. wow holy shit.
[10:03.37] <wptmj> I told him I probably caught it from some damn lousy foreigner..
[10:03.37] <+NineVolt> it's also when undernet was formed.
[10:03.48] <mrlamont> from a tumor in your frontal lobe
[10:03.50] <mrlamont> FORM
[10:03.53] * mrlamont SLAMS KEYBOARD
[10:04.00] <gloops> NineVolt have you been trapped in a time space continuum or something?
[10:04.04] <+barathron> <gloops> the dressing up part of nazism is of some interest actually <- I mean... wtf? lol
[10:04.08] <gloops> youre pushing 70 at least
[10:04.14] <+NineVolt> lol
[10:04.19] <+NineVolt> i just had a kid last year
[10:04.22] <wptmj> respect your elder
[10:04.24] <Cleland> NineDolt so did your boss found that X rated HIllary shit you are looking at
[10:04.26] <Cleland> NineDolt wow
[10:04.27] <Cleland> are you that dumb
[10:04.30] <Cleland> How did that happen?
[10:04.32] <Cleland> Dolt!~
[10:04.32] <McBoatFace> +,
[10:04.32] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Case of the Mondays⁩ | 17s | ⁨gsjunker⁩ | 942,872 views
[10:04.33] <mrlamont> congrats on the sex
[10:04.38] <+barathron> <gloops> do you think nazi ideology died with adolf hitler and ww2? <- Of course not. Folks like you carry on with it
[10:04.43] <mrlamont> you want a medal
[10:04.48] <Cleland> This guy has HIllary porn on his  bosses computer
[10:04.50] <wptmj> they just went underground
[10:04.52] <+NineVolt> i'll take a medal, sure
[10:04.56] <+JustBeKalm> lol barathron. True.
[10:04.56] <wptmj> to antarctica
[10:05.01] <mrlamont> yeah i got one for you.
[10:05.03] <+NineVolt> thanks
[10:05.04] <Cleland> Dolty now you understand why I call you NineDOLT
[10:05.08] <euphony> So gloops wants to dress like a gay guy then. Shrugs.
[10:05.13] * mrlamont grimaces
[10:05.16] <mrlamont> no...problem.
[10:05.16] <Cleland> Globs likes Nazi style
[10:05.23] <Cleland> Globs you have riding joppers
[10:05.23] <gloops> hugo boss was quality
[10:05.26] <Deanr> +,
[10:05.27] <@Lard> [url] Wagner’s Prigozhin Was Assassinated, According to Early Intelligence, U.S. Officials Say - WSJ |, ( +, )
[10:05.32] <+NineVolt> Cleland: i understand it is because you think it's witty
[10:05.35] <Cleland> you idiot, Hugo Boss didn’t design the fucking uniforms
[10:05.36] <wptmj> LIKE A BOSS
[10:05.45] * katy-uk ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:05.46] <Cleland> Boss wasn’t a designer
[10:05.48] <gloops> Cleland yeah, theyre a pain to iron though
[10:05.48] <+barathron> <gloops> hugo boss was quality <- Designer of the Nazi SS uniforms, of course you love it
[10:05.53] <mrlamont> Deanr: can you shut the fuck up
[10:05.55] <Cleland> The Nazis don’t know their own history
[10:06.00] <McBoatFace> you're starting to fit in really well around here wptmj
[10:06.05] <+JustBeKalm> gloops make me want to puke all over him.
[10:06.05] <mrlamont> oh yeah totally
[10:06.08] <+thefed> gloops like to wear a latex kittel while his nazi boyfriend slams him in his shakshuka.
[10:06.11] <mrlamont> i put that fucking retard on ignore real quick
[10:06.15] <wptmj> its osmosis
[10:06.15] <McBoatFace> lol
[10:06.23] <Cleland> So Dolt did boss find the pic
[10:06.24] <+NineVolt> hugo boss licensed the design from someone else?
[10:06.26] <Cleland> I was worried about you Dolt
[10:06.27] <mrlamont> <thefed> its funny to be homosexual!
[10:06.28] <+barathron> gloops gets all offended when people refer to him as a Nazi, as he spouts of like a fucking Nazi :P
[10:06.28] <wptmj> you guys are rubbing off all over my face
[10:06.30] <wptmj> :P
[10:06.30] * mrlamont translates
[10:06.31] <Cleland> Dolty!!!!
[10:06.42] <+JustBeKalm> If it walks like a duck, it's  duck. Same goes for nazis.
[10:06.46] <+thefed> The cosplay is cringe
[10:06.52] <Cleland> y the third quarter of 1932, the all-black SS uniform was designed by SS members Karl Diebitsch (artist) and Walter Heck (graphic designer). The Hugo Boss company was one of the companies that produced these black uniforms for the SS.
[10:06.55] <Cleland> papapa
[10:06.56] <Cleland> lol
[10:06.58] <Cleland> fucking idiot
[10:06.59] * salkus (~user@ has joined channel #Gulag
[10:06.59] <mrlamont> not as much as your chat.
[10:07.00] <gloops> hugo boss is a high street compnay!
[10:07.03] <mrlamont> get the fuck out salkas
[10:07.04] <+barathron> gloops It all makes sense why you love Putin so very much
[10:07.07] <gloops> they made al capones suits
[10:07.13] <salkus> mrlamont be polite to chatters
[10:07.15] <Cleland> Globs so what about the long limbed Nazi youth
[10:07.19] <McBoatFace> LOL
[10:07.19] <Cleland> What turned you on so much
[10:07.20] <wptmj> What do you call an East Indian dating site?
[10:07.21] <McBoatFace> yeah, lamont!
[10:07.21] <+JustBeKalm> And he has shown blatant admiration for the worst people to walk the earth within the past 100 years.
[10:07.23] <wptmj> Connect the dots.
[10:07.27] <+NineVolt> i didn't know you could be gay and in the SS
[10:07.32] <+NineVolt> TIL.
[10:07.36] <+JustBeKalm> Cleland, a sexual fantasy of him doing SS boys.
[10:07.39] <Cleland> lol
[10:07.41] <wptmj> I'm going to tell a Mexican joke now.
[10:07.42] <Cleland> I mean its amazing
[10:07.43] <mrlamont> no one is in the fucking mood to watch you fucking join and then your shit turkish 3rd world welfare internet connection to cut you off every 120 seconds
[10:07.44] <wptmj> I hope it's a good Juan.
[10:07.48] <Cleland> Then they are the perfect speciments of humanity
[10:07.50] <+JustBeKalm> It's disgusting.
[10:07.51] <Cleland> WTF does that mean
[10:07.56] <+JustBeKalm> Well, to him perhaps.
[10:08.01] <Cleland> The perfect speciment genocides millions of civlians
[10:08.06] <Cleland> thats the perfect speciement
[10:08.06] <+JustBeKalm> Which shows that his bar is on the ground.
[10:08.07] <salkus> mrlamont i have fiber but wifi is away from the room i am in
[10:08.13] <Cleland> of HUMANITY
[10:08.13] <mrlamont> SHUT THE FUCK UP SALKAS
[10:08.14] <wptmj> A man got arrested in Walmart today for punching an African woman at the register.
[10:08.19] <wptmj> He claims it wasn't his fault as his father had told him to go in and get a Black and Decker.
[10:08.22] <+thefed> Ernst Rohmacock
[10:08.26] <+NineVolt> the perfect speciement.
[10:08.27] <Cleland> haha
[10:08.30] <salkus> afri-american women are too sexy
[10:08.36] <mrlamont> afri
[10:08.37] <mrlamont> afri
[10:08.37] <+thefed> O.O
[10:08.39] <+Debaser> Yikes
[10:08.41] <Cleland> Dolt by the way did you find Hillary hot
[10:08.42] <mrlamont> afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri afri
[10:08.42] <salkus> afro*
[10:08.46] <mrlamont> AFRO
[10:08.48] <Cleland> Why would you put that on your work computer
[10:08.49] <+NineVolt> speciments of humanity.
[10:08.52] <salkus> african=afri,idiot
[10:08.55] <mrlamont> wow
[10:08.56] <Cleland> afri
[10:08.56] <mrlamont> WOW.
[10:08.57] <+Debaser> Young people at work like Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens.....
[10:09.00] <+NineVolt> perfect speciment.
[10:09.02] <+Debaser> Yikes.
[10:09.05] <wptmj>  I asked my North Korean friend how it was there,
[10:09.10] <wptmj> He said he couldn't complain.
[10:09.10] <mrlamont> Yikes
[10:09.13] <Cleland> They want Candy to do them
[10:09.20] <Cleland> sweet as candy
[10:09.22] <+NineVolt> Cleland: did you know there is no t in the word specimen?
[10:09.28] <+Debaser> wptmj: how? Smoke signals?
[10:09.29] <Cleland> Dolt?
[10:09.31] <Cleland> Typo idiot
[10:09.32] <Cleland> STFU
[10:09.35] <+NineVolt> lol sure
[10:09.35] <+thefed> NineVolt I have a picture to show you.
[10:09.36] <McBoatFace> matt walsh has more money than I have ever had or will ever have
[10:09.38] <Cleland> Now tell us about that porno Hillary
[10:09.38] <+NineVolt> the t is right there
[10:09.42] <+NineVolt> right next to the n
[10:09.43] <mrlamont> Cleland: did you know that a high powered magnet near your PC does wonders for it's speed
[10:09.43] <Cleland> Dolt--tell us
[10:09.46] <wptmj> Last night I was gonna surprise my Korean wife with a romantic meal, but someone let the cat out of the bag.
[10:09.47] <McBoatFace> just for telling people they should hate and abuse women
[10:09.51] <+thefed> PC/head
[10:09.54] <wptmj> LOL mr
[10:09.54] <mrlamont> McBoatFace: yeah :)
[10:09.57] <+NineVolt> Cleland: it's entirely plausible that you made the same typo three times in a row
[10:09.58] <Cleland> Osmega--STFU
[10:10.01] <mrlamont> bullet/bullet
[10:10.07] <Cleland> Dolt spectrament
[10:10.07] <McBoatFace> lol
[10:10.09] <Cleland> specielarst
[10:10.11] <+thefed> Too quick
[10:10.11] <Cleland> STFU
[10:10.15] <wptmj> Roses are red Violets are blue,
[10:10.19] <wptmj> Where is my foreskin oh wait I'm a Jew!
[10:10.19] <mrlamont> s/bullet/bullet/-=sbullet
[10:10.20] <@Lard> mrlamont meant to say: bullet/bullet
[10:10.22] <+NineVolt> Cleland: it's funny to me that you can't admit even the most obvious of faults.
[10:10.23] <Cleland> You anal compulsive shit
[10:10.25] <Cleland> Now back to hillary
[10:10.27] <Cleland> Anyone got that Hillary. picture
[10:10.32] <mrlamont> Cleland youre super insecure
[10:10.34] <+thefed> mrlamont, s/bullet/foreskin
[10:10.34] <Cleland> And about the 17 year old anal sex channel
[10:10.34] <@Lard> thefed thinks mrlamont meant to say: foreskin/bullet
[10:10.40] <Cleland> you still got that in your id
[10:10.41] <Cleland> Hold on
[10:10.43] <wptmj> We went to a very authentic Mexican restaurant last night.
[10:10.43] <Cleland> This is great
[10:10.43] <mrlamont> and you're afraid of anyone in here finding even the slightest fault in you
[10:10.45] <+NineVolt> in my id
[10:10.46] <wptmj> They bring you a glass of water then warn you not to drink it.
[10:10.51] <+NineVolt> yes it's at the very core of my id
[10:10.54] <mrlamont> its really pathetic, Cleland!
[10:10.55] <Cleland> @#whileyourewhoisingmeimdoingyour17yearoldsisterintheass
[10:10.56] <Cleland> lol
[10:10.59] <Cleland> WTF
[10:11.01] <mrlamont> imagine how bad you are about that outside of irc
[10:11.02] <Cleland> iDolt!
[10:11.08] <Cleland> Porno of hillary and anal sex with teens
[10:11.12] <+thefed> FMJ
[10:11.12] * salkas (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:11.15] <Cleland> my god
[10:11.15] <+NineVolt> Cleland: you realize that the more you whois me, the more your sister's ass hurts
[10:11.16] <Cleland> @#whileyourewhoisingmeimdoingyour17yearoldsisterintheass
[10:11.18] <mrlamont> ban salkas
[10:11.23] <Cleland> I don’t have a sister
[10:11.29] <mrlamont> thats so hot, NineVolt
[10:11.33] <Cleland> And don’t you start fantasizing about a fake 16 year old sister
[10:11.39] <Cleland> NineDolt do you jerk off ionthere
[10:11.40] * katy-uk ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:11.41] <wptmj> Chinese kid was born before the due date.
[10:11.48] <wptmj> His parents named him Sudden Lee.
[10:11.49] <mrlamont> heres another fucking retard with a 3rd world internet connection
[10:11.55] <+NineVolt> Cleland: that's implausible. why would you be whoising me if you didn't have a sister?
[10:11.56] <+thefed> lol
[10:11.56] <mrlamont> fucking fix it, katy-uk
[10:11.58] <Cleland> Dolty do you get “the erect effect"
[10:11.59] <+NineVolt> it makes no sense.
[10:12.00] <mrlamont> all fucking day with this shit
[10:12.03] <Cleland> implausable
[10:12.08] <Cleland> he’s sounding more like fucking Slayer every day
[10:12.10] <mrlamont> its like leaving your car alarm on
[10:12.11] <Cleland> He’s morphing
[10:12.11] <wptmj> What do Japanese kids snack on?
[10:12.13] <Cleland> Ergo
[10:12.15] <wptmj> Anime crackers.
[10:12.51] <mrlamont> ive found the speciments Ive been looking for
[10:13.06] <+thefed> +,
[10:13.09] <@Lard> [reddit] Orange is the New Black (+, to r/BlackPeopleTwitter | 10046 points (96.0%) | 382 comments | Posted by imjustheretodomyjob | Created at 2023-08-24 - 03:43:44UTC
[10:13.11] <wptmj> Just met the vegetarian brother of Bruce Lee.
[10:13.15] <mrlamont> fucking hate that sub
[10:13.17] <wptmj> Brocco Lee
[10:13.20] <mrlamont> used to be good
[10:13.23] <Cleland> Oh hell Jenna put on weight
[10:13.23] <McBoatFace> fucking hate all subs
[10:13.31] <mrlamont> its just another poli sub now
[10:13.38] <Cleland> My god she was a looker until Trump got to her
[10:13.42] <+thefed> Eastman looks like he just ate your kids
[10:13.46] <Cleland> lol
[10:13.48] <wptmj> except for the foot longs, right boaty
[10:13.48] <mrlamont> stupid.
[10:13.57] <mrlamont> PEOPLE I DONT LIKE LOOK BAD.
[10:13.58] <@BodegaCat> yay gloops is here!
[10:14.07] <Cleland> I heard Trump isn’t wearing the red tie today
[10:14.11] * denton ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:14.20] <McBoatFace> Orange is the New Black has a contender for my favorite TV drama safe lesbian scene perhaps of all time
[10:14.27] <Cleland> By the way, Giuliani’s hair color was listed as grey
[10:14.28] <mrlamont> oh god shutup
[10:14.29] <Cleland> So no dye today
[10:14.30] <+thefed> kind of explains you then dunnit mrlamont
[10:14.36] <mrlamont> NO IT DOESNT. THEFED.
[10:14.41] <mrlamont> IT DOESNT DO THAT AT ALL.
[10:14.43] <McBoatFace> HURTZ DUNNIT LAMONT
[10:14.45] <Cleland> lol
[10:14.46] <mrlamont> NO.
[10:14.50] <+thefed> roffel
[10:15.07] <chocotaco> hertz donut
[10:15.11] <wptmj> Did you hear about the new lesbian tennis shoe called Dyke?  
[10:15.11] <mrlamont> work done this week so far: 45 minutes tops
[10:15.19] <wptmj> It's got an extra long tongue and it only takes one finger to get it off.
[10:15.19] <McBoatFace> bitchin'
[10:15.24] <mrlamont> u jellin?
[10:15.27] <McBoatFace> guess how much I've done!
[10:15.29] <McBoatFace> five hours!
[10:15.37] <mrlamont> yeah but thats like nomic
[10:15.40] <mrlamont> saying he programmed
[10:15.42] <mrlamont> got a shit done
[10:15.43] <McBoatFace> I...probably got paid a lot less tho
[10:15.50] <mrlamont> "probably"
[10:15.58] <mrlamont> "got paid"
[10:16.09] <wptmj> I hit a pole with my car late last night.
[10:16.18] <wptmj> The worst part was the awful sound it made,
[10:16.23] <wptmj> but I don't speak Polish so I just kept driving.
[10:16.30] <mrlamont> i have him on ignore
[10:16.33] <Cleland> Boaty!
[10:16.34] <mrlamont> so theres only so much i can do
[10:16.40] <mrlamont> if NineVolt isnt giving me cues
[10:16.40] <Cleland> One bally the DRUNK
[10:16.44] <mrlamont> blind chat.
[10:16.49] * mOrO^ (~chrome@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[10:16.50] <Cleland> Boaty where is PPG
[10:17.02] <McBoatFace> why the fuck would I know where PPG is?
[10:17.02] <Cleland> Boaty by the way, any luck with the new kidney
[10:17.07] <Cleland> You sick little drunk!
[10:17.08] <PrezPopCGrab> McBoatFace: what's there to pick apart?  Cleland is just a sperg screaming at perceived enemies.
[10:17.09] <McBoatFace> what?
[10:17.11] <@BodegaCat> heh
[10:17.11] <Cleland> And to think we try to help you
[10:17.14] <mrlamont> i put the blabber chatters on ignore by default
[10:17.16] <Cleland> PPG and Boaty are united
[10:17.21] <Cleland> hahaha
[10:17.27] <mrlamont> BodegaCat, Cleland, barathron, etc
[10:17.27] <Cleland> PPG dude, where is your new friend the one you doxed
[10:17.30] <Cleland> :Dox boy
[10:17.33] <Cleland> haha
[10:17.33] <PrezPopCGrab> Cleland: you're the great uniter, people from all over can put aside their differences to call you a fucking sperg.
[10:17.43] <Cleland> PPG is so desparate he is now in Boaty land
[10:17.43] <@BodegaCat> wat, how did i get roped into that clownshow mrlament
[10:17.46] <Cleland> With the mousey
[10:17.47] <Cleland> haha
[10:17.54] <Cleland> Funny shit--I love this
[10:18.06] <Cleland> PPG do the drama queen thing for us
[10:18.08] <McBoatFace> BodegaCat, well since he has you on ignore that question will probably go unanswered
[10:18.09] <@BodegaCat> i'm just an innocent bodega cat minding its own business
[10:18.14] <PrezPopCGrab> watch Cleland is going to just spam the channel now sperging out screaming at everyone like he's lifesux Jr
[10:18.25] <Cleland> PPG where you were you?
[10:18.29] <PrezPopCGrab> when?
[10:18.31] <Cleland> PPG so you put his address up there
[10:18.31] <wptmj> its dumb when people feel the need to tell you they are igoring you, thus acknowledging you.  
[10:18.32] <Cleland> Wow
[10:18.35] <@BodegaCat> if mrlament has me on ignore he's really missing out!!
[10:18.35] <wptmj> seems a bit self-defeating
[10:19.15] <mgm17> what happened to Livesux ?
[10:19.18] <McBoatFace> It's polite to tell people you have them on ignore. That way they won't try to converse with you by mistake
[10:19.24] <PrezPopCGrab> mgm17: he's here all the time under various nicks
[10:19.31] <Cleland> He got the clap from raping PPG’s mom
[10:19.36] <wptmj> but thats not ignoring them
[10:19.36] <Cleland> PPG’s mom died years ago
[10:19.38] <Cleland> RIP
[10:19.44] <mgm17> oh geeze...
[10:19.46] <Cleland> lol
[10:19.46] <@BodegaCat> I followed one of barathron's links to a news site called "".  Other insightful articles they have include "Shoppers praise bargain £19 beauty hamper worth £69"  and "'I got revenge on four-year-old girl for being mean to my son - she deserved it'"
[10:19.55] <wptmj> and not ignoring them would be the polite thing to do
[10:19.58] <mrlamont> this is how id answer: +,
[10:19.59] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Jurassic Park (1993) - Dennis Nedry's Death⁩ | 3m 42s | ⁨Liam⁩ | 761,501 views
[10:20.06] <McBoatFace> wptmj, don't argue with me.
[10:20.07] <PrezPopCGrab> BodegaCat: yes barathron is also a sperg.
[10:20.20] <wptmj> who said i was talking to you?  guilty conscience?
[10:20.21] <+barathron> BodegaCat I'm sure you can use some beauty products
[10:20.24] <wptmj> :P
[10:20.28] <mrlamont> wptmj: get off irc forever
[10:20.39] <@BodegaCat> barathron indeed i can, i'm looked a bit haggard
[10:20.40] <+barathron> BodegaCat I supplied you infinitely more links than you ever supplied
[10:20.43] <wptmj> says who?
[10:20.59] <PrezPopCGrab> everyone wants to look as good as the great PPG
[10:21.17] <mgm17> if I thought life was so bad.. i wouldn't advertise it.. just mean you can't make life work for you....
[10:21.39] <wptmj> right, complaining wont do shit
[10:21.47] <@BodegaCat> mgm17 even though i'm getting uglier i still feel life, overall, is working for me.
[10:21.53] <mgm17> life simply is... if you like where you are, you have done what is right for you... if your life is shit, they YOU are the failure
[10:22.10] <wptmj> and all you have to do is change locations
[10:22.15] <mgm17> they =then
[10:22.18] <McBoatFace> FUCK YOU
[10:22.23] <gloops> +,
[10:22.23] <wptmj> until you find a place that feels right
[10:22.23] <@Lard> [url] Artificial intelligence chip giant Nvidia sees sales more than double - BBC News |, ( +, )
[10:23.11] <dilligas> McBoatFace you are a sensitive fellow, aren't you?
[10:23.19] <McBoatFace> dilligas, very
[10:23.23] <gloops> wonder what china wants all those chips for
[10:23.25] <mgm17> lol... all the gains in the nasdaq have been given back... powell is gonna run his mouth AGAIN tomorrow
[10:23.34] <mgm17> wish he would just SHUT UP
[10:23.42] <@BodegaCat> mgm17 i agree with your attitude in general, but I also think there will be exceptions where some people's lives are ruined through no fault of their own.
[10:23.51] * mOrO^ (~moro@ has joined channel #Gulag
[10:24.10] <wptmj> I have very sensitive teeth myself.  
[10:24.15] <wptmj> In fact, they'll probably be upset I told you.
[10:24.26] <dilligas> hey okie
[10:25.06] * Freiser ( Quit (Quit: -a- Connection Timed Out)
[10:25.44] <mrlamont> so anyways
[10:25.54] * tzipsaway is now known as tzip
[10:26.00] <wptmj> wb
[10:27.05] <@BodegaCat> it's (ostensibly) not the Fed's job to make the stock market prices go up in a straight line.
[10:27.08] <mgm17> where is trump's mug shot ?
[10:27.38] <+Debaser> Stonks only go up
[10:27.51] <mrlamont> like you'd know.
[10:28.06] <Cleland> Here, they just put it up---+,
[10:28.07] <@Lard> [url] We Will Finally Get a Trump Mugshot With Georgia Indictment | The New Republic | ( +, )
[10:28.17] * seffr ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:29.21] <+Debaser> That's not real
[10:29.35] <mgm17> ha ha !!! his orange jumpsuit does clash with his orange skin
[10:30.00] <euphony> How it felt earlier having a brain glitch and crossing 'east palestine' with 'east jerusalem' earlier +,
[10:30.01] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The West Wing s2e11 "Kyrgyzstan"⁩ | 2m 10s | ⁨guljantv⁩ | 40,527 views
[10:32.29] * WiffilW ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:32.39] * BathSheba` ( Quit (Signed off)
[10:33.56] <+Timur> BodegaCat: lol
[10:34.23] <@BodegaCat> Timur i am happy to make you laugh !  but why?
[10:34.59] * mOrO^ (~moro@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[10:35.15] <+Timur> BodegaCat: your commentary on the british publication's headlines
[10:35.24] <@BodegaCat> oh ya
[10:35.35] * imagi ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:35.55] <@BodegaCat> they were 100% copy-paste real headlines though
[10:36.17] * DS9isBest ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:39.40] * salkus (~user@ Quit (Quit)
[10:41.19] * Willie (~what@ has joined channel #Gulag
[10:41.21] <Cleland>   <Cleland> “It started with protests against you and then it moved to impeachment twice and now indictment,” Carlson told Trump. “Are you worried that they’re going to try and kill you? Why wouldn’t they try and kill you? Honestly.”  <Cleland> “It started with protests against you and then it moved to impeachment twice and now indictment,” Carlson told Trump. “Are you worried that they’re going to try and kill you? Why wouldn’t
[10:41.21] <Cleland>  they try and kill you? Honestly.”
[10:41.21] <Cleland> [13:39:20]  <Cleland> “They’re savage animals; they’re people that are sick,” Trump responded.
[10:41.21] <Cleland> [
[10:42.40] * Willie_ (~what@ has joined channel #Gulag
[10:42.51] <mgm17> what is wrong with Carlson to plant just inflaming rehetoric ????
[10:43.34] <mgm17> what is wrong with Twitter = X to allow such crap
[10:43.52] <Cleland> mgm!
[10:43.54] <Cleland> lol
[10:44.14] <Cleland> Cause he wants to sow division and hatrred--and he is a card carrying member of the Cult of Trump--he also wants clicks
[10:44.28] <+bastion> yeah. god forbid people be allowed to speak.
[10:44.52] <mgm17> yes.. sure, let em yell FIRE too
[10:44.52] <+bastion> someone should do something!
[10:44.54] <mgm17> sheesh
[10:45.10] <Cleland> Basterdon --seriously,
[10:45.12] * torin2 (~what@ has joined channel #Gulag
[10:45.15] <Cleland> Pull your head out of Trumps ass hole
[10:45.17] <Cleland> Its so unseemly
[10:45.18] <+bastion> mgm17: you're using some pretty inflammatory rhetoric there.
[10:45.21] <Cleland> right wig fuck
[10:45.26] <mgm17> bunch of mass haters causing more and more destruction
[10:45.30] <Cleland> Yes MGM you have your own channle
[10:45.35] <mgm17> ???
[10:45.36] <Cleland> where you preach hatred and divison
[10:45.40] <Cleland> Good comparison Basterdon
[10:45.43] <Cleland> You fucking idiot
[10:45.49] <+bastion> mgm17: someone might shoot up a congressional baseball game.
[10:45.51] <Cleland> Seriously are you retarded
[10:45.55] <mgm17> what is inflmation that I've said ???
[10:46.11] <+bastion> mgm17: you're being nothing but divisive.
[10:46.33] * torin2 is now known as turd
[10:46.37] <mgm17> have i EVER talked about shooting... accusing trump of shooting ppl ???? sheesh
[10:46.49] <turd> @seen pusssy
[10:46.49] <@Lard> turd: Sorry, I haven't seen pusssy around.
[10:46.50] <Cleland> Basterdon, STFU racist
[10:46.56] <+bastion> mgm17: it doesnt matter. even if you don't directly tell someone to do something violent, even if you tell them to be peaceful, you can incite them to violence.
[10:47.00] <mgm17> I am nothig BUT appaled by trump's and the cult crap
[10:47.23] <seffr> get a therapist then loser
[10:47.30] * turd (~what@ Quit (Quit: poop)
[10:47.35] <+bastion> mgm17: you said they're causing destruction. that could inspire someone to think they are being violent in self-defense, you see.
[10:47.45] <mgm17> lol
[10:48.08] * Willie (~what@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:48.27] <Cleland> :48:03]  <zyklonBen> Einsatz: Jewish men get off on watching their women get stretched out by black bulls. Jews basically run 80% of the porno industry and they saturate it with that filth
[10:48.28] <Cleland> 11:25:12]  <+bastion> Einsatz: lol, you're making them all dance
[10:48.34] <Cleland> WTF
[10:48.37] * BathSheba` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:48.44] <mgm17> only mentally ill could confuse destruction with our political/govt with actually shooting ppl... only the ppl of Jan 6 will think of it
[10:48.49] <seffr> lamer spams lamer to lamers
[10:49.17] <+bastion> mgm17: if you speak out against a political opponent in a totally peaceful way, but someone ends up doing something violent after they heard you say that, it means you incited them, you see
[10:49.25] <mgm17> hey, bastion.. if the mentally ill shoe fits.. wear it
[10:49.39] <seffr> lamer tries to explain lamely to lamer
[10:49.43] * Willie_ (~what@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:49.44] <+bastion> mgm17: you could say to march peacefully, but if someone doesn't do that, it still means you incited them
[10:50.06] <seffr> lamer explains what it means to be a lamer to lamer
[10:50.09] <mgm17> hey seffr... do you have anything constructive to add to a conversation ??
[10:50.16] <mgm17> then stfu
[10:50.24] <seffr> lamer triggers hard
[10:50.33] <+bastion> look at mgm17 eating seffr's asshole
[10:51.03] <seffr> who hasnt
[10:51.36] <mgm17> roflmao... cultist who can't carry on a civil conversation have to resort to vulgar talk
[10:51.43] * Henry (~Bobby@ has joined channel #Gulag
[10:51.50] <+bastion> and the joke went over her head
[10:51.58] <mgm17> oh boy..... you wacko cultist are a hoot
[10:52.06] <seffr> lamer goes on rant
[10:52.13] <seffr> lamer needs a therapist
[10:52.30] <mgm17> bye seffr... useless screen waste
[10:52.35] <+gris> good morning
[10:52.38] <seffr> lamer implodes
[10:52.48] <+bastion> mgm17: you said to "peacefully make your voices heard." a few people got violent instead. that means you incited them.
[10:53.04] <mgm17> go to hell bastion..
[10:53.13] <+bastion> mgm17: wow, so violent.
[10:53.21] <seffr> lamers jerk each other off
[10:53.22] * bigk4wk (~bigcawk@ has joined channel #Gulag
[10:53.26] <+gris> hi seffr
[10:53.28] <bigk4wk> who wants to eat my asshole
[10:53.32] <+gris> me
[10:53.42] <Cleland> gris make sure you gargle after
[10:53.53] <+gris> ive got the hydrogen peroxide
[10:53.57] <+gris> ive got the black gloves
[10:53.59] <+gris> come and get it
[10:54.07] <Cleland> bigk4wk jump while the going is good
[10:54.09] <mgm17> lol... oh boy what passes for adult conversation
[10:54.12] <Cleland> lol
[10:54.24] <+gris> meats back on the menu, boys
[10:54.40] * WiffilW ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:54.48] <mgm17> little boy talk like a 12 year old grasping for attention
[10:54.56] * bigk4wk spreads her fat hairy ass and exposes her hemorrhoid
[10:55.13] <bigk4wk> flick it with your tongue
[10:55.15] <mgm17> lol... see what I mean
[10:55.20] <+Timur> #classy
[10:55.27] <+gris> bigk4wk: have you considered a standing desk
[10:55.41] <+gris> bigk4wk: unrelated but you could also try compression socks
[10:55.48] <+gris> couldn't hurt!!!!!!!!!!
[10:56.10] * Daggett23 (~IceChat9@ has joined channel #Gulag
[10:56.11] <McBoatFace> bastion, would you kill yourself?
[10:56.30] <+gris> good morning mister michelob boat face
[10:56.30] <seffr> losers trigger hard
[10:56.38] <bigk4wk> i got a meaty hemorrhoid for you
[10:56.40] <McBoatFace> coz that'd be
[10:56.42] <McBoatFace> really great
[10:57.01] <+gris> bigk4wk: have you checked the meaty hemorrhoid price index
[10:57.06] * bigk4wk (~bigcawk@ Quit (Quit: s p r e a d i t)
[10:57.14] * chocotaco picks up bigk4wk and shoves him straight up McBoatFace's gaping, hemorrhoidal asshole
[10:57.24] <seffr> loser plays make believe
[10:57.31] <Cleland> lol
[10:57.36] <Cleland> Boaty you gonna take that
[10:57.39] <seffr> looks like even bigger loser
[10:57.45] <McBoatFace> take what?
[10:57.51] <McBoatFace> looks like seffr has it covered
[10:57.59] <chocotaco> he didn't even feel it
[10:58.20] * Wilderness ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:58.41] <dilligas>  BREAKING who coulda seen this coming  +,
[10:58.41] <@Lard> [url] Plane crash believed to have killed Russia's Wagner mercenary chief Prigozhin seen as Kremlin's revenge | AP News | ( +, )
[10:58.53] <seffr> its all you losers do
[10:58.59] <seffr> is eat ass
[10:58.59] <+gris> lool dilligas
[10:59.08] <+gris> breaking news!!!
[10:59.15] <+gris> prigozhin died yesterday!!!!! breaking!!
[10:59.39] <McBoatFace> your spine
[10:59.40] <+gris> the internet is not a big truck
[10:59.41] <McBoatFace> breaking!
[10:59.47] <+gris> it's a series of tubes!!
[10:59.57] <chocotaco> lol McButtFucked
[11:00.08] <mgm17> has any outside news agency actually seen the body/dna of Progozhin ??? are we just believing what comes out of russia ?????
[11:00.14] <+gris> McButtFart
[11:00.19] <seffr> poor losers desperate for control have to play make believe
[11:00.28] <dilligas> AP is a little slow with their Breaking News
[11:00.32] * mrlamont ( Quit (Quit)
[11:00.37] * seffr ( Quit (Signed off)
[11:00.44] <+gris> we will be able to tell soon enough
[11:00.54] <Cleland> mgm, I hear its being stored in Tatyana’s apartment
[11:01.00] <+gris> what happens to wagner without prigozhin and his 2nd?
[11:01.02] <+bastion> mgm17: western intel seems to think he's dead
[11:01.11] <Cleland> Basterdon!
[11:01.11] <+gris> one of the other guys who died in the crash was a nasty neo-nazi figure
[11:01.28] <mgm17> i believe P was on the plane's manifest... but I'll believe his death when I hear it from an outside news agency
[11:01.41] <+gris> +,
[11:01.42] <@Lard> [url] Who are the other Wagner group leaders presumed dead in plane crash? | Russia | The Guardian |, ( +, )
[11:02.01] <mgm17> "presumed" is the operative word
[11:02.05] <+gris> Dmitry Utkin is a notorious neo-nazi
[11:02.23] <+gris> he has neo-nazi tattoos
[11:02.33] <Cleland> like Gloops
[11:02.40] <Cleland> damn, proud
[11:03.12] <mgm17> proved is very different than presumed
[11:03.18] <McBoatFace> as far as anyone here is concerned, he's dead. Because either he's actually dead or he's so far in hiding that none of us will ever hear about him again, save only "Elvis is alive," style conspiracy sightings and the like
[11:03.50] <+gris> Cleland: years ago i was still a scruffy punk barista and the bank next to my cafe got a security guard with multiple nazi tattoos and i complained to the bank and they had a new guard the same week
[11:04.02] <gloops> yeah, the most likely explanation is that Prighozin was bunged 50 million dollars on the condition he was never seen again
[11:04.09] <Cleland> gris good work!!!
[11:04.20] <+gris> dude had the sonnenrad and various runes and the bank was like "uhh thats his religion" and i said "uhhh his religion is neo-nazi"
[11:04.38] <gloops> Putin got the publicity for executing him, big man image
[11:04.40] <+gris> he also wore a glock
[11:04.46] <Cleland> gris, well Gloops has a Jewish banker with blood coming out of his fang
[11:04.57] <+gris> great idea, throw an armed neo-nazi on university wy next to uw
[11:04.59] <Cleland> Its all black except for the blood
[11:05.07] <mgm17> more likely, P was aware of the anniversary date and kows Putin well... so he did a second airplane and is happy to let Putin think P is dead
[11:05.07] <Henry> niikki haley apparently is supporting raising the retirement age. i no longer like her
[11:05.12] <+gris> shut up are you kidding Cleland
[11:05.15] <gloops> on my forehead
[11:05.18] <Cleland> NO
[11:05.21] <Cleland> On his ass!!!
[11:05.24] <+gris> haha
[11:05.26] <Cleland> [20:52:07]  <gloops> the Jew needs to shut up because it WILL happen again.
[11:05.32] <chocotaco> lol poopy gloops
[11:05.35] <+gris> gloops: do you have any neo-nazi tattoos
[11:05.47] <Cleland> Well the Banker tat is kind of old school
[11:05.55] <Cleland> He found it in an SA yearbook
[11:05.57] <+gris> wait gloops do you collect nazi paraphenelia?
[11:05.59] <chocotaco> the inventor of the choco taco is upset that it sucks now
[11:06.32] <+gris> everyone knows the allegory of the collector of nazi gear who swears they are otherwise normal
[11:06.39] <mgm17> instead of an interest in what's actually going on, you guys are far too interested in each other
[11:06.44] <gloops> gris every inch of me is inked up, ive forget where the SS tats are
[11:06.48] <+gris> "look im not an evil man, i just am interested in history"
[11:07.01] <chocotaco> mgm17 wants some buttstuff
[11:07.04] <Henry> do most nose pickers also pick their bum?
[11:07.14] <gloops> i do
[11:07.36] <+gris> gloops: that is severely troubling. i don't have any tattoos but i do have some piercings and am always getting more.
[11:07.37] <mgm17> just too much interest in insulting and squabbling
[11:07.45] <mgm17> silly little boy talk
[11:08.03] <gloops> gris piercings can go wrong
[11:08.05] * chocotaco pees on mgm17 in a Moscow hotel room
[11:08.07] <Henry> you should get a tattoo of a butt and get it on your butt
[11:08.19] <mgm17> lol... see what I mean??
[11:08.26] <gloops> i knew this woman who got into piercings, ended up on life support with sepsis
[11:08.28] <+gris> my skin is too delicate and fine for tattoos ;)
[11:09.17] * denton ( has left #Gulag
[11:09.30] <gloops> this guy had persuaded her that the act of piercing was like some kind of ritual, had to be done with no anaesthetic with a needle etc
[11:09.45] <Henry> gloops are you a dirty foreigner
[11:09.47] <+gris> gloops: mrs gris had subdermal implants in her forehead before we met
[11:10.18] <+gris> but they are risky from a health standpoint
[11:10.24] <+gris> require lots of maintenance
[11:10.24] <gloops> oh wow, those are ..edgy
[11:10.24] * mrlamont ( has joined channel #Gulag
[11:10.50] <gloops> Henry yorkshire/irish
[11:10.55] <Henry> oh
[11:11.23] <+gris> gloops: would you characterize your politics as far right
[11:11.39] <gloops> gris no, im a dont know
[11:11.45] <+gris> you are maybe too british to be rude about it
[11:11.57] <+gris> like you are so exceedingly polite nobody ever guesses you're a nazi
[11:12.02] <mgm17> far right and out of time too.. belongs in 1939 germany
[11:12.19] <Henry> Cleland is not exceeding polite or intelligent
[11:12.33] <Cleland> STFU idiot
[11:12.34] <gloops> my world view is not going to become reality so i just see mainstream politics as something to play around with
[11:12.34] <mgm17> gris... its easy to see he is a modern day nazi
[11:12.36] <Cleland> carry on
[11:12.51] * You are now known as splooge
[11:12.55] <splooge> anagram day :]
[11:13.02] <@BodegaCat> gloops good evening as I know it's 7:12pm in your area!
