

 Subject: Re: my latest adventure..


     Excellent stuff Pamela.  It's going straight on my site.  As far as truth.  Like we have our own personal mission, we also have our own personal realities.  What may be true to you is not necessarily true to everbody else.  All these good feelings we experience are labeled to death.  Be it god or some other incarnation.  I prefer to keep it simple.  It's all LOVE.  That's the only label it requires(for me).  

     As different as everybody is, we are all still human beings.  EVERYBODY has it in them.  They're called emotions.  Even all those "criminals" in jails and prison have them.  

     I believe humans to be an instinctly-insecure species who cannot handle the weight of their own existance on their shoulders.  So, THEY create a "god" that explains it all to them.  Why is there so much variety in gods if there is only one truth?  What?  Are people who believe in a different god automatically damned to hell for believing in the wrong thing?  Who the hell is right?  

     As is said in many a bible, forgiveness is divine.  I say let's put the real criminal to death, money.  99% of crimes committed that land people in jails are all rooted in money.  If money didn't exist, those crimes would have never been committed.  So, let's fix it already and make things right.  Let's make everything free, including people in prisons.  Let's give everyone one more chance.  Don't you think if everyone got everything they needed, come what may, they would feel indebted to such generosity and think twice about doing something wrong?

     People in jail don't have to worry about where their next meal is coming from or if they will get wet in tonight's storm.  What?  This is what "criminals" deserve?  A life free of responsibility that is supported by the majority's tax dollars?  Why is this only obvious to me?

Thanks again for writing me back.  It sucks checking my hotmail and it being empty.  I've been so anxious lately.

Peace, sister..

- Victor

P.S.  Check out my site.  I made you an account:


Copy and paste that link into your browser and allow me to blow your mind. :]

>From: "Pamela Sandifer" <>


>Subject: Re: my latest adventure..

>Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 21:47:40 -0500


>Hope will change everything


>We walk the great, everlasting path of life with confidence and 

>integrity. Forging a brilliant realm of indestructible happiness in 

>our hearts and dreams, we advance youthfully, meaningfully and 

>resolutely day after day.


>As long as i possess a lofty philosophy, I can overcome all 

>adversity.  For the unparalleled drama of the human spirit lies in 

>transforming adversity into profound happiness.

>Whatever vexing conflicts I may encounter in life, whatever 

>persecution motivated by vanity and jealousy is directed at me, even 

>though I may be bloodied and battered, I am determined to attain 

>proud victory

>No matter what dastardly, cowardly attack is made on your morale, 

>always remain proud and lead a noble life in the highest of spirits.


>The important thing is how deeply we can be aware of our personal 

>mission.  This is the standard that determines the depth and 

>greatness of our lives.  Being aware of our mission gives birth to 

>strength and hope, and becomes the driving force that enables us to 

>move forward through life's difficulties.

>Everyone has a mission in life.  Not a single human being is without 

>one,  What determines the course of your life is whether you awaken 

>to that mission.



>If you wish to free yourself from the sufferings of birth and death 

>you have endured since time without beginning and to attain without 

>fail unsurpassed enlightenment in this lifetime, you must perceive 

>the mystic truth that is originally inherent in all living beings. 

>This truth is Myoho-renge-kyo.  Chanting Myoho-renge-kyo will 

>therefore enable you to grasp the mystic truth innate in all life.



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