



Session Start: Sun Aug 27 08:01:26 2023
Session Ident: #Gulag
[08:01.26] * You have joined #Gulag
[08:01.26]  Topic: congratulations to kritklmas for winning the Russian commander deadpool!
[08:01.26] Channel Topic Set by: Debaser on 6:26 PM 8/23/2023
[08:01.26] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[08:01.26] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[08:01.36] * Lottoman (~Lottoman@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:01.40] <wptMJ> did you guys miss me?
[08:01.42] <wptMJ> :P
[08:01.42] <Lottoman> hey hey
[08:01.47] * You are now known as wptmj
[08:01.49] <+euphzzzzzzzz> wiat how r u getting around the paywall??
[08:01.50] <Lottoman> good day to all friendly, nice ppl
[08:01.55] <+euphzzzzzzzz> i didnt think you can do that
[08:02.10] <+MartyMcFly> wptmj, who are you again?
[08:02.16] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: Timur has never mentioned race?  So he's never justified throwing palestinian people out of their homes, because other arab countries did it to jewish people?  What is that then?
[08:02.19] <wptmj> nobody important
[08:02.36] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: what do random palestinians you're throwing out of their home have in common with "but what about egypt expelling jews from their homes??!"
[08:02.40] <+MartyMcFly> euphzzzzzzzz, +,
[08:02.40] <@Lard> [url] Firefox Reader View for clutter-free web pages | Firefox Help | ( +, )
[08:02.43] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: let's see if you can put it together
[08:02.43] <+MartyMcFly> then reload page
[08:02.46] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: they're literally talking about Israeli TV programs
[08:02.56] <wptmj> but in my short ban i stumbled onto a channnel where i am appreciated
[08:02.59] <wptmj> in my homestate
[08:03.00] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: and I simply asked if Timur was here being racist again.
[08:03.14] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: If the answer is "no", you can say that, instead of whatever weird tangent you went on like a retard.
[08:03.27] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: yeah well you still display an inherently shitty attitude
[08:03.32] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: you're just dumb
[08:03.38] <wptmj> i knew there were other poeple that wanted world peace too!
[08:03.43] <wptmj> its not just me!
[08:03.47] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Marty very cool
[08:03.47] <wptmj> :P
[08:03.47] <+euphzzzzzzzz> ty
[08:03.47] <+Timur> bbl
[08:03.50] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: yawn
[08:03.51] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: next time answer the question like an adult or don't talk, or, 3rd option, behave like you did and get made fun of.
[08:03.52] * Tiramisu ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:03.55] <+MartyMcFly> np
[08:04.02] <+MartyMcFly> enjoy
[08:04.27] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab sorry guy but I am not responsible for you misreading a situation in eternal bad faith
[08:04.50] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I didn't misread anything, I asked a question.  You're responsible for giving a retarded answer, and I will make fun of you for it.
[08:05.04] <PrezPusyGrab> As is my job, as the Regional PrezPusyGrab
[08:05.21] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: you asked a question that was thoroughly and absolutely baked in ill will
[08:05.40] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: yes we know that to you criticizing bad people and racism is "ill will"
[08:06.12] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: the only one here  talking about these topics is you, and moreover only to yourself
[08:06.26] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I asked a question that triggered you like the sensitive emo bitch you are.
[08:06.38] * ocean_ ( Quit (Quit)
[08:06.43] <PrezPusyGrab> Then you got made fun of for acting out.  you can keep crying about it or you can learn from it.
[08:07.21] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I'm not that,  just pointing out your otherwise plain obvious ill will towards a Jewish chatter
[08:07.51] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: a racist chatter who happens to be jewish?
[08:08.10] <Lottoman> ?????
[08:08.28] <Slayer78_> Are you really surprised Jews endorse Zionism?
[08:08.43] <Slayer78_> Surely you're not THAT dense
[08:08.51] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I criticized a known racist.  obviously that triggered you, for obvious reasons.
[08:08.51] <+dry_> Slayer78_: which doesn't address the point
[08:09.07] <PrezPusyGrab> as you can relate to a racist
[08:09.30] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I will let Timur defend himself... otherwise,  your hate is obviously unwarranted
[08:09.44] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: why is it hate to state facts?
[08:09.49] <+dry_> Slayer78_: what's wrong with being critical of zionism?
[08:09.52] <PrezPusyGrab> because you don't like those facts?  that's nonsense.
[08:09.54] <+AAAman> There is a French homeland, so is a Jewish homeland racist
[08:09.58] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Timur do you much about Cyrus the Great?
[08:10.04] <+MartyMcFly> Slayer78_, interestingly some religious Jews are anti-zionist  
[08:10.10] <Slayer78_> dry_: nothing
[08:10.17] <+AAAman> Slayer78_-- What is wrong with  a Jewish homeland
[08:10.25] <PrezPusyGrab> AAAman: The idea of there being a 'jewish homeland' isn't racist.  it's an apartheid system that expels the nonjewish natives and commits atrocities against them that is racist.
[08:10.37] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: anyway,  you can stop being on the defensive now
[08:10.39] <PrezPusyGrab> If there weren't people already living there it wouldn't be an issue
[08:10.53] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I never defend, I'm straight offense making fun of your retarded ass.
[08:10.54] <+Debaser> BathSheba`: get over how Gaza Strip is an open air prison?
[08:10.59] <+Debaser> Why?
[08:11.03] <+MartyMcFly> america was populated by natives too
[08:11.11] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: unsuccessfully,  but whatever guy
[08:11.12] <Cleland> BathSheba` is a settler
[08:11.19] <Cleland> She has kept that from you--a fanatic
[08:11.24] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: yeah and Israel is doing the same thing to those people that the US did to the native americans hundreds of years ago
[08:11.29] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: thanks for pointing that out
[08:11.42] <+MartyMcFly> but the native americans don't want to destroy america
[08:11.49] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: right you make fun of yourself
[08:12.03] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: They did, they fought back during the entire period.  Because they were being invaded, defending themselves.
[08:12.20] <+MartyMcFly> they have some nice casinos now
[08:12.20] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: if it suits you... it's amazing you're not noticing your shitty attitude
[08:12.26] <Cleland> Nlol
[08:12.34] <+BathSheba`> Debaser: why you addressed that to me....expecting to apologise you for your point of view...I don't think so :)
[08:12.39] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: its shitty to you, because you empathize with racist trash.
[08:12.52] <+Debaser> BathSheba`: you told me to "get over it"?
[08:12.59] <+Debaser> So I replied to you
[08:13.07] <PrezPusyGrab> as a fellow racist piece of shit, you can empathize with those poor poor racists being told what they're supporting is wrong.
[08:13.08] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: no, your attitude is shit because you're obviously looking for a fight
[08:13.17] <+dry_> Slayer78_: maybe try making arguments with substance instead of just complaining about the chatter.
[08:13.21] <+BathSheba`> Debaser: yes I did ,and I gave you answers on that 2 months ago :)
[08:13.22] <Lottoman> see?   
[08:13.22] <+MartyMcFly> PrezPusyGrab came in like a wrecking ball!
[08:13.31] * Forbin ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[08:13.39] <Cleland> LOL
[08:13.41] <+Debaser> BathSheba`: okay.
[08:13.42] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_ has more empathy with racists being told they're wrong than he does with any minority, because racists being criticized is the true oppression.
[08:13.45] <PrezPusyGrab> what a dipshit rofl
[08:13.49] <Slayer78_> dry_: the point here, however vain,  is for the guy to see his shit attitude
[08:13.54] <+MartyMcFly> +,
[08:13.54] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Official Video)⁩ | 3m 42s | ⁨MileyCyrusVEVO⁩ | 1,180,223,766 views
[08:13.57] <Lottoman> best thing you can say to 'em Debaser..  
[08:13.59] * rially ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:14.02] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I have a shit attitude towards shit people, yes.
[08:14.07] <+AAAman> Slayer78_--  personal attacker
[08:14.16] <+dry_> Slayer78_: my take away from that is that you can't counter any of the points PrezPusyGrab is making
[08:14.20] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: but you're the one came here with this attitude
[08:14.25] <+BathSheba`> Debaser: by the way hello ,hope you're doing fine. :)
[08:14.39] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab the only person you can blame for that is you
[08:14.40] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I came in telling the truth about bad people.  If that triggers them, then maybe they should focus on changing that truth instead of screaming at the people stating it.
[08:14.55] <+AAAman> Slayer78_--   Ideas and facts are for winners
[08:14.55] <Cleland> This is not fair to Slayer--allow him to answer questions about his field of expertise--immunology, and viruses
[08:15.03] <Cleland> Stop
[08:15.05] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: if being called racist all the time angers you, you can either 1. stop being racist 2. get mad at everyone who calls you racist.
[08:15.19] <Slayer78_> dry_: what point is he making? I don't see any,  he's just longing for a fight
[08:15.41] <+dry_> Slayer78_: I take it back. work on reading comprehension first
[08:15.43] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: if those answers aren't acceptable to you, then your only other option is to learn to not get angry about someone calling you what you are.
[08:15.59] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: except those you call 'bad people ' weren't even discussing whatever is throttling your shit heart
[08:16.02] <Lottoman> everyone is a racist..  so some degree..  how well you combat this human trait..  is up to you
[08:16.10] <PrezPusyGrab> I don't see any problem with stating grass is green, or that Timur is a racist.
[08:16.19] <Cleland> Timur is racist?
[08:16.23] <PrezPusyGrab> These things are factual no matter how badly they trigger Slayer78_
[08:16.26] <Cleland> This is the first I’ve heard that accusation
[08:16.35] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: well he's made several racist arguments and posted several racist memes.
[08:16.45] <Cleland> oh do you have an example
[08:16.46] <+euphzzzzzzzz> I'm gonna say something and its gonna sound rude and patronizing. No one is going to change anyone's fundamental beliefs over IRC. No one who is pro zionist or anti zionist is going to change their mind because someone argued this or that better. ya all are just making each other mad.
[08:16.55] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: calling Timur a racist in this context is unwarranted
[08:16.58] <Cleland> Cause I’ve never heard him say anything racist
[08:17.18] <Slayer78_> I'm not mad at all, as it happens
[08:17.22] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: Like posting a picture showing all the arab land and all the israeli land saying "Look at how much land jews have and how much land arabs have" in a conversation about ethic cleansing in israel.
[08:17.36] <+MartyMcFly> you can criticize the netanyahoo regime without being anti-zionist
[08:17.38] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: which is extremely racist, justifying stealing someone's home because other people of their race already have too much land.
[08:17.39] <Cleland> thats not racist
[08:17.41] <Cleland> LOL
[08:17.54] <Lottoman> someone here..   uses calling chatters..  a racist..   as her way of trying to stiffle that person.. it's a control thing she suffers
[08:17.54] <Cleland> Thats kind of an accurate portrayl of the geography
[08:17.59] <Cleland> Thats not EXTREMELY racist
[08:18.00] <Cleland> lol
[08:18.02] <Cleland> Holy shit
[08:18.05] <Lottoman> using labels
[08:18.07] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: or trying to justify atrocities against palestinians because of things people in egypt or Saudi arabia did to jews.  Holding random arabs responsible for the actions of their race, also racist.
[08:18.18] <Lottoman> as long as you dont use one.. that insults or offends..   ROFL
[08:18.19] <Cleland> No, he is anti-settler
[08:18.26] <Cleland> hates Netyahu
[08:18.26] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: it is extremely racist.  If I come steal your home because I say white people own too many houses, that's racist as fuck.
[08:18.36] <Cleland> But unlike you he thinks ti takes two to tango
[08:18.46] <+BathSheba`> PrezPusyGrab: lol
[08:18.57] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: you may think that but that issue wasn't even discussed at all when you came in
[08:19.04] <Cleland> Neither party wants a two state solution so why are you whining about racism
[08:19.11] <Lottoman> ever talk with a KKKer?.. I have..  they dont think they are racist!!
[08:19.11] <Cleland> Timur wants a two state solution
[08:19.16] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: if I come beat your ass and then say "well a white person in another country beat my cousins sisters brothers ass" that's also racist.
[08:19.24] <Cleland> You think teaching young palestenian kids is that Jews are the devil is not racist
[08:19.24] <Lottoman> they think..   ppl of color are racist
[08:19.26] <Cleland> Give me a break
[08:19.26] <Lottoman> lol
[08:19.28] <PrezPusyGrab> thats literally what racism means
[08:19.40] <Cleland> You don’t have any issues with that
[08:19.42] <Cleland> Mr. Virtue
[08:19.42] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: that's why i asked
[08:19.46] <Cleland> Sounds like old fashioned antisemticism
[08:19.53] <Cleland> You confuse the two issues of course
[08:19.58] <Lottoman> now now. be nice..  afterall..   they ARE Gods chosen ppl
[08:19.59] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: I think its a result of israel acting like the devil, and oppressing the natives.
[08:20.10] <+MartyMcFly> +,
[08:20.11] <@Lard> [url] Gigi Hadid ripped for comparing conflicts in Ukraine, Palestine | ( +, )
[08:20.12] <Cleland> ah the Devil
[08:20.15] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: you didn't ask,  you attacked Timur straight up for no valid reason
[08:20.18] <Lottoman> the one God..  cough..  cough..   has a .  chosen ppl
[08:20.19] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I did ask.
[08:20.20] <Cleland> thats right out of the antisemitic playbook
[08:20.21] <Lottoman> please
[08:20.21] <Cleland> Keep going
[08:20.34] <Lottoman> that's reason enough to not be a christian
[08:20.46] <+BathSheba`> God does not exists dummy
[08:20.49] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: its antisemitic to say what israel is doing to the natives is wrong?
[08:21.04] * DS9isBest ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:21.06] <+MartyMcFly> When approached by a student who attacked Zionism, Dr. Martin Luther King responded: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism.”
[08:21.13] <PrezPusyGrab> oh god is Timur trying to justify atrocities on people because of "the history" of their race again <--- Slayer78_ this is called a question
[08:21.15] <Lottoman> not one of the chosen?..  then you gotta fight to be one of 144,000 that get taken up on the event of the rapture
[08:21.17] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: you attacked straight up
[08:21.22] <Cleland> This is how they bring up their kids---and you think its all the JEWS fault
[08:21.23] <Cleland> +,
[08:21.24] <@Lard> [url] EU Parliament slams 'hateful' Palestinian textbooks, threatens funding freeze | The Times of Israel |, ( +, )
[08:21.33] * Lottoman wonders.. how many 'seats' are left
[08:21.35] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: its not an attack, because it's fucking words on the internet you pussy
[08:21.37] <Cleland> Just amazing
[08:21.54] <Cleland> +,
[08:21.55] <@Lard> [url] Anti-Semitism in Palestinian School Textbooks Table of Contents |, ( +, )
[08:21.56] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: I didn't say it was all JEWS fault, a lot of jewish people don't want to have anything to do with the horrors of israel.
[08:22.07] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I see the basic vestiges of proper human communication escape you
[08:22.17] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: But when you oppress and engage in ethnic cleansing, you won't be liked.
[08:22.17] <+MartyMcFly> +,
[08:22.18] <@Lard> [url] Jimmy Carter Apologizes For Criticizing Israel : The Two-Way : NPR |, ( +, )
[08:22.30] <Lottoman> get religion out of politics
[08:22.42] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_ is so mad people like him and Timur can't promote ethnic cleansing and atrocities in a nice, polite manner and get told to fuck off like the assholes they are.
[08:22.52] <PrezPusyGrab> "why can't people discuss ethic cleansing politely???" -- Slayer78_
[08:22.53] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I'm not mad
[08:22.55] <+euphzzzzzzzz> MartyMcFly, that is an interesting quote, but I am not certain how easily one can square his call for racial and economic justice as a whole with Zionism. But I don't know MLK all that well, so *shrugs*
[08:22.57] <PrezPusyGrab> what a dipshit lol
[08:22.58] <Cleland> Never saw Timur support ethnic cleansing
[08:23.18] <Cleland> Fact is he wants to make peace with the Palestenians and hates Netanyahu
[08:23.22] <Cleland> and the religious right
[08:23.26] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: if it's any consolidation however it's fun seeing you  spazz out uselessly
[08:23.31] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: fact is he's made tons of racist and pro ethnic cleansing arguments here.
[08:23.40] <Cleland> Yeah tons, so far you have show none
[08:23.41] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: says the actual spazz
[08:23.58] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: I gave you two examples out of many, but if you want to pretend that's not true, then go ahead.
[08:24.11] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: projecting much?
[08:24.21] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: and then when you were too stupid to know how they were racist, i even did you the favor of explaining it to you.
[08:24.41] <+BathSheba`> looolll
[08:24.42] <PrezPusyGrab> so you're welcome, not many people take the time to help you since they know you have a brain tumor or something.
[08:24.47] <+BathSheba`> oh myyyy
[08:24.55] <Cleland> lol
[08:25.08] <+MartyMcFly> euphzzzzzzzz, theoretically there is democracy and equal rights within Israel proper
[08:25.10] <PrezPusyGrab> I'm a philanthropist.
[08:25.16] <Cleland> PPG you are so limited in your breadth of understanding and your need virtue signal is sad
[08:25.18] <+AAAman> +,
[08:25.18] <@Lard> [url] DeSantis MIA Following Racially Motivated Shooting In Jacksonville | Crooks and Liars | ( +, )
[08:25.19] <Cleland> Time to get out of the hovel
[08:25.23] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: right if you exclude all the natives not given those rights, then everyone has rights.
[08:25.23] <+MartyMcFly> not in occupied territories though
[08:25.25] <Cleland> Set out on a new life
[08:25.37] <Lottoman> PPG..  baptist here
[08:25.39] <Cleland> You are an antisemite
[08:25.40] <Lottoman> lol
[08:25.41] <Cleland> Its clear
[08:25.54] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: thats the equivalent of saying there were equal rights in the confederate south, if you excluded all the slaves.
[08:25.59] <Cleland> You don’t give a shit for Palestenians
[08:26.07] <Cleland> you only dislike Jews and lie about Timur the Jew
[08:26.10] <PrezPusyGrab> "if you exclude everyone not given rights, then everyone has rights!"
[08:26.21] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: Right, I've never made fun of any other racist here.
[08:26.26] <PrezPusyGrab> (lying again0
[08:26.26] <+euphzzzzzzzz> The Israel-Palestine conflict is part of the problem with the Middle East as a whole. The borders, the national governements and internal workings are often externally imposed. Its a broken region because a lot of the people with power have no interest in arrangemetns that make sense for the region
[08:26.36] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: here's a question... are you DOING anything to help Palestinians?
[08:26.37] <Cleland> You hate Jews
[08:26.41] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: are you?
[08:26.42] <Cleland> Why would you make up shit about Timur
[08:26.48] <Cleland> He’s a Jew--big deal
[08:26.55] <Cleland> NO reason to LIE about what he said
[08:26.55] <+BathSheba`> euphzzzzzzzz: exactly!
[08:27.10] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: I don't care if he's a jew, I care he's said racist stuff.  Should only non jews be criticized for racism?
[08:27.16] <Slayer78_> No, but then I don't have the pretenses to care
[08:27.16] <Cleland> Hey at least you are not a self loathing Jew like euphzzzzzzzz
[08:27.22] <Cleland> Yes you do
[08:27.28] <+euphzzzzzzzz> MartyMcFly.... If that was true before Bibi, I am not sure it still is. He has just pushed things like the annexations and crack downs on human rights activists so far I am not sure how muh of a democracy israel is behind the green line, let alone beyond it
[08:27.35] <+MartyMcFly> PrezPusyGrab the middle east is a tough neighborhood, Israel can't just sing cumbaya with enemies who want to destroy it
[08:27.35] <PrezPusyGrab> He even tried saying that the Israeli treatment of the palestinians wasn't racism rofl
[08:27.39] <Cleland> YOu made up shit to demonize him
[08:27.41] <Cleland> Then you called Jews the Devil
[08:27.42] <Cleland> FAct is you are the only one who is racist in here
[08:27.45] <Cleland> Just saying
[08:27.52] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: They also don't have to commit atrocities and justify it with racism.
[08:27.57] * fifo (~fifo@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:27.59] <Cleland> Quotes or just stop demonizing him cause he is Jewish
[08:28.04] <Cleland> You should be ashamed
[08:28.05] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: no one takes you seriously because you're a sperg.
[08:28.09] <Cleland> And also--
[08:28.15] <Cleland> Why not wait for him to defend himself
[08:28.19] <Cleland> you are also a coward
[08:28.20] <+MartyMcFly> euphzzzzzzzz, Bibi is going off the deep end, because he has to appease the extremists in his coalition
[08:28.26] <Cleland> Now you are mad!
[08:28.29] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I mean,  you do realize 'defending Palestinians ' on the internet amounts to zero... right?
[08:28.30] <Cleland> I touched a chord--exposed you
[08:28.32] <Cleland> lol
[08:28.36] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: I do, he always runs off and starts spazzing out because his arguments always end up just being more racism and he gets mad when you point it out.
[08:28.38] <Cleland> you are so sad
[08:28.42] <Cleland> Where is mouses?
[08:28.47] <Cleland> Mcboaty?
[08:28.53] <Cleland> lol
[08:28.56] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: yeah this is a chat room dipshit, people debate politics
[08:29.00] <fifo> look at the losers going in circles
[08:29.02] <PrezPusyGrab> thats what you do here
[08:29.05] <fifo> no life
[08:29.06] <fifo> no friends
[08:29.13] <Cleland> PPG WTF--and by the way you arrogant little pisser---who is everybody?
[08:29.18] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: what are you doing to help your nazi friends by telling everyone racism isn't real?
[08:29.20] <Cleland> PPG get a WOMAN in your life
[08:29.21] <Cleland> Its time
[08:29.25] <Lottoman> lol
[08:29.36] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: hence the prior question... are you DOING anything for Palestinians?
[08:29.38] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: everyone, you're a complete joke constantly spazzing out and flooding the channel because you're insane.
[08:29.38] <Cleland> mouses is available
[08:29.40] <Cleland> I happen to know she recovered from her near death experience
[08:29.43] <Cleland> lol
[08:29.45] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: are you doing anything for your fellow racists?
[08:29.50] <Cleland> PPG you lose the argument so now you do your everyone routine
[08:29.55] <+MartyMcFly> PrezPusyGrab, there are extremists on both sides, peace is a threat to the extremists, they lose relevancy
[08:29.55] <fifo> no woman wants to be with any of you pathetic losers
[08:29.57] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: or are you just here trying to lie and say they don't exist
[08:29.58] <Cleland> And to be quite frank--you only speak for your own racist self
[08:30.00] <Cleland> Not everyone
[08:30.05] <+euphzzzzzzzz> In the 1920s (or 30s) Ze'ev Jabotinskyl, father of jewish fascism and directly connected to folks like Behin and Bibi, wrote "The Iron Wall" it is a brutally honest assessment of what Jewish colonists would need to do to secure Palestine. He argued essentially that Jews would need to beat the Palestinians into submission. He acknowledged it was the Arab's birthright and they would need to be abused into giving it up. Now Israeli military history is
[08:30.05] <+euphzzzzzzzz> complicated. But I believe his view was fundamentally accepted by liberals and leftists as well.
[08:30.10] <fifo> look how pathetic you losers are
[08:30.15] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: Israel only wants peace at a "natives get the fuck out of your homes" type cost.
[08:30.20] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I see you are trying to change the topic... that is a resounding NO then
[08:30.25] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Much as both sides don't like to admit it. The reality he recognized is the land could only be wtolen thru violence
[08:30.34] * AltKey ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:30.45] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: Has israel made any reasonable offer to let people return to their homes, given equal rights, pay reparations, anything to make what they've done right to the people they've displaced?
[08:30.54] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: or is it all "just accept we took your shit and fuck off"
[08:31.16] <+MartyMcFly> PrezPusyGrab, did you know 20% of Israeli citizens are arab?
[08:31.34] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: and what percentage of that is the people in the occupied territories?
[08:31.58] <+MartyMcFly> 0
[08:32.06] <+MartyMcFly> not palestinians
[08:32.13] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: right so its still denying rights to the natives
[08:32.32] <PrezPusyGrab> and herding them into a giant open air prison and driving them out of their homes
[08:32.37] <+MartyMcFly> PrezPusyGrab, there are extremists on both sides, peace is a threat to the extremists, they lose relevancy
[08:32.39] <+euphzzzzzzzz> In reality the people of Nablus and Hebron are as governed by the Knesset as those of Tel Aviv or Haifa. Its just their are more layers involved in the control.
[08:32.46] <PrezPusyGrab> if israel can't exist without committing human atrocities it shouldn't exist at all
[08:32.50] <fifo> pathetic losers
[08:33.06] <Lottoman> lol
[08:33.08] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: The difference is the extremists on one side are backed by the US, and have all the power and are forcing the situation.
[08:33.16] <+MartyMcFly> PrezPusyGrab, Yitzah Rabin's government wanted peace, but an Israeli extremist killed him
[08:33.22] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: the view that Israel shouldn't exist is now backed by neo Nazis fyi
[08:33.33] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I said it shouldn't exist IF it can't exist without committing atrocities
[08:33.39] <PrezPusyGrab> if it can figure out how to exist without doing that, fine
[08:33.44] * ExoMoon (~EMP2@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:33.51] <Lottoman> all this racist chat..  shouldnt the mouthy knowitall be involved?
[08:33.56] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: you're not being realistic
[08:34.01] <fifo> look at all the stupid spew filling the scroll
[08:34.07] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Settlement construction increased under Rabin, to an extent he is more a creature of myth than reality
[08:34.10] <fifo> pathetic worthless spew
[08:34.12] <PrezPusyGrab> of course Slayer78_ would say human rights and not accepting atrocities is unrealistic
[08:34.20] <fifo> you losers have no life
[08:34.26] <PrezPusyGrab> fifo: neither do you, you're here with us
[08:34.28] <Lottoman> Added *!*fifo@ to ignore list
[08:34.28] <+euphzzzzzzzz> brb
[08:34.30] <+MartyMcFly> euphzzzzzzzz, is that true? thought he wanted land for peace?
[08:34.31] <Lottoman> happy now?
[08:34.32] <+MartyMcFly> trade
[08:34.33] <rially> genocide stealing land thats what usually happens when foreigners invade
[08:35.00] <KenoshaKid> note that any criticism of israel is anti-semitic and will be reported to Shin Bet, Aman, and Mossad
[08:35.07] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: fuck off
[08:35.10] <+euphzzzzzzzz> MartyMcFly, it is mopre complicated than "Rabin wanted peace", in a lot of ways the systems of exploitation and violence increased on his watch. brb.
[08:35.12] <Lottoman> rially..  dont forget.. the raping and pillaging
[08:35.13] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: that's not what I mean but I have thankfully given up on you
[08:35.15] <KenoshaKid> anti-semitism is an act of war against the jewish people and will be treated as such
[08:35.16] <fifo> poor loser makes up a story to feel less worthless
[08:35.22] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: then maybe you should be more clear
[08:35.23] <fifo> pathetic loser is desperate
[08:35.33] <PrezPusyGrab> fifo: yes and pathetic loser keeps begging for attention
[08:35.36] <rially> yeah the aboriginals always get screwed
[08:35.43] <Lottoman> put him on ignore
[08:35.47] <fifo> pathetic loser keeps playing make believe
[08:35.51] <Lottoman> I'm done
[08:35.55] <fifo> pathetic loser grows more desperate
[08:35.56] * salkas (~user@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:35.56] <Lottoman> as the mouth says
[08:36.05] <+MartyMcFly> there are natives all over world
[08:36.22] <+MartyMcFly> yet Israel gets so much attention
[08:36.28] <fifo> pathetic loser spews
[08:37.11] <rially> what about the north american natives  they lost all the territory pretty much
[08:37.30] <+MartyMcFly> they are doing well in some areas now
[08:37.51] <+JustBeKalm> Our NAs are our poorest citizens. The U.S. is really sucky to our Natives.
[08:37.56] <rially> now.. maybe but thats not the point
[08:37.59] <PrezPusyGrab> is genocide BAD ?
[08:37.59] <salkas> can natives go to the same school as whites in the us?
[08:38.21] <DS9isBest> Yep
[08:38.25] <+JustBeKalm> salkas, of course. We live near a reservtion (Ho Chunk) and they went to school with my kids.
[08:38.29] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: that's a bullshit argument.  "how come our genocide has so much attention stop focusing on it"
[08:38.32] <rially> not whites.. non-natives
[08:38.49] <DS9isBest> White looking natives got bullied by other natives where I'm from sontheu went to white school.
[08:38.49] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: whataboutism isn't an argument.
[08:38.49] <+JustBeKalm> And my son is black. We all go to school together.
[08:38.51] <salkas> JustBeKalm well,thats great
[08:38.54] <+MartyMcFly> +,
[08:38.55] <@Lard> [wikipedia] Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood | "Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood, also known as The Guitar Hotel, due to its tower constructed to resemble a Gibson Les Paul guitar, is a hotel and casino resort near Hollywood, Florida, United States, located on 100 acres (40 ha) of the Hollywood Reservation of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. The property currently has three hotel towers, a 140,000 sq ft (13,000 m2) casino, large poker […]"
[08:38.58] <DS9isBest> So they
[08:39.03] <+JustBeKalm> salkas, I'm surprised you think it isn't like that.
[08:39.12] <+BathSheba`> JustBeKalm: hello
[08:39.12] <PrezPusyGrab> is genocide BAD?
[08:39.27] <+JustBeKalm> Hey BathSheba`!!!! Hi there!!!! Are you doing okay?
[08:39.36] <rially> thats a moral dillema
[08:39.45] <+MartyMcFly> PrezPusyGrab, so we should ignore all other native people in the world?
[08:39.52] <+BathSheba`> JustBeKalm: I'm fine ...thanks...How are you ?
[08:39.56] <fifo> pathetic loser circle jerk grows
[08:40.08] <+JustBeKalm> Pretty good :) Nice weather here :)
[08:40.11] <+MartyMcFly> laughs @ fifo
[08:40.15] <+JustBeKalm> Thanks for asking
[08:40.19] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: who said that?  what genocides did I actively say people should ignore?  You're just arguing dishonestly because you want to deflect from the genocide that you empathize with.
[08:40.26] <fifo> pathetic losers are desperate for validation
[08:40.33] <+BathSheba`> JustBeKalm nice seeing you here indeed
[08:40.42] <+JustBeKalm> And same to you, friend :)
[08:40.44] <+MartyMcFly> PrezPusyGrab, how would you compare palestinians to other natives?  why are you focusing only on palestinians?
[08:40.53] <fifo> pathetic losers are begging each other for worth
[08:40.58] <+MartyMcFly> laughs @ fifo
[08:41.05] <Cleland> He doesn’t like the Juden
[08:41.05] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: once again, another bullshit argument of "whataboutism".
[08:41.08] <Cleland> Hard core
[08:41.12] <Cleland> Its his major obession
[08:41.18] <+JustBeKalm> fifo is too much an idiot to allow on my screen. I'm picky.
[08:41.27] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: your intention there isn't caring about other genocides, it's to say "stop talking about the genocide I like"
[08:41.27] <fifo> loser triggers hard
[08:41.29] <+MartyMcFly> PrezPusyGrab, just wondering why you care so much about palestinians
[08:41.41] <fifo> loser gets owned like a worthless bitch
[08:41.44] <+MartyMcFly> ever been outside the US?
[08:41.54] <Cleland> He cared enough about mouses to dox her.  He loves PEOPLE
[08:41.56] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: once again, more whataboutism
[08:41.58] <+MartyMcFly> did you learn about it in college?
[08:42.08] <fifo> loser begs loser
[08:42.18] <+MartyMcFly> palestinian groups are active in college campuses
[08:42.19] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: the way the conversation originally came up was Timur defending a news article, and showing everyone he was a hardcore racist.
[08:42.33] <+MartyMcFly> hmm
[08:42.35] <Slayer78_> MartyMcFly: I don't think he cares,  he only pretends to
[08:42.37] <PrezPusyGrab> MartyMcFly: but if you think he's the only known racist who has been criticized you're wrong
[08:42.37] <+JustBeKalm> Timur is racist????
[08:42.43] <fifo> loser continues loser conversation like a loser
[08:42.44] <Cleland> NO
[08:42.46] <salkas> JustBeKalm hes just zionist
[08:42.49] <+JustBeKalm> I'm n ot going there. At all. I have never seen that.
[08:42.51] <PrezPusyGrab> JustBeKalm: against arabs, very much so.
[08:42.54] <Cleland> This is PPG the Doxers of Transgender People’s latest rant
[08:42.58] <+JustBeKalm> salkas, that's not being a racist.
[08:43.04] <salkas> not racist but a reactionary ideology
[08:43.06] <Cleland> Timur wants peace in the region
[08:43.06] <+JustBeKalm> I'm not getting involved in this.
[08:43.07] <fifo> lol
[08:43.10] <PrezPusyGrab> JustBeKalm: justifying genocide is pretty racist.
[08:43.10] <Cleland> Two State Solution
[08:43.12] <fifo> lol
[08:43.15] <+JustBeKalm> Cleland, yeah, I hope we all do.
[08:43.19] <fifo> the stupids everywhere
[08:43.19] * Slayer78_ ( has left #Gulag
[08:43.24] <+MartyMcFly> Timur is a nice Jewish boy
[08:43.27] <Cleland> Except the Palestenians and Israelis!
[08:43.28] <+JustBeKalm> Yeah, I do as well.
[08:43.38] <fifo> look how stupid and pathetic you all are
[08:43.39] <Cleland> lol
[08:43.41] <Cleland> Neither wants that
[08:43.41] <+BathSheba`> MartyMcFly: he's nice
[08:43.44] <Cleland> Too much shit has gone down
[08:43.49] <+JustBeKalm> Yes, I know this.
[08:43.55] <+JustBeKalm> It's a mess.
[08:44.05] <Cleland> PPG just hates Jews in general--he could care less about that mess in the Middle East
[08:44.13] <PrezPusyGrab> Timur justifying stealing some 70 year old arab ladies home in Jerusalem because Arabs in Egypt expelled jews is peak racism.
[08:44.30] <Cleland> haha--
[08:44.34] <+JustBeKalm> Well, I see both sides, I hope. I'm going to take a break.
[08:44.36] <fifo> you losers have no life and will sit here all day going in circles
[08:44.39] <fifo> hilarious
[08:44.41] <fifo> and pathetic
[08:44.43] <Cleland> I’ve looked at life from both sides now
[08:44.44] * fifo (~fifo@ Quit (Signed off)
[08:44.46] <PrezPusyGrab> fifo: and you have no life and will hang out with us
[08:44.48] <Cleland> Great song
[08:45.00] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: right, the side of the colonizers, and the natives being genocided.
[08:45.03] <PrezPusyGrab> "both sides"
[08:45.07] <DS9isBest> I banged a Jewish broad when I was younger. She wore the star of David on a necklace that sat on her big fat tits. I loved making that thing bounce.
[08:45.08] <Cleland> He just hates the Juden
[08:45.13] <Cleland> Seen it many times--unrelated to Israel
[08:45.21] <PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: great, can you tell us then?
[08:45.24] <Cleland> But hey, I don’t need to proove that cause thats the way he operates
[08:45.27] <PrezPusyGrab> explain what you've "seen"
[08:45.37] <+BathSheba`> DS9isBest: you're disgusting
[08:45.39] <Cleland> He attacks people who aren’t on channel--makes up shit they never said
[08:45.55] <DS9isBest> BathSheba`: thank you :)
[08:45.55] <Cleland> He had sex with a zoftic Jewiish girl
[08:45.56] <PrezPusyGrab> BathSheba` is just mad no one wants to see her tits bounce.
[08:45.58] <Cleland> Nothing wrong with that
[08:46.07] * salkas (~user@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[08:46.08] <Cleland> DS9isBest was it fun?
[08:46.29] <DS9isBest> Yes!
[08:46.36] <+MartyMcFly> DS9isBest is a sleazy child
[08:47.04] <+BathSheba`> PrezPusyGrab yeah that's right
[08:48.24] <Cleland> DS9isBest  haha
[08:48.41] <ExoMoon> What will the US and IMF do in response to Saudi Arabia and Iran joining BRICS?
[08:49.24] <+euphzzzzzzzz> MartyMcFly the peace process between Rabin and Arafat was, i mean at least in my point of view, more or less fictional. It was rushed into via back channels not so much because Iraeli officials and social leaders wanted justice for Palestinians and therefore peace, but to improve overall relations with the Arab world.
[08:49.32] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Arafat did not speak for the Palestinians living in Palestine, they had a home grown leadership, but they decided to make Arafat the peace partner. IIRC there was an element of devide and conquer to it. And while Israel famously offered to give back 90% or so of the land, the maps the israelis were offering broke up Palestine into dozens of communities encircled by Israeli control and military power.
[08:49.33] <DS9isBest> MartyMcFly: umm I'm probably older than your virgin ass by the looks of things. :)
[08:49.37] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Chomsky described the maps as attempting to enforce a 'permenent colonial dependency'. In order to really make peace Jews need to confront what we did and are doing. But this peace attempt was done at a time when Jewish colonialism was increasing in pace, scope and intensity. It was not culturally moving toward peace, but toward the increasingly worsening situation under Bibi.
[08:49.37] <+euphzzzzzzzz> At least, that is my POV.
[08:50.06] <+MartyMcFly> DS9isBest, how old?
[08:50.54] <+MartyMcFly> euphzzzzzzzz, yeah, will have to continue later....
[08:51.07] <+MartyMcFly> g2g
[08:51.28] <+MartyMcFly> peace, stay united against the anti-semites and fascists!
[08:51.38] * MartyMcFly ( Quit (Quit)
[08:54.12] <DS9isBest> What a nice guy. I hope he dies in a fire.
[08:54.35] * rially ( has left #Gulag
[08:56.36] * Smax ( Quit (Quit)
[08:58.28] * Smax ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:58.40] * Smax ( Quit (Registered)
[08:58.40] * Smax ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:00.50] <tzipsaway> cooking up another batch of fried zucchinni and onions.    smells goooooood.  :)
[09:01.02] <tzipsaway> I'll cook a hamburger to go with it.
[09:01.25] <tzipsaway> although I could make a whole meal of the zucchini.
[09:02.12] * kmh_ (~kmh@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[09:02.19] <ExoMoon> can you air fry zucchini and onions?
[09:02.28] * MissBliss ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:04.53] * fyst__ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:04.59] <fyst__> first up entertainment
[09:09.14] * P-1^ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:11.19] * katy_uk ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:13.25] <ExoMoon> Crazy how the Saudis suddenly became super interested in golf right right around the same time Donald Trump became super interested in stealing classified documents though huh?
[09:22.38] * IlumiNaughty (~Chicago7@ Quit (Quit: yo holms, smell you later!)
[09:26.57] * AltKey ( has left #Gulag (Leaving)
[09:29.02] <ExoMoon> Eric Clapton says he nearly withdrew his support for @RobertKennedyJr
[09:29.02] <ExoMoon>  when RFK Jr turned against @rogerwaters
[09:29.02] <ExoMoon>  and launched into a series of anti-Palestinian diatribes
[09:29.02] <ExoMoon> “I didn’t know if I could honestly support this when Robert said, ‘I’m pro-Israel…”
[09:29.39] <Cleland> Eric Clapton the white supremacist
[09:29.53] <Cleland> Why doesn’t anyone give a shit about what he has to say about politics
[09:30.50] <+Wout> +,
[09:30.51] <@Lard> [url] The 'need for chaos' is linked to the sharing of conspiracy theories, study finds - Raw Story |, ( +, )
[09:31.50] <+JustBeKalm> I don't have a clue why anyone cares how entertainers vote. Are they experts?
[09:32.09] <+JustBeKalm> I had no idea he was racist. Too bad.
[09:41.39] <Cleland> Artists are often assholes
[09:41.43] <Cleland> Clapton is just one of many
[09:46.31] * gannon (~gannon@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:46.39] <gannon> enraged?
[09:47.58] <DS9isBest> I'm enraged.
[09:52.07] <+Debaser> I'm so mad.
[09:52.15] <+Debaser> (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
[09:52.38] * Slayer78_ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:54.29] <+Debaser> +,
[09:54.29] <@Lard> [url] Sidney Powell asks for speedy trial in Georgia election interference case | The Hill | ( +, )
[09:54.38] <gannon> bro don't you know sportswomen are not dolls to be kissed, touched and patronised
[09:54.40] <+Debaser> Is she going to defend herself?
[09:54.45] <gannon> +,
[09:54.59] <+Debaser> gannon; sad that is has to be said
[09:56.21] <gannon> Hermoso said the kiss made her feel “vulnerable and the victim of an aggression”
[09:57.13] <gannon> maybe some of these campaigns would be successful if they weren't obvious bullshit like this
[09:58.41] <Cleland> wtf are you going on about idiot
[09:58.45] <Cleland> I mean really
[09:58.48] <Cleland> Who gives a fuck
[09:58.57] <gannon> Added *!*JasonArgo
[09:59.11] <gannon> another day of misery for the fat, sad kid
[10:01.14] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Debaser these cases are stacking up so fast their gonna be taller than the Burk Kalifa soon lol
[10:10.09] <Slayer78_> Hi
[10:12.13] <Slayer78_> 'We really got him this time!'