[11:13.19] <@BodegaCat> or is it 8:12pm?  daylight savings always messes with my math
[11:13.20] <gloops> damn you got me
[11:13.21] * ^skunk`` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[11:13.22] * You are now known as wptmj
[11:13.58] <@BodegaCat> hehe i often have to convert time to UTC so it's always on my mind to add 7 or 8 hours
[11:14.04] * WiffilW ( has joined channel #Gulag
[11:14.23] <gloops> 19:13
[11:14.23] <gloops> Thursday, 24 August 2023 (IST)
[11:14.24] <gloops> Time in Dublin, County Dublin
[11:14.27] <^skunk``> putin sends condolences to fmailies of those who died in airplane.   
[11:14.39] <euphony> Gris, like those bodymods, lumps in the forehead type of thing? I didnt know they needed maintenence
[11:14.41] <Deanr> what time is Trump turning himself in?
[11:14.44] <wptmj> +,
[11:14.45] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨DJ Patie - Unreal Tournament (Die Bitch Mix)⁩ | 4m 8s | ⁨Johan Paters⁩ | 2,905 views
[11:14.46] <McBoatFace> skunk yeah those poor bastards ain't gettin' no press are they
[11:14.49] <gloops> single red rose or something?
[11:15.11] <Henry> you drink a lot of jameson?
[11:15.26] <McBoatFace> are proud boys gathering outside the detention center ready to rush it the minute they fingerprint Trump?
[11:15.28] * MistyCee (~IceChat95@ has joined channel #Gulag
[11:15.35] <wptmj> "i'm sorry, did i blow your head apart?"
[11:16.08] <Henry> McBoatFace: are you a proudboy or sissy boy
[11:16.09] <gloops> +,
[11:16.10] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Godfather: The Game (2006) Main Theme⁩ | 2m 27s | ⁨Kanye Ruff⁩ | 3,269 views
[11:16.39] * MistyCee (~IceChat95@ Quit (Quit: When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty)
[11:16.42] <McBoatFace> Henry, I'm a sick boy
[11:16.46] <wptmj> CRY ME A RIVER
[11:17.02] <Henry> you trying to get off meth still?
[11:17.23] <wptmj> get off,
[11:17.26] <wptmj> twenty two positions in a one night stand
[11:17.50] <P-1>  Crimea river
[11:17.52] <wptmj> +,
[11:17.53] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Gett Off⁩ | 4m 33s | ⁨Prince ⁩ | 127,774 views
[11:18.12] <wptmj> lol p1
[11:18.26] * WiffilW ( Quit (Quit: Quit)
[11:19.37] <gloops> youre sick McBoatFace? as in seriously ill?
[11:19.40] <gloops> dying?
[11:19.42] <gloops> soon?
[11:19.59] <wptmj> my shoelaces are crossed
[11:20.11] <McBoatFace> you're an idiot, gloops
[11:20.14] <P-1> eww 98 degrees with 55% humidity
[11:20.37] * X sets mode -b *!~*@ for #Gulag
[11:22.06] <wptmj> McDinghyFace
[11:22.16] <gloops> UK escaped the heatwaves this summer, hit 30C once or twice thats all
[11:22.33] <P-1> conservative evangelicals have nobody to blame but themselves....they surrounded trump and prayed that God would destroy the enemies of that's what he is doing. :)
[11:23.30] <gloops> i dunno man, this Trump legal stuff just doesnt sit right
[11:23.38] <gloops> could backfire
[11:24.20] <wptmj> i am going to call you ding, for short, from now on
[11:24.34] <wptmj> total term of endearment, promise
[11:24.45] <gloops> using the judiciary to stop a strong presidential candidate
[11:24.53] <^skunk``> gloops nobody is above the law
[11:24.58] <wptmj> short for Ding-a-ling
[11:25.00] * Henry (~Bobby@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[11:25.09] * LottoAFK (~Lottoman@ has joined channel #Gulag
[11:25.27] <+NineVolt> gloops: conversely, allowing crimes to go unprosecuted simply because their alleged perpetrator is running for president, that doesn't sit right either.
[11:25.30] <gloops> thats fair enough skunk, but the timing of it..doesnt look right
[11:25.37] <LottoAFK> hello friends and neighbors
[11:25.46] <wptmj> ircmen
[11:25.51] * LottoAFK is now known as Lottoman
[11:25.56] <gloops> you are feeding trumps own narrative
[11:26.02] <gloops> he couldnt wish for better
[11:26.06] <chocotaco> yeah no political motivation whatsoever, all of the indictments just happened to come down during campaign season
[11:26.13] <McBoatFace> gloops, why do you insist day in and day out on coming here and embarrassing yourself by acting like a complete fucking retard?
[11:26.16] <^skunk``> law must take its course
[11:26.21] <wptmj> lets all just evict him from our minds
[11:26.26] <wptmj> thoughts create reality
[11:26.26] <McBoatFace> gloops, it's pitiful and stupid and it's genuinely sad how you have absolutely no sense of pride or self worth
[11:26.28] <Lottoman> speaking of skunk..  I saw one this morning..  on my dam..  my eyes were not working well enough to shoot the lil bastard
[11:26.32] <wptmj> dont even mention chump
[11:26.39] <P-1> Trump did it to himself
[11:26.41] * Deanr ( Quit (Quit: Simul Justus et Peccator)
[11:26.42] <gloops> and to be honest, to the outside world its like - wtf is going on in america
[11:26.52] <gloops> USA is falling apart
[11:26.54] <+NineVolt> if incarcerating trump somehow feeds his narrative, i'm okay with that tradeoff.
[11:26.54] <McBoatFace> gloops, no it isn't you ridiculous lying retard
[11:26.57] <McBoatFace> gloops, kill yourself
[11:27.01] <^skunk``> yeah wtf he couldnt accept an election result
[11:27.04] <gloops> yes it is!
[11:27.06] <+NineVolt> gloops isn't wrong.
[11:27.14] <+NineVolt> for 20 years it's been like that.
[11:27.20] <McBoatFace> gloops is always wrong
[11:27.25] <^skunk``> he lost the election
[11:27.26] <gloops> youre all so fixated on this trump farce you arent seeing whats going on around you
[11:27.30] <+NineVolt> with bush and iraq, all the way through to now.
[11:27.38] <wptmj> voting is a sham anyway, there plan went exactly as planned eons ago
[11:27.40] <McBoatFace> the last time gloops was right, about literally anything, was when he predicted Brexit would pass, and he was only right about that by accident
[11:27.45] <wptmj> and people still believe in democracy
[11:27.46] <P-1> gloops: the outside world was like, "WTF is the usa thinking by electing a psychopath like Trump"
[11:27.46] <+NineVolt> the US has lost significant international standing in the last 20 years.
[11:28.06] <^skunk``> Super Blue Moon Alert: Biggest And Brightest Moon of the Year is Here
[11:28.11] <wptmj> and people still believe in democracy
[11:28.14] <gloops> P-1 not really, it was more like - we could see that coming
[11:28.15] <Lottoman> republican americans..  are falling apart..   why?..  is the question..   once Obama was announced the winner..  republicans..  stopped belivieving in the melting pot.. not they ever did..  but.. 8 yrs of watching them just say no..  to any and everything.. and then..  they elected..  trump
[11:28.17] <Lottoman> please
[11:28.17] <wptmj> HA!
[11:28.19] <wptmj> +,
[11:28.20] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Star Trek The Next Generation: Alexander's Laughing Hour⁩ | 1h 1s | ⁨Old TV⁩ | 8,874 views
[11:28.47] <Lottoman> I want to go on record.. as often as I can..  anywhere I can.. I print articles in the papers..  regularly.. ppl know where I stand
[11:28.51] <wptmj> -there +their
[11:29.09] <+NineVolt> articles in the papers?
[11:29.11] <+NineVolt> citation needed.
[11:29.25] <wptmj> paper is so old a medium.  people barely read online as it is
[11:29.26] <McBoatFace> he means letters to the editor
[11:29.33] <wptmj> let alone
[11:29.36] <+NineVolt> do they get printed?
[11:29.38] <wptmj> ancient paper books
[11:29.41] <Lottoman> and despite what a pissed off dried up white woman from the midwest says.. I am not a racists.. or a bigot..  at least not nor more than any human is..  
[11:30.03] * ^skunk`` ( Quit (Quit: Evil man kills another evil man)
[11:30.08] <PrezPopCGrab> P-1: if anyone wants to know why Donald Trump was elected, this is why: +,
[11:30.09] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨A͏s͏mongold SHOCKED By "All Gas No Brakes" Interviews: Fourth of July, Florida Man & More⁩ | 50m 18s | ⁨Asmongold TV  ⁩ | 1,154,875 views
[11:30.11] * Wilderness ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[11:30.22] * Lottoman wishes I had been paid handsomely to raise unwanted kids.. so I could pretend I know all
[11:30.36] <Lottoman> I paid to raise my own
[11:30.43] <Lottoman> and I still dont know it all
[11:32.39] <PrezPopCGrab> "what are you passionate about?" "Cocaine, bad bitches, and alcohol" "what are your guys favorite memory together?" "I ate her ass like 10 times"
[11:32.44] <PrezPopCGrab> americans are retarded af
[11:33.05] <vulcan> Trump the greatest pres of 21stt century
[11:33.05] <McBoatFace> god knows I am
[11:33.18] <PrezPopCGrab> see, vulcan is a prime example
[11:35.30] <P-1> vulcan: Trump has already gone down in infamy
[11:35.53] <@BodegaCat> Lottoman you are already able to pretend you know all, despite not being paid handsomely
[11:35.56] <McBoatFace> soon he'll be going down on his cellmate
[11:36.06] <vulcan> P-1 he'll be the next president
[11:36.19] <McBoatFace> god imagine how much cred that would bring. "I made former president Trump my prison bitch"
[11:36.35] <mrlamont> trump trump trumper trump
[11:36.55] <mgm17> I gotta wonder why any president would have classifed govt document at their personal residence after leaving white house
[11:37.15] <vulcan> mgm17 agree
[11:37.26] <@BodegaCat> to impress bitches, obviously
[11:37.27] <mgm17> there is NO reason to have these... especially when courts demand their return
[11:37.37] <mgm17> that IS obstruction of justice
[11:38.03] <@BodegaCat> "oh so now it's illegal to read in the bathroom?  liberals hate freeeedum!"
[11:38.40] <vulcan> BodegaCat: should extgreme hate speech be allowed in social media?
[11:38.42] <P-1> vulcan: why would you support a treasonous criminal like Trump?
[11:38.58] <vulcan> P-1 because he is good
[11:39.20] <McBoatFace> vulcan, extreme hate speech should be governed under obscenity laws for it is indeed obscene.
[11:39.33] <vulcan> McBoatFace:  reasonable
[11:39.45] <mrlamont> well, that settles it.
[11:39.51] <@BodegaCat> vulcan well defining "extreme hate speech" is a tricky business, so i'll give a slightly askew answer:  I support banning dangerous hate speech from all public forums, including social media.
[11:39.51] <vulcan> :)
[11:39.52] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, that's why I'm here
[11:39.54] <mgm17> its a felony to obstruct justice.... and trump is clearly heard on tape having done that
[11:40.03] <mrlamont> it is?
[11:40.24] <vulcan> BodegaCat:  "dangerous" can have different meanings to different people
[11:40.33] <+NineVolt> wow, evidence on tape of trump admitting to crimes
[11:40.34] <mgm17> poof
[11:40.36] * NineVolt yawns
[11:40.39] <@BodegaCat> vulcan yes it can.
[11:40.40] <+NineVolt> what is this, the dozenth time?
[11:40.46] <@BodegaCat> vulcan that's why i said it's a tricky business.
[11:40.48] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, no, I'm here because I'm a bitter inebriate that avoids destroying my friendships by reserving my drunken abuse for strangers online instead of my real life friends and family
[11:40.59] <+NineVolt> what, this time it's going to matter?
[11:41.05] <mgm17> its more interesting that whose dick or ass is being assaulted
[11:41.18] <mgm17> or who is being insulted
[11:41.24] <+barathron> McBoatFace you really have a way with words :P
[11:41.27] <McBoatFace> it's 1:40 pm. Is your dick or ass being assaulted?
[11:41.29] <@BodegaCat> vulcan so if someone gives an example, i can give my personal opinion on whether such a statement should be banned.  
[11:41.32] <mrlamont> surely they got him THIS time, NineVolt
[11:41.34] <mrlamont> this is it.
[11:41.36] <mrlamont> for sure.
[11:41.41] <+NineVolt> it's laughable.
[11:41.45] <mrlamont> we got him now, boys.
[11:41.54] <McBoatFace> barathron, thanks!
[11:41.59] <+NineVolt> it's happening!!</ronpaul>
[11:42.08] <mrlamont> any day now
[11:42.11] <Daggett23> cops throw him to the ground yet?
[11:42.20] <mrlamont> that will never ever happen ever Daggett23
[11:42.21] <mrlamont> ok?
[11:42.32] <Lottoman> lol
[11:42.36] <Daggett23> watch ur step sir..,..BANG! that low beam
[11:42.41] <mrlamont> nope
[11:42.43] <@BodegaCat> vulcan but i also understand that my personal opinions are unlikely to align exactly with any 1 person let alone the consensus of society, so i'm not going to get very upset if the definitions proscribed in law, adjudicated by the courts, do not 100% match mine.
[11:42.46] <mrlamont> that was stupid
[11:42.46] <McBoatFace> "Centuwian! Thwow him to the fwoow!"
[11:42.52] <mrlamont> shut the fuck up McBoatFace
[11:42.55] <Lottoman> dont be careful with his head.. when putting him in the car
[11:42.56] <McBoatFace> holy shit
[11:42.57] <Daggett23> you wapscallion
[11:43.01] <Lottoman> trump said that.. remember?
[11:43.01] <mrlamont> look at you two
[11:43.05] <+barathron> I'm looking forward to Trump's mug shot and endless fun memes :P
[11:43.05] <mrlamont> giggling like retards
[11:43.05] <McBoatFace> YOU TWO
[11:43.09] <mrlamont> you and Daggett23
[11:43.12] <mrlamont> this little bit youre doing
[11:43.19] <McBoatFace> mrlamont, YEAH I KNOW WHO YOU MEANT DIPSHIT
[11:43.20] * barathron feels the brotherly love
[11:43.22] <mrlamont> weird
[11:43.24] <Lottoman> I wish I were the police officer who handcuffed trumptard
[11:43.36] <+barathron> Lottoman omg I'd pay for that job lol
[11:43.45] <McBoatFace> <mrlamont> remember how you guys have known each other on irc for like 30 years
[11:43.45] <McBoatFace> <mrlamont> isnt that wild
[11:43.45] <McBoatFace> <McBoatFace> "you guys"
[11:43.49] <+NineVolt> this is very cringe to behold
[11:43.49] <Lottoman> barathron..  fuck the brotherly love. the republicans..  when Obama was elected..  stopped being.. brothers
[11:43.50] <mrlamont> yup
[11:43.53] <mrlamont> it really is
[11:43.58] <Lottoman> started being..   domestic terrorist
[11:44.03] <+barathron> Lottoman be tempting to whisper in his ear "You're going to die in prison"
[11:44.05] <McBoatFace> Lottoman, that wasn't what anyone was talking about
[11:44.09] <@BodegaCat> good fundraising scheme:  auction off the rights to be deputized as the law officer who gets to handcuff trump, another for who gets to fingerprint him, another for who gets to take the mugshot
[11:44.11] <Daggett23> so maga, what will you blow up today?
[11:44.16] <Lottoman> all these years later..  they still are. . domestic terrorist
[11:44.21] <mrlamont> +,
[11:44.23] <@Lard> [reddit] This website deserves so much more hate (+, to r/nbacirclejerk | 9302 points (93.0%) | 394 comments | Posted by Smelldicks | Created at 2023-08-23 - 19:04:46UTC
[11:44.28] <mrlamont> this encapsulates everything
[11:44.51] <Lottoman> all because???.  of our original sin..   we didnt do the right thing.. and BAN..  slavery.. when we became the greatest nation on the planet
[11:44.52] <mrlamont> Lottoman, I'm here to chat with you because I'm a stupid broke ass loser desperate for validation
[11:44.57] <mgm17> lol.. NBA ??? this chat channel sounds like a closeted homosexual bath house of the 1950s
[11:45.01] <Lottoman> we tend to.. overlook that
[11:45.14] <@BodegaCat> vulcan is there an example of whatever inspired you to ask the question you asked?
[11:45.17] <Lottoman> America..  nor Americans..  are not perfect
[11:45.20] <+barathron>   <mgm17> lol.. NBA ??? this chat channel sounds like a closeted homosexual bath house of the 1950s <- I defer to your expertise on this topic
[11:45.34] <mrlamont> This made me HOWL 😹😹 thanks kind stranger🤠! Now take my gold and fuck my wife please😁! I'll be locked in the cuck tesseract if you need me😜
[11:45.36] <chocotaco> mgm17 wants some buttstuff
[11:45.39] * chocotaco pees on mgm17 in a Moscow hotel room
[11:45.42] <mgm17> kik
[11:45.45] <mgm17> lol
[11:45.46] <mrlamont> that didnt happen chocotaco
[11:45.49] <mgm17> baddd fingers
[11:45.50] <mrlamont> you just made that up
[11:46.15] <Lottoman> mgm17???
[11:46.17] <mgm17> hey ! if you fit in the closet.. go there !!!
[11:46.18] <Lottoman> are you ok?
[11:46.51] <mgm17> yep.. Lottoman, I'm just amazed at how much attention you guys give each other
[11:47.04] <Lottoman> lol
[11:47.15] <+barathron> Welcome to IRC mgm17. First day?
[11:47.28] <@BodegaCat> mgm how did you manage to spend time in a homosexual bathhouse in the 50s?  were you born in the 30s?
[11:47.29] <Lottoman> mgm17..  Im just here to make 'friends'.. and. . 'influence people'
[11:47.33] <mgm17> its funny... all that dwelling on butt sex and your dicks
[11:47.37] <Lottoman> I used to be here..  to get laid..  
[11:47.48] <mgm17> I'm just trying to have real conversations
[11:47.52] * barathron has long since ceased to be amazed by any of the dipshittery on IRC
[11:47.52] <Lottoman> to satisfy horny women
[11:48.00] <Lottoman> and.. I was quite good at that
[11:48.13] <+bastion> +,
[11:48.15] <@Lard> [Twitter] illuminatibot (@iluminatibot): This Canadian dairy farmer reached his quota, so the government makes him dump out the rest of his milk, because of ''regulations.'' Canadian milk is $7 per liter this year and they still make him DUMP 30.000 liters of milk once the quota is reached. Totally disgusting! +, | 21878 RTs | 54490 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-23 - 20:19:
[11:48.15] <Lottoman> IRC had plenty of. unsatisfied women..   dare I say..  still does
[11:48.16] <Whagu> +,
[11:48.17] <@Lard> [Twitter] Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3): In South America there is a place where  275 waterfalls cascade down together,  the largest waterfall system in the world ⏎ About 13,000 cubic metres per second pours over its edges, that’s 5 Olympic sized pools every single second! ⏎ This is Iguazu Falls ⏎ +, | 205 RTs | 957 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-24 - 18:21:37UTC
[11:48.17] <mgm17> i haven't been in this channel for long barathron... you know that
[11:48.28] <+barathron> Lottoman I think your skills must have gone to waste on IRC
[11:48.28] <Lottoman> define long
[11:48.43] <Lottoman> oh please barathron..  you've known me forever
[11:48.52] <Lottoman> you know I'm a male whore
[11:48.58] <Lottoman> lol
[11:49.03] <mgm17> maybe just about 3 month out of my over 20 years using irc
[11:49.30] <+barathron> mgm17 uhhh... I do? I'll be honest. I don't keep track of any of you miscreants :P
[11:49.35] <Lottoman> mgm17..  really?..  so??.. that makes you..  around..  35?
[11:49.44] <mgm17> lol
[11:49.52] <Lottoman> if you lie..  Ill agree
[11:49.57] <Lottoman> lol
[11:50.05] <mgm17> ok... barathron, you have been op in other channels, i mean
[11:50.19] <PrezPopCGrab> mgm17: barathron is wrathro's lackey in #political
[11:50.26] <mgm17> yep
[11:50.29] <Lottoman> barathron.. is ancient..  knows my nick.. since God created the Earth
[11:50.36] <+barathron> Lottoman you are a bit of a whore, no doubt however I'm not sure there's much of a supply of women looking for love on IRC. Least not under 65
[11:50.37] <PrezPopCGrab> which is about as much as you can expect from someone with this killer personality.
[11:50.50] * swin ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[11:50.59] <dilligas> +,
[11:51.00] <@Lard> [url] Ukraine says troops landed on Crimea in ‘special operation’ | Russia-Ukraine war News | Al Jazeera |, ( +, )
[11:51.16] <PrezPopCGrab> being a lackey is bad enough, but being a lackey to someone that lame and pathetic is sad
[11:51.16] <Lottoman> barathron????..  IF.. you were any kind of friend... you'd lie
[11:51.17] <Lottoman> lol
[11:51.19] <+barathron> lol
[11:51.22] <PrezPopCGrab> too bad for barathron he's not good enough to be my lackey, it would be an upgrade
[11:51.29] <+barathron> Apologies Lottoman
[11:51.31] <Lottoman> how rude
[11:51.34] <Lottoman> thank you
[11:51.39] <Lottoman> you are redeemed
[11:51.42] <Lottoman> ROFL
[11:51.51] <Lottoman> this is how IRC used to be
[11:51.54] <Lottoman> fun..
[11:51.57] * PrezPopCGrab is now known as PrezPusyGrab
[11:52.01] <+barathron> Lottoman I see nothing pejorative about it if that's any consolation
[11:52.05] <Lottoman> adult. but..not vulgar
[11:52.22] <Lottoman> too many big words
[11:52.24] <Lottoman> barathron
[11:52.26] <Lottoman> lol
[11:52.42] <Lottoman> you just fucked me up barathron
[11:52.46] <+barathron> Lottoman I'll rephrase. I see nothing bad about you being a whore :P
[11:52.58] <PrezPusyGrab> Lottoman's brain is fried from the dust off all the lottery tickets he buys and pretends to win on.
[11:52.58] <Lottoman> pejorative and cosolation
[11:53.13] * barathron helps Lottoman along
[11:53.21] <PrezPusyGrab> that greyish/silver scratch off shit
[11:53.39] <Lottoman> PrezPusyGrab.. i figured out how to 'win' on scratch offs'..  long ago.. but.  I did not this knowledge
[11:53.47] <Lottoman> many store owners..  did
[11:53.53] <PrezPusyGrab> sure you did buddy, you beat the system
[11:54.01] * mgm17 ( has left #Gulag
[11:54.09] <+gris> Although there has been no official confirmation that Mr. Prigozhin was killed, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on Thursday, in his first comments on the crash, spoke obliquely of his death, referring to him in the past tense. “He made some serious mistakes in life, but he also achieved necessary results,” Mr. Putin said in a televised meeting.
[11:54.17] * Deanr ( has joined channel #Gulag
[11:54.20] <@BodegaCat> bastion the quota system in canada sucks.  But this person spreading the ridiculous lie that milk costs $7/litre doesn't help things.
[11:54.49] <Daggett23> Prigozhin's mistake #1...not killing Putin.
[11:54.53] <+barathron> Isn't Putin talking about his death official confirmation enough? Was Putin doing a happy dance?
[11:54.58] <Lottoman> at 1st..  store owners..  paid for tickets.. and.. the lottery knew..  there were a certain amount of winners in each bundle..  the owner.. his bill.. reflected the amount of winning tickets!!.. huge flaw..  
[11:55.35] * salkas (~user@ has joined channel #Gulag
[11:55.35] <Lottoman> I owned a store..  got 1,200 tickets in..  should pay..  1,200..  they own me..  26,000
[11:55.39] <Lottoman> means
[11:55.55] <Lottoman> I call you..  and tell you to come to my store..  buy all of these tickets
[11:55.59] <Lottoman> that shit happened
[11:55.59] <@BodegaCat> Daggett23 i doubt priggy ever had the means to kill putin.  so probably his only correctable mistake was either starting his mutiny, or in trusting Putin's word on whatever deal they made post-mutiny
[11:56.03] <Lottoman> a LOT
[11:56.06] <@tis> HE'S DEAD GOD DAMNIT
[11:56.15] <salkas> tis,maybe hes not
[11:56.16] <gloops> flogging a dead horse dilligas, ukraine is done
[11:56.18] <Lottoman> calm down tits
[11:56.20] <@tis> ye is
[11:56.26] <@tis> he absolutely is
[11:56.41] <@tis> "Putin murders another enemy" is the story. It's what he does
[11:57.08] <@tis> also who gives a fuck if he's alive
[11:57.10] <gloops> pighozin was paid up, hes probably in acapulco right now
[11:57.19] <@tis> look, that proves it
[11:57.23] <@tis> gloops thinks he's alive
[11:57.27] <@tis> when has gloops ever been right about something?
[11:57.27] <Lottoman> lol
[11:57.29] <@tis> HE'S DEAD
[11:57.31] <@BodegaCat> gloops you love to make these vague statements like "ukraine is done" but refuse to define specifics of what you think that means
[11:57.36] <Daggett23> yep, prigo will never go on TV and prove he's alive..
[11:57.47] <Lottoman> tis..  what a silly ass nick.. to start off with..  but...  what ARE you going on about?
[11:57.52] <@tis> also who gives a fuck anyway? What is he, Elvis? 2pac? Why do you WANT him to be alive? Why is that even interesting?
[11:57.53] <@BodegaCat> Daggett23 if he's alive, he will show up on video somewhere enacting his revenge
[11:57.59] <@tis> fuck him, he sucks, glad putin killed him
[11:57.59] <@tis> boring
[11:58.03] <Daggett23> prigo is in a cistercian monk house now...won't see him again..but he's still alive lol
[11:58.06] <@BodegaCat> tis i want him to be alive so he'll disrupt putin's evil plans.
[11:58.09] <Lottoman> tits..  boring?
[11:58.22] <Lottoman> you are so unhappy tits
[11:58.24] <PrezPusyGrab> yeah I would go to vegas with gloops predictions and do the opposite, come back a millionaire.
[11:58.30] <@tis> BodegaCat: If he's alive (he's not) he's just hiding somewhere measuring his dick, he's not disrupting anything
[11:58.32] <Lottoman> it hurts to watch you type
[11:58.40] <gloops> the deal also details what will happen if pighozin does break silence of course
[11:58.42] <Lottoman> see?
[11:58.48] <@tis> Lottoman: Don't talk to me you worthless alcoholic
[11:58.54] <Lottoman> see?
[11:58.58] <PrezPusyGrab> that's probably a really good strategy.  Not many people can be right all the time, but some people can always be wrong, just place bets on the opposite.
[11:59.04] <@tis> Lottoman: shut the fuck up, you're not even supposed to be here
[11:59.10] <gloops> thats what it looks like, they were paid off
[11:59.13] <Daggett23> where do not dead famous people go? jim morrison, elvis..prigo?
[11:59.17] <Lottoman> tis.. who are YOU to determine someones.. worth?
[11:59.22] <@tis> go get yourself killed by cops you fucking retard
[11:59.23] <@tis> go
[11:59.23] <@tis> begone
[11:59.24] <@tis> die
[11:59.26] <@BodegaCat> tis if he's alive, he's going to stir up some trouble.  in case you weren't paying attention the past year, priggy isn't a guy who sits around "measuring his dick" in private or simply living a lavish life with his money.  He has a hunger for power and he's willing to risk his life to get it.
[11:59.27] <Lottoman> tis.. I'm not?
[11:59.28] <gloops> they arent stupid enough to all get on a plane to moscow together
[11:59.29] <PrezPusyGrab> Lottoman: that's how you beat the lottery, tell gloops which ticket is sure not to win and buy it
[11:59.29] <@tis> or just go to rehab, I prefer that
[11:59.33] <PrezPusyGrab> ask*
[11:59.34] <Lottoman> wow
[11:59.48] <Lottoman> sorry folks. I triggered the mad woman.. again
[11:59.51] * barathron watches tis lay down the law
[11:59.52] <Lottoman> whew
[11:59.52] <@tis> BodegaCat: which is why HE'S DEAD
[11:59.59] <Daggett23> he's dead jim!
[12:00.02] <gloops> it doesnt really matter, whether hes alive or dead, hes gone and thats that
[12:00.21] <PrezPusyGrab> I can't believe Prigo let this even happen, the second he announced a coup, it was succeed or die, he should have at least tried.
[12:00.28] <@BodegaCat> Priggy is a hardcore felon.  He's been buddies with putin for decades.  he rose from nothing to a zillionaire mercenary owner.  He loves attention.  He craves power.  This is a guy who's not afraid of taking risks to his life to chase his dreams.
[12:00.32] <@tis> Lottoman: I'm not a woman you fucking idiot. You've never been able to get a woman to engage with you, why the hell do you think that would suddenly change now?
[12:00.34] <Daggett23> yeah, prigo's days were numbered.
[12:00.38] <@BodegaCat> tis he's probably dead, and maybe alive.
[12:00.45] <Lottoman> tis..   your obvious prejudice aside..   what is exactly IS your major malfunction?
[12:00.55] <PrezPusyGrab> BodegaCat: but he didn't take a risk, he took a death sentence.  A risk would have been actually trying the coup.
[12:01.07] <PrezPusyGrab> giving up like that after you're just fucked
[12:01.12] <@BodegaCat> tis blindly trusting Russian propaganda statements about Priggy is as foolish as blindly trusting Russian propaganda statemetns that the 200,000 russian troops in belarus were only on "training exercises"
[12:01.18] <@tis> Lottoman: I just want your stupid ass to stop talking to me. Go bother someone else with your retarded nicknames, you drunken halfwit. Fuck off.
[12:01.20] <Lottoman> tis..  female or not..  you are a wuss..   damn son
[12:01.30] <Lottoman> ok tis
[12:01.32] <PrezPusyGrab> BodegaCat: it depends, Russia has no reason to lie about his death.
[12:01.38] <Daggett23> Putin: "Sad about the pilot  error causing the crash." sure..hard for a pilot to fly a plane after tail section blown off
[12:01.43] <PrezPusyGrab> because if he's not dead and shows up later they'll look stupid as fuck
[12:01.44] <Lottoman> watch how long it takes..  folks
[12:01.56] <@Publios> this channel a buncha rapp snitch knishes
[12:02.21] <Lottoman> tis.  i think i love you man
[12:02.24] <@BodegaCat> PrezPusyGrab they might not be lying on purpose, but they announced he was dead before it was even possible to confirm identities of the bodies.  If Priggy was using a decoy plane, he could be alive.
[12:02.35] <gloops> +,
[12:02.38] <@Lard> [url] bne IntelliNews - Niger coup threatens Nigeria-Morocco 30bcm gas pipeline project | ( +, )
[12:02.53] <gloops> gas to europe
[12:03.01] <dilligas> Daggett23 at least he didn't try to sell it as suicide :)
[12:03.03] <gloops> wonder who bankrolled the coup
[12:03.05] <@tis> BodegaCat: Maybe he's watching porn with Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
[12:03.17] <Daggett23> yeah, prigo jumped out at 28,000 feet.
[12:03.23] <PrezPusyGrab> BodegaCat: or they had proper intelligence about him being on that plane, pretty sure russia intelligence has people high up in wagner
[12:03.24] <gloops> same actor who blew nordstream II
[12:03.29] <PrezPusyGrab> if they don't, they're idiots
[12:03.42] <@BodegaCat> Tis obviously not, since the bodies of the latter 2 have been located and identified unambiguously.
[12:03.44] <Daggett23> that's another thing..most plane crashes occur at take off or landing, not at cruising altitude
[12:03.53] <Lottoman> no shit
[12:04.01] <@BodegaCat> tis whereas all we know as of today:  a plane fell out of the sky.  Some # of people were on board.  nothing else is confirmed.
[12:04.04] <Lottoman> unless. . something happened to cause it
[12:04.05] <@tis> BodegaCat: I honestly don't know a ton about this, I'm just gambling on the fact that every time something like this happens, the drama-queen conspiracy-tard types insist the person isn't really dead....but they never turn out to be correct.
[12:04.08] <@tis> BodegaCat: So I'm just gambling on that :)
[12:04.16] <@tis> BodegaCat: Also, gloops thinks he's alive. When has gloops been right?
[12:04.19] <Lottoman> Daggett23..   implosion?
[12:04.20] <Daggett23> something happening....ground to air missile blowing it to bits?
[12:04.25] <@tis> safe bet is DEAD
[12:04.31] <PrezPusyGrab> BodegaCat: pretty sure russian intelligence would have an asset whose family they have hostage reporting to them in key positions in wagner,
[12:04.35] <@tis> the world isnt' fun enough for him to be alive like it's a Bond movie
[12:04.36] <@BodegaCat> tis i'm not "insisting" priggy is alive.  I'm saying it's *POSSIBLE* he's alive.  priggy was reported to have decoy planes for exactly this sort of situation.  
[12:04.37] <Daggett23> shot up by a mig 35 follwing it?
[12:04.41] <@tis> BodegaCat: I don't mean you
[12:04.43] <Lottoman> at high altitudes?..  the smaller device..  does extremely well
[12:04.48] <@tis> BodegaCat: I mean gloops and other dipshits :P
[12:04.50] <McBoatFace> Putin has sent Prigo's family a condolence message which is about as good a verification that he's dead as anyone's going to get
[12:04.54] <gloops> The EU is already heavily involved in the dispute and trying to maintain its commercial ties with Niger, while Russia has also been very active in promoting its relations with African leaders offering them free grain and discounted funding for nuclear power stations amongst other things.
[12:04.55] <@BodegaCat> If there's a single person on earth who could escape Putin's assassination orders, Priggy would be the most qualified to top the list.
[12:04.58] <Daggett23> half a pound of RDX in a suitcase?
[12:05.03] <@BodegaCat> tis ok
[12:05.04] <Lottoman> we have so many cameras..  in the sky
[12:05.23] <Lottoman> a whale cant fart. . without us photoing it
[12:05.33] <Lottoman> please
[12:05.34] <gloops> Prighozin is sunning on the beach
[12:05.41] <gloops> the war is over for him
[12:05.48] <Lottoman> they feed us.. what THEY want us to know
[12:06.03] <gloops> cirrect Lottoman, for once
[12:06.12] <Daggett23> yep, Prigo, Jim Morrison and Elvis on a lonely greek island together...
[12:06.13] <Lottoman> once?
[12:06.29] <Lottoman> lol gloops..  many times.. my friend..  just. . you cant admit it
[12:06.52] <@BodegaCat> PrezPusyGrab you can be sure what what you want to be sure of.   I will not consider Priggy's death confirmed until either:  counterparties to russian gov't (in thise case, Wagner group) also confirm it... OR... a long time (a few weeks) passes without Priggy making an announcement.
[12:06.53] <gloops> nore, the last video of Prighozin, allegedly in the desert, dressed in winter fatigues
[12:06.57] <gloops> note
[12:07.19] <Lottoman> gloops.. have YOU ever been in a firefight?..  
[12:07.20] <@tis> The "sunning on the beach" cliche to me is always kind of funny to me, people use it every time - as if they (and nobody else) has ever been on vacation before. If someone's hiding, wins the lotto (or otherwise suddenly gets rich), whatever - they're always chillin on the beach drinking a cocktail until the end of time
[12:07.21] <McBoatFace> shut the fuck up gloops
[12:07.23] <PrezPusyGrab> BodegaCat: you mean like wagner soldiers vowing to get revenge?
[12:07.26] <Daggett23> well, what are the odds of someone else popping Putin?
[12:07.31] <Lottoman> it's a yes or no question gloops
[12:07.32] <@tis> everyone always says that..... as if we don't all know how quickly that gets boring
[12:07.46] <gloops> Lottoman yes i suppose i have
[12:07.48] <Lottoman> ever kill another humand..  gloops
[12:07.49] <@tis> it's funny the collective delusions humanity embraces lol
[12:07.52] <@BodegaCat> PrezPusyGrab no, like priggy video being released where it's irrefutable the video was filmed after the plane crash
[12:07.53] <McBoatFace> tis ; I'm sorry but people are going to keep telling gloops to shut the fuck up until he stops talking
[12:07.55] <@tis> We do that shit for a week and we're done with it
[12:07.58] <@tis> tha'ts the damn truth
[12:07.59] <@tis> beach gets old
[12:08.00] <@tis> FAST
[12:08.12] <Lottoman> you have?..  gloops..  you lie my man..  you lie..  
[12:08.19] <Lottoman> but..  go on
[12:08.24] <PrezPusyGrab> McBoatFace: no we determined gloops is our golden ticket
[12:08.26] <@BodegaCat> PrezPusyGrab if wagner group goes crazy and starts a civil war, but there's no priggy showing up within a few weeks, then i'll accept his death is effectively confirmed.
[12:08.32] <McBoatFace> tis: the ocean never gets old.
[12:08.36] <McBoatFace>  NEVER
[12:08.40] * McBoatFace picks tis up and shakes him
[12:08.41] <@tis> McBoatFace: Not looking at it
[12:08.41] <@tis> no
[12:08.41] <PrezPusyGrab> McBoatFace: You take gloops' predictions about the world, you go to vegas, do the exact opposite.
[12:08.44] <McBoatFace> NEEEEEVER
[12:08.49] <PrezPusyGrab> bet on the opposite*
[12:08.50] <Lottoman> firing your weapon into the jungle. never seeing the enemy..   is accepted
[12:09.00] <@tis> Shit, 3 hours in you're playing cell phone games - tops
[12:09.02] <@tis> it's not that fun
[12:09.08] <@tis> ocean views people will pay millions for
[12:09.09] <Whagu> The Estonian Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas, is facing a scandal due to her family's business connections in Russia.
[12:09.10] <Lottoman> oh tis..   hush
[12:09.10] <@tis> THE VIEWS
[12:09.13] <McBoatFace> tis, how would lying in the sun on white sands listening to the surf get old? You're not even making any sense
[12:09.15] <@tis> not laying int he fucking sand getting drunk
[12:09.20] <Whagu> The opposition is calling for Kallas' resignation. It has been revealed that Stark Logistics, a transportation company partially owned by Kallas' husband, Arvo Hallik, is still operating in Russia.
[12:09.21] <PrezPusyGrab> no one goes to the beach for just the sand
[12:09.22] <@BodegaCat> If Priggy really WAS flying in an airplane over a battery of AA missiles, then he's an idiot and his death by stupidity was overdue.
[12:09.22] <Lottoman> why are you here?
[12:09.26] <PrezPusyGrab> You go for the parties, surfing, boats
[12:09.27] <McBoatFace> tis : that's like saying you'd get tired of eating cheese or listening to 'music' or something
[12:09.38] <Lottoman> what a rude ass you are..  
