

Massive Head Wound Harry


Serious Injury list?

     Okay, I'm just going to paste this from my old website.  The past never changes,  so shouldn't my head injuries story.  I'm sticking to it.

Head Injured(That explains it, right?)

     Ok, it's only fair that I make you people aware that I have sustained two traumatic brain injuries in my lifetime.  They have not been detrimental in the least.  They have been terrific learning experiences and I feel I am better off having had them.  If I could go back in time and avoid them, I would not.

                                      HAHA, I'LL NEVER LOSE MY SENSE OF HUMOR!   :P

     Head-injury #1.  

     My first head-injury occurred November 6th of 1996, election night(coincidentally).  The night Bill Clinton got reelected.  I had enlisted in the NAVY and my ship-date was November 21st.  

     Why did I join the navy?  Well, I didn't know what I was going to do with my life.  The only interests I had was mountain biking and I wasn't good enough to go race for a living.  I graduated high school in the summer of 96 with a 76 GPA and I felt dumb.  No one was going to hire me, I thought.  The recruiters came to my school and told me everything I wanted to hear.  

     So stupid me, I enlisted.  I was in the delayed-entry program.  

     Right before I joined the NAVY I had bought a non-working 78 Porsche 924 for $1400.  It was going to be my project and I wanted to get it running.  I was 17.  I didn't know how to work on cars or anything.  I just bought parts for it and hoped it would work someday.  I was working at Albertsons and every paycheck went into saving up for that car.  I bought a Jacobs electric ignition for it and everything.  

     I twiddled around with that German piece of crap for 8 months before I finally gave up and threw it in a shop.  In a couple days they got it running.  So when the Navy asked me what my interests were I told them I liked working on cars.   They put me down to become an engineman.  Enginemen are the mechanics that work on the motors of ships/subs.  Wups, this is another story, back to my head-injury. 

     The night of November 6th my friend Darrel Azar had snuck his parents Kia Sephia out of the house and came to pick me up.  We had started hanging out at the all-night Jim's restaurant on Bandera/410.  From this point on I have no memory of what happened, but here is what I was told.  

     Darrel started showing off and speeding down Guilbeau Road which is very hilly.  We ended up T-boning a Ford F-150 going 60mph.  The people in the truck that we hit were some janitors coming out of the parking lot of this daycare center.  

     I'm pretty sure I was wearing my seatbelt like I always do.  My head hit the windshield and I got knocked out.  I am 6'6" and I was in a Kia Sephia.  No broken bones.  I was ambulanced a block away to the Albertsons(where I used to work) and airlifted to BAMC(Brooke Army Medical Center) at Fort Sam Houston.  I was sent to BAMC because they supposedly had the best trauma center in San Antonio.

     I got this big laceration over my right-eye where the windshield had cut.  My eyelid was cut really bad and was hanging off.  The doctors were able to stitch it up and miraculously, the lens of my eye wasn't even scratched.  I had no loss of vision in the eye.  

     I like the scar.  It raises my right eyebrow a bit, giving me this permanent inquisitive look.  I've been told it's sexy, but I just think it makes me a little more unique.

     I was in the intensive care unit at BAMC for 6 days, then transferred to the Rehabilitation Institute of San Antonio in Medical Center.  I was an in-patient at RIOSA for 39 days then 2½ months of outpatient therapy.  

     The doctors said my only remaining deficits were minor short-term memory loss and impulsivity(not thinking things through before doing them).  To that I told them, "What do you have to base anything on? You didn't know me before my accident. Umm, I smoke weed. Who's got a perfect memory? And it's not that I don't think things through before I do them . . . I just think them through real fast."  Stupid doctors. 

     A couple of days after I was in RIOSA, I talked to the Navy and they told me I had a new ship-date.  I was bummed out but I said okay.  After they called I talked to my doctor and he asked me if I wanted to go or not.  I told him that I had already changed my mind about 2 weeks after I swore in and had gone to talk to the chief.  The chief told me that I wasn't a man.  That my friends weren't going to be there for me like the Navy was.  He said I had signed a legal, binding contract and that I had to go, so I thought I had to.  

     Well, the doctor was cool.  He wrote the Navy a letter saying I wasn't fit for active duty.  Bam, medical discharge.  I am soooo glad I had my head-injury.

     One thing I remember about RIOSA was one night I didn't want to lay down in my bed and sleep, so I started walking up and down the halls of the hospital.  I was restless for some reason.  The nurses commanded me to get in bed and I refused, so they strapped me to the bed with a gait-belt.  

     I hated that belt.  I even called the nurses on the intercom and lied to them, saying I had to go to the restroom, just to get them to take if off me and I would start walking down the halls again.  Hey, I know that sounds crazy, but I had just had a head-injury, damnit.  

     So they finally wrestled me back in the bed and fastened the belt again.  I tried to fall asleep but having that belt strapped to me didn't let me.  I tried calling again and telling them that I really, really had to go.  They didn't believe me and told me to stop crying wolf.  Thing is, by that time I really did have to go.  I just turned to one side, undid my pants and peed all over the floor, just because I knew they weren't going to release me again.  