[10:12.24] <Slayer78_> Except no, you don't
[10:12.57] <+AAAman> Slayer78_ has to to stay around and fight off the Crazed Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, and  Marxists,
[10:13.19] * Tiramisu ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[10:13.30] <wptmj> On the unspoken truth behind the education system:
[10:13.39] <wptmj> "Calvin: As you can see, I have memorized this utterly useless piece of information long enough to pass a test question. I now intend to forget it forever. You’ve taught me nothing except how to cynically manipulate the system. Congratulations."
[10:13.51] <wptmj> +,
[10:13.52] <@Lard> [url] 16 Things Calvin and Hobbes Said Better Than Anyone Else | ( +, )
[10:17.28] <wptmj> with all the smack talk you guys do, you respect each other lots, i can tell
[10:18.05] <wptmj> it's welcome camaraderie
[10:18.41] <wptmj> "sparring pardners"
[10:19.35] * mgm17 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:21.01] * mOrO^ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:21.10] * mOrO^_ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:21.27] * mOrO^ ( Quit (Quit: +, - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
[10:23.47] <mOrO^_> Stormy Daniels has come up with a new nick for Trump........... TINY.
[10:24.20] <wptmj>  I got a pet newt, and I named him Tiny.
[10:24.26] <wptmj> Because he's my newt.
[10:27.39] <Cleland> +,
[10:27.40] <@Lard> [url] Trump and His Co-Defendants in Georgia Are Already at Odds |, ( +, )
[10:27.51] <Cleland> moRo did you hear he shot 67 to win yet another club championship
[10:27.59] <Cleland> Net 63
[10:28.08] <Cleland> he’s better then Nicklaus was at age 77
[10:28.15] <Slayer78_> Are they?
[10:28.26] <mOrO^_> Rural football game in Oklahoma, erupts in gunshots. One killed two wounded.......shooter yet to be found. It happened Fri night.
[10:28.30] <Cleland> Read the article imbecile
[10:28.33] <Cleland> I can’t do that fo  you
[10:28.37] <Cleland> WTF
[10:28.47] <Cleland> You are an imbecile with delusions of grandeur
[10:29.28] <mOrO^_> They say he is a half ass decent player for his age, but he is not Club Champion material.
[10:29.37] <Cleland> lol
[10:29.40] <Cleland> MoRo read Commander and Cheat
[10:29.43] <Cleland> He’s a major cheat
[10:30.49] <wptmj> You can be anything you want to be.  
[10:30.51] <wptmj> That's how delusions work.
[10:31.07] <mOrO^_> Ive known only man like Trump in my life. I got away from him as fast as I could. I could sense that there was NO coexistence with him.
[10:31.23] <Cleland> mOro ones behavior on the golf course says a lot about your character
[10:31.39] <Cleland> once a cheat--
[10:31.57] <wptmj> evict chump from your brain
[10:35.49] * tacker ( has joined channel #Gulag
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[10:44.46] <tacker> loserville in here
[10:50.25] * tacker ( Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( +, ))
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[10:57.40] * COBOL ( Quit (Quit: Bye.)
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[11:12.35] <+JustBeKalm> Either nobody is talking today or I have so many on ignore that I can't see the conversation.
[11:12.53] <+Debaser> Does slayer realize Trump is out on bail?
[11:14.17] <Cleland> LOL
[11:14.42] <Cleland> I’m getting ready to go to a wedding--someone getting into the marriage hearse again
[11:14.43] <Cleland> Sad
[11:14.52] <mOrO^_> There are 4 (four) judges in America, that can signa piece of paper and have Trump JAILED.
[11:16.16] <Cleland> emm
[11:16.22] <Cleland> do tell
[11:28.10] * You have joined #Gulag
[11:28.10]  Topic: congratulations to kritklmas for winning the Russian commander deadpool!
[11:28.10] Channel Topic Set by: Debaser on 6:26 PM 8/23/2023
[11:28.10] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[11:28.10] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[11:28.30] <+JustBeKalm> My daughter's wedding was outdoors. I can't remember it ever raining so hard.
[11:28.40] * You are now known as wptmj
[11:28.42] <+oWo> Rayvyn: you just finished sucking off a black guy
[11:28.56] <mgm17> of course... big even outdoors, you're inviting monsoons
[11:29.04] <wptmj> its like rain
[11:29.13] <mgm17> event
[11:29.13] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, it was a very wet
[11:29.20] <+Rayvyn> I knew sheriff waters was a republican when he said guns aren't the problem it's attitudes and then ran from the question abhout desantis and his assualt blacks through the banning of slavery and other black study areas
[11:30.01] * Mantra ( has joined channel #Gulag
[11:30.48] <+Rayvyn> republicans stepped in a big pile of shit when they made banning black stuides a plank in their platform
[11:30.50] <mgm17> when it comes to big events... remember Murphy's law and that Murphy is an optimist
[11:31.28] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, it had been so nice most of that month.
[11:31.33] <+JustBeKalm> Well, the month before.
[11:31.51] <+Rayvyn> wasn't james garner in that movie, murphy's law?
[11:32.04] <+Rayvyn> oh wait that was murphy's romance
[11:32.21] <+JustBeKalm> They married at his uncle's house. He's a doctor so he had a beautiful yard on the water. It was going to be outdoors :/
[11:32.22] * ^skunk`` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[11:32.43] <mgm17> glad it turned out good
[11:33.02] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, it kept raining, but the reception was very nice.
[11:33.16] <+JustBeKalm> It's almost a year now. Hard to believe.
[11:33.16] <mgm17> thats the most important part !
[11:33.21] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, yep :)
[11:33.27] <+Rayvyn> wasn't murphy's romance the sequel to murphy's war?
[11:33.44] <mgm17> not familiar with james garner movies
[11:34.26] <+Rayvyn> mgm17, i'm currently watching the rockford files tv show, very good, and they made 8 tv movies
[11:35.26] <mgm17> oh my... its already 102F.... miserable heatwave
[11:35.27] <+Rayvyn> gonna watch maverick too
[11:35.49] <mgm17> forecast for 105
[11:35.57] <+Rayvyn> mgm17, where are you death valley?
[11:36.06] <mgm17> nope... south louisiana
[11:36.24] <^skunk``> the gunman had mental issues previously but got his gun legally.....
[11:36.25] <mgm17> worse than death valley...high humidity too down here
[11:36.41] <mgm17> skuk... who was the gunman
[11:36.49] <+Rayvyn> oh wow, i lived near shreveport decades ago, heat and humidity in La. subtropical
[11:36.52] <^skunk``> Mr Waters said Palmeter had been briefly detained for 72 hours in 2017 under the Baker Act, mental health legislation that allows the involuntary detainment of an individual for treatment.
[11:37.23] <^skunk``> Twenty-one year old Ryan Christopher Palmeter fired eleven rounds at one woman sitting in her car in Jacksonville, before entering a shop and shooting another two people.
[11:38.13] <+Rayvyn> ^skunk``, did you see when waters was asked about desantis' assault on black studies and racial sensitivity training?
[11:38.45] <^skunk``> The attack happened less than a mile from the historically black Edwards Waters University.
[11:38.45] <^skunk``> Palmeter first went to the university campus, where he was asked to identify himself by a security officer, the university said in a statement. When he refused, he was asked to leave.
[11:38.47] * gris ( has joined channel #Gulag
[11:39.04] <^skunk``> so his target was the university but he couldnt get in
[11:39.05] <mgm17> as expected.... white male under 40 years old...
[11:39.11] <mgm17> racist
[11:39.46] <gris> this fuckin thing got unplugged
[11:39.49] <mgm17> look at the demographics of shooters... males, young and some type of ax to grind
[11:39.58] <gris> my linux server got unplugged
[11:40.01] <gris> booooo
[11:40.27] <mgm17> why males shouldn't be able to get gun permit until 25
[11:40.46] * ExoMoon (~EMP2@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:40.58] <mgm17> males are overwhelmingly violent compared to females
[11:41.15] <+Rayvyn> how long until we see the shooter with a maga hat on and/or at a Trump kkk rally?
[11:41.26] <mgm17> and men say women are too emotional ??? what a perverse lie
[11:41.29] * kmh (~kmh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[11:41.45] <gris> testosterone is a hell of a hormone
[11:42.26] <mgm17> if men are known to have these hormone problems, why let them have gun permits prior to mature brain developement
[11:42.39] <PrezPusyGrab> mgm17: you're not supposed to fight and shoot things because you're emotional
[11:42.46] <PrezPusyGrab> You're supposed to fight and shoot things because its FUN
[11:42.58] <mgm17> tell that to all the dead
[11:43.13] <PrezPusyGrab> gotta die of something
[11:43.24] <+Rayvyn> PrezPusyGrab, ya like can's for fun and deer and squirrel for food
[11:43.26] <PrezPusyGrab> cccccbctincuiurvgtnlgijuvtuuvvbucnjiebgnilkg
[11:43.32] <gris> its so dumb
[11:43.37] <gris> these guys who do mass shootings are idiots
[11:43.39] <PrezPusyGrab> Rayvyn: yeah
[11:43.55] <kmh> so men are the real women?
[11:43.58] <gris> neo-nazis are really really dumb
[11:44.02] <PrezPusyGrab> and fighting in boxing rings, or just with friends, not seriously trying to hurt people
[11:44.11] <kmh> getting all hormoinal and stuff?
[11:44.34] <+Rayvyn> personally i've become to soft to shoot animals, i'll let someone else shoot it, i'll just eat it
[11:44.48] <kmh> gotta say fits perfectly in the age of gender fluidity
[11:44.54] <PrezPusyGrab> I dont want to shoot a living thing, that just seems weird
[11:45.06] <PrezPusyGrab> shooting a target for fun, whatever.
[11:45.15] <+Rayvyn> yes, I'm a hypocrite, pleased to meet you! lol
[11:45.26] <kmh> PrezPusyGrab,  how about stomping bugs?
[11:45.27] <PrezPusyGrab> yeah I love meat though
[11:45.59] <PrezPusyGrab> kmh: I still do it but i've kinda thought about it, and its pretty shitty to do.  Millions of years of evolution snuffed out for someone's convenience.
[11:46.18] <KenoshaKid> +,   WHITE SURPEMACISTS kills one black, injures 6 in Louisville, KY mass shooting
[11:46.19] <@Lard> [url] LIVE: Mayor Greenberg provides update on mass shooting investigation |, ( +, )
[11:46.30] <+Rayvyn> PrezPusyGrab, well the more human intelligence grows, the more epathetic we become, killing for fun is not gonna be as popular
[11:46.38] <KenoshaKid> +, WHITE SUPREMACISTS shoot 4 blacks in Ohio mass shooting
[11:46.38] <@Lard> [Twitter] NE Ohio Scanner (@NEO_Scan): CLE ~ Shooting - 11500s St Mark/near W117/Lorain - 4 people shot.  Most self transported to the hospital.  2 shooters as rpted by witnesses, 1 M in a red Jeep.  1 victim is trauma at Fairview.  Checking hospital list for them to show up. - | 5 RTs | 28 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-27 - 06:31:31UTC
[11:46.48] <kmh> PrezPusyGrab,  but that is what eviltion created sbuffing out other species for your convenience
[11:46.55] <KenoshaKid> +,  WHITE SUPREMACISTS shoot 5 hispanics in mass shooting
[11:46.56] <@Lard> [url] chevron-right | ( +, )
[11:46.58] * ^skunk`` ( Quit (Quit: Putin - Imagine there's no more Prigozhin, it's easy if you try)
[11:47.10] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: seriously go masturbate to Kyle rittenhouse getting to kill jews while your chickenshit ass can only fantasize about it.
[11:47.11] <KenoshaKid> +,  WHITE SUPREMACISTS open fire at Boston Caribbean festival, shooting 7 blacks
[11:47.12] <@Lard> [url] Police identify people arrested after 8 shot near Caribbean festival in Boston - Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News | ( +, )
[11:47.22] <+Rayvyn> i'll be glad when they start growing meat in labs, can't wait to see a tree with chicken legs hanging off it it
[11:47.27] <KenoshaKid> +, WHITE SUPREMACISTS open fire at Florida apartment complex, injuring 4 blacks
[11:47.28] <@Lard> [url] New Details: Four People shot at Tallahassee apartment complex |, ( +, )
[11:47.38] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: stop flooding your nazi propaganda please.
[11:47.42] <KenoshaKid> +, WHITE SUPREMACISTS open fire at California apartment building, injuring 5 blacks
[11:47.43] <@Lard> [url] 5 people injured after shooting at Pasadena apartment complex - ABC7 Los Angeles | ( +, )
[11:47.43] <PrezPusyGrab> you won't convince anyone of anything
[11:47.47] * McChicken ( Quit (Quit: Client closed)
[11:47.55] <KenoshaKid> all within the past 72 hours
[11:47.58] <PrezPusyGrab> and we all know the second you try to engage in actual debate you lose and cry like a bitch
[11:48.12] <PrezPusyGrab> so whats the point of this/
[11:48.36] <KenoshaKid> ppg is pissed off that blacks have shot more blacks in the past 72 hours than white people have
[11:48.45] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: no I just think you're a spamming retard
[11:48.49] <KenoshaKid> in mass shootings alone, not just regular shootings
[11:49.02] <+JustBeKalm> the topic hunting?
[11:49.27] <KenoshaKid> throw in generic shootings and it's way more
[11:49.28] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid is trying to make some point that black people are as violent as white people, despite black people never having committed full scale genocide on multiple continents
[11:49.43] <+JustBeKalm> I have no idea how anyone with a heart can hunt animals for fun. I guess if they are going to eat them, it's a little better.  I couldn't do it. Somebody else has to kill them.
[11:49.51] <KenoshaKid> all ppg succeeds in arguing is that when white people decide to get violent, they're the best at it
[11:49.56] <+JustBeKalm> PrezPusyGrab, he is an idiot.
[11:50.08] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid admits white people are the best at being violent.
[11:50.09] <KenoshaKid> meanwhile, blacks shoot more blacks in the US than white people do
[11:50.25] <+JustBeKalm> Kyle is redneck white.
[11:50.29] <KenoshaKid> the biggest threat to blacks in the US is other blacks
[11:50.34] <+JustBeKalm> Redneck whites love to kill.
[11:51.05] <KenoshaKid> according to the CDC, the leading cause of death of black males ages 0-40 is homicide... almost entirely at the hands of other blacks
[11:51.14] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid is trying to make some point that black people are more violent, ignoring the fact that you see the same level of violent statistics in white neighborhoods that have over 40% poverty
[11:51.37] <PrezPusyGrab> any community that has over a certain level of poverty completely breaks down
[11:51.42] <KenoshaKid> turns out really violent people are stupid and tend to stay poor
[11:51.53] <KenoshaKid> it just so happens to be a bigger problem per capita with blacks
[11:51.54] <PrezPusyGrab> or, people confined to ghettos without economic opportunities do
[11:52.13] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Its not so much a matter of the colour of the skin of the person doing this or that bad thing. Its about systems. For most of American and Canadian history, and still today in many ways, a situation is maintained thru political, economic and social systems which grants greater dignity to some populations, and increased deprivation to others. This manifests itself in things like the War on Drugs and gangland violence.
[11:52.14] <KenoshaKid> this pisses people off who can't handle the cold, hard realities of black violence
[11:52.16] <PrezPusyGrab> Black people were purposefully pushed away from economic opportunities in areas without a chance for growth
[11:52.30] <+JustBeKalm> PrezPusyGrab, yeah. Could be why West Virginia is the state with one of the most drug deaths in the country.
[11:52.37] <+JustBeKalm> Poor white redneck state.
[11:52.52] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: but we see the same statistics in poor areas from other races, the only issue is that there's way less of them with white people, because white people have had the opportunity to share in generational wealth.
[11:53.08] <+JustBeKalm> There are poor whites.
[11:53.11] <KenoshaKid> when you look at people with an IQ of around 85 and below, they are overwhelmingly poor and have a higher rate of violence in their communities
[11:53.19] <+JustBeKalm> Appleachia, or however you spell it.
[11:53.22] <PrezPusyGrab> JustBeKalm: Yes but even poor whites grow up in neighborhoods with more resources, usually.
[11:53.23] <+JustBeKalm> Like all of WV.
[11:53.33] <+JustBeKalm> PrezPusyGrab, it's pretty bad in WV.
[11:53.39] <PrezPusyGrab> JustBeKalm: and in the areas where white people grow up in communities with over 40% poverty, they have the same violence statistics
[11:53.43] <KenoshaKid> it just happens to be that blacks are 50% around an IQ of 85
[11:53.47] <KenoshaKid> or below
[11:53.49] <+JustBeKalm> There are white rednecks who won't take advantage of having opportunities.
[11:53.55] <PrezPusyGrab> But most white people are able to share in the communal wealth of america, where black people weren't allowed
[11:54.10] <+JustBeKalm> PrezPusyGrab, that makes sense.
[11:54.21] <PrezPusyGrab> Thats why the statistics match, areas that have had lots of communal wealth passed down have less problems
[11:54.24] <PrezPusyGrab> regardless of race
[11:54.29] <+JustBeKalm> Oh, sure.
[11:54.29] <KenoshaKid> it's funnuy to watch people make excuses for those who commit violent acts at a rate 8x the national mean
[11:54.36] <mgm17> blacks AND women weren't allowed economic freedom
[11:54.42] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, true.
[11:54.45] <PrezPusyGrab> its funny to watch KenoshaKid get mad when his blatant racism is proved incorrect.
[11:54.59] <KenoshaKid> they sperg out and foam at the mouth
[11:55.01] <PrezPusyGrab> It's simple cause and effect.
[11:55.05] <+JustBeKalm> And other minorities (women not being a minority but cut down by religion and it's men)
[11:55.09] <PrezPusyGrab> something too much for someone who never graduated 5th grade
[11:55.24] <PrezPusyGrab> to him he has to prove his "tribe" is superior, because his only accomplishment in life is being born to white parents.
[11:55.30] <KenoshaKid> they get soooooo mad, and it's hilarious to watch them seethe over realities they can't handle
[11:55.33] <+JustBeKalm> Anyone who uses the name KenoshaKid to honor a little stupid brat like Kyle the Murderer can't be too smart.
[11:55.49] <PrezPusyGrab> and when he loses an argument tries to pretend everyone making fun of him is angry at him
[11:55.55] <mgm17> its seems strange to have to say this in this day and age.. but WOMEN are 100% complete even IF they are not attached to a male
[11:55.58] <+JustBeKalm> They all do that. MAGAs.
[11:56.06] <+JustBeKalm> mgm17, of course.
[11:56.16] <+JustBeKalm> These days lots of women don't want to marry.
[11:56.38] <PrezPusyGrab> That's their entire identity.  Their only accomplishment and sense of self comes from being born to certain colors of people and angering anyone who thinks they're stupid.
[11:56.38] <+JustBeKalm> That was back when women couldn't get good jobs so they HAD to marry for financial support.
[11:56.43] <PrezPusyGrab> cccccbctincuhiijentbkuuknegifkebiuciiijeufcd
[11:56.52] <PrezPusyGrab> shit hit my yubikey
[11:56.57] * KenoshaKid lols hard @ the sperging
[11:57.05] <mgm17> whenever I see women left out of the equality reminds me that many ppl in this culture does NOT understand that women ARE 100% without a male
[11:57.41] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid tries so hard and always ends up looking stupid rofl
[11:57.46] <+JustBeKalm> brb....
[11:58.06] <PrezPusyGrab> He'll leave in embarrassment soon and come back in a week or two when he works up the courage to try again
[11:58.53] <kmh> mgm17, yes no not Y whatsoever unleess they are transwomen
[11:59.27] <KenoshaKid> +,   By Age Group, leading cause of death is homocide ages 1-44. ouch
[11:59.28] <@Lard> [url] Leading Causes of Death - Males - Non-Hispanic Black - United States, 2018 | Minority Health | CDC |, ( +, )
[11:59.30] <+euphzzzzzzzz> [14:53:37] <KenoshaKid> it just happens to be that blacks are 50% around an IQ of 85 or below <-- this is your brain on Steven Crowder and Jordan Peterson. "Hmmm yes, and the brow of the Negroid race thus doth exhibiteth a most underdeveloped ridge...."
[11:59.33] <+JustBeKalm> Religion has hurt women. Still does.
[11:59.33] <+Rayvyn> these pwt magat mafia morons need to feel superior because many of them are ignored in real life, they feel unimportant, so being white makes them feel important. you'll get more of this as whites lose power and america becomes a majority minority nation
[11:59.43] <+JustBeKalm> Anyone who says it doesn't is lying to himself and everyone else.
[11:59.46] <+euphzzzzzzzz> bbl
[12:00.07] <+Rayvyn> blacks are the main demographic that picks the president now, and they hate that
[12:00.10] <KenoshaKid> the seething against reality is hilarious
[12:00.38] <KenoshaKid> leading cause of death of black men under 45: other black men.
[12:00.44] <mgm17> the "religious" are typically under-evolved group who still need the concept of an all knowing entity relieving them of personal responsibility
[12:01.06] <+Rayvyn> trump got 60% of the white vote, and still got his ass kicked because blacks turned out in georgia, wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania
[12:01.33] <+Rayvyn> hispanics turned out in Arizona to hand trump's dumb racist ass a loss too
[12:01.41] <KenoshaKid> note that all it took to get every leftist at their chair seething was posting cold, hard facts
[12:01.49] <+Rayvyn> racists mostly have low iQ
[12:01.58] <+JustBeKalm> All minorities vote against the GOP because they are racists.
[12:02.07] <mgm17> i just look at demographics...  white males, under 40 and typically conservative bent are doing the mass shootings
[12:02.13] <+Rayvyn> nearly every racist i've met online was a moron
[12:02.17] <+Rayvyn> is a moron
[12:02.19] <+JustBeKalm> Rayvyn, they were the less educated whites too.
[12:02.19] <KenoshaKid> all those racist, white supremacist black men killing those other black men
[12:02.48] <KenoshaKid> we know they're white supremacists because mostly just kill blacks
[12:02.51] <PrezPusyGrab> lol KenoshaKid lost the argument and resorted back to repetition of things trying to represent an idea he knows is false.
[12:02.53] <PrezPusyGrab> what a clown
[12:03.00] <KenoshaKid> and occasionally beat up asians on the streets
[12:03.03] <+Rayvyn> +,
[12:03.05] <@Lard> [url] Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Live Science |, ( +, )
[12:03.11] <PrezPusyGrab> lol Rayvyn
[12:03.25] <+JustBeKalm> Of course.
[12:03.37] <+JustBeKalm> You need a low IQ to be a racist.
[12:03.38] <KenoshaKid> Rayvyn: that must be why the leading cause of death of black men under 45 is other black men. they're low IQ and therefore racist against blacks.
[12:03.44] <+Rayvyn> when you hear someone spewing facts that claim blacks are dumb and more violent, they usually come from dumb violent racists
[12:04.05] <KenoshaKid> the CDC and FBI are racist
[12:04.06] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid ignores the fact that white communities with the same poverty levels have the same violence.
[12:04.21] <KenoshaKid> people under a certain IQ tend to be poorer and more violent
[12:04.27] <+Rayvyn> think about what kind of pathetic life a person has, that they sit around for hours putting black people down. much of it comes from a massive inferiority complex
[12:04.27] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: the main difference is, white people grow up in richer communities due to communal wealth, that was stolen from black people
[12:04.55] <KenoshaKid> whites stole louis vuitton handbacks from blacks
[12:04.57] <mgm17> usually lower intelligence, and emotional issues also contribute to racist mentality
[12:04.58] <PrezPusyGrab> Rayvyn: some girl KenoshaKid liked dated a black man and he's spent his entire life trying to attack them
[12:05.02] <KenoshaKid> handbags*
[12:05.19] <KenoshaKid> the entire channel is seething over simple facts
[12:05.19] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: or they stole their labor, and forced them into communities with no economic opportunities or wealth
[12:05.28] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: I thought they were proving you wrong.
[12:05.52] <PrezPusyGrab> "People who prove I'm an idiot are just angry at me!" -- CopingKid
[12:05.53] <+Rayvyn> PrezPusyGrab, i don't know about that, but anyone who sits around all day and makes up statistics about blacks in order to say all blacks are bad, is sick in the head
[12:05.56] <+Rayvyn> period
[12:06.07] <KenoshaKid> mgm17: yes, that's why blacks are the leading cause of death of black men under 45. they're racist with low intelligence and emotional issues
[12:06.26] <KenoshaKid> the cdc and fbi produce fake, racist statistics.
[12:06.35] <PrezPusyGrab> CopingKid worships someone who shot 3 people and then claims violent people are less intelligent and have emotional issues.
[12:06.37] <PrezPusyGrab> ironic
[12:06.38] <+Rayvyn> they feel so pathetic in their own lives, they have to try and put blacks down, but you never hear these people say, "boy blacks go to church more than white people!"
[12:06.49] <mgm17> for most of working class ppl in USA, their homes and real estate are the bases of personal wealth... for black ppl, mortgage "red lining" was a REAL factor in accumulating any real wealth
[12:07.12] <PrezPusyGrab> mgm17: that's way too complicated to understand for CopingKid
[12:07.23] <Lottoman> hey hey
[12:07.25] <KenoshaKid> the sperging and seething are hilarious
[12:07.33] <Lottoman> good afternoon to all
[12:07.34] <PrezPusyGrab> CopingKid is coping again.
[12:08.01] <+Rayvyn> the fact is murder among any group in america is rare, far far less than 1% are murderers, thosands of murders out of 40 million people is miniscule, but racist idiots try to use that tiny number to justify their racism
[12:08.01] <PrezPusyGrab> lol imagine coming into some place, spamming to make a point, instantly laughed at and proven wrong, and then trying to claim everyone is just mad.  hahaha
[12:08.21] <kmh> it's on 3000m steeple chase now
[12:08.22] * smirks ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:08.25] <PrezPusyGrab> CopingKid:  You should come here more often.
[12:08.34] * smirks smirks
[12:08.49] * ExoMoon (~EMP2@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:08.52] <Lottoman> y'all still fussing about racism?
[12:08.55] <smirks> Shall we play PERMABAN ROULETTE?  you betcha!
[12:08.59] <KenoshaKid> it's hilarious watching assmad racists make excuses for their pet minorities when they do evil things at a rate 8x higher than the national average
[12:09.12] <Lottoman> has the mouthy knowitall spoken about it yet?
[12:09.15] <smirks> and heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-'re we arrrrrrrrre   (best Jim Lange voice)
[12:09.20] <smirks> :D
[12:09.39] <PrezPusyGrab> CopingKid getting angry trying to call everyone else mad
[12:09.52] <PrezPusyGrab> CopingKid: haha yeah we're so mad you made a fool of yourself again.
[12:10.04] <KenoshaKid> you know they're seething when they have nothing but "no u"
[12:10.17] <+Rayvyn> if youi listen to people like KenoshaKid, you would think blacks are walking around with their heads down all day and shooting each other. I've lived in black neighborhoods and white neighborhoods, and most blacks are working class folk who are not criminals
[12:10.20] <PrezPusyGrab> CopingKid projecting again hahaha
[12:10.27] <smirks> you're mad!  you're mad I tells ya!  mad  mad  mad  mad  MAAAAAAAD!
[12:10.32] <ExoMoon> Eukaryota
[12:10.35] <smirks> nyuk  nyuk  nyuk
[12:10.46] <PrezPusyGrab> CopingKid:  You should come back more often, you're always funny.
[12:11.01] <+Rayvyn> but the racists want to take the miniscule number of blacks who are murders and use that number to pain the black race as inferior
[12:11.02] <KenoshaKid> in the past 72 hours, blacks have shot more blacks than whites have shot blacks in the past 5 years
[12:11.12] * smirks marvels at how virtually every post by you asshat muppets can get turned into a Looney Tunes quip.....
[12:11.18] <+Rayvyn> this is why blacks keep voting 90% plus for democrats
[12:11.21] <smirks> bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[12:11.52] <+Rayvyn> watch this,
[12:12.02] <PrezPusyGrab> +,
[12:12.04] <@Lard> [url] JSTOR: Access Check |, ( +, )
[12:12.04] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, how many whites were shot by whites in the last 72 hours?
[12:12.10] <PrezPusyGrab> Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
[12:12.12] <smirks> The Autism Spectrum is WELL represented here
[12:12.23] <PrezPusyGrab> spergs represents the whole thing.
[12:12.33] <smirks> bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[12:12.43] <KenoshaKid> homicide is not a leading cause of death for any age group for whites. it is the leading cause of death for all age groups under 45 in black males.
[12:12.44] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, you still there?
[12:12.47] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, how many whites were shot by whites in the last 72 hours?
[12:12.50] <mOrO^_> Don Jr has sold oave 7 million in mugshot mdse
[12:12.54] <+Rayvyn> google faster
[12:13.30] <smirks> and the poster boy for IRC Autism bleats at me...Impotent RAGE...  always...      <PrezPusyGrab> spergs represents the whole thing.
[12:13.30] <+Rayvyn> comeon KenoshaKid, you can do it! look, up white on white murders and how many whites shoot whites
[12:13.33] <+Rayvyn> LOL
[12:13.34] <smirks> hahahahahahaha
[12:14.11] <KenoshaKid> it's gotta sting pretty badly to realize that black men are the leading cause of death of black men under the age of 45, when you're trying to paint a narrative of white-on-black violence
[12:14.14] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid hates blacks more than he loves white folk, because he would know in an instant how many whites shoot whites. but he doesn't for some reason
[12:14.16] <PrezPusyGrab> spergs:  Be nice.
[12:14.26] <+JustBeKalm> Well, Kyle Rittehouse murdered two and tried for three.
[12:14.31] <+JustBeKalm> There's an example.
[12:14.39] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, how many whites have shot whites in the last 72 hours?
[12:15.05] <KenoshaKid> pointing out statistical facts about black demographics is racism and hate
[12:15.06] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid is complaining about violence while named after someone who shot 3 people.
[12:15.23] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, how come you don't have that statistic? do you think black lives matter more than white lives?
[12:15.26] <KenoshaKid> +,  vs   +,
[12:15.27] <@Lard> [url] Leading Causes of Death - Males - Non-Hispanic White - United States, 2018 | Minority Health | CDC |, ( +, )
[12:15.29] <@Lard> [url] Leading Causes of Death - Males - Non-Hispanic Black - United States, 2018 | Minority Health | CDC |, ( +, )
[12:15.35] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid is a member of black lives matter
[12:15.36] <+Rayvyn> lol
[12:15.42] <PrezPusyGrab> copingkid:  You're being dishonest, you're trying to paint a narrative and you know it.  Being a liar only gives people more reason to not trust you.  You know, other than being stupid.
[12:15.44] <KenoshaKid> the cdc is racist
[12:15.54] <KenoshaKid> and therefore cannot be trusted
[12:16.12] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, how many whites have shot whites in the last 72 hours?
[12:16.20] <smirks> and the poster boy for IRC Autism bleats at me...Impotent RAGE...  always...      <PrezPusyGrab> spergs represents the whole thing.  <PrezPusyGrab> spergs:  Be nice.
[12:16.30] <PrezPusyGrab> What I don't understand is if you're a proud racist and trying to paint a racist narrative, why not just be a man and admit it instead of a chickenshit pussy
[12:16.34] <PrezPusyGrab> just say "yeah I don't like blacks"
[12:16.39] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, how come you don't know how many whites were shot by whites in the last 72 hours?
[12:16.46] <PrezPusyGrab> Don't lie and say things like "omg I'm just posting facts i'm not racist"
[12:16.52] <KenoshaKid> pointing to statistical facts published by the US government is racism.
[12:17.02] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: I care less that you're a racist and more that you're too much of a pussy to just claim it.
[12:17.12] <+TekWiz> [Aug24'23 14:50:49] <Dubliner> [#allnitecafe] ATTENTION! You were found sitting in one or more blacklisted channels! You have 30 seconds to leave: #gulag, otherwise you'll be banned. Thank You!
[12:17.15] <+TekWiz> lol wtf
[12:17.16] <PrezPusyGrab> if I hated black people I would just say "yeah fuck you I"m racist"
[12:17.17] <smirks> you just can't quit me.  your Autistically focused like a laser on those you widh you could be,
[12:17.20] <smirks> and the poster boy for IRC Autism bleats at me...Impotent RAGE...  always...      <PrezPusyGrab> spergs represents the whole thing.  <PrezPusyGrab> spergs:  Be nice.
[12:17.21] <PrezPusyGrab> I wouldn't be a little bitch about it
[12:17.22] <+JustBeKalm> Hey, Tekwiz!!!!
[12:17.32] * smirks smirks
[12:17.38] <PrezPusyGrab> spergs:  Be nice.
[12:17.40] <KenoshaKid> leftists can't handle the fact that blacks kill more blacks in 72 hours than whites kill blacks in multiple years
[12:17.41] <+TekWiz> Hey JustBeKalm !!!!!! :) !!!!! Happy Sunday!
[12:17.45] <smirks> and the poster boy for IRC Autism bleats at me...Impotent RAGE...  always...      <PrezPusyGrab> spergs represents the whole thing.
[12:17.59] <smirks> bleat your RAGE, Autiz
[12:18.03] <smirks> come to me
[12:18.08] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: so you're going to keep hiding and denying your beliefs like a pussy?
[12:18.13] <+JustBeKalm> Happy Sunday to you too!!! LTNS!
[12:18.21] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: why not just say "yeah I hate blacks fuck you!".  Be a man if thats how you feel.
[12:18.26] <+TekWiz> I'd pick Gulag over "Allnightcafe" anytime lol
[12:18.33] <+TekWiz> That is one boring ass room
[12:18.37] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, how come you don't know how many whites were shot by whites in the last 72 hours?
[12:18.46] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: get some balls and stop being a pussy
[12:19.00] <+JustBeKalm> AGree with PrezPusyGrab. Have the balls to tell us.
[12:19.06] <+JustBeKalm> We know.
[12:19.19] <+JustBeKalm> And we know you are afraid to say it, which makes you a wuss.
[12:19.24] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid goes to stormfront or some other white supremacist group for his statistics, he sadi blacks under 45 but then shows a chart that lists white males of all ages
[12:19.26] <PrezPusyGrab> all these racists being dishonest about it.  "oh I'm not actually racist I'm just posting facts i have no agenda whatsoever" like wtf lol
[12:19.32] <KenoshaKid> the entire channel of leftists can't help but seeeeethe when the reality of black on black violence is pointed out during one of their anti-white hate fests
[12:19.39] <+JustBeKalm> Rayvyn, I'd love to know his source so I could look it up.
[12:19.41] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, what is the leading cause of black males of all ages?
[12:19.43] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: I just want you to stop being a little bitch and tell the truth.
[12:19.49] <+JustBeKalm> PrezPusyGrab, very good point.
[12:19.52] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: would you consider yourself a racist?
[12:20.00] <+Rayvyn> leading cause of death for all black males?
[12:20.09] <+JustBeKalm> If you obviously are one, admit it and don't be a baby about it. We know anyway.
[12:20.10] <+Rayvyn> of all ages, not just under 45
[12:20.12] <KenoshaKid> Non-Hispanic Black1, Male, by Age Group, 1.) 1-44 years: Homicide
[12:20.21] <KenoshaKid> some people simply can't read.
[12:20.23] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: Are you too scared to answer that question for some reason?
[12:20.26] <KenoshaKid> +,
[12:20.26] <@Lard> [url] Leading Causes of Death - Males - Non-Hispanic Black - United States, 2018 | Minority Health | CDC |, ( +, )
[12:20.33] <+JustBeKalm> PrezPusyGrab, MAGAs are big cowards.
[12:20.37] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: would you consider yourself a proud racist?
[12:20.40] <+JustBeKalm> That's not news.
[12:20.59] <KenoshaKid> it's gotta suck when wannabe white saviors are as illiterate as the violent minority pets they try to white knight for
[12:21.09] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, it's heart disease, so it's not murder?
[12:21.11] <P-1^> Russia Says Genetic Testing Confirms Prigozhin’s Death
[12:21.11] <+Rayvyn> LOL
[12:21.13] <PrezPusyGrab> its gotta suck when you're too chickenshit to answer a simple question
[12:21.17] <+JustBeKalm> KenoshaKid, I took you off ignore just to see if you were brave enough to speak the truth.
[12:21.19] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: would you consider yourself a proud racist?
[12:21.27] <KenoshaKid> it's all laid out mid-page by age group, but they can't read
[12:21.27] <+JustBeKalm> And I wasn't disappointed. You are scared.
[12:21.43] <+JustBeKalm> I don't like MAGAs. I said it.
[12:21.47] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: why is that question so scary?
[12:21.49] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, how many white males were killed by other white males in the last 72 hours? why don't you care about white males being murdered by white people?
[12:21.50] <+JustBeKalm> Not their views anyway.
[12:22.02] <+JustBeKalm> WEll, back on ignore, you coward.
[12:22.13] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid hates YT, thinks only black on black murders are important.
[12:22.15] <KenoshaKid> so many blacks kill other blacks that the leading cause of death is homicide ages 1-44. homicide is not a leading cause of death for whites in any age group.
[12:22.16] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: if being racist is bad, you shouldn't be racist.  But if it's not bad, you should be fine with admitting that you're a racist and proud of it.
[12:22.18] <+JustBeKalm> KKKenoshaKKKid, why don't you admit it?
[12:22.22] <+JustBeKalm> We know who you are.
[12:22.24] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: would you consider yourself a proud racist?
[12:22.31] <+JustBeKalm> You like KKKyle. So many K's.
[12:22.32] <PrezPusyGrab> still waiting on you to man up and answer
[12:22.34] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, why do you think whites getting killed by whites is not important?
[12:22.37] <+JustBeKalm> He won't.
[12:22.45] <+JustBeKalm> MAGAs are the world's biggest cowards.
[12:22.52] <KenoshaKid> nothing but pure, autistic rage, and it's hilarious
[12:22.53] <PrezPusyGrab> is KenoshaKid hiding from the question?
[12:22.59] <smirks> Rayvyn, because KenoshaKid is one RACIST motherfucker.  He wrings his hands over 86% of blacks are murdered by blacks, but completely ignores that 82% of white people are murdered by white people.  kenoshaKid doesn't give a fuck about white lives.  KenoshaKid simply DESPISES WHITE PEOPLE.  TO KenoshaKid, BLACK LIVES MATTER!  to KenoshaKid WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER... he's simply a racist who hates white people and only cares that BLACK LIVE
[12:23.05] <+JustBeKalm> From what I saw, he's AFRAID to answer.
[12:23.13] <PrezPusyGrab> lol KenoshaKid is so scared to just state his beliefs.
[12:23.17] <smirks> ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[12:23.17] <PrezPusyGrab> so much for pride
[12:23.21] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, what percentage of blacks are murderers?
[12:23.45] <Lottoman> here we go.. again
[12:23.55] <+JustBeKalm> KKKenoshaKKKid, come on. Just be honest with yourself. You know you're a crap racist.
[12:23.56] <KenoshaKid> "hurr durrr there is nothing different about a demographic whose leading cause of death is other males in the same demographic who commit violent acts at a rate 8x higher than the national average"
[12:23.57] <+JustBeKalm> A lowlife.
[12:23.57] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: they're going to kick you out of your white pride group if you don't take more pride in your beliefs.
[12:23.59] <+JustBeKalm> A loser.
[12:24.10] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, what percentage of terrorist mass shootings are commited by whites?
[12:24.14] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: but I explained the difference.  Inherited wealth.
[12:24.20] <KenoshaKid> also leftists: "it's the white man's fault blacks are so violent"
[12:24.25] <PrezPusyGrab> cccccbctincuhbuugkeruluekgrdvceggkdlriugitjd
[12:24.37] <KenoshaKid> pure, autistic rage
[12:24.40] <PrezPusyGrab> <KenoshaKid> I'm too chickenshit to state my own beliefs.
[12:24.45] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, what percentage of blacks are murderers?
[12:24.50] <Lottoman> geez JustGetExcited..  I see you are doing what you loveeeee to do..   beat up on someone
[12:25.05] <PrezPusyGrab> <KenoshaKid> They kicked me out of my white pride meetings for being too much of a pussy to represent our belief systems.
[12:25.15] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, out of the 40 million blacks in america, how many are murderers?
[12:25.19] <Lottoman> mouthy knowitall..  you are a channel bully..  just as bad as those you CONSTANTLY put down
[12:25.30] <KenoshaKid> "it's the white man's fault that my pet minorities are racist against themselves."
[12:25.43] <P-1^> it's sad that the most significant life achievement for some is their race LOL
[12:25.44] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: I just don't understand why if you think racism is good, that you just don't say that?  Why be such a little bitch about it?
[12:25.53] <Lottoman> just cause you got paid to not be a racist.. cough cough..  doesnt elevate you above the rest of us..   hon
[12:26.07] <KenoshaKid> look at these enraged, autistic leftists slurping my asshole
[12:26.10] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: if you believe in racism just say "Yes, I am a racist".  I'd respect you a lot more than lying like a little pussy
[12:26.12] <+Rayvyn> this is why KenoshaKid's claims are just laughed at because most voters do not think all black people are bad because they have a higher murder rate
[12:26.20] <+Rayvyn> when far far less than 1% are murderers
[12:26.22] <KenoshaKid> they haven't stopped since I posted a few news stories about blacks killing other blacks.