[12:09.43] <@tis> PrezPusyGrab: Maybe Pigeon guy is surfing ll
[12:09.43] <Daggett23> surprised Prigo lived this long
[12:09.44] <@tis> lol
[12:09.48] <@tis> that's a fun thought :)
[12:10.01] * Lottoman is now known as LottoAFK
[12:10.02] <PrezPusyGrab> but yes the beach gets boring as fuck if its just the beach.  Sand and salty water, who gives a fuck
[12:10.09] <LottoAFK> good night to you all
[12:10.11] * mOrO^ (~chrome@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:10.12] <PrezPusyGrab> its all the wild beach parties and boats and shit
[12:10.17] <PrezPusyGrab> thats why people go
[12:10.27] <Daggett23> young women, cocaine..
[12:10.34] <@BodegaCat> Daggett23 survivor bias though.  He was the 1-in-1,000 russian thug criminals who had the combination of cunning, brutality, and luck needed to get into the position he was in.
[12:10.47] <LottoAFK> orgasms
[12:10.50] <PrezPusyGrab> most fun at the beach is about a half mile away from the beach
[12:10.50] <Daggett23> and he f'ed up
[12:10.55] <PrezPusyGrab> in either direction
[12:11.00] <@tis> 12:10 <PrezPusyGrab> most fun at the beach is about a half mile away from the beach <-- exactly
[12:11.08] <McBoatFace> the ocean is entirely wasted on you fuckers
[12:11.09] <gloops> +,
[12:11.09] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Four Tops — Loco In Acapulco (Top of the Pops, 22nd December 1988)⁩ | 3m 34s | ⁨Andrew JS⁩ | 301,382 views
[12:11.13] * McBoatFace spits in disgust
[12:11.15] <Daggett23> beach house...or the boat
[12:11.17] <@BodegaCat> We don't know about the 999 other criminals who were a little less cunning, a little less brutal, a little less lucky, but otherwise identical to Priggy and died along the way
[12:11.36] <gloops> the four tops - now the 1 top
[12:11.39] <PrezPusyGrab> McBoatFace: the beach isn't the ocean, the beach is where the ocean ends.  if you want to enjoy the ocean you get a fucking boat
[12:11.43] <LottoAFK> lol
[12:11.54] * LottoAFK (~Lottoman@ has left #Gulag
[12:11.57] <@tis> BodegaCat: I dunno how cunning the guy really needed to be though
[12:12.12] * gloops hums we'll be going loco down in Acapulco
[12:12.14] <PrezPusyGrab> surfing and watersports is the only reason to really stay ON the beach, other than that get a boat and go out, or go back to the bars
[12:12.24] <@tis> BodegaCat: If this war proved one thing above anything else it's that Putin isn't actually that smart
[12:12.36] <@tis> and he sure as hell isn't particularly knowledgable about the infrastructure in his own country
[12:12.58] <McBoatFace> PrezPusyGrab, see? Wasted on you. Here is how you live. You find a white sands beach on the pacific coast, ideally somewhere in Costa Rica. You have a hammock at the line where the trees meet the sand. You alternate between swimming and standing in the surf, and lying in the hammock drinking, listening to music and reading
[12:13.04] <Daggett23> they trot out his military in opening weeks of the war's broken.
[12:13.05] <McBoatFace> you break for dinner and sex on occasion
[12:13.06] <@tis> I'm not saying he can't assassinate a guy, I'm just saying he isn't the chess master war god genius that Zeno and Tatyana spent their entire adult lives imagining him as
[12:13.12] <McBoatFace> you get bored of that you get bored of life
[12:13.14] <@tis> he's just a gangster and kind of a dumb one
[12:13.20] <McBoatFace> lol BOAT
[12:13.22] <McBoatFace> FUCK BOATS
[12:13.29] <@tis> YOUR FUCKING NICK IS A BOAT
[12:13.30] <@tis> WTF
[12:13.34] <@tis> I'LL KILL YOU
[12:13.35] <McBoatFace> shit
[12:13.42] <@tis> s/KILL/hug
[12:13.42] <@Lard> tis meant to say: I'LL hug YOU
[12:13.45] <@tis> awww
[12:13.51] <McBoatFace> hoisted by my own petard
[12:14.00] <PrezPusyGrab> McBoatFace: fuck that stupid shit.  Just sand in your ass crack.  i mean the hammock is cool, but just standing in salt water?  or swimming in it?  fuck that, get a jetski, a surfboard, maybe a boat
[12:14.01] <@BodegaCat> tis not especially, i'd think, but more cunning than the average russian criminal
[12:14.15] <Daggett23> then there's the god damned coast guard, ruining ur fun bitching about you being drunk on the boat
[12:14.23] <PrezPusyGrab> swimming isn't especially fun
[12:14.27] <gloops> the song was written about the english bank robber Buster Edwards, who fled to Acapulco (no extradition with UK) with his money and wofe
[12:14.30] <@tis> BodegaCat: Yeah but is that saying something, or is that just like comparing the intelligence of Trump supporters?
[12:14.32] <PrezPusyGrab> its a goal to get somewhere
[12:14.36] <@tis> hard to say sometimes
[12:14.56] <McBoatFace> nauseating
[12:14.58] <PrezPusyGrab> McBoatFace: me go fast
[12:15.08] <@BodegaCat> tis i dunno, i deliberately used cunning in combination with other traits
[12:15.11] <gloops> eventually returned to england to face justice, after his wife insisted she couldnt live there, missed english fish and chips and bingo with her mom too much
[12:15.15] <@tis> BodegaCat: fair
[12:15.25] <@tis> I'm hungry
[12:15.27] <@tis> what should I eat
[12:15.30] <McBoatFace> +,
[12:15.30] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Family Guy   Getting Jet Ski License⁩ | 14s | ⁨Family Guy⁩ | 44,225 views
[12:15.32] <PrezPusyGrab> pussy
[12:15.37] <@tis> oh cool!
[12:15.42] <@tis> the first suggestion was pussy!
[12:15.46] <@tis> usually it's
[12:15.51] <@tis> <everyone> A DICK
[12:15.59] <Daggett23> jet ski licence, here, breathe on this mirror if it fogs up..u can rent one!
[12:16.07] <@tis> I greatly prefer pussy as a suggestion
[12:16.44] <McBoatFace> tis :   +,
[12:16.44] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Le Telepathé - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts⁩ | 2m 52s | ⁨ExplosmEntertainment⁩ | 18,337,645 views
[12:16.46] <@BodegaCat> I also use the word "cunning" on purpose instead of "intelligent" because there's smart people, and there's people who have animalistic instincts.  1 of them helps you in school, and the other helps you in the jungle.
[12:17.47] <@BodegaCat> anyways here's a toast to hoping Priggy is alive in a bunker plotting his next coup
[12:18.09] <McBoatFace> Diiiiiiiickssssssss
[12:19.36] <McBoatFace> how many other people were on that plane, anyway?
[12:20.55] <PrezPusyGrab> 9
[12:21.04] <PrezPusyGrab> 10 total I believe
[12:21.27] * WiffilW (~wiffilw@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:22.05] <vulcan> you dont diss Putin !
[12:22.08] <Deanr> +,
[12:22.18] <@Lard> [url] Republican debate poll finds Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy won - Washington Post |, ( +, )
[12:22.40] <vulcan> Deanr: ye but Trump really won
[12:23.17] <@BodegaCat> i dunno how any rational person could watch that debate and feel that fatty desantis "won" but i guess most parts of the republican mind are a mystery to me
[12:23.31] <gloops> this is Trumps problem, the legal shit is going to occupy a lot of his time
[12:24.13] <@BodegaCat> i guess he just gets to keep repeating "oh btw i was a navy seal err um i mean i happened to notarization for navy seals, same thing right" a zillion times and stupid republicans are gonna be like "ooooh guns me likey"
[12:24.28] <gloops> and mental energy, which you really need to win a political campaign
[12:25.34] <McBoatFace> BodegaCat, agreed. DeSantis didn't shine at all, to me
[12:26.15] <@BodegaCat> just very flat and clearly reading his script over and over
[12:26.34] <@BodegaCat> "i support life!  i hate woke!   i rode in an airplane with navy seals!"
[12:26.56] <McBoatFace> there wasn't nearly enough infighting for my taste. I mean there was some, but I wanted it to completely devolve into an episode of jerry springer
[12:28.53] <@BodegaCat> it was more than i expected
[12:29.06] <+thefed> +,
[12:29.07] <@Lard> [url] Reddit - Dive into anything |, ( +, )
[12:29.12] <McBoatFace> so question
[12:29.19] <@BodegaCat> but they're all hopeless.  Trump will ride his indictments all the way to nominations
[12:29.29] <McBoatFace> would you say that Trump not attending was good for him, bad for him or didn't influence his support at all
[12:29.35] <@BodegaCat> "We know woketards hate trump most cuz he's the one they're indicting!"
[12:30.21] <@BodegaCat> imo trump not attending was good for him, the nomination is his to lose, so why would he want to offer up opportunities to lose?
[12:30.42] <mrlamont> trump trump trumper trump
[12:31.01] <+thefed> dump truck pump your rump
[12:31.13] <gloops> trump will win
[12:31.25] <mrlamont> so question
[12:31.34] <@BodegaCat> one thing i remember from that "Apprentice" TV show... is a contestant won immunity.  And the contestant got cocky and said "i'm going to give the immunity to someone else because i also performed well"  and trump said "you're an idiot for giving away you're immunity, i'm firing you for that reason alone".   So using that as an example, Trump is smartly not putting himself in risk he doesn't
[12:31.34] <@BodegaCat> have to
[12:31.48] <mrlamont> ignore him
[12:31.49] <mrlamont> fuck
[12:31.53] <mrlamont> eat my ass gimp
[12:31.55] <P-1> in 2016 during the gop primaries....each candidate was arguing that they alone were exclusively chosen by god to be the next president.....we didnt see much of that this time around.....the theme last night seemed to be a contest to see who could be the most cruel fascist...thinking that quality would attract MAGA cultists
[12:32.11] <gloops> im telling you Trump is going to win, place your bets
[12:32.19] <@tis> OK
[12:32.21] <@tis> how much gloops?
[12:32.21] <+gris> P-1: did you see this headline +,
[12:32.22] <@Lard> [url] From a G.O.P. Stronghold, Debate Watchers Cheered Signs of a Post-Trump Era – DNyuz | ( +, )
[12:32.41] <gloops> tis your shirt
[12:32.44] <@BodegaCat> most of the candidates are fatally flawed:  they're either (a) female  (b) non-white  (c) anti-trump ... republicans will never pick one of those
[12:33.00] <+gris> drudge poll says vivek ramaswamy won the debate
[12:33.17] <+gris> incredible because he's a snake oil goon
[12:33.30] <+gris> selling anti-woke ointment
[12:33.38] <@BodegaCat> i appreciate the chutzpah of a 38yo indian dude beaking off to all these old white farts
[12:33.42] <P-1> gris: yes... the spell seems to be broken for many of them....but there are still hard core Trumpists who i believe will willingly go out with a bang if Trump gives them the dog whistle......these people are true fanatics
[12:33.44] <@tis> I'll place the following bet with gloops: If Trump loses, I get to ban gloops until the end of time. If Trump wins, I'll ban everyone I don't like over and over again until I lose ops
[12:33.45] <@tis> DEAL?
[12:33.58] <@BodegaCat> loses what?  nomination or POTUS?
[12:34.02] <@tis> how about we just do $50,000 instead?
[12:34.03] <McBoatFace> gloops, also, either way you have to suicide
[12:34.04] <@tis> imagi's good for it
[12:34.10] <wptmj> How do you stop a dog from humping your leg?  
[12:34.13] <gloops> +,
[12:34.14] <@Lard> [url] National : President: Republican primary : 2024 Polls | FiveThirtyEight | ( +, )
[12:34.19] <gloops> suck it up
[12:34.21] <wptmj> Pick him up and suck his dick.
[12:34.23] <+gris> seems like many fascists are fully prepared to endorse a different candidate
[12:34.25] <wptmj> :P
[12:34.30] <mrlamont> he'd never do it
[12:34.31] * McBoatFace stares at wptmj
[12:34.32] <+thefed> Bet bet all you kept hearing was bet, gloops is a dumb ass, fuck that shit.
[12:34.33] <+gris> we are witnessing the commoditization of MAGA
[12:34.35] <wptmj> teehee
[12:34.37] <@tis> gloops: Oh you're just talking about the nomination?
[12:34.41] <+thefed> I ain't going outta town broke
[12:34.52] <gloops> tis no the presidency
[12:34.59] <@tis> gloops: Oh, you're retarded
[12:35.01] <gloops> its a given Trump would beat Biden
[12:35.05] <gloops> afk
[12:35.07] <@tis> probably too dumb to figure out how to kill yoruself
[12:35.07] <wptmj> whassup Dinghy
[12:35.07] <McBoatFace> he's so retarded!
[12:35.15] <McBoatFace> tis ; doesn't mean he shouldn't try
[12:35.18] <@tis> .voiceall
[12:35.18] --X-- You're voiced by Lard (clowntown) on #Gulag
[12:35.18] * X sets mode +vvvvvv GhostDog pw_zapffe Monrow- MartyMcFly gannon P-1 for #Gulag
[12:35.18] * X sets mode +vvvv OldMole BonafideL Smax dilligas for #Gulag
[12:35.18] * X sets mode +vvvvvv euphony MissBliss TekWiz kmh vulcan McBoatFace for #Gulag
[12:35.18] * X sets mode +vvvv chocotaco Cleland gloops Whagu for #Gulag
[12:35.18] * X sets mode +vvvvvv katy-uk tzip DS9isBest BathSheba` Daggett23 mrlamont for #Gulag
[12:35.19] * X sets mode +vvvv wptmj PrezPusyGrab Deanr salkas for #Gulag
[12:35.19] * X sets mode +vv mOrO^ WiffilW for #Gulag
[12:35.23] <+mrlamont> cringe
[12:35.27] <@BodegaCat> i love watching desantis poll numbers crashing almost as fast as prigozhin's jet
[12:35.47] <@BodegaCat> "trump will beat biden!  just like he did in 2020!"
[12:35.49] <@BodegaCat> ahahahah
[12:36.07] <wptmj> what terrific shock value that last one has
[12:36.08] <@BodegaCat> i wouldn't be against tis (again)
[12:36.13] <+P-1> gloops: trump hasnt won anything since 2016....and even then he lost the popular vote
[12:36.15] <wptmj> cringe worthy
[12:36.30] <+Daggett23> Trump is a loser..soon to be a covicted one
[12:36.32] <wptmj> "fuck, i cant believe he just told that joke."
[12:36.39] <+mrlamont> covicted.
[12:36.42] <@BodegaCat> BUT:  every time trump runs for POTUS, he gets a larger & larger share of the popular vote.  I think I calculated that in the 2036 election, Trump would finally win a majority of votes.
[12:36.44] <wptmj> thassmystyle
[12:36.51] <+Daggett23> no matter, Putin has his heart set on Vivek next
[12:37.08] <+mrlamont> 🥱
[12:37.14] <+Daggett23> Vivek, are you colluding yet?
[12:37.19] <wptmj> everyody is really laughing on the inside
[12:37.23] <+NineVolt> is vivek here?
[12:37.26] <+mrlamont> <daggett> all my favorite internet places told me this
[12:37.37] <wptmj> especially here where text is so worthless
[12:37.37] <+NineVolt> i mean, daggett's claim isn't unreasonable.
[12:37.40] <+Whagu> Some pundit compare Ramaswamy to Buttigieg.
[12:37.42] <+NineVolt> vivek wants do end support for ukraine.
[12:37.48] <+NineVolt> s/do/to/
[12:37.48] <+mrlamont> the npc meme was awful but fuck if some people dont fit the stereotype here
[12:37.48] <@Lard> NineVolt meant to say: vivek wants to end support for ukraine.
[12:37.55] <@BodegaCat> Ramaswamy is going to peak to early.  he has no chance.   Not to mention:  he's brown.
[12:38.15] <+mrlamont> Some pundit compare Ramaswamy to Buttigieg.
[12:38.24] <@BodegaCat> at least 10% if not 20% of republicans are going to see brown skin and say "nope, i am not voting for no middle east terrorist!"
[12:38.24] <+P-1> Vivek cant succeed.....all you have to do is remind conservatives, "One nation, under an elephant god, with 8 trunks, and justice for all"
[12:38.34] <+Daggett23> lol yep
[12:38.38] <+mrlamont> lol yep
[12:38.42] * Henry (~Bobby@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:38.44] <+thefed> cringe
[12:38.46] <wptmj> YUP
[12:38.47] <+mrlamont> cringe yup
[12:38.51] <+Daggett23> Vivek, ur a bit darker colored for most GOP
[12:38.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> Vivek is a straight fascist, but I think he's campaigning for a spot in Trump's cabinet.
[12:38.53] <+Whagu> Hillary Clinton has put her hat  into the ring
[12:39.02] <+mrlamont> oh wow now the racism from Daggett23
[12:39.06] <+mrlamont> Hillary Clinton has put her hat  into the ring
[12:39.10] <@BodegaCat> Zeno has arrived!!
[12:39.13] <wptmj> see how we matched there mr?
[12:39.14] <+Daggett23> i'd say WOG but that's a perjorative
[12:39.19] <+mrlamont> you just said it
[12:39.28] <+PrezPusyGrab> Vivek wanting to be a token minority under Donald
[12:39.35] <+vulcan> its really strange how people ya'll call "fascist" are really for freedom
[12:39.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> vulcan: that's because you're simple, and don't understand what you're talking about.
[12:40.01] <wptmj> yeah but we both hit enter at the same time
[12:40.10] <wptmj> my brotha
[12:40.21] * Wilderness ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:40.34] <@BodegaCat> p-1 you joke but i think the joke is on you, racist republicans can't grasp the nuance of india vs. middle east, hindu vs. muslim, they'll just know that Vivek is part of the group who flew planes into WTC
[12:40.40] <wptmj> its meaningful
[12:40.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> yeah vivek will always be mohammad atta to them
[12:41.04] <+vulcan> PPG I understand lies when I see them
[12:41.13] <@BodegaCat> vulcan who exactly did "we all" call facsist?
[12:41.22] <+PrezPusyGrab> vulcan: you're like barathron, you assume everything you're too stupid to understand is people lying to you.
[12:41.44] <+PrezPusyGrab> the truth is less devious and just more sad.
[12:41.49] <wptmj> +,
[12:41.50] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Propagandhi The Only Good Fascist Is A Very Dead Fascist⁩ | 1m 11s | ⁨stickpunk1⁩ | 139,991 views
[12:41.51] <+vulcan> barathron:  sorry, I should have singled out PPG and not a whole group
[12:42.13] <+vulcan> BodegaCat:  I mean
[12:42.44] <+vulcan> PPG its YOU who doesn't know what you are talking about
[12:42.59] <+PrezPusyGrab> vulcan: didn't we have to explain basic civics definitions to you earlier?
[12:43.17] <+WiffilW> vulcan: is Trump’s claim of a stolen election a lie?
[12:43.22] <+vulcan> PPG I suppose
[12:43.34] <+PrezPusyGrab> vulcan: right, so the evidence is that you have no clue what the fuck you're saying, correct?
[12:43.36] <+vulcan> WiffilW:  I never said it was stolen
[12:44.01] <+PrezPusyGrab> it's like someone trying to comment on an calculus problem when they don't understand what a fraction is.
[12:44.03] <+WiffilW> vulcan: is Trump lying?
[12:44.05] <+mrlamont> use normal text you fucking moron WiffilW
[12:44.08] <+vulcan> Biden is the legit senile president
[12:44.24] <wptmj> vulcan spars better than you Prez and he's got a much more respectable nick
[12:44.28] <+WiffilW> I am using normal text
[12:44.33] <+Daggett23> senile genius who stole the election and runs a family criminal empiore..
[12:44.36] <+vulcan> WiffilW: not necessarily, Trump could really think it was stolen
[12:44.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> I have the best name though.
[12:44.44] <@BodegaCat> vulcan ok.  i just googled Ramaswamy's major policy positions and didn't see anything that's particularly fascist.  He wants to legalize pot (and hopefully other drugs) and he supports gay marriage
[12:44.53] <wptmj> so only ya think
[12:45.12] <+vulcan> BodegaCat:  :)
[12:45.28] <@BodegaCat> other than that his major policy points seem to be boilerplate republican crackpot ideas.
[12:45.32] <+PrezPusyGrab> BodegaCat: if you listen to him talk, his ideas on the nuclear family start getting pretty fascist pretty quick.
[12:45.47] * Henry (~Bobby@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[12:46.04] <@BodegaCat> there's a big difference on having ideas about families, and advocating for the government to control social freedoms.
[12:46.06] <+WiffilW> vulcan: you do realize that Trump has a decades-long well earned reputation as a psychopathic liar, right?
[12:46.11] <+vulcan> PPG thinks everything conservative is fascist
[12:46.23] <+vulcan> WiffilW:  all pols lie
[12:46.27] <+Daggett23> Vivek, great believer in the caste system
[12:46.36] <+WiffilW> vulcan: LOL
[12:46.49] <+PrezPusyGrab> BodegaCat: ah i see, you don't understand what fascism is.  Part of it is the idea of having an idealized opinion of how everyone should fit in a neat little box and ostracizing or eliminating those who don't.
[12:46.49] <+vulcan> its true
[12:47.05] <@BodegaCat> ramswamy thinks bitcoin is great, gay marriage should be legal, drugs should be legal... this is normal liberterian leaning stuff
[12:47.05] <+PrezPusyGrab> vulcan: today everything conservative in america is turning pretty fascist, so yeah
[12:47.18] <+vulcan> PPG is the all knowing person in gulag
[12:47.19] <+Daggett23> are NOT Brahmin...not by a long shot
[12:47.24] <+dilligas> vulcan you know better than that ... trump admitted he lost  to several  ... they have him on tape ... he knows it wasn't stolen... he does not get to use that mindset defense!
[12:47.26] <+PrezPusyGrab> vulcan: just more knowing than your dumb ass.
[12:47.31] <+PrezPusyGrab> thats not really saying much
[12:47.49] <+mrlamont> wow
[12:47.49] <+vulcan> dilligas:  I dont care that Trump lies
[12:47.54] <+mrlamont> this is some hardcore racism from Daggett23
[12:47.57] <+mrlamont> lottoman levels
[12:47.57] <+WiffilW> vulcan: Trump lies more in 15 minutes than, say, Bill Clinton has done in his entire life.
[12:48.08] <+Daggett23> vivek belongs more too....tea server class i think
[12:48.08] * vulcan bows to the king PPG
[12:48.09] * LottoAFK (~Lottoman@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:48.10] <+dilligas> vulcan, as long as you know better
[12:48.14] <+mrlamont> speaking of which
[12:48.20] <+mrlamont> here's the other little bigot
[12:48.20] <+chocotaco> WiffilW: no your mom does
[12:48.33] <+vulcan> dilligas:  I did not like his "mexico will pay for it" lie
[12:48.35] * salkas (~user@ Quit (Quit)
[12:48.38] <+mrlamont> NO UR MOM
[12:48.38] <+mrlamont> LOL
[12:48.39] <Wilderness> how can you not care if trump lies?
[12:48.43] <LottoAFK> did trump surrender?
[12:48.44] <+mrlamont> how can you care?
[12:48.45] <LottoAFK> ROFL
[12:48.50] * LottoAFK is now known as Lottoman
[12:48.52] <+vulcan> Wilderness:  because I like his policies
[12:48.54] <Lottoman> well?.. did he?
[12:48.56] <@BodegaCat> well there's the vernacular for "fascism" which people use when they mean "government wants to curtail my individual freedoms"  and then there's the dictionary definition for fascism, which is "exalting the nation above the individual and centralizing power within an autocratic government" ... and Ramswamy's official positions don't really indicate a tendency towards either of those.
[12:49.04] <Lottoman> was he.. indicted..  again????
[12:49.09] <Lottoman> yes or no?
[12:49.10] * niggardly (~niggard@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:49.18] <niggardly> hi niggards
[12:49.20] <+vulcan> where are ops
[12:49.22] <Wilderness> thats a position laking in an ethical compass vulcan
[12:49.25] <@BodegaCat> Ramswamy comes off as an idealistic free-market isolationist.
[12:49.30] <+vulcan> are there ANY ops here?
[12:49.33] <+mrlamont> no it isnt
[12:49.34] <niggardly> niggard isnt a slur
[12:49.39] <@BodegaCat> vulcan supposedly I'm an op
[12:49.39] <+mrlamont> yes it is
[12:49.44] <niggardly> no its not
[12:49.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> I like how Chris Christie's entire campaign everytime is to suicide bomb other candidates.
[12:49.53] <Lottoman> lol niggardly / / another word usd
[12:49.54] <+vulcan> BodegaCat:  is "miggardly" an ok nick
[12:50.01] <+vulcan> niggardly
[12:50.03] <niggardly> dont be niggardly with your thoughts
[12:50.08] <niggardly> you dumb niggard
[12:50.14] * niggardly (~niggard@ has left #Gulag
[12:50.18] <@BodegaCat> vulcan you're asking the wrong guy, i think anything except flooding is ok on irc!
[12:50.24] <Lottoman> vulcan?..  why hide your obvious racism?
[12:50.30] <+mrlamont> i win
[12:50.30] <+dilligas> they are shutting down air space over the fulton county jail between 6:45 and 9 pm :)
[12:50.36] <+vulcan> Lottoman:  huh?
[12:50.39] <Lottoman> lol
[12:50.45] <+Cleland> Trumpy putting on some night moves!
[12:50.47] <@BodegaCat> p.s. google says "niggard" means "a stingy person" ... so i guess it's a slur...?
[12:50.49] <+vulcan> Lottoman:  dont be like cleland
[12:50.53] <Lottoman> which 'side areyou on'?
[12:51.00] <+chocotaco> slur! slur! slur!
[12:51.03] <Lottoman> stand up
[12:51.06] <+mrlamont> thlur
[12:51.07] <+Daggett23> Trump...i want to hear you say, 'not guilty'
[12:51.10] <Lottoman> be proud
[12:51.11] <@BodegaCat> but if we're gonna get upset about calling people STINGY on this channel, then the even harsher insults are really gonna twist people up
[12:51.21] <+Daggett23> Trump, will you have to remove ur wig for ur photo?
[12:51.32] <+thefed> What a mess.
[12:51.33] <+Cleland> Vulva STFU
[12:51.36] * chocotaco gives Lottoman's mom a choco taco
[12:51.36] <+Cleland> you racist fuck
[12:51.42] <+Cleland> thefed aint dead!
[12:51.42] <+thefed> His diaper adds 50lbs.
[12:51.43] <+chocotaco> Lottoman: that means I shit all over her pussy
[12:51.45] <Lottoman> the entire nation is waiting.. watching..  to see if justice applies to us ALL or not
[12:51.48] <+thefed> thedeadfed
[12:51.48] <+vulcan> Cleland:  are you back?
[12:51.49] <+Cleland> Yeah he wont remove it
[12:51.52] <+Cleland> No Vulva
[12:51.53] <+Cleland> STFU
[12:51.58] <+Cleland> senile old antisemite
[12:52.02] <Lottoman> chocotaco..   enough of your childish ass comments
[12:52.04] <+Cleland> Go burn down Atlanta shit head
[12:52.09] <Lottoman> you are  a fool
[12:52.15] <+chocotaco> vulcan: actually yeah, do that, atlanta is a shithole
[12:52.15] <+vulcan> Cleland:  just the prosecuters office
[12:52.25] <+Cleland> Ah makes sense shithead
[12:52.27] <+Cleland> Just die
[12:52.36] <Lottoman>  Added *!*chocotaco@ to ignore list   fuck you
[12:52.40] <@BodegaCat> hahahaha stupid text scammer  "I'm melissa don't you remember me?"   "I can't believe you forgot me.  I'm bella!"
[12:52.45] <Lottoman> and your family
[12:52.49] <Lottoman> how bout that?
[12:52.58] <+thefed>      We have unfortunately uncovered suspicious and illegal activities during our investigation, leading to the temporary suspension of your Social Security number.
[12:53.07] <+Cleland> lol
[12:53.10] <@BodegaCat> thefed you'd better click that link pronto
[12:53.30] <@BodegaCat> thefed you don't want your social security number cancelled!  quick, type in your birthday & mother's maiden name to reactivate it!!
[12:53.37] <+Daggett23> i'm a 20 yr old college student, me so horny! message me!
[12:53.42] <+mrlamont> oh no
[12:53.42] <+mrlamont> not again
[12:53.55] <Lottoman> lol
[12:53.55] <+thefed> Yesterday I got a Geek Squad statement from for like $393.
[12:53.57] <+mrlamont> nobody likes you chocotaco
[12:53.58] <+mrlamont> just fyi
[12:54.05] <+mrlamont> Yesterday I got a Geek Squad statement from for like $393.
[12:54.06] <@BodegaCat> i'm texting with a legit hot chick here in l.a.  We'll see if she's dumb as she sounds, if she is, i might have a chance for sex.
[12:54.08] <+thefed> We just wanted to let you know that everything went smoothly with the
[12:54.08] <+thefed> extension we talked about. All the information is in a PDF file that
[12:54.08] <+thefed> is linked to this email. Check it out and let us know if something
[12:54.08] <+thefed> looks wrong. If everything is fine, we will talk to you again in a few
[12:54.11] <+PrezPusyGrab> thefed: I've been getting tons of that shit too
[12:54.14] <+mrlamont> great
[12:54.15] <+thefed> Bad paste sorry.
[12:54.18] <+mrlamont> then what happened
[12:54.21] <+thefed> I'm turning into a mrlamont
[12:54.27] <Lottoman> I'm not sending you 20 dollars for that sex pic.. that I took!!
[12:54.28] <+PrezPusyGrab> seems like a common scam
[12:54.31] * chestless ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:54.31] <+thefed> Yeah
[12:54.34] <Lottoman> you slut
[12:54.38] <+mrlamont> Im turnin gin a mrlamontd
[12:54.40] <+mrlamont> yeah
[12:54.44] <chestless> thefed: chestless alone for life femcel on kids chatlines all day lalalla
[12:54.46] <chestless> mrlamont: rekt
[12:54.46] * X sets mode +b *!~* for #Gulag
[12:54.46] * chestless was kicked by X(  - Reason ((federal) BLOWS WITH DAD)
[12:54.50] * Forbin ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:54.52] <@BodegaCat> wat
[12:54.56] <Lottoman> I got a tremendous dick..  I dont charge you gals to ..  see it
[12:54.56] <@BodegaCat> why you banning vancouver people
[12:54.59] <+thefed> Yeah they're trying to scare old people into calling and giving up info
[12:55.08] <@BodegaCat> oh, because they hurt your feelings
[12:55.09] <+mrlamont> shut the fuck up
[12:55.10] <+mrlamont> holy shit
[12:55.12] <+mrlamont> nobody cares
[12:55.20] <+thefed> NO
[12:55.25] <+thefed> It's because vancouver sucks
[12:55.28] <+mrlamont> no it doesnt
[12:55.31] <@BodegaCat> hahah
[12:55.39] <@BodegaCat> ya, stay out of vancouver, leave more room for us
[12:55.42] <+thefed> Yeah Vancouver really does suck.
[12:55.43] <+mrlamont> no it doesnt
[12:55.47] <+thefed> Yes
[12:55.49] <+mrlamont> no it doesnt
[12:55.53] <+thefed> YES IT DOES
[12:55.54] <+PrezPusyGrab> thefed: why?  I heard it was like a better san francisco
[12:55.59] <+mrlamont> -372
[12:56.02] <+thefed> It seems like a shittier Portland
[12:56.06] <+mrlamont> no it doesnt
[12:56.09] <+mouses> 2015 ford transit minivan - no warranty needed, it's infinite.
[12:56.09] <@BodegaCat> thefed here is a picture of my vancouver condos being built!!  +,
[12:56.27] <+thefed> You're buying a condo in WA?
[12:56.31] <+mrlamont> no
[12:56.39] <@BodegaCat> PrezPusyGrab that's a very good comparison actually.  both cities have similar vibes
[12:56.44] <+thefed> Why do you keep talking mrlamont
[12:56.49] <+mrlamont> why dont i?
[12:56.54] <Lottoman> glad to be back.. thanks folks..  sorry I pissed off the old mouthy woman..  
[12:56.55] <+thefed> *cringe*
[12:56.58] <+mrlamont> *cringe*
[12:57.01] <@BodegaCat> PrezPusyGrab apparently SF has gone feral with the homeless people, whereas vancouver is really gentrifying thanks to asian immigrants
[12:57.09] <+mrlamont> thefed translated to english: "hi how r u today hur hur"
[12:57.27] <+thefed> You're what, 56, 57?
[12:57.32] <+mrlamont> lol
[12:57.39] <Lottoman> me?
[12:57.50] <Lottoman> bless you child
[12:57.51] <+PrezPusyGrab> Global Warming fucking sucks, I still want to move to Mexico but it's not going to be as awesome if it gets too hot
[12:58.08] <@BodegaCat> ya but the upside of global warming is mexico comes to you if you wait long enough
[12:58.12] <Lottoman> moving..   aint gonna help
[12:58.26] <@BodegaCat> right now i feel like oregon might be a nice place to be
[12:58.30] <+Cleland> 15:55:10]  <@chalcedony> i'm very concerned for our president
[12:58.30] <+Cleland> [15:55:17]  <@chalcedony> the real one not the coup
[12:58.30] <+Cleland> [15:57:02]  <@vulcan> Trump!
[12:58.32] <Lottoman> unless money exchange is concerned
[12:58.33] * Henry (~Bobby@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:58.38] <+Cleland> Coup!
[12:58.41] <+thefed> Vancouver is right on the border, Cleland.
[12:58.43] <Henry> &
[12:58.43] <+vulcan> Cleland: ESAD
[12:58.44] <+Cleland> lol
[12:58.49] <+Cleland> Thats funny shit
[12:58.50] <Henry> and?
[12:58.53] <+thefed> Vancouver is right on the border, BodegaCat.
[12:58.54] <+Cleland> The REAL ONE
[12:58.54] <Lottoman> moving.. and taking your wealth..  to south of the border.. does pay
[12:58.57] <+thefed> I confused you two.
[12:59.05] <@BodegaCat> thefed the border of what?  the USA?   sorta.
[12:59.11] <Henry> Lottoman has big tits
[12:59.13] <+thefed> Of Oregon
[12:59.14] <wptmj> ooh, here is a GREAT joke i had forgotten about
[12:59.17] <wptmj> one sec
[12:59.17] <Lottoman> personally. I got enough funds..  to last me here
[12:59.34] <@BodegaCat> thefed actual vancouver city is about a 30-40 minute drive from the border, but the urbanized region does extend all the way to the border, yes.
[12:59.36] <Lottoman> hello Henry..  you homosexual lover you
[12:59.51] <+Cleland> 15:54:50]  <Lottoman> I got a tremendous dick..  I dont charge you gals to ..  see it
[12:59.55] <@BodegaCat> thefed i'm talking about vancouver, canada.   No one cares about that religious hellscape of vancouver, WA
[12:59.56] <+PrezPusyGrab> woah
[13:00.00] <+PrezPusyGrab> i thoguht Henry and Cleland
[13:00.05] <+PrezPusyGrab> was*
[13:00.06] <+Cleland> PPG?
[13:00.06] <+thefed> No it's not, you enter Vancouver as soon as you exit Portland going north
[13:00.07] <Lottoman> everywhere I go..  they follow me..  just like JustBeAVagina does
[13:00.07] <@BodegaCat> vancouver, WA is one of the scariest places i visited
[13:00.10] <wptmj> "Crazy man has sex with machine at a laundromat and evades police."
[13:00.10] <+PrezPusyGrab> I thought henry was Cleland
[13:00.17] <wptmj> Nut screws washer and bolts.
[13:00.21] <wptmj> :P
[13:00.23] <+thefed> WHOA
[13:00.25] <+Cleland> PPG you hitting the bottle again
[13:00.28] <+Cleland> Or maybe a bit paranoid
[13:00.31] <+Cleland> Hey PPG where is mousey?
[13:00.39] <+PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: no, I just didn' tknow we had two Henrys
[13:00.57] <@BodegaCat> thefed yes i'm aware of where Vancouver, WA is, and screw you for forcing me to remember it when i try so hard to forget
[13:01.02] <+PrezPusyGrab> and I don't know or care where anyone else if they're outside of here?  wtf?
[13:01.10] <+Daggett23> vancouver sucks?
[13:01.21] <+thefed> Yeah
[13:01.21] <@BodegaCat> Daggett23 i think so
[13:01.28] <+Daggett23> been there ONCE..
[13:01.28] <@BodegaCat> there's a church every 3 blocks it feels like
[13:01.31] <+thefed> BodegaCat is right, Vancouver sucks
[13:01.41] <@BodegaCat> Vancouver, CA is the best city on the planet IMO
[13:01.53] <+Daggett23> portland was far more fun
[13:02.20] <Henry> JustBeKalm was here before you entered
[13:02.31] <+vulcan> back in the early 70s, Austin had more massage parlors per mile than anywhere
[13:02.36] <wptmj> No need to repeat yourself.
[13:02.39] <+thefed> Henry is a dirty sounding nick
[13:02.40] <wptmj> I ignored you fine the first time.
[13:02.48] <wptmj> :P
[13:02.56] <+Daggett23> lake oswego...that acropolis steak and strip club still there?
[13:03.02] <Lottoman> oh Henry..  that woman is always here..  she doesnt put herself on ignore. on purpose.. she said it..  she sits and reads
[13:03.10] <@BodegaCat> thefed did you look at my construction photo?
[13:03.15] <Lottoman> she has no manners.. IRC wise
[13:03.16] <wptmj> all the smack talking ammo i am bringing to this channel
[13:03.18] <+thefed> Yeah, impressive
[13:03.20] <wptmj> you're welcome
[13:03.21] <wptmj> :P
[13:03.32] <@BodegaCat> thefed i hope you did not mistake my modern construction picture as something that could happen in the backwater hellscape of vancouver, washington
[13:04.03] <+Daggett23> been thru cougar wa...all 1 mile of it
[13:04.05] <Lottoman> oh thefed..  henry is a dirty sounding nick?.. you sound like the JustBeAVagina women
[13:04.07] <wptmj> reminds me of dead milkmens stuart
[13:04.10] <Lottoman> how rude
[13:04.22] <+thefed> Dirty Henry
[13:04.24] <Lottoman> mind your manners thefed
[13:04.37] <wptmj> watch ya self!
[13:04.55] <Lottoman> who died and left you and JustBeAPuss in charge?
[13:05.17] <wptmj> i got the master hall pass
[13:05.23] <Lottoman> Trump will turn himself in soon.. right?
[13:05.30] <wptmj> the holy crow bar
[13:05.31] <+Cleland> Vulcan threatening cops--15:55:10]  <@chalcedony> i'm very concerned for our president
[13:05.31] <+Cleland> [15:55:17]  <@chalcedony> the real one not the coup
[13:05.31] <+Cleland> [15:57:02]  <@vulcan> Trump!
[13:05.31] <+Cleland> [15:59:21]  <@chalcedony> indeed
[13:05.31] <+Cleland> [16:00:28]  <@chalcedony> the cops in Atlanta are wearing unmarked black uniforms and masks.
