

[16:38.36] <levity> hi

[16:38.38] * ^skunk`` ( Quit (Quit: No Alcohol Challenge - February 30th and 31st)

[16:38.42] <gris> hi levity

[16:38.45] <Cleland> levity tell some good gay jokes

[16:38.50] <VanBurenBoys> Ratbytes: so mind your business

[16:38.50] <levity> hi gris

[16:38.55] <Cleland> this place has become insufferable

[16:38.59] <RatBytes> When I lived in the San Fran area I had a number of friends and co-workers who were gay, and a few who were  flaming gay.  Okay,  so what?   They did their work, I did my work,  work got done.

[16:39.01] <levity> ok gimme a sec i have a slight concern first

[16:39.09] <Cleland> levity hone in on gay jokes

[16:39.21] <Renaldo> .ud gay jokes

[16:39.21] <Cleland> levity for OP

[16:39.22] <Lard> [urban] gay jokes - Slang. It’s a really funny [pun]. Whenever someone says something gay and you want to say something funny back just say [I wanted to tell a gay joke butt fuck it]! Cuz gays [butt fuck] each other.

[16:39.22] <VanBurenBoys> RatBytes: yep

[16:39.25] <levity> my blogspot stats show O visits all day

[16:39.26] <Debaser> This place is really quite bad.

[16:39.31] <^_GodSpeed> midgets on kites

[16:39.36] <levity> ive never trusted them befoe with all the bots

[16:39.36] <Cleland> levity I was there like three times

[16:39.43] <levity> but 0 is totally weird

[16:39.51] <^_GodSpeed> with their little legs dangling

[16:39.52] <Cleland> levity truth to mom--I was there

[16:39.57] <Cleland> check out the service

[16:39.58] <levity> my blog still works for me, but that may be a crafty shadow ban

[16:40.05] <RatBytes> levity -  did you hear about the gay whale in san fran harbor ?

[16:40.05] <^_GodSpeed> little midget legs

[16:40.06] <Cleland> okay levity--some gay jokes for VanBurenBoys 

[16:40.12] <levity> so wil someone check if its still up?

[16:40.14] <BodegaCat> "i like my beers cold and my homosexuals FLAMING"

[16:40.17] <Cleland> Sure

[16:40.19] <Cleland> post the link

[16:40.20] <levity> +,

[16:40.20] <Lard> [YouTube] ⁨STAR TREK: ACID PARTY⁩ | 41m 46s | ⁨Yew Zyr⁩ | 1,736,549 views

[16:40.22] <levity> +,

[16:40.23] <Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed. I'm going to load another bowl. Enjoy my alltrueism! | ( +, )

[16:40.26] <levity> sorry

[16:40.31] <levity> disregard the star trek

[16:40.35] <Cleland> Cant watch the whole Star Trek prarty

[16:40.58] <^_GodSpeed> +,

[16:41.07] <^_GodSpeed> Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl

[16:41.21] <levity> My neighbor refuses to believe he's gay and dyslexic. 

[16:41.25] <levity> I think he's in Daniel.

[16:41.28] <levity> :P

[16:41.41] <^_GodSpeed> I told all of you

[16:41.45] <RatBytes> levity - that took me a moment

[16:41.47] <Cleland> LOL

[16:41.50] <RatBytes> levity -  did you hear about the gay whale in san fran harbor ?

[16:41.55] <^_GodSpeed> there isn't a soul here

[16:41.55] <Cleland> keep them cumming levity

[16:42.03] <levity> Two condoms are walking down the street.  

[16:42.07] <RatBytes> levity -  did you hear about the gay whale in san fran harbor ?  It's biting off the ends of submarines and sucking out the seamen.

[16:42.08] <levity> They stop outside a gay bar.  

[16:42.13] <@P-1> lol

[16:42.16] <levity> One condom turns to the other and says, 

[16:42.20] <levity> “You wanna go in and get shit-faced?” 

[16:42.20] <Cleland> LO

[16:42.22] * ^_GodSpeed starts laughing

[16:42.29] <^_GodSpeed> who can beat me

[16:42.33] <Cleland> punch line

[16:42.34] <Cleland> FAST

[16:42.42] <Cleland> levity you pass out

[16:42.49] <levity> so is my blog still up?

[16:42.52] <Cleland> no

[16:42.53] * GO-TWolves ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)

[16:42.56] <Cleland> just get Star Trek

[16:43.06] <levity> i gave you some jokes now its your turn

[16:43.15] <levity> +,

[16:43.15] <Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed. I'm going to load another bowl. Enjoy my alltrueism! | ( +, )

[16:43.46] <levity> Did you hear about the two gay Irishmen?  

[16:43.47] <@P-1> why dont witches wear underwear? they can get a better grip on their broomstick!  *rimshot/crash cymbal*

[16:43.51] <levity> Gerald Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzgerald. 