[12:26.28] <KenoshaKid> slurpy slurp
[12:26.45] <PrezPusyGrab> lol KenoshaKid still too chickenshit to answer if he supports racism as an ideology or not
[12:26.49] * hopesnothere ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:26.57] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, how many white on white murders were committed in the last 72 hours?
[12:27.09] <PrezPusyGrab> It just goes to show these people are dishonest cowards and fools
[12:27.18] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid is embarrassed by his own beliefs hahaha
[12:27.22] <hopesnothere>  Meanwhile in Los Angeles...   --    +,
[12:27.22] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Meanwhile in Los Angeles...⁩ | 8m 53s | ⁨Liberal Hivemind⁩ | 46,158 views
[12:27.34] <+Rayvyn> KenoshaKid, are you pissed that black voters are the main reason trump got his ass kicked?
[12:27.58] <hopesnothere>  He DIDN
[12:28.03] * LionClan (~LionClan@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:28.15] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: would you like to clarify whether or not you support racism as an ideology, or are you too embarrassed about your own beliefs to state them?
[12:28.19] * katy_uk ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:28.23] <+Rayvyn> trump got 60% of the white vote, so blacks voting in key states gave biden the victory and these white racists are mighty pissed, they sit around all day and stew about blacks beating htem
[12:28.25] <+Rayvyn> them
[12:28.34] <hopesnothere> GAYvyn :  He did NOT get his "ass kicked"
[12:28.42] <hopesnothere> you lying assfairy
[12:28.50] <PrezPusyGrab> lol look, KenoshaKid's intellectual equal has arrived.
[12:29.02] <+Rayvyn> in one year, black voter turnout by percentage was higher than white voter turnout. that really pisses the PWT magats off
[12:29.08] <Lottoman> the republicans have removed so many from the voting registry here.. blacks are no longer a threat..
[12:29.14] <PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: would you like to clarify whether or not you support racism as an ideology, or are you too embarrassed about your own beliefs to state them?
[12:29.16] <Lottoman> whites have the numbers
[12:29.16] <hopesnothere> PPG : ..You mean  that YOU weren't already HERE???
[12:29.37] <PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: do you type by furiously banging your head against the keyboard?
[12:30.12] <+Rayvyn> hopesnothere, he did he lost hy 5%
[12:30.16] <hopesnothere> .NO, BANGING MY DICK inside YOUR MOM's vagina
[12:30.21] <hopesnothere> ...or her MOUTH
[12:30.23] <+Rayvyn> seven million votes, that's an ass kicking
[12:30.25] <P-1^> hopesnothere: Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 AND 2020....he got his fat ass KICKED.....he lost the election in 2020 THEN kept losing the election over and over and over again in court.....nobody in presidential history lost MORE times that Trump....he is the biggest LOSER :))))
[12:30.28] <PrezPusyGrab> :/.  KenoshaKid runs off whenever confronted and can't hold his own in a conversation.
[12:30.40] <+JustBeKalm> They all run off.
[12:30.45] <+JustBeKalm> They're cowards.
[12:30.55] <PrezPusyGrab> He'll just accuse everyone who challenges him of being "mad" so he can claim victory while running away with his tail between his legs.
[12:30.55] <+JustBeKalm> I wish Slayer had been here for that
[12:30.58] <Lottoman> still frightening though..  that trump is still the one they want
[12:31.03] <+Rayvyn> what also pisses these racist jackasses off is Fani Willis and judge Chutkan holding trump's future in their hands.
[12:31.05] * Lottoman doesnt understand it
[12:31.07] <+JustBeKalm> But we know the truth :)
[12:31.13] <+Rayvyn> willis can put turmp away for life
[12:31.17] <+JustBeKalm> Rayvyn, FOR SURE.
[12:31.29] <+JustBeKalm> How dare a black woman have Trump's future in her hands?
[12:31.42] <+Rayvyn> JustBeKalm, and what do I hear on fox news site, that fani willis is an affirmative action hire
[12:32.08] <+JustBeKalm> Rayvyn, lololol.Figures. I refuse to read or watch Fox.
[12:32.18] <+Rayvyn> i'm waiting for judge chutkan to get fed up, and put her foot down and put trump in jail until trial
[12:32.41] <+Rayvyn> you see trump has stfu when judge chutkan told him to
[12:32.55] <+Debaser> +,
[12:32.55] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Multiple Aircraft Reported Destroyed at Kursk Airbase After Attack by Cardboard Drones: SYPAQ UAV⁩ | 2m 33s | ⁨Suchomimus⁩ | 30,028 views
[12:32.57] <hopesnothere> GAYvyn:   NO, SHIT-EATER.  1. NOT "Racists" (against WHOM ?)  2.  Fanni Williams is a GRANDSTANDING LEFTIST WHORE.
[12:33.14] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: why don't you take 20% off the top there, bub
[12:33.27] <+Debaser> Fanni Williams is doing her job
[12:33.31] <+Debaser> Prosecuting criminals
[12:33.40] <+Rayvyn> who is fani williams?
[12:33.43] <hopesnothere> JBK :    NOT the issue ... Try cleaning the SEMEN out of your eyes
[12:34.00] * Lottoman knew trump becoming president.. was going to be fucked up
[12:34.06] * Lottoman was right.. again
[12:34.24] <+Debaser> Lottoman: you and most of the world
[12:34.28] <hopesnothere> Debaser  ; YOUR MOM can take 20% of my semen
[12:34.44] <+Debaser> hopesnothere: why don't you calm down
[12:34.49] <+Rayvyn> hopesnothere is foaming a the mouth so much he can't even get her name right. Her namis Fani Willis, Mrs.  Willis if you nasty!
[12:34.50] <+Debaser> Can't be good for your heart to be this worked up all the time
[12:35.30] <hopesnothere> GAYyvn :   NOT "foaming atthe mouth,  Radial assmonkey
[12:35.36] <hopesnothere> RADICAL....
[12:35.56] <hopesnothere> GAYVYN She's a SOROS WHORE
[12:36.04] <hopesnothere> ..Jut like YOUR MOM
[12:36.09] <hopesnothere> ..Just..
[12:36.49] <+Rayvyn> I'm laughing my ass off, when ever one of these trump terrorists shoots up somewhere they come out of the woodwork trying to convince people the shooting was OK because "all black people are bad" because a few thousand of them are murderers. People like KenoshaKid think people will actually take them seriously and start hating blacks like they do.
[12:36.58] <+Rayvyn> soros ho?
[12:37.00] <hopesnothere> Debaser  It is when i fucked GAYvyn;s mom
[12:37.06] <+Rayvyn> can i get some money for that?
[12:37.32] <hopesnothere> GAYvyn: ..You mean that you AREN'T ALREADY receiving Money???
[12:37.54] * tzipsaway is now known as tzip
[12:37.59] <+Rayvyn> +,
[12:38.00] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Whodini - I'm a Ho (Audio)⁩ | 4m 8s | ⁨WhodiniVEVO⁩ | 2,599,927 views
[12:38.15] <Lottoman> seriously..   what can anyone actually do..   to end this endless cycle of ..  national racism towards ppl of color?
[12:38.33] <Lottoman> 1865..  end of the civil war..   
[12:38.36] <+Rayvyn> i'm a ho, i rock three different freaks after every show!
[12:38.42] <Lottoman> long time to still be hating an entire ppl
[12:39.20] <hopesnothere> LOSERTman : .>WHAT "endless cycle of national racism" ?? What the BLOODY FUCK are you talking about, you MORONIC ASSFAIRY?
[12:40.10] <+Rayvyn> hopesnothere, i'm a ho, you know i'm ho, how do you know? because i told you so,
[12:40.12] * P-1^ puts a blood pressure cuff around HopesHotHere's neck and pumps it up
[12:40.42] <hopesnothere> PP=One  stick it up your ass
[15:43.41] * You have joined #Gulag
[15:43.41]  Topic: congratulations to kritklmas for winning the Russian commander deadpool!
[15:43.41] Channel Topic Set by: Debaser on 6:26 PM 8/23/2023
[15:43.41] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[15:43.41] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[15:43.52] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, you're a very stupid, infantile idiot
[15:43.55] <+Tina`a> Slayer78_ please tell me how a bottle of water changes someone's vote
[15:43.58] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: so why lie and try to accuse other people of "racism' by pretending I said it was just about black people?
[15:44.04] <+Slayer78_> Tina it doesn't
[15:44.08] * energyflash ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:44.12] <+Tina`a> Slayer78_ then why the law?
[15:44.21] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Huh? We were talking about your claim that blacks were incited by Donald Trump to attack Asians.
[15:44.29] <+mgm17> ExoMoon... as a citizen of usa... I say to "rest of world".... i really don't give a damn what you think
[15:44.29] <wptmj> i was doing a search for "ejaculating penis emoji"
[15:44.32] <+Slayer78_> Tina`a: fuck if I know, ask the legislators
[15:44.34] <wptmj> look what i found at +
[15:44.36] <@Lard> [url] Cum Emojis & Text | Copy & Paste | ( +, )
[15:44.58] <wptmj> "Infinite cum. You sit on the toilet to jack off, but you begin to cum uncontrollably. After ten spurts you start to worry. Your hand is sticky and it reeks of semen. "
[15:44.59] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: I didn't say that, you did.  What I said was that the president spreading hatred was going to be listened to by people, and used examples of people of multiple races committing violence due to that incitement, which proved you wrong, so you started making up lies.
[15:45.05] <+Tina`a> Slayer78_ it's not hard to work out
[15:45.17] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I said others have made that claim, which you proceeded to defend. Presumably, you wouldn't defend a claim you yourself didn't agree with.
[15:45.27] <+Slayer78_> Tina`a: indeed,  it's pretty clear you're a goddamn racist
[15:45.31] <+JustBeKalm> mgm, don't care either.
[15:45.36] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: I didn't defend it, I proved how your assumptions was wrong, so you started making up lies.
[15:45.38] <wptmj> "You desperately shove your dick into a wad of toilet paper, but that only makes your balls hurt. The cum accelerates. It’s been three minutes. You can’t stop cumming. "
[15:45.49] <+JustBeKalm> They are not us and don't have to solve our problems. Let them solve their own.
[15:45.53] <+Tina`a> the same legislators that gerrymandered the voting districts, drawn up by partisans, so badly that the court stopped them?
[15:45.54] <McBoatFace> so I already know JustBeKalm is a bigot
[15:46.02] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: no one ever said "black people can't think for themselves".  What they said was the president incited people to violence.  You're the one saying it was only black people, which is a lie.
[15:46.06] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I just find it particularly bizarre that you think Donald Trump somehow incited this narrow demographic to engage in a narrow range of violent crimes.
[15:46.08] <McBoatFace> but suddenly we're getting this bizarre jingoistic nationalist bullshit from her and mgm17, too
[15:46.08] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: so why always tell lies?
[15:46.08] <wptmj> Your bathroom floor is covered in a thin layer of baby fluid. You try to cum into the shower drain but it builds up too fast. You try the toilet. The cum is too thick to be flushed. "
[15:46.10] <McBoatFace> not a good look
[15:46.23] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: it wasn't just one narrow demographic though, it was tons of people.
[15:46.33] <+Lottoman> Harbinger.   are  you a Trump follower?
[15:46.35] <+mgm17> rest of world.... has relied on USA since 1939... ww2 rebuilding is soooo OVER... pay your fair share
[15:46.36] <wptmj> You lock the bathroom door to prevent the cum from escaping. The air grows hot and humid from the cum. The cum accelerates. You slip and fall in your own sperm. The cum is now six inches deep, almost as long as your still-erect semen hose.
[15:46.37] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: because yes, people are still listening to republicans, which they should not, glad we can agree on that.
[15:46.37] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: We were talking specifically about blacks attacking Asians.
[15:46.53] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: YOU were, because being dishonest helps fit your talking point
[15:47.06] <wptmj> Sprawled on your back, you begin to cum all over the ceiling. Globs of the sticky white fluid begin to fall like raindrops, giving you a facial with your own cum.
[15:47.15] * Forbin (Forrbin@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:47.16] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: but the fact is, many people, of multiple races, listened to donald trump, and were incited to violence.   Not just one race.
[15:47.16] <wptmj> HAHAH
[15:47.17] <+Lottoman> Harbinger..  it's an easy question to answer..  are you a follower/fan.. of Donald trump?
[15:47.24] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: the problem is, people shouldn't listen to republicans.
[15:47.24] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I posted links to people on the Left making that claim, which you proceeded to defend as valid by saying "of course some of them listened to Donald Trump."
[15:47.34] <+Lottoman> Harbinger..   can you see me?
[15:47.42] <wptmj> The cum accelerates. You struggle to stand as the force of the cum begins to propel you backwards as if you were on a bukkake themed slip-and-slide.
[15:47.48] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: Yes, of course some will.  And some of other races to.  People listen to the president
[15:47.51] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Not sure why you think it was a "straw man" to point out that you defended the claim that Donald Trump incited blacks to attack Asians.
[15:48.00] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Jeez, you really need to make up your mind.
[15:48.02] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you're the one trying to make it about only black people being stupid enough to listen to donald trump
[15:48.09] <+Lottoman> Added *!* to ignore list
[15:48.11] <wptmj> Still on your knees, the cum is now at chin height. To avoid drowning you open the bathroom door. The deluge of man juice reminds you of the Great Molasses Flood of 1919, only with cum instead of molasses.
[15:48.17] <+Lottoman> ok..  fuck you too Harbinger
[15:48.17] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: plenty of white people were incited to violence by him too, you're leaving that out on purpose to be dishonest
[15:48.27] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: if you have to lie, you've already lost.
[15:48.37] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Wow, you complain about people "lying about you" when they just repeat what you say, and then you proceed to completely lie about what they say. You're doing well in illustrating my point about Leftists being projection artists.
[15:48.42] <+Lottoman> if you are chicken shit..  and unable to type back to me?..  fuck you
[15:48.45] <wptmj>  The cum accelerates. It’s been two hours. Your children and wife scream in terror as their bodies are engulfed by the snow-white sludge. Your youngest child goes under, with viscous bubbles and muffled cries rising from the goop.
[15:48.46] <+Lottoman> so there
[15:48.51] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you're not lying about me, you're making up lies about only black people listening to donald trump
[15:48.52] <+Lottoman> chat with morons
[15:49.02] <+Lottoman> PPG..  fuck him
[15:49.06] <+Lottoman> dont respond
[15:49.07] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and it got shot down pretty quickly and now you look like the asshole you are.
[15:49.10] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Well, you denied defending the claim, then defended the claim multiple times.
[15:49.11] <+Lottoman> fuck the morons
[15:49.15] <+mgm17> Harbinger... are YOU a follower, supporter of Trump
[15:49.19] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, you really do look like a sad piece of shit right now
[15:49.24] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: While saying I was engaging in a "straw man" by pointing out that you were defending the claim.
[15:49.28] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: No, I said your analysis of that claim was stupid and you look like a liar.
[15:49.32] <wptmj>  You plead to God to end your suffering. The cum accelerates. You squeeze your dick to stop the cum, but it begins to leak out of your asshole instead.
[15:49.44] <+Lottoman> if only you ppl would follow the lead of the ppl. ..  smarter
[15:49.52] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You specifically said I was "straw manning" you by saying you defended the claim that blacks were incited by Donald Trump to attack Asians.
[15:50.03] <+Lottoman> and ignore such fools
[15:50.06] <wptmj> You let go. The force of the cum tears your urethra open, leaving only a gaping hole in your crotch that spews semen. Your body picks up speed as it slides backwards along the cum.
[15:50.13] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: now you're lying again.  I never defended the fact that "black people can't think for themselves", I clarified that nonsense to tell you many people of many races were incited to violence by the president, and pointed out its not reasonable to expect black people alone to be immune from it.
[15:50.26] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You really *can't* make up your mind about this.
[15:50.30] <+Lottoman> PPG.. there you go again.  fucking with the stupid ppl
[15:50.36] <wptmj> You smash through the wall, hurtling into the sky at thirty miles an hour. From a bird’s eye view you see your house is completely white. Your neighbor calls the cops.
[15:50.36] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: I see you're confused.  I didn't defend your claim, I clarified it and showed why it was wrong.
[15:50.37] <+Lottoman> stop fucking with him
[15:50.42] <+Lottoman> fuck Harbinger
[15:50.48] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: It wasn't my claim. It was Leftists'.
[15:51.00] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: no it wasn't, no leftist was saying "black people can't think for themselves"
[15:51.02] <+ExoMoon> this is the most american channel
[15:51.04] <wptmj> The cum accelerates. As you continue to ascend, you spot police cars racing towards your house. The cops pull out their guns and take aim, but stray loads of cum hit them in the eyes, blinding them.
[15:51.18] <+Lottoman> if you 'chat' with ppl of similiar intelligence
[15:51.19] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you made that up in another lie
[15:51.21] <McBoatFace> ExoMoon, I dunno, we've got a LOT of canadian influence here
[15:51.24] <+Lottoman> you'll improve
[15:51.27] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Well, you are, but this is a separate claim than saying "Donald Trump incited blacks to attack Asians."
[15:51.29] <McBoatFace> too much to be frank
[15:51.35] <wptmj> The cum accelerates. You are now at an altitude of 1000 feet. The SWAT team arrives. Military helicopters circle you. Hundreds of bullets pierce your body at once, yet you stay conscious. Your testicles have now grown into a substitute brain.
[15:51.37] <+Lottoman> only lower yourself..  chatting with the morons
[15:52.07] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: I didn't say all black people couldn't think for themselves, I said a percentage of all people will be influenced by people with power, which is true.  You have to lie about that to try to make it fit your "omg ur the real racist" nonsense
[15:52.07] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: It's OK to just admit you're a racist and think non-whites are inherently inferior. You don't have to couch it in Leftist jingoism.
[15:52.09] <+Tina`a> ROFL, Fox magatards hate Biden so much they have to criticise him for petting a dog in Maui. WTF???
[15:52.11] <wptmj> The cum accelerates. It has been two days. With your body now destroyed, the cum begins to spray in all directions. You break the sound barrier. The government deploys fighter jets to chase you down, but the impact of your cum sends one plane crashing to the ground.
[15:52.15] <+Lottoman> PPG..  just stop
[15:52.18] <+Lottoman> ok?
[15:52.21] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: does that make sense or are you still confused?
[15:52.40] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I'm not confused at all about your blatant racism and your inability to remain consistent in your argumentation from one moment to the next. =)
[15:52.43] <wptmj> The government decides to let you leave the earth. You feel your gonads start to burn up as you reach the edges of the atmosphere. You narrowly miss the ISS, giving it a new white paint job as you fly past.
[15:52.47] <+Lottoman> Added *!* to ignore list    I tried to school your dumbass
[15:52.49] <+Lottoman> but noooooooooooooo
[15:52.50] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: what did I say that was racist?
[15:53.02] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: oh right, shooting down your racism is the real racism, right?
[15:53.09] <+Lottoman> ok..  is the channel still chatting?
[15:53.14] <wptmj> Physicists struggle to calculate your erratic trajectory. The cum accelerates. The cum begins to gravitate towards itself, forming a comet trail of semen.
[15:53.22] <+Lottoman> I must have ALL the morons on ignore
[15:53.23] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: My "racism" was linking articles from Leftists saying being "on time" is white supremacy.
[15:53.43] <wptmj> Astronomers begin calling you the “Cummet.” You are stuck in space forever, stripped of your body and senses, forced to endure an eternity of cumshots. Eventually, you stop thinking.
[15:53.54] <wptmj> that was such hilarious genius!
[15:53.57] <+ExoMoon> Tina`a  do you think joe bidens lack of empathy contributes to his dementia?
[15:54.15] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: now you're the one distracting.  Your racism was lying about people saying "donald trump is inciting violence" to "LIBERALS SAY BLACK PEOPLE CAN'T THINK ON THEIR OWN".  which is nonsense, because for 1. White people were MORE incited to violence by him, and 2. It wasn't ALL of any one race, it was just portions of everyone
[15:54.16] <wptmj> cant wait to see what else the universe has waiting for my blog
[15:54.16] <+Tina`a> ExoMoon what lack of empathy?
[15:54.20] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: The amusing thing was that you thought *I* was making that argument because I thought black people couldn't be on time.
[15:54.24] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you had to make it about racism to prove some false point, and you lied to do so.
[15:54.45] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and now you're having to shift over to another topic about being punctual that has nothing to do with this now that you've been proven to lie
[15:54.48] <+BodegaCat> Tina`a do you think Zeno's lack of buffet coupons contributes to her her compulsive lying?
[15:55.07] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: if you have to make up lies to prove your point, it's because your point is bullshit.
[15:55.08] <+Tina`a> lol BodegaCat, nope
[15:55.11] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I haven't shifted topics at all. It was and remains that Leftists say very racist things about non-whties.
[15:55.15] * bobbby (~jerry@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:55.25] <bobbby> lard are you working
[15:55.27] <+Tina`a> Zeno... what lack of empathy... do tell
[15:55.28] <wptmj> What's the best part about being a compulsive liar?  
[15:55.37] <wptmj> Having an 11 inch cock.
[15:55.42] <wptmj> :P
[15:55.47] <McBoatFace> goddammit I always fall for Zeno's new nicks
[15:55.49] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: we ere talking about donald trump inciting violence, and you trying to say it made people "racist" to say that.  Now that was proven to be you just full of shit, you're moving on to something else.
[15:55.53] <+Lottoman> fuck Zeno
[15:56.01] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: just try not lying all the time, and you won't have to defend your lies and look even dumber.
[15:56.07] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Not violence in general. Specifically blacks attacking Asians.
[15:56.10] <+Lottoman> in every way possible
[15:56.11] * bobbby_ (~jerry@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:56.14] <McBoatFace> of course that was partly JustBeKalm and mgm17's fault. They were fuzzing things up with their idiot nationalism
[15:56.25] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Along with other things, like saying that "being on time" is white supremacy.
[15:56.38] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: Right, ignore all the other violence that doesn't suit your bs talking point
[15:56.41] <+Tina`a> ExoMoon Oi... WHAT LACK OF EMPATHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
[15:56.50] <+Harbinger> Or saying that blacks somehow can't get IDs in order to vote.
[15:56.53] * mOrO^ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:56.55] <+Lottoman> republicans are the enemy to our great nation..  a clear and present danger..  we need to be on guard.. that they do not try another Jan 6h
[15:56.59] <+Lottoman> just saying
[15:57.09] <+BodegaCat> Why are we entertaining zeno we could instead be popcorning the ukrainians advancing through robotyne!!
[15:57.09] * ^skunk`` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:57.13] <+Lottoman> they are still supporting Donald Trump.. the orange con man
[15:57.15] <+Harbinger> These are all pretty racist things to say. And it's Leftists saying them.
[15:57.22] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and pretend like only black people were stirred to violence by the president is a lie.
[15:57.34] <+Lottoman> and you foreigners here?.. who talk shit about America..  fuck you too
[15:57.39] <McBoatFace> BodegaCat, to be fair, Zeno hardly stands out with Harbinger, Slayer78_ and gannon all engaged in a massive black hating circle jerk
[15:57.39] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: so why be dishonest?
[15:57.55] <+Tina`a> welp I for one am fucking sick of the bullshit these people put out about Biden
[15:57.58] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: The *really* funny thing is that *you yourself* said it was racist to imply that "being on time" is white supremacy... but only because you thought I was making the argument that blacks couldn't be on time.
[15:57.59] <+BodegaCat> zeno stands out as more hilarious though
[15:58.07] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: In reality, it was the Leftist I was quoting that made that argument.
[15:58.09] <+mgm17> ExoMoon.... you sure are hating on the USA... you sound bitter about your own life... take care of your OWN biz
[15:58.10] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: when did I say that?  Can you show a quote?
[15:58.15] <+mgm17> leave USA alone
[15:58.17] <McBoatFace> I'm not entirely sure why Harbinger decided to go full racist retard tonight, but he's really committing to it
[15:58.20] <+Slayer78_> Going
[15:58.22] * Slayer78_ ( has left #Gulag
[15:58.24] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: can you show a quote of me saying that, or are you lying again?
[15:58.27] <+BodegaCat> Zeno is like that 3 year old kid who kids behind a wicker chair and is absolutely certain you can't possibly see them as they giggle
[15:58.31] <+Tina`a> they were bleating about the lack of government response to maui... Biden responded in 63 minutes
[15:58.52] <+BodegaCat> *hides
[15:59.10] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: by your own admission I was replying to another comment, so you know that wasn't what I was saying, you just made up another lie.
[15:59.20] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: why lie all the time?
[15:59.27] <+mgm17> lol..their "dear leader" is facing multiple felony charges... picking on Biden? what else do they have
[15:59.28] <PrezPusyGrab> i don't see the point, it just hurts you more than it helps
[15:59.48] * bobbby_ poos on lottoman
[15:59.50] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I really don't understand your need to constantly lie about what I'm saying.
[15:59.59] <+Lottoman> lol
[16:00.14] <+Lottoman> hello bobbby
[16:00.17] <+Lottoman> you moron
[16:00.20] * Tina`a beats bobby to death with a broomstick
[16:00.21] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: "rezPusyGrab: The *really* funny thing is that *you yourself* said it was racist to imply that "being on time" is white supremacy... but only because you thought I was making the argument that blacks couldn't be on time." <--- Not lying, you claimed you knew I was talking about something else, but then said I claimed another thing, so you're being dishonest, again
[16:00.23] <PrezPusyGrab> why lie?
[16:00.41] <+BodegaCat> Harbinger you don't understand the need to lie for fun?  come on man, loosen up!
[16:00.44] <PrezPusyGrab> You told a lie while admitting you knew it was a lie in the same fucking sentence
[16:00.59] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I think you're confused about the thing you think I said you were talking about versus the thing you thought I thought you thought you were talking about.
[16:01.05] <+Harbinger> BodegaCat: Hehehe.
[16:01.19] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: or, you knew I was replying to something else, and then lied about it, and were stupid enough to admit you lied about it.
[16:01.28] <+gris> good afternoon
[16:01.28] * bobbby (~jerry@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:01.42] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: I knew what I was talking about, you knew what I was talking about, but you decide to lie again.
[16:01.44] <+Tina`a> ExoMoon you not answering? Were you joking>
[16:02.00] <PrezPusyGrab> these little word games you think are cute only make you look stupid
[16:02.06] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Oh, I definitely knew what you were talking about. You're just lying about what you were talking about.
[16:02.07] <+BodegaCat> no answer cuz you busted her in a lie
[16:02.19] <+BodegaCat> zeno has the good grace to at least shut up when caught
[16:02.24] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: but you admitted differently before, so too late to lie about it now
[16:02.45] <PrezPusyGrab> now that Harbinger is backed into a corner for lying, he's going to just start saying everyone else is lying in a "no u" argument to muddy the waters
[16:02.47] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You're projecting your own inconsistency onto me, at this point. I already pointed out that you couldn't keep your claims straight.
[16:02.52] <PrezPusyGrab> I don't think it will be very effective
[16:02.55] <+Tina`a> Harbinger is a troll, nothing more, nothing less.
[16:02.57] <+Lottoman> lol
[16:03.06] <+Lottoman> tina..  and you?
[16:03.15] <@OldMole> ok, im here to resolve all channel disputes, everyone can relax
[16:03.19] <+Tina`a> right, early day for me. Ari is off to his newa school today
[16:03.20] <bobbby_> Tina`a is a bot
[16:03.23] <+Lottoman> arent we ALL trolls..  Tina?
[16:03.28] <+Tina`a> ciao bellas.
[16:03.33] <+Harbinger> Tina`a is going to teach us all how to speak Mongolian. ;)
[16:03.37] <bobbby_> i keep Tina`a on ignore
[16:03.40] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: if you'd like me to move on and stop pointing out how you were caught in a lie, just ask politely
[16:03.40] * OldMole sets mode +o thefed for #Gulag
[16:03.42] * Tina`a ( Quit (Quit)
[16:03.49] <+Lottoman> Tina`a knows I have 'her' number.. and have.  since the start
[16:03.50] * OldMole sets mode -o OldMole for #Gulag
[16:03.50] <+Lottoman> lol
[16:04.01] <PrezPusyGrab> sorry, that was inaccurate.  Lies.  Multiple.
[16:04.02] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Why would I want you to "move on?" You're hilarious.
[16:04.05] <+Lottoman> and..  see..  she quits
[16:04.07] <+Lottoman> she knows
[16:04.10] <+Lottoman> he knows
[16:04.10] * McChicken ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:04.13] <+Lottoman> whatever knows
[16:04.19] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: I am, but its at your expense.
[16:04.25] <OldMole> Harbinger , PrezPusyGrab , what are you two lying about now
[16:04.39] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: The thing is, I think you genuinely believe the things you're saying and don't even realize when you contradict yourself from one moment to the next.
[16:05.02] <PrezPusyGrab> OldMole: Harbinger is claiming anyone who says Donald Trump incited violence is racist against black people, because it assumes black people can't think for themselves.  Which is weird to even say, as most of the people he incited to violence weren't black.
[16:05.04] <McBoatFace> Timur, perhaps, but Harbinger made the truly idiotic decision to "troll" by being a racist retarded
[16:05.27] <OldMole> Harbinger is that a fair summation of your claims?
[16:05.39] <+Harbinger> Yes. It's racist to post links to articles written by Leftists who claim that black people can't be on time, and therefore being "on time" is white supremacism. ;)
[16:05.52] <OldMole> Harbinger wtf are you talking about
[16:05.55] <PrezPusyGrab> OldMole: and since he was caught in a lie there, now he's trying to deflect to a new topic
[16:06.15] <PrezPusyGrab> I would too if I was in his situation. But then again, I wouldn't be stupid enough to be in that situation.
[16:06.40] <+Harbinger> Talking about the same topic since the beginning of the conversation is "deflecting."
[16:06.50] * Forbin +,
[16:06.52] <bobbby_> thefed: do you identify as a truck
[16:06.57] <OldMole> Harbinger are you or are you not claiming that black people cant be on time
[16:07.04] <McBoatFace> Harbinger is trying to push the classic racist position that if anyone, notably democrats, liberals and leftists, notice bigoted discrimination, that makes them the "real racists"
[16:07.06] <PrezPusyGrab> the beginning of the conversation was you trying to say that it was "racist" to assume black people couldn't think for themselves because they were incited to violence by donald trump
[16:07.09] <+Harbinger> OldMole: I'm not. I'm pointing to Leftists who make that claim.
[16:07.13] <bobbby_> why can't they be on time
[16:07.24] <PrezPusyGrab> the being on time was you changing the subject because you got utterly humiliated on the other one.
[16:07.26] <McBoatFace> meanwhile Harbinger openly claims blacks are inferior to whites and any social discrimination they suffer is their own fault
[16:07.29] <bobbby_> i'd like to know why
[16:07.35] <McBoatFace> that's what Harbinger is trying to argue
[16:07.41] <McBoatFace> he's being a sad, racist piece of shit, that's all
[16:07.45] <bobbby_> if there's a reason we should listen
[16:07.52] <+Harbinger> McBoatFace finds these things in the bottom of vodka bottles. ;)
[16:08.07] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, you're a racist subhuman piece of shit
[16:08.14] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, that's all that's happening here
[16:08.17] <+Harbinger> Rawr! XD
[16:08.54] <PrezPusyGrab> OldMole: Harbinger was trying to say that "leftists are racist", and used the idea that "leftists think blacks can't think for themselves" because some of them listened to donald trump's anti asian rhetoric and attacked asians.  When it was pointed out that it wasn't just black people who he incited to violence, and that he inadvertently admitted the problem was people listening to republicans, he got in a hissy fit an
[16:08.54] <PrezPusyGrab> d started trying to lie his way out of it with dishonesty and word games.
[16:08.56] <OldMole> i dont think vodka is even mcboatfaces drink of choice
[16:09.17] <PrezPusyGrab> which also didn't work out well for him
[16:09.22] <+Harbinger> OldMole: Eh, I just assumed it was something cheap and bottom shelf. ;)
[16:09.22] * Forbin +,
[16:09.30] <PrezPusyGrab> let's see what he tries next and if it plays out this time
[16:09.50] <McBoatFace> whining that I'm "an adult who drinks alcohol," is what every retard on this channel does when I point out their bullshit behavior
[16:10.02] <PrezPusyGrab> I wondering if he can stay in the air just a little longer this time before he crashes and burns again
[16:10.12] <McBoatFace> Harbinger has decided he wants his reputation here to be, "idiotic lying racist shit brain," so that's how he's going to be treated
[16:10.51] <+Harbinger> Yeah. Pointing to racist things Leftists like DiAngelo says is definitely me being a racist. ;)
[16:10.51] <OldMole> ok, so some "leftist" allegedly said something racist...what is the take away here?
[16:11.06] <+Harbinger> OldMole: That I'm a racist for pointing it out. Duh.
[16:11.22] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you mean "lying" about things people said.  No one said black people couldn't think for themselves.  They said donald trump incited violence.
[16:11.32] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you had to lie about it to fit your agenda, and got called out
[16:11.45] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Except that he didn't tell anyone to attack Asian people.
[16:11.55] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: he also didn't directly tell anyone to hang mike pence
[16:12.02] <PrezPusyGrab> But he stoked the fires and riled people up
[16:12.05] <McBoatFace> OldMole, no, that's not what Harbinger is actually arguing. he's pulling the Nikki Haley line, "anyone who recognizes racist discrimination is the REAL racist"
[16:12.11] <McBoatFace> that's the racist position Harbinger is arguing
[16:12.18] <McBoatFace> he's just a lying, racist piece of retarded trash
[16:12.20] <McBoatFace> that's all
[16:12.22] <+Harbinger> McBoatFace: No. I'm just pointing to racist things that Leftists have said.
[16:12.25] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you're arguing legalese and you know it
[16:12.31] <Wilderness> lol good old Harbinger doing his tired and terminally boring old dog whistling.
[16:12.35] <McBoatFace> that's who he wants to be seen as, so that's how he's going to be treated going forward
[16:12.42] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, that's exactly what you argued you sad, lying, racist idiot
[16:12.44] <PrezPusyGrab> looking for a way to be able to incite people to violence without being legally liable for that violence
[16:12.45] <OldMole> Harbinger whats worse, being a racist, or being called a racist
[16:12.48] <PrezPusyGrab> and we all kno what you're doing
[16:12.52] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, you were the one stupid enough to push that racist lie
[16:13.11] <+Harbinger> OldMole: Neither. Being on drugs yelling at a guy trolling you in a really obscure chat room while he laughs his ass off at you. ;)
[16:13.16] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, you're a sad fucking racist retard. that's all
[16:13.49] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: yeah I'm sure you were laughing your ass off while having to squirm uncomfortably after your lies got shot down.
[16:13.53] <McBoatFace> lol, the most pathetic defense, "I wasn't being a REAL retard, I was just ACTING like one to troll you!"
[16:14.00] <OldMole> Harbinger this is NOT a really obscure chatroom, this is premier top level undernet shitposting, everyone knows the Gulag
[16:14.05] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: so just to be clear, now you're saying you were only pretending to be retarded?
[16:14.08] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, you're a racist retard trying to pretend you're a 4chan tween troll retard
[16:14.18] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, but the bottom line is you're a sad, childish, racist retard, that's all
[16:14.23] * Wilderness ( Quit (Quit)
[16:14.25] <+Harbinger> OldMole: The best brand on the bottom shelf. ;)
[16:14.25] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: what do you call someone who pretends to be retarded for attention?
[16:14.27] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, that's how you'll be treated from now on
[16:14.31] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: a retard
[16:14.38] <McBoatFace> a retard
[16:15.02] <+Harbinger> Apparently, all that it takes to get these two into a frothing rage is to link to racist things Leftists have said.
[16:15.08] <OldMole> does arguing with a retard also make you retarded?
[16:15.24] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: all it takes for me to laugh at you is to catch you in a simple lie and not let you squirm out of it.
[16:15.35] <+Lottoman> lol
[16:15.46] <PrezPusyGrab> also note, no leftist said "Black people can't think for themselves".  Harbinger said that.
[16:15.49] <McBoatFace> now Harbinger is crying that he got called out for being a lying, racist retard
[16:15.54] <+Harbinger> "You're not laughing! *I'M* laughing!"
[16:15.54] <+Lottoman> we seem to be stuck on..  labeling ppl..  racists
[16:15.58] <+Lottoman> why is that?
[16:16.05] <+Lottoman> easily avoided?
[16:16.11] <McBoatFace> a real troll wouldn't be bawling about being called out. Being called out would be the whole goal if they were actually trolling
[16:16.16] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: I don't know if you're laughing, but I know you're sure lying.
[16:16.21] <McBoatFace> so by whining that he's being attacked demonstrates Harbinger wasn't trolling
[16:16.24] <OldMole> Harbinger im sure lots of people, left and right, are racists, but it seems only the right wing has actually made racism part of the platform
[16:16.26] <PrezPusyGrab> and you seem uncomfortable now that you got embarrassed by that lie
[16:16.26] <McBoatFace> he's being a legitimate racist retard
[16:16.39] <+BodegaCat> Harbinger are you racist?
[16:16.39] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Like I said earlier, I think you genuinely believe that, because for whatever reason, you are currently unable to keep your claims straight from one moment to the next. =)
[16:16.47] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, you're just a sad, racist, infantile imbecile and that's how you'll be treated going forward
[16:16.56] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: said the guy who is claiming "leftists said blacks can't think for themselves"
[16:17.09] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: which I still haven't seen you show a quote of that.
[16:17.14] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: But they have. Along with not being on time.
[16:17.21] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: great, show us the quote
[16:17.24] <+Harbinger> I linked to a whole slew of things DiAngelo said.
[16:17.38] <PrezPusyGrab> really, can you paste his quote saying black people can't think for themselves?
[16:17.43] <PrezPusyGrab> I didn't see it
[16:17.56] <+Harbinger> This is what I mean about PrezPusyGrab not remembering what happens from one moment to the next. I suspect he's really fucking high.
[16:17.59] <bobbby_> McBoatFace: when you're not being a sloppy drunk does racism offend you?
[16:18.06] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: so you can't quote it?
[16:18.11] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, link your stupid racist face to the grill of a speeding cement truck you pathetic, useless mollusk
[16:18.21] <+BodegaCat> racism offends me even when i AM sloppy drunk
[16:18.34] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: the fact is your link didn't quote him saying that at all.  you made that up.  Unless, of course, you can show the quote.
[16:18.54] <+Harbinger> BodegaCat: I mean, I certainly don't think that black people can't be on time, or that making "to-do lists" is white supremacy. DiAngelo certainly does.
[16:19.03] <PrezPusyGrab> surely if such a quote exists, it would be hilarious to post, and you're laughing so hard
[16:19.16] <PrezPusyGrab> so why not just post it?
[16:19.39] <+BodegaCat> Harbinger why can't you just answer with a "yes" or a "no"
[16:19.45] <+Harbinger> BodegaCat: No, I'm not racist.
[16:19.45] <+BodegaCat> giving a rambling response looks evasive
[16:19.48] <+BodegaCat> ok thanks
[16:20.02] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: can you paste his quote saying black people can't think for themselves?
[16:20.13] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: That isn't one of the claims I said DiAngelo made. Why would I do that?
[16:20.15] <+BodegaCat> russia's pretty committed to this "prigozhin died" story so i'm worried it might be true ;(
[16:20.22] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You really need to learn how to read.
[16:20.33] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: oh so you admit when you claimed "leftists said black people can't think for themselves" you were lying?
[16:20.44] <McBoatFace> Harbinger is a racist
[16:20.57] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Leftists *have* said that. Along with saying that they can't be on time, or make to-do lists.
[16:20.58] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and no one actually said that?
[16:21.01] <McBoatFace> that's what happens when you lie and claim racial discrimination doesn't exist, and that responding to is is the REAL racism
[16:21.06] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: which leftist?  Can you show a quote?
[16:21.21] <McBoatFace> which is what Harbinger has spent at least the last half hour insisting upon, in total agreement with fellow racist slayer88
[16:21.54] <bobbby_> you guys are boring me
[16:21.59] <+BodegaCat> McBoatFace i think you actually described yourself as an alcoholic though
[16:22.03] <McBoatFace> caught in it, he lied and claimed he was, "just trolling to fool everyone," but actual trolls don't do that. That's a pitiful dishonest defense children use when they suddenly realize their beliefs are idiotic and unpopular
[16:22.08] <bobbby_> you should go on the ellen show
[16:22.13] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: I suspect what was said was that the president is inciting people to violence.  And you tried to lie and twist that into "LIBRULS ARE THE REAL RAYCISTS HUR HUR!"
[16:22.34] <McBoatFace> BodegaCat, oh absolutely, but that doesn't mean that irrational, bigoted losers don't still try to hide behind it to excuse my contemptuous opinions of them
[16:22.36] <+BodegaCat> i'm a leftist and i never said that blacks can't be on time.
[16:22.38] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: but no one else said that, you just twisted shit around to imply things never said or meant by anyone else because you're a liar.
[16:22.42] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: "Inciting" in this case being nothing remotely resembling a call to violence.
[16:22.49] <+BodegaCat> McBoatFace sure, i like the fact that you own your choices.