[13:05.31] <+mouses> +,
[13:05.33] <+Cleland> [16:01:14]  <@vulcan> I wouldnt want to be seen either
[13:05.39] <+Cleland> mouses you home yet?
[13:05.55] <wptmj> the holy jim crow bar
[13:05.56] <@BodegaCat> cleland where are you pasting from
[13:05.58] <+vulcan> Cleland:  you are completely insane
[13:05.59] <wptmj> guess  what color it is
[13:06.02] <wptmj> hehe
[13:06.10] <+Cleland> You didn’t say that
[13:06.11] <+Cleland> ??
[13:06.15] <wptmj> :P
[13:06.23] * vulcan wonders how many have cleland on ignore
[13:06.26] <+Cleland> I just saw you say that
[13:06.28] <+Cleland> lol
[13:06.29] <Henry> i do
[13:06.30] <+Cleland> Come on now at least be proud
[13:06.32] <@BodegaCat> cleland where are you pasting from
[13:06.35] <+PrezPusyGrab> why would we ignore the spergs, they're funny
[13:06.40] <Henry> cleland smells bad too
[13:06.43] <+Cleland> Politics where he OPs
[13:06.48] <+Cleland> He just said it five minutes ago
[13:06.52] <+Cleland> Henry--STFU you idiot
[13:06.58] <+Cleland> My god what a horrific excuse for a troll
[13:07.15] <@BodegaCat> Cleland thanks
[13:07.24] <+Cleland> So Vulcan you wish harm on the DA in Atlanta
[13:07.26] <+Cleland> And the cops
[13:07.30] <+Cleland> WTF is wrong with you
[13:07.45] <+vulcan> Cleland:  just to die in their sleep
[13:07.51] <wptmj> [13:05.31] <+Cleland> I'm going to kill the president
[13:07.56] <wptmj> ooohhhhmmmmmm
[13:08.05] <+Debaser> Henry: why are you sniffing IRC chatters
[13:08.34] <+Cleland> qptmj what day was that you fucking idiot
[13:08.35] <+Cleland> lol
[13:08.43] <+chocotaco> Cleland: wtf why are you going to kill the president
[13:08.48] <Lottoman> lol
[13:08.50] <wptmj> just now you msged me dont deny it
[13:08.54] <+Cleland> lol
[13:08.56] <+Cleland> of course
[13:09.03] <+chocotaco> he messaged me too
[13:09.04] <+Cleland> hey shithead
[13:09.08] <+Cleland> go over to politics its in the scroll
[13:09.14] <+Cleland> Tell them some of your racist jokes
[13:09.16] <+Cleland> They will get off on it
[13:09.18] <wptmj> lol choco
[13:09.37] <wptmj> im not banned from there anymore
[13:09.45] <wptmj> but its too easy to get banned there
[13:09.47] <+Cleland> [16:08:54]  <@ElNino> Freak out the crackhead with the gun.  Oh, that's a  good idea
[13:09.47] <+Cleland> [16:09:07]  <@vulcan> Nino can we kick cleland?
[13:09.50] <wptmj> i love you guys
[13:09.50] <+Cleland> lol
[13:09.59] <+Cleland> I guess he didn’t that
[13:10.00] <+Cleland> lol
[13:10.09] <+Cleland> Hey Autistoboi---tell us a racist joke
[13:10.15] <wptmj> aight
[13:10.19] <+Deanr> Scores of Trump fans gather outside Georgia jail to show support ahead of his expected surrender
[13:10.25] <+Cleland> 6:10:08]  X kicked Cleland from the channel ((SoltanGris) No Reason)
[13:10.30] <wptmj> and remember its altruistic boy to you
[13:10.30] <+Cleland> Vulva why?
[13:10.34] <+Cleland> Vulva, why?
[13:10.42] <+Cleland> 6:10:08]  X kicked Cleland from the channel ((SoltanGris) No Reason)
[13:10.59] <+chocotaco> prolly just need a shower
[13:11.00] <+WiffilW> Deanr: Cult 45
[13:11.01] <wptmj> How many Mexicans does it take to change a lightbulb?
[13:11.15] <wptmj> Juan.
[13:11.24] * Henry (~Bobby@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[13:11.41] <wptmj> How many Mexicans does it take to change a lightbulb?
[13:11.55] <wptmj> None, they prefer dead bulbs.
[13:12.05] * Henry (~Bobby@ has joined channel #Gulag
[13:12.11] <wptmj> wait
[13:12.21] <wptmj> fugged that one up
[13:12.35] <wptmj> q was How many necrophilacs
[13:13.30] <wptmj> What do black guys have that's twice the size of white guys, and gets bigger every time they touch a woman?
[13:13.43] <wptmj> A criminal record.
[13:13.46] <wptmj> :P
[13:13.48] <+vulcan> lol
[13:13.51] <Henry> i have some really bad smelling gas today
[13:14.06] <Henry> smells like Lottoman's old outhouse
[13:14.10] <+vulcan> ops I suggest you get rid of Henry
[13:14.29] <wptmj> yeah, fuck him
[13:14.51] <wptmj> A black guy at work asked where the colored printer was.
[13:14.51] <Henry> suggestion overruled
[13:14.56] <wptmj> I said, "It's 2019, you can use any printer you want."
[13:15.02] <Henry> you may go back to #politics
[13:15.04] <wptmj> i should update that
[13:15.46] <wptmj> ok lemme know if you want more
[13:15.55] <wptmj> still collecting stuff for my lauhg bomb
[13:16.16] <wptmj> +,
[13:16.17] <@Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: laffbomb | ( +, )
[13:17.09] * WiffilW (~wiffilw@ Quit (Quit: Quit)
[13:17.46] <+Debaser> vulcan: has Trump's mugshot been released yet
[13:19.07] <wptmj> anybody in here like celebrity deathmatch?
[13:19.54] <wptmj> +,
[13:19.55] <@Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: celebdm | ( +, )
[13:19.59] <+vulcan> Debaser:  I dont know, when I am away from here, I am laying in my bed
[13:20.26] * gannon (~gannon@ Quit (Quit)
[13:21.58] * Deanr ( Quit (Quit: Simul Justus et Peccator)
[13:22.05] * pw_zapffe ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[13:22.22] <+gris> i cant wait
[13:23.03] <+gris> the giuliani mugshot is ghoulish
[13:23.12] <+gris> he looks like a busted gargoyle
[13:24.16] <+gris> +,
[13:24.18] <@Lard> [url] Angry Mark Meadows poses for his MUGSHOT: Trump's chief of staff glares into the camera as he is arrested in Atlanta and set a $100,000 bond | Daily Mail Online |, ( +, )
[13:24.54] * Henry (~Bobby@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:26.43] <@BodegaCat> it's an accurate mugshot
[13:26.59] <+PrezPusyGrab> how would it be an inaccurate one?
[13:28.16] <+euphony> DailyMail, honestly surprised there isn't a subheading "Why are the transgenders doing this to us????"
[13:28.42] * Wilderness ( Quit (Quit)
[13:28.45] <+gris> they are gonna exile trump to some south atlantic rock where he'll live out the rest of his miserable days eating fire-roasted breadfruit while watching the sunset on a unblemished white beach
[13:28.54] * weenerdog (~weenerdog@ has joined channel #Gulag
[13:29.56] <@Publios> the daily mail is more fun tabloid than right wing even tho it leans right
[13:30.05] <@Publios> imo
[13:30.38] * Whagu (~Guru2@ Quit (Quit)
[13:30.47] <+euphony> I guess? I dont follow them much, the only time I hear them is "People group X people hate, did *infuriating thing*. Gather round the hate fire everyone. Gather round"
[13:31.26] * Henry (~Bobby@ has joined channel #Gulag
[13:33.23] <+mouses> What I don't know will never hurt me +,
[13:33.26] <+mouses> euphony: <3 omg hi
[13:33.36] <+mrlamont> hey Publios can you specify what language you just typed there
[13:33.50] <+mrlamont> because that looks like it was written by a fucking stroke victim
[13:33.53] <@Publios> your mom's
[13:34.38] <+euphony> Hi Mouses :) been a while :)
[13:35.06] <+mouses> euphony: been busy writing music :)
[13:35.32] <+mouses> euphony: and transing all the genders of course
[13:35.35] * mouses giggles
[13:35.42] <+euphony> :)
[13:35.51] <+euphony> afk dishes
[13:36.16] <Lottoman> trump followers..  still following
[13:36.19] <Lottoman> how sad
[13:36.53] * Forbin ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:37.11] <Lottoman> no matter what sex you want to be..  claim to be..  identify as..  republicans win?..  we all will be fucked
[13:39.09] * Henry (~Bobby@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[13:40.38] * Walter (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[13:41.32] <Walter> [#allnitecafe] ATTENTION! You were found sitting in one or more blacklisted channels! You have 30 seconds to leave: #gulag, otherwise you'll be banned. Thank You!
[13:42.19] <+mrlamont> Kill yourself Walter
[13:44.16] <+bastion> Walter: yeah this is a nazi channel, didn't you know?
[13:44.28] <Walter> is that why they banned it
[13:44.32] <+bastion> shrug
[13:44.33] <Walter> i didn't know that
[13:44.37] <Lottoman> fuck it
[13:44.50] <Walter> i thought just because people like Lottoman are crazy and here
[13:45.02] <Lottoman> lol
[13:45.13] <Lottoman> crazy..  like a fox
[13:45.34] <Lottoman> didnt your mamma.. teach you about fucking with.. crazy ppl?
[13:45.43] <Lottoman> she failed you
[13:45.43] <+bastion> Walter: he hasn't been fedposting as much lately
[13:45.59] <Walter> thefed: can you turn lard on
[13:47.22] <Walter> lard are you on
[13:47.51] <Lottoman> lol
[13:48.48] * hopesnothere ( has joined channel #Gulag
[13:50.05] <+DS9isBest> Hi inbred terrorist hopesnothere.
[13:50.24] <+mrlamont> are you going to kill yourself soon, hopesnothere?
[13:50.29] <hopesnothere> Trump & Tucker Show SMASH 176M VIEWS, Vivek Ramaswamy Declared DEBATE WINNER, DeSantis Sidelined    --    +,
[13:50.29] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Trump & Tucker Show SMASH 176M VIEWS, Vivek Ramaswamy Declared DEBATE WINNER, DeSantis Sidelined⁩ | 26m 46s | ⁨Timcast⁩ | 253,050 views
[13:50.48] <+mrlamont> number of viewers means something?
[13:50.54] <+mrlamont> who declared the debate winner?
[13:51.08] * Forbin ( has joined channel #Gulag
[13:51.15] <+chocotaco> vivek
[13:51.18] <+mrlamont> why are random words capitalized?
[13:51.19] <+bastion> +,
[13:52.01] * Walter (~Jack@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[13:53.11] <+OldMole> .smock why are random words capitalized?
[13:53.12] <@Lard> whY aRE raNDoM woRDs cApiTalIzeD?
[13:59.51] <wptmj> used to call them leet-caps back in the day
[14:01.56] * Wilderness ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:02.42] <@BodegaCat> trump smashed the debates just like hopesnothere smashed the vagina of the elderly lady he dragged from the care home into his van
[14:02.55] <Wilderness> yeesh
[14:04.34] <hopesnothere> Republican Debate AND Trump & Tucker Carlson Video Drop    --    +,
[14:04.35] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Republican Debate AND Trump & Tucker Carlson Video Drop⁩ | 2h 47m 18s | ⁨Meet Kevin⁩ | 574,229 views
[14:04.37] <wptmj> theres nothing finer
[14:04.40] <wptmj> than having a vagina
[14:04.45] <wptmj> +,
[14:04.46] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨NOFX - "My Vagina" (Full Album Stream)⁩ | 2m 37s | ⁨Epitaph Records⁩ | 242,720 views
[14:04.49] <@BodegaCat> .quote search hopesnothere molest
[14:04.49] <@Lard> [2131] (08/22/23) #gulag geographic presents the mating call of the IRC rapist in his natural habitat: [15:36] <HopesNotHere> "wider view" - let's allow perverts molest little children!  Let;s allow SICK FUCKING PEOPLE ALLOW CHILDREN to BE PHYSICALLY MUTULATED  to PLEASE THEIR OWN PERVERSIONS!
[14:06.16] <hopesnothere> ..Awwwwwwww,     did I hit a nerve, assfuckingcrap?
[14:10.48] <wptmj> Anyone out there know a cure for sex addiction?  
[14:10.54] <wptmj> I have tried fucking EVERYTHING!
[14:11.03] <+tzip> lol wptmj!!!!!!!!!
[14:11.09] <wptmj> :P
[14:12.29] <+DS9isBest> Ha ha ha.
[14:15.20] <wptmj> Reverse-Cowgirl is the least popular position in incest sex,
[14:15.25] <wptmj> because you NEVER turn your back on your family!
[14:15.29] <wptmj> :P
[14:15.29] <+tzip> Now this is interesting:   +,
[14:15.29] <@Lard> [url] Underage influencers are protected by new law. : NPR |, ( +, )
[14:15.40] <+tzip> and what the heck is a "child influencer"?
[14:16.21] <hopesnothere> FUCKING POERVERTS like YOU ASSHOLES
[14:16.24] <+tzip> This comes as conversation grows online about whether children can consent to their photos or videos being posted or not and how parents oversharing photos or videos – a practice referred to as "sharenting" – might violate a child's privacy.
[14:16.30] <hopesnothere> FUCKING PERVERTS like YOU ASSHOLES
[14:17.04] <wptmj> RIM MY CORNHOLE
[14:17.11] <wptmj> :p
[14:17.12] <hopesnothere> They CANNOT.   THey are NOT LEGALLY ABLE
[14:17.19] * denton ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:17.38] <+tzip> Influencing has become a top career choice among children, and can be hugely financially lucrative, with some of the top YouTubers and TikTokers raking in millions annually from brand deals, sponsored posts and advertisements.
[14:17.57] <+tzip> career choice among children?   Children choose careers?
[14:18.17] <wptmj> My cocaine is so white the police let it go with just a warning.
[14:18.20] <wptmj> :P
[14:18.21] <+Wout> I just got an email from Trump, he needs me in Georgia....
[14:18.27] <+JustBeKalm> Hi there.
[14:18.49] <@BodegaCat> wout you'd better get there pronto
[14:19.47] <@BodegaCat> tzip an "influencer" is a person who posts a bunch of content on social media sites and earns money from ad revenue.  
[14:20.02] <wptmj> yeah, ala jordan sather
[14:20.11] <wptmj> that obvious plant
[14:20.20] <wptmj> just like all the cobra bs too
[14:20.33] <+tzip> well, but they want to become social influencers and do so don't they keep the money they make?   I'm really confused here.
[14:20.39] <wptmj> paid misiinformants
[14:20.48] <wptmj> dont even get me started on fag potter
[14:20.52] <@BodegaCat> "influencer" is basically another word for "entertainer who's built a brand posting on social media websites"
[14:21.07] <+PrezPusyGrab> or "bum"
[14:21.13] <+tzip> or do the parents tend to keep the money for themselves?
[14:21.18] <@BodegaCat> tzip it appears the law it designed to stop parents from taking all the money kids earn
[14:21.35] <wptmj> if you play the money games sometimes you advance to the next level of deception
[14:21.44] * mary^ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:21.49] <+PrezPusyGrab> "content creator" is slightly less cringe than "influencer"
[14:21.59] <wptmj> depends on how much of your soul you sell
[14:22.12] <+tzip> ok, that I can see.   Not sure why the kid doesn't get ALL of it, actually.   It's hard to envision a parent taking that money from them as opposed to investing it for them, or even just putting it away in a bank account or something.
[14:22.19] <@BodegaCat> look at old man PrezPusyGrab yelling at the kids to get off his lawn
[14:22.33] <@BodegaCat> "you punks think influencing is a real career!!  back in my day, we gambled on bitcoin!"
[14:22.42] <wptmj> lol!
[14:22.46] * Walter (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[14:22.46] <+tzip> The law, which is an amendment to the state's existing child labor laws, entitles child influencers to a percentage of the earnings made from the content they're featured in, and held in a trust until they turn 18.
[14:22.46] <+PrezPusyGrab> look at BodegaCat making excuses for whores taking ass pictures with implants
[14:22.51] <wptmj> ahh, memories
[14:23.02] <+vulcan> BodegaCat:  no different from betting on a number in roulette
[14:23.03] <@BodegaCat> what's wrong with whores taking pictures of their ass?
[14:23.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> nothing, maybe your daughter will have a great career
[14:23.25] <wptmj> What do whors do on their day off?  
[14:23.29] <+vulcan> kamala at iit again?
[14:23.31] <wptmj> Spend their fucking money.
[14:23.39] <wptmj> -
[14:23.48] <@BodegaCat> old man PrezPusyGrab is upset at the moral decay of society  "back in my day, we SECRETLY stared at women's asses!  now you can see them everywhere without even trying!"
[14:23.49] <+tzip> And at one point, she said, "I don't want to do YouTube anymore." And her dad said, "OK, well, that's fine. But Mom and I are going to have to go back to work. We're going to have to sell this new house."
[14:23.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> her back is gonna hurt though from all the waddling around from the gigantic ass implants
[14:24.05] <+tzip> well just wow!   The parents took her money and did that??  
[14:24.40] <@BodegaCat> isn't that the point of kids?  to work for you?
[14:24.41] <+PrezPusyGrab> moral decay is irrelevant, it's the IQ decay I'm laughing at
[14:24.58] <wptmj> yeah, forget loving them and raising them right
[14:25.02] <wptmj> put em to work
[14:25.10] <wptmj> how american
[14:25.15] <@BodegaCat> the way god intended
[14:25.16] <+PrezPusyGrab> some bitch getting fake tits and ass so big she can't even walk upright making a living taking a picture for other morons in instagram
[14:25.20] <wptmj> lol
[14:25.28] * mary^ ( has left #Gulag
[14:25.35] <wptmj> theyre nothing but dispensible cogs
[14:25.55] <wptmj> look, we can easily replace IT
[14:26.02] <wptmj> with a dog
[14:28.19] <wptmj> all we need is a great rememberance.  
[14:28.39] <wptmj> we need to remember that they cant keep fucking with us if we stand up and show them exactly who there is more of.
[14:28.59] <wptmj> fuck the gringos
[14:29.04] * Walter (~Jack@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:29.05] <wptmj> the new niggers
[14:29.06] <hopesnothere> <+wptmj> Anyone out there know a cure for sex addiction?     Put a bullet in your head,
[14:29.07] <@BodegaCat> are you a gringo?
[14:29.08] <+PrezPusyGrab> its okay there will always be loser simps like BodegaCat to blow all their money on that ridiculous shit and sustain these cretins
[14:29.19] <@BodegaCat> yep, i do my part
[14:29.28] <wptmj> i am piuertorican/german/panamanian/italian
[14:29.32] <wptmj> -i
[14:29.45] <wptmj> but consider myself full blooded spic
[14:29.57] <wptmj> my mom was, and thats where i got my blood
[14:31.09] <wptmj> +,
[14:31.10] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Kill All the White Man⁩ | 2m 49s | ⁨NOFX ⁩ | 236,690 views
[14:31.38] <hopesnothere> heh. I did NOT know that any of the NAZIs escaped to Panama or P.R.  ....?
[14:31.44] <hopesnothere>   hehehe
[14:31.54] <wptmj> adorable
[14:32.01] <@BodegaCat> peurto ricans call people gringos?  i didn't know that
[14:32.05] <@BodegaCat> i figured it was a mexico thing
[14:32.12] <wptmj> all latinos do
[14:32.20] <+vulcan> democrats keep calling us nazis which makes ZERO sense
[14:32.29] <+vulcan> oops wrong room
[14:32.34] <wptmj> my last name is gruber
[14:32.35] <@BodegaCat> "oops"
[14:32.42] <wptmj> i hate that lame nazi name
[14:32.45] <@BodegaCat> wptmj do you have diplomatic immunity??
[14:32.47] <wptmj> goober
[14:32.52] <wptmj> i was born american
[14:33.01] <@BodegaCat> wait, gruber was the die hard villain, not the lethal weapon 2 villain
[14:33.08] <wptmj> mcgruber
[14:33.12] <wptmj> was a movie
[14:33.26] <@BodegaCat> first it was a skit
[14:33.32] <denton> Hans gruber
[14:33.36] <wptmj> id like to see that
[14:33.42] * Rayvyn ( Quit (Quit)
[14:33.47] <@BodegaCat> wptmj you can see the skits on youtube
[14:33.54] <wptmj> kewl tysm
[14:33.55] <@BodegaCat> they were decent i'd say
[14:34.01] <wptmj> funny?
[14:34.04] <Wilderness> Hans Gruber, legend
[14:34.10] <@BodegaCat> not the most hilarious but i found them amusing
[14:34.16] <+PrezPusyGrab> vulcan: maybe it makes no sense because you just don't know what the word means?  kinda like when you didn't know what capitalism meant.
[14:34.18] <wptmj> awesome, right up my alley
[14:34.34] <+PrezPusyGrab> maybe it means something totally different than what you think it does, and you're just stupid?
[14:34.40] <@BodegaCat> wptmj the best part about the skits is they'd usually do 3 per show, and they all played off against each other.  so if you watch them in sets of 3 they're best
[14:34.48] <wptmj> gruber means explorer, believe
[14:34.52] <wptmj> of excavator
[14:34.55] <wptmj> miner
[14:34.56] <wptmj> etc
[14:35.01] <wptmj> or*
[14:35.20] <+vulcan> PPG I guess I like you but I'm not sure
[14:35.27] * Rayvyn ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:35.36] <+PrezPusyGrab> vulcan: I'm the only one explaining why your brain hurts so you should.
[14:35.45] <+PrezPusyGrab> everyone else is just like "fuck this guy" and I'm taking the time to help
[14:35.46] <@BodegaCat> vulcan ya it's easy to mistake a bunch of white guys organizing political marches demanding white supremacy as "nazis" because there's a significant overlap there.
[14:36.01] <wptmj> thanks for the ripe blog content
[14:36.09] <wptmj> as the mission evolves
[14:36.14] <+vulcan> BodegaCat:  those guys are idiots
[14:36.24] <@BodegaCat> vulcan but i understand your frustration, most white supremacists in the USA aren't exactly nazis
[14:36.29] <+vulcan> the ones who ARE nazis
[14:36.37] * McChicken ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:36.44] * kritklmas ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:36.50] <@BodegaCat> the nazis were evil.  Whereas republican white supremacists have "good people on both sides"
[14:36.55] <wptmj> whassup home k
[14:37.01] <+vulcan> BodegaCat:  heh
[14:37.01] <wptmj> homie*
[14:37.02] <kritklmas> hi
[14:37.13] <kritklmas> I think I'm ok to sit for a while
[14:37.19] <+vulcan> BodegaCat:  I get that so I'm not as dumb as PPG says I am
[14:37.24] <kritklmas> .voiceall
[14:37.25] * X sets mode +vvvvvv Lottoman weenerdog hopesnothere Forbin Wilderness denton for #Gulag
[14:37.25] * X sets mode +vv Rayvyn kritklmas for #Gulag
[14:37.32] <wptmj> wish i was, still got these splinters on my cheeks
[14:37.37] * X sets mode +o kritklmas for #Gulag
[14:37.43] <wptmj> in*
[14:38.06] <@kritklmas> quit sucking on wood?
[14:38.13] <+Wout> +,
[14:38.13] <@kritklmas> <shrug>
[14:38.14] <@BodegaCat> vulcan no one is as dumb as he says they are
[14:38.15] <@Lard> [url] Study explores relationship between music collecting and listening enjoyment | ( +, )
[14:38.16] * gloops ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[14:38.21] <+vulcan> wptmj:  splinter eventually works its way out,,,, I know I had one for 1 month in my ass and it finally worked its way out
[14:38.56] <+hopesnothere> ..AssFuckingCrap  :   go suck Soros
[14:38.57] <wptmj> yeah, but like i say yesterday, i keep pushing them in by sitting on them all day
[14:39.00] <wptmj> said*
[14:39.09] <+PrezPusyGrab> vulcan: BodegaCat is not the person to listen to when deciding if someone is as stupid as they seem.
[14:39.20] <wptmj> i need to get em scalpeled out
[14:39.32] <wptmj> or whats the name of the knife they use again
[14:39.33] <@BodegaCat> there's actually very little i'm the person to listen to, on irc.
[14:39.34] * Tina`a ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:39.44] <@kritklmas> scalpel
[14:39.55] <@kritklmas> that's the knife
[14:40.01] <wptmj> i think theres another tool
[14:40.04] * kritklmas sets mode +v Tina`a for #Gulag
[14:40.05] <wptmj> besides
[14:40.05] <@BodegaCat> probably i'm the top expert in this channel on texting with scammers claiming to be hot chicks
[14:40.16] <@kritklmas> lol
[14:40.22] <+PrezPusyGrab> I on the other hand am the sperg whisperer, I know who the spergs are, and how to trigger them.
[14:40.30] <+vulcan> wptmj: I did go to my doctor and he used FORCIPS to try  to get the sticker out of my ass, he said he found debris but no sticker .... lster after a week the sticker came out
[14:40.43] <@kritklmas> FORCEPS
[14:40.45] <wptmj> FORCEPS
[14:40.48] <wptmj> whoa
[14:40.50] <+denton> Takes one to know one
[14:40.51] <+vulcan> thanks guys
[14:40.55] <+P-1> FORESKINS
[14:40.55] <@kritklmas> :)
[14:41.01] <+vulcan> I thought I spelled it wrong
[14:41.03] <+PrezPusyGrab> :O
[14:41.05] <wptmj> another chance "coincidence"!
[14:41.17] <wptmj> 2 secs apart
[14:41.18] * McChicken ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:41.22] <@kritklmas> you owe me a coke
[14:41.27] <wptmj> lol
[14:41.36] * mOrO^ (~chrome@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[14:41.40] <wptmj> ill give you a bump
[14:41.43] <wptmj> :P
[14:41.54] <@BodegaCat> kritklmas is the true nazi.  the spelling nazi.
[14:41.54] <@kritklmas> that's better, admittedly
[14:42.23] <@kritklmas> it has to be good coke from the 80's tho
[14:42.35] <@kritklmas> the sweet stuff
[14:42.39] <wptmj> never done coke, actually
[14:42.48] <+denton> Pink Peruvian
[14:42.49] <wptmj> im lying i have
[14:42.50] * gannon (~gannon@ has joined channel #Gulag
[14:42.55] <wptmj> but i chewed on a leaf
[14:43.02] <@BodegaCat> even if we could find coke bottled in the 80s, would it still taste the same and offer a taste comparison?
[14:43.02] <+PrezPusyGrab> yay, it's little bitch gannon ready to hide again
[14:43.03] <wptmj> got way wired
[14:43.11] <@kritklmas> well I have and it's tasty, but I didn't do enough to get addicted
[14:43.13] <+hopesnothere> <+P-1 <-- likes FORESKINS  (???)
[14:43.19] <gannon> Added *!*Heysoos
[14:43.23] <@BodegaCat> maybe coke tastes different then 40 years ago because our perception of taste changes as we age
[14:43.23] <+PrezPusyGrab> gannon: I HOPE YOU BROUGHT YOUR BROWN PANT
[14:43.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> PANTS
[14:43.26] <gannon> hey sad culters/incels/autists
[14:43.33] <+P-1> Trump posts on twit social all night and the fat lazy bastard doesnt get out of bed till afternoon....thats what is taking him so long to turn himself in
[14:43.33] <gannon> excited about the booking foto?
[14:43.42] <@kritklmas> mugshot
[14:43.43] <gannon> P-1 on pins and needles
[14:43.49] <wptmj> stick your tonge out in it
[14:43.52] <wptmj> _u
[14:43.55] * denton ( Quit (Quit: Igloo IRC: +,
[14:43.55] <wptmj> +u
[14:43.59] <gannon> greatest day of his life
[14:44.14] <@kritklmas> lol
[14:44.33] * kritklmas sets mode +v gannon for #Gulag
[14:44.36] <+gannon> wptmj jokes bro
[14:44.39] <wptmj> hello dark supreme overlord gannon
[14:44.47] <@BodegaCat> i haven't been this excited about a trump photo since he released his $99 NFTs
[14:44.53] <wptmj> okie dokie artichokie
[14:45.04] <+gannon> this is live breaking news on MSNBC
[14:45.07] <wptmj> you missed some fresh ones
[14:45.11] <+vulcan> even FOX will show the mug shot
[14:45.29] <@kritklmas> is he in yet?
[14:45.39] * P-1 puts a bowl on HopesNotHere's head....and uses electric barber shears to cut his hair.
[14:45.44] <+gannon> all they have in life is fantasies about Trump rotting in solitary
[14:45.44] <+vulcan> cnn will have it on the screen PERMANENTLY
[14:46.10] <@kritklmas> I'll have it as my wallpaper
[14:46.10] <+P-1> i will make it my wallpaper
[14:46.15] <@kritklmas> :)
[14:46.20] <@kritklmas> gmta
[14:46.24] <+P-1> lol yep
[14:46.35] <wptmj> What has a million legs, but can't walk?
[14:46.40] <wptmj> Jerry's kids.
[14:46.45] <+gannon> too soon
[14:46.50] <@kritklmas> that's an old one
[14:46.50] <wptmj> noted
[14:46.57] <+gannon> trump's interview with tucker was awesome
[14:47.03] <wptmj> Why did Princess Diana cross the road?
[14:47.16] <wptmj> She wasn't wearing a seatbelt.
[14:47.23] <+gannon> brutal
[14:47.30] <+Wilderness> vulcan get a t shirt of it
[14:47.36] <@kritklmas> yeah, owwie
[14:47.43] <wptmj> A hotel patron asks the receptionist: "Can all the porn in my room be disabled?"
[14:47.56] <wptmj>  The receptionist says: "You sick bastard ! You'll watch the regular porn like everyone else !"
[14:48.10] <+P-1> what has 100 legs, 10 teeth, and smells like cat piss and stale cigarette smoke?.....a line dance at a Trump rally!
[14:48.25] <@kritklmas> that was funnier 15 years ago
[14:48.31] <wptmj> Why can't Helen Keller drive?
[14:48.37] <+gannon> raging elderly lonelies like P-1 hate that other people have lives and friends
[14:48.45] <wptmj> Because she's dead.
[14:48.47] <+gannon> if only we could kill them, fantasizes P-1
[14:49.16] <+vulcan> Wilderness:  good idea, with "for PRESIDENT"
[14:49.20] <+gannon> wptmj what was that one about the criminal record
[14:49.45] <+Wilderness> Yes, you want a criminal as president!!
[14:49.55] <+Wilderness> says a lot about your ethics
[14:49.55] <wptmj> What do black guys have that's twice the size
[14:50.02] <+vulcan> Wilderness:  some criminals are good (I am one)
[14:50.05] <@kritklmas> a soon to be felon
[14:50.07] <+Wilderness> or lack of
[14:50.10] <wptmj> my bad'=
[14:50.11] <wptmj> What do black guys have that's twice the size
[14:50.11] <wptmj> of white guys, and gets bigger every time they touch a woman?
[14:50.14] <+vulcan> Wilderness: I'm a dwi criminal
[14:50.15] <+P-1> gannon is still fantasizing about me? how cute :)
[14:50.20] <wptmj> A criminal record.
[14:50.21] <+Wilderness> what sort of crimnal are you vulcan?
[14:50.26] <+vulcan> dwi
[14:50.26] <+Wilderness> dwi?
[14:50.30] <+Wilderness> whats dwi?
[14:50.34] <+gannon> good one
[14:50.38] <+Wilderness> Im not american
[14:50.38] <+vulcan> driving while intoxicated
[14:50.46] <+Wilderness> thats a fucking awful crime
[14:50.49] <+Wilderness> what a prick
[14:50.49] <+gannon> Added *!*Wildernes
[14:50.50] * ocean_ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:50.54] <+vulcan> Wilderness:  I am awful
[14:50.55] <+Wilderness> and you think thats good?
[14:50.58] <+gannon> sad loser foreigner
[14:51.01] <+P-1> driving while inbred
[14:51.02] * kritklmas sets mode +v ocean_ for #Gulag
[14:51.10] <+vulcan> Wilderness:  it was 40 years ago and I have not had a drink since
[14:51.12] <+P-1> like gannon
[14:51.19] <wptmj> 90% of people are unable to solve this riddle by guessing the opposite of each word.
[14:51.22] <wptmj> Always
[14:51.26] <wptmj> Coming
[14:51.29] <+Wilderness> well then I take it all back
[14:51.30] <wptmj> From
[14:51.33] <+vulcan> Wilderness:  :)
[14:51.37] <wptmj> Take
[14:51.38] <+Wilderness> you are a good bastard as we say down here
[14:51.39] <@kritklmas> so I suck at video game golf
[14:51.43] <wptmj> Me
[14:51.47] <wptmj> Down
[14:52.06] <wptmj> (You just got Rickrolled!)
[14:52.08] <wptmj> :P
[14:52.24] <+JustBeKalm> I see nothing's going on today.
[14:52.31] <+JustBeKalm> :)
[14:52.42] <@kritklmas> I knew a guy named Rich Shaw
[14:52.47] <@kritklmas> Rick Shaw
[14:53.07] <@kritklmas> he used to give me rides
[14:53.20] <+gannon> Added *!*hardwire
[14:53.21] <+P-1> JustBeKalm: we are waiting for Trump to turn himself in, get fingerprinted, searched, given an anal probe and a mugshot....isnt that right, gannon?
[14:53.27] <wptmj> Blonde: My computer keeps telling me I have the incorrect password and I am sure I am using the correct one.
[14:53.29] <@kritklmas> in his rickshaw
[14:53.33] <+JustBeKalm> P-1, OH!!!!!!
[14:53.33] <wptmj> Tech Support: Are you positive you have the correct password?
[14:53.39] <+JustBeKalm>  Well, that should be amusing :)
[14:53.42] <wptmj> Blonde: Yes, I watched my coworker type it in.
[14:53.50] <wptmj> Tech Support: What password did you use?
[14:53.57] <wptmj> Blonde: ******
[14:54.01] <+gris> haha
[14:54.01] <+gannon> look at sad elderly lonely P-1 trying to be witty and provocative
[14:54.03] <@kritklmas> 'password' prolly
[14:54.06] <+JustBeKalm> I especially wish I could see him getting that anal probe.
[14:54.12] <+gris> try admin/admin
[14:54.19] <+gannon> Added *!*P-1
[14:54.25] <+gannon> i actually feel bad
[14:54.31] <+JustBeKalm> They may find he stuck a McD cheeseburger up his ass. Never know.
[14:54.34] <@kritklmas> JustBeKalm he's gonna resist and have to be TAZED!   BZZZZT!
[14:54.45] <+gannon> Added *!*threedogs
[14:54.54] <+vulcan> night
[14:54.56] <+JustBeKalm> krit, that would be even MORE fun :)))) I'd better get popcorn out for the entire channel!
[14:55.09] <wptmj> What was Helen Keller's worst Christmas gift?
[14:55.17] <+gannon> sad, clumsy and dumb - JustBeKalm and her awful joke both
[14:55.20] <@kritklmas> JustBeKalm I like mine with extra salt and butter
[14:55.21] <wptmj> A Rubick's Cube.
[14:55.24] <+mrlamont> cringe
[14:55.29] <+gannon> it's Rubik bro
[14:55.37] <+JustBeKalm> krit, you got it!
[14:55.40] <@kritklmas> :)
[14:55.43] <+JustBeKalm> :)
[14:56.49] <wptmj> How is locking your keys in your car like getting a girl pregnant?
[14:56.57] <@kritklmas> in fact, put my popcorn in a bowl of melted butter and I'll eat it before it solidifies
[14:57.07] <wptmj> Both problems can be solved with a coat hanger.
[14:57.10] <wptmj> :P
[14:57.16] <+JustBeKalm> lolol. (slides over the popcorn bowl) HERE!
[14:57.23] <@kritklmas> ty  :)
[14:57.25] <+gannon> nice
[14:57.27] <+JustBeKalm> Yw :)
[14:57.50] <@kritklmas> if I don't, I can just nuke it
[14:57.58] <@kritklmas> :)
[14:58.00] <+JustBeKalm> :)
[14:58.11] <wptmj> Why did the sperm cross the road?
[14:58.19] <+hopesnothere> <+P-1> what has 100 legs, 10 teeth, and smells like cat piss and stale cigarette smoke?..... YOUR FAMILY REUNION ....?
[14:58.31] <@kritklmas> to imregnate the chick on the other side?
[14:58.35] <+PrezPusyGrab> did P-1 move to a red state???
[14:58.37] <wptmj> Because I put on the wrong sock this morning.
[14:58.40] <wptmj> :P
[14:58.42] * JustBeKalm eyeroll
[14:58.42] <+mrlamont> dumb
[14:58.44] <@kritklmas> to impregnate the chick on the other side?
[14:59.20] * P-1 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:59.22] <+JustBeKalm> No, he lives in a bright blue state.
[14:59.27] * ^skunk`` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:59.33] <wptmj> Did my girlfriend find me sexually unsatisfying?
[14:59.40] <wptmj> A small part of me says yes.
[14:59.42] * kritklmas sets mode +v ^skunk`` for #Gulag
[14:59.51] <@kritklmas> ppl rolling in here
[15:00.05] <+hopesnothere> ...Funny... Never thought that I would see BRIGHT BLUE  SHIT
[15:00.08] <+gris> wish people would reel it in here
[15:00.10] <+gris> jk
[15:00.18] <wptmj> A Philosophy professor walked into class the first day and told his students,
[15:00.24] <@kritklmas> I mean ppl in my park
[15:00.25] <+vulcan> my girlfriend (if I had one) would say "where is it"
[15:00.30] <wptmj> "We all know why we are here right? So we have something interesting to talk about in the unemployment line".
[15:00.55] <+JustBeKalm> OH! Are you empty?
[15:00.55] <+gris> kritklmas: things are on the verge of autumn-like conditions here, we've got mere weeks left
[15:01.09] <+JustBeKalm> Oh, yes!!!! AUTUMN!
[15:01.10] <@kritklmas> ]gris ok
[15:01.19] <+gannon> hopesnothere good one bro
[15:01.19] <wptmj> i am loving the crispness in the air
[15:01.25] <@kritklmas> I have layers to wear
[15:01.38] <+JustBeKalm> Layers? How cold does it get?
[15:01.39] <+Rayvyn> They finally got Meadows in for his mug shot, he was fighting it like crazy.
[15:01.40] <wptmj> i miss being on the road
[15:01.43] <wptmj> :[
[15:01.59] <+gannon> Added *!*nanya
[15:02.06] <@kritklmas> JustBeKalm no, haven't been empty for at least a month
[15:02.10] <+^skunk``> Trump has fired his top attorney and replaced him with another to handle the case in Georgia. The man goes through attorneys like he goes through Diet Cokes and Big Macs.
[15:02.16] <+JustBeKalm> kritklmas, that's good :)
[15:02.21] <@kritklmas> :)
[15:02.21] <+mrlamont> They finally got Meadows in for his mug shot, he was fighting it like crazy.
