

  HerMightyTyeness:  will u buy my computer?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  sorry, i dont believe in money
 HerMightyTyeness:  thats why u spent it on a computer and spend it monthly on aol right?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i bought the computer with an insurance settlement i got from having a head injury..and i havent paid for aol since 97
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i make sub accounts off of other peoples accounts
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  people who are so stupid they pick really easy to guess passwords..
 HerMightyTyeness:  either way, it costs money to people   
 HerMightyTyeness:  how do u get food?   
 HerMightyTyeness:  a place to live?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  like "password"
 HerMightyTyeness:  drinks?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i drink water
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and since i walk so much, i can go into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager..
 HerMightyTyeness:  i think ur lying   
 HerMightyTyeness:  and being a hypocrit   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i tell them, "hi my name is victor and im a long-distance walker.  i dont suppose youd care to donate any gasoline for my stomach?  if its a big problem dont worry about it.  im sure the next place i walk by will be generous and help me out."
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  bam, like 99% of places just hook me up
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  which goes to prove not only is it human-nature to be generous, but thats theres an accepted loss every company figures into their finances at the end of the month, that makes it ok not to always charge for it.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  money is just a game.  you dont have to play it
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  how am i being hypocritical?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  go ahead, work, waste your life away..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i dont have to
 HerMightyTyeness:  then let me live with u   
 HerMightyTyeness:  that way i dont have to spend money   
 HerMightyTyeness:  and can learn ur ways   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  wanna be my traveling-partner?
 HerMightyTyeness:  where r u going?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i dunno, where the wind takes me..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i was thinking about walking up to austin soon
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  60 miles or so
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  are you in good shape?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  see, there are certain things you might have a problem with...
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  like, sleeping outside
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and not taking a shower every day
 HerMightyTyeness:  ohhh   
 HerMightyTyeness:  ur a squatter   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im a traveler
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i attend the portable school of life..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  why do people want to settle down when theres so much out there..
 HerMightyTyeness:  because i feel safer this way   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the more you know, the less you need..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hey, im gonna go smoke a cigarette..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  brbin10min
 HerMightyTyeness:  oy   
 HerMightyTyeness:  i want one   
 GO TO HELL PUTO: black...
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  err..-l

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