[16:23.03] <McBoatFace> bobbby_, Harbinger's trying to suggest that the only reason I'm coming down on him is because I drink, but it's actually because he's spent the last half hour or more pushing blatantly disgusting racist lies
[16:23.06] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: okay?  It's still racist and inciting people to violence
[16:23.17] <+BodegaCat> i don't blame alcoholism for your repulsive personality, i'm sure you're also repulsive sober.
[16:23.34] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: he didn't directly tell people to hang mike pence either, but he got them to do it, didn't he?  Whether or not he's technically doing something illegal doesn't change the results of his actions and the morality
[16:23.39] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Uh, saying nothing remotely resembling a call to violence isn't inciting violence.
[16:23.52] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: No, no one hanged Mike Pence, dude.
[16:23.53] <+BodegaCat> this whole "blacks can't be on time" thing sounds like a weird subject to harp on.
[16:23.59] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: got them to try*
[16:24.16] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: They were walking up and down the capitol screaming "hang mike pence" after attacking police officers and building a fucking gallows outside
[16:24.27] <+BodegaCat> some people *TRIED* to hang mike pence though
[16:24.50] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you can incite people to violence by spreading hatred without technically breaking the law, sure, you're still inciting violence.  No one cares about the legal technicalities
[16:24.52] <+Harbinger> Trump saying nothing remotely resembling a call to violence against Asian people somehow spurred a spike in attacks on Asians.
[16:25.10] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: spreading anti asian rhetoric caused a spike in attacks.
[16:25.35] <McBoatFace> this is a good example of Harbinger being a lying, bigoted piece of shit
[16:25.51] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: if I go around telling everyone the Jews are evil and want to eat their babies, and someone goes and shoots a jewish man, i'm not legally liable for that death because I didn't say "go shoot mr x".  But I'm morally responsible or what I know I'm doing.
[16:25.54] <McBoatFace> Trump has done two things, encouraged violence among his supporters and demonized the Chinese, blaming them for Covid
[16:25.55] <PrezPusyGrab> and lying about it is bullshit
[16:26.02] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Gee. Wonder who incited the trans would-be assassin to try to kill Brett Kavanaugh. ;)
[16:26.15] <McBoatFace> the result has been a massive upswing in reported violence against Asian Americans at the hands of Trump supporters.
[16:26.17] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: tell us who
[16:26.43] <+Harbinger> If I go around telling everyone that Republicans are trying to kill women, that means if someone tries to kill Republicans over that rhetoric, I have incited them.
[16:26.55] <McBoatFace> Harbinger trying to claim there's no correlation because Trump didn't specifically get on TV and say,  "kill all the slant eyes!" is a perfect example of Harbinger being a lying, ignorant, bigoted retard. He should fucking despise himself
[16:27.07] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: are republicans passing laws that will kill women?
[16:27.13] <McBoatFace> Harbinger is a sad, immature, ignorant, racist piece of shit and that's his reputation from now on
[16:27.16] <PrezPusyGrab> are republicans an ethnic group?
[16:27.37] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Oh, so you think trying to kill Brett Kavanaugh was justified then.
[16:27.42] <McBoatFace> I hope Harbinger gets run over
[16:27.43] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: did I say that?
[16:27.44] <McBoatFace> repeatedly
[16:27.56] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Because he was instrumental in laws getting passed that you think will "kill women."
[16:27.57] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: No one should lie about policies Kavanaugh is supporting, should they?
[16:28.10] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: so we should lie about him being involved in those laws?
[16:28.29] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: It's interesting that you think the violence against Republicans is morally justified.
[16:28.38] <PrezPusyGrab> there's a difference in telling the truth about people's political policies and inciting racist violence dipshit
[16:28.54] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: It sort of lends credence to the idea that you are, *intentionally*, helping to incite violence against them.
[16:28.54] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: can you show me a quote where I said violence against republicans was morally justified, or did you make that up?
[16:29.00] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: can you show me a quote where I said violence against republicans was morally justified, or did you make that up?
[16:29.03] <+BodegaCat> yikes.
[16:29.10] <+BodegaCat> it's definitely made up quote
[16:29.28] <+BodegaCat> king pussygrabber doesn't say violence is morally justified.
[16:29.31] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Are Republicans passing laws that will kill women?
[16:29.44] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: Yes, and saying so isn't justifying violence against them.
[16:30.01] * DowderJ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:30.08] <+Timur> +,
[16:30.09] <@Lard> [Twitter] No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC): Vivek Ramaswamy just blamed the Jacksonville mass shooting— where a neo-Nazi murdered Black people— on Democrats, universities, and “the media.” ⏎ He says it’s their fault for creating a “racialized culture in this country in the last several years.” ⏎ 🔗+, +, | 449 RTs | 1314 ♥s | Posted:
[16:30.13] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Ah. So by saying that a virus came from China, that's inciting/justifying violence against Asians. Got it.
[16:30.21] <bobbby_> i have to pee
[16:30.32] <+Debaser> +,
[16:30.34] <@Lard> [Twitter] Michael MacKay (@mhmck): Pope Francis praises Russian imperialism, telling youth in Russia they should never give up the legacy of Peter I and Catherine II. Calling Russia “great” many times, he said: “Thank you for your way of being, for your way of being Russians.” ⏎ +, +, | 1078 RTs | 3424
[16:30.58] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: did he condemn violence against asians and tell his followers to stop?
[16:31.04] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You didn't get up on a podium and specifically say, "KILL BRETT KAVANAUGH." But you know what will happen if you tell some crazy people that Republicans are killing women. Right? ;)
[16:31.11] <PrezPusyGrab> when it was obvious that it was causing an uptick in violence?
[16:31.42] <+Harbinger> I didn't realize Trump commanded a particularly strong following among the black demographic.
[16:31.42] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: what democratic politician was out there saying that, and then noticed a huge uptick in violence because of it, and didn't condemn it?
[16:31.48] <McBoatFace> Vivek Ramaswamy is a very good example of a person who could seriously benefit from just being kicked half to death by a mob
[16:32.32] <+Lottoman> oh please
[16:32.43] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Oh, you see, that was just fake denouncing. Like when Trump told people to peacefully make their voices heard. That was fake and still an incitement to violence.
[16:32.59] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: You don't see a difference in people wanting Brett Kavanaugh to stop passing laws that kill women, and Donald Trump blaming covid on chinese people in a way to distract from his failures to handle it, and thus inciting violence as a side effect?
[16:33.05] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: no difference at all there?
[16:33.05] <+tis> I've met some black Trumpers. Spoiler alert; Just like the white ones, they're fucking retards
[16:33.18] <bobbby_> biden/fetterman 2024. a no brainier
[16:33.29] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: There you go with that rhetoric that incites violence again.
[16:33.34] <bobbby_> brainier
[16:33.37] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: there you go with those lies again.
[16:33.54] <+Timur> Debaser: odd.
[16:34.31] <+Harbinger> Uh, it isn't a lie that someone tried to kill Brett Kavanaugh because of that specific kind of rhetoric. Clearly, he was *incited.* ;)
[16:35.00] * bobbby_ (~jerry@ Quit (Quit: tis/mouses 2024 "the no real penis platform")
[16:35.04] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: because of whose rhetoric?
[16:35.06] * RatBytes (webchat@ has joined channel #Gulag
[16:35.28] <PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and being a republican and choosing to support laws that kill women is a choice, being asian is not...
[16:35.30] <+Harbinger> Anyone who made claims to the effect of Roe v. Wade being overturned was an act of violence against women.
[16:35.46] * tzipsaway is now known as tzip
[16:35.48] <+Harbinger> There you go making moral justifications for it again. =)
[16:36.08] <PrezPusyGrab> Right, pointing out how these things are different and you're a liar is moral justifications for violence against you.
[16:36.15] <PrezPusyGrab> you're such a victim.
[16:36.20] <McBoatFace> tis, Harbinger is certainly playing into the retard stereotype right now
[16:36.31] <+Harbinger> Eh? I didn't say anything about violence against me. Is that what you're advocating now? Because that's pretty weird.
[16:36.45] <PrezPusyGrab> there he goes again, lying and playing the victim
[16:36.46] <McBoatFace> also no one tried to kill kavanaugh
[16:36.46] <RatBytes> Wait...  somebody used morality as a justification for their opinon?  holy fuck.
[16:36.57] <+Harbinger> McBoatFace: Yes. It was a fake assassination attempt.
[16:37.10] * Wilderness ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:37.15] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, why the fuck are you addressing me you infantile racist fuck. go drown yourself in your toilet
[16:37.25] <McBoatFace> no assassination attempt has ever been made on kavanaugh
[16:37.28] <+Harbinger> McBoatFace: Sounds like something you're more likely to do. ;)
[16:37.35] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, quiet, racist retard
[16:37.54] <RatBytes> McBoatFace - if he were to try to drown himself in his toilet, he'd have to take out the dishes first.
[16:38.02] <+Harbinger> +,
[16:38.03] <@Lard> [url] FBI says man accused of attempting to kill Brett Kavanaugh said he was 'shooting for 3' justices | CNN Politics |, ( +, )
[16:38.05] <+tzip> The osprey plane keeps crashing
[16:38.07] <McBoatFace> RatBytes, gross!
[16:38.08] <Wilderness> lol RatBytes
[16:38.27] <+Harbinger> It was actually Donald Trump who incited the man to try to kill Brett Kavanaugh.
[16:38.29] <RatBytes> Appalachian dishwasher
[16:38.36] <McBoatFace> roske never made any attempt on Kavanaugh's life. He turned himself in without any attempted act of violence
[16:38.44] <McBoatFace> Harbinger is just a lying retard
[16:38.46] <McBoatFace> and a racist
[16:39.13] <+Harbinger> McBoatFace: Yes. He isn't charged with attempted murder.
[16:39.26] <RatBytes> I haven't seen Aeroflot Annie since Prigozhin's plane went down.
[16:39.28] <McBoatFace> Harbinger, shhhh you pathetic cum stain. You don't have anything to say worth reading
[16:39.40] <RatBytes> .voiceall
[16:39.41] --X-- You're voiced by Lard (clowntown) on #Gulag
[16:39.41] * X sets mode +vvvvvv PrezPusyGrab Krishna LionClan caleb` McBoatFace Mantra for #Gulag
[16:39.41] * X sets mode +vvvv wptmj energyflash Forbin mOrO^ for #Gulag
[16:39.41] * X sets mode +vvvvv ^skunk`` McChicken DowderJ RatBytes Wilderness for #Gulag
[16:39.44] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger, sad dipshit failure
[16:40.28] <+Harbinger> McBoatFace: Yeah, I should aim higher in my personal goals. I have yet to be fired from Walmart.
[16:40.45] <+RatBytes> Harbinger - that implies  you work at Walmart
[16:40.46] <+tzip> oooooh dear.   a bazillion civilian pilots ordered grounded because they were getting military disability benefits.
[16:40.51] <+P-1^> HopesNotHere: some black lady named Minny came by the channel earlier and she left a special chocolate pie she baked for you
[16:40.56] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger, shut the fuck up you mouth breathing square peg
[16:41.18] <+Lottoman> lol
[16:41.19] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger, you childish bigoted idiot
[16:41.30] <+Lottoman> where is the mouthy woman?
[16:41.50] <+Lottoman> she is queen of this place..  have her command this loser be kicked and banned
[16:41.50] <+RatBytes> McBoatFace -  you seem to be a tad ...  um ...    worked up.  ;)
[16:42.09] <+Lottoman> who are the real Americans here?
[16:42.11] <+Timur> american history is sadly limited, and seldom interesting enough for me to maintain focus
[16:42.21] <+McBoatFace> RatBytes, I despise racism. I especially hate it when people openly lie to try to promote racism and violence against minorities, which Harbinger is doing
[16:42.24] <+Lottoman> fuck you Timur
[16:42.24] <+Timur> 250 years ain't much.
[16:42.27] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger is just a piece of shit
[16:42.35] <+Lottoman> 400 yrs..  ass wipe
[16:42.40] <+hopesnothere> McButtFuck  : ..Minnie?? is she a Moocher?
[16:42.44] <+RatBytes> Timur - you want real history study China !!!
[16:42.45] <+Lottoman> Timur..  where are you???
[16:42.59] <+hopesnothere> ..Is she a low-down HOOTCHIE-Cootcher?
[16:43.03] <+Lottoman> seriously Timur.. where are YOU living?..  what nation do you claim?????
[16:43.11] <+Lottoman> answer up Timur
[16:43.12] <+hopesnothere> hehehahahahaha
[16:43.26] <+Harbinger> RatBytes: No, it "implies" that I've never been fired from Walmart. =)
[16:43.27] <+McBoatFace> "Carving of man holding his penis and surrounded by leopards is oldest known depiction of a narrative scene, archaeologists say"
[16:43.29] <+Lottoman> answer up.. or.  be a wuss puss that we know you are
[16:43.31] <+McBoatFace> lol
[16:43.35] <+Harbinger> RatBytes: McBoatFace has, though.
[16:43.45] <+BodegaCat> ancient cat-fetish porn
[16:43.45] <+McBoatFace> I've never been fired from Walmart
[16:43.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> the problem with people like Harbinger is that they aren't ever telling us what they actually believe, but they're saying what they feel is appropriate at that time to "win".
[16:43.52] <+hopesnothere>  LOL! ..Well, That's ONE way
[16:43.54] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger is just a sad, lying, pathetic racist piece of shit
[16:43.54] <+tzip> lol McBoatFace!
[16:43.56] <+McBoatFace> that's all
[16:43.56] <+BodegaCat> McBoatFace do you work for walmart?
[16:43.58] <+Lottoman> * mike
[16:43.58] <+Lottoman> Timur on +#Gulag +#political
[16:44.00] <+hopesnothere>  ..To "GET PUSSY
[16:44.02] <+hopesnothere> ".
[16:44.02] <+McBoatFace> BodegaCat, no
[16:44.06] <+RatBytes> Harbinger - to be eligable to be fired from company X you have to be working for company X
[16:44.10] <+Lottoman> from PA..   american..  arent you?
[16:44.13] <+Harbinger> BodegaCat: Not anymore. =)
[16:44.14] <+Lottoman> you piece of shit
[16:44.26] <+PrezPusyGrab> its like on seinfeld where George claims victory on Trivial Pursuit because the card says "Moops" instead of "Moors" even though he knows otherwise.
[16:44.29] <+PrezPusyGrab> they aren't arguing honestly
[16:44.30] <+Lottoman> Timur.. nothing but a fraud..   a nobody..  a nothing
[16:45.00] <+Timur> RatBytes: sure. I read an amazing book on their early history of inventions
[16:45.04] <+PrezPusyGrab> George knows it's a typo, he knows it's the moors, but he'll insist it says "The Moops" anyway and that he wins.
[16:45.25] <+euphzzzzzzzz> PPG I see you too watch Innuendo Studios lol
[16:45.27] <+Lottoman> Timur??..   ignoring me..   doesnt mean I didnt ask good questions..  you lying sack of shit
[16:45.29] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger is doing the same thing, he's not arguing what he really believes, or being honest, he's just playing word games and trying to "outmaneuver" people and failing badly
[16:45.31] <+BodegaCat> McBoatFace did you work at walmart in the past?
[16:45.40] <+McBoatFace> BodegaCat, I did
[16:45.42] <+^skunk``> georges mother was the best actress in that seinfeld
[16:45.53] <+PrezPusyGrab> cccccbctincuitkgbvegchvbjcdbthntietnetnktkde
[16:45.54] * caleb` ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:45.58] <+McBoatFace> lol
[16:46.00] <OldMole> McBoatFace do you know any insider secrets you can share?
[16:46.02] * gannon (~gannon@ Quit (Quit)
[16:46.07] <+RatBytes> Innuendo Studios is right on about the Alt Righters here...
[16:46.16] <+euphzzzzzzzz> For those who want to know more +,
[16:46.16] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Alt-Right Playbook: The Card Says Moops⁩ | 18m 16s | ⁨Innuendo Studios⁩ | 1,695,576 views
[16:46.28] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: It's OK, man. You never understood what was going on in the first place. =)
[16:46.34] <+BodegaCat> hmmm i dont' think i'd want to work for walmart.  i expect they don't pay particularly high and building an ecommerce website seems tedious
[16:46.35] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you were caught in a lie.
[16:46.37] <+^skunk``> georges mother tells his new gf - george is a bum hes got no job and he stays with his parents
[16:46.41] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: it wasn't very hard to understand.
[16:46.42] <+McBoatFace> OldMole, due to their rapid reshelving practices, it is possible to go behind shelves and in some cases find products that are no longer sold there
[16:46.56] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You're inciting violence against Republicans!
[16:47.27] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Wal-Mart is hugely effective from a supply chain POV. one of my college instructors used to be the head of wal-mart logistics in our region
[16:47.39] <+RatBytes> Has Trump mouthed off about the Georgia case  yet and violated the terms of his bail?
[16:47.50] <+BodegaCat> RatBytes probably not yet
[16:47.53] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: the funny thing is you think that by lying you're "winning" against the "leftists" on the internet, but you're just lying to random people on the internet while supporting people in office to do the same on the national stage and fuck over the country, including you, to "win".
[16:47.53] <+JustBeKalm> Walmart. Work. Is McBoatFace here? Nobody else here works for Walmart or ever did.
[16:47.57] <+McBoatFace> RatBytes, no but one of his stupid fucking lawyers has
[16:47.57] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: its peak retard.
[16:48.13] <+JustBeKalm> But ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Yeah, yeah! (dancing)
[16:48.26] <+euphzzzzzzzz> bbl
[16:48.31] <+McBoatFace> lol, JustBeKalm is such a moron. People using my nickname over and over somehow doesn't indicate to her dumb ass that I'm here, but mention of walmart does?
[16:48.33] <OldMole> PrezPusyGrab no, thats hopesnothere , harbinger is at best 20% retarded
[16:48.35] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: "Winning" in this case is getting you to continue to drop ass-burgers all over the place.
[16:48.46] <+McBoatFace> what a ridiculous affected attempt to pretend she's ignoring me
[16:48.48] <+PrezPusyGrab> OldMole: hopesnothere is a sperg, I think there is a difference
[16:49.02] <OldMole> im pretty sure hes also retarded though
[16:49.14] <+McBoatFace> OldMole, Harbinger kicked that up to going full retard by pushing blatant racism and hostility towards minorities
[16:49.17] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: right, you were just pretending to be retarded, so you could get humiliated, and then finally reveal that the joke was on me, you were only PRETENDING to be retarded.
[16:49.19] <OldMole> like, retarded enough where its questionable to call him retarded
[16:49.50] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: It isn't my fault that you aren't able to actually read, and have wild delusions about what is posted in plain text.
[16:49.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: in other words, this? +,
[16:49.53] <@Lard> [url] I Was Only Pretending To Be Retarded | Know Your Meme | ( +, )
[16:50.04] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you mean the text you were caught making up fake quotes about?
[16:50.06] <+McBoatFace> OldMole, people who lie and claim that Trump's anti-Chinese rhetoric over Covid didn't promote bigoted violence against Asian Americans have gone full retard
[16:50.09] <+McBoatFace> OldMole, that's all there is to it
[16:50.16] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger is proven 100% retard
[16:50.26] <+GhostDog> I once interviewed at Walmart
[16:50.28] * DS9isBest ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[16:50.29] <+Harbinger> "Harbinger is making up fake quotes when he accurately summarizes someone's argument."
[16:50.47] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you didn't accurately summarize it at all, you lied about it.
[16:50.48] <+McBoatFace> people who argue that the REAL racists are the "leftists" who recognize systemic racial discrimination in the law and society have gone full retard
[16:51.10] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You having a different opinion than someone else doesn't mean they are lying.
[16:51.13] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger has absolutely proven that he's a racist, a liar and a retard. There's no avoiding it
[16:51.19] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: if you think people saying that you shouldn't incite racial violence is the real racism, because black people listened to it, you'e lying
[16:51.28] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you lying about what someone else said is lying
[16:51.43] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You should stop inciting political violence by saying things you believe to be true about Republicans.
[16:51.44] <+hopesnothere>  RIIIIIIGHT.... Because they disagree with YOUR RADICAL LEFTIST DOGMA.
[16:51.48] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger, you're a liar, a racist and a retard
[16:52.08] <+hopesnothere> McButtFairy : ... Go SUCK SOros, Leftist ASSFAIRY
[16:52.14] <+tzip> and those are his GOOD point, by george!
[16:52.31] <+McBoatFace> lol
[16:52.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> OldMole: I would argue hopesnothere is smarter than Harbinger.  hopesnothere actually believes the things he's saying, Harbinger knows he's lying, knows he's supporting people purposefully lying, and still supporting them to lie while they act destructively
[16:52.42] <+Krishna> Soros Jr runs the show now, supposedly
[16:53.09] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab can do nothing but lie about people lying, because he's a lying liar.
[16:53.09] <+PrezPusyGrab> OldMole: its like two idiots playing with guns, one who doesn't know what they do, and one who is well aware, but is pointing at his head with his finger on the trigger anyways
[16:53.29] * g_o_o_g_l_e (~google@ has joined channel #Gulag
[16:53.30] <OldMole> oh man, krishna is here too
[16:53.35] <OldMole> were awash with retardation
[16:53.40] <g_o_o_g_l_e> lol
[16:53.42] <OldMole> its getting hard to measure
[16:53.50] <+McBoatFace> yeah it's been a night!
[16:53.53] <g_o_o_g_l_e> have you tried googling
[16:54.04] <+Krishna> just don't drop your tins of zyklon unless you want to be like gannon
[16:54.06] <+McBoatFace> at least slayer and gannon left
[16:54.28] <+tzip> we need a 3D coordinate measuring machine?
[16:54.40] <+Krishna> I don't hate anyone, but i might think they are simple minded herd animal dicks
[16:54.54] <+Krishna> 400,000 is a holocaust
[16:54.59] <+Krishna> lots of burning human flesh
[16:55.00] <+McBoatFace> Krishna, you might if anything you did could be counted as "thinking"
[16:55.04] <+Krishna> 400,000 and it's ok
[16:55.16] * McBoatFace DDTs Krishna
[16:55.17] * RatBytes doesn't trust a thing Krishna says....
[16:55.18] <+Krishna> +,
[16:55.20] <@Lard> [url] "Yes, They Were Being Bribed": Fired Ukraine Prosecutor Corroborates Biden Corruption | ZeroHedge |, ( +, )
[16:55.29] <+McBoatFace> LOL ZEROHEDGE
[16:55.33] <+KenoshaKid> Krishna: that is pretty anti-semitic buddy
[16:55.35] <+McBoatFace> I didn't even know there still was a Zerohedge
[16:55.43] <g_o_o_g_l_e> then youre dumb
[16:55.44] <+RatBytes> fake news from the failing zerohedge...
[16:55.54] <+Krishna> KenoshaKid yes nationalism is anti semitic
[16:55.59] <+McBoatFace> whatever happened to the Drudge report anyway? Is that still a thing?
[16:56.13] <+RatBytes> McBoatFace - he lost his hat and couldn't go on
[16:56.16] <+tis> No
[16:56.17] <+KenoshaKid> Krishna: well you saw what happened when some white people tried to get nationalistic. they killed 6 million jews.
[16:56.26] <+KenoshaKid> Krishna: this is why jews must become nationalistic.
[16:56.32] <+KenoshaKid> self defense
[16:56.35] <+Krishna> KenoshaKid why do you suck up to the globalists and abandon your nation ?
[16:56.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> I like how Harbinger inadvertently admits though that by comparing criticizing republicans for their harmful policies to donald trump stoking hatred against asians, both are pressing for calls to actions against these people.  Democrats are calling people to vote republicans out, but what action was donald trump hoping for when inciting anti asian violence?
[16:57.04] <+Krishna> we see what happens when zionists go nationalist
[16:57.12] * RatBytes (webchat@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[16:57.26] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: can you maybe clarify that?  Because the point of stoken resentment is obviously to incite some kind of action.  Democrats inciting action to vote republicans out, but what action was donald trump inciting against people for being asian?  To not be asian?
[16:57.27] <+Krishna> as the palestinians if zionists can be bazis
[16:57.33] <+McBoatFace> PrezPusyGrab, he tried to compare a single mentally ill guy who never even committed an act of violence and instead turned himself into authorities to a major upswing in anti-Asian violence reported by the DoJ
[16:57.34] <+Krishna> as the palestinians if zionists can be nazis
[16:57.39] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: If Democrats are just calling for Republicans do be voted out, then why are they inciting violence against Republicans?
[16:57.42] <+McBoatFace> PrezPusyGrab, he's so pathetically dishonest it's laughable
[16:57.42] <+PrezPusyGrab> McBoatFace: yeah, of course
[16:57.46] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: they're not.
[16:57.46] <+Krishna> thats why palestinians need their own nation
[16:57.54] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: We know they're inciting violence because people are doing violent things based on what Democrats say.
[16:58.13] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: false, we know they're inciting some type of action, which in this case, is voting them out.
[16:58.15] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger can't actually show any example of such violent acts
[16:58.18] <+Krishna> Harbinger the democrats are just globalist brownshirt goons
[16:58.20] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: They are not making *direct* calls to violence, sure. But they're still inciting the violence. Somehow. Or something.
[16:58.28] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: can you tell us what action donald trump was inciting?
[16:58.34] <+McBoatFace> meanwhile the FBI have verified the trending violence against Asian Americans from the MAGA right wing
[16:58.43] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger is just an infantile, ignorant, lying racist asshole, nothing else
[16:58.45] <+McBoatFace> fuck him
[16:58.51] <+McBoatFace> an absolute failure of a person
[16:58.55] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: If Democrats weren't inciting violence, then why did someone try to kill Brett Kavanaugh over Roe v. Wade?
[16:59.03] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Clearly, Democrats were inciting violence, because it happened.
[16:59.18] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger, you're done
[16:59.32] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and once again you miss the point.  Yes, democrats were stoking resentment towards republicans, and Donald trump was stoken resentment towards asians.
[16:59.54] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: But you're saying that Democrats weren't inciting violence. Only Donald Trump was.
[16:59.55] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: however, stoking resentment towards a political party with the intention of voting them out, is different than stoking racism against an ethnic group
[16:59.57] <+PrezPusyGrab> true or false?
[17:00.06] <+Krishna> well if i was advising globalists, i would tell them to divide nations to weaken them, start civil wars and fund both sides
[17:00.21] <+mouses> fuck yes finally got working on a digital ocean droplet
[17:00.21] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: We're talking about whether they incited violence by your own argumentatino.
[17:00.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: Do you see a difference in resentment towards a political party, and one towards an ethnic group?
[17:00.24] <+Krishna> That, and start wars between nations
[17:00.31] <g_o_o_g_l_e> some chinese people eat dog meat
[17:00.32] <+mouses> best way to watch movies/tv with a group
[17:00.49] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: are you able to grasp that difference?
[17:00.54] <+GhostDog> What shall we watch?
[17:00.57] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: It doesn't really follow that it's only inciting violence if you think there's a racial motivation.
[17:00.57] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger's done. He's been exposed as a bigot and a liar and was even so spineless he made an attempt to dismiss his own position as trolling
[17:00.58] <+mouses> g_o_o_g_l_e: Some american people do also, you know there's a few out there
[17:01.10] <g_o_o_g_l_e> chinese americans
[17:01.13] <+Krishna> AND I would advise that LAWFARE  is good for "regime prevention" as is election rigging
[17:01.16] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: yes it does, because there's no other action you can take to be "against" asian people than violence and racism.
[17:01.18] <+mouses> GhostDog: I don't know, but aside from tonight, I'm usually free in the evenings
[17:01.27] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: there's action you can take to be "against" republicans to vote them out of office.
[17:01.38] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: the only action you can take against a race, is racism
[17:01.39] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I mean, right now, with my words, I could be stoking resentment against old alcoholics who got fired from Walmart. But I'm not inciting violence against them.
[17:01.54] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: but you do understand that the only action you can take to be "against" a race, is racism, right?
[17:01.56] <+Krishna> the globalist capitalists are destroing the world for power and profit while the small minded goons can't figure it out
[17:01.58] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:02.16] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and that since asians hold no real power, you can't vote them out of office or anything
[17:02.17] <+GhostDog> You could schedule some things and have a bunch of us watch it maybe.
[17:02.22] <+mouses> PrezPusyGrab - we still have that power for now, and if we fuck it up again - basic democracy will end in the 2024-2028 era
[17:02.22] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I think it's funny how you've essentially just admitted that, by your own argumentation, Democrats are guilty of inciting violence with their rhetoric.
[17:02.23] <+PrezPusyGrab> the only option there is racism, and probably violence
[17:02.31] <+Krishna> so! HAVE AT IT! rip each other to bits while your nation burns
[17:02.42] <+mouses> you know that orange motherfucker, it would be a 4 year revenge tour
[17:02.43] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: except I didn't, i said they were instigating resentment, which the reasonable outlet would be to vote.
[17:03.06] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: however in donald trump's case, he was instigating resentment against asians, which the only possible action to take would be racism, and probably violence
[17:03.09] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Huh? So the "reasonable outlet" for others is to attack Asian people because Trump said the virus came from China?
[17:03.10] <g_o_o_g_l_e> mouses i heard youre a hairy fat guy that pretends to be a female online
[17:03.13] <+Krishna> WHEN the 2024 election is rigged, the penny will drop
[17:03.13] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: That's a pretty wild statement.
[17:03.31] <+mouses> g_o_o_g_l_e: I heard you are a fine upstanding gentlemen
[17:03.31] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: overly emphasizing anti asian racist rhetoric?
[17:03.57] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: It's really weird you think that the only possible action to take against Asians is racism and violence.
[17:04.03] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: including calling it the "kung flu"
[17:04.11] <+Krishna> the globalist capitalists are destroing the world for power and profit while the small minded goons can't figure it out
[17:04.15] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: what other actions could you take against asians as a whole that isn't racist?
[17:04.21] * ZShurp ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:04.23] <g_o_o_g_l_e> kung flu lol
[17:04.34] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: are you stupid?
[17:04.34] <+Krishna> the globalist capitalists are destroying the world for power and profit while the small minded goons can't figure it out
[17:04.37] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I'm pointing out how circular your argument is.
[17:04.42] <+mouses> g_o_o_g_l_e: plus, all I will do is lmfao @ you until you get full genetic testing done and PROVE yourself.  Maybe you're not real.  Get tested and show the results.
[17:04.49] <+Krishna> the way to fix racism is with.....racism
[17:04.52] <+Krishna> 400,000 and it's ok
[17:04.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: so you can't name any other action you can take "against" asians, that isn't racist?  just for the record?
[17:04.55] <g_o_o_g_l_e> kung pao corona
[17:04.57] <+Krishna> +,
[17:04.58] <@Lard> [url] "Yes, They Were Being Bribed": Fired Ukraine Prosecutor Corroborates Biden Corruption | ZeroHedge |, ( +, )
[17:05.29] <g_o_o_g_l_e> mouses ok fat guy
[17:05.44] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Circular argument is circular.
[17:05.59] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: fighting against a political party generally means voting them out of power.  Fighting against an entire race of people generally means violence.  true or false?
[17:06.07] <+mouses> g_o_o_g_l_e: I'm also going to need you to get a physical to prove you not fat
[17:06.20] * Viridium ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:06.26] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: or are you going to be dishonest again?
[17:06.27] <g_o_o_g_l_e> mouses shave your beard guy
[17:06.27] <+Krishna> I can't be racist, because I am not human
[17:06.31] <+smirks> fuck everyone but Rayvyn and mouses,
[17:06.31] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Why would "the virus came from China" equate to fighting an entire race of people?
[17:06.38] <+Timur> thx
[17:06.39] <ZShurp> So, random useless thought of the night: can we all agree that Zelensky taking over Moscow and establishing a central asian empire stretching from Lviv to Vladivostok is the best (marginally) possible outcome of the war?
[17:06.40] * smirks smirks
[17:06.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: i see you're being dishonest ignoring the other racist comments that was meant to blame china for covid
[17:06.57] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Wouldn't you kind of have to be a racist in the first place to think that, and furthermore, completely deranged to follow it up with violence?
[17:07.12] <+Krishna> zshurp,  fantasy much?
[17:07.21] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: I agree republicans and people who listen to donald trump are deranged.
[17:07.23] <g_o_o_g_l_e> Krishna: all the time
[17:07.31] <ZShurp> hmmm, "hypothetically" would be a better term
[17:07.41] <+Krishna> google is a fantasy machine
[17:07.45] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Brett Kavanaugh's attempted murderer listened to the DNC.
[17:08.02] <g_o_o_g_l_e> Krishna: mouses is a hairy fat guy
[17:08.14] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and once again, you're trying to compare rhetoric against a political party, to rhetoric against an entire race of people.
[17:08.22] <+Krishna> fat can be cured, low IQ can't
[17:08.31] <+Timur> silly.
[17:08.31] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: despite already being told the difference.
[17:08.36] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You're evading the fact that, by your own argumentation, both are inciting violence.
[17:08.49] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you're playing word games to ignore the obvious reality
[17:09.00] <+Krishna> Harbinger the democrats are just globalist brownshirt goons
[17:09.01] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: It's "word games" to point out arguments you've already made.
[17:09.04] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: that there is a huge difference in stoking resentment towards policies, and an entire race
[17:09.09] * DowderJ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:09.14] <+Wilderness> So Krishna is forever consigned to the fat moron bin
[17:09.22] <+Krishna> its very pro american to ignore zelinski's war dead
[17:09.29] <+Krishna> AND I would advise that LAWFARE  is good for "regime prevention" as is election rigging
[17:09.31] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: once again, you're just screaming "THE CARD SAYS MOOPS"
[17:09.41] <+Krishna> well if i was advising globalists, i would tell them to divide nations to weaken them, start civil wars and fund both sides
[17:09.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: +,
[17:09.51] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Alt-Right Playbook: The Card Says Moops⁩ | 18m 16s | ⁨Innuendo Studios⁩ | 1,695,586 views
[17:09.53] <+Krishna> the globalist capitalists are destroing the world for power and profit while the small minded goons can't figure it out
[17:10.42] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: "Someone is inciting violence against an entire race of people if an already racist and deranged person thinks they're being attacked by an entire race of people."
[17:11.15] <+Harbinger> Jodie Foster incited violence against Ronald Reagan.
[17:11.58] <+PrezPusyGrab> "Speaking out against politicians is equivalent to racism" --harbinger
[17:12.01] <+PrezPusyGrab> what a dumbass
[17:12.07] <+smirks> lol Harbinger    good one
[17:12.32] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: do you honestly believe that Speaking out against politicians is equivalent to racism?  or are you just saying stupid shit?
[17:13.38] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I think people who believe Donald Trump incited violence against Asians because some deranged criminals attacked Asians for unknown reasons have double-standards when it comes to which political leaders are engaging in "incitement to violence."
[17:14.11] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and that's stupid, because inciting racism is much different than inciting people to anger over political policies that affect them
[17:14.33] <+PrezPusyGrab> and until you acknowledge those are two completely separate things, you're lying and not worth engaging.  Come back when you can tell the truth about that.
[17:14.54] <+Harbinger> "It isn't inciting violence to engage in the same kind of rhetoric because it's my political party doing it."
[17:15.13] <+PrezPusyGrab> rhetoric against a political party is different than racism against an entire race
[17:15.15] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger, shhhh you lying racist trash
[17:15.17] <+PrezPusyGrab> true or false?
[17:15.37] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Engaging in violence is engaging in violence, true or false?
[17:15.43] <+hopesnothere>  Well... This backfired spectacularly. lol       --     +,   
[17:15.43] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Well... This backfired spectacularly. lol⁩ | 8m 40s | ⁨Liberal Hivemind⁩ | 209,615 views
[17:15.44] * Tiramisu ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[17:15.50] <+smirks> twisted Metal looks like something I gotta watch
[17:16.03] <+smirks> you fucking idiots
[17:16.18] <g_o_o_g_l_e> smirks: you have twisted testicles
[17:16.30] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Democratic politicians have never said that immigration facilities are concentration camps, resulting in attempted bombings.
[17:16.39] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: so no? not willing to admit that blanket racist statements is different than political policy criticism?
[17:16.40] <+hopesnothere>  ..One of you leftit cuntmonkeys wasgushing over some statement made by "Genital Sucky"
[17:16.40] <+smirks> but they're HUGE, g_o_o_g_l_e
[17:16.44] <+PrezPusyGrab> and leads to different results?
[17:16.47] <+smirks> you'd love them
[17:16.49] <g_o_o_g_l_e> lmao
[17:16.53] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: So no? Not willing to admit that you're engaging in a double standard?
[17:17.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: its not a double standard, unless you think political policy criticism and racism are equivalent.
[17:17.26] <+McBoatFace> PPG is not engaged in a double standard
[17:17.31] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger is a lying, racist shit person
[17:17.43] <+hopesnothere> ...Jen-ital Sucky
[17:17.45] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and you've admitted you don't think that, which means you're being dishonest
[17:17.58] * Wilderness ( Quit (Quit)
[17:18.05] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Whether someone engages in violence because they're a racist, or because they think they are being attacked by Republicans, is immaterial to whether they engage in violence. Whether they are actually being *incited* is the question.
[17:18.05] <+McBoatFace> PrezPusyGrab he also tried to paint his idiotic claims as "trolling"
[17:18.33] <g_o_o_g_l_e> spergs
[17:19.17] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and in both cases, anti asian sentiment, and anti republican sentiment was incited.  However, there's no valid outlet for anti asian sentiment, and it serves no purpose except to incite violence and racism.
[17:19.23] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: do you not understand that difference?
[17:19.27] * Smax ( Quit (Quit)
[17:19.46] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: The people who engaged in violence against Republicans necessarily thought there was no other valid outlet.
[17:20.00] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: In the same way as saying "Let's get rid of the mayor, he sucks" isn't a call to violence, but saying "let's get rid of our neighbor, he sucks!" is
[17:20.09] <+hopesnothere> You leftist PERVERTS clam that you do NOT support abortion up to, and until BIRTH
[17:20.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: do you understand that ?
[17:20.25] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Except saying that a virus came from China isn't doing anything remotely like that.
[17:20.50] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: But saying that Republicans are putting brown people in concentration camps because they're racist Nazis might be.
[17:20.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: its an example, showing you the difference in attacking a political official's policies, and attacking someone personally, or their entire ethnic group.
[17:21.02] * tis violences all of you whiny lil bitches
[17:21.05] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: the same way there's a difference in saying "let's get rid of the city council" and "let's get rid of the black people"
[17:21.09] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: see the difference?
[17:21.12] <+tis> RIGHT GHOSTDOG??
[17:21.21] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: But Trump didn't say anything like "get rid of the Asians."
[17:21.24] <g_o_o_g_l_e> right
[17:21.31] <+tis> WRONG!!!
[17:21.38] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: we'll get to that, but first, I'm having to explain to you the difference in attacking a political official, and attacking a race.
[17:21.40] <+Krishna> Viridium don't you get this? truth they don't want believed is the definition of conspiracy theory
[17:21.44] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: once you understand that part, we can move on.
[17:22.13] <+hopesnothere>  heh, You LEFTIST SHEEPLE are pretending to have me on ignore...?
[17:22.19] <Viridium> Krishna  if there is evidence .. its mroe than just a theory
[17:22.21] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: your argument of "hurr hurr they're the same words" is ignoring context.
[17:22.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> and you know it
[17:22.30] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Once you understand that "inciting violence is inciting violence," we can move on.
[17:22.32] <ZShurp> oh, thanks for reminding me hopesnothere, let me fix that
[17:22.36] <+hopesnothere> Jen (cock)) SUCKY
[17:22.55] <wptmj> "Swearing produces effects that are not observed with other forms of language use. Thus, swearing is powerful. It generates a range of distinctive outcomes: physiological, cognitive, emotional, pain-relieving, interactional and rhetorical."
[17:22.55] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: Right, but let's take two examples of how the same words can be words of violence if used in one context, and not in another
[17:22.56] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You don't "vote out" Nazis. You bomb them.
[17:23.05] <ZShurp> might as well ignore the rest of the troll fest too
[17:23.08] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: In the same way as saying "Let's get rid of the mayor, he sucks" isn't a call to violence, but saying "let's get rid of our neighbor, he sucks!" is
[17:23.10] <ZShurp> ahhhh, blessed silence
[17:23.15] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You already said that.
[17:23.23] <g_o_o_g_l_e> wptmj: go fuck yourself
[17:23.26] <ZShurp> and now back to killing zombies
[17:23.33] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: did you understand it that time?
[17:24.07] <+Harbinger> "Evil racist fascists shouldn't be voted out. That isn't the rational course of action."
[17:24.13] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: can you admit the same words can have completely different meanings and incitements based on who its used against and the context?  And that attacking a political organization isn't a necessary call to violence, while attacking a race is?
[17:24.55] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I think deranged people who engage in violence for irrational reasons will find any number of motivations to do so.
[17:25.00] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: if I say "let's get rid of Joe Biden", it would almost always mean to vote him out, not kill him.  if I say "let's get rid of the jews", thats a WHOLE different matter.
[17:25.05] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: do you understand the difference?
[17:25.18] <+Harbinger> Nobody said "let's get rid of the Asians."
[17:25.32] <+PrezPusyGrab> but he did stoke anti asian racism
[17:25.41] <g_o_o_g_l_e> sperg
[17:25.42] <+Harbinger> Jodie Foster stoked anti-Reagan violence.