[15:02.21] <wptmj> Women always worry about the things that men forget;
[15:02.29] <@kritklmas> pays my salary
[15:02.30] <wptmj> Men always worry about the things women remember.
[15:02.31] <+gris> wptmj: i have a quotation for you
[15:02.37] <wptmj> great
[15:02.39] <+gris> [...] You may even wonder if you were rude in the debate, if the way you replied to a comrade may have hurt his feelings. I'm usually very careful about this. Whenever I have to criticize a comrade, the first thing I do is try to protect him to keep the criticism from being destructive, so it won't demoralize him and so, while serving as an example for the others, it commits and stimulates him.
[15:02.45] <+JustBeKalm> ^skunk.......he doesn't drink "diet" anything. He likes his sugar so that he can grow fatter.
[15:03.02] <+Rayvyn> meadows looks pissed in his mugshot
[15:03.09] <+mrlamont> so?
[15:03.11] * Forbin ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:03.25] <+gris> wptmj: fidel castro
[15:03.34] <wptmj> people who will let simple harmless words get under their skin..deserve the discomfort.
[15:03.42] <wptmj> they need to mature more, imo
[15:03.42] <+PrezPusyGrab> I agree
[15:03.47] <wptmj> and just laught it off
[15:03.51] <wptmj> -t
[15:04.09] <+Rayvyn> jenna ellis, part of trump's "elite strike force" that was at the press conference where rudi was melting was grinning for her mugshot. she's under some delusion that jesus is gonna protect her and restore trump
[15:04.14] <+gris> critique can be the catalyst for personal growth
[15:04.24] <wptmj> oh, are you quoting the trump debate?
[15:04.26] <+bastion> wptmj: are you mime/oskar?
[15:04.26] <+mrlamont> no she isnt
[15:04.32] <+gris> but often people have cruel or sadistic tendencies
[15:04.34] <wptmj> i am not
[15:04.35] <+gris> i mean look at mrlamont
[15:04.35] <+JustBeKalm> I thought HE was Jesus.
[15:04.54] <+JustBeKalm> Or his cult thinks he's some sort of god.
[15:05.22] <+Rayvyn> yea trump's cult is batshit crazy
[15:05.25] <wptmj> ive never thought i was anyone else besides victor antonio from san antonio
[15:05.31] <wptmj> actually i am lying
[15:05.38] <+JustBeKalm> Yes, Rayvyn. They haven't improved at all.
[15:05.43] <wptmj> i think i am saint anthony returned
[15:05.46] <+mrlamont> what does batshit crazy entail exactly?
[15:05.49] <wptmj> :]
[15:06.14] * ocean_ ( Quit (Quit)
[15:06.37] <+^skunk``> trump - go directly to jail
[15:07.01] <wptmj> the love thats going to explode from deep in the heart of texas is going to completely envelope our flat plane!
[15:07.02] <+Rayvyn> they are going to attempt to remove fani willis in october when the new law goes into effect in georgia
[15:07.10] <+Rayvyn> some say they won't succeed
[15:07.17] <+^skunk``> lock him up.
[15:07.38] <wptmj> systemically-viral is the term i am coining
[15:07.38] <@tis> these bug shots are pretty funny
[15:07.57] <@tis> Trump going to jail has been a certainty for some time, I'm enjoying the fuck out of everyone else getting booked though
[15:07.59] <+^skunk``> The former president is expected at Fulton County jail, where he’ll likely be fingerprinted and have his mugshot taken.
[15:08.02] <@tis> Meadows looks so fucking mad lol
[15:08.05] <@tis> fucking gold
[15:08.08] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:08.14] <+Rayvyn> trump will violate the terms of his bail and get thrown in jail, i hope
[15:08.22] <+JustBeKalm> I don't think Trump will ever actually be put in jail.
[15:08.22] <+gannon> you guys have a reason to continue living now
[15:08.23] * kritklmas sets mode +v CollinsRC for #Gulag
[15:08.24] <+gannon> yaaaay
[15:08.26] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:08.26] <wptmj> i appreciate having this forum to share my lunacy :]
[15:08.27] <+JustBeKalm> But I'd like it if he were.
[15:08.32] * kritklmas sets mode +v caleb` for #Gulag
[15:08.36] <wptmj> regardless of the inane trump talk
[15:08.37] <+^skunk``> election was stollen he said on truth social - yes stollen lol
[15:08.48] <@tis> Rayvyn: Wouldn't be shocking that he pushes the limit, tests em to dare to lock him up as a candidate
[15:08.48] <+Rayvyn> tis, what do they mean "likely" the sheriff said the mugshot is happening
[15:08.55] <+^skunk``> covfefe still doesnt get ppl to edit his posts
[15:09.25] * JustBeKalm dreams wistfully of Orange Man in Orange Jumpsuit
[15:09.30] <@kritklmas> gannon let's hope you never have to be held accountable for what you do.
[15:09.32] <+^skunk``> cant wait to see the mugshot
[15:09.39] <+Wout> one reason mug shots are so bad is they are freaking out about the nasty conditions in the jail
[15:09.44] <@tis> Rayvyn: ? afaik the mug shot is happening
[15:09.44] <+JustBeKalm> I would love to see the mugshot.
[15:09.50] <wptmj> I once dated a mermaid. I didn't believe her at first, due to the human legs.
[15:09.59] <wptmj> But the smell was unmistakable.
[15:10.07] <+dilligas> I don't care about the mug shot, how much does the tub of lard weigh?
[15:10.13] <@kritklmas> chlorine?
[15:10.19] <+^skunk``> pity he wont be spending the night at fulton like most others have to
[15:10.43] <@BodegaCat> trump gets the sweetheart deal
[15:10.43] <+Rayvyn> @kritklmas, gannon is talking, what did he do? LOL i'll take him off ignore to see him whine like punk about trump
[15:10.47] <wptmj> i NEED johnny cash in my music section!
[15:10.51] <+mrlamont> what?
[15:10.54] <@kritklmas> :)
[15:10.59] <+JustBeKalm> Too bad he can't stay at Fulton in population.
[15:11.14] <+JustBeKalm> I don't think he'd be too well liked among the inmates.
[15:11.16] <+Rayvyn> wptmj, you can't go wrong with The Man In Black
[15:11.24] <@tis> I don't know that I believe gannon does anything particularly bad to be held accountable for, he's just a miserable whiny racist. The fact that he can't have fun being alive no matter what's going on around him is far more devastating than any short term jail sentence would be anyway.
[15:11.33] <@tis> If you go to jail for a few years at least you know you're gonna have fun again, light at the end of the tunnel
[15:11.36] <@tis> will gannon EVER enjoy anything?
[15:11.37] <@tis> doesn't seem like it
[15:11.38] <wptmj> i am ashamed its taken me this long
[15:11.41] <wptmj> >:[
[15:11.56] <+vulcan> wptmj:  try Amber Digby or Kimberly murry
[15:12.06] <wptmj> i had a blast when ive been to jail
[15:12.09] <wptmj> every single time
[15:12.20] <+Rayvyn> gannon hates being ignored, that's why he ignores people because he thinks that is a hurtful thing.
[15:12.23] <@BodegaCat> let's ask:  gannon, do you enjhoy anything?
[15:12.25] <@kritklmas> gotta do rounds
[15:12.28] <@kritklmas> bbs
[15:12.30] <+JustBeKalm> Hi, vulcan. I didn't see you. I still like ya, even though we're political opposites :)
[15:12.32] * kritklmas ( has left #Gulag
[15:12.36] <+gannon> i'm having a swell time
[15:12.46] <+vulcan> wptmj:  I woke up in jail once and they were playing Roberta Flack "first time I every saw your face"
[15:12.53] <@BodegaCat> see?  gannon enjoyes the gulag experience
[15:12.57] <+vulcan> JBK it happens :)
[15:12.59] <+Rayvyn> i don't care who ignores me, i've been on IRC for over 30 years and i've gotten used to just about ever kind of chatter
[15:13.02] <@tis> BodegaCat: nobody enjoys the gulag experience !
[15:13.04] <wptmj> My wife asked me if I thought her friend was pretty.
[15:13.08] <+Timur> zarf
[15:13.10] <wptmj> Apparently, "I'd lick her asshole" is the wrong answer.
[15:13.16] <+gannon> your buddy tis needs some help though, look at how he constantly projects his misery and self-loathing onto others
[15:13.22] * JustBeKalm wishes some people would ignore her who won't, but I still ignore who I like.
[15:13.32] <@tis> wptmj: Well it is not really a relevant answer, is it?
[15:13.34] <+vulcan> wptmj:  lol thats funny
[15:13.41] <@BodegaCat> tis i enjoy it but only because i love being shot down when hitting on #gulag ladies
[15:13.42] <+gannon> vulcan how old are you bro
[15:13.49] <+vulcan> 77
[15:13.51] * BonafideL ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:13.51] <@tis> he's 77 he's said it like 500 fucking times
[15:13.58] <+Rayvyn> no he isn't, gannon is very upset that his racist cult leder Trump is going to be dragged into jail, by a Black prosecutor and a Black sheriff in Fulton County
[15:14.08] <+gannon> BodegaCat help your buddy tis out
[15:14.13] <+gannon> look how angry he is
[15:14.15] <+JustBeKalm> I don't like it at all. Ask me why I'm here. I don't know. Actually, there are a few really nice, funny people here. That's why.
[15:14.16] <+vulcan> I was in my 30s when I was in jail
[15:14.17] <@BodegaCat> ya but i'm curious how old he is NOW not how old he was when he last told us
[15:14.25] <@BodegaCat> tis is never angry on irc
[15:14.25] <+vulcan> just overnight
[15:14.31] <@tis> ME, ANGRY?!!!
[15:14.31] <wptmj> ok i got a good list of funnny pic up lines
[15:14.33] * tis bans BodegaCat
[15:14.34] <wptmj> ready?
[15:14.44] <@tis> wptmj: please don't get yourself hammered!
[15:14.49] <@tis> no slurs you cunt!
[15:14.50] <@tis> okay,r eady
[15:14.57] <+gannon> vulcan were you even at Woodstock
[15:14.58] * tis was kicked by X(  - Reason ((grant) said you enraged him too much, gtfo)
[15:14.59] <wptmj> Did you grow up on a chicken farm?
[15:15.03] * tis ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:15.03] <+Rayvyn> how come gannon doesn't put Bodegacat and/or tis on ignore?
[15:15.04] <wptmj> 'Cause you sure know how to raise a cock.
[15:15.04] <tis> :(
[15:15.07] * tis is mad bro
[15:15.09] * BodegaCat was kicked by X(  - Reason ((grant) tis said you enraged him too much, gtfo)
[15:15.09] * BodegaCat ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:15.12] <BodegaCat> WOOOPS
[15:15.14] <+vulcan> gannon no, but a lot fo great music there
[15:15.16] <BodegaCat> i'm sorry tis
[15:15.17] <tis> OH OS
[15:15.20] <tis> it's okay BodegaCat
[15:15.21] <+JustBeKalm> Rayvyn, some people like to watch those they can't stand. I don't get it.
[15:15.23] <tis> I forgive you
[15:15.24] <+gannon> what were you doing in 1969
[15:15.26] <wptmj> Do you work at Subway?
[15:15.27] <wptmj> Because you just gave me a footlong.
[15:15.28] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:15.28] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ Quit (Registered)
[15:15.28] * BonafideL ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:15.32] <tis> I'ms till going to burn your houses down, but I forgive you
[15:15.34] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[15:15.37] <tis> (that's right, houses, he's rich)
[15:15.38] <tis> .voiceall
[15:15.39] * X sets mode +vvvv McChicken tis BodegaCat BonafideL for #Gulag
[15:15.48] <+BodegaCat> tis you can locate them via the footage i shared, just search google maps satelite images
[15:15.50] <+vulcan> gannon joining USAF to get out of going to Nam in 69
[15:15.50] <wptmj> Are you a sea lion?
[15:15.55] <wptmj> Because I can sea you lion in my bed tonight!
[15:16.03] <+tis> BodegaCat: Bitch you think I'm not too lazy to do that?
[15:16.08] <+kmh> Debaser,  canadian powerplant technology: Truly Scalable Clean Baseload & Dispatchable Power without any nuclear: +,
[15:16.09] <+JustBeKalm> vulcan, my husband did that.
[15:16.12] <+gannon> you joined the military to "get out" of nam?
[15:16.20] <+gannon> did it work
[15:16.21] <wptmj> You remind me of my little toe...
[15:16.27] <wptmj> because I'm going to bang you on every piece of furniture in my home.
[15:16.32] <wptmj> lol
[15:16.33] <+BodegaCat> kmh sorry but the only acceptable power source in canada is Candu.   All other forms of electricity generation are an affront to god
[15:16.36] <wptmj> luv that1
[15:16.36] <+kmh> tis,  turning into the burner in chief?
[15:16.37] <+vulcan> JBK I spent 4 yrs in Rapid City as a Minuteman missile launch officer
[15:16.45] <+JustBeKalm> He wanted to help his mom pay the mortgage after his dad died...she had never worked. But he didn't want to go into combat. So he joined the AF and was in it for a long time.
[15:16.50] <+vulcan> the big ones
[15:16.57] <+kmh> BodegaCat,  lol
[15:17.08] <wptmj> Are you from Iraq?
[15:17.12] <+gannon> vulcan did you support the president at the time
[15:17.12] <wptmj> 'Cause I like the way you Baghdad ass up.
[15:17.17] <+gannon> DICK NIXON
[15:17.21] <+tis> I knew a few guys who used that approach as well, not a bad plan all things considered
[15:17.24] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:17.33] <+JustBeKalm> vulcan, wow. My husband was sent all over the country, then to Germany, Iceland, S Korea....all over. While I took care of the kids in the U.S :)
[15:17.37] <+^skunk``> what time will trump be dancing to the jailhouse rock ?
[15:17.44] <wptmj> Are you a drill sergeant?
[15:17.47] <+gannon> vulcan were you with the dirty hippies or were you with the silent majority
[15:17.49] <+tis> ^skunk``: nowish I think?
[15:17.49] <wptmj> Because you have my privates standing at attention.
[15:17.52] <+vulcan> ganno I oppsed the vietnam war
[15:18.00] <+vulcan> gannon but kept my mouth shut
[15:18.17] <wptmj> There are plenty of fish in the sea,
[15:18.24] <+JustBeKalm> Oh, yeah. Spain too. He hated Spain. Too hot.
[15:18.26] <wptmj> but you're the only one I'd like to catch and mount back at my place.
[15:18.44] * imagi ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:19.00] <+Rayvyn> speaking of the silent majority
[15:19.06] <wptmj> Do you have an Asian passport?
[15:19.11] <+tis> stfu OldMole
[15:19.13] <+tis> also hi imagi
[15:19.14] <wptmj> Because I'm China get into your Japantees
[15:19.22] <+Rayvyn> oh man that's creepy
[15:19.27] <+BodegaCat> yes
[15:19.29] <+tis> yes
[15:19.31] <+tis> very creepy
[15:19.40] <+JustBeKalm> Silent
[15:19.42] <+BodegaCat> wptmj recirculating the same jokes he has collected since the 80s
[15:19.45] <+Timur> deli food: +,
[15:19.53] <wptmj> I may not be a windshield repairman,
[15:19.59] <wptmj> but I can still fill your crack in.
[15:20.00] <+vulcan> gannon I'm not the idiot a certain in here says I am
[15:20.05] <+BodegaCat> i am the first one to look at timur's food picture
[15:20.12] <+gannon> vulcan you seem alright to me bro
[15:20.20] <+vulcan> tks
[15:20.22] <+gannon> a man of principle who served his country
[15:20.23] <wptmj> some jokes are timeless :]
[15:20.26] * kritklmas ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:20.28] <wptmj> and powerfuk
[15:20.30] <+BodegaCat> vulcan is not bad as far as republicans go
[15:20.32] <+Timur> BodegaCat: u win!
[15:20.32] <wptmj> -k +l
[15:20.33] <kritklmas> ok
[15:20.38] <kritklmas> .voiceall
[15:20.39] * X sets mode +vvv CollinsRC imagi kritklmas for #Gulag
[15:20.41] <+gannon> unlike these welfare trash in this room
[15:20.43] <+Timur> BodegaCat: low bar, b ut ok
[15:20.43] * BonafideL ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[15:20.49] * X sets mode +o kritklmas for #Gulag
[15:20.54] <wptmj> yes, exactly unlike that
[15:20.58] <+Timur> gannon: you lining up for your check?
[15:21.17] <wptmj> who lines up anymore? direct deposit, bitches!
[15:21.19] <+gannon> losers on the dole always think it's the Other Guy who's the loser on the dole
[15:21.20] <wptmj> :P
[15:21.25] <+Rayvyn> just watching fox and the crazy right wingers on there crying about trump, jesse waters just put down the democrat on the five because he said she was smiling about trump being indicted and booked
[15:21.37] <+Timur> you brought it up, homes
[15:21.43] <@kritklmas> gannon then that fits you precisely
[15:21.54] <+Debaser> kmh: the nonsense lies in the promo material aren't promising
[15:21.56] <+Debaser> Lol
[15:22.02] <+gannon> sad welfare guy can't even get 80s vato slang right
[15:22.06] <+gannon> it's "holmes", holmes
[15:22.07] <+Debaser> "The First Truly Scalable Form
[15:22.08] <+Debaser> Of Clean Baseload Power" wut?
[15:22.15] <+Timur> no, it's not 'holmes', sherlock.
[15:22.20] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:22.20] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ Quit (Registered)
[15:22.20] * BonafideL ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:22.25] <@kritklmas> lolmes
[15:22.28] <wptmj> My friend over there really wants your number so he knows where to get a hold of me in the morning.
[15:22.30] <+BodegaCat> i am selling something on ebay.  it has a picture.  the listing says "i used it for 5 hours".   some idiot sends me a message "how long have you used it?  can you send me a picture of it?"
[15:22.35] <+Debaser> That's a straight up lie, nuclear has scaled to 66% of France's grid
[15:22.59] <+Debaser> BodegaCat: gulag chat has trained you for this moment
[15:22.59] <+Timur> anyway, it's a subliterate society using it, welfare guy
[15:23.00] <+Monrow-> .. /ignore *!*gannon@*
[15:23.07] <+Timur> Monrow-; good move
[15:23.08] <+Monrow-> Oops
[15:23.25] <+BodegaCat> ebay people are as stupid as irc'ers
[15:23.34] <wptmj> +,
[15:23.35] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨NoFx - Vegetarian Mumbo Jumbo⁩ | 3m 33s | ⁨Punkekee23⁩ | 58,464 views
[15:23.45] <+kmh> Debaser,  you are free to research news reports on it
[15:23.50] <+Monrow-> Timur, good mover for everybody
[15:23.58] <+BodegaCat> added *!*snowflakes.sad
[15:24.02] <+Timur> indeed "{_
[15:24.04] <+Timur> :)
[15:24.26] <+kmh> Debaser: they arer currently in the first large scale testing phase/installations
[15:24.52] <+Debaser> kmh: they shouldn't be lying to sell the tech. If it's good it will be picked up
[15:25.45] * Deanr ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:26.14] <+kmh> Debaser,  who says it won't be picked up and that they are lying?
[15:26.24] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:26.54] <+Debaser> They're lying in their tag line
[15:26.58] * kritklmas sets mode +v Deanr for #Gulag
[15:26.59] <+Debaser> I pasted the lie
[15:27.04] <+Debaser> And told you why it was a lie
[15:27.14] <+Debaser> I guess you missed that
[15:27.27] <+BodegaCat> kmh gimme url please
[15:27.28] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:27.49] * kritklmas sets mode +v CollinsRC for #Gulag
[15:27.50] <+kmh> the basic concept is fairly well known and simple anyhow, just the drilling technology required to mak it work everywhere are bit complicated
[15:28.11] <+gris> vxzcvcxvzcx
[15:28.29] <+kmh> BodegaCat,  the url was in the link above, let see see whether i can get an English news report
[15:29.29] <+gris> i love nuclear energy
[15:29.37] <+gris> i just think it's neat
[15:29.48] <+BodegaCat> kmh sorry i am having trouble finding your link
[15:29.58] <wptmj> I asked my wife why we never have sex anymore.  
[15:30.04] <+gris> lil subatomic particles goin pew pew
[15:30.06] <wptmj> "Speak for yourself," was not the answer I was expecting.
[15:30.09] <+kmh> +,
[15:30.10] <@Lard> [wikipedia] Eavor Technologies | "Eavor Technologies Inc. (pronounced “ev-er”) is a global geothermal technology company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. The firm was founded in 2017 with the goal of producing a scalable form of baseload, dispatchable energy."
[15:30.36] <+BodegaCat> I tried to find your link, HONEST.... but my logs are so crappy, they don't even have the stuff PPG imagined he saw let alone the links you really posted
[15:31.19] * BonafideL ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:31.32] <wptmj> How does a blond kill a worm?  
[15:31.39] <+Debaser> gris: what's not amazing about making steam by burning spicy rocks
[15:31.39] <wptmj> She buries it alive.
[15:31.57] <+BodegaCat> €227/MWh that's pretty expensive
[15:32.08] <+kmh> +,
[15:32.10] <@Lard> [url] Numerical modelling of a deep closed-loop geothermal system: evaluating the Eavor-Loop |, ( +, )
[15:32.23] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:32.23] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ Quit (Registered)
[15:32.23] * BonafideL ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:32.27] <+PrezPusyGrab> lol BodegaCat still trying to cover up he claimed he had logs that didn't exist.
[15:32.46] <+PrezPusyGrab> "no I'm just too stupid to upload them but also I'm so smart I know how to scroll up" what the fuck rofl
[15:33.07] <+PrezPusyGrab> the entire conversation was a clusterfuck of this idiot trying to back out of realizing he threw his lot in with sperg barathron and regretting it
[15:33.13] <wptmj> Why is it said that an alarm clock is going off when it is really coming on?
[15:33.28] * Timur slaps around #gulag with a large trout
[15:33.55] <+PrezPusyGrab> BodegaCat saw an opportunity to try to take down the great PPG and jumped in head first, then shortly after realized he put his keyboard in his mouth and was surrounded by spergs
[15:34.16] <+Debaser> Yea it seems pretty unimpressive
[15:34.20] <+Debaser> Tiny plants
[15:34.43] * Wilderness ( Quit (Quit)
[15:35.33] <+^skunk``> +,
[15:35.33] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Alanis Morissette - Crazy (Video)⁩ | 3m 41s | ⁨Alanis Morissette⁩ | 12,846,958 views
[15:36.28] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:36.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: I thought you were trying to earn cool points, what the fuck is up with posting this bullshit.
[15:37.00] <+kmh> BodegaCat, link to the company +,
[15:38.06] <+^skunk``> ppg lay off the crack
[15:38.22] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:41.23] * BonafideL ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:42.32] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:42.32] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ Quit (Registered)
[15:42.32] * BonafideL ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:42.33] * Forbin ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:43.09] <+kmh> BodegaCat, actually it goes down to less than a third of that: "LCOE values less than $70/MWh are calculated for the Eavor-Loop 2.0"
[15:43.15] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: grow a fucking pair of balls
[15:43.23] <+kmh> +,
[15:47.19] <+Cleland> Kmh--HEIL
[15:47.22] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:47.35] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:50.50] <+^skunk``> ppg take your meds .
[15:51.32] * BonafideL ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:51.39] <+Cleland> ppg, you need to do some self examination before its too late and you die alone
[15:52.25] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:52.25] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ Quit (Registered)
[15:52.25] * BonafideL ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:53.56] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: cry all you want, i catch you posting some teenage emo girl shit again i'm reach through your screen and bitch slap the fuck out of you
[15:54.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> guaranteed testosterone increase of 100ng with each slap
[15:54.54] * X sets mode -b *!~* for #Gulag
[15:55.16] <+Cleland> PPG, you complaining about EMO--
[15:55.17] <+Cleland> WTF
[15:55.27] <+Cleland> You are the Queen of Melodrama
[15:55.29] <+Cleland> Please STFU
[15:55.35] <+Cleland> Go dox someone
[15:55.43] * PrezPusyGrab is now known as PrezPopCGrab
[15:55.49] <+PrezPopCGrab> get ready for the spergout guys, Cleland's triggered
[15:56.34] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:57.22] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:58.28] <+Cleland> spergout
[15:58.31] * tzip is now known as tzipsaway
[15:58.43] <+Cleland> PPG you must graduate out of the Asperbergers accusation
[15:58.45] <+Cleland> Be creative
[15:59.00] <+Cleland> You drunk lonely Incel who whacks off to Wonder Woman
[15:59.02] <+vulcan> Trump is a big guy (no pun) and he will be ok with mug shot
[15:59.05] <+Cleland> My god you are a sick fuck
[15:59.38] <+PrezPopCGrab> Cleland: I don't have to be creative.  My job is to tell the truth, especially when it triggers people.
[15:59.46] <+Cleland> 18:40:25]  <@vulcan> at least gang up on Atlanta
[15:59.46] <+Cleland> [18:40:30]  <@Alan> yes the real Orange
[15:59.46] <+Cleland> [18:40:34]  <@vulcan> the WORST town in America
[15:59.46] <+Cleland> [18:40:48]  <@Alan> hotlanta
[15:59.47] <+PrezPopCGrab> that just means it needs to be said
[15:59.47] <+Cleland> [18:41:00]  <@vulcan> I"d like it to burn
[15:59.50] <+Cleland> STFU PPG
[15:59.56] <+Cleland> I’m attending to Vulcan
[16:00.01] <+Cleland> I’ll get back to you shithead
[16:00.03] <+PrezPopCGrab> if the truth angers you, it needs to be said again and again.
[16:00.08] <+vulcan> I dont need tending to
[16:00.18] <+PrezPopCGrab> oh I'm sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt your angry spergout screaming at people
[16:00.23] <+PrezPopCGrab> please, by all means
[16:00.34] * PrezPopCGrab grabs a piece of popcorn and enjoys the show.
[16:00.38] <+Cleland> 15:55:10]  <@chalcedony> i'm very concerned for our president
[16:00.39] <+Cleland> [15:55:17]  <@chalcedony> the real one not the coup
[16:00.39] <+Cleland> [15:57:02]  <@vulcan> Trump!
[16:00.39] <+Cleland> [15:59:21]  <@chalcedony> indeed
[16:00.39] <+Cleland> [16:00:28]  <@chalcedony> the cops in Atlanta are wearing unmarked black uniforms and masks.
[16:00.40] <+Cleland> [16:01:14]  <@vulcan> I wouldnt want to be seen either
[16:00.46] <+Deanr> what's Zeno's nick these days?
[16:00.55] <+PrezPopCGrab> AtomH
[16:00.55] <+Cleland> now back to PPG--listen lonely gnat--copulate INCel
[16:01.06] <+Cleland> Dearnr praise Jesus
[16:01.09] <+Cleland> I saw him last night
[16:01.11] <+Cleland> I’m elected
[16:01.17] <+Cleland> You and I are in the same fraternity
[16:01.23] <+Cleland> We are both among the elect
[16:01.24] * BonafideL ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:01.45] * PrezPopCGrab grabs another piece of popcorn.
[16:01.53] <+Cleland>  PPG come up with new lines
[16:01.57] <+Cleland> Thats so stupid--
[16:02.06] <+Cleland> And you do that every day after the doxxing exile
[16:02.14] <+Cleland> So PPG you finally coming out
[16:02.19] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
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[16:02.24] <+Cleland> Oh hold on
[16:02.29] * PrezPopCGrab grabs another piece of popcorn.
[16:02.36] * Cleland (~JasonArgo@ Quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:,
[16:02.52] <+vulcan> so sad Cleland is gone
[16:02.52] <+_sol_> Is Cleland off his meds?
[16:03.05] <+PrezPopCGrab> insurance won't cover them.
[16:05.06] <+_sol_> So where is tatyana?
[16:05.08] <+PrezPopCGrab> +,
[16:05.09] <@Lard> [url] Drew Findling: Trump replaces top Georgia lawyer ahead of surrender | CNN Politics |, ( +, )
[16:05.14] <+Deanr> "Ramaswamy comes across like the guy in high school that everyone wanted to beat up. In fact, I thought Christie was going to slug him at one point," said GOP strategist Bob Heckman.  <---- this made me laugh.
[16:05.25] <+_sol_> When will putin fall out of the sky?
[16:05.28] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[16:05.28] <+Deanr> +,
[16:05.29] <@Lard> [url] 7 takeaways from the 1st GOP primary debate - ABC News | ( +, )
[16:06.06] <+Smax> Now I see why we did not hear more about that Pittsburgh shooter.   +,
[16:06.07] <@Lard> [Twitter] Fox News (@FoxNews): Who is Pittsburgh shooter William Hardison? 'Sovereign citizen' with history of defying law +, | 15 RTs | 31 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-24 - 22:46:21UTC
[16:06.12] <+_sol_> Christie will sit on him.
[16:06.25] <+vulcan> lol
[16:07.01] <+PrezPopCGrab> Deanr would love Ramaswamy's policies if only he wasn't a damn carpet riding cow worshipper.
[16:07.27] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[16:07.33] <+_sol_> Ramaswamy was the Cia guy?
[16:07.43] <+_sol_> Or state dept?
[16:07.51] <+_sol_> Intel geek
[16:08.50] <+PrezPopCGrab> the Indian business guy
[16:08.52] <+Deanr> PPG: if you think that, you haven't been paying attention much.  But that's expected, you don't read what others say because you're an alligator.  (all mouth, no ears).
[16:10.14] <+PrezPopCGrab> Deanr: you've advocated slavery and mass murder, you talking shit about anyone when your beliefs more align with hitler than jesus is a joke.
[16:10.18] <+_sol_> Deanr is all about hippie jesus?
[16:10.35] <+PrezPopCGrab> no Deanr believes in slavery and death camps for gays he's fucking insane
[16:10.58] <+^skunk``> jesus played basketball for the jerusalem jumpers i bet dean ddnt know that
[16:11.11] <+PrezPopCGrab> Deanr: tell us about how the government would be justified in killing millions of people, little eichmann
[16:11.15] <+Deanr> PPG: I'd responds, but the keystroke effort isn't worth it.
[16:11.20] * BonafideL ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:11.26] <+PrezPopCGrab> because you know it's true
[16:11.33] <+vulcan> hey Deanr
[16:11.36] <+^skunk``> dean actually jesus never mentioned gays
[16:11.40] <+^skunk``> not once
[16:11.54] <+_sol_> Deanr can't defend his holy art though position?
[16:12.03] <+PrezPopCGrab> ^skunk``: it doesn't matter, god didn't create Deanr, people like Deanr created god, and gave him their personality orders and bigotry.
[16:12.17] <+PrezPopCGrab> thats why their god is a dick
[16:12.25] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
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[16:12.27] <+Deanr> skunk: is Jesus God?
[16:12.34] <+_sol_> Though=thou
[16:12.50] <+PrezPopCGrab> any religion that tells killing millions of people is good
[16:12.52] <+PrezPopCGrab> is bad
[16:12.53] <+^skunk``> dean - the new testament is different to the old testament
[16:12.58] <+Deanr> skunk: is Jesus God?
[16:13.06] <+PrezPopCGrab> sorry, any ideology that praises government execution of millions of people.... is bad.
[16:13.14] <+^skunk``> dean is the nt different to the ot ?
[16:13.32] <+PrezPopCGrab> I feel like I'm in the twilight zone having to say this.
[16:13.49] <+Debaser> Didn't Jesus die so the OT doesn't count anymore
[16:14.19] <+Deanr> Debaser: actually, it's the other way.  Jesus died to fulfill the OT.
[16:14.24] <+PrezPopCGrab> Let's be honest, if Deanr wasn't a dick and didn't hate the gays, he'd think Jesus wanted him to love everyone.
[16:14.37] <+PrezPopCGrab> But since he is, and he does, that's what he thinks god wants
[16:14.43] <+^skunk``> dean u are wrong.  christians dontg eat kosher and thats the ot....
[16:14.46] <+Debaser> Deanr: what does that even mean
[16:14.56] <+PrezPopCGrab> There isn't anything more complex than that at work here, except his mental gymnastics.
[16:14.59] <+_sol_> Deanr is playing the silent self righteous position. His ego is pride before the fall so he keeps his mouth shut and pretends to be self righteous prick
[16:15.01] <+Debaser> So you can eat shellfish? Or wear mixed fibers? Or trim your beard?
[16:15.03] <+Debaser> Lol
[16:15.04] <+Deanr> Debaser: read Isaiah 53 sometime.
[16:15.07] <+Debaser> Okay, bud.
[16:15.11] <+PrezPopCGrab> can you imagine being this guys kid?
[16:15.21] <+Debaser> Deanr: So you can eat shellfish? Or wear mixed fibers? Or trim your beard?
[16:15.25] <+Debaser> Can't*
[16:15.31] <+Deanr> Debaser: nope
[16:15.36] <+PrezPopCGrab> knowing the second your crazy fucking dad thought his holy book said to kill you he would in a heartbeat so he can get his mansion in the sky on a road paved with gold?
[16:15.44] <+Debaser> So the OT doesn't apply to you?
[16:15.45] <+NineVolt> you can trim your beard, you just can't shave the corner
[16:15.58] <+Deanr> Debaser: the OT does apply to me, and to you.
[16:15.59] <+^skunk``> sorry dean u have been outfoxed
[16:16.20] <+PrezPopCGrab> Debaser: oh they made up categories they put laws into, arbitrarily.  and those aren't the "moral" laws that still apply
[16:16.28] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:16.29] <+PrezPopCGrab> they've created an entire system to justify cherrypicking
[16:16.33] <+NineVolt> guys, less than 2 weeks until undernet is the #420th most productive folding@home team of all time
[16:16.47] <+PrezPopCGrab> The absolute wackiness of the mental gymnastics people like this use is crazy af
[16:16.56] <+NineVolt> are you excited
[16:17.00] <+NineVolt> you should be excited
[16:17.09] <+NineVolt> such science
[16:17.18] * DowderJ ( has joined channel #Gulag
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[16:17.30] <+PrezPopCGrab> You can't take the bible at face value, you have to make up this whole crazy fucking system around it to pretend why some of it is relevant and other parts aren't.
[16:17.44] <+Deanr> PPG: "For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."--1Cor 1:18
[16:17.46] <+Debaser> Deanr: so you're going to hell for wearing mixed fibers
[16:17.48] <+Debaser> Okay.
[16:17.54] <+_sol_> Science is for lovers ninevolt we prefer jesus ❤️
[16:17.58] <+Debaser> I'll see you down there
[16:18.04] <+hopesnothere> <+PrezPopCGrab> The absolute wackiness of the mental gymnastics people like this use is crazy af    ..>Yolu mean WOKE LEFTIST IDIOTS like YOU?
[16:18.04] <+NineVolt> ppg: you don't have to make it up yourself, there are a number of such systems from which one can choose a la carte
[16:18.06] <+_sol_> Lovers=losers
[16:18.07] <+PrezPopCGrab> and see?  he even has a way he can use to dismiss criticism without considering how crazy it is
[16:18.19] * DowderJ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[16:18.20] <+Deanr> Debaser: why do you ask questions about something that has been explained to you previously?
[16:18.28] <+PrezPopCGrab> its like Deanr and friends have purposefully created a way to shield themselves from rational thought.
[16:18.33] <+NineVolt> _sol_: i thought that was virginia
[16:18.43] <+NineVolt> ah, losers, my bad
[16:19.15] <+PrezPopCGrab> Deanr: the bible never categorizes rules into "moral law", and "civil law" etc.. and says only certain ones should still be followed.  People like you had to make that up because the bible was so fucking stupid you wouldn't actually listen to it.
[16:19.20] <+mrlamont> my bad
[16:19.34] <+NineVolt> but yea i guess there's some irony in that the moment i chose to rant about folding@home happened to be bible hour.
[16:19.45] <+mrlamont> do you? guess?
[16:19.54] <+NineVolt> i might guess.
[16:20.26] * caleb` ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:20.28] <+PrezPopCGrab> someone who thinks slavery and mass murder are great thought that the literal text of the bible was too fucking insane and had to make up an external justification to ignore parts of it.
[16:20.52] <+_sol_> Deanr is misappropriating jewish culture in creating a Christian religion and god
[16:20.53] <+PrezPopCGrab> mostly because they're inconvenient to him
[16:21.00] <+mrlamont> who cares?
[16:21.12] <+mrlamont> how does that affect me, _sol_
[16:21.26] * BonafideL ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:21.31] <+PrezPopCGrab> Why is god's law against shellfish just a "civil law" and not applicable anymore, while homosexuality is a "moral law" and still applies?  Simple, not eating shellfish would inconvenience Deanr
[16:21.50] <+PrezPopCGrab> these people are so simple it's hilarious.
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[16:22.46] <+Debaser> Deanr: because I can barely remember the ramblings of you and your cult
[16:23.04] <+mrlamont> have you thought about memory pills, Debaser
[16:23.20] <+PrezPopCGrab> mrlamont: in all fairness Deanr is insane and makes no sense.
[16:23.24] <+Debaser> No
[16:23.27] <+Deanr> mrlamont: but then he'd need memory pills to remember to take the memory pills.
[16:23.28] * Tina`a ( Quit (Quit)
[16:23.33] <+mrlamont> hey
[16:23.34] <+mrlamont> Deanr:
[16:23.46] <+mrlamont> i will rub your face in your own shitchat if you ever speak out of turn to me again
[16:23.56] <+mrlamont> WHY IS IT SO WINDY HOLY SHIT
[16:24.18] <+gris> i have been on this deep dive today on belgian new beat music
[16:24.20] * JustBeKalm ( Quit (Quit)
[16:24.24] <+gris> listen to this scary one: +,
[16:24.24] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨PUBLIC RELATION - Eighty Eight⁩ | 5m 2s | ⁨ROGER24⁩ | 520,089 views
[16:24.52] <+PrezPopCGrab> if god was real why does he make his book and commandments so fucking stupid that everyone who can use logic would think it's fake?
[16:25.02] <+PrezPopCGrab> just like a gigantic fuck you to everyone who isn't a dumbass?
[16:25.05] <+gris> chatgpt says "belgian new beat was influenced by the geopolitical uncertainty and urban decay of western europe in the 1980's"
[16:25.22] <+Deanr> mrlamont: wow, you're really a tough guy, aren't you?   I'm so impressed.
[16:25.25] * tzipsaway is now known as tzip
[16:25.36] <+vulcan> hi tzip
[16:25.40] <+mrlamont> thank you Deanr!
[16:25.42] <+^skunk``> mtg at fulton
[16:26.04] <+dilligas> ROFL :)  >> [18:21] <+PrezPopCGrab> Why is god's law against shellfish just a "civil law" and not applicable anymore, while homosexuality is a "moral law" and still applies?  Simple, not eating shellfish would inconvenience Deanr
[16:26.09] <+PrezPopCGrab> "I'm going to make these people, then give them some instructions that look like it was written by a 3rd grade off his meds, so only the really, really stupid ones will believe it and I can burn everyone else haha!"
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[16:26.25] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:26.26] <+Deanr> dilligas doing his usual
[16:26.33] <+PrezPopCGrab> Jokes on you people!