[16:43.55] <Debaser> levity; your blogspot doesn't make you seem well

[16:44.02] <^_GodSpeed> I love it

[16:44.07] <levity> its an illusion!

[16:44.12] <levity> subversion!

[16:44.16] <levity> psyche!

[16:44.17] <^_GodSpeed> of course it is

[16:44.24] <BodegaCat> levity already seems unwell from what he types on here

[16:44.32] * levity is the happiest man in the world

[16:44.33] <^_GodSpeed> all of this is an illusion

[16:44.36] <RatBytes> Two gays guys woke up ...  one starts getting dressed to go to work.  He complains to the other ... "I work to pay the rent, and you don't do anything.   You should help out."     The one in bed says "Okay" and starts stroking himself.  WHen he is erect he puts on a condom and starting masturbating.  The one about to leave says "That's not

[16:44.36] <BodegaCat> if you like the free irc sample of levity, visit his webpage to get a larger dose

[16:44.37] <RatBytes> helping"  and the one lying down says "Hey, I'm packing you a sack lunch."\

[16:44.38] <Cleland> levity might be the most sane person on this channel

[16:44.55] <Renaldo> .wiki fart

[16:44.55] <Lard> [wikipedia] Flatulence | "Flatulence is the expulsion of gas from the intestines via the anus, commonly referred to as farting. "Flatus" is the medical word for gas generated in the stomach or bowels. A proportion of intestinal gas may be swallowed environmental air, and hence flatus is not entirely generated in the stomach or bowels. The scientific study of this area of medicine is termed flatology.Flatus is […]" | +,

[16:45.08] <^_GodSpeed> well

[16:45.17] * Renaldo (~renaldo@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)

[16:45.21] <^_GodSpeed> the loigical question is

[16:45.28] <^_GodSpeed> how do you beat something like that

[16:45.36] <kmh> you fart therefore you are

[16:45.48] <^_GodSpeed> you see

[16:45.56] <VanBurenBoys> *poot*

[16:46.06] <dry_> RatBytes: pretty fucked up joke

[16:46.14] <^_GodSpeed> +,

[16:46.14] <DumbDog> I've always wanted to be a flatologist

[16:46.20] <Mantra>  China has declined and usa has thrived. We need Trump like we need measles 

[16:46.26] <^_GodSpeed> Alice In Chains - Man in the Box (Official Video)

[16:46.34] <DumbDog> Lard, what school has the best flatology program?

[16:46.37] <RatBytes> dry_   a gay guy told it to me.  :)

[16:46.40] <^_GodSpeed> even the gods of undernet

[16:46.43] <levity> haha bytes just read your seaman joke!

[16:46.51] <levity> i am snagging it!

[16:46.56] <^_GodSpeed> have lost their moxy

[16:47.11] <^_GodSpeed> I might move 

[16:47.16] * ^_GodSpeed winks

[16:47.37] * X sets mode -b *!~*@ for #Gulag

[16:47.43] <DumbDog> Check out #gulag's christmas songs at +,

[16:47.53] <VanBurenBoys> Odds in winning presidentail election: Donald Trump +128  Joe Biden +250 Big Mike +1150  

[16:48.09] <RatBytes> Vote Vermin Supreme

[16:48.09] <^_GodSpeed> sir

[16:48.16] <^_GodSpeed> if you aren't careful

[16:48.20] <DowderJ> DumbDog: NICE

[16:48.20] <dry_> odds of Trump being in prison?

[16:48.23] <levity> i am snagging it

[16:48.29] <levity> haha sack  lunch one too!

[16:48.45] <^_GodSpeed> you wont take anything

[16:48.46] <RatBytes> levity - have fun with them

[16:48.47] <gris> +,

[16:48.48] <Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Samir....You're breaking the car!!!⁩ | 2m 4s | ⁨Hive Funnies⁩ | 25,268,935 views

[16:48.52] <^_GodSpeed> that Debaser

[16:49.05] <DumbDog> OR check out the 12 or songs I marks as 80s songs at +,

[16:49.16] <DumbDog> I should make it load more than 1 song at a time

[16:49.25] <dry_> VanBurenBoys: if Trump declares bankruptcy from the NY civil case...  does it hurt his election chances?

[16:49.25] <DumbDog> No reason to keep those limited to 1 song

[16:49.36] <^_GodSpeed> you pathetic people

[16:49.42] <gris> this is me anytime i play a rally racing game

[16:49.45] <gris> like sega rally

[16:49.48] <^_GodSpeed> who have no loyalty

[16:49.50] <gris> i destroy the car or run out of time

[16:49.51] <RatBytes> apparently somebody really wanted to lodge a serious protest about the genocide in Gaza...