[17:26.11] <+PrezPusyGrab> and as I demonstrated above, stoking anti political resentment isn't a call to violence, but stoking racism is
[17:26.21] <+Harbinger> The actions of deranged criminals are their own.
[17:26.30] <+PrezPusyGrab> it doesn't help to stoke racism
[17:27.35] <g_o_o_g_l_e> kung flu is funny
[17:27.38] <+Harbinger> Actions from deranged psychopaths don't magically become rational because you think someone is saying racist things in their earshot.
[17:27.53] * Kippis ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:28.09] <+PrezPusyGrab> Noone ever said people who listen to people like Donald Trump were rational
[17:28.33] <+Harbinger> No one ever said listening to Ocasio-Cortzes when she called immigration facilities concentration camps was rational.
[17:28.35] <+PrezPusyGrab> However, he's stoking racism, amongst people he knows are irrational
[17:29.08] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and once again, Ocasio-Cortez was attacking immigration facilities and policies, not a race.
[17:29.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> there's a difference, dumbass
[17:29.28] <Kippis> Voters voted for Trump,  because he was GOP candidate... and anyone but democrat for those
[17:29.33] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Trump was saying a virus came from a country, not an entire race.
[17:30.00] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: he was also using other racist rhetoric, and doing so with the intention of shifting blame from his poorly handling of the situation, onto asian people.
[17:30.32] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I understand that *you* think the rhetoric was racist. Just like Ocasio-Cortez thinks that immigration facilities are racist and white supremacist.
[17:30.32] <+Krishna> I think the chinese lab origin was ahoax, sold to Trump as a way to have a go at china, it suited the american agenda
[17:30.37] <+PrezPusyGrab> What was the point of always overemphasizing it was from China if not to blame them for the virus?
[17:30.49] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: calling the virus Kung Flu and Wuhan Flu wasn't racist?
[17:30.58] <Kippis> even now, if you ask any of our fellow chatters, who are republican,  they still would vote for Trump (holding their noses)  even if Trump is in the prison.... rather than honest qualified democrat
[17:31.01] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Uh, those are references to a place.
[17:31.06] <+Krishna> prez to distract from the fact FAUCCI originated the virus with american funding
[17:31.29] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: "The Asian race", if there is such a thing, is presumably way bigger than China.
[17:31.29] * tacker (~tacker@ has joined channel #Gulag
[17:31.29] * ^skunk`` ( Quit (Quit: A flock of seagulls, a pride of lions, a cemetery of Russian generals)
[17:31.32] <+Krishna> kippis there is no such thing as an honest democrat
[17:31.37] <+McBoatFace> hey I have a terrible memory for these things
[17:31.41] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: so you're going to just lie and pretend you don't know that's racially charged?
[17:31.42] <+McBoatFace> is Harbinger mans0n?
[17:31.53] <tacker> loser spew fills the feed
[17:31.59] <ZShurp> because it's just tribal politics.  They don't care how horrible the winner is, as long as he represents THEIR tribe
[17:32.03] <g_o_o_g_l_e> spergs sperg
[17:32.06] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: So you're going to just lie and pretend you don'g think Ocasio-Cortez's statements weren't racially charged?
[17:32.20] <ZShurp> no, McBoatFace, mans0n is on the Zeno leftwing shit on dems train.  Harbringer is a genuine rightwinger.
[17:32.20] <tacker> look at you pathetic losers
[17:32.23] <tacker> spewing
[17:32.27] <g_o_o_g_l_e> make them eat your ass
[17:32.27] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: No, being against immigration centers is not racially charged, and you don't believe that either, you're just lying.
[17:32.41] <+McBoatFace> ZShurp, thanks. I can't remember what nick mans0n is using these days
[17:32.43] <Kippis> Krishna:   lol ...  where are you posting from ?    there is no honest republican ... just last week,  19 of them were booked in state of Georgia ....   none are democrats
[17:32.55] <ZShurp> I don't think mans0n is around anymore.  No idea where he went
[17:32.55] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Oh, please. Calling them fascist and "concentration camps" and "white supremacism" is an obvious racial reference.
[17:33.09] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: what?
[17:33.09] <tacker> losers go in circles
[17:33.13] <tacker> look at em
[17:33.18] <tacker> pathetic
[17:33.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: hahaha so condemning fascism and white supremacism is racist against white people now?
[17:33.31] <+PrezPusyGrab> the fuck rofl
[17:33.32] <tacker> loser begs
[17:33.40] <+Krishna> harbinger, "kill the boer" is not racist according to the south african courts and the Israeli government
[17:33.40] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Naming the city that a virus came from is racist against Asians now?
[17:33.43] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you just keep looking dumber and dumber don't you?
[17:33.50] <tacker> loser begs again
[17:33.53] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: when its dont repeatedly to blame them for the virus, yes.
[17:33.56] <+PrezPusyGrab> done*
[17:34.04] <tacker> look at the losers begging
[17:34.13] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Uh, well, it does look pretty well like it was a negligent lab leak.
[17:34.26] <Kippis> all the mass shootings in USA !!!    they are all right wingers !!  pay attention,   pay attention what Trump is spewing, and what climate he is creating
[17:34.31] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: That's hardly a racist statement, though.
[17:34.31] <+McBoatFace> for clarity, there has been no city positively identified as "where covid came from." This is another lie Harbinger has told to promote racism against asian Americans
[17:34.38] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger is a truly shit subhuman
[17:34.41] <+Krishna> the constantly repeated LIE must win if it's never challenged
[17:34.42] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: it also looks like it was a negligent president that got rid of our pandemic response team, and refused to acknowledge the virus was serious.
[17:34.51] <tacker> loser spew
[17:34.52] <Kippis> Krishna:   yes
[17:35.03] <tacker> pathetic losers
[17:35.07] <+Krishna> the constantly repeated LIE must win if it's never challenged..... it is the basis of all propaganda
[17:35.08] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and to shift responsibility away from that, he resorted to racism.
[17:35.11] <tacker> no life
[17:35.14] <g_o_o_g_l_e> youre a alcoholic
[17:35.21] <tacker> loser repeats
[17:35.24] <tacker> the irony
[17:35.26] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Yeah, the guy who was knocked as a "racist" when he suggested shutting down flights from China in the early stages of the pandemic. =)
[17:35.30] <+Krishna> the 6 million
[17:35.30] <tacker> the loser is so dumb
[17:35.33] <+Debaser> What if the Chinese government *is* to blame?
[17:35.35] <tacker> hilarious
[17:35.38] <tacker> and pathetic
[17:35.39] <+Debaser> Is that racist to say?
[17:35.39] <+Harbinger> Debaser: Racism.
[17:35.46] <Kippis> there are still lots of people, who think,  Obama was not born in USA ...  because Trump was endlessly pounding this lie, that  Obama was born in Kenya  .....
[17:35.52] <tacker> what dumb bags of shit you losers are
[17:36.03] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you mean the guy who only said to shut down flights to china after it was already here?  And then said the virus would just go away?
[17:36.04] <g_o_o_g_l_e> spergs can only sperg
[17:36.12] * tacker (~tacker@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( +, ))
[17:36.12] <+Krishna> debaser, what if the 6 million holocaust is a hoax?
[17:36.20] <ZShurp> McBoatFace, to be clear, the virus definitely established sustained human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.  The question is whether this started in a wet market or a laboratory.  The odds favor the wet market, but we're not certain
[17:36.23] <+Debaser> When Trump makes a point, it doesn't mean he's suddenly a good person
[17:36.28] <+Krishna> is it anti semitiuc to say the holocaust is a lie?
[17:36.31] <+Debaser> Broken clock, twice a day etc
[17:36.40] <ZShurp> Debaser, that's the trouble, Trump is occasionally right, which makes him more dangerous
[17:36.45] <+Debaser> ZShurp: yea
[17:36.51] <Kippis> Krishna:   why would you even say it ?
[17:37.12] <+Krishna> the constantly repeated LIE must win if it's never challenged..... it is the basis of all propaganda
[17:37.22] <+PrezPusyGrab> Republicans don't want to fix any problems, they want them to continue, so they can blame them on some minority.
[17:37.28] <+Debaser> I think we can differentiate between the Chinese govt and Chinese people
[17:37.29] <+Krishna> who challenges the holocaust lie ?
[17:37.31] <+PrezPusyGrab> and use that to stoke hatred for political power
[17:37.35] <ZShurp> The reason Trump and rightwingers harp on the foreign origin of the virus is to absolve themselves of responsibilty for how badly they handled it.  "Not our fault; China killed those hundreds of thousands of Americans!"
[17:37.46] <+Debaser> Also true
[17:37.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> ZShurp: exactly
[17:38.07] <+PrezPusyGrab> Republicans don't want to fix problems, they want to blame someone else for them so they can ride the tide of hatred to office.
[17:38.11] <ZShurp> WE DEMAND REPARATIONS!!!
[17:38.22] <+Krishna> we demand palestine!
[17:38.29] <+Debaser> Not because they're interested in dealing with systemic problems around biological labs around the world or American corporate partnerships with them
[17:38.33] <+Harbinger> If someone is pointing out mistakes a country has made, it's inciting violence against Asian people.
[17:38.54] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: when you're purposefully allowing the virus to spread and telling everyone it's not a big deal, then blaming others for it, yes
[17:39.01] <+PrezPusyGrab> everyone knows what you people are doing
[17:39.05] <+Debaser> Agreed, PrezPusyGrab
[17:39.18] <+Krishna> LIES LIES LIES are the foundation of popular reality
[17:39.33] <+Debaser> Krishna: time for your nap, grampa
[17:39.35] <+Krishna> the endlessly repeated unchallended lies
[17:39.48] <ZShurp> Build a wall of dead americans and make China pay for it!
[17:39.54] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Oh, I see. So Trump deliberately allowed the virus to spread, and then used that to make sure people would attack any Asian they saw later on. Makes sense.
[17:39.59] <+Debaser> Hah
[17:40.02] <+PrezPusyGrab> The Democrat Party suggestion for covid:  1. Wear masks. 2. Socially distance  3. Increase Ventilators.  4. Get vaccinated.  The republican plan for covid:  1. Blame China.  Problem solved.
[17:40.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: He refused to take action that could spread it, because admitted it existed hurt his image, and the only action he took at all was to blame someone else.
[17:40.28] <Kippis> PrezPusyGrab:  amen to that
[17:40.43] <+Krishna> nah, it was an attempt at globalist tyranny, the NWO global reset agenda
[17:40.43] <+Debaser> "from 15 down to nothing!"
[17:40.46] <+PrezPusyGrab> One party had a plan to limit deaths, the other party had a plan to blame deaths on someone else.
[17:40.55] <OldMole> Trump was an incompetent tit who did nothing to deal with COVID until it was too late
[17:41.03] <OldMole> as a result well over a million people died
[17:41.04] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Yeah. That must be why Nancy Pelosi called him a racist and Biden called him a xenophobe for wanting to shut down air travel, and proceeded to encourage everyone to "hug an Asian person."
[17:41.05] <+Krishna> one party had an agenda to impose tyranny
[17:41.16] <ZShurp> Americans love blaming someone else rather than solving problems.  Forest fires are the result of jewish space lasers, not fossil fuel emissions
[17:41.18] <+Debaser> Doesn't mean it didn't start in a lab in Wuhan, though
[17:41.29] <OldMole> it might have
[17:41.32] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: yes, because waiting til it was too late and doing nothing, and then finally after its too late making a symbolic racist gesture that served no purpose was peak clownship
[17:41.32] <OldMole> it might not have
[17:41.33] <+Debaser> ZShurp: don't forget antifa arsonists
[17:41.38] <+Debaser> In the deep Ontario bush
[17:41.48] <ZShurp> yeah, right, antifa wants to burn the world's forests :)
[17:41.55] <+Harbinger> +,  <---- Totally not contributing to the spread of the virus.
[17:41.56] <@Lard> [url] Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco’s Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Concerns – NBC Bay Area |, ( +, )
[17:41.56] <Kippis> OldMole:  exactly .. and this country must not allow Trump to be in any public office again... ever
[17:41.59] <+Debaser> OldMole: it really likely did, but sure maybe not
[17:42.06] <+mgm17> too late and too lame... all trump did was make fun of the science, masking and his followers did likewise... trump didn't "deal" with covid at all.... he was an inpediment to dealing with it
[17:42.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: her visiting her constituents?
[17:42.33] <g_o_o_g_l_e> dumb people died lmao
[17:42.43] <+PrezPusyGrab> thats why the virus spread?  More than the president just telling everyone dont worry, it will go away?
[17:42.54] <+PrezPusyGrab> Or Ron Desantis turning Florida into a gigantic spring break problem?
[17:43.03] <Kippis> and then came Biden ...   started the covid vaccine at once...  all 'free'  go and get it  
[17:43.04] <+PrezPusyGrab> The problem was nancy pelosi visiting some scared constituents?
[17:43.14] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Nancy Pelosi was deliberately spreading the virus so she could call Trump a racist.
[17:43.21] <OldMole> its a weird coincidence that a "wet market" near a lab that was experimenting on the Covid virus is where it was traced to, but yeah, I dont know if we'll ever know. for sure
[17:43.29] <+PrezPusyGrab> Kippis: i don't think Biden was responsible for the vaccine.  But he was responsible for telling people to wear masks and to go GET the vaccine
[17:43.37] <+mgm17> when a national leader encourages ppl to ignore simple science like social distancing.. then YES he helped kill ppl
[17:43.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: thats nonsense.
[17:43.56] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I know. =)
[17:44.12] * bobbby (~jerry@ has joined channel #Gulag
[17:44.18] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: However, what isn't nonsense, is that donald trump was purposefully ignoring the virus, and telling others to ignore it, because he didn't want to admit it was real because of his political image
[17:44.26] <ZShurp> OldMole, not such a coincidence, when you realize that wet markets are exactly the reason China was so worried about nasty viruses and wanted to investigate them.  "Hey, we have lots of crazy bugs right down the street, no need jet around the country for samples"
[17:44.27] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and comparing those two things is stupid
[17:44.46] * bobbby (~jerry@ has left #Gulag (Igloo IRC: +,
[17:44.53] <+Debaser> ZShurp: it's the furin cleavage site coincidence that's a bit much to believe
[17:44.55] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: What isn't nonsense is that Nancy Pelosi was purposefully ignoring the virus, saying it was fine for everyone to walk around in crowded public areas, to promote the idea that Donald Trump and Republicans are xenophobic racists.
[17:44.57] <ZShurp> parking a virology research center next to a cesspool of dangerous viruses seems pretty obvious
[17:45.00] <Kippis> PrezPusyGrab:   Biden's admin probably offered some money for pharmaceutic  companies to increase the vaccine production ...       Biden is like that,  he gets things done
[17:45.08] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: except we have evidence of donald trump telling people the virus would just go away
[17:45.15] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and being against measures to contain it
[17:45.19] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Except we have evidence of Nancy Pelosi saying everything is fine.
[17:45.29] <+mgm17> instead of ANY concern for the citizenry, trump was just concerned for his political image... disgusting man
[17:45.36] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: but thats not what you said, you said she was purposefully spreading it to make donald trump look bad.  Any evidence?
[17:45.37] <g_o_o_g_l_e> covid was a test run
[17:45.45] <ZShurp> Debaser, convergent evolution?  Regardless, I can't be bothered to care.  Whether it originated in a lab or a wet market (a) China fucked up by letting it out and (b) we fucked up by letting it in.
[17:45.55] <ZShurp> plenty of blame to go aroudn
[17:45.56] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Just as much evidence as you have for Donald Trump "purposefully" spreading the virus. =)
[17:46.05] <+kmh> +,
[17:46.06] <@Lard> [url] Who is Israel’s far-right, pro-settler Security Minister Ben-Gvir? | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera |, ( +, )
[17:46.13] * P-1^ ( Quit (Quit)
[17:46.24] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: purposefully spreading it, as in purposefully telling his followers it wasn't a big deal, and letting it spread for his political image, sure
[17:46.29] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: plenty of evidence of that
[17:46.34] <OldMole> ivermectin baby
[17:46.39] <OldMole> these morons are sitll downing it
[17:46.40] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: You mean like Nancy Pelosi saying "everything is fine" in San Francisco? ;)
[17:46.41] <+mgm17> no one said trump spread the virus... I said he didn't lead ppl in safety...he just cared about his image
[17:46.51] <Kippis> mgm17:   and now Trump is running for presidental office again ....  to keep himself out of the prison ...  pathetic reason actually
[17:47.00] <+Krishna> kmh jews can't be nazis, but, they do a really good imitation
[17:47.03] <ZShurp> I am saying trump spread the virus, by deliberately encouraging his followers to do things that would spread it
[17:47.04] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: saying "everything is fine" is equivalent to saying don't take safety precautions, it will all go away?
[17:47.21] <OldMole> Krishna you do a better one
[17:47.26] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Uh, walking around in crowded places wasn't supposed to be spreading the virus?
[17:47.33] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: assuring people "everything is fine" is the same as lying to them and encouraging them to take action that spreads the virus?
[17:47.44] <+Krishna> OldMole why do you love globalists?
[17:47.54] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Sounds like Pelosi should have been arguing for lockdowns a lot sooner. =)
[17:47.57] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: one person doing that versus encouraging millions of people to?
[17:48.21] <+mgm17> i knew trump was certifiebly insane
[17:48.29] * P-1 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:48.33] <+Krishna> cnn told you
[17:48.33] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: nancy pelosi wasn't also on stage trying to bully people for wearing masks
[17:48.41] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Her statements *were* encouraging other people, though.
[17:48.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> Donald Trump and Ron Desantis were actively bullying people in public for wearing masks
[17:48.53] <OldMole> Krishna because i love globes, and globalists make the best globes
[17:49.01] <+mgm17> lol... harbinger... i'm tired of you....byeby
[17:49.08] <+Harbinger> A+www., Poor PrezPusyGrab, feeling bullied. =)
[17:49.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: telling someone "something is fine" is equivalent to making fun of people for taking safety precautions?  Do you smoke crack?
[17:49.18] <+Krishna> OldMole but are they environmentally correct globes?
[17:49.25] <OldMole> yes
[17:49.32] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Encouraging them to walk around hugging random people and keeping restaurants open?
[17:49.33] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: because I think you know these are drastically different and you're being dishonest about them
[17:49.48] <+GhostDog> I'm tired
[17:49.50] * TrainWreck (train@ has joined channel #Gulag
[17:49.51] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: last i checked it was democratic states that were enforcing precautions
[17:49.54] <+mgm17> an intellctual liar and ass
[17:49.59] <+Krishna> OldMole if you help someone down on your luck you are a socialist
[17:50.16] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: whats your argument?  They didn't do it fast enough?  No one is perfect, but not being fast enough is way different than actively opposing safety precautions
[17:50.20] <P-1> MAGAs are why the COVID killed 1 in 300 Americans instead of 1 in 500 like most other countries
[17:50.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: and once again, you're trying to make false equivocations, dishonestly
[17:50.38] <TrainWreck> P-1 = BS
[17:50.48] <+mgm17> intellectually dishones... and boring to boot
[17:50.50] <TrainWreck> snake oil salesman
[17:50.54] <+gris> snek
[17:51.01] <g_o_o_g_l_e> sneaky
[17:51.03] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Uh, but she *was* opposing safety precautions. She was openly encouraging close contact at the start of a pandemic.
[17:51.07] <TrainWreck> snake oil salesman abound
[17:51.26] <P-1> TrainWreck: the numbers are there.....Fox news literally killed more Nazis than anybody since 1945 :))
[17:51.28] * X sets mode -b *!~* for #Gulag
[17:51.42] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: compared to what?  Donald Trump years later on stage at the debate making fun of people for wearing a mask, while he knew he had covid?
[17:51.43] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Also, you mean "false equivalence." "Equivocation" is something different. =)
[17:51.49] <TrainWreck> P-1 who are the NAZIs?
[17:51.50] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: Ron Desantis telling kids to take off their masks?
[17:52.02] <ZShurp> Harbringer, please explain how Nancy Pelosi doing something stupid justifies Trump doing something stupid?
[17:52.15] <+Harbinger> ZShurp: I'm pointing out PrezPusyGrab's double standards.
[17:52.20] <+PrezPusyGrab> ZShurp: he's trying to make false comparisons, to justify horrible behavior
[17:52.34] <+PrezPusyGrab> see?  Take two things nothing alike, and try to compare them
[17:52.41] <ZShurp> Right, Harbinger, so instead of addressing the actual issue, you are deflecting onto something irrelavent.  Brilliant.
[17:52.53] <ZShurp> Carry on
[17:52.55] <g_o_o_g_l_e> TrainWreck: are you thomas the trans choo choo train?
[17:52.58] * ZShurp goes back to lurking
[17:53.05] * mgm17 ( has left #Gulag
[17:53.06] <+Harbinger> ZShurp: Well, no, I'm illustrating my point. And PrezPusyGrab is too high to understand how well he's doing it. =)
[17:53.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger has compared 1. inciting racism to opposing a political party  and 2. someone saying "everything is fine" to years worth of fighting masks and bullying people for wearing masks.
[17:53.33] <TrainWreck> bullying people for wearing masks?
[17:53.36] <ZShurp> Right, Harbringer, your point is "My opponent is inconsistent, therefore, nothing I say has to make sense."
[17:53.44] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: But your point is only valid if you compare things that are completely unalike.  it's like how you tried to say that spreading racism was the same as opposing abortion
[17:53.46] <+hopesnothere> <+mgm17> intellectually dishones... and boring to boot ...YES, You ARE!
[17:53.47] <ZShurp> I agree.  You don't have to make sense.
[17:53.56] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: you have to be lying or stupid to even believe these things at all.
[17:53.57] <TrainWreck> the only people that wear masks are the insanely stupid and people trying to filter dust adn such
[17:54.08] <TrainWreck> got it stupids?
[17:54.22] <g_o_o_g_l_e> TrainWreck: are you thomas the trans?
[17:54.28] <+PrezPusyGrab> ZShurp: But there is no inconsistency even, he's comparing things that are completely different, and he knows it.
[17:54.30] <+gris> :|
[17:54.41] <+PrezPusyGrab> ZShurp: its like how Harbinger tried saying protesting abortion was the same thing as inciting racial violence.
[17:54.45] <+PrezPusyGrab> he's an idiot
[17:55.00] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Oh, I'm fully aware that you *sincerely* believe "it's different when you do it." =)
[17:55.02] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger really is a sad racist idiot
[17:55.10] <+McBoatFace> he's right out of 8chan or stormfront
[17:55.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: its a double standard, only if the things you're comparing are the same, but they're not.
[17:55.19] <+gris> weak ass equivalency arguments
[17:55.28] <+gris> like children
[17:55.38] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Yeah. And saying that a virus came from China is also inciting violence against Asians. I understand.
[17:55.53] * Deanr` ( Quit (Quit)
[17:55.53] <+hopesnothere> PP-One ;..NOT because the VD from YOUR MOM attacked the virus?
[17:55.59] <+McBoatFace> what's worst is Harbinger is doing all this infantile bullshit to justify and promote violent racism
[17:56.05] * P-1 ( Quit (Quit)
[17:56.09] * BathSheba` ( Quit (Signed off)
[17:56.16] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger really is just a failure of a person.
[17:56.23] <+hopesnothere> Aww, PP RAN AWAY!!!!!
[17:56.28] <g_o_o_g_l_e> sperg out
[17:56.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> McBoatFace: he's being purposefully dishonest, there's no way he doesn't know donald trump repeatedly saying things like Kung Flu, and Wuhan Flu, and overemphasizing "CHINA VIRUS" over and over wasn't to shift blame from his policies to chinese people
[17:56.53] <+PrezPusyGrab> and yet he lies and pretends like he doesn't
[17:57.03] <+McBoatFace> PrezPusyGrab, his claim that we know the city of origin of the virus is also a flagrant lie
[17:57.06] <+McBoatFace> he's fucking pathetic
[17:57.11] <ZShurp> And he knew his statements would incite racists to commit violence, and he was perfectly happy with that
[17:57.14] <+McBoatFace> what a shit subhuman piece of trash
[17:57.19] <+Harbinger> Weird. Plenty of Chinese in Taiwan, and yet somehow it wasn't directed at them.
[17:57.28] * P-1 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:57.55] <ZShurp> harbringer, problem is, it was: +,
[17:57.55] <@Lard> [wikipedia] 2022 Laguna Woods shooting | "On May 15, 2022, a mass shooting occurred at the Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods, California, United States. The Orange County church was hosting a congregation of the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church for Sunday services. The shooter killed one person and wounded five others. A suspect, 68-year-old David Chou of Las Vegas, was arrested at the scene. Authorities allege that the crime was committed […]"
[17:58.07] <+chowder-pop> plenty of inciting violence from dems +,
[17:58.26] <+hopesnothere>       ...I guess that ypu cpuld say that he just "PISSED OFF".
[17:58.30] <+Harbinger> ZShurp: That was Donald Trump? Wild.
[17:58.33] <+hopesnothere>  ...could...
[17:58.58] <ZShurp> heh, whoops, wrong shooting.  There's so many
[17:59.05] <+smirks> if y'all didn't suck upfront, y'all'd suck anyway
[17:59.10] <P-1> Part of me kinda misses the pandemic....and constantly encountering MAGAs who would tell me how "Bill Gates is putting tiny microchips in the vaccine".....or how it "turns your skin magnetic"  LOL
[17:59.18] * smirks y'all's the room
[17:59.27] <+gris> yeah
[17:59.44] <+smirks> P-1 excepted, of course...
[18:00.00] <+gris> i hate the return-to-office mandate
[18:00.03] <g_o_o_g_l_e> gris: is your gf grissly
[18:00.06] <P-1> remember the "patriots" who went to war against 5g cell towers? LOL
[18:00.08] <+smirks> y'all's neva work with P-1
[18:00.09] <+hopesnothere> PP-One : .No. LEFTIST IDIOTS are telling you THAT
[18:00.11] <+smirks> :p
[18:00.19] <+gris> mrs gris is very gristly
[18:00.21] <ZShurp> P-1, I don't... there's a chance that the country can return to sanity if things calm down
[18:00.23] <+Harbinger> ZShurp: Donald Trump is so successful at inciting racist violence against Asians that he somehow convinced other Asians to perpetrate it.
[18:00.46] <+smirks> fuckin' red0neck Illini Country
[18:00.50] <ZShurp> Harbringer, scroll up, I alread responded
[18:00.57] <+smirks> fuckin' redneck Illini Country
[18:01.22] * seeker ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:01.35] <+smirks> oh, and a tidbit frim the way past...
[18:02.22] <+smirks> Harbinger, you still using that 2-finger bowling ball you got in 1977?
[18:02.36] <+smirks> you and Wojohowicz
[18:02.40] <+Harbinger> smirks: I thought your mom was born in 53.
[18:02.43] <+smirks> :D
[18:03.55] <+smirks> Harbinger, your problem:  <+Harbinger> smirks: I thought     NOBODY believes THAT obvious Lie
[18:03.56] <+gris> i made myself a cafe con leche because i was falling asleep
[18:04.01] <+smirks> bwahahahahahahahahaha
[18:04.43] <+smirks> keep the obvious straightlines a-comin', kids...
[18:04.58] * Wilderness ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:04.58] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger, you're a sad piece of shit
[18:05.24] <+smirks> i simply thrive upon YOUR stupidity
[18:05.41] <+McBoatFace> Harbinger, stupid fucking stain
[18:06.05] <+gris> the european races are barbaric
[18:06.40] <+gris> they had to be taught to wash their hands over centuries
[18:07.04] * Forbin (Forrbin@ Quit (Quit)
[18:07.04] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger thinks he's pointing out double standards, but what he's showing everyone is he's too stupid to understand context between different things and doesn't know why they're different.
[18:08.35] * katy_uk ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:08.42] * katy_uk ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[18:08.47] <+smirks> too many words   cut it down  IRC demands succinct
[18:08.56] * katy_uk (~thsh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:09.06] <+smirks> try again
[18:09.14] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I understand, it's different when you do it.
[18:09.21] <TrainWreck> smirks to put it succinctly you suck lol
[18:09.29] <+smirks> katy_uk   log out  you ain't missing shit
[18:10.04] <+smirks> TrainWreck, only to people who suck more.  Like you.
[18:10.16] <TrainWreck> lol
[18:10.17] * ExoMoon (~EMP2@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:10.18] <+smirks> come to me
[18:10.23] <TrainWreck> I know you are but what am I?
[18:10.25] <TrainWreck> POS
[18:10.30] <+smirks> come to me
[18:10.34] <TrainWreck> lol
[18:11.09] <g_o_o_g_l_e> TrainWreck: are you thomas the trans?
[18:12.05] <+gris> yall must be bored
[18:12.20] <+Krishna> weeding whiting and withmatic
[18:12.31] <Viridium> blaming "the others" is a common ploy ... eg "mexicans are stealing your jobs" , "mooslims want to impose sharia", "chinese created the virus that killed millions" ... its quite simply .a distraction from their own failed policies
[18:12.50] <Viridium> it used to be " the joooz"
[18:12.51] <ZShurp> a very effective one
[18:12.54] * kritklmas ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:12.55] <+Krishna> Viridium it's always tribalism
[18:13.05] <ZShurp> find a scapegoat.  immigrants.  black people.  antifa
[18:13.10] <ZShurp> jewish space lasers
[18:13.10] <Viridium> yep
[18:13.10] <kritklmas> .voiceall
[18:13.11] * X sets mode +vvvvvv g_o_o_g_l_e caleb` ZShurp Viridium Kippis TrainWreck for #Gulag
[18:13.11] * X sets mode +vvvv P-1 seeker Wilderness katy_uk for #Gulag
[18:13.11] * X sets mode +v kritklmas for #Gulag
[18:13.15] <+Krishna> white male straights
[18:13.28] <+Krishna> blame them
[18:13.35] * X sets mode +o kritklmas for #Gulag
[18:13.46] <@kritklmas> howdy folks  :)
[18:13.50] <+Krishna> white christian male straights
[18:14.06] <+Wilderness> Krishna: you are one of those constantly resorting to tribalism
[18:14.09] <+P-1> Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for 33 counties along the Gulf Coast in response to a new tropical system forming off the coast of Mexico. <--- of course he did... Mr. "Socialism comes to die in Florida" begs for federal aid money everytime it rains
[18:14.11] <+Krishna> they did everything thats bad
[18:14.16] <+Harbinger> Viridium: I'm pretty sure that kritklmas is responsible for at least a quarter of the world's problems.
[18:14.17] <+g_o_o_g_l_e> white christian male straights can menstrate
[18:14.26] <@kritklmas> lol
[18:14.29] <+Viridium> Harbinger lol sure sure
[18:14.33] <+Krishna> Wilderness what's your tribe ?
[18:14.33] <+ZShurp> P-1, or any time the banks need a bailout
[18:14.41] <+ZShurp> Socialism for the wealthy is always ok
[18:14.44] <+P-1> yep
[18:15.06] <+Krishna> and globalist nation state
[18:15.24] <+Krishna> the NWO
[18:15.35] <+Krishna> you will have the NWO if you want it or not
[18:16.46] <+Krishna> you will accept our global tyranny or your nation will be squashed like a bug
[18:16.58] <+TrainWreck> +,
[18:16.59] <@Lard> [url] Bill Gates People Who Resist ‘mRNA Tsunami’ Will Be Excluded From Society |, ( +, )
[18:17.24] <+gris> i hate burning man
[18:17.28] <+TrainWreck> Did you see the movie, "Kill Bill"?
[18:17.48] <+Krishna> TrainWreck being excluded is actually a good option, massive searches for off grid and prepper living
[18:17.56] <+g_o_o_g_l_e> bill gates is a power bottom
[18:17.57] <+gris> it sucked in the 2000's and it must suck a thousand times more today
[18:18.21] <+gris> i remember one year they were like "spotted at burning man: supreme allied nato commander general wesley clark!!"
[18:18.30] <+gris> i am like, fuck. there goes the neighborhood
[18:18.32] <+Krishna> bill gates should be executed by repeated vaccinations
[18:18.50] <+TrainWreck> just executed would be fine with me
[18:18.55] <+TrainWreck> as soon as possible
[18:19.13] <+gris> the guys at the homebrew computer club should have eviscerated billg when he hassled them in the late 70's
[18:19.15] <+TrainWreck> the guy is a fucking lunatic
[18:19.16] <+Krishna> there is an endless supply of wannabe tyrants
[18:19.43] <+TrainWreck> paid psychopaths
[18:19.43] <+Krishna> cut off one head, and it grows another
[18:19.46] <+gris> gates is very shrewd and sharp but he has no awareness
[18:19.54] <+TrainWreck> hydra headed monster?
[18:19.59] <+gris> his marriage ended because he was taking relationship advice from epstein lmao
[18:20.08] <+gris> not a great look!!!!!!!!
[18:20.15] <+g_o_o_g_l_e> going to watch kill bill
[18:20.16] <+TrainWreck> gris take a hike
[18:20.29] <+gris> i live here, this is my house
[18:20.40] <@kritklmas> :)
[18:20.42] <+TrainWreck> this shit hole was compromised long ago
[18:20.46] * ZShurp ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[18:20.53] <+TrainWreck> your shithole sorry
[18:21.05] <+g_o_o_g_l_e> gris: are you a homosexual too?
[18:21.15] <+gris> yes
[18:21.18] <+g_o_o_g_l_e> gris: i came out in the 8th grade
[18:21.29] <+Wilderness> gris I think g_o_o_g_l_e likes you
[18:21.34] <+gris> im liberace's long lost vampire boyfriend
[18:21.44] <+g_o_o_g_l_e> no i have a husband already and we love each other deeply
[18:21.47] <+TrainWreck> he was a great pianist
[18:21.53] <+TrainWreck> you suck
[18:21.56] <+TrainWreck> fuck you
[18:21.58] <+gris> g_o_o_g_l_e: monogamy is for monks
[18:21.58] * TrainWreck (train@ has left #Gulag
[18:22.04] <@kritklmas> lol
[18:22.24] <+gris> how ya doin krit?
[18:22.43] <+gris> i bet you're not getting any of this shitty AQI
[18:22.46] <@kritklmas> I am outstanding, yourself?
[18:22.57] <+GhostDog> I never came out
[18:22.58] <@kritklmas> AQI?
[18:23.04] <+gris> doing wonderful, i am on day 2 of a 3 day weekend
[18:23.09] <@kritklmas> nice
[18:23.09] <+gris> kritklmas: air quality index
[18:23.10] <+Harbinger> +,
[18:23.10] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Cry Me A River⁩ | 2m 59s | ⁨Julie London ⁩ | 5,814,932 views
[18:23.25] <+gris> right now 107 in seattle
[18:23.29] <@kritklmas> gris, no, we've been pretty lucky with that around here
[18:24.01] <@kritklmas> we're getting foggy at the moment
[18:24.02] <+gris> so far this year has been mild but we're only at the first peeks from the fire season
[18:24.14] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: or, its different when it's different things, no matter how you try to paint the idea of it just being the person doing it that's the difference.
[18:25.12] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: but seeing as how you're too stupid to understand the difference in being against a political policy, versus being against an entire race, i wouldn't expect you to understand that.
[18:25.19] <+gris> the worst i've ever seen was 2020
[18:25.24] <+GhostDog> Accuweather says 82 in seattle
[18:25.46] <@kritklmas> .weather
[18:25.47] <@Lard> Ocean Park, Washington, US: 17°C (63°F), Clouds, Humidity: 91%, Light breeze: 7km/h (5mph) (↑)
[18:26.08] <+g_o_o_g_l_e> 107 aqi dumbdog
[18:26.15] <+gris> its quite warm but we've been inundated with smoke over the past two weeks or so
[18:26.42] <+smirks> i'm watching lamborghini's race at Virginia International Speedway   Alton, VA
[18:26.53] <+gris> so its very hazy and you smell burnt wood
[18:26.56] <+GhostDog> weird
[18:26.57] <+smirks> Peacock Network
[18:27.01] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: I understand that you incite violence against Republicans, and think it's morally justified because you think they're attacking all non-white races.
[18:27.06] <+gris> haha
[18:27.09] <+gris> christ
[18:27.18] <+gris> still with this?
[18:27.19] <+PrezPusyGrab> Harbinger: yep, criticizing political policy is the same as criticizing a race.
[18:27.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> you win
[18:27.31] <+gris> Harbinger: this is the queer communist channel
[18:27.37] <+gris> are you in or no
[18:27.39] <@kritklmas> lol
[18:27.41] <+Harbinger> PrezPusyGrab: Any non-white Republicans, of course, are Uncle Toms.
[18:28.21] <+PrezPusyGrab> well I would say retarded, but if you say so
[18:28.25] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Any woman, non white, non christian, worker or queer who supports the GOP is a filthy scum traitor.
[18:28.28] <+GhostDog> I’m gonna go cry some more. Bye
[18:29.39] <+gris> i dont mind reaping the benefits of living in The Great Satan (the usa)
[18:29.52] <+tzip> Simone Biles in the national championships.   She just did her last event.
[18:30.47] * DS9isBest ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:31.01] <+gris> deep space nine IS the best star trek
[18:31.26] <+gris> it's a good thing they never made a ds9 film
[18:31.35] <+euphzzzzzzzz> It was a strong series. Stronger when they got out of Berman's leash
[18:31.45] * Nognosis ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:31.52] <+Wilderness> tzip, you know when gymnasts do their tumbling, have you noticed how high they get?
[18:32.03] <+kmh> euphzzzzzzzz, so much for nikki hailey?
[18:32.22] <+gris> i love the ferengi character Rom
[18:32.25] <+euphzzzzzzzz> I am not really aware of what she is up to these days
[18:32.26] <+Wilderness> I wonder if they go higher than high jump jumpers
[18:33.02] <+gris> who won the debate? seems like vivek ramaswamy is the new darling of the right
[18:33.20] <@kritklmas> jeez I hope not
[18:33.24] <+euphzzzzzzzz> If Vivek gets the nomination i will die of shock
[18:33.39] <+gris> i know right? but it's not so hard to imagine
[18:33.47] <+gris> "history repeats itself first as tragedy then as farce"
[18:34.05] <+gris> the last iconoclastic candidate was trump
[18:34.07] <+gris> or maybe obama?
[18:34.13] <+gris> are they all iconoclastic?
[18:34.23] <+gris> bill clinton was the first boomer president
[18:34.44] * falco (~falco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:34.47] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Trump was hardly an iconoclast, he was exactly the paragon of their 'values'. I can't imagine the GOP going for someone even marginally not diabolically insane
[18:34.50] <+Debaser> +,
[18:34.51] <@Lard> [url] The federal government used to build social housing. Then it stopped. How is that going? | CBC Radio |, ( +, )
[18:34.57] <+Debaser> Omg! Rocket surgery!
[18:35.01] <+gris> george w bush and george bush and ronald reagan seem to embody conservative values not just in terms of cultural icons and tribal affiliation but as some kind of guiding principle
[18:35.32] <+Debaser> "Reagan proved deficits don't matter" - Dick Cheney
[18:35.35] <+Debaser> So conservative
[18:36.00] * alco (~falco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:36.07] * alco (~falco@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[18:36.07] * falco (~falco@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( +, ))
[18:36.32] <+gris> euphzzzzzzzz: i feel like as much as trump's win in 2016 was a reaction to Obama it was also a referendum on the GOP elite from the preceding period ie. mitt romney, newt gingrich, etc -- guys who are as bad as trump in some ways but in other ways are at least more modest
[18:36.33] <+kmh> euphzzzzzzzz,  the real irony would be if law & health take out trump, vivike and desantis falter and haley becomes the candidate and the first femake president
[18:36.52] * falco (~falco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:37.00] <+gris> again and again they called trump a "rodeo clown"
[18:37.01] <+Timur> gris: you're right, that's been long-observed
[18:37.26] <+kmh> gris,  when in reality he was a rodeo toddler
[18:37.31] <@kritklmas> she is running
[18:37.32] <+Timur> wypipo chimping out over a black president -> Tea Party -> MAGA and its numerous pustulent iterations
[18:38.12] <falco> same losers going in the same circles
[18:38.16] <falco> pathetic
[18:38.25] * g_o_o_g_l_e (~google@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:38.49] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Fear of "Good negro governance", people forget after the ACW blacks were elected to positions of power, they did well for their constituents, white and black, which just made the whites resent them more, so they cracked down on their political rights hard
[18:38.51] <+KenoshaKid> found timur +,
[18:38.52] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨I'm not white I'm Jewish - unofficial MUSIC VIDEO - BibleRap rap hiphop⁩ | 3m 40s | ⁨VLNOW⁩ | 215,541 views
[18:38.56] <+gris> falco: are you the same griefer who is always here
[18:39.08] <falco> no loser
[18:39.13] <falco> you are always here
[18:39.25] <+kmh> +,
[18:39.25] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Falco - Der Kommissar (Official Video)⁩ | 3m 48s | ⁨FalcoVEVO⁩ | 46,864,773 views
[18:39.42] <+gris> lol
[18:39.49] <+Timur> to err is human; to moo, bovine.