[16:26.42] <+PrezPopCGrab> worst practical joke in fucking history
[16:26.44] <+Deanr> so is Trump on the ground now?
[16:27.25] <+mrlamont> you cant look it up?
[16:27.39] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[16:27.44] <+Deanr> no, I figured you'd be my slave today mrlamont
[16:27.53] <+Deanr> since I'm pro-slavery
[16:27.56] <+Deanr> per PPG
[16:27.56] <+PrezPopCGrab> careful, he's not joking
[16:27.58] <+mrlamont> dumb and uninspired chat.
[16:28.04] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:28.05] <+mrlamont> no idea who ppg is
[16:28.14] <+PrezPopCGrab> shut the fuck up mrlamont
[16:28.19] * PrezPopCGrab is now known as PrezPusyGrab
[16:29.01] <+mrlamont> Kentucky school districts cancel classes less than 2 weeks into school year due to Covid and other illnesses
[16:29.01] <+Deanr> well, at least Trump's plane didn't fall from the sky.
[16:29.03] <+mrlamont> lol
[16:29.07] <+mrlamont> "at least"
[16:29.09] <+^skunk``> lol
[16:29.11] <+mrlamont> unfortunately*
[16:29.37] <+^skunk``> that happens sometimes but mostly in russia
[16:29.39] <+PrezPusyGrab> Deanr: if god told you that you don't get a mansion in heaven when you die unless you kill your son, would you do it?
[16:29.58] <+PrezPusyGrab> no mansion, no road paved with gold, no bling bling, nada
[16:30.00] <+gris> holy shit listen to this one: +,
[16:30.01] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Music To Be Murdered By (Mix 1)⁩ | 5m 30s | ⁨Fatal Attraction ⁩ | 1,703 views
[16:30.52] * Smax ( Quit (Quit)
[16:30.53] * DowderJ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:31.29] <+Deanr> wow, impressive motorcade
[16:31.40] * BonafideL ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:31.40] <+mrlamont> whats impressive about it, Deanr
[16:31.51] <+Deanr> motorcyles galore
[16:31.59] * Krishna (~IceChat77@ has joined channel #Gulag
[16:32.03] <+Deanr> motorcycles
[16:32.08] <+mrlamont> lets chat about them
[16:32.10] <+mrlamont> motorcycles.
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[16:33.18] <Krishna> the deep state is a scared mouse
[16:33.37] <Krishna> 215 million views of the Trump Carlson interview
[16:33.58] <Krishna> fox candidate tv show..... zero
[16:33.59] <+Wout> half are Russian bots
[16:34.43] <+Deanr> that's a bigger motorcade than the standing President gets
[16:35.11] <Krishna> Joe does not stand, he is propped up like an old building
[16:35.57] <Krishna> do wehabe a url of live straming ?
[16:36.18] <Krishna> do we have a url of live streaming ?
[16:36.21] <+Deanr> I might have to become a Trumper
[16:36.35] <+Wout> +,
[16:36.36] <@Lard> [url] MSNBC Live Stream FREE [HD] - USNewsON | ( +, )
[16:36.40] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:37.44] <+Wout> our country is screwed that a lunatic like Trump is treated like a king
[16:37.56] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[16:38.04] <+Rayvyn> Krishna, youtube, do a search
[16:38.32] <+Rayvyn> the funny part is trump who puts down blacks, is being tried in two of the blackest cities in america, DC and Atlanta
[16:38.38] <+bastion> +,
[16:38.59] <+kmh> +,
[16:39.00] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Breaking Bad 2 - Official Trailer⁩ | 6m 29s | ⁨Chubs⁩ | 2,114,413 views
[16:39.23] <+Rayvyn> This arrest confirms america is working, nobody is above the law
[16:40.22] * McBoatFace ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[16:40.33] * Cleland ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:40.35] <Krishna> Rayvyn unless your name is biden
[16:40.45] <Krishna> or clinton
[16:40.53] <Krishna> or soros
[16:41.23] <Cleland> dont forget rothchilds\
[16:41.23] * BonafideL ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:41.26] <Krishna> they are nobodies
[16:41.27] <Cleland> dumb cow fucker
[16:41.36] <DowderJ> You’re a funny right winger  Krishna
[16:41.38] <Krishna> 215 MILLION views
[16:41.58] <Krishna> and counting
[16:42.15] <Krishna> foc gop candidate show = total flop
[16:42.24] <+Wout> Musk's view count can be trusted?
[16:42.24] <+mrlamont> no he isnt
[16:42.25] <Krishna> fox gop candidate show = total flop
[16:42.32] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
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[16:42.41] <+mrlamont> "our country is screwed that a lunatic like Trump is treated like a king" not even a fucking complete sentence
[16:42.43] <+bastion> desantis got murdered +,
[16:42.44] <@Lard> [Twitter] Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec): Well he got his forever moment ⏎ Just not the one he was hoping for +, | 2688 RTs | 9753 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-24 - 13:35:36UTC
[16:42.58] * BonafideL ( Quit (Quit)
[16:43.02] <+Rayvyn> Krishna, what biden got away with a crime?
[16:43.15] <Krishna> joes and hunter
[16:43.23] <Krishna> both
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[16:43.49] <+Rayvyn> Krishna, horse shit, Hunter Biden has been prosecuted is being prosecuted, how did he get away?
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[16:44.10] <+Rayvyn> Krishna, name one crime joe biden has committed, please tell me what the evidence is
[16:44.34] <+PrezPusyGrab> he was a conspirator in YEMEN NUKE... the one that turned out to not be a nuke!
[16:45.08] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
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[16:45.08] * BonafideL was kicked by X(  - Reason ((clowntown) join part flooding)
[16:45.24] <+Rayvyn> LOL krishna is googling like crazy
[16:45.51] * Deanr ( Quit (Quit: Simul Justus et Peccator)
[16:46.25] * M_Dougan (~doogie@ has joined channel #Gulag
[16:46.33] <+Rayvyn> Krishna, well what crime has Joe Biden committed? Please tell me what evidence they have
[16:46.56] * CollinsRC (~BonafideL@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:46.59] * M_Dougan (~doogie@ Quit (Quit: leaving)
[16:47.27] <Krishna> fox gop candidate show = total flop
[16:47.39] <+Rayvyn> Krishna, name one crime joe biden has committed, please tell me what the evidence is
[16:47.47] <Krishna> 215 MILLION views for Trump Carlson
[16:48.32] <+BodegaCat> n00000k!!
[16:48.33] <DowderJ> Krishna: why are you dodging  Rayvyn’s question?
[16:48.41] <+Rayvyn> Oh wait, let me guess, they were storing all the evidence of against Joe Biden in a bunker in
[16:49.02] <+Rayvyn> BOOOOOOM!!!!! no more evidence
[16:49.04] <Krishna> Rayvyn is a conspiracy theorist
[16:49.06] <+Rayvyn> lol
[16:49.24] <DowderJ> Krishna: you’re a tool, you know that right?
[16:49.24] <+Rayvyn> Krishna, do you actually believe the horse shit you blather about?LOL
[16:49.50] <+BodegaCat> i had my last interview at the mortgage company yesterday.  hmmmmm
[16:49.59] <Cleland> Why does anyone engage this troll--he’s been doing this for years and still he manages to lure the lonely people in
[16:50.00] <Cleland> Sad
[16:50.22] <+Rayvyn> Krishna, damn man, you still believe in shit after you have been proven wrong over and over again. you are brainwashed into believing in batshit crazy conspiracy theories, you should seek mental help
[16:50.38] <Cleland> Rayvyn idiot, Krishna doesn’t believe in anything
[16:50.49] <Cleland> He just is trying to get a reaction and you are too stupid to get it
[16:51.21] <+chocotaco> give us that sweet, sweet milk rayvyn
[16:51.22] <+PrezPusyGrab> wait is Cleland trying to accuse other people of overreacting?
[16:51.39] <+PrezPusyGrab> the guy who literally spams 10 lines at once screaming?
[16:51.54] <Cleland> PPG, so tell me, you and mouses--after you doxed him as a transgender, ridiculed him--you are friends
[16:52.03] <Cleland> PPG all to get back on the channel you lonelly little virgin
[16:52.14] <Cleland> PPG dude, seriously when is the last time you got your end wet?
[16:52.16] <+Rayvyn> Cleland, i want to see what his response is, you see I have a strange collection. I collect conspiracy theories. They're fascinating. I've been doing it since I first started listening to Art Bell back in the early 90s. Got interested in conspiracies since I picked up a UFO magazine back in the late 70s or early 80s
[16:52.33] <+Rayvyn> Cleland, how did you know I was a virgin?
[16:52.36] <Cleland> PPG, I beat you up so harshly that now you are a shill for Krishna
[16:52.42] <+chocotaco> rayvyn you also collect semen samples from black men
[16:52.46] <Cleland> Rayvyn  yes
[16:52.48] <Cleland> Everyone knows that
[16:52.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> 1.  We're not friends, none of you are my friends, you're internet characters.  2.  Mouses dropped it and stopped bothering me, so I stopped caring, I don't hold grudges like teenage girl Cleland
[16:52.53] <Cleland> Why would any one question that
[16:52.59] <Cleland> PPG you little fuck--shilling for Krishna
[16:53.05] <Cleland> Shilling for neo Nazis
[16:53.14] <Cleland> All because of the whooping I give you daily
[16:53.17] <+PrezPusyGrab> shilling for Krishna?  you're out of your mind, I make fun of Krishna more than I make fun of you.
[16:53.18] <Cleland> Show some backbone
[16:53.23] <Cleland> Have a moral sense Doxy Boi
[16:53.27] <+PrezPusyGrab> well, almost
[16:53.30] <Cleland> So you an Mouses playhing online games now
[16:53.35] <Cleland> PPG, who pays your bills
[16:53.36] <+Rayvyn> Cleland, huh? i have never seen you before, or are you a sockpuppet
[16:53.38] <Cleland> lol
[16:53.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> huh?  no I don't play online games
[16:53.42] <+chocotaco> krishna is my favorite cook at Masala Gandhi
[16:53.44] <Cleland> lol
[16:53.48] <+Rayvyn> well Trump has left the courthouse
[16:53.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> Rayvyn: its Zanadu sperging out under a different nick
[16:53.50] * swin ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:53.54] <Cleland> Masala Gandhi--he prepares the fucking COW
[16:53.59] <+Rayvyn> doing a search for his mugshot
[16:54.05] <Cleland> PPG you are my bitch
[16:54.07] <+PrezPusyGrab> different nick, same sperg
[16:54.12] <Cleland> NEVER FORGET THAT
[16:54.15] <Krishna> the deep state is a scared mouse
[16:54.19] <Cleland> Boaty was asking for you today
[16:54.30] <Cleland> PPG you got any women in your lonely life
[16:54.35] <+PrezPusyGrab> can I help it if I'm popular?
[16:54.36] <Cleland> Oh fogetta about it
[16:54.46] <Cleland> PPG you are a FAKE
[16:55.00] * Cleland ( Quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:,
[16:55.09] <+PrezPusyGrab> lol wtf is wrong with this guy
[16:55.28] * Lottoman (~Lottoman@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:55.47] <+Debaser> BodegaCat: rumours of a big Ukrainian push
[16:56.00] <+BodegaCat> what's wrong with any of us
[16:56.03] * DowderJ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[16:56.32] <+BodegaCat> well my problem is a difficulty converting this multitude of text scammers into actual hot chicks willing to have sex.  hmmm
[16:57.13] * gannon (~gannon@ Quit (Quit)
[16:58.26] * Deanr` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:59.04] <+hopesnothere>  "..The climate change agenda is a HOAX!"   -   Vivek Ramaswamy
[16:59.38] <Krishna> well yes
[16:59.56] <Krishna> the agenda pushed in the name of climate change is a hoax
[17:00.26] <+Debaser> hopesnothere what a maroon
[17:00.29] <Krishna> same as the covid hoax
[17:00.36] <+hopesnothere> Debaser : PROVE IT
[17:00.41] <Krishna> and the 9/11 hoax
[17:00.49] <Krishna> and the cris before that
[17:00.58] <Krishna> and the crisis before that
[17:01.00] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: CO2 traps heat
[17:01.02] <+bastion> HAHAHAHAHAHA +,
[17:01.03] <@Lard> [Twitter] David Leavitt 🎲🎮🧙‍♂️🌈 (@David_Leavitt): Did they even weigh Former President Donald Trump at the Fulton County Jail? ⏎ White Male 6 ft. 3 215lbs ⏎ The weight looks too low +, | 42 RTs | 329 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-24 - 23:50:44UTC
[17:01.06] <+Debaser> There, I proved it
[17:01.19] <+bastion> twitter is full of lefties sperging out over trump's weight
[17:01.24] <+hopesnothere> Debaser; ..So does your underware ... Are you going to stop wearing it?
[17:01.31] <+Debaser> What?
[17:01.34] <Krishna> bastion pretty desperate
[17:01.47] <+hopesnothere> ..Twatter
[17:02.02] <+Debaser> That's obviously not his weight
[17:02.09] <+Debaser> He's the size of a small cow
[17:02.15] <+hopesnothere> .heheh, Or has debaser EVER worn underware...?
[17:02.54] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: what does underwear have to do with humans putting gigatons of a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere annually
[17:03.16] <+Rayvyn> trump needs jesus! Trump needs prayer! +,
[17:03.16] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Paula White's Re-Election Prayer For Donald Trump Ft. Lil KC REMIX - WTFBRAHH⁩ | 1m 51s | ⁨The Remix Bros⁩ | 1,243,789 views
[17:03.35] <+dilligas> that sonofabitch has the press following him for a couple of hours... no such thing as bad publicity anymore
[17:03.55] <+Rayvyn> still waiting for the mugshot
[17:03.59] <+hopesnothere> "gigatons" ?    And WHO EXACTLY is produbing that CO2?   
[17:04.03] <+BodegaCat> there's no way trump weighs under 265 lbs
[17:04.03] <+chocotaco> as an enlightened white man I am attuned to the dire plight of the american negro
[17:04.31] <+dilligas> I want to know his weight... I say 360
[17:04.35] <+chocotaco> i listen to their music because it has SOUL
[17:04.41] <+BodegaCat> he's not 360
[17:04.51] <+BodegaCat> like 265-295 seems right
[17:04.53] <+hopesnothere> +BodegaCat> there's no way trump weighs under 265 lbs        TF would YOU KNOW, asshole?
[17:05.07] * McBoatFace ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:05.10] <+dilligas> he goes well over 300
[17:05.14] <+hopesnothere> ..producing...
[17:05.17] <Krishna> trump is guilty!!!!   of falsifying his weight!
[17:05.17] <+BodegaCat> hopesnothere cuz your mom is as fat as trump and she weighed 275 last time i banged her on the truck scale
[17:05.44] <+dilligas> BodegaCat stop that :)
[17:06.07] <+hopesnothere> AssmonkeyCrap : ..You WISH, assfairy ... You were probbly cornholing dagett23
[17:06.26] <+hopesnothere> ..pribably..
[17:06.34] <Krishna> the deep state is a scared mouse
[17:06.43] <+hopesnothere> probably
[17:06.50] <+hopesnothere> debaser  : ..WELL??????
[17:07.04] * caleb` ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:07.30] <+BodegaCat> hopesnothere's mom's breasts are smaller than trumps, so he's likely 280 if we add the 5lbs for his boobs.
[17:07.39] <+hopesnothere> ...Well, Dickltaster??????
[17:07.57] <+hopesnothere> AssMonkeCrapo .No, tht;s YOUR  MOM's ASS
[17:08.22] <+hopesnothere> ..add 5 more pounds for her vginal lips
[17:08.34] <+hopesnothere> ...vaginal...
[17:08.34] <+dilligas> someone needs to remind the fulton county sheriff he said trump will be treated like any other prisoner and he should take him out back and beat the hell out of him (it is georgia, isn't it?)
[17:08.40] * Krishna (~IceChat77@ Quit (Quit: IceChat - Its what Cool People use)
[17:08.52] <+BodegaCat> the last time i was having sex with hopesnothere's mom, her cell phone started ringing and it scared the hell out of me.  I thought she had started backing up and was going to run me over.
[17:08.59] <Deanr`>  Inmate No.  P01135809
[17:09.08] <+hopesnothere> dildoasshole : ..SOmeone ought to remind you that you are a braindead leftist CUNTSTAIN
[17:09.35] * BathSheba` ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[17:09.37] <+hopesnothere> AssMonkeyCrap <---was probably fucking how own mom
[17:09.46] <+hopesnothere> AssMonkeyCrap <---was probably fucking his own mom
[17:10.35] <+mouses> PrezPusyGrab: It's almost like I'm a fucking idiot cunt sometimes and you're more annoyingly clever than I expected and we got bored fighting
[17:10.38] * mouses grins
[17:11.06] <+OldMole> Deanr` who, your president?
[17:11.18] <+hopesnothere> debaser: .WELL?????? Yo do NOT have an ANSWER??? ...Or are you being a LITTLE PUSSY??
[17:11.26] <Deanr`> OldMole your King.
[17:11.47] <+OldMole> Deanr` I dont have a King
[17:12.00] <Deanr`> OldMole: you just wait.
[17:12.02] <Deanr`> lol
[17:12.21] <+OldMole> Deanr` how about you dont vote for this multiple felon this time arounf
[17:12.37] * McBoatFace ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:12.57] <+hopesnothere> OldMole : .Yes, You should NOT vote for Joe Biden
[17:13.07] <Deanr`> OldMole: hopefully, I'll get to vote for a different GOP candidate.
[17:13.22] <+hopesnothere> OdMole <--- probbly votes for the socialist candidate
[17:13.34] <+OldMole> Deanr` is it too much to ask for you not to vote for this ignorant, bombastic and dangerous multiple felon who already tried to overthrow our rule of law?
[17:13.50] <+hopesnothere> ,Not "Donut boy"....?
[17:13.55] <Deanr`> OldMole: yes, that is too much.
[17:14.02] <+OldMole> i figured
[17:14.16] <Deanr`> look at that plane
[17:14.23] <+hopesnothere> OldMole NOT a felon YET< ASSFUCK!    He has NOT been CONVICTED, you IGNORANT LEFTIAST ASSMNOKEY
[17:14.29] <+PrezPusyGrab> mouses: I just don't understand why cleland is the most angry out of all of this
[17:14.32] <+chocotaco> i'm voting for don knotts
[17:14.44] <+hopesnothere> Go give Idiot Joe a RIMJOB
[17:14.45] <+OldMole> hopesnothere YET
[17:14.58] <+BodegaCat> OldMole it is too much to ask.  God told Deanr he must vote for the man who lives the life of great sin because he is more likely to outlaw abortions.
[17:14.59] <+hopesnothere> .>yeah, likeI haven;t FUCKED YOUR MOM ...yet
[17:15.47] <+hopesnothere>  ...Don Knotts is deceased.
[17:15.47] <+OldMole> fucking P-1 has that devil went down to Gulag music playing in my mind everytime hopesnothere posts
[17:16.04] <+hopesnothere> OldMole Then KILL YOURSELF
[17:16.17] <+hopesnothere>  ...or are you TOO MUCH of a PUSSY??????
[17:16.29] <+NineVolt> i think you left off a question mark
[17:16.29] <Deanr`> Trump's plane is a Boeing 757
[17:16.48] <+NineVolt> it's supposed to be written PUSSY???????
[17:17.17] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:17.37] <Deanr`> "election interference"
[17:17.39] <+OldMole> Deanr` would have voted for Hitler if he promised to ban abortions
[17:17.57] <+OldMole> he might have voted for Hitler even if he didnt
[17:17.57] <+hopesnothere> hello, caleb
[17:18.21] <+chocotaco> every dead jew is punishment for killing jesus
[17:19.13] <+NineVolt> but jesus was a jew
[17:20.00] <+NineVolt> if every dead jew is punishment for killing jesus, then dead jew jesus is also punishment for killing jesus.
[17:20.07] <+McChicken> romans killed jesus
[17:21.08] <+NineVolt> really romans just nailed him to a cross.
[17:21.12] <+NineVolt> god killed jesus some time later.
[17:21.42] <+hopesnothere> OldMole :   Vote Hilter :  Bocialist Party Candidate.
[17:21.49] <+Timur> chocotaco: very edgelordy.
[17:22.00] <wptmj> i just stumbled onto some dank jokes i forgot i had saved
[17:22.08] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: calm down buddy, take a breath, and don't try to type faster than you skill allows.
[17:22.13] <+NineVolt> it's not even that edgelordy as it leads to an immediate paradox.
[17:22.16] <+Timur> imagine thinking that being a neonazi larper 4chan drooler is still cool in 2023
[17:22.17] <wptmj> some good sheet, mang
[17:22.22] * ^_God_Speed_ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:22.33] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: when you're so angry you're typing furiously and misspelling every word it really loses the effect.
[17:22.36] <+hopesnothere> ; ..Go give  oldHO-Mole a rimjob
[17:23.18] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: is apartheid, colonialism, and ethnic cleansing still cool in 2023?
[17:23.26] <Deanr`> well, I have to say.... all this media exposure will benefit Trump.   
[17:23.29] <+Rayvyn> did they release his mugshot yet?
[17:23.33] <wptmj> this one is too long to paste in the channel
[17:23.41] <wptmj> but i could msg it
[17:23.41] <+PrezPusyGrab> Deanr`: yeah so will the locked up episode.
[17:23.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> Locked Up: Presidential
[17:24.01] <+Rayvyn> The Dirty Diaper Gang
[17:24.05] <+PrezPusyGrab> I'd watch that episode.
[17:24.27] <+mouses> PrezPusyGrab: oh cleland has a brain tumor now
[17:24.36] <+BodegaCat> don't we all!
[17:24.51] <+hopesnothere> TRayvyn : ..O, But I have one of YOUR MOM when she was arrested for soliciting.
[17:25.00] <+hopesnothere> TRayvyn : ..NO, But I have one of YOUR MOM when she was arrested for soliciting.
[17:25.25] <+hopesnothere> Gayvyn  <---LICKS "dirty" diapers
[17:25.27] <+mouses> durings times you were gone he'd have like legit daily insane rage filled screaming meltdowns
[17:25.29] <+Debaser> hopesnothere:huh?
[17:25.39] <+Timur> PrezPusyGrab; no, but history has continuity. Are you comparing the Jews of Germany to the Palestinians of today? Because if so, you should read a bit more.
[17:25.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> mouses: how is that any different than before?
[17:25.46] <+mouses> BodegaCat: you're a cat, you don't have a brain
[17:25.47] <+Timur> not that one expects that.
[17:25.50] <+mouses> PrezPusyGrab: lol fair
[17:25.55] <wptmj> Three dogs are at the vet. One asks the others, "So, what are you guys in for?"
[17:26.01] <+hopesnothere> Debaser ;..and WHICH COUNTRIES are producing all oif that CO2?????
[17:26.02] <wptmj> The first, a Jack Russell Terrier, says, "I kept humping everything in sight. The neighbor's cat, my master's leg, the couch, you name it. Plus, I peed in the corners and chewed the mail every time it got delivered. So they're going to neuter me to see if it will calm me down."
[17:26.05] <+BodegaCat> typical insult from a damn dirty duplicitous tasty mouse~!!
[17:26.19] <wptmj> The second, a mutt, says, "That's kind of why I'm here, too. Six litters of puppies up and down the street that all look like me. My owners are tired of the angry calls. So my junk is getting snipped too."
[17:26.22] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: I'm comparing the Palestinians of today to the native americans of north america, the aboriginals of australia, or the blacks in south africa, which is fair.
[17:26.31] <+BodegaCat> one of my cats is strangely obsessed with the new boxes that arrived today, so i agree with the cats = low brains sentiment
[17:26.41] <+hopesnothere> Debaser : ..Simply question.  
[17:26.44] <+Timur> PrezPusyGrab: ok, then maybe you should look at the population stats of each.
[17:26.46] <wptmj> The third dog is a Great Dane. "My master is a pretty young thing. Long legs and a hot ass. Yesterday after her shower, she bent over to dry her feet and I just couldn't help myself. Mounted up that fine ass and went to town."
[17:26.46] <+^skunk``> ppg the jews are the native americans of palestine
[17:26.51] <+Timur> not that one expects that.
[17:26.58] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: America, China, mostly
[17:27.03] <+^skunk``> ppg the jews lived there 4000 years ago ...
[17:27.03] <wptmj> The other two stare at him in disbelief. "They're definitely going to cut off your balls for that!"
[17:27.09] <wptmj> "What? No, I'm only here to get my nails trimmed."
[17:27.09] <wptmj> .
[17:27.11] <+^skunk``> so no comparison
[17:27.13] <wptmj> :P
[17:27.26] <+Timur> and the Palestinian population is many times greater than it was in 1948, or 1878, or ever.
[17:27.32] <+Timur> great comparison, doorknob!
[17:27.36] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: that's kinda silly, it took the US a lot longer since the first settler landed in the  americas to force the natives off their land than Israel has been a state.
[17:27.37] <+hopesnothere> Debser : ..Well?
[17:27.48] <+Rayvyn> we need to pray that when Trump is convicted, he doesn't encounter this guy +,
[17:27.49] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨THE BOOTY WARRIOR - (Fleece Johnson)⁩ | 3m 5s | ⁨Kamikaze Player⁩ | 2,752,627 views
[17:28.05] <+^skunk``> the jews were forced off their land by the romans mr ppg
[17:28.06] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: so what's your argument, ethnic cleansing is good in process, and only bad once it reaches certain successes?
[17:28.16] <+hopesnothere> <+Rayvyn> we need to pray that when Trump is convicted, he doesn't encounter this guy +,   GAYvyn posted a pic of his MOM????
[17:28.17] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨THE BOOTY WARRIOR - (Fleece Johnson)⁩ | 3m 5s | ⁨Kamikaze Player⁩ | 2,752,627 views
[17:28.20] <+^skunk``> the romans etnically cleansed israel
[17:28.22] <+^skunk``> oops
[17:28.31] <Deanr`> OldMole: did you watch the debate last night?
[17:28.36] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: yes and that was bad, does that give people the right to cleanse out the natives now?
[17:28.39] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: climate change being real or not doesn't depend on where the carbon emissions are coming from
[17:28.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> that's called racism
[17:28.41] <+OldMole> Deanr` no
[17:28.44] <+^skunk``> and btw when jordan invaded paletine they cleansed the jews from west bank
[17:28.46] <+Rayvyn> hopesnothere is gonna go beat up a cop in atlanta so he can be trump's celly
[17:28.46] <+^skunk``> and jersualame
[17:28.55] <+^skunk``> that was ethinically cleansing
[17:28.59] <+^skunk``> killed or driven out
[17:29.00] <Deanr`> OldMole: oh, so you watched Trump's interview instead??  wow
[17:29.04] <+OldMole> Deanr` no
[17:29.07] <Deanr`> :)
[17:29.07] <+hopesnothere> Debaser; .YEs,,, Coming from   ....WHERE?
[17:29.14] <+^skunk``> jordan did it
[17:29.15] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: so your argument is you can commit ethnic cleansing, because other people of that race did?
[17:29.16] <+hopesnothere>  Old mole's asshole?
[17:29.25] <+^skunk``> not ethnic cleansing
[17:29.26] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: so in other words, more racism.  Great.
[17:29.35] <+^skunk``> 2 million arabs live in israel
[17:29.41] <+hopesnothere> PPG' mom's vagin a?  ...WHERE??
[17:29.42] <+^skunk``> ooops
[17:29.43] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: where the carbon comes from does not change if climate change is real or not
[17:29.47] <+OldMole> Deanr` you still voting for mother pence?
[17:29.49] <+Timur> PrezPusyGrab: no, it's not silly at all. The Jewish population there is growing at the same rate as the Palestinian, the latter having grown enormously in the last 100 years. Great comparison, doorknob!
[17:29.49] <+PrezPusyGrab> millions lived in the occupied territories
[17:29.56] <wptmj> - The Grinch's Twelve Inches
[17:29.57] <+^skunk``> they left of their own accord
[17:30.02] <+Timur> and millions more live there now.
[17:30.05] <wptmj> - Horton Fakes an Orgasm
[17:30.07] <+Timur> actually, millions?
[17:30.12] <Deanr`> OldMole: I'm leaning towards Haley
[17:30.13] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: Right, so that makes stealing people's homes and throwing them out in the street for being the wrong race okay.
[17:30.15] <wptmj> - My Pocket Rocket Needs a Socket
[17:30.17] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: who is the doorknob here?
[17:30.20] <+^skunk``> jews were driven out of west bank and jeruslame by jordan in 1948
[17:30.28] <+Timur> At the outbreak of the June 1967 war, there were approximately 900,000 Palestinians living in what was then called the “West Bank,” including perhaps 80,000 in the walled city of East Jerusalem and in the villages and towns in the vicinity.
[17:30.34] <+Timur> you are, you obtuse ignorant.
[17:30.41] <wptmj> - Horton Hires a Ho
[17:30.45] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: so your argument is since some people mistreated jewish people, now Israel gets to mistreat other people of that same race in the same way.
[17:30.49] <wptmj> - Who Shat in the Hat?
[17:30.56] <+Timur> it was a war, dude. Maybe you should acknowledge the Arab armies that invaded as well.
[17:31.00] <wptmj> - The Cat in the Blender
[17:31.07] <+Timur> but one does not expect that.
[17:31.14] <+^skunk``> ppg there are 2 million arabs in israel full rights
[17:31.15] <wptmj> - Herbert the Pervert Likes Sherbet
[17:31.17] <+^skunk``> oops
[17:31.20] <+hopesnothere> Debaser/ BULLSHIT!!!! You FUCKING RETARD!!!!!!!!  China and India  produce the most, and yet are NOT required to follow the same laws that WE are FORCED to follow!! You FUCKING ECO-WHORE SHILL!!!!!!!  Go FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!
[17:31.21] <+^skunk``> treated well
[17:31.28] <wptmj> - One Bitch, Two Bitch, Dead Bitch, Blue Bitch
[17:31.29] <@Publios> lol
[17:31.30] <+Timur> I mean, really, can't read wikipedia, or any encyclopedia, or basic history texts?
[17:31.33] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: You do understand that has nothing to do with the fact that they have been forcefully removed from certain areas for being the wrong race, and thus it is ethnic cleansing, and makes you a piece of shit for supporting that?
[17:31.36] <+Timur> deliberate ignorance is not an asset.
[17:31.40] <+hopesnothere> ...AND bodegacat's MOM
[17:31.44] <+Timur> it actually has everything to do with that, doorknob.
[17:31.50] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: so it's a hoax because where the emissions come from?
[17:31.52] <+Timur> you really are dumb.
[17:32.02] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: you saying driving people out of an area isn't ethnic cleansing because more survived elsewhere is dumb as fuck.
[17:32.07] <+Timur> it's as interesting and fruitful a debating a flat-earther.
[17:32.15] <wptmj> THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE
[17:32.17] <+OldMole> Deanr` "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."
[17:32.22] <wptmj> A sadist, a masochist, a murderer, a necrophile, a zoophile and a pyromaniac are all sitting on a bench in a mental institution.
[17:32.24] <+^skunk``> ppg nobody was driven out they left on own accord
[17:32.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: if you weren't Jewish and didn't have ties to this country, and they were doing this to people, you'd be against it.
[17:32.25] <wptmj> hehe
[17:32.27] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: thats a fact
[17:32.36] <+^skunk``> the arab countries told them to leave
[17:32.48] <Deanr`> OldMole: context?
[17:32.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: they're driven out of their homes by settlers every day
[17:32.56] <+^skunk``> and btw jews were ethincally cleansed from arab lands ....
[17:32.59] <+^skunk``> u know that
[17:33.00] * Viridium ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:33.01] <wptmj> "Let's have sex with a cat?" asked the zoophile.
[17:33.04] <+OldMole> Deanr` GOD SEZ
[17:33.06] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: and stealing the homes from refugees fleeing a warzone is criminal
[17:33.07] <wptmj>  "Let's have sex with the cat and then torture it," says the sadist.
[17:33.14] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: so fuck you for trying to use that as justification
[17:33.20] <+Timur> ^skunk`` he also doesn't know about the inmigration of Arabs from places like Sudan, Algeria, Jordan etc because of Jewish capital and development up to and during the mandate
[17:33.22] <wptmj> "Let's have sex with the cat, torture it and then kill it," shouted the murderer.
[17:33.24] <+^skunk``> stealing? all the land was bought
[17:33.40] <+^skunk``> now tell me did the europe guys buy land from the indians in america ?
[17:33.40] <wptmj> "Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it and then have sex with it again," said the necrophile.
[17:33.41] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: it's not that I don't know about any of this, it's that none of this justifies racism and ethnic cleansing
[17:33.44] <+Timur> ^skunk``: he doesn't care about that, because his compassion is micro-thin and, of course he's a doorknob.
[17:33.50] <+^skunk``> ppg the land was bought
[17:34.05] <wptmj>  "Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it, have sex with it again and then burn it," said the pyromaniac.
[17:34.05] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: its like you telling a judge you murdered someone's whole family because their uncle robbed you, and demanding they don't know the history.  It's irrelevant.
[17:34.06] <+^skunk``> jews land in syria and iraq was stolen
[17:34.10] <+Timur> yep, he's studied extensively the history of late Ottoman Palestine. Except not at all
[17:34.20] <+Timur> land, possessions, businesses, homes.
[17:34.22] <wptmj> here was silence, and then the masochist said:
[17:34.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: what history can justify ethnic cleansing?
[17:34.24] <Deanr`> OldMole: Paul was addressing the Corithinian church.  The context was church and also family.  
[17:34.27] * JustBeKalm ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:34.30] <+Timur> and we were there before the Arabs.
[17:34.31] <wptmj> "Meow."
[17:34.34] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: hint, the answer is "none"
[17:34.34] <+Timur> how do you like that, eh
[17:34.44] <+^skunk``> jewish homes in iraq were stolen
[17:34.55] * RatBytes (webchat@ has joined channel #Gulag
[17:35.06] <wptmj> maybe that one was a bit much
[17:35.08] <+McChicken> fucking anti semite libtards here
[17:35.10] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: that makes as much sense as shooting a black person in south carolina because a house was robbed by a black person in LA
[17:35.17] <wptmj> but it sure gives me a hard on still to this day
[17:35.20] <wptmj> :]
[17:35.22] <RatBytes> Has the failed president turned himself in for his latest booking???
[17:35.25] <+^skunk``> ppg but u dont complain
[17:35.31] <+^skunk``> in any case the land was bought
[17:35.34] <+Timur> antisemitism has 3 forms: rightist, leftist, and islamist
[17:35.41] <+Timur> often, like horseshoe theory, they overlap.
[17:35.43] <+hopesnothere> RatByes ;..NO, But Biden SHOULD do THAT.
[17:35.46] <Deanr`> the antisemitism must be from PPG, whom I have on ignore.
[17:35.57] <+^skunk``> ppg did u see wot tel aviv looked like in 1918??  sand dunes
[17:35.57] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: once again, that's nonsense.  If someone couldn't criticize atrocities without mentioning every other atrocity in history, you'd never be able to protest anything.
[17:35.58] <+Timur> PPG is exhibit A; like Corbyn, he's leftist but loves, say, Hamas.
[17:36.05] <+hopesnothere> ...RatFucker
[17:36.09] <+^skunk``> ppg the land was bougght
[17:36.10] <+euphony> An Ottoman census was done iirc around 1900 of Palestine, it listed the Jewish population iirc around 15,000 and the muslim population around 500,000. Sure there was some arab immigration but I think most of the growth of their population was natural growth. I might be wrong tho, its been a while since I saw the chart
[17:36.15] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: Does a police officer have to rattle off every crime in history before stopping a robbery in progress?
[17:36.22] <+^skunk``> ppg did u see wot tel aviv looked like in 1918??  sand dunes
[17:36.29] <+^skunk``> sand
[17:36.32] <+^skunk``> and more sand
[17:36.35] <+^skunk``> they bought the land
[17:36.42] <+euphony> .... right, because it was a vacant lot outside the city of Jaffa.
[17:36.47] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: right so that justifies settlers driving a 70 year old palestinian woman out of her home she's lived in forever in jerusalem?
[17:36.56] <+euphony> Most vacant lots in the desert look like ... desert.
[17:37.07] <+^skunk``> that one is about she was renting the property and ddnt pay rent ffs
[17:37.14] <+^skunk``> u are misinformed
[17:37.21] <RatBytes> I am so glad that we are about to resolve this issue and come to a universally amicable agreement about the whole palestinian issue
[17:37.23] <+^skunk``> if a person doesnt pay rent they are evicted
[17:37.27] <+^skunk``> in any country
[17:37.32] <wptmj> Why can't you ever starve in the desert?  
[17:37.34] <+^skunk``> thats wot that was about
[17:37.39] <wptmj> Because of all of the sandwiches there.
[17:37.42] <RatBytes> skunk - I don't pay rent
[17:37.43] <wptmj> :]
[17:37.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: lol you're full of shit, it was about settlers just going in and stealing her home under police protection
[17:37.57] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: because she wasn't the right race.
[17:37.58] <+^skunk``> rat nor do i but dont tell the landlord
[17:38.08] <+^skunk``> ppg thats the real story
[17:38.09] <+^skunk``> sorry
[17:38.15] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: evidence?
[17:38.19] <+^skunk``> but your brainwashing agents have told u shite
[17:38.26] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: evidence?
[17:38.31] <+^skunk``> ppg read  about it
[17:38.32] <RatBytes> wptmj  -  improve that one... "Why can't a coven starve in the desert?"  "Because they are sand witches"
[17:38.38] <+^skunk``> sorry dude
[17:38.43] <wptmj> luvit!
[17:38.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: so no evidence
[17:38.51] <+^skunk``> u read pally brainwashing nonsenes
[17:39.00] <+euphony> Not really. I assume we are talking about the eviction of the east Jerusalemite last year or the year before that went viral. But it isn't an isolated issue. Zionism is a settler colonial movement that exists to either exploit the labour of the indigenous population or expel said population. Israel is not a pretty or unique snowflake. It is apartheid era south africa, or america during manifest destiny.
[17:39.06] <+hopesnothere>  ...Did Debaser RUN AWAY....?
[17:39.09] <+^skunk``> im informed
[17:39.13] <+PrezPusyGrab> euphony: it was last month
[17:39.23] <+euphony> Oh, another case. "great"
[17:39.24] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: from what
[17:39.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> but it happens alll the time
[17:39.41] <+PrezPusyGrab> its a common occurrence, the settlers are just going in stealing the homes from natives of the wrong race and throwing their shit out and laughing
[17:39.44] * Deanr` wonders if Prigozhin was conscious when that plane was falling.
[17:39.44] <+^skunk``> ppg there is a mosque on top of a temple in jerusalem who got there first ?/
[17:39.49] <wptmj> sand-witches, that ownz to the bone
[17:39.56] <+hopesnothere> Debaser  ;  WTH do you mean "from what" ?  From India  
[17:39.58] <wptmj> very cleaver
[17:39.58] <+^skunk``> dean the plane took a long time to fall
[17:40.09] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: right, so you're evicting some 70 year old lady who lived there all her life because "the temple was there first" and she's the wrong race?