[16:49.51] <RatBytes> +,

[16:49.54] <Lard> [url] A man set himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in D.C., now in critical condition : NPR |, ( +, )

[16:50.05] <^_GodSpeed> to your founder

[16:50.26] * ^_GodSpeed spiders the channel

[16:50.27] <Tina`a> RatBytes Wah!

[16:50.48] * VanBurenBoys sees a barking spider

[16:51.02] <^_GodSpeed> I see it all

[16:51.03] <Cleland> VanBurenBoys shove him up your rectum and cum

[16:51.07] <dry_> I guess not answer

[16:51.09] <RatBytes> A man is in critical condition after setting himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., on Sunday afternoon, according to multiple law enforcement agencies.

[16:51.10] <RatBytes> The U.S. Secret Service said it was responding to reports of an individual experiencing a possible medical or mental health emergency. Local police arrived around 1 p.m. ET.   Vito Maggiolo, a spokesperson for D.C. Fire and EMS, said the man has been transported to the hospital, where he has "critical life threatening injuries."

[16:51.10] <RatBytes> The Israeli Embassy in D.C. said none of its staff were injured.

[16:51.25] <RatBytes> Well, how nice of the Israeli embassy to show  such concern

[16:51.25] <^_GodSpeed> I mean

[16:51.31] <^_GodSpeed> if no one cares

[16:51.31] <Cleland> Wow--must be serious about his religion

[16:51.41] <Cleland> Hey at least he didn’t do a bombing

[16:51.45] <^_GodSpeed> +,

[16:52.04] <Debaser> +,

[16:52.06] <Lard> [Twitter] Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump): Wow. 59% of Nikki Haley voters in SC will NOT vote for Donald Trump if he becomes the Republican nominee, according to Fox News exit poll. ⏎ Republicans against Trump. ⏎ +, | 3296 RTs | 20610 ♥s | Posted: 2024-02-25 - 02:58:15UTC

[16:52.06] <^_GodSpeed> +,

[16:52.14] <Tina`a> RatBytes wow, it's that kneejerk official reaction... er.. he was.. uh.. .mentally unstable.

[16:52.19] * GO-TWolves ( has joined channel #Gulag

[16:52.36] <^_GodSpeed> I neve thought

[16:52.40] <^_GodSpeed> I would be the one

[16:52.48] <^_GodSpeed> that stands up for this pla

[16:52.48] <dry_> Debaser: that's great news

[16:52.52] <VanBurenBoys> +,

[16:52.52] <Lard> [YouTube] ⁨From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea⁩ | 7m 41s | ⁨The Cure ⁩ | 607,188 views

[16:52.53] <^_GodSpeed> that stands up for this place

[16:53.09] <Tina`a> Debaser try telling the magatards that. They think cos he's winning all the delegates, he's the best choice.

[16:53.23] <^_GodSpeed> fuck you

[16:53.27] <VanBurenBoys> fuck you?

[16:53.39] <Tina`a> or maybe we shouldn't tell them that. Maybe we should just encourage them.

[16:53.41] <^_GodSpeed> yeah fuck you

[16:53.46] <dry_> Tina`a: let them think that

[16:53.52] <^_GodSpeed> dude

[16:53.58] <Tina`a> yeah, maybe

[16:54.03] <dry_> 2024 will be another election outcome they can't wrap their heads around

[16:54.05] <VanBurenBoys> my man

[16:54.15] <GO-TWolves> Does god take speed? 

[16:54.15] <^_GodSpeed> you arent that good

[16:54.19] <VanBurenBoys> Did you skip your meds?

[16:54.26] <^_GodSpeed> or is your boyfrind

[16:54.29] <Tina`a> I hope he picks marge as his running mate

[16:54.38] * VanBurenBoys will rip you in two. you may want to rethink what you're about to do

[16:54.45] * ^_GodSpeed jumps in

[16:54.55] <dry_> VanBurenBoys: who are you?

[16:54.59] <JukeBot> Now playing: "Man in the Box (Official Video)" by Alice In Chains on Gulag Radio, +,

[16:55.05] * VanBurenBoys jumps in his trusty time machine

[16:55.07] <RatBytes> Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel released on Friday his most detailed proposal yet for a postwar Gaza, pledging to retain indefinite military control over the enclave.  The plan, if realized, would make it almost impossible to establish a Palestinian state including Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank, at least in the short term.

[16:55.08] <RatBytes> The proposal also calls for the dismantling of UNRWA, the U.N. agency charged with delivering the bulk of the life-sustaining aid to the besieged territory. And it calls for an overhaul of the Gazan education and welfare systems, as well as buffer zones along Gaza’s borders with Israel and Egypt.

[16:55.09] <VanBurenBoys> *poof*

[16:55.26] <^_GodSpeed> +,

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