[18:39.55] <+euphzzzzzzzz> lol
[18:40.03] * gris rimshot
[18:40.06] <+kmh> gris,  a sad fate: griefer without reefer
[18:40.20] <falco> going in the same loser circles with the same losers
[18:40.25] <falco> hilarious
[18:40.28] <falco> and pathetic
[18:40.42] <+gris> this character doesnt do themselves any favors, like a good troll should be hard to ignore
[18:41.10] <falco> loser appeals desperately to other losers
[18:41.28] <+Timur> wasn't falco the guy from puttin' on the ritz
[18:41.33] <+kmh> Timur,  "I've eaten beeef all mylife and it has never done any harm to mooooooooooooo" (one from the mad cow dosease days)
[18:41.40] <+Timur> kmh: heh
[18:41.40] <+gris> Timur: ya
[18:41.46] <falco> loser begs losers for validation
[18:41.55] <falco> loser quickly validates loser
[18:41.55] <+gris> art is dead
[18:41.58] <+euphzzzzzzzz> MOO FOR MEEEEE!!! +,
[18:41.59] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨RENT 2005 : Over The Moon (Film-Cut) [HD]⁩ | 6m | ⁨Maureen Johnson⁩ | 228,650 views
[18:42.22] <falco> loser spams losers
[18:42.22] <+kmh> oh he's the validation begger
[18:42.37] <falco> loser tells story desperately
[18:42.40] <+kmh> falco,  dude you need a new shtick
[18:42.41] * falco was kicked by kritklmas(  - Reason (falco)
[18:43.00] * falco (~falco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:43.13] <falco> kritklcunt cant resist eating my asshole
[18:43.19] * kritklmas sets mode +vv DS9isBest Nognosis for #Gulag
[18:43.23] <falco> owned
[18:43.27] <falco> like a gimp
[18:43.37] * BathSheba` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:43.45] <+gris> hi BathSheba`
[18:43.59] * kritklmas sets mode +m  for #Gulag
[18:44.06] * kritklmas sets mode +v BathSheba` for #Gulag
[18:44.09] * falco (~falco@ has left #Gulag
[18:44.19] <+gris> i bet its cheap to fly from israel to cyprus
[18:44.23] * kritklmas sets mode -m  for #Gulag
[18:44.25] <+gris> like probably $100 tops
[18:44.28] <+Timur> yes, and a 1 hour boat ride.
[18:44.29] * kritklcunt (~falco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:44.36] * kritklmas sets mode +m  for #Gulag
[18:44.48] <+BathSheba`> gris hello
[18:44.54] <+gris> Timur: i have been nursing a burgeoning obsession with cyprus over this last year
[18:44.54] <+Timur> not banning *!*@172.58.* is, frankly, stupid.
[18:44.57] <@kritklmas> hi BathSheba`  :)
[18:45.00] <+BathSheba`> krit hello
[18:45.01] <+BathSheba`> timur boker ..
[18:45.09] * kritklcunt (~falco@ has left #Gulag
[18:45.09] <+gris> Timur: planning european backpacking trip in the coming years
[18:45.14] <+gris> oh
[18:45.14] <+Wilderness> 1 hour??? Ive taken a boat from Cyprus to Israel it was about 4 hours
[18:45.16] * kritklcunt (~falco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:45.25] <+Timur> gris: it's a fascinating country with a long, rich history, and so is the current situation. Some UN soldiers were recently injured by Turks in a border incident.
[18:45.28] <+kmh> +,
[18:45.29] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Falco   Der Kommissar English version⁩ | 5m 42s | ⁨xtreme0074⁩ | 163,565 views
[18:45.30] <+Timur> BathSheba`: shalom
[18:45.50] <+Timur> gris: nice. Friend of mine's about to go to Italy and, for the first time, Montenegro
[18:46.10] <+kmh> Wilderness, it's quicker from turkey
[18:46.32] <+Wilderness> sure kmh but its not a 1 hour trip from israel
[18:46.37] <+Wilderness> bu boat
[18:46.39] * kritklcunt2 (~falco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:47.00] * kritklcunt3 (~falco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:47.03] <+kmh> maybe by spped boat :-)
[18:47.07] <+gris> mrs gris shares a last name with a basque village we want to check out, there is supposed a big castle that is a cider house
[18:47.13] <+Wilderness> lol that would be one fast speedboat
[18:47.20] * kritklcunt5 (~falco@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:47.43] <+Timur> The quickest flight from Larnaca Airport to Tel Aviv Airport is the direct flight which takes 1h.
[18:47.48] <+Timur> sorry, meant plane.
[18:47.49] <+gris> also backpacking italy, there is an abandoned mountainous village that seems cool, hit by earthquake some years ago and abandoned
[18:47.54] * X sets mode -bb+b *!*@ *!*@ *!*@172.58.* for #Gulag
[18:47.54] * kritklcunt3 was kicked by X(  - Reason ((hardwire) No Reason)
[18:47.54] * kritklcunt5 was kicked by X(  - Reason ((hardwire) No Reason)
[18:47.54] * kritklcunt2 was kicked by X(  - Reason ((hardwire) No Reason)
[18:47.54] * kritklcunt was kicked by X(  - Reason ((hardwire) No Reason)
[18:48.33] <+gris> then mrs gris will go to berlin with miss aneris sirena and i will go the balkans greece and cyprus
[18:48.46] <@kritklmas> nice
[18:48.59] * kritklmas sets mode -m  for #Gulag
[18:49.05] * kritklgimp (~ssushd@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:49.06] <+gris> hopefully the pandemic is over for real
[18:49.22] <+kmh> it's just coming back
[18:49.25] <kritklgimp> ear ass
[18:49.29] * X sets mode -bbbbbb *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ for #Gulag
[18:49.29] * X sets mode -b+b *!*@ *!*@172.56.* for #Gulag
[18:49.29] * LionClan was kicked by X(  - Reason ((hardwire) No Reason)
[18:49.29] * kritklgimp was kicked by X(  - Reason ((hardwire) No Reason)
[18:49.37] <+kmh> question is anybody/country still cares
[18:49.58] <+Timur> gris: heard about that I think.. but there's plenty to see in .it
[18:50.11] <+gris> kmh: this iteration of the virus is much weaker and so many folks are 3x/4x vaxxed, even more
[18:50.53] <+gris> i just worry about a full-blown return to excess mortality, temporary morgues setup in nyc, etc.
[18:51.25] <+Wilderness> gris, once bird flu finally makes the jump properly then you can look forward to thast
[18:51.33] <+Wilderness> its just a matter of time
[18:51.41] * X sets mode -b *!*@172.56.* for #Gulag
[18:51.59] * kritiklCUNT (~ssushd@2607:fb91:ec9:e2f:ac39:bd72:83ef:8ad) has joined channel #Gulag
[18:52.18] <kritiklCUNT> owned
[18:52.20] <kritiklCUNT> cunt
[18:52.23] * kritklmas sets mode +b *!*@2607:fb91:ec9:e2f:ac39:bd72:83ef:8ad for #Gulag
[18:52.23] * kritiklCUNT was kicked by kritklmas(  - Reason (kritiklCUNT)
[18:52.29] * ExoMoon (~EMP2@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:52.55] <+gris> some real personality in the spotlight
[18:53.01] * kritiklCUNT2 (~ssushd@2607:fb90:a902:52fe::6:9588:4401) has joined channel #Gulag
[18:53.11] * kritklmas sets mode +b *!*@2607:fb90:a902:52fe::6:9588:4401 for #Gulag
[18:53.12] * kritiklCUNT2 was kicked by kritklmas(  - Reason (kritiklCUNT2)
[18:54.11] * cuntgimps (~ssushd@2607:fb91:ee0:ed4f:ac39:bd78:83dc:8e5a) has joined channel #Gulag
[18:54.20] * kritklmas sets mode +b *!*@2607:fb91:ee0:ed4f:ac39:bd78:83dc:8e5a for #Gulag
[18:54.20] * cuntgimps was kicked by kritklmas(  - Reason (cuntgimps)
[18:54.50] * Wilderness ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[18:55.39] <+smirks> gannon has gone off the deep end.  you're welcome.     :D+
[18:55.53] <@kritklmas> lol
[18:56.05] * Deanr` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:56.11] * gimpcunts (~ssushd@2607:fb91:ee3:15ed:ac39:bd78:9cdc:913a) has joined channel #Gulag
[18:56.15] * kritklmas sets mode +b *!*@2607:fb91:ee3:15ed:ac39:bd78:9cdc:913a for #Gulag
[18:56.15] * gimpcunts was kicked by kritklmas(  - Reason (gimpcunts)
[18:56.53] * kritklgimp2 (~ssushd@2607:fb91:de1:4e46:ac39:be98:ccd1:de7a) has joined channel #Gulag
[18:56.58] * kritklmas sets mode +b *!*@2607:fb91:de1:4e46:ac39:be98:ccd1:de7a for #Gulag
[18:56.58] * kritklgimp2 was kicked by kritklmas(  - Reason (kritklgimp2)
[18:57.14] <@kritklmas> loke shooting rats in a junkyard
[18:57.17] <+smirks> what is soon.....will be shown
[18:57.17] <@kritklmas> like
[18:57.42] * kritklcunt (~ssushd@2607:fb90:a908:8c8::56:f630:7c01) has joined channel #Gulag
[18:57.49] * kritklmas sets mode +b *!*@2607:fb90:a908:8c8::56:f630:7c01 for #Gulag
[18:57.49] * kritklcunt was kicked by kritklmas(  - Reason (kritklcunt)
[18:58.34] * kritklcunt9 (~ssushd@2607:fb91:8e4:54ca:ac39:c398:6ad8:e72) has joined channel #Gulag
[18:58.43] * kritklmas sets mode +b *!*@2607:fb91:8e4:54ca:ac39:c398:6ad8:e72 for #Gulag
[18:58.43] * kritklcunt9 was kicked by kritklmas(  - Reason (kritklcunt9)
[18:58.57] * kritklmas sets mode +r  for #Gulag
[18:59.15] <+BathSheba`> cmon ban that properly
[18:59.18] <+BathSheba`> krit
[18:59.40] <@kritklmas> BathSheba` it takes out other ppl to do that.
[18:59.53] <@kritklmas> it already happened
[19:00.00] <+BathSheba`> which ppl
[19:00.00] <@kritklmas> I had to apologize
[19:00.08] <+BathSheba`> huh
[19:00.21] <@kritklmas> that doesn't really matter, but it was LionClan
[19:01.32] * kritklmas sets mode +vv Deanr` ExoMoon for #Gulag
[19:05.12] <@kritklmas> but anyone other than the target is unacceptable
[19:06.09] * smirks id always aceptable to rational thinkers
[19:06.13] <+smirks> is
[19:06.44] <+smirks> and is ALWAYS a fantastic cocktail/dinner party guest
[19:06.59] <@kritklmas> he said, irrationally.
[19:07.09] <@kritklmas> lol
[19:08.12] <@kritklmas> just tap it in, just tap it in
[19:08.39] <+_sol_> .duel smirks
[19:08.39] <@Lard> _sol_ vs. smirks, loser's a yeller belly!
[19:08.40] <@Lard> smirks wins! (Streak: 3)
[19:08.40] <@Lard> You done got yerself killed, _sol_!
[19:08.40] <@kritklmas> so RIP Bob Barker
[19:08.54] <+_sol_> Darn
[19:08.55] <@kritklmas> he was 99
[19:08.59] <+_sol_> Hello
[19:09.07] <@kritklmas> hi sol
[19:10.10] * kritklmas slaps smirks around a bit with a large trout
[19:10.42] <+_sol_> .duel smirks
[19:10.42] <@Lard> _sol_ vs. smirks, loser's a yeller belly!
[19:10.42] <@Lard> _sol_ wins, recovering from a streak of 2 losses, ending smirks's streak of 3 wins!
[19:10.42] <@Lard> _sol_ done killed ya, smirks!
[19:10.58] <+_sol_> Hah
[19:11.36] <+_sol_> Where is Tatyana?
[19:12.13] <@kritklmas> maybe she was in the plane with Prighozin
[19:14.39] <+ExoMoon> wishing anyone dead is wrong
[19:15.23] <+_sol_> When will putin fall out of the sky?
[19:47.41] *** Server disconnected on Miami.FL.US.Undernet.Org
[19:50.32] *** Server disconnected on Miami.FL.US.Undernet.Org
[19:52.33] Cannot send to channel
[20:17.14] * You have joined #Gulag
[20:17.14]  Topic: congratulations to kritklmas for winning the Russian commander deadpool!
[20:17.14] Channel Topic Set by: Debaser on 6:26 PM 8/23/2023
[20:17.15] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[20:17.15] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[20:17.22] <wptmj> hi everyone
[20:17.23] <+BathSheba`> Holy goodness wow
[20:17.29] <wptmj> ill be cool
[20:17.31] <Tatyana> Hello Friends and Fans )))
[20:17.40] <+Krishna> hello
[20:17.40] <+BathSheba`> wohoooo
[20:17.52] <+BathSheba`> show must go on!
[20:17.53] <@kritklmas> The Maltese Falcon is on TCM right now
[20:18.18] <+BathSheba`> wptmj hello :)
[20:19.05] <@kritklmas> Tatyana we were worried about you, glad to see you're whole.
[20:19.28] <IlumiNaughty> I can't see yer hole
[20:19.35] <@kritklmas> heh
[20:19.38] <IlumiNaughty> is there a link for that?
[20:19.41] <+BathSheba`> lol
[20:19.41] <@kritklmas> no
[20:20.29] <+BathSheba`> ask baser he must have some link lol
[20:20.36] <@kritklmas> haha
[20:20.40] <+BathSheba`> lol
[20:21.19] <@kritklmas> he must have dirt on all us us to be CM, lol
[20:21.20] * imagi ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:21.34] <+BathSheba`>
[20:21.38] <@kritklmas> ;)
[20:21.44] <Tatyana> kritklmas uh thank you?
[20:21.49] <+BathSheba`> Hehe:)
[20:22.23] <@kritklmas> Tatyana I never wish you harm even tho we disagree abouyt like, everything.  :)
[20:22.42] <+BathSheba`> sure of course lol
[20:22.55] <+BathSheba`> now you will get some useful links
[20:23.01] <@kritklmas> lol
[20:23.20] <IlumiNaughty> lynx
[20:23.21] <wptmj> I found a really funny article called Infinite Cum today
[20:23.29] <@kritklmas> that wasn't my aim.
[20:23.31] <wptmj> i want to share it messily
[20:23.36] <Tatyana> kritklmas Most who wish Harm on others here - are just demonstrating their own Character but good to know...
[20:23.37] <+BathSheba`> lynx that's old IlumiNaughty
[20:24.20] <@kritklmas> Tatyana I might joke about things, but deep down I want everyone here to be safe and sound.
[20:24.20] * WiffilW ( has joined channel #Gulag
[20:24.39] <Tatyana> kritklmas Then you keep your Humanity
[20:24.39] <@kritklmas> a lynx is a kind of cat
[20:24.46] * WiffilW ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[20:24.46] <+BathSheba`> kritklmas that was deep lol
[20:25.16] <@kritklmas> well...
[20:25.23] <+Debaser> Tatyana doesn't want Ukrainians safe and sound
[20:25.27] <+BathSheba`> yeah...
[20:25.36] <+BathSheba`> wooooo I knewwww
[20:25.40] <+Debaser> She wants them being stomped under the imperialist boot.
[20:25.53] <+BathSheba`> morning Debaser lol
[20:25.57] <IlumiNaughty> they are safe if they don't make a sound
[20:26.06] <+Debaser> Hey
[20:26.41] <+Debaser> I personally had hoped Tatyana was the stewardess on the Wagner plane
[20:26.43] <+Debaser> So speak for yourself, kritklmas
[20:26.51] <@kritklmas> lol
[20:26.55] <@kritklmas> ok
[20:27.01] <@kritklmas> :)
[20:27.16] <+BathSheba`> does troll can be a stewardess?
[20:27.23] <+BathSheba`> huh ...
[20:27.33] <@kritklmas> actually, I was speaking for myself, lol
[20:27.49] <Tatyana> BathSheba` the Guy who pretends he was up to Secret Stuff in Russia back in the Day? Haha
[20:27.50] <@kritklmas> I this and I that
[20:28.07] <Tatyana> And that he sees references to this Channel on 'Russian Image Boards' (which no doubt he cannot source)
[20:28.20] <@kritklmas> lol
[20:28.31] <@kritklmas> #gulag is world famous?!
[20:28.38] <Tatyana> He pretends it is
[20:28.40] <@kritklmas> I love it!
[20:28.46] <@kritklmas> oh.
[20:28.52] <+BathSheba`> ih tats I've told you more then once you're delusional :) and I never had any wish to be a guy ..I feel good with what I have lol
[20:29.04] <@kritklmas> still, sometimes you gotta fake it 'til you make it.
[20:29.21] <Tatyana> kritklmas It might seem so
[20:29.31] <+Kippis> glad to see Tatyana chatting again...   the chat kicks up few notch ...  :)
[20:29.56] <Tatyana> BathSheba` Not really concerned what you Identify as.... Just noting your penchant for making up BS
[20:30.09] <@kritklmas> #gulag will be world famous one day, and all of us will be stars, with millions of followers, lol
[20:30.23] <Tatyana> Hello Kippis
[20:30.29] <+Krishna> well creativity in the fabrication of popular reality is a good thing
[20:30.47] <+Kippis> hiya Tatyana  ....  you were missed
[20:31.18] <+BathSheba`> it's not BS ....just simple rule ...slavery is the storie of the past if its enforce today ....that's so fucking wrong didn't knew that?...
[20:31.37] <@kritklmas> see?  WE were worried about you.  no matter what Debaser says.  :P
[20:31.38] * LionClan (~LionClan@ has joined channel #Gulag
[20:31.48] * MissBliss ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[20:32.02] <@kritklmas> wb LionClan, sorry about earlier
[20:32.18] * PrezPusyGrab ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[20:32.30] <@kritklmas> you got between me and a troll.
[20:32.53] <@kritklmas> with your IP address
[20:33.32] <+Kippis> I haven't heard much news from Ukraine,  other than Denmark is giving something like 16 fighter jets to Ukraine.....  was wondering, and Denmark has means to do that ... wow !   rich country
[20:33.56] <Tatyana> Kippis Might want to look at *what* they might be giving haha
[20:34.14] <@kritklmas> fighter jets
[20:34.51] <@kritklmas> if they fly at all, they help a lot
[20:34.51] <+Kippis> thought they are 'fighter jets'  ...  16  !!     Denmark means business..
[20:34.53] <Tatyana> F-16A - that is like 1980s Vintage
[20:35.19] <+Kippis> Tatyana:  but do they fly ?  ;)    
[20:35.34] <Tatyana> I am sure they do
[20:35.55] <IlumiNaughty> 42
[20:36.01] <+Kippis> we don't think, russian troops are up to the latest gears either ... might be a good match
[20:36.02] <@kritklmas> Tatyana except other countries do not let their national defense rust unmaintained like Russia does
[20:36.57] <+Kippis> good point kritklmas  
[20:37.10] <Tatyana> Kippis Lets break down some of your Comments with some corrections
[20:37.18] <IlumiNaughty> it all dependsn on training and tactics of how you use them
[20:37.19] <+Kippis> :)
[20:37.20] <@kritklmas> lol
[20:37.36] <IlumiNaughty> couldl be forceful, could be useful
[20:37.54] <IlumiNaughty> f16s are not magic
[20:38.02] <@kritklmas> IlumiNaughty are you still spinning vids?
[20:38.15] <IlumiNaughty> but they have advanced sensory and weapons systems
[20:38.44] <IlumiNaughty> but they might be wasted on Ukraine
[20:38.51] <IlumiNaughty> we will wait and see
[20:39.11] <@kritklmas> what was that movie called where Clint Eastwood goes into Russia and steals their new fighter?
[20:39.14] <IlumiNaughty> spinning sounds like exercise
[20:39.22] <Tatyana>  Denmark has means to do that ... wow !   rich country <--- Denmark procured these in the 1980s, Modernizing them in the 90-x Period.... These are *old* Airframes, It is not about Denmark being Rich - but about these pending Replacement and having limited Life left in them
[20:39.29] <IlumiNaughty> FireFox?
[20:39.33] <@kritklmas> yes
[20:39.43] <Tatyana> [07:34] <kritklmas> fighter jets
[20:39.43] <Tatyana> [07:34] <kritklmas> if they fly at all, they help a lot
[20:39.49] <@kritklmas> pretty intense suspense there
[20:39.58] <+Kippis> any weapons or any planes or other heavy war machinery is going to be helpful for Ukraine,  it isn't exactly the richest country,  do to fact, that Russia is bleeding it to nothing taking all the profit for years...
[20:40.22] <IlumiNaughty> +,
[20:40.23] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Firefox - 1982 Trailer⁩ | 2m 20s | ⁨The Popcorn Drop⁩ | 16,863 views
[20:40.51] <@kritklmas> I saw that one in the theater
[20:40.57] <Tatyana> ^ The F-16s provided despite being 'Fighters' will actually be more likely used as Ground Support.... In A2A - They likely have no chance for a multiple of Reasons.... Still A2G - They can be very useful for extending Ukraines Endurance out and some A2G Strikes
[20:40.57] <+Krishna> the f-16's will burn just like the western tanks
[20:41.00] <@kritklmas> back in the day
[20:41.11] <+DS9isBest> Lol
[20:41.18] <+hopesnothere> ...FUCKING CRIMINALS stealing food are going to cause the Supermarket to close.
[20:41.28] <IlumiNaughty> F16 is geenerally cheap and low maintenace for what you get, but Ukraine fully supporting it is a stretch goal
[20:41.38] <+Krishna> hopesnothere move to a red state
[20:41.46] <+DS9isBest> Criminal just like you hopesnothere
[20:42.05] <+DS9isBest> Yeah because they do anything about criminals in red states lol
[20:42.11] <+hopesnothere> Krishna NOT here .in DC ..the LAST full service Supermarket in SE DC
[20:42.28] <+DS9isBest> They are too busy beating women and rdoing kids in cells in red states to go after criminals.
[20:42.30] <Tatyana> [07:35] <Kippis> we don't think, russian troops are up to the latest gears either ... might be a good match <-- Actually that is a mixed Bag.... But in Aircraft - Overall RF has pretty modern Aircraft to say it lightly
[20:42.36] <@kritklmas> wtf is a 'full service' supermarket?
[20:42.37] <IlumiNaughty> welcome to #FoodDesert
[20:42.45] <+Krishna> hopesnothere rome is burning, you only just noticed because your twinkie shop is shut?
[20:42.48] <@kritklmas> they give you happy endings?
[20:42.58] <IlumiNaughty> bigger than a dolar general kritklmas
[20:43.04] <@kritklmas> lol
[20:43.40] <@kritklmas> they have beautiful women hand you cigars when you enter?
[20:43.46] <IlumiNaughty> +,
[20:43.46] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Dollar General Is Putting Local Grocery Stores Out Of Business (HBO)⁩ | 6m 49s | ⁨VICE News⁩ | 1,781,214 views
[20:44.04] <+hopesnothere> DSBINNY   ASSFUCKS like YOU support the reduction of minimum sentences for CRIMES.. you MOTHERFUCKING RETARD ASSFUCKER
[20:44.13] <+hopesnothere> ,,RETARDED ASSFUCKER
[20:44.19] <+gris> tropical storm idalia
[20:44.24] <+Krishna> thats blue state people
[20:44.29] <@kritklmas> you get to sit in a leather recliner in front of a big screen while they shop for you?
[20:44.41] <IlumiNaughty> the have ugly women handing you free trials of grape vapes
[20:44.47] <+gris> hopesnothere: take your foot off the gas
[20:44.47] <+Krishna> kritklmas we just do it on line and they deliver
[20:44.48] <+Kippis> hopesnothere:  didn't take his meds once again
[20:44.52] <IlumiNaughty> to get you hooked
[20:44.59] <+hopesnothere> DC Community BEGS Last Grocery Store To Stay Open    --   +,
[20:44.59] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨DC Community BEGS Last Grocery Store To Stay Open⁩ | 16m 27s | ⁨Actual Justice Warrior⁩ | 116,628 views
[20:45.15] <+gris> actual justice warrior
[20:45.17] <+gris> lmfao
[20:45.24] <+Krishna> kippis, cause his drug store is shut
[20:45.31] <@kritklmas> IlumiNaughty are you still spinning vids?
[20:45.37] <+hopesnothere> kritklASSFUCK/ NO, you  stereotyping assfairy.  I go do MY OWN SHOPPING,you U
[20:45.41] <+hopesnothere> GINORABT
[20:45.41] <+hopesnothere> FU
[20:45.42] <IlumiNaughty> Dollar General has as many stores as McDonalds
[20:45.50] <Tatyana> [07:37] <IlumiNaughty> it all dependsn on training and tactics of how you use them  [07:37] <IlumiNaughty> couldl be forceful, could be useful [07:37] <IlumiNaughty> f16s are not magic  [07:38] <IlumiNaughty> but they have advanced sensory and weapons systems <--- Some good Arguments here.... Though 'Advanced Sensors/Weapons is very much dependent on Variant - None being suggested as to be supplied being the latest Blocks
[20:45.50] <+Kippis> Krishna:  aahh,  he didn't plan .... ;)
[20:45.51] <+hopesnothere> ..YOU IGNORANT FUCK
[20:45.51] <+gris> hopesnothere getting pretty incoherent
[20:46.02] <+gris> hitting the crack pipe?
[20:46.03] <@kritklmas> IlumiNaughty I believe they do
[20:46.08] <+euphzzzzzzzz> According to the cdc something like 15 million american kids are so nutritionally insecure they will suffer long term physical, cognitive and behavioral deficits. And dollar general is here to expand the food deserts! I'd say I don't like capitalism, but I guess they had a lineup at a grocery store in Moscow one time so.... shrugs.
[20:46.10] <+Krishna> zelinski is shitty cause his arms shop is out of stock
[20:46.15] <Tatyana> How you use things - matters....
[20:46.16] <@kritklmas> they even have one way out here
[20:46.35] <@kritklmas> I can drive to it in 10 mins
[20:46.38] <+hopesnothere> Kippis  No, I FUCKED YOUR MOM
[20:46.45] <+BodegaCat> hopesnothere is falling apart ahaha
[20:47.00] <+BodegaCat> kritklmas great job
[20:47.02] <+hopesnothere> ..And I don;t have a leather recliner, assmonkey
[20:47.11] <+gris> aw :<
[20:47.25] <+gris> hopesnothere you should try goodwill
[20:47.31] <+gris> or salvation army
[20:47.32] <@kritklmas> [8:46PM] <+hopesnothere> Kippis  No, I FUCKED YOUR MOM  <<  PROVE IT, YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT!!!!!!
[20:47.33] <+Kippis> president Zelenskyy  is the best thing, that happened to Ukraine .... as he just stood up to his job, and does it well  !!     God bless that young president
[20:47.33] <+Krishna> they are renaming LA to Uranus
[20:47.43] <+hopesnothere> Fucking Dollar stores do NOT have PHARMACIES, yout STUPID CUNTSTAINS
[20:47.46] <IlumiNaughty> no fresh fruits or vegetables, mostly unhealthy food in cans
[20:48.06] <+Krishna> kippis, i want some of the drugs you are on
[20:48.22] <+euphzzzzzzzz> I dunno, before the war he was getting caught up in corruption scandals
[20:48.28] <+gris> imagine if a child was present and read the foul words hopesnothere prints to the screen
[20:48.34] <@kritklmas> BodegaCat great job at what?
[20:48.46] <+Kippis> Krishna:  just spiked refreshments  :)  
[20:48.50] <+gris> "that IRC is all bathroom talk"
[20:48.59] <+Krishna> zelinski is a jewish nazi penis piano player puppet who is an orphan now
[20:49.15] <+gris> i kinda like zelensky for that
[20:49.27] <+gris> but i worry about him, you are useful to the west
[20:49.29] <+gris> until you aren't
[20:49.39] <@kritklmas> Cleland I get 5 star reviews for my bathrooms
[20:49.48] <@kritklmas> lol
[20:49.48] <+Krishna> zelinski is yesterday's hero
[20:49.48] <+hopesnothere> gris /.As IF you would have ANY FUCKING IDEA of WHAT that IS
[20:49.49] <IlumiNaughty> Ukraine is the 'Dollar General' military of europe
[20:49.55] <Tatyana> gris like him for what?
[20:50.00] <Tatyana> IlumiNaughty meaning?
[20:50.02] <+Kippis> Krishna:  no one here support your sentiment .. about Zelenksyy ... this channel loves that handsome young Ukraine president
[20:50.03] <+gris> Tatyana: his penis piano routine
[20:50.05] <Tatyana> Dollar General?
[20:50.11] <+hopesnothere> ...SHIT-EATING LEFTIST SHEEEPLE
[20:50.12] <+BodegaCat> kritklmas at making hopesnothere blow his top (again)
[20:50.27] <+hopesnothere> gris no, FUCKING YOUR MOM
[20:50.27] <+gris> Tatyana: also he is a vast improvement over other ukrainian ghouls
[20:50.30] <Tatyana> gris All a bit Crass to me, but I do not actually hate Zelenskiy that much.... He was placed in a difficult Position from the Moment he was Elected
[20:50.34] <+BodegaCat> one of the greatest joys in my lief is seeing hopesnothere aboslutely meltdown non-stop on irc
[20:50.41] <+Krishna> kippis, what could be bad about a leader that destroys his country on command from foreigners?
[20:50.51] <+gris> yulia tymoshenko
[20:50.53] <@kritklmas> BodegaCat eh, gotta troll the trolls, it's in my job description.
[20:51.09] <+gris> viktor yuschenko
[20:51.14] * deRuyter ( has joined channel #Gulag
[20:51.23] <+gris> i like arseniy yatsenyuk but him too, obvious vampire
[20:51.38] <+hopesnothere> They ought to hiore guards that are ARMED ..>If anyone TRIES to STEAL, SHOOT THE F**KER!!!!!
[20:51.49] <+gris> these ukrainian guys are all count vlad dracula, even zelensky
[20:51.58] <+gris> literally his name is vylodomor
[20:52.13] <@kritklmas> because fucker is a word hopesnothere blushes at.
[20:52.19] <+gris> but zelensky is at least good humored
[20:52.25] <+Kippis> Krishna:   what would be good, if a young leader surrenders to the offenders....   no country wants to be under some other rulers ...     except of course Australia, which likes to bow to England
[20:52.38] <+hopesnothere>       ...Not YOUR PUSSYASS,  SOFT ON CRIME BULLSHIT.... ALL you FUCKERS ought tp get ROBBED, and FUCKED UP TBHE ASS
[20:52.49] <+BodegaCat> .quote search hopesnothere molest
[20:52.49] <@Lard> [2131] (08/22/23) #gulag geographic presents the mating call of the IRC rapist in his natural habitat: [15:36] <HopesNotHere> "wider view" - let's allow perverts molest little children!  Let;s allow SICK FUCKING PEOPLE ALLOW CHILDREN to BE PHYSICALLY MUTULATED  to PLEASE THEIR OWN PERVERSIONS!
[20:52.51] <+gris> I wonder what insight arseniy yatsenyuk may have today
[20:53.05] <+gris> on this most recent 2020s conflict with russia
[20:53.16] <IlumiNaughty> Putin to Ukraine:   Surrender Dorothy!
[20:53.18] <+Kippis> Krishna:  but usually,  specially in Europe,  people love their countries, their different languages.. their customs,  
[20:53.20] <+gris> i suppose really it stems from the 2014
[20:53.22] <+gris> thing
[20:53.25] <+gris> crimea
[20:53.25] <Tatyana> Considering he basically played a massive role in creating this Mess
[20:53.30] <Tatyana> Fuck Yatsenyuk
[20:53.34] <IlumiNaughty> writen withhhh flying monkey cruis missiles
[20:53.34] <+hopesnothere> FAGDaegocunt I was talking about YOU ASSFUCKERS
[20:53.39] <@kritklmas> hopesnothere meanwhile you gun down innocent ppl with your second amendment distortion.
[20:53.57] <+hopesnothere> kritASSFUCKER/ "innocent" WHILE they are STEALINMG
[20:53.59] <+gris> Tatyana: i like his technocratic realist pov
[20:54.01] <+hopesnothere> STEALING
[20:54.13] <+DS9isBest> Lol
[20:54.25] <+hopesnothere> ..Exactly WHEN did STEALING become a NON -CRIME??????
[20:54.33] <+BodegaCat> hopesnothere loves molesting the innocent children
[20:54.36] <+hopesnothere> ..HMMMMMMMMMMM?????????
[20:54.44] * hopesnothere was kicked by kritklmas(  - Reason (this is me being nice. return the favor.)
[20:54.53] <+nihil> I heard that Progozhin was replaced by a body double last year and was seen alive and well in Leipzig.
[20:54.54] * hopesnothere ( has joined channel #Gulag
[20:55.03] <+gris> Tatyana: my impression from what limited knowledge i have is that ukraine wants to maintain 2014 borders and i think they're within their rights to do that
[20:55.05] <+Kippis> also Tatyana needs to take Russia's side in this horrible war,  as she still has lots of family in Russia....  I would do the same  ..
[20:55.42] <+BodegaCat> gris i think it's referred to the 1991 borders  i.e. the borders agreed to by russia in 1991
[20:55.47] <Tatyana> gris from a Legal Stand Point - They might well be..... Then again if we go with Legality - the entire Dissolution of the USSR was Criminal
[20:55.57] <+Kippis> gris:  that would mean Crimea also....  wonder if that will ever happen...     
[20:56.05] <+gris> i know right?
[20:56.11] <Tatyana> The Issue is Legality is one of those things that People seem to like *when* convenient
[20:56.12] <+gris> there are many unanswered questions
[20:56.16] <hopesnothere> kritassfuck '..SO When did it become LEGAL to STEAKL< you LYING LEFTIT CUNT??????
[20:56.19] <+gris> like transnistria
[20:56.33] <hopesnothere> ...STEAL...
[20:56.45] <+DS9isBest> hopesnothere: I've seen people cops and government steal my entire life. Nothing can or has been able to do anything about it..
[20:56.47] <Tatyana> The thing is - Legality means nothing anymore
[20:56.52] <+DS9isBest> You psycho.
[20:56.55] <Tatyana> And Putin warned about it for a long long Time
[20:57.07] <hopesnothere> DOSSHITNINNY// That does NOT mean that it is RIGHT
[20:57.18] <Tatyana> So we can all enjoy the Shit Show as new realities take Place
[20:57.33] <+BodegaCat> hopesnothere you think it's "right" to molest children
[20:57.38] <+BodegaCat> hopesnothere you sicko
[20:57.45] <+BodegaCat> sicko pervert!
[20:58.02] <Tatyana> Kippis I take the side of what I see is Correct and Accurate.... I am happy to critique things as I see correct and accurate..... Russia taking Crimea while *MORALLY* Right IMHO - was LEGALLY Wrong
[20:58.05] <hopesnothere> Oh, I am a :psycho" because I suppose the RULE of LAW>>  Just HOW FUCKED IN THE HEAD ARE YOU> you CICKSUCKING< ANIMAL FUCCKING LOSER>>>
[20:58.06] <+Debaser> "legality means nothing" - some random Russian on the internet
[20:58.14] <+Debaser> So useful and insightful
[20:58.27] <hopesnothere> BlowsFairyCunts : .>No, YOUR MOM
[20:58.29] <+Debaser> Great motto for stealing kids too
[20:58.46] <+Debaser> To*
[20:58.56] <hopesnothere> DickTaster
[20:59.04] <+P-1> HopesNotHere: check this out....This is REALLY hot    +,
[20:59.04] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Shirley Temple - On The Good Ship Lollipop.avi⁩ | 3m 31s | ⁨Damien Chemillé⁩ | 7,175,659 views
[20:59.16] <Tatyana> Debaser just because no one wanted you as a Child does not mean you need to project your insecurities on to others
[20:59.25] <+gris> Tatyana: i feel like the golden rule applies here, dont start shit with your neighbor. of course i would likewise advocate that same position against countries other than Russia as well and in one particular case i would say there is another country which is much more egregious in its imperialism than Russia and it is the United States
[20:59.43] <+gris> i have moderated my position somewhat over the years and now i think there can be multiple competing imperialist states
[20:59.43] <+Debaser> Tatyana: sounds like you're projecting
[20:59.43] <hopesnothere> PP-one: it a video of YOUR MOM?????
[21:00.10] <hopesnothere> she doing a DONKEY SHOW???
[21:00.12] <+Debaser> I'm referring to legitimate confessions of the Russian government that they're stealing children from Ukraine
[21:00.31] <+Debaser> But I guess it's not stealing since legality means nothing, right?
[21:00.41] <hopesnothere> Tell Krit  - He;d probably needs new jerk-off videos
[21:00.54] <+Debaser> .quote add [23:56] (Tatyana) The thing is - Legality means nothing anymore
[21:00.55] <@Lard> quote [2135] added: [23:56] (Tatyana) The thing is - Legality means nothing anymore.
[21:01.07] <+gris> the United States, Japan, UK, Korea, China, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Australia, the whole of Latin America, are all involved in imperialism one way or another to varying degrees
[21:01.23] <Tatyana> gris - The reality is - *POWER* Decides..... All this Moralism, Legalism etc - only matters in Enforced, which requires Power.... And while one Gang has more power - surprise, suprise - it meant nothing to them....... But now another Side is doing things - they consider it bad....
[21:01.23] <+gris> Netherlands, Norway,
[21:01.25] <+Kippis> Crimea,  when russians took over 2014 .... all and most ukrainians left, of course... as foreign country invades your land...   and then russians entered,  ready houses and homes to be occupied ...    so now over 10 years after, I don't think,  Ukraine can get Crimea back  ... sad as it is
[21:01.42] <IlumiNaughty> LEgality means nothing to Trump and Putin
[21:01.43] <+Rayvyn> Tatyana, how was it right to hold the legislature in crimea hostage with guns and no press then force them to vote on independence or alliance with russia?
[21:01.54] * kritklmas is now known as kritklsongs
[21:01.57] <+gris> Tatyana: it doesnt even seem complicated to me, Ukraine is clearly saying No
[21:01.59] <Tatyana> To get Peace - You need understanding between the Major Power Blocs - Understood Rules and Conditions...... Conventions on how to carry on
[21:02.03] <hopesnothere> Tatyana' .>HELL NO ONE wants DickTaster as an ADULT
[21:02.06] <+gris> Tatyana: no means no lol
[21:02.08] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:02.09] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Hold On⁩ | 5m 17s | ⁨Yes ⁩ | 893,714 views
[21:02.26] <+gris> Tatyana: to me this is a geopolitical shift that Russia isnt willing to accept right?
[21:02.32] <Tatyana> gris - You are clearly ignoring the Road of how we got to this Point
[21:02.43] <+gris> there's no going back though
[21:03.00] <+gris> Tatyana: there's a war on
[21:03.03] <Tatyana> Because fun Fact - Russia had reasonably *GOOD* Relations with Ukraine until Maidan Revolution
[21:03.24] <+Debaser> Revolution not coup
[21:03.26] <Tatyana> Where the West had a big role in turfing out the Government
[21:03.27] <+Debaser> Correct
[21:03.29] <IlumiNaughty> Ukraine has responded with  Enthusiastic Denial
[21:03.39] <IlumiNaughty> so stop
[21:03.42] <+gris> There was a dilemma in Ukraine re: whether it would be in European or Russian sphere
[21:03.43] <IlumiNaughty> now
[21:03.48] <Tatyana> And subsequently - imbalanced the Domestic Ukrainian Electoral Scene
[21:03.52] <hopesnothere> FUCK Russia,  Lets talk about you leftist CUNTS, and your INVERTED REALITY IDEAS.
[21:03.57] <+P-1> so the latest MAGA Nazi to go off the rails in a racially motivated mass shooting with an AR-15....took place in lynyrd skynyrdville Florida....what a surprise
[21:04.05] <Tatyana> Yanukovychs Party of Regions - Disolved, and the Communists - basically outruled
[21:04.05] * tzip ( Quit (Quit)
[21:04.14] <@kritklsongs> quick way to end the killing: Russia turns the fuck around and goes the fuck home.
[21:04.17] <+gris> this was the dynamic which elicited Maidan
[21:04.27] <+gris> it was within the context of the color revolutions
[21:04.33] <+Kippis> Ukraine was sort of 'independent' for 30 years, before Putin invaded now over year ago....   Ukraine was 'independent' but corrupt, answering to Moscow...  but once Zelenskyy was elected,  and rules changed,  Putin needed to invade to get back to all Ukraine's natural treasures..
[21:04.38] <IlumiNaughty> you dont violate soverignty because you disagree with an election
[21:04.45] <Tatyana> 'Color Revolutions' - which all have a heavy Western Influence behind them
[21:04.46] <hopesnothere> PP-NONE ; ... Where? YOUR MOM;s house?
[21:05.02] <+gris> tunisia, egypt, then libya, sudan, syria
[21:05.06] <Tatyana> The reality is - Maidan was an illegal seizure of Power
[21:05.07] <+Debaser> Only Russian influences good, any Western influence is bad
[21:05.12] <+Debaser> That's just a well-known fact
[21:05.24] <Tatyana> and People in much of Ukraine - likewise said No
[21:05.27] <+nihil> Most sudden seizures of power are illegal.