[17:40.09] <+Timur> RatBytes: there's no agreement here, there's no agreement there, there's not going to be. but before agreement of any kind is even possible, understanding what's what is crucial.
[17:40.14] <+hopesnothere> & commie China.
[17:40.15] <+euphony> PPG I assumed it was this asshole under discussion +,
[17:40.15] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨‘If I Don’t Steal [Your Home] Someone Else Will’ Israeli Settler Justifies Forcible Takeover⁩ | 1m 6s | ⁨AJ+⁩ | 1,060,232 views
[17:40.18] <+^skunk``> prigozin mustve known
[17:40.22] <+Timur> and the info/opinion ratio of those like PPG is about 1/1000.
[17:40.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> euphony: no, different one
[17:40.27] <+^skunk``> ppg that was about rent thats all
[17:40.34] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: so climate change is real then
[17:40.39] <+Debaser> You agree?
[17:40.40] <+Timur> euphony: that's incorrect.
[17:40.42] <+hopesnothere> ..Whgere all these little ASSFAIRES suck cocks
[17:40.42] <+euphony> <^skunk``> ppg there is a mosque on top of a temple in jerusalem who got there first ?/ <-- The fucking Jebusites. Next irrelevant question?
[17:40.43] <+^skunk``> all over the world if aperson doesnt pay rent they are evicted
[17:40.43] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: which one?  any proof?
[17:40.52] <+Timur> Jews are indigeneous to Israel. What's wrong with you?
[17:41.00] <wptmj> did you just come up with that off-tha-brain? rat?
[17:41.00] <+euphony> Timur, I was wrong about the census? I might be, I saw it a while back
[17:41.05] <+hopesnothere> Debaser no. It is a HOAX
[17:41.13] <+^skunk``> a mosque was bouilt on top of  a temple rofl
[17:41.16] <+Timur> imagine a putative Jew stating that Jews have no more connection to Israel than a Boer to South Africa.
[17:41.18] <JustBeKalm> This is a topic I don't care to join. Going next door.
[17:41.21] <RatBytes> Evverybody except those people who still live in the Rift Valley are immigrants.
[17:41.22] <+euphony> Oh for fuck. I am indigenous to Israel in the same way the fucking Italians are indigenous to London.
[17:41.23] <+^skunk``> who got there first ?/ first grader
[17:41.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> euphony: no you don't understand, Timur knows some secret history he can't divulge that makes ethnic cleansing and racism necessary.  If he told you, you'd totally understand how these things are good, but he won't, and just call you ignorant
[17:41.26] <+^skunk``> oops
[17:41.28] * Mantra ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:41.34] <wptmj> if u did, props
[17:41.47] <+PrezPusyGrab> euphony: it's certainly not that Timur knows the history he's referring to is in no way shape or form justification for the atrocities that are happening, it's that he just doesn't have time to post it.
[17:41.53] <wptmj> i saved it
[17:41.53] <+Timur> euphony: no, really not. Apparently you don't have much knowledge either of history or genetics.
[17:41.54] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: you make no sense
[17:41.59] <+euphony> .....
[17:42.01] <+PrezPusyGrab> euphony: see?
[17:42.03] <+PrezPusyGrab> called it
[17:42.06] <+euphony> Okay well I am gonna have a shower now
[17:42.08] <+euphony> ttyl folks
[17:42.09] * euphony (~quassel@ Quit (Quit: +, - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
[17:42.10] <+Timur> or of tradition or scholarship
[17:42.11] <+Rayvyn> mugshot of trump released, looks like he wants to kill the cameraman
[17:42.17] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur refuses to say exactly what "history" he's referring to justifies racism and ethnic cleansing.
[17:42.21] <+PrezPusyGrab> because he knows nothing will
[17:42.22] <+^skunk``> ppg today in ny a women was evicted from her apartment - u know why ?/ she ddnt pay the fucking rent so go blame the racist israleites rofl
[17:42.29] <wptmj> A kleptomaniac walks into a bathrooom and takes a shower.
[17:42.37] <+Rayvyn> wow the first president in history with a mugshot after he left office
[17:42.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> ^skunk``: but you showed no evidence that was the case
[17:42.44] <+^skunk``> every time a person doesnt pay rent its the israleis
[17:42.45] <+^skunk``> ok
[17:42.48] <+^skunk``> racist
[17:42.54] <+^skunk``> racist isareliites
[17:42.54] <wptmj> Went to the klepto anonymous meeting, but all of the seats were taken.
[17:42.55] <+hopesnothere> GAYyvn : ...Go snort  coke off of hunter's ass
[17:42.55] <+^skunk``> ok
[17:42.58] <+^skunk``> no prob
[17:43.01] <+Timur> heh
[17:43.20] <+hopesnothere> Debaser The FUCK I am not.
[17:43.31] <+Timur> jesus, I knew irc had ignorants and headcases, but sometimes the bar goes even lower than usual
[17:43.32] <+PrezPusyGrab> fact is, if any other country was doing this that Timur didn't have familial or ethnic ties to was doing this, he wouldn't be excusing it.  People turn a blind eye to fascism when it suits them personally.
[17:43.36] <wptmj> Welcome to Woodworking Club  
[17:43.37] <+^skunk``> ppg pay your rent or else i call the racist islraelites
[17:43.41] <wptmj> Please make a seat.
[17:43.42] <+^skunk``> they evict u
[17:43.45] <+Rayvyn> in the words of Sammy Davis jr. Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time! +,
[17:43.45] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Baretta's Theme⁩ | 2m 26s | ⁨Sammy Davis Jr. ⁩ | 190,366 views
[17:43.47] <+^skunk``> hehe
[17:43.58] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: you're basically saying we need to help India decarbonize as well
[17:43.59] <+^skunk``> sammy davis jr was a jew also nochal
[17:44.00] <+PrezPusyGrab> if you're only against fascism when fascism doesn't suit you, you're a fascist.
[17:44.09] * X sets mode -b *!* for #Gulag
[17:44.28] <+Rayvyn> the body cavity search comes after he's convicted and sent to the big house
[17:44.47] <+^skunk``> ray he will only get 500 years
[17:44.53] <wptmj> +,
[17:44.54] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Propagandhi The Only Good Fascist Is A Very Dead Fascist⁩ | 1m 11s | ⁨stickpunk1⁩ | 139,992 views
[17:44.55] <+Timur> I mean, there's no shortage of actual books with actual history and data one can read and learn to understand at least the basics
[17:45.00] <+^skunk``> he will be out next  century
[17:45.00] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: just wondering, are there any other ethnic cleansings going on right now you will point to and support because "the history"?
[17:45.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> or only the one that relates to your in group?
[17:45.34] * DS9isBest ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[17:45.36] <+Timur> or even encyclopedias.
[17:45.44] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: just wondering, are there any other ethnic cleansings going on right now you will point to and support because "the history"? <--- a single one?
[17:45.46] * AAAman ( Quit (Quit)
[17:45.48] <+Rayvyn> in lieu of this festive evening, i present this song +,
[17:45.49] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨EXCLUSIVE Social Distortion "Prison Bound" Guitar Center Sessions on DIRECTV⁩ | 5m 55s | ⁨Guitar Center⁩ | 6,041,948 views
[17:45.50] <+Timur> but it's more cathartic for REEEing shmos to just blather, I guess.
[17:45.51] <+^skunk``> old israel includes most of jordan and syria so they should take that as well
[17:45.56] <+Timur> hehe
[17:46.00] * PrezPusyGrab ( Quit (Quit)
[17:46.03] <+^skunk``> and half of lebanaon
[17:46.09] <+Timur> ragequit! win.
[17:46.09] <+hopesnothere> Debaser : i am saying tht this IS a HOAX, and  part of the proof is that some receive a "pass", when others do NOT.
[17:46.14] <+^skunk``> ppg cant aruge
[17:46.16] <+^skunk``> he left
[17:46.17] <+Timur> the tribe of Dan gets S. Leb
[17:46.26] * P-P-G ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:46.28] <P-P-G> Timur: just wondering, are there any other ethnic cleansings going on right now you will point to and support because "the history"? <--- a single one?
[17:46.34] <+Rayvyn> +,
[17:46.35] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨A Presidential Performance: Trump Sings Jailhouse Rock in Detention⁩ | 59s | ⁨Maestro Ziikos⁩ | 9,306,356 views
[17:46.37] <P-P-G> can you name one?
[17:46.47] <+^skunk``> syria and lebanon and jordan was part of israel
[17:46.50] <wptmj> +,
[17:46.51] <@Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: celebdm | ( +, )
[17:46.56] <+^skunk``> they must take it back
[17:47.00] <+^skunk``> ppg
[17:47.01] <P-P-G> Timur: just one?
[17:47.08] <+^skunk``> theyve been nice to syrians
[17:47.09] * kritklmas ( has left #Gulag
[17:47.18] <P-P-G> Timur: I thought not
[17:47.20] <+hopesnothere> Gayvyn; ... I'm SURE thst BodegaCrap will perform a CAVITY SEARCH on you ...if you ask nicely
[17:47.22] <+^skunk``> they gave back the sinai to the egyptians
[17:47.30] <+Timur> nah, you don't get off my ignore due to a nickchange, freaky doorknob.
[17:47.37] <P-P-G> coward
[17:47.48] <+^skunk``> ppg they gave the sinai back to the egyptians but dont tell anybody its a secret ok
[17:47.59] <+Timur> apparently you only care about one ethnic group, and not any others, as has already been exhaustively established.
[17:48.03] <+^skunk``> these land grabbers lol
[17:48.05] * RatBytes (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:48.06] <P-P-G> ^skunk``: that's like saying I can beat the fuck out of an indian because I gave money to pakistan
[17:48.13] <+Timur> your knowledge of other conflicts is ..basically nil.
[17:48.16] <+^skunk``> land grabbers
[17:48.21] <+hopesnothere>       ...LESBIANON?
[17:48.40] <+^skunk``> ppg lay off the crack
[17:48.46] <+Timur> all this outrage, because Jews asserted sovereignty after both the Holocaust and expulsion from Muslim lands. How dare they survive and have a state.
[17:48.48] <P-P-G> ^skunk``: lay off the blatant racism
[17:48.53] <+Timur> seriously, methhead.
[17:48.55] <+^skunk``> crack distorts the mind
[17:49.07] <+Rayvyn> Trump is gonna have people flipping on him as the days go on, closer to trial, they're gonna give him up for reduced sentences
[17:49.07] <+^skunk``> rent not paid ppl get evicted
[17:49.08] <P-P-G> no one is upset jews are surviving, they're upset about how they're treating the locals
[17:49.09] <+^skunk``> its the crack
[17:49.09] <wptmj> +,
[17:49.10] <@Lard> [url] Just a moment... |, ( +, )
[17:49.15] <P-P-G> and Timur knows that but he's dishonest
[17:49.23] <+^skunk``> crack clouds the brain
[17:49.26] <+Timur> ^skunk``: considering his admitted penchant for drugs, there's a whole thing there.
[17:49.28] <P-P-G> the fact is, some people are only anti fascist when fascism doesn't suit them
[17:49.37] <P-P-G> but when it suits their goals, they're fine with it
[17:49.45] <P-P-G> and they get angry when others say its wrong
[17:50.32] <P-P-G> The people Timur supports driving out of their homes and killing aren't responsible for the history of their entire race, and acting like they are is disgusting
[17:50.37] <+hopesnothere> ...SHIT, then the MOMS of some of those asswipes must of been smoking it WHILE PREGNANT.
[17:51.08] <+^skunk``> but but hunters laptop
[17:51.24] <+Timur> its all about the swiftboats in benghazi
[17:51.33] <+Timur> and dukakis in a tank!
[17:51.54] <+hopesnothere> ` ...Do-KAKA-kisser??
[17:52.28] <+hopesnothere>  ...CACA...  Fucking USELESS liberal  pussy
[17:52.42] <+hopesnothere>  ..Like most of you CUNTWADS
[17:52.50] * RatBytes (webchat@ has joined channel #Gulag
[17:53.29] <+dilligas> trump 's mug shot looks like what I'd think a satan would look like
[17:53.43] <RatBytes> Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat confirmed a mugshot of the failed President was taken Thursday evening, according to NBC News' Blayne Alexander.  Barring special circumstances, which are always possible, it should be released tomorrow, Friday August 25, at 4 p.m. - according to the guidelines and process established over the past few days by the
[17:53.43] <RatBytes> Fulton County Sheriff's Office for other defendants.
[17:53.45] <+hopesnothere> FatFucker :   GAYvyn wants a CAVITY SEARCH ...  Go shove your hand up his ass.
[17:53.52] <RatBytes> dilligas - you found it already ?
[17:53.53] <wptmj> My wife thinks my cussing has gotten out of hand, but I think I've got it under cuntroll.
[17:54.14] <caleb`> Trump is headed to go home he isnt going to jail
[17:54.14] <+hopesnothere> Dildo-gas ;  Tha;s YOUR MOM DRAG
[17:54.41] <+dilligas> RatBytes on msnbc
[17:54.45] <+BodegaCat> oh russia finally killed a nazi!  
[17:54.51] <+Timur> ^skunk``: +,
[17:54.51] <@Lard> [Twitter] Shimon Levit (@ShimonLevit): Look at the sizes of the Arab states surrounding this tiny speck of Israel. With 60% stone desert. Home of Jewish refugees from Europe and Middle East. Calling them settler-colonialists. Compare to size of Egypt (45 times Israel), Syria (8.5 times), Jordan (4 times), Saudis (91.. +, | 71 RTs | 277 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-24 - 08:52:11UTC
[17:54.57] <+BodegaCat> one of the wagner leaders was covered in nazi tattoos
[17:55.02] <RatBytes> dilligas - Criminal President Mug Shot
[17:55.25] <+^skunk``> 2nd in command of wagner loved ss and nazi tattoos
[17:55.33] <+^skunk``> hes now ashes
[17:55.35] <+Timur> BodegaCat: it gets worse than that. One of the former Wagner leaders signed his name with a double lightning bolt.. Wagner was chosen for a specific (set of) reason(s).
[17:55.39] <+Timur> yeah
[17:55.58] <wptmj> that could mean ANYTHING
[17:56.00] <wptmj> :P
[17:56.03] <+BodegaCat> it took 1.5 years but putin is finally killing nazis
[17:56.18] <+^skunk``> yep at last
[17:56.19] <@Publios> there is a pic out there but it is smaller poorer quality than the others
[17:56.20] <+^skunk``> a real nazi
[17:56.22] <RatBytes> BodegaCat - thats humorous
[17:56.22] <@Publios> looks like a leak
[17:56.33] <+^skunk``> that guy admired hitler
[17:56.34] <+Timur> +,
[17:56.35] <@Lard> [Twitter] Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen): BREAKING:  Fani Willis has requested that October 23, 2023 be the trial date against Donald Trump and 18 others in the Georgia case. ⏎ This would just be 60 days from now, which some people would argue is way too soon. ⏎ It will be interesting to see what Trump's defense team… +, | 1939 RTs | 14060 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-24 - 17:02:47UTC
[17:56.39] <+^skunk``> he fell out of the sky
[17:57.12] <RatBytes> Trump will probably request a trial date of Oct 23, 2032
[17:57.59] <RatBytes> has any previous president even been arrested before?
[17:58.13] <+^skunk``> i think they asked for an early trial
[17:58.23] <+hopesnothere> MSNBC <-- HATES AMERICA
[17:58.35] <+BodegaCat> definitely too soon
[17:58.57] <+hopesnothere> ..And you BRAIN DEAD CUNTHEADS BELIEVE what they say
[17:59.09] <+hopesnothere>  You ALL need to FUCKING DIE
[17:59.17] <wptmj> americans shouldnt be proud of their invasive past
[17:59.33] <@Publios> RatBytes:  never
[17:59.34] <RatBytes> hopesnothere why do you pollute our channel ?
[17:59.40] <+Timur> he'll appeal to fed court and ultimately the USSC
[18:00.44] <+hopesnothere> RatBytes  WHY are you STILL ALIVE???????
[18:00.52] <+hopesnothere> GO KILL YOURSELF!!!!!
[18:00.52] <RatBytes> he doesn't appeal to me !!!
[18:01.38] <wptmj> why are you such a negative-nancy, hope?
[18:01.39] <RatBytes> failed casino owner
[18:01.43] <@Publios> Timur appeal what exactly?
[18:01.51] <RatBytes> failed hotel owner
[18:01.54] <wptmj> it sucks you lost hope
[18:02.02] <RatBytes> failed president
[18:02.13] <wptmj> its you thats better off dead
[18:02.27] <wptmj> people whove lost hope are dead weight
[18:03.18] <RatBytes> Publios - it doesn't matter.   that's been Trumps strategy for most of his life... paper the other guy to death in court...  which worked fine in civil court, but it's not going to work so well in CRIMINAL court
[18:03.26] * P-P-G ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[18:03.44] <@Publios> can you appeal a trial date?
[18:03.54] <wptmj> like humans have any business at all judging other humans
[18:03.59] <RatBytes> yes
[18:04.09] <+Timur> you can try to appeal anything, but usually it's done after a result
[18:04.12] <wptmj> power is what calls all the shots
[18:04.22] <@Publios> Timur
[18:04.39] <+Timur> otherwise you have issues around jurisdiction
[18:04.41] <wptmj> and theyve made sure the people HAVE NONE in the court show
[18:05.01] <RatBytes> later
[18:05.03] <+Timur> like, why are you asking us when the lower court hasnt' even rendered a decision?
[18:05.07] <wptmj> fucking the system with the system will never work.  there are safefuards in place
[18:05.09] * RatBytes (webchat@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[18:05.26] <+dilligas> donald j trump is Not righteous, he does not practice righteousness... why do so many religious types support and follow him
[18:05.38] <wptmj> fuck the system by using it as little as possible
[18:05.48] <wptmj> and stealing as much as you can get away with
[18:05.59] <Deanr`> dilligas: policies
[18:06.02] <wptmj> no more, no less
[18:06.13] <wptmj> serve warez
[18:06.15] <@Publios> because most voting american religious types have tied their religion to voting for the GOP and against democrats
[18:06.17] <wptmj> contribute
[18:06.41] <Deanr`> well, it's about the policies, not the person.
[18:06.50] * Forbin ( Quit (Quit)
[18:06.55] <+BodegaCat> "next time you board a plane, take a moment to glance at the people to your left & your right, and make sure neither of them launched a failed coup against Putin"
[18:07.13] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: no kidding
[18:07.17] <+hopesnothere> dildoass: ..oh, But Je Biden IS????? Laught ut FUCKING LOUD!! you are an IGNORANT brsinwashed IDIOT
[18:07.22] <wptmj> Why did they arrest all the pigeons in the city?
[18:07.25] <+hopesnothere> ...brainwashed,,,,
[18:07.27] <wptmj> They were afraid of a coo.
[18:07.28] <+dilligas> Deanr` what policies does trump have, the rest of the republican field doesn't have?
[18:07.53] <+hopesnothere> DildoAss Gp snort soke off of hunter;s ass
[18:07.55] <Deanr`> dilligas: I thought you were talking about Trump vs DEM's.   Nevermind.
[18:08.09] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` sorry if this was asked recently, but which of the republican candidates do you like best right now?
[18:08.28] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: I'm leaning towards Niki
[18:08.33] <@Publios> why does Trump get the religious vote over the candidates? because he's more likely to win?
[18:08.47] <@Publios> over the other*
[18:08.54] <wptmj> there is not even a contest
[18:09.01] <wptmj> presidents are appointed
[18:09.08] <wptmj> crowned
[18:09.14] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` surprising choice but we agree in that she's one of the ones i like best out of the bunch
[18:09.24] <+dilligas> hopesnothere why don't you shut the fuck up, while adults are talking
[18:09.35] <+hopesnothere> Supposedily Haley lied about Putin's intnetions.
[18:09.38] <+BodegaCat> Nikki actually behaved responsibly in the debate.  almost made me forget she was a trump lackey.
[18:09.39] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: I think she's the most electable
[18:09.48] <@Publios> lol
[18:09.59] <+BodegaCat> ya, she's definitely a favourite amongst moderates, according to polling
[18:10.45] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` but i think she has no chance to get nominated because i think republicans won't tolerate electable centrism nor will they tolerate a woman in the top spot.
[18:11.04] <+hopesnothere> assfuckingcrap ; ....  As opposed tp Biden being a :LACKEY of ASSBOMBER???
[18:11.11] <+Timur> +,
[18:11.23] <+chocotaco> the trump mugshot is ai generated, it isnt real
[18:11.35] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: she probably didn't do herself any, favors by pointing out who was responsible for the most spending.
[18:11.46] * Walter (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:11.54] <Deanr`> chocotaco: that's a real mug shot.
[18:11.54] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` ya, she's not slurping trump's balls like half of those people are, which is a problem.
[18:12.06] <+dilligas> chris christie and asa hutchinson were the only two, on the stage last night, who support law and order
[18:12.13] <Walter> how are you bud light drinkers doing
[18:12.17] <+hopesnothere> ...LEFTIST DEMON RAT ASSFUCKERS ..They ALL need to DIW
[18:12.20] <+hopesnothere> DIE!!!!!
[18:12.26] <+chocotaco> Deanr`: that's the official mugshot but it isn't a photo of donald trump, it's ai generated
[18:12.26] * DS9isBest ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:12.28] * Deanr` is drinking a Bud Light as we type.
[18:12.35] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` and she didn't push papers across a desk at the same military camp as navy seals are deployed to, so she loses the military cred that desantis has
[18:12.43] <+thefed> Jesus isn't happy with that decision
[18:12.44] * Kippis ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:12.48] <+hopesnothere> ..WTF?? What are you ,an assfairy?
[18:12.52] <Deanr`> chocotaco: why do you believe that?
[18:13.10] <+chocotaco> Deanr`: i can tell by some of the pixels and having seen quite a few ai generated images in my day
[18:13.19] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` well i guess we'll see how things go as the months go on.  I guess I'd have to admit i'd be happy to see someone thoughtful like Haley get the republican nomination even if i think it also makes it less likely for stumbly joe to win re-election
[18:13.23] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: she's the most articulate... I think we'll see her numbers climb.
[18:13.26] <@Publios> it's also smaller than the other mugshots
[18:13.35] <+dilligas> +,
[18:13.36] <@Lard> [url] Donald Trump surrenders at Atlanta jail on charges he tried to overturn his 2020 election loss in Georgia | AP News | ( +, )
[18:13.41] <@Publios> and the watermark is weird
[18:13.48] <@Publios> it looks photoshopped on
[18:14.04] <Kippis> I like Chris Christie
[18:14.07] <+thefed> AP is running the picture?
[18:14.11] <Deanr`> there's no way that jail photoshopped anything.
[18:14.12] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` i'm skeptical of the value of being articulate though.  Trump is a great speaker, but he also says nonsense.  i think it works to his benefit to let people imagine he means whatever they want it to mean.
[18:14.17] <+thefed> Wild
[18:14.18] <+Timur> Kippis: ever heard of Bridgegate?
[18:14.28] <+Timur> he caused the death of a 90 year old.
[18:14.29] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: well sure.
[18:14.34] <@Publios> I haven't seen the photo on any major news site yet
[18:14.36] <Walter> i'm surprised modello replaced bud light. it's not very good
[18:14.39] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` being articulate means haley will be pinned down as supporting positions which people will find objectionable
[18:14.47] <@Publios> oh
[18:14.48] <Kippis> exept  he 'accidentally'  lift his arm for  'support Trump..... when that is his trade mark to be against him
[18:14.50] <@Publios> it's on
[18:14.50] <+thefed> Publios dilligas just linked it
[18:14.51] <+Timur> imagine settling for schwag beer in 2023
[18:14.51] <+thefed> Haha
[18:14.56] * ^skunk`` ( Quit (Quit: Evil man kills another evil man)
[18:15.00] <+thefed> AP is running that picture
[18:15.12] <Walter> miller lite is the best
[18:15.16] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` i think a great example of trump is the vaccine thing... .he goes around insisting people should get the vaccine, but somehow, he simultaneously gets people to believe he's anti-vaccine.  it's amazing.
[18:15.18] <+hopesnothere> .>CUNT NUTS Network?
[18:15.21] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: the Ukraine war is going to be a dividing point between the candidates.
[18:15.29] <+chocotaco> Publios: it's the official mugshot. but it isn't real.
[18:15.29] <+Timur> lol
[18:15.32] <DS9isBest> thefed: is jerking off to his boyfriends felony mugshot right now. Sissy bitch.
[18:15.47] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` i dunno about that.  who opposes USA supporting ukraine?  as i recall, only ramswamy said they should stop
[18:15.48] <@Publios> how is it official if not real
[18:15.57] * ^_God_Speed_ ( Quit (Quit)
[18:16.01] <+chocotaco> Publios: it's the mugshot released by fulton co. but it's fake.
[18:16.05] <+thefed> Get back to getting cucked process, go kick your dog, live your shitty life.
[18:16.08] <Kippis> Deanr`:  do you support Ukraine's war against Russia
[18:16.14] <@Publios> and why in the world would do that?
[18:16.17] * thefed hides his shoes from process
[18:16.20] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: DeSantis is against it
[18:16.23] <+hopesnothere> DogShitNEIN : ..No, THat wou;d be leftist cuntstains like YOU
[18:16.25] <@Publios> fulton co.
[18:16.27] <Deanr`> Kippis: yes
[18:16.29] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` i think supporting ukraine war is a great way for republicans to do a few things... to be "pro military" ... to be "anti russia"  to be "anti china" it hits a lot of buttons
[18:16.29] <+chocotaco> Publios: i dont know why they would release a fake photo. i can only think of nefarious reasons for releasing an AI-generated mugshot.
[18:16.34] <Kippis> Deanr`:  ty
[18:16.38] <Walter> thefed: are you gay for tis
[18:16.47] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: and of course, Trump is against it
[18:16.53] <+thefed> I am tis and I do have to touch myself to pee
[18:16.55] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` desantis kinda pulled back his criticism of supporting ukraine though as i recall
[18:17.08] <+thefed> Publios What are you even talking about right now
[18:17.15] <+GhostDog> thefed, you are not tis.
[18:17.16] <wptmj> have you guys seen those little babies wearign shirts that say MADE IN GINA?
[18:17.28] <+thefed> GhostDog Fuck you m***es
[18:17.33] <@Publios> thefed:  idk, i think im wasting my time trying to understand chocotaco's point
[18:17.34] <Kippis> we also should support palestanians, trying to get under Israel's power  .... or Yemen against Saudi Arabia  but .... it's all politics and people die and suffer
[18:17.41] <+thefed> Oh
[18:17.45] <+chocotaco> Publios: i think we're all being played
[18:17.51] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` trump can get away with being against it because he's simultaneously claiming the nonsensical notion he's got influence over putin & can stop the war with a single phone call.  Whereas none of the other candidates can believably claim they'd get Putin to stand down his armies in under a day.
[18:17.54] <+dilligas> Deanr` if trump is convicted, but still seals the nomination, will you vote for him?
[18:18.17] <Walter> i will never vote for nikki haley after hearing she wants to raise the retirement age
[18:18.23] <Kippis> I could answer for Deanr`   ;)
[18:18.28] <Walter> what a bitch
[18:18.43] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: "DeSantis said his priority would be to send troops to the southern border instead of sending money to Ukraine."  +,
[18:19.06] <Walter> sounds good
[18:19.08] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` i actually expect all the candidates to converge on a single message on ukraine, and that single message will be whatever they public wants to hear at that time.  As things are, they'll all end up with some level of support for ukraine... but if the public starts to hate on helping ukraine, they'll all go the other way
[18:19.10] <wptmj>   If my wife was a Transformer her name would be Amazon Prime.
[18:19.25] <Kippis> Walter:  vote for a democrat !!   simple solution
[18:19.52] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: I don't know, I think those for supporting Ukraine seem to be pretty committed on it.
[18:19.53] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` ya but that's a false dichotomy.  Literally no one is seriously suggesting sending USA troops to fight in ukraine.  So desantis saying "i will send troops to the mexican border!" is completely irrelevant to the support of ukraine.
[18:20.05] <Walter> what if we told russia we didn't care about ukraine because they're not in nato?
[18:20.14] <Kippis> wptmj:   lots of those shorts of wives  
[18:20.18] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: DeSantis said money
[18:20.24] <+thefed> So, the Tangeranus is out on bail?
[18:20.34] <caleb`> Deanr` would vote for Trump he has said so
[18:20.48] <@Publios> yeah, already in the air back to palm springs
[18:21.04] <Walter> what's wrong with trump caleb` ?
[18:21.10] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` the adults in the room, however, are arguing about whether to keep sending weapons to ukraine.  DeSantis is just a weak, weak man who is afraid to offer a direct opinion so he cowers behind his hot-button talking points:  i.e., anti-woke, pro-border-security, anti-trans, pro-life
[18:21.13] <Deanr`> I guess I need to answer the weekly question.  Yes, I will vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee.
[18:21.28] <Walter> i'm going to vote for trump
[18:21.32] <+dilligas> Deanr` that is all I need to know about you... you don't give a shit about law and order in the US <shrug>
[18:21.57] <Deanr`> dilligas: do you have that typed as a canned message?  You post it every week or so.
[18:22.00] <Walter> if trump isn't the nominee i hope it will be desantis
[18:22.03] <+thefed> A vote for Biden is a vote against God though, right Deanr`?
[18:22.17] <Kippis> for crying out loud   Deanr`   ....    sad
[18:22.21] <+dilligas> Deanr` does your wife swallow?
[18:22.24] <+BodegaCat> There's no shortage of money for the military though, Ukraine or not.  What's being sent to ukraine is a tiny % of the budget.  Same with sending a bunch of soldiers to the border will also be a tiny % of the military budget.  As a matter of serious policy:  both could be done without one restricting the other
[18:22.29] <Deanr`> dilligas: here's my other question.  Do you ever engage into a discussion?
[18:22.40] <+tzip> Deanr`,  are you serious?  After all this you'd still vote for this utterly amoral guy to be president?
[18:22.54] <Walter> why would anyone vote for biden? have you not heard the guy speak?
[18:22.58] <Deanr`> tzip: lol... as if you haven't seen my type that before.
[18:23.18] <DS9isBest> Right wingers are voting for terroristic sexual assaulting felons who rape merikkka. You cunts belong in cells rotting to death.
[18:23.23] <+tzip> Deanr`,  my last impression was that you were rather disillusioned with Trump.   I apparently got it wrong.
[18:23.30] <Kippis> people like some of our evangelical christians....  who are preaching gospel  day in and day out.... and then choose to vote someone,  who are pure EVIL  !!    in so many ways....    
[18:23.38] <+OldMole> Deanr` would vote for charles manson if he promised to appoint anti-abortion judges
[18:23.39] <DS9isBest> Why would you vote for trump.. haven't you heard gat guy speak? :)
[18:23.47] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: my point is, when it comes down to the final 3-4... the Ukraine issue will be an issue.
[18:23.48] <Walter> biden/fetterman 2024
[18:23.50] <+thefed> process is violating your shoes while you're working out at the Y; he's a sick sick fuck.
[18:23.53] <+tzip> Deanr`, if it's the abortion issue, that ship has sailed.  It's entirely in the hands of the states now.    So what is keeping you loyal to Trump?
[18:23.56] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` my read on desantis is he thought being anti-ukraine would poll well, then he discovered "woops, republicans do not in fact love putin as much as trump claims" so now he's trying to thread the needle of neither flip-flopping, nor making the further mistake of voicing anti-ukraine sentiment
[18:24.18] <Deanr`> tzip: yes it would be the lesser of an evil, for sure.   Hope it doesn't come down to that.
[18:24.27] <Kippis> tzip:   good question
[18:24.41] <+tzip> Deanr`,  that's puzzling.   What is more evil about Biden than Trump then?
[18:24.42] * P-1 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:24.43] <Walter> biden/fetterman with kamala a their manager
[18:24.53] <+thefed> Funny how process changed his nick to DeepShit9cm after I exposed him for the racist piece of shit that he is.
[18:24.59] <+BodegaCat> Deanr` we know that ukraine would not be a dealbreaker for you either way, and i'd be surprised if it's a dealbreaker for most republicans.  you are all about:  abortion, trans issues, immigration, and taxes.
[18:24.59] <Deanr`> tzip: the President will still be the one mostly responsible for the SCOTUS picks.
[18:25.08] <+OldMole> tzip the final goal is complete theocracy, abortion is only phase 1
[18:25.22] <+BodegaCat> "you" = you republicans i mean
[18:25.34] <Walter> lots of people are racist
[18:25.39] <Kippis> BodegaCat:  I think, you nailed it ...  
[18:25.39] <+tzip> Deanr`,  none of the sitting justices look like they're retiring for a decade or more.   That seems a rather thin reason to me.
[18:25.52] <+OldMole> Deanr` wants America to become a Christian Iran
[18:25.52] <Deanr`> BodegaCat: oh, none of the GOP candidates who are opposed to aiding Ukraine are on my list when it's between the GOP.
[18:26.02] <Walter> it's not my fault
[18:26.02] <+BodegaCat> hmm ok
[18:26.18] <+BodegaCat> well i admit, i'm surprised you like haley, because haley is the least committed to outlawing abortion
[18:26.32] <+BodegaCat> so i guess my reads on the temperature of the room need to be adjusted
[18:26.39] <Walter> i have to get a shower now. thefed will be busy watching gay porn
[18:26.41] <Walter> bye
[18:26.45] * Walter (~Jack@ Quit (Quit: Igloo IRC: +,
[18:26.45] <Deanr`> tzip: well, it's scotus and the huge number of federal judges.
[18:26.55] <Kippis> Deanr`:    Trump has promised to end the war in Ukraine .... in 24 hours.... just quick phone call to Putin  !!   ...   I'm not even making this up
[18:27.10] <Deanr`> Kippis: yes, and that would be bad.
[18:27.31] <+tzip> Deanr`,  I don't have the figures but between Trump and Biden those have been filled almost 100%.    But hand on, I'll get some figures so we're starting with some fact.
[18:27.33] * Whagu (~Guru2@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:28.04] <Kippis> Deanr`:  and yes,  you said, you would vote for Trump, if he is GOP candidate  ???    you need to look into your soul and make a better decisions
[18:28.34] <+thefed> What's up Ragu
[18:28.40] <+tzip> Deanr`   "According to U.S. Courts, there are 70 current Article III vacancies in the federal judiciary of 870 total Article III judgeships."   Now I need to find what the heck an Article III vacancy is.     Hang on s'more.
[18:28.54] <Whagu> Democratic insiders: Why isn't Cornel West running as a Democrat?
[18:29.04] <Whagu> Same Dem insiders: Joe Biden is now the nominee
[18:29.19] <+tzip> Deanr`,  "Article III of the Constitution governs the appointment, tenure, and payment of Supreme Court justices, and federal circuit and district judges. These judges, often referred to as “Article III judges,” are nominated by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate."
[18:29.21] <+BodegaCat> i seem to recall someone explaining that biden's been filling judge vacancies faster than almost any president ever
[18:29.40] <+bastion> tzip +,
[18:29.43] <@Publios> vacancies come up every single term
[18:30.42] <+tzip> Deanr`,  so 70 vacacencies out of 870 and you're worried about those?
[18:30.58] <+tzip> clicking now, bastion... hang on...
[18:31.04] <@Publios> tzip: vacancies will come up in years to come
[18:31.07] <@Publios> they always do
[18:31.09] <@Publios> people retire
[18:31.10] <+BodegaCat> i know a lawyer who was considered by trump's team for a judgship!   but he never got the position.  probably because he realized he'd rather make $2m/yr as a lawyer
[18:31.14] <+GhostDog> I had never heard of anyone bragging about number of appointed judges before trump.
[18:31.24] <+GhostDog> How the heck is that a brag point?
[18:31.27] <+BodegaCat> GhostDog i don't think it's bragging, just a point of interest
[18:31.35] <+tzip> bastion,  I got a warning from my malware bytes.   What was the jpg?
[18:31.41] <+GhostDog> Under me, moe justices retired than ever before! And I filled most of em! Brag brag brag!
[18:31.50] <+chocotaco> space marines are white
[18:32.08] <+GhostDog> Trump definitely bragged about it
[18:32.16] <+GhostDog> It was like the only thing on his accomplishments list
[18:32.18] <@Publios> and seriously, how do you guys not understand Deanr and most GOP voters? they think all democrats support policies that are either evil, harmful, wrong, anti-American, etc and would never vote for a Democrat president
[18:32.20] <+BodegaCat> on the other hand, it's an underappreciated duty of the POTUS, and yet, has a HUUUGE impact on americans lives.  I sure as heck want biden appointing as many judges as possible and the next republican appointing as few as possible
[18:32.21] <+tzip> Deanr`,  so 70 vacacencies out of 870 and you're worried about those?
[18:32.27] <+GhostDog> that and lowering taxed for people not named GhostFog
[18:32.29] <+GhostDog> Dog
[18:32.33] <+GhostDog> I don't know how to spell my name
[18:32.39] <+GhostDog> GhostFog is neat though
[18:32.48] <Deanr`> Publios: thank you
[18:32.55] <+GhostDog> Fog actually looks ghosty
[18:33.04] <Kippis> Trump was booked and mugshot in Georgia .... 'I've done nothing wrong'      I think, that man isn't exactly all here, if he doesn't realize a coup is really wrong ...   and now he wants to get the same job back  ?
[18:33.40] <+tzip> Deanr`,  are you hoping to reverse gay marriage?  ... or women's sufferage.. or something?
[18:33.50] <+BodegaCat> appointing judges was probably never noticed until recently, because until trump, both republicans + democrats ensured appointed judges were (for the most part) competent arbiters of the law.   Then when trump showed up, he appointed all these idiot judges simply because of political philosophy
[18:34.21] <Kippis> yeaa
[18:34.35] <caleb`> Obama wasnt even for gay marriages
[18:34.35] <@Publios> court packing and appointing judges has been a thing for a while but the GOP made it a clear and public battle
[18:34.37] <P-1> The tangerine traitor's mugshot is now my profile pic
[18:34.49] * enometh` (~scissored@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:34.52] <+BodegaCat> I can tolerate a skillful, honest judge who happens to have a right-wing bias.   But an incompetent judge, or a judge who brazenly ignores norms & laws to fulfill a bias is infuriating
[18:35.04] * enometh` (~scissored@ has left #Gulag (Started wasting time elsewhere)
[18:35.07] <+tzip> Oh, is that out there now, P-1?    I turned that whole thing off.   Meaningless to watch.
[18:35.10] <caleb`> Infact many gays are against gay marriages
[18:35.27] <P-1> +tzip oh yes
[18:35.34] <@Publios> the GOP saw what the Warren Court and Roe did to the country. They decided to counter that over the coming decades with stuff like The Federalist society
[18:35.43] <@Publios> and slowly but surely court packing when possible
[18:35.48] <+BodegaCat> kind of late to complain about gay marriage in the USA.  it's a done deal.  it will not be undone
[18:35.51] <@Publios> Trump just had the devil's luck and got three justices
[18:36.01] <P-1> caleb: if youre against gay marriage, then dont get gay married.....see how this works?
[18:36.01] <@Publios> on the USSC
[18:36.13] <Deanr`> I was also impressed with Asa Hutchinson.  He too, was articulate and backed up his statements with data.   He doesn't have much of a chance though.