[21:05.36] <+nihil> Subsequently legitimized.
[21:05.40] <Tatyana> nihil Correct!
[21:05.43] <+gris> Tatyana: i just don't see us ever fundamentally going back to pre-2020's situations
[21:05.45] <+Debaser> Ratified by Parliament
[21:05.50] <Tatyana> gris We will not
[21:06.01] <IlumiNaughty> when the USSR existed, yer Russia had some say in Ukraine.  It no longer exists and nnno logers has a place in Ukraine's politics or civil war
[21:06.12] <IlumiNaughty> get out
[21:06.20] <IlumiNaughty> its worth going to war for
[21:06.25] <+P-1> hopesnothere: Gimme 3 steps, gimme 3 steps-a Life_sux....gimme 3 steps your moms a whore.....
[21:06.26] <Tatyana> Hence I said - Legality etc means nothing anymore
[21:06.27] <+Kippis> yes !  IlumiNaughty
[21:06.33] * kritklsongs sips tea.
[21:06.44] <+nihil> Legality means as much as people agree it means.
[21:06.52] <hopesnothere> PP-NONE ;  YOUR MOM is
[21:07.15] <Tatyana> nihil Correct - and as I said.... [08:01] <Tatyana> gris - The reality is - *POWER* Decides..... All this Moralism, Legalism etc - only matters in Enforced, which requires Power.... And while one Gang has more power - surprise, suprise - it meant nothing to them....... But now another Side is doing things - they consider it bad....  [08:01] <Tatyana> To get Peace - You need understanding between the Major Power Blocs - Understood Rules and Condit
[21:07.16] <+nihil> A temporary break in legality doesn't render it meaningless to all humanity.
[21:07.21] <+gris> some sad shit in ukraine
[21:07.29] <+gris> kidnapping children, indoctrinating them, etc.
[21:07.29] <+P-1> hopesnothere: noooooooooo....YOUR mom is......i am rubber and you are glue...what you say bounces off me and sticks to you!
[21:07.31] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:07.31] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Voodoo Acid⁩ | 6m 25s | ⁨Steve Vai ⁩ | 49,509 views
[21:07.33] <+BodegaCat> kippis don't forget the satanists.   Putin had to de-satanize ukraine
[21:07.39] <+gris> suckin a big ole swampy ass
[21:07.41] <IlumiNaughty> when people say 'legality means nothing' its good good sign they  KNOW THEY ARE DOING THE WRONG THING
[21:07.42] <Tatyana> Legality meant nothing when the Government was effectively Couped
[21:07.49] <hopesnothere> PP-NONE  .G0 KILL yourself, assfairy
[21:07.55] <Tatyana> It meant nothing from then on (actually during Maidan, not just Post Maidan)
[21:08.05] <+gris> Tatyana: i just pray for peace and burn one down and hope for better days ahead.
[21:08.10] <Tatyana> It got worse - Russia illegally took Crimea
[21:08.16] <+gris> I truly believe humanity's best days are yet to come
[21:08.17] <+Kippis> BodegaCat:   true and nazis  ...  when Zelenskyy is jewish
[21:08.17] <IlumiNaughty> but step on Russian sovereignty, and then  SUDDENLY LEGALITY HAS MEANING
[21:08.18] <+nihil> If that's justification for action, so be it.
[21:08.24] <+nihil> But it's pretty transparent.
[21:08.36] <@kritklsongs> IlumiNaughty like when Trump calls the DOJ 'weaponized partisanship'
[21:08.41] <Tatyana> It got worse - UA Opposition to Kiev from People in Ukraine - had them seize Government Buildings etc - demanding Federalism
[21:08.42] <+BodegaCat> Kippis the killing of nazis didn't happen until Putin shot down Prigozhin's plane.
[21:08.49] <+gris> sucks about the ukraine stuff because people really have limited bandwidth to hear about much more than 1-2 big current events topics
[21:08.52] <+BodegaCat> it took them 1.5 years, but russians finally started killing nazis
[21:08.54] <+P-1> hopesnothere: Youre just mad cause the ass fairy asked you for change for a eave you a dollar under your pillow....and you didnt have you had to put out 18 more times!
[21:08.55] <Tatyana> It got worse - UA Government created an Illegal Anti Terror Operation
[21:09.09] <@kritklsongs> I paraphrase of course, he doesn't know those big words
[21:09.11] <+Kippis> BodegaCat:  was Prigozhin a jewish person
[21:09.14] <+gris> for most folks its gonna be Ukraine + something else. Ukraine + Jacksonville shooting
[21:09.17] <Tatyana> It got worse - Russia backed to limited degree Opposition in Donbass
[21:09.22] <+gris> Ukraine + Prigozhin death
[21:09.24] <Tatyana> It got worse etc
[21:09.29] <+BodegaCat> Kippis no, one of the wagner leaders on the plane was a neo-nazi
[21:09.37] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Was Prigozhin jewish.... what a strange question
[21:09.47] <+gris> Tatyana: really crazy about the other fella who died with Prigozhin with those nasty SS tattoos
[21:09.52] <Tatyana> Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Utkin a Nazi? All based on that one Photo which was not even him
[21:10.00] <IlumiNaughty> Russia and USA used to have a partnership against terrorism  but only when it was useful to Russia
[21:10.12] <Tatyana> gris - Show me the Photos of Utkin?
[21:10.19] <+BodegaCat> Putin was so desperate to kill Prigozhin, he was even willing to sacrifice a neo-nazi to do it
[21:10.23] <+Kippis> aahhh,  makes sense too... those russians are sort of nazis anyhow....  ruthless people
[21:10.28] <+gris> you've seen it no doubt, im sure we are speaking of the same one
[21:10.41] <+Krishna> amazing what passes for truth in popular reality
[21:10.43] <+gris> showing SS runes near his clavicle
[21:10.47] <Tatyana> gris - Lets compare Photos known of him
[21:10.54] <Tatyana> Or 'Understood of him'
[21:10.57] <+Kippis> euphzzzzzzzz:   why was it strange question
[21:11.20] <+gris> Tatyana: this miserable page has the photo in question +,
[21:11.22] <@Lard> [url] The Times: Putin has sent mercenaries to Kyiv led by an admirer of the Nazis to murder Zelenskyy and the Klitschko brothers - - Everything about Roma in one place | ( +, )
[21:11.23] <Tatyana> gris the often Cited Photo on the Left - Utkin on the far right of the Photo +,
[21:11.30] <+gris> yes
[21:11.37] <+Kippis> just like Russia wouldn't have jewish people living there     even  gay people ...   
[21:11.40] <+gris> what, you're saying that's not him?
[21:11.46] <Tatyana> gris Now lets look further - What has them as the same Person? Both Bald? - White?
[21:11.52] <Tatyana> Kind of Pointing out ears?
[21:11.54] <+Timur> Kippis: huh? there are.. many Jews in Russia.
[21:11.55] <+mouses> wait, you mean... russia has violent neonazi fash morons in.. the military and the police force?!?!?!?
[21:11.56] <@kritklsongs> well, they ARE imperialist, NAZI is a whole other can of worms
[21:12.02] <+Timur> also gays, presumably.
[21:12.09] <+Krishna> americans get bent out of shape over seditionist protestors in congress but back traitors in russia
[21:12.12] <+mouses> That's so unique - we don't have that problem in the USA
[21:12.23] <Tatyana> gris here is another +,
[21:12.32] <+gris> +,
[21:12.33] <@Lard> [Twitter] Samer Al-Atrush (@SameralAtrush): @aronlund full picture with Nazi tats here +, | 0 RTs | 7 ♥s | Posted: 2021-02-28 - 23:19:10UTC
[21:12.39] <Tatyana> Timur plenty of Gays I worked with heaps
[21:12.41] <+gris> this seems to be where the photo first emerged on the web
[21:12.42] <+Timur> mouses: 'so' unique is an abomination of a construction.
[21:12.46] <+Timur> Tatyana: no doubt.
[21:12.46] <+euphzzzzzzzz> mouses, reading a fascinsting article on trans folks in pre islamic Medina. We have always been, and always will be, *everywhere* :)
[21:13.02] <+Timur> Kippis: I dunno if you were being sarcastic or not..
[21:13.07] <+mouses> Timur: my point is every nation ever has nazi scum in it, and some are military
[21:13.08] <Tatyana> gris Check out my Image - also Color..... Notice the difference? Which one looks closer to the one with Putin?
[21:13.10] <+Kippis> Timur:   yes,   jewish people can hide their 'race' and religion.... but  gays go to prison... for behaving  'gay way
[21:13.27] <@kritklsongs> the quickest way to get someone to do something is to tell them they're not allowed to do it.
[21:13.32] <+mouses> or as the kids would say 'some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses'
[21:13.40] <+euphzzzzzzzz> Timur is your thing going off? My thing is going off.
[21:13.44] <+BodegaCat> hopefully Putin will get to work killing all the OTHER nazis in wagner group
[21:13.57] <+gris> hmm
[21:14.00] <+Timur> Kippis: not really.  When your name is Cohen or Abramovich or whatever... and they have .. Orthodox rabbis and congregations there.
[21:14.08] * Krishna (~IceChat77@ Quit (Quit: Easy as 3.14159265358979323846... )
[21:14.11] <+Timur> ok, so you don't know what you're talking about, yet again.
[21:14.19] <+gris> Tatyana: ok, so your argument is its impossible to verify that someone is indeed a neo-nazi based on a photo which could be anybody and could even be 100% fake
[21:14.21] <IlumiNaughty> when something is 'going off'  its time to clean out the refrigerator
[21:14.34] <@kritklsongs> further proof that all things are set in oppostion, proving the existence of a female God.  lol <takes a bow>
[21:14.57] <IlumiNaughty> ir in kritklsongs case, a trip to Dollar General
[21:14.58] <Tatyana> gris - That is part but better yet.... +,
[21:14.59] <@Lard> [url] Курьер.Среда - новости Бердска | ( +, )
[21:15.01] <+Kippis> Timur:  no, I wasn't  because Russia is strange country .... as soon is USA ... when we try by law tell the women what they can do, for their healthcare... or when federal government wants to tell people, whom to love
[21:15.03] <+mouses> kritklsongs: I want anything wearing obvious and accurate nazi material AND preaching nazi things to be in a special category - where we are encouraged to see how many times we can shoot them in the face.
[21:15.16] <+mouses> it's the only way
[21:15.21] <Tatyana> gris Here is more Photos - including Best yet..... His bare Clavicles.......
[21:15.24] <+BodegaCat> Funny how Tatyana suddenly doesn't trust photos proving someone's a neo-nazi unless it's a photo of ukrainians.
[21:15.29] <@kritklsongs> lol mouses
[21:15.35] <+BodegaCat> Photo of a russian nazi?  "oh you can't trust photos, they're faked!"
[21:15.43] <Tatyana> And apparently (which makes sense) he did not like to be Photographed..... - Yet the one with the Nazi Signs - If clearly a Selfie
[21:15.50] <+Timur> Kippis: ok, but that 1) has nothing to do with Jews, so you were just flat-out wrong there, and 2) gays are just ... kinda there, hidden, as they were in the US until fairly recently, but they exist.
[21:15.52] <+mouses> kritklsongs: Was good enough for my grandfather
[21:16.00] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:16.01] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Scared⁩ | 4m 5s | ⁨Dangerous Toy ⁩ | 197,208 views
[21:16.07] <@kritklsongs> mouses  :)
[21:16.40] <+gris> hm
[21:16.50] <+BodegaCat> It's amazing how Ukrainians always have perfect, true, accurate photos, while russians have fake, illegible, uncertain photos.  Hmmm what a coincidence!
[21:17.03] <Tatyana> +,
[21:17.04] <@Lard> [url] Тока щас понял, что это два разных чела. Хз, реально ли Уткин нацик или нет, но на фотках просто бл - Тока щас понял, что это два разных чела. Хз, реально ли Уткин нацик или нет, но на фотках просто б | ( +, )
[21:17.38] <+gris> Tatyana: he looks quite young in the hot springs photo if indeed that is him and i mean, again its this question of "is this photo real" which cant help but boil down "what makes someone a neo-nazi" and indeed unverified photos plus unverified testimony doesn't pass the sniff test
[21:17.40] <Tatyana> It was obvious for a long Time - Utkin was not the Guy in the Photographs going around
[21:18.03] <Tatyana> gris - Which one looks *more* like him and especially his clear official Photos
[21:18.18] <+gris> i cant say for sure anything about utkin except: military background, businessman, secretive, founder of wagner, died in plane crash
[21:18.27] <+Timur> Kippis: try reading more and opining less, please. It's embarassing to see your self-abnegating chat.
[21:18.35] <+Kippis> BodegaCat:  kinda alternative pictures .....   just like Trump soon facing  'alternative freedom'   ....   new vocabulary
[21:18.39] <+gris> COULD be real photo of him with weirdo neo-nazi tattoos
[21:18.41] <+BodegaCat> "What makes someone a nazi?"  'being ukrainian, obviously!'
[21:18.44] <+euphzzzzzzzz> bbl
[21:18.45] <+gris> but its gossip
[21:18.50] <Tatyana> gris Yet which is more likely?
[21:19.07] <+gris> the truth can be neither things or both or a combination with other factors
[21:19.19] * kritklsongs cranks it UP!
[21:19.20] <+gris> nothing here has demonstrated rationality
[21:19.22] * swin ( has left #Gulag
[21:19.22] <Tatyana> gris You literally said clearly just before that it was him
[21:19.24] <Tatyana> [08:09] <gris> Tatyana: really crazy about the other fella who died with Prigozhin with those nasty SS tattoos
[21:19.26] <+Kippis> Timur:   thanks :)
[21:19.34] <Tatyana> So now you are going 'well actually who knows'
[21:19.45] <+gris> Tatyana: yep you showed me the light
[21:19.59] <+gris> give yourself a red white and blue USA flag sticker
[21:20.01] <+BodegaCat> children cowering in a theatre?  NAZI CHILDREN.    teenage girls eating pizza for dinner?  NAZI TEENAGERS.   Grain loading machines at the port?  NAZI GRAIN
[21:20.14] <Tatyana> gris Yet you will not say - that the two Photos look *NOTHING* alike?
[21:20.28] <@kritklsongs> Tatyana do you believe Putin whan he says he had nothing to do with the death of Prighozin?
[21:20.35] <@kritklsongs> when
[21:21.18] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:21.18] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Smooth up in Ya⁩ | 4m 26s | ⁨BulletBoys ⁩ | 1,268,016 views
[21:21.20] <+gris> Tatyana: especially the one in the hot spring, looks like a different guy
[21:21.38] <+Debaser> Wagner group killed people with sledgehammers and posted the videos online, Prigozin had a sledgehammer at his house, they sent them to the EU parliament
[21:21.43] <+gris> Tatyana: good thing im not on CNN huh?
[21:21.53] <Tatyana> gris Different Guy to what? The Nazi? The one with Putin? The one on the literal Wagner Banner?
[21:21.53] <+Debaser> Man it's so great that Putin finally killed a bad person
[21:22.05] <+nihil> When Utkin's fascination with Nazis was being reported years before the start of the war, was that a western ploy to turn him into a Nazi just in case he died in a plane crash in 2023?
[21:22.09] <+gris> its not that deep for someone to say "haha yeah eat my shorts nazi"
[21:22.16] <+gris> give it a rest
[21:22.19] <@kritklsongs> Tatyana it's a yes or no question...
[21:22.27] <+mouses> kritklsongs: NEVER heard that but .... it's kinda good/catchy
[21:22.31] <+Kippis> sad, when Putin killed  Prighzin... Putin killed 9 other people just like it was  swatting flies
[21:22.31] <Tatyana> kritklsongs - I would not exclude it..... But I do not see a Reason for it either - when he could easily just have been arrested
[21:22.41] <+Debaser> And then there is Rushich
[21:22.42] <Tatyana> nihil No one is arguing that.... Try better, because I know you can do better
[21:22.46] <+Debaser> Another piece of shit
[21:22.48] <Tatyana> Rusich *ARE* Nazis
[21:22.57] <+mouses> gris: dont see much of a question there
[21:23.00] <+Debaser> Russian nazis
[21:23.04] <Tatyana> Yes
[21:23.11] <Tatyana> And I have no real Issues with their Deaths
[21:23.12] <+Timur> Kippis: you
[21:23.25] <+Debaser> Tatyana: yet you never bring them up
[21:23.27] <Tatyana> Play Silly Games, Get Silly Prizes
[21:23.32] <Tatyana> I have brought them up plenty
[21:23.34] <+Timur> are welcome. I retain some hope you may actually one day proffer an informed opinion.
[21:23.39] <Tatyana> and I have always said - they are a Problem
[21:23.43] <@kritklsongs> Tatyana there is evidence that either there was a bomb onboard, or it was shot down.
[21:23.45] <+gris> mouses: i dip my little lamb toe in the ukraine discourse and am immediately like, nevermind take me to the jersey shore
[21:23.55] <+Debaser> No, you just talk about azov
[21:23.59] <+mouses> gris: i.e - nazi people were and display nazi icons clearly and try to spread nazi ideals, to the point that even 'first world' nations in the USA literally have the fuckers MARCHING around with armbands while screaming about killing the jews
[21:24.05] <+mouses> there's one solution to that
[21:24.13] <+mouses> it's simple
[21:24.15] <+Kippis> Timur:   me too,  there's always hope   :)
[21:24.21] <+nihil> I don't get it, then.  Are you arguing that he wasn't a nazi, or just that the picture is faked?
[21:24.23] <@kritklsongs> mouses, this is back in my day
[21:24.24] <Tatyana> gris Well no - I asked you a Question
[21:24.26] <+Debaser> Kill them all and let a Norse god sort them out
[21:24.39] <+gris> Tatyana: it doesnt matter if i think hes a neo-nazi or not, obviously i have no idea
[21:24.44] <Tatyana> Debaser I actually have brought up far more than Azov - You are just dishonest
[21:24.45] <+mouses> a few fixed locations with some m60's, drone support, bombs, air support, etc
[21:24.45] <+McBoatFace> SCHMOOILO!
[21:24.59] <Tatyana> gris But you seemed very sure just before for some Reason
[21:25.03] <@kritklsongs> mouses, on an actual RADIO, lol
[21:25.05] <+mouses> kill them all and let their nazi god sort them out :P
[21:25.05] <+gris> i wasnt that sure
[21:25.06] <+P-1> State of emergency in much of Florida as POSSIBLE hurricane approaches, and anti-socialist Rhonda Santis rushes back to florida with his hand out wanting free federal tax payer money
[21:25.08] <+mouses> kritklsongs: lol
[21:25.09] <+Timur> Kippis: I'd be happy to recommend some sources, online or print.
[21:25.13] <+gris> Tatyana: chatting online isnt being sure of anything
[21:25.15] <Tatyana> mouses - except a lot of that is being used by Nazis
[21:25.23] <+gris> again thank christ this isnt getting piped to CNN
[21:25.29] <+Debaser> It's called WAGNER group for a reason
[21:25.34] <+gris> i am making tea
[21:25.54] <+Kippis> Timur:  I have my source  MSNBC ....  always reliable
[21:26.03] <+mouses> Tatyana: I don't care.  They get quiet fast when you kill them all
[21:26.10] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:26.10] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨It's Not Love⁩ | 5m | ⁨Dokken ⁩ | 2,760,058 views
[21:26.13] <+mouses> it's the only way
[21:26.23] <+mouses> it's horrid, but it's just what must be done
[21:26.38] <+McBoatFace> sounds like the Ukrainian offensive is going very well
[21:26.41] <+Debaser> Remember when people thought that prigozen was working with Putin when he did his rebellion
[21:26.43] <+Debaser> Lol
[21:26.47] <+McBoatFace> and they haven't even gotten their F-16s yet!
[21:26.49] <+mouses> Debaser: lmmfao yes
[21:26.58] <+Debaser> And then BLAMMO
[21:27.03] <+Debaser> Missile up the ass
[21:27.13] <+Debaser> Good lesson on why you don't negotiate with Putin or trust him
[21:27.30] <+gris> chamomile tea
[21:27.37] <+McBoatFace> Debaser, well especially now as he seems to be entering into a state of genuine dementia
[21:27.39] <Tatyana> nihil - The basis of him being a Nazi is 'Unclear' and never really evidenced by anything that I recall - just the constant Refrain because 'Wagner' the Composer - But Wagner as a Composer is intrinsically linked to Warfare..... Ryde of the Valkyries (Nordic Mythology and Valkyries = War) was also the Iconic Song of 'Apocalypse Now' - and Götterdämmerung - being the 'Twilight'
[21:27.56] <+mouses> Debaser: plus a great example showing how russia has become a non functional nation/state and it's time to remove their military and force a full change of governent
[21:28.10] * Deanr` ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[21:28.15] <+Timur> Kippis: using the news without any background is like eating the icing off a cake and saying you ate the whole thing.
[21:28.27] <+nihil> Do you believe that picture is faked?
[21:28.29] <@kritklsongs> well he talked too much for Putin, I knew that.
[21:28.30] <+Debaser> mouses: except the thousands of loose nukes when the state collapses
[21:28.36] <+Timur> your knowledge-base is shallow, ergo, your opinions uninformed, and therefore neither valid nor interesting.
[21:28.36] <+McBoatFace> mouses, yeah the problem is that they proved they have at least that base covered when Wagner tried it
[21:28.47] <Tatyana> nihil What is far more clear is that the Photos of 'Utkin' that *PROVES* He is a Nazi look nothing alike the others that have come out of him.... Except - Bald, White and Non Flush Ears...... The Photo in one I showed - has him showing his Clavicles - No Tattoos
[21:28.50] <+mouses> Debaser: oh lol only 2% of those work anyway
[21:28.58] <+Timur> if you're content to remain so, then you're a sad case, but also to be dismisssed.
[21:29.03] <+nihil> So the picture is a fake?
[21:29.03] <Tatyana> He has also apparently aged about 20-30 Years
[21:29.11] <+gris> its pure trivial gossip what i say on IRC and doesnt reflect any kind of result of inquiry or curated truth
[21:29.16] <Tatyana> nihil The Photo is real but very likely NOT him
[21:29.19] <+Debaser> Timur; but surely the corporate owned media wouldn't present a distorted view of the world to maintain the profit raking status quo!?
[21:29.32] <+gris> i try to keep my responsibility to truth very limited
[21:29.34] <+mouses> Debaser: where as the USA alone has at least 30% or so of them that work
[21:29.36] <+gris> leave it to the experts
[21:29.49] <Tatyana> mouses - Interesting Commentary
[21:29.54] <@kritklsongs> so if I understand correctly, Prighozin is basically a mutineer?
[21:29.58] <+Kippis> being a group like Wagner group, it already is acting like some nazi group, in the first place,    they have all the power,  you obey or be gone....   easy to see Wagner group being nazi group
[21:30.04] <+Debaser> mouses: I'd wager America's nukes work.
[21:30.18] <Tatyana> Kippis That can literally describe almost any Paramilitary given Free Range
[21:30.32] <+mouses> Tatyana: it's like buying an AK-47 30 years ago, throwing it in a wet basement to rust, and 30 years later expecting it to just fire
[21:30.35] <@kritklsongs> so if I understand correctly, Prighozin is basically a mutineer?  Tatyana?
[21:30.36] <+Kippis> Tatyana:  yes
[21:30.41] <IlumiNaughty> nuclear weapons are    not that hard
[21:30.50] <+mouses> Tatyana: all that upkeep money = in putin's bank accounts
[21:30.53] * Tatyana having a good laugh at mouses and Debaser arguing about how well Russian Nuclear Weapons work - neither likely having a fentist Clue
[21:30.55] <IlumiNaughty> delivery is hard/expensive
[21:31.00] <Tatyana> feintist*
[21:31.16] <Tatyana> mouses - Except Russian Nuclear Weapons have been consistantly modernized
[21:31.17] <+mouses> you gotta remember technically putin makes Elon look like a min wage poor person
[21:31.22] <+Kippis> Tatyana:  but that seems to be the whole Russia ....  Putin there somewhere back in the room,  in charge, and scared stiff
[21:31.28] <+mouses> Tatyana: lol no
[21:31.33] <IlumiNaughty> SLBMs are and should be the backbone
[21:31.33] <+mouses> not even close
[21:31.34] <Tatyana> Lol Yes
[21:31.34] <+nihil> Do you believe that reports from years before the war about his fascination with Nazis were falsified?
[21:31.36] <Tatyana> No?
[21:31.40] <@kritklsongs> Tatyana right, while they detonate at launch.  :P
[21:31.57] <+P-1> nukes are vey expensive to maintain and require new detonators relaced often
[21:32.04] <@kritklsongs> again the maintaining part
[21:32.07] <Tatyana> nihil is probably the only Person here remotely qualified (and I mean he has actual Qualifications) to argue with me on what Nuclear Capabilities are
[21:32.13] <+mouses> Tatyana: the russian military has been bled dry over decades, nothing works
[21:32.20] <+mouses> I mean they can't take UA
[21:32.22] <Tatyana> and I am not saying I am qualified in that - But I do know a lot
[21:32.25] <+McBoatFace> Debaser, I wouldn't absolutely bet on it. When Trump picked his Cabinet, he chose Rick fucking Perry to be the Sec. of Energy. Rick Perry hated the DoE and fought for years to eliminate it. AFTER accepting the job it was also discovered that Perry had no clue one of his duties was overseeing the maintenance of the US nuclear arsenal.
[21:32.27] <+gris> even if Wagner were tibetan buddhists i would still think its clear that Russia should either lose the war or cancel it
[21:32.30] <+mouses> that's pathetic
[21:32.36] <Tatyana> mouses yawn
[21:32.45] <Tatyana> Lets come back to this - Chronological;ly
[21:32.52] <+McBoatFace> Debaser, so our nuclear stockpile miiiiight not be quite as functional as if, say, we hadn't elect a complete fucking retard to be our CoC
[21:33.01] <+mouses> Tatyana: let's not and pretend we did
[21:33.04] <+Debaser> McBoatFace: they didn't let him actually do anything
[21:33.04] <IlumiNaughty> Russia has a pretty good space launch record
[21:33.05] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:33.05] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Modern Day Cowboy⁩ | 5m 19s | ⁨Tesla ⁩ | 4,127,243 views
[21:33.07] <+gris> haha
[21:33.11] <+gris> take a long walk off a short pier!!
[21:33.13] <+Debaser> They just nodded and smiled at him I'm sure
[21:33.14] <+mouses> also while posting memes about putin's super gayness
[21:33.32] <+gris> stronk father figure
[21:33.39] <@kritklsongs> gris up your nose with a rubber hose  lol
[21:33.39] <+gris> topless horseback riding
[21:33.48] <+Debaser> Russian army is pretty gay in the least fun way
[21:33.50] <+gris> fly fishing
[21:33.55] <+mouses> Tatyana: Evidence: +,
[21:34.00] <Tatyana> [08:31] <nihil> Do you believe that reports from years before the war about his fascination with Nazis were falsified? <-- I have no Idea, the Nazis are fascinating and many are fascinated by them.... Very distinct from subscribing to their Ideology etc - but whole Careers have been made on studying them
[21:34.04] <+Debaser> In the it's not gay when it's rape way
[21:34.25] <+Debaser> Lmao watching Tatyana defend Wagner is lulz
[21:34.31] <+mouses> right?!
[21:34.34] <+Debaser> But she couldnt defend them from gravity
[21:34.46] <+gris> Tatyana: i am deeply suspicious of folks who are fascinated by Nazis but without requisite horror, disgust, reflection, grief, etc.
[21:34.46] <+mouses> i mean it's okay to admit your nation has failed
[21:34.52] <+mouses> I mean even more so if from the USA
[21:34.55] <+Debaser> That plane crash was the best thing Putins done
[21:35.02] <+mouses> Debaser: lmfao
[21:35.03] <@kritklsongs> well it wasn't a hard no on my question
[21:35.15] <+gris> people who say "yeah i am not a political person at all but i collect Nazi artifacts"
[21:35.17] <+Timur> ok, gonna have this sfogliatelle and take it down.
[21:35.19] <+gris> very very big red flag
[21:35.20] <Tatyana> gris - Reasonably so.... But none of that is asked or questioned
[21:35.29] <+Timur> gris: remember the creepy guy in Falling Down?
[21:35.33] <+gris> of course
[21:35.37] <+gris> excellent movie
[21:35.37] <+mouses> gris: yes lol like that dude who gives the supreme court dude tens of millions of bucks
[21:35.47] <+nihil> That was a pretty transparent response.
[21:35.49] <+gris> captures LA succinctly
[21:35.51] <+Timur> +,
[21:35.51] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Falling Down (8/10) Movie CLIP - Nazi Surplus Store (1993) HD⁩ | 3m 14s | ⁨Movieclips⁩ | 5,674,902 views
[21:35.53] <+gris> in the 90's
[21:35.54] <Tatyana> Simply saying - XYZ is fascinated by Nazis..... Does not mean anything
[21:35.54] <+Debaser> " I just got some SS tattoos on my body because I'm such a fan of history" - tatyana probably
[21:36.03] <+mouses> I'm not a nazi, I just have a special secret locked room hidden with 50mil worth of nazi shit
[21:36.12] <+Debaser> .smock they're just so fascinating
[21:36.12] <@Lard> thEY're JUst SO fASciNatINg
[21:36.20] <@kritklsongs> the news is saying he did it to send a message.
[21:36.21] <+mouses> Debaser: LOL
[21:36.22] <+nihil> I can accept most arguments on an intellectual level, but this one is straining credulity.
[21:36.23] <Tatyana> Now XYZ having a private Collection of Nazi Paraphenalia and only Nazi Paraphenalia might be telling
[21:36.32] <+gris> ya
[21:36.57] * mouses takes a rip of coke.  'Man, it was not even his fault.  Fucking Himler!' while passing the tray
[21:37.02] <+gris> i love this band called death in june, its like morrissey but gothic and, most unfortunately, crypto-fascist
[21:37.07] <Tatyana> nihil For what Reason? You started off half cocked, With the Idea that the Image and Story was faked incase of a Plain Crash in 2023.... No one claimed or argued that
[21:37.07] <@kritklsongs> don't fuck with the bear on the big red ball, especially from the inside
[21:37.14] <+mouses> Tatyana: They are so lame they picked a TLD
[21:37.16] <+mouses> hahahahahahhaa
[21:37.18] <+nihil> I have rested my case.
[21:37.21] <+Timur> nite
[21:37.22] <IlumiNaughty> Trup has admiration of Nazis
[21:37.22] <+gris> it sucks to listen to them on Spotify because i think they get 3 cents a pop
[21:37.23] <+mouses> where is kimdotcom on this
[21:37.29] <IlumiNaughty> Trup has admiration of Putin
[21:37.35] <IlumiNaughty> Trup has admiration of Power
[21:37.40] <IlumiNaughty> in any form
[21:37.50] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: thank god he's not a problem anymore
[21:37.54] <+Debaser> Remember Tatyana shares antisemitic memes with caricatures of "Jewish noses"
[21:37.58] <IlumiNaughty> but he is
[21:38.01] <+Debaser> Just fyi everyone
[21:38.17] <@kritklsongs> lol
[21:38.24] <+Debaser> Totally normal stuff
[21:38.39] <IlumiNaughty> roughlyl 37% of voting public suports Trump
[21:38.41] <Tatyana> nihil - So I give you a chance and ignore that..... You then go with - 08:31] <nihil> Do you believe that reports from years before the war about his fascination with Nazis were falsified?  <-- I have said clearly.... I have no Idea..... But fascination does not mean sharing the beliefs in that Subject matter..... To claim or try say that is utterly dishonest; If the Fascination is *LIMITED* to that - then you may have an Autist or well - yes a G
[21:39.00] <+BodegaCat> IlumiNaughty that's what the polls say but the polls don't match how people really vote
[21:39.03] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: Mark my words.  In 18 months at the most (and likely sooner) he will be sentanced to life in his special gold palace, under heavy guard, no internet, no real outside comms - he's too old and insane to waste prison in
[21:39.12] <+BodegaCat> people are ashamed to admit their support of trump to pollsters
[21:39.18] <@kritklsongs> I find an olfactory protruberance can sometimes make that face complete
[21:39.22] <+mouses> the real punishment for donnie is so simple - unable to get attention
[21:39.31] <+mouses> just alone with no one to listen or care
[21:39.39] <+mouses> he's last 15 mins
[21:39.44] <@kritklsongs> solitary!!
[21:39.44] <+mouses> he'd*
[21:39.45] <+Kippis> from republican side,  I support  Chris Christie  ...he has balls to take on Trump  !!
[21:39.49] <@kritklsongs> haha
[21:40.01] <+tis> .duel mouses
[21:40.02] <@Lard> tis vs. mouses, loser's a yeller belly!
[21:40.02] <+mouses> kritklsongs: crime against humanity is the problem with that
[21:40.02] <@Lard> mouses wins! (Streak: 2)
[21:40.03] <@Lard> You done got yerself killed, tis!
[21:40.04] <@kritklsongs> for your protection sir.
[21:40.06] <+Kippis> rest are whimpies
[21:40.16] <+mouses> NO ONE deserves actual torture.
[21:40.23] <@kritklsongs> right
[21:40.35] <@kritklsongs> <eyeroll> ok
[21:40.43] <+tis> .duel mouses
[21:40.44] <@Lard> tis vs. mouses, loser's a yeller belly!
[21:40.44] <@Lard> tis wins, recovering from a streak of 4 losses, ending mouses's streak of 2 wins!
[21:40.44] <@Lard> tis done killed ya, mouses!
[21:40.44] <@kritklsongs> :/
[21:40.49] <+tis> Putin does
[21:40.51] <+mouses> nooooooo tis
[21:40.53] <+mouses> what a tis thing
[21:40.58] <+tis> And maybe Zeno
[21:41.05] <+tis> Hi mouses!
[21:41.11] <Tatyana> [08:32] <mouses> Tatyana: the russian military has been bled dry over decades, nothing works <--- Clearly plenty works - because RF is still prosecuting a War against Ukraine with minimal Foreign Equipment (Hand Held Drones and Gerans an Exception) against a State that is getting Tens of Billions in Aid and Equipment from Western States - including some of the very latest
[21:41.24] <+tis> Tatyana is alive!
[21:41.27] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:41.28] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨AC/DC - Have a Drink on Me (Official Audio)⁩ | 4m 1s | ⁨acdcVEVO⁩ | 723,184 views
[21:41.29] <+mouses> tis: nah, he deserves the same thing - all the money taken, left alone under guard on some island, no internet, no one to care or listen.  
[21:41.33] <Tatyana> Now lets compare the age of Nuclear Launch Systems
[21:41.37] <Tatyana> Eg: The Missiles
[21:41.41] <+P-1>'s real simple....Prigozhin accidentally fell out the airplane window....and the pilor nose dived the plane in an effort to save him....and crashed the whole plane! people want to make a big deal out of it like it's some Putin conspiracy to murder another one of his critics!
[21:41.52] <+mouses> Both Trump and Putin are just old men, very bitter, and waiting to die alone.
[21:42.14] <+GhostDog> I'm an bitter old man waiting to die alone as well
[21:42.38] * Tatyana laughs
[21:42.49] <@kritklsongs> Tatyana you already know it will never escalate to that. The only reason you have to bring it up is to sell the idea that Putin will do it.
[21:43.14] <Tatyana> kritklsongs Unlike most - I never said it *will* escalate to that - I already said - NO ONE is Nuking over Ukraine
[21:43.19] <Tatyana> I said it many Times
[21:43.23] <@kritklsongs> ok
[21:43.28] <Tatyana> It was the People here claiming Putin will nuke to avoid Loss
[21:43.39] <@kritklsongs> but, Ukraine isn't backing down
[21:43.58] <+McBoatFace> kritklsongs, I think left to his own devices Putin, rather like Trump, would be stupid, petty and mentally ill enough to try. I just also think that, like Trump, he would be prevented from it by the people around him
[21:43.59] <Tatyana> A lot of Lives might have been saved if Russia simply nuked Snake Island early on - but then again - maybe not (and a lot of possible ramifications too)
[21:44.11] <Tatyana> Correct Ukraine is not backing down
[21:44.21] <@kritklsongs> McB we can only hope
[21:44.39] <Tatyana> Again as I said - By the basis both States see this as Existential - many will *NOT* back down
[21:44.45] <+McBoatFace> kritklsongs, I dunno, I'm kind of hoping for the critical failure scenario, where Russia tries to launch a few and they all detonate on launch or the like
[21:44.50] <+McBoatFace> I would laaaaauuuuugggh
[21:45.18] <@kritklsongs> McBoatFace I joked about that earlier, gmta
[21:45.20] <+Kippis> well then
[21:45.37] <+McBoatFace> kritklsongs, lol
[21:45.44] <+Kippis> Tatyana:  was glad to see you back... you get the channel rocking  :)
[21:45.50] <+McBoatFace> <Putin>  Awwwww :(  I nuked myself...   #caseofthemondays
[21:45.55] <+Kippis> I'll be seeing you ....
[21:46.02] * Kippis ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92-rdmsoft [XULRunner 35.0.1/20150122214805])
[21:46.12] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:46.13] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Fly Away⁩ | 3m 42s | ⁨Lenny Kravitz ⁩ | 18,108,691 views
[21:46.34] <@kritklsongs> I used to cover this
[21:46.44] <+McBoatFace> meh, Harbinger generated more buzz by being a racist trash subhuman that Tatyana's endless, desperate nationalist waltz does anymore
[21:46.46] <@kritklsongs> we, my band did
[21:46.50] <Tatyana> What is funny is how mouses shuts up when actually confronted with Arguments
[21:47.03] <Tatyana> And how his/her/its morals disapear as convenient
[21:47.25] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, that doesn't happen. First of all you don't provide "facts" and secondly, mouses doesn't give a shit about your nonsense except to mock you. If she's not speaking at this moment its because she has other things to do
[21:47.38] <@kritklsongs> or... she gives up on shit that doesn't make sense.
[21:47.41] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, trying to pat yourself on the back because people stopped bothering with your sad, dishonest display is a bad look
[21:48.31] <Tatyana> Her own Arguments make no sense
[21:48.40] <Tatyana> No Sourcing, No Data, Nothing
[21:48.53] <@kritklsongs> um, I've never found that to be true
[21:49.05] <+mouses> Tatyana: what is the argument?  was making a soda
[21:49.14] <Tatyana> No one said you had to
[21:49.35] <@kritklsongs> mouses, Tatyana called you a liar (again)
[21:49.39] <Tatyana> mouses - I am finally getting back to your Arguments prior.... I even quoted
[21:49.47] <Tatyana> I called Mouses a Liar? I do not recall that
[21:49.51] <+mouses> don'tcare
[21:50.05] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, see?
[21:50.09] <@kritklsongs> <Tatyana> And how his/her/its morals disapear as convenient
[21:50.16] <+mouses> summarize your 'argument' using words.
[21:50.16] <Tatyana> kritklsongs Yes
[21:50.36] <+mouses> assume i am totally average intellect - send it right down the middle
[21:50.36] <@kritklsongs> <shrug> still fightin' words
[21:50.54] <+mouses> Tatyana: So, can you summarize your argument?
[21:50.56] <Tatyana> All this stuff about killing Nazis..... Sounds great - Yet I can point to many Nazis and their Ideologists being killed.... - Less Good....
[21:51.03] <Tatyana> Plenty more
[21:51.07] <Tatyana> Okay lets go back
[21:51.21] <+McBoatFace> name one dead Nazi whose death wasn't a good thing
[21:51.21] <+McBoatFace> go
[21:51.22] <IlumiNaughty> <mouses> Tatyana: the russian military has been bled dry over decades, nothing works <--- Clearly plenty works - because RF is still prosecuting a War against Ukraine with minimal Foreign Equipment (Hand Held Drones and Gerans an Exception) against a State that is getting Tens of Billions in Aid and Equipment from Western States - including some of the very latest
[21:51.27] <IlumiNaughty> proceed
[21:51.28] <Tatyana> [08:41] <Tatyana> [08:32] <mouses> Tatyana: the russian military has been bled dry over decades, nothing works <--- Clearly plenty works - because RF is still prosecuting a War against Ukraine with minimal Foreign Equipment (Hand Held Drones and Gerans an Exception) against a State that is getting Tens of Billions in Aid and Equipment from Western States - including some of the very latest
[21:51.35] <IlumiNaughty> lol
[21:51.37] <Tatyana> Tell me more of what you know
[21:51.41] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:51.41] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Find Your Way Back⁩ | 4m 16s | ⁨Jefferson Starship ⁩ | 1,183,638 views
[21:51.44] <Tatyana> Show me your *Expertise*
[21:51.47] <+mouses> Tatyana: how's it working out lmfao
[21:51.57] <+mouses> while your glorious 'nation' is dying
[21:52.06] <+mouses> you're doing great, honey
[21:52.49] <IlumiNaughty> the thing is,, bled dry and aging in place are very different.. Actually Ukraine war is letting NATO countries modernize be getting rid of old surplus
[21:52.53] <Tatyana> Dying?
[21:52.58] <+McBoatFace> I wonder what the current size of Russia's 'middle class' is at this stage
[21:53.01] <+McBoatFace> five hundred people?
[21:53.03] <+McBoatFace> three hundred?
[21:53.16] <Tatyana> My Dear - This Story is no where near done and it is UA that is not able to sustain it
[21:53.28] <+mouses> what you need is your current gov lined up and shot, and to go the fuck home and stop trying to steal from others because your government can't manage a potato
[21:53.30] <Tatyana> It is also rather much a transformation in Military Affairs
[21:53.32] <@kritklsongs> mouses, 'there are levels of subsistence that we will accept if we must'
[21:53.38] <Tatyana> Nah - We will do something else
[21:53.43] <Tatyana> Try again
[21:53.43] <@kritklsongs> from the Matrix
[21:53.44] <+mouses> kritklsongs: heh
[21:53.50] <+mouses> Tatyana: like what?
[21:53.50] <Tatyana> You made big claims - you can back them
[21:53.52] <+McBoatFace> the story isn't done. We're going to get to watch Russia implode for at least another five years
[21:54.01] <+McBoatFace> just this endless downward spiral
[21:54.09] <Tatyana> Well UA is facing ever worse Conditions for the end of War
[21:54.11] <+mouses> Tatyana: send more random prisoners without function weapons to go die in the UA?
[21:54.14] <Tatyana> Longer you try force them to fight
[21:54.20] <+mouses> that's working REALLY well
[21:54.22] <Tatyana> The worse the Conditions for Peace
[21:54.27] <Tatyana> Hahaha
[21:54.29] <IlumiNaughty> and Ukraine war is FORCING Russia to modernize/simplify with drone help from Iran
[21:54.40] <+McBoatFace> But Russia's war with Ukraine is over. It's just too stupid to realize it yet
[21:54.56] <+mouses> McBoatFace: yup.  All because putin has stolen everything.  He makes musk look like a min wage poor pleb.
[21:54.57] <Tatyana> Russian Prisoners without Functional Weapons have brought a Western Trained and Equipped Army - to a massive Standstill in their Offensive
[21:55.09] <Tatyana> The Duality of Propaganda
[21:55.15] <+mouses> and then what happened Tatyana
[21:55.22] <IlumiNaughty> Russia probably would have gone on with what they had, but now are shown they have to think in new ways
[21:55.22] <Tatyana> Russia Sucks - but Russia beats out Trained and Equipped Forces
[21:55.35] <Tatyana> mouses Hahaha - I am literally talking about Events now - UAs big Counter Offensive
[21:55.40] <+mouses> I bet it involves getting their asses kicked and taking no land and running away or deserting
[21:56.04] <@kritklsongs> imagine this song blasting out of a Pontiac Firebird with the doors open and eveyone is out at Gandy Bridge in Pinellas CO
[21:56.08] <Tatyana> German Leopard Tanks, American Bradleys, Strykers, French, American, German etc Howitzers
[21:56.32] <+mouses> Tatyana: See, what you and your nation fail to understand is you're trying to take a nation that does not belong to you, you have 0 homefield advantage, and the UA army??  lol
[21:56.41] <Tatyana> Failing to achieve much opposed by People you said were what...... Random Prisoners without functional Weapons?
[21:56.50] <+mouses> put the average UA soldier next to a UA soldier
[21:56.52] <@kritklsongs> +,
[21:56.53] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Stone in Love⁩ | 4m 26s | ⁨Journey ⁩ | 5,207,777 views
[21:56.53] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, whining that well established objective facts are "propaganda" is what sad, lying, ignorant dipshits do to avoid dealing with them
[21:56.53] <Tatyana> mouses No what you do not see is you are an Idiot
[21:57.02] <+mouses> one of them looks like his gear is from 1965
[21:57.07] <Tatyana> You have nothing intellectual or sourced
[21:57.08] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, you're no different than slayer claiming paying any attention to news media is bad
[21:57.10] <Tatyana> Hahaha oh really?
[21:57.14] <+McBoatFace> because the news provides facts he doesn't like
[21:57.29] <Tatyana> So the Russians with 1965 Equipment (Bullshit) - are beating the other?
[21:57.50] <+McBoatFace> russia isn't beating anyone
[21:57.56] <+McBoatFace> russia's a global laughing stock now
[21:58.08] <+mouses> Tatyana: your nation is losing a war, badly, in real time.  You even know this.  Move on, get away now if you can.  Embrace reality and what you know.
[21:58.17] <Tatyana> Again if you were less stupid and showed more humility you may realize that both States have Formations of different Basis and Function
[21:58.44] <IlumiNaughty> well Russia wasted a lot of its 200's technology, lets see if Ukraine does the same.  Defensive wars are easier, and Russia is now on the defensive
[21:59.23] <+mouses> Tatyana: no need for insults, don't be a child
[21:59.25] <Tatyana> RF for example has LNR/DNR Formations and Reservists - that largely are formed by those 'Statelets' - as well as Russian Army, Airlanding, Marine Formations,. Reservist Units, as well as Rosgvardia and FSB Units etc (All Front Line)
[21:59.30] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, no, you're just babbling because you're wrong and lying
[21:59.34] <Tatyana> No your Arguments are Ignorant and Childish
[21:59.40] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, the only stupid person in this conversation is you
[21:59.41] <IlumiNaughty> mouses, Russia does not currently appear to be losing a war badly, maybe you mean last year
[21:59.49] <+mouses> as we watch your nation crumble in real time
[21:59.54] <IlumiNaughty> its more or lelss a stalemate
[22:00.00] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, nope, you're the ignorant, childish one
[22:00.03] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: Oh, just wait.
[22:00.10] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: It's about to get a LOT worse for them
[22:00.11] <+smirks> yo, scumbags
[22:00.12] <Tatyana> Likewise UA has different Formations - From Terrobobs, To VSU, to Marine and Airlanding Troops, to National Guard and Border Guards etc
[22:00.18] <Tatyana> and Foreign Volunteer Units
[22:00.18] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, you're the ridiculous moron who was all, "I made mouses RUN AWAY with all MY FACTS" like you're a goddamned twelve year old
[22:00.20] * smirks smirks
[22:00.25] <@kritklsongs> lol
[22:00.28] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, seriously, what the fuck is even wrong with you that you'd act like that
[22:00.37] <Tatyana> SBU and GUR also
[22:00.37] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, it's literally impossible to see you as a functioning adult
[22:00.43] <+mouses> McBoatFace: they never even pinged me during that time
[22:00.44] <IlumiNaughty> no mouses no wait, you claim was  'your nation is losing a war, badly, in real time.'
[22:00.52] <+mouses> I was gone 6 mins to use my sodastream
[22:00.53] <IlumiNaughty> mosues was that claim a LIE?
[22:00.54] <@kritklsongs> sometimes all you can do is sit back and smirks
[22:00.59] <+mouses> you know, RUNNING AWAY rofl
[22:01.02] <+smirks> yup
[22:01.13] <+McBoatFace> mouses, Tatyana knew it was bullshit. She was hoping you wouldn't rejoin so she could promote that obvious lie
[22:01.20] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: No, that's a simple fact.  
[22:01.22] <+McBoatFace> it's like Tatyana never matured beyond her tweens
[22:01.47] <+mouses> she's so messed up she has to roleplay a fake russian for attention on... undernet lmfao
[22:01.48] <IlumiNaughty> mouses:  'your nation is losing a war, badly, in real time.'   then when shown this is false cahnges it to  JUST WAIT AND SEE
[22:01.51] * mouses slow claps
[22:01.53] <+McBoatFace> lol
[22:01.55] <IlumiNaughty> which is it
[22:02.19] <IlumiNaughty> reality or premonition mouses?
[22:02.23] <@kritklsongs> +,
[22:02.23] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Light up the Sky (2015 Remaster)⁩ | 3m 12s | ⁨Van Halen ⁩ | 1,044,605 views
[22:02.26] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: I already answered your question, and you have not shown me ANY thing to prove this is not false
[22:02.35] <Tatyana> I need to role play a fake Russian on undernet for Attention?
[22:02.37] <Tatyana> Interesting
[22:02.57] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: but I guess you gotta shill for Russia for attention also, it's weird as shit, but you do you
[22:03.02] <Tatyana> I could reply to that easily - given Mouses 'Identity' But I will not
[22:03.10] <@kritklsongs> maybe it's sexual, how are we to know?
[22:03.11] <IlumiNaughty> you did not answer honestly mouses , you tried to change you claim to future prediction
[22:03.12] <+mouses> Tatyana: oh you can
[22:03.14] <Tatyana> I actually have no Issue with Trans despite Mouses poor Showing
[22:03.22] <+mouses> Tatyana: it's not like you can 'offend' me
[22:03.33] <Tatyana> What is clear though is everything I have said has been Consistant *LONG* before I showed up here
[22:03.34] <+mouses> oh that's good to know!
[22:03.47] * mouses rolls her eyes
[22:03.53] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, no it hasn't.
[22:03.57] <Tatyana> nihil - We talked last (Before here) how long ago?
[22:04.16] <+nihil> Several years.
[22:04.23] <+mouses> Tatyana: he's got a far cooler user name than you from the best band EVER
[22:04.33] <Tatyana> nihil Several being?
[22:04.44] <Tatyana> Or Nihilism
[22:05.02] <+nihil> I don't know, I had a brain injury that have made some years difficult to recall.
[22:05.05] <+gris> consistency is the hobgoblin of simple minds
[22:05.09] <+nihil> have/has
[22:05.20] <+mouses> i can prove it
[22:05.21] <+mouses> +,
[22:05.22] <Tatyana> Haha nihil - Did we talk pre-2014?
[22:05.24] <+McBoatFace> mouses, i don't get it...
[22:05.35] <+McBoatFace> mouses, how does nihil relate to Godspeed You Black Emperor?
[22:05.40] <+McBoatFace> BAM!
[22:05.42] <+nihil> Early 2000s was the first time we spoke.
[22:05.43] <+mouses> McBoatFace: it's the strongest KMFDM release :P
[22:05.57] <@kritklsongs> +,
[22:05.58] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Rush tom sawyer⁩ | 4m 38s | ⁨rushvids⁩ | 1,889,630 views
[22:06.10] <+mouses> I was just saying that user has a cooler name than tats
[22:06.26] <+McBoatFace> mouses, I'm just funnin'!
[22:06.29] <+mouses> McBoatFace: I mean, click that song - turn it up
[22:06.31] <Tatyana> nihil Thank you
[22:06.40] <+mouses> there is NO stopping the ultra heavy beat
[22:06.55] <Tatyana> [09:01] <mouses> she's so messed up she has to roleplay a fake russian for attention on... undernet lmfao <--- Sad
[22:07.08] <+mouses> Tatyana: yeah it's pretty weird
[22:07.12] <+McBoatFace> lol
[22:07.22] <+mouses> i mean even you must see this
[22:07.27] <Tatyana> I hope you find happiness whatever you do
[22:07.36] <+mouses> like lmfao wtf made you create this character?
[22:07.39] <+mouses> just re-roll
[22:07.41] <+mouses> fuck
[22:07.43] <+gris> kritklsongs: the first cut after the intro in this amazing hiphop mix is tom sawyer by rush +,
[22:07.44] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨亗 DJ Q BERT  "Demolition Pumpkin Squeeze Musik" 亗⁩ | 1h 1m 9s | ⁨亗R̲a̲p̲ c̲o̲l̲l̲e̲c̲t̲i̲o̲n̲亗⁩ | 776 views
[22:07.44] <Tatyana> All I did was challenge your Assertions
[22:07.56] <+mouses> be amusing and fun like mouses kritklsongs and McBoatFace
[22:08.08] <+mouses> develop social skills
[22:08.11] <+gris> they cut with it, you can really pull some funk from that rush track
[22:08.15] <+mouses> improve yourself
[22:08.16] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, do you know why you feel so threatened by me?
[22:08.17] <+gris> scratch
[22:08.18] <@kritklsongs> I'm amusing and fun!  :)
[22:08.18] <+gris> etc
[22:08.24] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, coz Euphrates
[22:08.35] <+mouses> kritklsongs: that's just obvious
[22:08.40] <@kritklsongs> hehe
[22:08.47] <+mouses> like you actually talk and chill
[22:08.47] <@kritklsongs> it wasn't to me
[22:09.15] <+mouses> vs like this 'lol I'm a russian who things wagner was pretty cool'
[22:09.19] <+mouses> I mean come on lol
[22:09.28] <+mouses> thinks*
[22:09.44] <@kritklsongs> of course, what else is there, stupid verbal pyrotechnics?
[22:09.54] <+mouses> you can't even process something simple like 'intolerance cannot be tolerated'
[22:09.59] <+mouses> kritklsongs: Right!
[22:10.34] <@kritklsongs> actually linguistic, not verbal, lol
[22:10.41] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana refuses to respond to me because she knows I intimidate her
[22:10.44] <+mouses> Tatyana: why did you RUN AWAY
[22:10.46] * kritklsongs screams at his IRC screen!
[22:10.50] <+mouses> it's been like 4 mins
[22:10.55] <+mouses> lol
[22:11.09] <@kritklsongs> :)
[22:11.33] <IlumiNaughty> this was less than 4 mins ago
[22:11.35] <IlumiNaughty> <Tatyana> All I did was challenge your Assertions
[22:11.48] <IlumiNaughty> can noe of you tell the truth?
[22:11.59] <+McBoatFace> there's a problem with people who regularly hide behind claims like that
[22:12.05] <+McBoatFace> often they never actually challenge anyone's assertions
[22:12.45] <Tatyana> mouses - You literally could not back your Argument at all, Data, Sourced Analysis or anything..... You instead went Personal
[22:12.49] <Tatyana> Go for it
[22:12.51] <Tatyana> Just sad for you
[22:12.52] <+McBoatFace> mans0n used to be big on that. He'd come, say a bunch of stupid stuff, people would ask him what the hell he was talking about and he'd be all, "you guys just can't handle people with opinions that oppose yours"
[22:13.03] <+McBoatFace> the problem is that nothing he said related to anyone else's opinions
[22:13.12] <+McBoatFace> he hadn't challenged anyone, he'd just babbled into a vacuum
[22:13.12] <@kritklsongs> for Krishna, even tho he's not here:  +,
[22:13.13] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Ozzy Osbourne   1983   Bark At The Moon⁩ | 39m 34s | ⁨ROCKcity 3000⁩ | 717,049 views
[22:13.43] <IlumiNaughty> mouses didn't even KNOW his own argument, til Tatyana and also myself dual pasted it back to him
[22:13.54] * IlumiNaughty rolls eyes
[22:13.58] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: her, and what?
[22:13.59] <+nihil> My opinions are objectively factual.
[22:14.16] <IlumiNaughty> sure mouses, play stupid
[22:14.25] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: misgender me one more time
[22:14.29] <+mouses> do it
[22:14.30] <Tatyana> nihil Not sure on that but you do have areas of definite Qualification..... and you do have some Opinions anyway
[22:14.31] <IlumiNaughty> sorry mouses, you tactic bring out the worst in me
[22:14.38] <Tatyana> mouses - You misethnicized me
[22:14.52] <Tatyana>  [09:01] <mouses> she's so messed up she has to roleplay a fake russian for attention on... undernet lmfao
[22:14.58] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: apology accepted.  Don't do that in the future please.  I know I can be a bit of a cunt, but that's too far
[22:15.08] <+mouses> Tatyana: sure tats rofl
[22:15.09] <IlumiNaughty> sorrrrry mouses, I dont memorize everyones pronouns
[22:15.15] <Tatyana> You literally did it
[22:15.17] <IlumiNaughty> sorry you need to be babied
[22:15.19] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: it's easy.  mouses is she/her
[22:15.20] <+P-1> hopesnothere: some black chick named Minny was in here looking for you...she dropped off a special chocolate pie and wanted us to make sure you got it.
[22:15.22] <+mouses> you know my name
[22:15.30] <+mouses> you meet people every day!
[22:15.37] <+mouses> you remember some of their names, right?
[22:15.38] <+McBoatFace> guys if you're ever uncertain how to label Tatyana, just stick with retard. You'll never risk being wrong, then
[22:15.45] <IlumiNaughty> you know yer own argument, you need it posted back to you
[22:15.52] <IlumiNaughty> you have worse memory than me
[22:15.55] <Tatyana> mouses - Want to Clarify your own Statement of me?
[22:16.06] <+mouses> i mean come on IlumiNaughty you seem like you have a working brain lol - don't misgender people.  Just sayin.  It's shitty.
[22:16.19] <IlumiNaughty> why should I care your f'ing  gender? do you know mine?  REDICULOUS!
[22:16.23] <+nihil> Anybody who disagrees with me is retarded.
[22:16.28] <+mouses> Tatyana: You suck and waste bandwidth and my god please log off forever
[22:16.33] <Tatyana> Haha
[22:16.39] <+McBoatFace> IlumiNaughty, I've never felt you demonstrated a working brain
[22:16.50] <+nihil> There it is.  Goodbye Tatyana.
[22:16.56] <Tatyana> (((((((((((
[22:16.57] <Tatyana> Sad
[22:16.58] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: because you use it!  Often!
[22:16.59] <IlumiNaughty> I'll take that criticism
[22:17.02] <+mouses> And I read it!
[22:17.06] <Tatyana> Ghost Tatyana will sadly persist
[22:17.12] <+mouses> and i'm like - oh, I know this name
[22:17.16] <Tatyana> and Man Child mouses will need deal with it
[22:17.25] <+mouses> Tatyana: misgender me again
[22:17.29] <+mouses> Tatyana: once more
[22:17.32] <+mouses> be someone
[22:17.34] <+mouses> do it
[22:17.35] <IlumiNaughty> girl child, whatever
[22:17.35] <Tatyana> I was talking about another Person?
[22:17.39] <+McBoatFace> lol
[22:17.43] <Tatyana> Mouses and Manchild Mouses
[22:17.47] <@kritklsongs> oops, wrong link  :)
[22:17.47] <Tatyana> Different People
[22:17.49] <+mouses> Tatyana: you pussed out
[22:17.57] <+nihil> I'm really mad right now.
[22:17.58] <Tatyana> No my Dear
[22:18.02] <Tatyana> I do not care
[22:18.08] <IlumiNaughty> this gender crap is stupid, lets just non-gender everyone ifi people are gonna cry about it
[22:18.11] <+mouses> you don't even have the balls to admit you hate trans people, and you misgender people to try to hurt them
[22:18.21] <Tatyana> I do not hate Trans People
[22:18.22] * caleb` ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:18.23] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, no, you ran. You're too chickenshit to deal with me or my facts
[22:18.24] <Tatyana> I do not even hate you
[22:18.31] <@kritklsongs> new link! +,
[22:18.31] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Hearts⁩ | 7m 39s | ⁨Yes ⁩ | 501,851 views
[22:18.31] <Tatyana> I just consider you contemptable
[22:18.46] <+mouses> we are done, you are a sociopath.  Take care of yourself.  I will no longer be reading or responding to you, you trashy bigot.  
[22:18.51] <Tatyana> and probably projecting your own fraud on to others
[22:18.55] <IlumiNaughty> trans has nothing to do with the russian military, its obfuscation
[22:19.01] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: right?
[22:19.12] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: so why when angry start misgendering trans people?!
[22:19.14] <+mouses> that's crazy
[22:19.21] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, way to lose that exchange
[22:19.25] <+mouses> i mean jesus christ lol
[22:19.31] <Tatyana> I probably am a Sociopath..... But Ironically - that might also imply - I do not care for any your Identity or else
[22:19.44] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, of course you really lost when you tried to pull the childish, "mouses hasn't responded in two minutes so I WIN!" gambit
[22:19.48] <IlumiNaughty> fine with me mouses , but for my part if you stay stupid shit, I may still criticize it
[22:19.55] <@kritklsongs> it would imply that
[22:20.01] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, but you REALLY lost years ago by being an ignorant, dishonest, emotionally unstable little girl
[22:20.07] <Tatyana> IlumiNaughty She/He/It (Transinclussive) is just lashing out because they cannot back their Arguments
[22:20.17] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[22:20.27] <Tatyana> Now they are resorting to Threats
[22:20.29] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana is a coward
[22:20.35] <@kritklsongs> Tatyana please don't do that.
[22:20.41] <Tatyana> kritklsongs Do what?
[22:20.50] <Tatyana> I included all Pronouns
[22:20.52] <IlumiNaughty> apparently we are all required to know and remember personall details about the others here, or we cannot debate
[22:20.55] <Tatyana> All I knew of
[22:21.01] <IlumiNaughty> arguments cant stand alone?
[22:21.05] <@kritklsongs> She/He/It it's offensive and you know it
[22:21.09] <Tatyana> Apparently not
[22:21.17] <Tatyana> kritklsongs - Why is it offensive?
[22:21.31] <Tatyana> I tried to offer all Variants
[22:21.39] <IlumiNaughty> they are taking it as a personal slander I guess
[22:21.55] <Tatyana> Fake Russian though is not
[22:21.58] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana can't help it. Her debate tactics all come from fighting over boys with her classmates on her teen myspace page
[22:22.08] <IlumiNaughty> Ii need to make a spellchecker that takes out all pronouns I guess
[22:22.11] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: I am mouses.  She/her.
[22:22.27] <+mouses> No, you need to learn names and people's pronouns
[22:22.29] <IlumiNaughty> what am I mouses?
[22:22.40] <+McBoatFace> IlumiNaughty, sounds pretty spineless to me
[22:22.43] <IlumiNaughty> why should I care about your gender?
[22:22.43] <+mouses> you're not doing this as you are like confused.
[22:22.48] <@kritklsongs> I'm just a guy that sees and injustice happening
[22:22.52] <@kritklsongs> an
[22:23.03] <+McBoatFace> I had this coworker once who had actually lost a couple of jobs in the past because he'd been reported to HR for sexual harassment complaints,
[22:23.19] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: because somewhere in that burned up toxic awful person and awful character you have created?  There's some good in there.
[22:23.35] <+mouses> And I want to see you save yourself from becoming any worse.
[22:23.37] <+McBoatFace> so we were both working on campus and one fine day every bathroom across the entirety of campus had these posters added explaining how to report sexual harassment or similar threats
[22:23.39] <+McBoatFace> and he was FURIOUS
[22:23.45] <+mouses> McBoatFace: LOL
[22:23.59] <+mouses> McBoatFace: I love all the people SO MAD at the fucking BARBIE movie
[22:24.00] <IlumiNaughty> its not like a face to face thing where I can easily guess genders
[22:24.06] <+McBoatFace> stomping around pulling the typical far right routine (he was pure MAGA) yelling about how it was impossible to even understood what was or wasn't allowed without getting accused of sexual harassment
[22:24.11] <IlumiNaughty> nicks on a screen
[22:24.18] <+McBoatFace> and I was all, 'Really? It's not hard for me but then I don't fucking sexually harass people"
[22:24.26] <IlumiNaughty> I will lendeavor to not use pronouns in future
[22:24.29] <+McBoatFace> mouses, sad failures at life
[22:24.38] <+mouses> the strongest opinion in it was 'girls are people and they are damn cool too, so are guys, also look at the cam work and the fun!'
[22:24.46] <+McBoatFace> IlumiNaughty whining about pronouns is a lot like my coworker whining about sexual harassment
[22:24.57] <+mouses> lol
[22:24.57] <+McBoatFace> it indicates the real problem may actually be with them
[22:25.05] <IlumiNaughty> no exactly McBoatFace
[22:25.17] <+McBoatFace> IlumiNaughty, did you mean to type not exactly or no, exactly!
[22:25.18] <@kritklsongs> lol @ 'cam work and fun'  hehe  :)
[22:25.20] <IlumiNaughty> not exactly McBoatFace
[22:25.23] <+McBoatFace> I see
[22:25.25] <+mouses> McBoatFace: have you ever once used the wrong pronoun in an attempt to mentally harm me?  Nope.
[22:25.26] <Tatyana> Barbie sucked
[22:25.30] <Tatyana> But we all knew it was coming
[22:25.32] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: be as good at boaty over there
[22:25.33] <Tatyana> A Childs Film
[22:25.42] <+McBoatFace> mouses, no but it took me about six months to get used to using her/she
[22:25.43] <Tatyana> Ryan Gosling was awesome though
[22:25.53] <+mouses> kritklsongs: it was the least 'offensive' movie ever lol
[22:25.58] <+McBoatFace> mouses, and I think I told you about one of my real life friends completely going apeshit on me over it early in our friendship
[22:26.02] <@kritklsongs> :)
[22:26.03] <Tatyana> Because it is a Childs Film
[22:26.05] <+McBoatFace> I mean she went absolutely ballistic
[22:26.08] <Tatyana> No Shock/Horror there
[22:26.11] <+mouses> McBoatFace: oh yeah but you knew me a while pre-transition I think!
[22:26.26] <+McBoatFace> mouses, right, for the first year you and I chatted I got used to saying he/him
[22:26.27] <+mouses> McBoatFace: like and you're not a cruel bitch to me
[22:26.35] <+McBoatFace> and also I'm terrible at change
[22:26.36] <+mouses> mistakes like that have no meaning and don't bother me
[22:26.44] <+McBoatFace> mouses, nods nods
[22:26.49] <+mouses> I mean hell I accidentally in my head misgender myself once a month or so
[22:26.55] <@kritklsongs> +,
[22:26.55] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Dreams I'll Never See⁩ | 7m 6s | ⁨Molly Hatchet ⁩ | 14,271,846 views
[22:27.05] <+McBoatFace> mouses, I do almost feel a bit bad about how some of us treated that one person on libera tho, fluttershy or whatever she called herself
[22:27.08] <+McBoatFace> but to be fair she was a monster
[22:27.12] * zoink ( has joined channel #Gulag
[22:27.14] <Tatyana> Lying is probably hard to keep up with
[22:27.17] <+McBoatFace> but we were hands down cruel to her!
[22:27.28] <+mouses> McBoatFace: something WEIRD was going on there
[22:28.04] <+GhostDog> Lots of adults enjoyed the child's film
[22:28.05] <+McBoatFace> mouses, well, they weren't in the best place. Last I'd heard they were unemployed and living in their car. Secondly, that channel was an absolute nightmare of open hate and bigotry, so much so they got banned from both freenode and libera
[22:28.06] <+mouses> McBoatFace: do you remember cowclops from back in those days?
[22:28.12] <+mouses> I don't have any booze right now
[22:28.19] <@kritklsongs> damn!
[22:28.20] <+McBoatFace> mouses, did they have another nickname?
[22:28.21] <+mouses> but if I did - I'd pour a shot for her
[22:28.22] <Tatyana> GhostDog Many could and that is fine, it was okay to me... It was well done as I saw it
[22:28.36] <+McBoatFace> oh dear, did things go south for them?
[22:28.44] <Tatyana> I wish it was more - Ken breaking out of Barbie World and finding himself in the Gi Joe Universe might have been good
[22:28.51] <Tatyana> a Challenge on 'What you wish for'
[22:29.06] <Tatyana> But it was all safe, by the Numbers
[22:29.19] <@kritklsongs> a good stiff drink
[22:29.27] <+mouses> McBoatFace: Not that I'll disclose in publically - tl;dr the kindest trans woman EVER, I spent time with her IRL and we were like sisters, and the amount of abuse she was taking without therapy or help with online hate lead to an AR-15 fired into the mouth.  I miss her.
[22:29.41] <+GhostDog> I always wish there would be a marvel universe in the dc universe movie. But I'm sure they'd royally mess it up and destroy both franchises
[22:29.47] <+mouses> McBoatFace: she was in some of the non crazy angry pol channels, etc
[22:29.47] <+McBoatFace> mouses, bleah
[22:30.01] <+mouses> McBoatFace: fuck, I still cry about daily - and it's been 4 years
[22:30.10] <+McBoatFace> mouses, as a rule, most social media is NOT a good place for people already dealing with any form of abuse or self esteem issues!
[22:30.15] <+GhostDog> Access is the only character owned by both Marvel and DC.
[22:30.17] <Tatyana> (((( sad
[22:30.26] <+mouses> McBoatFace: or who don't have the training to counter it
[22:30.34] <+McBoatFace> mouses, lol, so this is kinda fun / cute
[22:30.37] <+GhostDog> He's the only character who could conceivably be in both franchises
[22:30.56] <+GhostDog> Until Disney buys Warner
[22:31.04] <+GhostDog> Then they could crossbreed
[22:31.10] <Tatyana> Super Hero Films have been good for Wallets and shit for Cinema
[22:31.13] <+mouses> GhostDog: oh god
[22:31.15] <+McBoatFace> mouses, there are two youtube reactors I watch, entirely independent of one another. They're both lesbians that go over popular content that might enjoy a pro attitude towards such lifestyles right
[22:31.27] <+mouses> I watched GOTG with some friends who were amazed
[22:31.32] <+GhostDog> mouses, let's be thankful they've mostly kept star wars and star trek apart
[22:31.33] <IlumiNaughty> English is one thing, but I imagine other languages have worse problems with misgendering, when you ahve gendered nouns like Spanish/Russian you have MORE chances to go wrong
[22:31.40] <+McBoatFace> mouses, anyway, there was no reason to suppose they even knew of each other and they also lived on opposite sides of the atlantic ocean
[22:31.40] <+mouses> i'm like omg I love you all but that was NOT GOOD.
[22:31.47] <Tatyana> Haha
[22:31.49] <+GhostDog> Outside of, hey, let's let J.J. Abrhams do both!
[22:31.51] * mouses nods to McBoatFace
[22:31.57] <Tatyana> Hollywood is dead
[22:32.01] <+McBoatFace> mouses, but about six months ago they discovered one another's channel and now they're in a romantic relationship!
[22:32.02] <+mouses> GhostDog: NEVER LET HIM TOUCH TREK AGAIN
[22:32.03] * Nognosis ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:32.04] <+McBoatFace> mouses, it was very cute
[22:32.06] <IlumiNaughty> I beleive most gendering in language may have to go away
[22:32.13] <+mouses> McBoatFace: oooooo, I love that
[22:32.20] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: lol that's not possible
[22:32.27] <+mouses> you can't speak without pronouns
[22:32.32] <@kritklsongs> hmm
[22:32.39] <+mouses> there's MANY MORE than he/him and she/her
[22:32.40] <IlumiNaughty> globalization means you cant easily guess genders by first names in unfamiliar languages
[22:32.50] <IlumiNaughty> you you can
[22:32.55] <IlumiNaughty> yes you can
[22:32.56] <@kritklsongs> I wonder what that would look like
[22:32.58] <+mouses> try to sound mentally fit when you refuses to use 'me'
[22:33.00] <+McBoatFace> a good number of languages are inherently constructed with sex and gender facets
[22:33.01] <+mouses> or 'I'
[22:33.05] <+mouses> or 'them'
[22:33.08] <+McBoatFace> try removing gender from Spanish
[22:33.13] <+mouses> this is not gender, this is PRONOUNS
[22:33.14] <+McBoatFace> YOU CAN'T!
[22:33.20] <+mouses> languages don't work without them
[22:33.30] <+McBoatFace> IlumiNaughty, yeah i'm really seeing my coworker in your comments
[22:33.41] <+McBoatFace> IlumiNaughty, you say it's not really the same but I think maybe it is!
[22:33.55] <IlumiNaughty> Non-gendered or nonbinary pronouns are not gender specific and are most often used by people who identify outside of a gender binary. The most common set of nonbinary pronouns is they/them/their used in the singular (e.g., Jadzia identifies as genderqueer; they do not see themselves as either a woman or a man)
[22:34.01] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: you have used 6 pronouns in the last 4 posts you have made
[22:34.08] <+GhostDog> So apparently my small neighborhood has several experts on child sex trafficking. That's interesting.
[22:34.18] <+mouses> we're not talking about LGBTQ stuff IlumiNaughty lmfao
[22:34.26] <@kritklsongs> mouses imagine Spanish without that duality
[22:34.29] <+mouses> we're talking about BASIC LANGUAGE FORMAT
[22:34.42] <IlumiNaughty> THEY is the example mouses
[22:34.42] <+mouses> you learned this in high school
[22:34.50] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: They, me, you
[22:34.53] <+McBoatFace> GhostDog, well at least you know where to go to get a kid of you need one. It doesn't even have to be for sex, kids are great at certain tasks, like duct work
[22:35.03] <IlumiNaughty> alll non-gendered pronnouns
[22:35.34] <+GhostDog> McBoatFace, hehe. These "experts" are on the other side. Rescuing kids! Like in Sound of Freedom!
[22:35.35] <IlumiNaughty> Non-gendered or nonbinary pronouns are not gender specific and are most often used by people who identify outside of a gender binary. The most common set of nonbinary pronouns is they/them/their used in the singular (e.g., Jadzia identifies as genderqueer; they do not see themselves as either a woman or a man)
[22:35.36] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: this help?  Subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) Object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them) Possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs)
[22:35.44] <+McBoatFace> I'm one of the very few English speakers who can use pronouns like they, them, us and we and you can still discern the gender through my inflection
[22:36.02] <@kritklsongs> +,
[22:36.02] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Promises In The Dark (Remastered)⁩ | 4m 50s | ⁨Pat Benatar ⁩ | 599,594 views
[22:36.11] <+GhostDog> I have a real hard time using they and them in the singular context
[22:36.17] <IlumiNaughty> I You It are non-gendered and remove assumption of gender
[22:36.22] <deRuyter> you/you/yours
[22:36.24] <+McBoatFace> if I use the pronoun they to describe a bunch of lesbians in an orgy, there's no doubt in the listeners mind that I'm referring to a bunch of lesbians
[22:36.45] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: also I don't ID as 'outside of a binary'.  I am woman.  She.  Her.  Legally, physically, mentally, parts and bits, etc
[22:36.46] <IlumiNaughty> thats what is required when you don't know but wish to communicate without insult
[22:37.07] <deRuyter> 2nd person pronoun people arent so self-oriented all the time (me/me/mine)
[22:37.12] <@kritklsongs> I take exception to being called 'It'
[22:37.24] <IlumiNaughty> I dont care what you identify as mouses,  I just wish to not insult you during communication
[22:37.30] <deRuyter> 'over there'
[22:37.37] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: start calling random people you meet irl 'It' and see how it works when you explain how hard it is for you
[22:37.38] <@kritklsongs> I'm no inanimate object
[22:37.49] <+mouses> you will earn the beating you so richly need
[22:37.52] <IlumiNaughty> I dont care what you identify as mouses, I will never care, I dont need to care, or even need to know
[22:38.02] <IlumiNaughty> I have no disire to care
[22:38.05] <IlumiNaughty> desire
[22:38.09] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: You already know.
[22:38.10] <+McBoatFace> IlumiNaughty, JESUS CHRIST WE GET IT
[22:38.11] <@kritklsongs> like some AI machine
[22:38.13] <+McBoatFace> FUCK
[22:38.14] <@kritklsongs> oops
[22:38.24] <+McBoatFace> IlumiNaughty, obsessive freak much?
[22:38.25] <deRuyter> the idea that you feel yourself IN yourself bodily is just an illusion, so there/over there/somewhere else are perfect pronouns
[22:38.29] <+mouses> IlumiNaughty: also we get it, fuck, you're a bigot.  Well done!  Proud of you.
[22:38.44] <@kritklsongs> that person
[22:38.46] <IlumiNaughty> I assumed
[22:38.57] <+mouses> kritklsongs: sure, but that sounds weird
[22:39.00] <IlumiNaughty> wrongly
[22:39.02] <Tatyana> mouses Stop invoking your Identity
[22:39.04] <+mouses> I mean in some cases not
[22:39.10] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, such the fuck up moron
[22:39.11] <+mouses> 'I met this person today...'
[22:39.11] <Tatyana> You got asked honest Questions and you failed to back them
[22:39.16] <deRuyter> some people are really delocalised, solving Descartes' problem in one fell swoop
[22:39.27] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, no mouses didn't. you're an imbecile and a liar and a child
[22:39.32] <@kritklsongs> but it has to say humanity lives in this concept, and 'it' does the opposite for me
[22:39.33] <Tatyana> You also misethnicized me
[22:39.35] <IlumiNaughty> delocaliased, hmm
[22:39.38] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, you should loathe yourself
[22:39.54] <Tatyana> Which is just as bad as Misgendered - except I have DNA that shows my Ethnicity (and a Passport)
[22:39.58] <deRuyter> 'part of the whole Spirit' man
[22:39.59] <+McBoatFace> Tatyana, yeah but nobody cares about you or your feelings
[22:40.10] <+McBoatFace> literally
[22:40.11] <+McBoatFace> no one
[22:40.12] <+McBoatFace> idiot
[22:40.28] <+mouses> kritklsongs: Calling people 'IT' goes back longer than we even can comprehend.  It's classic - used to dehumanize.  It's done for the same reason nazi's called jewish people 'cockroaches'
[22:40.39] <+McBoatFace> I've also found that employing idiot as a pronoun bypasses a lot of social confusions as well
[22:40.39] <+mouses> easier to kill randoms when they are considered not human
[22:40.49] <+mouses> McBoatFace: lol
[22:40.55] <IlumiNaughty> probably someone care, its just not usu here
[22:40.57] <+McBoatFace> "hwy, idiots are going for ice cream? You want to go with them?"
[22:41.04] <deRuyter> people should have their DNA barcode-readable on theor forehead then we wouldnt misgender anymore
[22:41.14] <IlumiNaughty> ROFL McBoatFace
[22:41.34] <@kritklsongs> mouses preach it sister  :)
[22:42.09] <+mouses> McBoatFace: I took a couple hardcore ER stays this year, and was on vacation in a state that makes TX and FL seem too liberal - and left a review about the hospital, how EVERY member of the staff was great to me, knew I was she/her and used it, provided the best care....
[22:42.12] * kritklsongs sits in the choir
[22:42.29] <+mouses> McBoatFace: 60+ comments basically saying 'KYS you tran**'
[22:42.36] <+mouses> fucking keyboard warriors
[22:43.11] <@kritklsongs> +,
[22:43.11] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Don't Stop Me Now⁩ | 3m 30s | ⁨Queen ⁩ | 7,635,328 views
[22:43.26] <+mouses> deRuyter: i'm going to let you know a secret we dont normally tell cisgender people, for real.  This is not something we normally talk about.
[22:43.34] <+gadfly> lol viveks solution to climate change is fossil fuel powered air conditioners +,
[22:43.35] <@Lard> [Twitter] Hans Karlsborn (@HKarlsborn): @cwebbonline He’s totally correct 👍🏻 #ClimateCult | 2 RTs | 35 ♥s | Posted: 2023-08-27 - 16:18:41UTC
[22:43.52] <+mouses> It's not even 'using the wrong gender'.  That can make sense in SO many contexts.  There's no desire to harm there.
[22:43.55] <+gadfly> oops +,
[22:43.56] <@Lard> [Twitter] Christopher Webb (@cwebbonline): Keep Vivek Ramaswamy away from the White House at all costs‼️ ⏎ Dana Bash asks Ramaswamy for clarification on his climate crisis position. ⏎ His response — “Look at the quality of our buildings. Look at the quality of temperature controls. This is actually what has allowed human… +, | 1162 RTs | 5126 ♥s | Poste
[22:44.14] <IlumiNaughty> gadfly its not his solution, ,he says its not a problmem needing a solution
[22:44.19] <+gadfly> is vivek stupider than trump
[22:44.25] <IlumiNaughty> unfortunatelyl many belive that
[22:44.26] <+gadfly> IlumiNaughty,  actually he said that
[22:44.35] <+mouses> It's about using the wrong gender pronouns when you KNOW it, and are doing to try to harm others.
[22:44.38] <+mouses> That's the secret.
[22:44.39] <+gadfly> IlumiNaughty,  he swung both ways
[22:44.48] <+GhostDog> That reminds me
[22:45.04] <+gadfly> IlumiNaughty,  he said AC will overcome climate change and also it doesnt exist
[22:45.07] <+gadfly> in the same interview
[22:45.08] <@kritklsongs> mouses, that used to be against the rules here, but isn't today
[22:45.12] <+GhostDog> I've been seeing a lot more Florida, Texas, and strangely, Idaho license plates around here
[22:45.15] <+gadfly> just shows how full of shit he is
[22:45.18] <+GhostDog> Are people leaving those states for here?
[22:45.19] <+mouses> deRuyter: the desire to hurt and dehumanize is required before offense
[22:45.50] <IlumiNaughty> I can see Trumpists converting to ramaswamy, except maybe a few racist ones
[22:46.13] <+mouses> GhostDog: people are leaving those states for many reasons.  They are going a bit fash and like - more and more people see the writing on the wall
[22:46.14] <+gadfly> he wants to become pals with putin too
[22:46.17] <+gadfly> the man is nuts
[22:46.22] <IlumiNaughty> GhostDog, when winter hits they will go back
[22:46.29] <+gadfly> he reminds me of trolls on irc
[22:46.59] <@kritklsongs> +,
[22:47.00] <@Lard> [YouTube] ⁨DANGER ZONE - KENNY LOGGINS (ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK) | Silk⁩ | 3m 49s | ⁨Silk🎵⁩ | 252 views
[22:47.17] <+GhostDog> People used to complain about cost of living here, which is still stupid high, but now that Texas, Florida, and Idaho have all gotten much more expensive, maybe they are coming back,
[22:47.22] <+mouses> kritklsongs: I just think it's vital to let you all know this - misgendering as a honest mistake is obvious and something to laugh about

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