[18:36.20] * HaroldHill (webchat@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:36.35] <caleb`> did you not undstand my post? I said many gays are against gays being married
[18:37.18] * Deanr` wonders if Trump will use that mug shot in his campaign ads.
[18:37.31] <P-1> caleb`: many hetrosexual people are against getting married...personal choice, right?
[18:37.41] <@Publios> Deanr`:  lol
[18:37.46] <@Publios> probably
[18:37.49] * tzip will never forgive RBG for not retiring during Obama....
[18:37.55] <caleb`> Did i say i was opposed to gays being married no i did not actually i dont really care if they do or dont
[18:38.04] <Kippis> caleb`:  it doesn't matter... matters  are you.... are most people?    and most people accept others as God has created....  I am happy to see  gay people finding their life time partners...
[18:38.13] <+tzip> I suppose I should look up that mug shot.   
[18:38.19] <caleb`> Kippis im happy you are happy :)
[18:38.22] <+GhostDog> tzip, I bet GOP would have been happy to keep that seat vacant for 6 years
[18:38.23] <P-1> caleb`: then...we are in agreement lol
[18:38.34] <+OldMole> are we finally going to get Trumps real height and weight?
[18:38.35] <+Daggett23> marriage, ask the fundys who divorce all the time...breaking their VOW to god to stay married
[18:38.50] * Kippis tzip   you have a good point there.....  why didn't she
[18:39.11] <+tzip> LOL!!!!!!!!!    Trump's ug shot.   That, in and of itself, shoCuld be enough for Chutkan to have Trump brought in.
[18:39.18] * HaroldHill (webchat@ has left #Gulag
[18:39.31] <Deanr`> I might have to get a Trump mug shot bumper sticker
[18:39.34] <Kippis> OldMole:  and a real picture  :)
[18:39.44] <Deanr`> put it on my DEM Neighbor's car.   :)
[18:40.35] <+tzip> Kippis,  I don't know.  I have some guesses, all involved with the same kind of hanging onto life as Feinstein has.    At least Feinstein had the ethics to step down, even if she didn't downright leave.
[18:40.42] * P-P-G ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:40.55] * P-P-G is now known as PrezPusyGrab
[18:41.26] <Kippis> Trump probably rakes in an other million  for his 'show off in finger printing and mugshot?           who here is planning to help the ex-president ?    
[18:41.36] <@Publios> when the incumbent leaves office with numbers as favorable as Obama that party usually wins the next election
[18:42.07] <+Daggett23> yes, send more money to a billionaire
[18:42.25] <@Publios> Hillary probably wins without the last minute FBI emails thing
[18:42.34] <Kippis> tzip:  I think, we all just love life .. and hope it last forever  ....  even I'm not sure, if there really is 'after life'    
[18:42.38] <PrezPusyGrab> Publios: not really
[18:43.04] <PrezPusyGrab> Hillary is boring and unlikable, trump cussed a lot and had funny nicknames and was a tv star
[18:43.12] <PrezPusyGrab> americans are simple
[18:43.21] * HaroldHill (webchat@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:43.33] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:43.33] * BonafideL (~BonafideL@ Quit (Registered)
[18:43.33] * BonafideL ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:43.43] <PrezPusyGrab> It took him getting hundreds of thousands of people killed for people to realize electing the tv for president was a bad idea
[18:43.46] <@Publios> moderates didn't really like him
[18:43.56] <PrezPusyGrab> Americans like TV
[18:43.57] <+hopesnothere>  F--K Hutchinson!!!! He is DEAD to ME!!!
[18:43.59] <Kippis> Biden is such the super awesome president....  but Obama had this 'youthful fare to him'  ....  and also an awesome president
[18:44.11] <PrezPusyGrab> Trump was a reality tv star
[18:44.21] <PrezPusyGrab> it really was that simple
[18:44.35] <+tzip> Kippis,  I get the impression that sometimes people get the notion that if they quit their jobs it will result in their deaths.    Not that that's a hill I would die on... just a guess.
[18:44.36] <@Publios> covid didn't change the minds of moderates, 1/6 did
[18:44.51] <PrezPusyGrab> You think the average american who is worried about shotgunning a beer between some girls tits gives a shit about Hillary's mishandling of classified emails??
[18:45.01] <PrezPusyGrab> absolutely not
[18:45.06] * kritklmas ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:45.14] <kritklmas> ok
[18:45.17] <Kippis> PrezPusyGrab:  no, I never once watch one of Trump's shows....I have disliked that man since  Rosie O'donnell  ... and their fight
[18:45.19] <kritklmas> back
[18:45.21] <@Publios> they don't vote all that much
[18:45.29] <PrezPusyGrab> I'm talking about average americans Kippis
[18:45.29] <kritklmas> .voiceall
[18:45.30] <@Publios> people who vote tend to care
[18:45.30] * X sets mode +vvvvvv not2 swin Deanr` caleb` Viridium JustBeKalm for #Gulag
[18:45.30] * X sets mode +vvvv Mantra DS9isBest Kippis P-1 for #Gulag
[18:45.30] * X sets mode +vvvvv Whagu PrezPusyGrab HaroldHill BonafideL kritklmas for #Gulag
[18:45.43] <+PrezPusyGrab> whose life goals involve doing cocaine, fucking bad bitches, and chugging liquor
[18:45.47] * X sets mode +o kritklmas for #Gulag
[18:45.56] <+PrezPusyGrab> you seriously overestimate this country
[18:46.01] <@Publios> yeah, those people aren't exactly regular voters who care about civic duty
[18:46.04] <+Kippis> PrezPusyGrab:  aahhh   you're probably right
[18:46.10] <+tzip> Deanr`,  so Publios has it right?   It's your thinking that the sociopolitical stances of the Democrat party are ...   immoral?  .. something like that?
[18:46.21] <+dilligas> +,
[18:46.22] <@Lard> [url] Highly mutated COVID variant found in new countries but pandemic in 'a different phase’ | Reuters |, ( +, )
[18:46.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> Publios: no but they will come out in droves to vote for their favorite reality tv "billionaire" who says he's going to make them rich
[18:46.40] <@kritklmas> I knew Trump was an asshole before the Apprentice
[18:46.43] <+PrezPusyGrab> Donald Trump was the Happy Gilmore of politics
[18:47.00] <+Kippis> me too  kritklmas    hi
[18:47.03] <@Publios> PrezPusyGrab:  except they weren't the ones who turned the tide in PA, Michigan, Ohio, etc
[18:47.10] <@kritklmas> Trump is a stupid whiny bitch
[18:47.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> Publios: how do you know?
[18:47.23] <@kritklmas> I know the type
[18:47.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> and in which election?
[18:47.34] * tzip is now known as tzipsaway
[18:47.34] <@kritklmas> Kippis  :)
[18:47.38] <+PrezPusyGrab> Ohio, Michigan, PA, have tons of those types of people
[18:47.43] <@Publios> because exit polling and studies showed many were disgruntled union workers and had voted democrat previously
[18:47.44] <+PrezPusyGrab> Florida too
[18:47.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> I mean that's basically what Florida is
[18:48.08] <+PrezPusyGrab> Publios: really?  so blue collar workers?
[18:48.10] <+GhostDog> Oh wow, can you imagine being Kasparov during this match? +,
[18:48.13] <+Kippis> how fun was it for Obama having  Trump blasting everywhere    'Obama was born in Kenya .....   he isn't even the citizen'    !!        that is the idiot  Trump
[18:48.13] <@Lard> [reddit] 13-year-old Magnus Carlsen gets bored against the World Champion Kasparov. (+, to r/nextfuckinglevel | 30267 points (93.0%) | 1637 comments | Posted by Western_Giraffe9517 | Created at 2023-08-24 - 14:43:08UTC
[18:48.15] <+PrezPusyGrab> the type who are exactly the ones I mentioned
[18:48.29] <@Publios> ...
[18:48.33] <@kritklmas> why ppl would vote for a stupid, whiny bitch is beyond me.
[18:48.36] <+PrezPusyGrab> I'm surprised there weren't keg stands in the voting line
[18:49.12] <+Kippis> totally dislike that guy--- criminal Trump ....  whom I would not vote, even if I was waterboarded  or sumtin
[18:49.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> I wish I had made a trump 2020 hate with the two beer cans and tube at the side, I'd be a billionaire
[18:49.17] <+PrezPusyGrab> I'd have more money than trump does for sure
[18:49.22] <+PrezPusyGrab> hat*
[18:49.42] <@kritklmas> Kippis lol
[18:49.47] <+PrezPusyGrab> oh shit someone made one +,
[18:49.59] <+Kippis> :)   tried to make my point
[18:50.00] <+PrezPusyGrab> talking about someone who knows his audience
[18:50.06] <+hopesnothere> Kippis...But, you LIKE the CRMINAL BIDEN?????????    ..yeah,, No  partisanship THERE...
[18:50.22] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: but it's not biden who was just arrested
[18:50.38] <+Kippis> hopesnothere:  I actually love 'Biden criminal family
[18:50.42] <+Kippis> lol
[18:50.46] <@kritklmas> hopesnothere Biden didn't try to subvert the will of the ppl to retain power
[18:50.52] <+dilligas> hopesnothere you fucking dipshit, what crime was biden indicted for?  dumbass
[18:51.01] <+PrezPusyGrab> biden didn't get charged with over 90 felonies
[18:51.26] * IlumiNaughty (~Chicago7@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:51.36] <+PrezPusyGrab> Publios: I think if look at the footage from almost every trump rally you'll see I'm correct.
[18:51.41] <@Publios> +,
[18:51.42] <@Lard> [url] 4 pieces of evidence showing FBI Director James Comey cost Clinton the election - Vox |, ( +, )
[18:51.43] <+hopesnothere> PPG : ...   They have YET to be PROVEN, assfairy
[18:51.50] <@Publios> PrezPusyGrab:  only the most hardcore go to rallies
[18:51.57] <+dilligas> hopesnothere gets his information from some screwball wearing a foil lined stocking cap on youtube
[18:52.06] <+PrezPusyGrab> Publios: tons of people who weren't hardcore for bush or anyone else became hardcore for him
[18:52.17] <@kritklmas> hopesnothere you don't have long to wait now!  assfairy, lol
[18:52.18] <+Kippis> Biden has not been charged with anything....    the plan is to try to get into president Biden, by his son, who isn't even in the government pay roll
[18:52.20] * IlumiNaughty thinks NIkki Haley did well in the debate
[18:52.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> because 1. Rich 2. On Tv 3. Fucks bitches.  Whether or not that's true, that was their perception
[18:52.33] <+hopesnothere> PUBIC-coos-cpoos : .. riiiiiight ... Did MSNBC TELL YOU that????
[18:52.36] <@Publios> PrezPusyGrab:  ok, nothing about that means the average american voter is what you say they are
[18:52.45] <@Publios> and why Trump won
[18:52.48] <+PrezPusyGrab> the average AMERICAN is what I say they are
[18:52.55] <+PrezPusyGrab> go outside dummy
[18:53.06] <@kritklmas> lol
[18:53.09] <@Publios> I live in Georgia
[18:53.11] <+PrezPusyGrab> throw a rock and hit one
[18:53.18] <+hopesnothere> krapmass : .. Go suck MADCOW
[18:53.23] * Kippis did too IlumiNaughty    but she lift her arm,  was actually probably first, to swear to vote for Trump, if he is GOP  candidate......
[18:53.25] <IlumiNaughty> throw Iraq
[18:53.26] <+P-1> HpoesNotHere: soon as you have proof of a Biden should turn it into the MAGA republicans in congress ASAP....because so far, they cant manage to find any proof.....they are having a teriible time right now....chasing shadows and investigating QAnon conspiracy theories and all :)
[18:54.02] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere:  so you say none of the crimes trump is charged with have been proven, so he's not a criminal, correct?
[18:54.03] <+HaroldHill> +,
[18:54.04] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨A Presidential Performance: Trump Sings Jailhouse Rock in Detention⁩ | 59s | ⁨Maestro Ziikos⁩ | 9,306,696 views
[18:54.15] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: so if biden hasn't even been charged with anything, then nothing has been proven, right?
[18:54.31] <@kritklmas> hopesnothere I would be honored to accompany Rachel Maddow for dinner.
[18:54.35] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: can we talk about that contradiction?
[18:54.52] <+hopesnothere> PP-0ne/ yeah, BECUASE the LEFTIST MSM refuses to publish anything about them, YOU think that they do NOT exist, and you ASSFUHREE Krit-assboy  Helps protect your "Feelings: on thos channel.
[18:54.55] <+Kippis> and actually GOP in congress is wasting tax payers money, trying to find some dirt on Biden  .....  good luck..... we send the bill later looser GOPs
[18:55.02] <+hopesnothere> ...this channel.
[18:55.07] <+dilligas> kritklmas she's not your type :)
[18:55.16] <+Kippis> like you ain't gonna be in the congress any longer
[18:55.21] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: so donald trump is innocent until proven guilty, but Biden is not?
[18:55.32] <@Publios> To be sure, the gap with Clinton was narrowing before Comey dropped his bombshell, but the pace also picked up significantly after that. For example, averaging across 14 battleground states, the race moved 1.1 points in Trump’s direction in the week following the third and final debate — but Trump gained an additional 2.4 points after October 28.
[18:55.39] <@kritklmas> dilligas it's a meal. she'll love me, I swear.  :P
[18:55.47] <IlumiNaughty> all I want for kritklmas is my two front teeth
[18:55.48] <+dilligas> hehehe'
[18:56.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> Publios: believe what you want, but it's pretty obvious how americans vote every time, and it's based on who they'd like to get drunk with almost 100% of the time
[18:56.24] <+P-1> HopesNotHere: It's very very very rare if the federal government charges anyone with a crime unless they have a 100% slam dunk doesnt look good for The tangerine traitor.
[18:56.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> The more charismatic guy always wins
[18:56.51] <+PrezPusyGrab> Donald Trump only lost to Biden because he was proven to be a bumbling dumbass who got close to a million people killed in covid
[18:56.54] <+HaroldHill> Donald Trump is joking about fleeing to Russia after receiving a $200,000 bond for his release from Fulton County Jail, following charges of trying to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results.
[18:56.55] <+HaroldHill> Trump took to Truth Social on Monday night to argue the steep price set for his release was because law enforcement feared he would share a “gold domed suite” with Vladimir Putin.
[18:57.01] <+hopesnothere> PP-One" .>Yeah, KEEP telling yourself THAT, assmonkey
[18:57.31] <+HaroldHill> +,
[18:57.32] <@Lard> [url] Trump arrested, booked and leaves jail; what happens next: Live updates |, ( +, )
[18:57.35] <+P-1> hopesnothere: I dont have to tell myself that.....have you read all the federal charges they have against him?
[18:57.40] <@kritklmas> you trying to rename Christmas after me? I'm honored, but, I'll decline.  :)
[18:57.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> P-1: those are all UNPROVEN you ASSMONKEY, unlike BIDENS CRIMES
[18:58.09] <+P-1> lol
[18:58.14] <+Kippis> PrezPusyGrab:   Trump has never won anything....  Hillary Clinton has 7 million more voters, who wanted her to be the president.....  rather than mafia boss...     
[18:58.19] <+HaroldHill> hopesnothere, go back to your rightwing hell you dope
[18:58.19] <+PrezPusyGrab> sorry to do a better impression I should use more punctuation
[18:58.31] <+PrezPusyGrab> Kippis: we have something called an electoral college though.
[18:58.40] <+hopesnothere> PP-One I do NOT have time to read poorly written FANTASY.
[18:58.51] <@kritklmas> hopesnothere what 'proven' crimes has Biden committed?
[18:58.54] <+HaroldHill> hopesnothere is the dumbest chatter on IRC
[18:59.02] <+PrezPusyGrab> Donald Trump won the 2016 election.  It was a bad idea, but that's what the American system chose.
[18:59.24] <+Kippis> PrezPusyGrab:   yeaa,  which is also out dated ....  we now have computers ... easy secure access to votes...
[18:59.50] * HaroldHill (webchat@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[18:59.53] <+Kippis> but we can't have that,  because then GOP  would never win any short of positions
[18:59.55] <+PrezPusyGrab> Kippis: I think the electoral college is a bad idea, but that doesn't change the fact that was the system and it elected him, and the popular vote doesn't really mean anything.
[18:59.58] <@Publios> what do computers and vote access have to do with the electoral college?
[18:59.59] <+hopesnothere>  ..I'll lieve that to  your assfairy buddes like  PenisPluckingGayboy
[19:00.05] <+not2> I’m sure Trump has lots of secret documents that Putin wants, why not?
[19:00.36] <+Kippis> not2:   I'm pretty sure too
[19:00.49] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: why are you so mean?
[19:01.10] * hopesnothere wonders about all of the secret documents thtBiden has that Xi would like to have ...and probably will eventually obtain...?
[19:01.38] * katy-uk ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:01.56] <+hopesnothere> PPG ; WHY do YOU eat LEFTIST BULLSHIT and then REGURITATE it?
[19:01.59] <+P-1> hopesnothere: what is an ass fairy?.......and does he leave a dollar under your pillow? :)
[19:02.07] <+Kippis> afk
[19:02.16] <+hopesnothere> ,,no, that;s YOUR M OM after she BLEW me/
[19:02.18] * caleb` ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:02.21] <+P-1> lol
[19:02.24] <+BodegaCat> ya people constantly bitch about  the popular vote as if it's relevant
[19:02.38] <+hopesnothere> ..It IS
[19:02.39] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: what bullshit?  talking about the indictments?
[19:02.51] <+hopesnothere> ...Among many other things
[19:02.57] <@Publios> only twice has the president lost the popular vote but won the electoral college
[19:02.58] <+PrezPusyGrab> okay but that's not bullshit, that's actual news
[19:03.01] <+PrezPusyGrab> its not something we made up
[19:03.06] <@Publios> the popular vote matters
[19:03.09] <+BodegaCat> publios at least 3x
[19:03.19] <+PrezPusyGrab> Publios: it matters as an indicator of popularity maybe
[19:03.22] <+P-1> eliminate the electoral collage! (Electoral community college for southern red states)
[19:03.36] * kritklmas is now known as kritklsongs
[19:03.39] <@Publios> sorry, 3x
[19:03.42] <+BodegaCat> publios apparently it's 5x  +,
[19:03.42] <@Lard> [url] 5 Presidents Who Lost the Popular Vote But Won the Election | HISTORY |, ( +, )
[19:03.47] <@Publios> 5?
[19:03.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> the same way a poll matters, as in its a measurement, but doesn't actually affect the outcome
[19:03.51] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:03.52] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Takin' Care Of Business⁩ | 4m 50s | ⁨Bachman-Turner Overdrive ⁩ | 52,820 views
[19:04.14] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[19:04.21] <+BodegaCat> Popular vote is just an occasional reminder that even the founding fathers were boneheads who screwed up a few things
[19:04.32] * kritklsongs sets mode +vv caleb` IlumiNaughty for #Gulag
[19:04.37] <@Publios> oh, I see how they come up with 5
[19:05.06] <@Publios> yes, it does affect the outcome because population determines the number of electors a state has
[19:05.20] <+Timur> +,
[19:05.21] <@Lard> [url] The Mobster Cosplay of Donald Trump | The New Yorker |, ( +, )
[19:05.30] <+P-1> hopesnothere: these libruls can joke all they want...but Rudy is prepared to fight this all the way to the Supreme Courtyard by Marriot
[19:05.32] <+PrezPusyGrab> omg what part of this do you not understand
[19:05.39] <+PrezPusyGrab> you can win the popular vote and lose the election
[19:05.54] <+hopesnothere>  ..Oh, is THAT the REASON WHY the LEFTIST DEMON RATS were trying to get rid of the Electorial College?
[19:05.55] <@Publios> out of 59 presidential elections, 54 won the popular vote
[19:05.59] <@Publios> PrezPusyGrab:  no shit
[19:06.03] <+BodegaCat> "the will of the people was only thwarted a FEW times so it's totally good"
[19:06.05] <@Publios> you are saying it doesn't matter
[19:06.18] <@Publios> it obviously matters
[19:06.21] <+PeptoBismark> oh good, hopesnothere is here to pound his fists on his keyboard and give us his always insightful “blunt force trauma from a sledgehammer to the head” level of insightful commentary
[19:06.21] <@Publios> BodegaCat:  what?
[19:06.22] <+Timur> of coz
[19:06.23] <+PrezPusyGrab> Publios: thats like saying the people who poll high a lot usually win the election.  That doesn't mean the polls actually determine who wins....
[19:06.23] <+hopesnothere> Yiu FUCKING THEIVING ASSFAIRIES CANNTO win elections HONESTLY
[19:06.29] <+hopesnothere> ..>CANNOT>
[19:07.09] <+P-1> hopesnothere: Thats not the problem....the problem is MAGAs cant prove that they won the election dishonstly
[19:07.17] <+DS9isBest> Yes trumper trash cannot win elections honestly. This waste of space lost by millions of votes each time.
[19:07.53] <+hopesnothere> DogShitNEIN  :..Uyes, we can, but the LEFTIST MSM IGNORES the facts.
[19:08.08] <+hopesnothere> Go SUCK thoer dicks, and give them RIMJOBS
[19:08.36] <@Publios> PrezPusyGrab:  no it isn't. you said it doesn't matter. it does matter as the popular votes in each state determine the electoral votes. in very rare instances it is possible that the total amount of electoral votes a president receives is not determined directly by the total popular votes they receive
[19:09.12] <@Publios> but it almost always is
[19:09.20] <+PrezPusyGrab> Publios: no, people's votes matter, in the electoral college.  What you're talking about is the end result of the popular vote, which has no bearing
[19:09.36] <+PrezPusyGrab> and its a silly thing to try to conflate the two
[19:09.44] * Nognosis ( has joined channel #Gulag
[19:09.45] <+BodegaCat> electoral college is a legacy from a time when americans couldn't count very high, and became obsolete once numbers greater than 1 million were invented.
[19:09.57] * Publios gives up
[19:10.29] <+P-1> hopesnothere: The MAGAs tried using fake electors, tried getting the military to go along with Trump declaring martial law, suspending the constitution and overturning the election, tried calling up state officials and making threats, and telling them they need them to find 11,000 more votes, even tried storming the capitol and trying to stop the certification by force.......
[19:10.48] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:10.48] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨A Girl Like You⁩ | 4m 43s | ⁨The Smithereens ⁩ | 1,081,609 views
[19:10.57] <+P-1> hopesnothere:: it looks to the world like the MAGAs are not capable of winning an election honestly or dishonestly LOL
[19:11.07] <+hopesnothere> PP-One :  riiiight.
[19:11.23] * Walter (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[19:11.45] * kritklsongs sets mode +vv Nognosis Walter for #Gulag
[19:12.03] <+IlumiNaughty> yet plenty are winning
[19:12.07] <@kritklsongs> hi Nog  :)
[19:12.18] <+IlumiNaughty> look how many states put abortion bans on
[19:12.34] <+Walter> kritklsongs: you want to go meet some chicks at the disco?
[19:12.43] <@kritklsongs> some are pushing back IlumiNaughty
[19:12.54] <+BodegaCat> too bad obama ignored his chance to legislate abortion access like he promised.
[19:13.01] <+P-1> hopesnothere: so, all of that is solid proof backed up and documented without any room for now you understand now why Trump and his co-conspiritors are facing serious state and federal charges?
[19:13.04] <+hopesnothere> PP-One  :  You CUNTSTAINS have ALREADY CONVICTED Trump WITHOUT benefit of a TRIAL ... And I am SUPPOSE to BELIEVE  & TRUST you  FUCK MONKEYS????
[19:13.12] <+vulcan> is anyone here who I was arguing with last night about airplanes flying on batteries?
[19:13.19] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: and you've convicted biden without even any charges
[19:13.19] <@Publios> look who is baaaack - +,
[19:13.21] <@Lard> [Twitter] Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump): +http://DONALDJTRUMP.COM, +, | 82448 RTs | 248953 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-25 - 01:38:08UTC
[19:13.22] <@kritklsongs> Walter there are no discos left, we gotta go to a grocery store
[19:13.38] <+Timur> this aint no party, this aint no disco
[19:13.44] <+Walter> that sucks
[19:13.56] <+BodegaCat> surely you guys realize hopesnothere has 0% chance of straying from his talking points of having sex with corpses & talking about analingus.  So why are you asking him serious questions?
[19:14.05] <+PrezPusyGrab> Timur: aint no party like an apartheid party because an apartheid party knows how to jam
[19:14.36] <@kritklsongs> BodegaCat because deep down there is a real person there, we wanna see him
[19:14.49] <+BodegaCat> impossible
[19:14.49] <+hopesnothere>  ...IF Biden is guilty (Which I believe thst ht is),  It should AT LEAST be EXAMINED...  YOU SHITBAGS do NOT even WANT to entertain the idea, you DISHONEAT ASSFAGGOTS
[19:14.57] <+hopesnothere> ...DISHONEST....
[19:15.08] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: thats not true, if its real find evidence, bring charges.  If you can't, then shut up.
[19:15.11] <@kritklsongs> hmm
[19:15.16] <+hopesnothere> Horse shiy
[19:15.16] <+vulcan> hopesnothere: is right
[19:15.25] <+BodegaCat> hopesnothere is just an AI bot programmed to talk about his rape conquests.
[19:15.35] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: it's that simple.  You people won't bring charges you just want to use it to slander him and have talking points.  If there were crimes, fucking bring the charges and indict him.
[19:15.37] * hopesnothere was kicked by kritklsongs(  - Reason (you need to calm down)
[19:15.55] * ^_God_Speed ( has joined channel #Gulag
[19:15.56] * hopesnothere ( has joined channel #Gulag
[19:15.59] <hopesnothere> BodegaCRAP /No,  >then I would be orogramed to FUCK YOUR MOM
[19:16.04] <hopesnothere> ...programmed/
[19:16.09] <+PrezPusyGrab> its like how they could never bring charges against hillary, because there was nothing there
[19:16.15] <+Walter> strange
[19:16.18] <hopesnothere> OH, LOOK!@ I have to "CALM DOWN" . be
[19:16.19] <+BodegaCat> lock her up!!!
[19:16.32] <+BodegaCat> hopesnothere ya calm down, relax, don't do it, when you wanna go to it...
[19:16.33] <+vulcan> anyway I asked my bro-in-law (a commercial jet pilot) about battery powered aircraft and he said YEAH if you want to go 100mph
[19:16.38] <hopesnothere>  cause I and QUESTIONING Biden's criminality. .The
[19:16.43] <hopesnothere> Unter
[19:16.43] <hopesnothere> FU
[19:16.44] <hopesnothere> H
[19:16.46] <+BodegaCat> hopesnothere your rapes can last a lot longer if you calm down & using a numbing creme on your penis
[19:16.49] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: if there is evidence Biden committed crimes I would want charges brought up. But republicans have a history of just accusing people and never being able to bring charges.
[19:16.51] <+GhostDog> In the history of the world, the phrase "calm down" has never caused a person to calm down.
[19:16.56] <hopesnothere> RER gave me a "time out"\
[19:17.00] <hopesnothere> UntertFU
[19:17.04] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: because you scream in all caps and your enter key is broken, more likely.
[19:17.07] <hopesnothere> UntertFUCKER
[19:17.15] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:17.15] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Relax⁩ | 3m 58s | ⁨Frankie Goes To Hollywood ⁩ | 690,346 views
[19:17.24] <+BodegaCat> i'm not going to calm down until i get my damn arby's sliders
[19:17.29] <hopesnothere>, YOUR MOM[s TWAT ... after i fucked it
[19:17.39] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: he didn't kick you for bringing up hunter biden, he kicked you for screaming in all caps like an idiot 7th grader.
[19:17.39] <@Publios> i wonder if his enter key is messed up cuz he rage types
[19:17.46] <@Publios> like pounds on the enter key
[19:18.03] <+BodegaCat> kritklsongs of all the "relax" videos you could have linked, you picked one without a video?? oh man sad
[19:18.04] <hopesnothere> Did I say CUNTER biden?
[19:18.04] <+PrezPusyGrab> oh 100%, look at all the punctuation from pounding his keyboard
[19:18.10] <@kritklsongs> Publios lol!
[19:18.13] <hopesnothere> ...DUNTER BRIBE-den????
[19:18.24] <hopesnothere> ...CUNTER BRIBE-den????
[19:18.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: you seem like you're constantly screaming and pounding on your keyboard in rage.
[19:18.34] <@kritklsongs> BodegaCat I'm in it for the MUSIC.
[19:18.39] <+BodegaCat> kritklsongs this one has the body-double video which i like  +,
[19:18.39] <hopesnothere> PPG; ..Bevause your mom gave me a LOUS
[19:18.39] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD - Relax (Body Double Version)⁩ | 4m 9s | ⁨Videodrome Discothèque⁩ | 159,871 views
[19:18.45] <hopesnothere> Y BLOWJOB
[19:18.58] <@Publios> I can picture his poor mother just shaking in the other room when he gets like this
[19:18.59] <+BodegaCat> kritklsongs relax has one of the most awesome beats ever , no one can deny
[19:19.01] <+PrezPusyGrab> why was that split over two lines
[19:19.21] <hopesnothere> BodeaCrap <--probably the Fat asshole in that video
[19:19.25] <+P-1> i loved the two trives video LOL
[19:19.30] <+P-1> tribes
[19:19.31] <@kritklsongs> you are welcome to take over
[19:19.51] <+BodegaCat> kritklsongs you want the music videos for FGTH because Holly Johnson is so fun to watch in them
[19:19.53] <@kritklsongs> I will stand idly by
[19:20.33] <+BodegaCat> back in the early 80s, when lasers were so amazing
[20:40.17] <wptmj> hewo
[20:40.17] *** Server disconnected on
[20:40.33] wptmj resolved to
[20:42.35] * You have joined #Gulag
[20:42.35]  Topic: congratulations to kritklmas for winning the Russian commander deadpool!
[20:42.35] Channel Topic Set by: Debaser on 6:26 PM 8/23/2023
[20:42.35] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[20:42.35] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[20:42.46] <wptmj> heyhoes
[20:42.53] <+MartyMcFly> +,
[20:42.53] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨James Brown - Living in America⁩ | 3m 59s | ⁨JamesBrownVevo⁩ | 44,632,405 views
[20:43.00] <+IlumiNaughty> Chas Bronson
[20:43.45] <+IlumiNaughty> thats lively MartyMcFly
[20:43.57] <+MartyMcFly> good day for America!
[20:44.11] <+MartyMcFly> yaoh!
[20:46.52] <@kritklsongs> +,
[20:46.53] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Confessor⁩ | 7m 7s | ⁨Joe Walsh ⁩ | 1,774,240 views
[20:48.12] <+IlumiNaughty> never have heard that one
[20:48.41] * Wilderness (~Wildernes@ has joined channel #Gulag
[20:49.00] <wptmj> +,
[20:49.00] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Mellow Man Ace - Mentirosa⁩ | 4m 18s | ⁨B K⁩ | 5,557,642 views
[20:49.13] <wptmj> check this out, baby
[20:49.23] <wptmj> tenemos termendo leo
[20:49.28] <wptmj> tremendo
[20:49.59] <wptmj> last night you didnt go a la casa de tu tio
[20:50.12] <+IlumiNaughty> lots of different stuff in that
[20:51.51] <@kritklsongs> strap you down to size
[20:52.34] <+payuirtuk> strap on
[20:52.50] <+MartyMcFly> hi kritklsongs, you don't mind me throwing some tunes out there right
[20:52.54] <@kritklsongs> ok, or that
[20:53.44] <@kritklsongs> I'll concede you the floor.
[20:53.47] <+MartyMcFly> +,
[20:53.48] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨We Are The Champions⁩ | 3m 1s | ⁨Queen ⁩ | 2,258,983 views
[20:54.04] * kritklsongs is now known as kritklmas
[20:54.44] <@kritklmas> as it happens, I have to eat.
[20:54.59] <@kritklmas> almost forgot
[20:55.05] <@kritklmas> :)
[20:56.07] <@kritklmas> so I'll bb when I can
[20:56.52] <@kritklmas> #best_show_in_town
[20:57.22] <@kritklmas> that's us
[20:57.52] * kritklmas ( has left #Gulag
[20:58.12] <+IlumiNaughty> I can imagine gangbangers in FultonCo jail asking Trump for his autograph
[20:58.29] <+IlumiNaughty> I mean if he was in there
[21:01.22] * Wilderness (~Wildernes@ Quit (Quit)
[21:01.49] <+IlumiNaughty> 7 Difficult American Accents You'll NEVER Guess +,
[21:01.50] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨7 Difficult American Accents You'll NEVER Guess⁩ | 13m 9s | ⁨Olly Richards⁩ | 392,965 views
[21:02.33] <+MartyMcFly> brb
[21:09.52] * PrezPopCGrab ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[21:13.21] * tzipsaway ( Quit (Quit)
[21:15.32] <+IlumiNaughty> +,
[21:15.32] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Strawberry Alarm Clock - Birdman of Alkatrash - [Direct Vinyl Transfer, Rough Copy] - LA Psych Rock⁩ | 2m 21s | ⁨The Asphalt Island - Los Angeles History & Music⁩ | 88 views
[21:16.34] <+MartyMcFly> +,
[21:16.34] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Green Day - American Idiot lyrics [1080p]⁩ | 2m 54s | ⁨MrGreenDayLyrics⁩ | 41,321,981 views
[21:17.22] <+IlumiNaughty> heavy hitting MartyMcFly
[21:17.54] <+MartyMcFly> heh, nightowls unite
[21:19.13] <+IlumiNaughty> all across the alien nation
[21:20.58] <+IlumiNaughty> God's Favorite Band
[21:21.54] <+IlumiNaughty> +,
[21:21.54] <@Lard> [wikipedia] Greatest Hits: God's Favorite Band | "Greatest Hits: God's Favorite Band is the second greatest hits album by American rock band Green Day, released on November 17, 2017."
[21:25.45] <+IlumiNaughty> +,
[21:25.45] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨WILD! Train Derails on Camera | #Shorts⁩ | 1m | ⁨Delay In Block™ Productions⁩ | 2,224,404 views
[21:27.14] * pw_zapffe ( has joined channel #Gulag
[21:32.37] * asspoplectic (~fittobeti@ has joined channel #Gulag
[21:33.34] <asspoplectic> We did nothing wrong.  I did nothing wrong.  This is a travesty.  Does anyone know what Stormy
[21:33.42] <asspoplectic> is up to these days?
[21:33.45] * mOrO^ (~chrome@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[21:35.07] <asspoplectic> Even though I'm straight with Milania now, Stormy and I could still have perfect phone sex.... I mean PHONE CALLS, damn it.
[21:35.25] <+MartyMcFly> IlumiNaughty, I expected more, glad it wasn't too serious
[21:35.34] * Daggett23 (~IceChat9@ Quit (Quit: Copywight 2016 Elmer Fudd. All wights wesewved.)
[21:36.00] <+IlumiNaughty> I have never flagged down a train to tell them it derailed
[21:36.21] <+IlumiNaughty> no blood, no gutz, no glory
[21:37.03] <wptmj> ¡chupamela!
[21:37.58] * smirks ( has joined channel #Gulag
[21:38.10] <+MartyMcFly> China’s new high-speed train just set a new record as the world’s fastest — and it could travel faster than an airplane
[21:38.21] <+IlumiNaughty> Prigozhin is dead, is anyone surprised?
[21:38.48] <wptmj> with a dumb name like that, not at all
[21:38.49] <asspoplectic> He made "serious mistakes".
[21:39.12] <+MartyMcFly> 'You Come at the King, You Best Not Miss'
[21:39.22] <smirks> yo scumbags, douchebags, and cumbags...   Hidee  Hidee  Hidee    you 'hooooooooooooo's
[21:39.28] * smirks smirks
[21:39.41] <smirks> "...drop the gas...take the cannolis..." -- Peter Clemenza to Michael Corleone     
[21:39.43] * wptmj wptmjs
[21:39.47] <+IlumiNaughty> +,
[21:39.47] <smirks> +,
[21:40.02] <smirks> hmm
[21:40.22] <smirks> IlumiNaughty, you serial douchebag     go get disinfected...
[21:41.17] <+IlumiNaughty> hate to inform you smirks
[21:41.30] <+IlumiNaughty> a douche IS a disinfectant
[21:41.35] <wptmj> >:Q  ahhhhhhhhh
[21:41.53] <+MartyMcFly> TMI
[21:41.53] <+MartyMcFly> cmon people
[21:42.02] <+IlumiNaughty> do better
[21:42.11] <wptmj> >;\V/
[21:42.12] <+MartyMcFly> Love is but a song we sing
[21:42.19] <+MartyMcFly> Fear's the way we die
[21:42.29] <smirks> IlumiNaughty, a douchebag (like you), NEEDS disinfectant....     D'ohpy!
[21:42.35] * smirks smirks
[21:42.43] <+IlumiNaughty> happiness is a warm gun
[21:42.58] <smirks> for some
[21:43.09] <+IlumiNaughty> so in effect smirks, you are saying  "you are what you need to be"
[21:43.12] <asspoplectic> No, its a warm piece of calves liver.
[21:43.20] <+MartyMcFly> +,
[21:43.20] <+IlumiNaughty> thanks, I guess
[21:43.21] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Janie's Got a Gun⁩ | 5m 31s | ⁨Aerosmith ⁩ | 153,533 views
[21:43.32] <smirks> IlumiNaughty, we're discussing you...focus
[21:44.27] <asspoplectic> Hi, I hate you.  Carry on.
[21:44.43] <+IlumiNaughty> my waywad son, carry on
[21:44.45] <+IlumiNaughty> U.S. says it will train Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16s in Arizona
[21:44.51] <+MartyMcFly> Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name...
[21:45.01] <+IlumiNaughty> keep calm, carry on
[21:45.12] <+MartyMcFly> mind the gap
[21:46.00] * Kippis ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:46.05] <+IlumiNaughty> The announcement follows complaints from officials in Kyiv that the training was moving too slowly to meet Ukraine’s wartime needs
[21:47.53] * swin ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[21:47.58] * Kippis ( has joined channel #Gulag
[21:48.11] * Kippis ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[21:48.29] <+IlumiNaughty> U.S. officials meanwhile described a program that was constrained in large part by the availability of Ukrainian pilots sufficiently experienced in English and flying other aircraft.
[21:49.51] <wptmj> \\v// lIl C -I- 0 R   /A\ IV T 0 lV i o   fRonn 5 /A\ IV  AnToW-nEo
[21:50.00] <wptmj> bow ring
[21:51.19] <wptmj> +,
[21:51.20] <@Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: celebdm | ( +, )
[21:51.33] * IlumiNaughty (~Chicago7@ Quit (Quit: yo holms, smell you later!)
[21:55.10] * Viridium ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:03.53] * asspoplectic (~fittobeti@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:12.26] * caleb` ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:15.36] * deRuyter ( has joined channel #Gulag
[22:20.41] * Deanr` ( Quit (Quit)
[22:26.42] <+NineVolt> reindexing logs..
[22:32.10] * Mantra ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[22:41.26] * imagi ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:42.02] *** Server disconnected on

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