     I waited about another hour then I finally got fed up with the belt.  I grabbed the bed control that was hanging on a metal hook on the rail of the bed and tore the metal hook off of it.  I started chopping away at the thick fabric belt.  After about an hour of chopping I got all the way through it.  I felt like Houdini.  

     I got up and started pacing the halls again with this huge shit-faced grin.  Hehe, the nurses were shocked at my escape.  I walked up to them, looked them straight in the eye and said, "I hate that belt!  Don't you ever put it on me again!"  

     I told them that I was tired enough then to go to sleep and I would, provided they didn't strap me down.  I also told them to clean up the mess I made on the floor or put me in another room.  Hehe, got my way.

     My ex-step dad Luis was an attorney, so of course his firm was hired to settle my case.  Luis' partner Oscar Villarreal ran the show though.  Luckily, Darrel's parents had insurance on the Kia and I was also able to collect some money from the insurance of the janitors in the truck.  After all my hospital and lawyer bills were paid, I ended up with $29,000. 

     So basically, since I don't remember going through any pain it was like I woke up, was in the hospital a bit, and got paid in the end.  Ahh, it felt great having money.

     I blew all of that money in only 8 months.  I wasn't working.  I moved out of my mom's and into an apartment with some friends, bought another Porsche(I know, I hadn't learned my lesson yet) for $6900 and I was eating out all the time.  That car sucked all my money up.  It was a 1986 944 that I had bought out of the classifieds.  It would break down about every two weeks and was always in the shop.  It's because you can't drive them the way their designed to be.  There's no Autobahn here.  

     Everyone who found out I was sitting on some money suddenly became my "friend" and of course, I loved the attention.  So I was happy, temporarily.  Talk about luck, eh? 

     When the money ran out I said, "Oh well, looks like I'm gonna have to get a job like normal people."  I went to West Telemarketing, the highest-paid cheating job in the world.  I'll get into telemarketing on another story.

Head Injury #2

     Okay, four years later.  Next election year, "coincidentally."  October 3rd of 2000, around 10:30pm.  

     I was living with my now ex girlfriend(who thinks I am crazy now) in a nice apartment on Vance Jackson/Huebner.  We got in a bad argument over money or something and I stormed out of the apartment to go buy some cigarettes at the store on the corner.  After I bought my smokes I went for a walk in the neighborhood across the street from my complex.  

     I was walking down Orsinger Lane with my back to traffic, only because I was getting near my apartments and my unit was closer to that side of the road.  I was hit from behind by a car, did a flip in the air and hit my head on the street.  Head-injury #2.  

     I was ambulanced to University Hospital.  I was an inpatient in University Hospital for exactly 30 days, then again 2 months outpatient therapy.  

     This time, I had a noticeable deficit. I acquired a minor, random tremor in my right side.  My arm, leg and jaw would sometimes shake a little.  I also lost a lot of dexterity in my right hand.  I am normally right-handed so my handwriting has been impaired permanently.  

     I have since taught myself to write with my left hand, to compensate.  I'm all about the compensatory-strategies now.  I just make up for stuff.  It doesn't bother me one bit.  I could be dead.  Small price to pay.
     At first, the vision in my lower-left peripheral, when I would glance to the left and down, would double.  That has either gone away or I've gotten used to it, because it doesn't bother me at all now.  Hey, I could be dead. 

     I now always look at the brighter side of everything.  How many people have two closed head-injuries in their lifetime and come out normal(depends on who you ask)?  I also have no memory of this accident.  Lucky me.  The doctors told me that if I hadn't had my first head-injury, my second one would've probably been a bad concussion and now that I've had two, I am twice as likely to have a third, so I should be careful.

     While I was an inpatient, I was placed in the Reeves Rehabilitation Center on the 6th floor of the hospital. I'm not too sure when I start remembering things again, but again, I felt more or less okay.

     Now, because the guy who hit me(I think his last name was Roe) was nice enough to do the right thing and call the ambulance, I didn't sue him.  He could've left me for dead if he wanted to.  I settled with his insurance company.  My old lawyer Oscar Villarreal who had represented me in my first accident was hired by my mother again.  I ended up getting a measly $9,000 chunk.  My lawyer got about the same amount and he didn't have to get hit by a car.  What a jip, eh.

     Anyway, I was a little smarter with this money.  I bought a new computer, of course.  I even bought me a California-king-size bed.  I got some furniture for the apartment and I moved my girlfriend and I into a 900 square foot one bedroom loft in the same complex.  Finally, another car out of the classifieds for $1200. That money went away quick too. Oh well, back to the Telemarketing place.

     And I was due for one this past year. I'm glad I stayed home typing so much. I made it. The election-year curse has been lifted!

- Victor Antonio


     Doesn't everybody see?  I am not supposed to even still be alive!  There is a very powerful good force that is keeping me around, for some reason.  To be the catalyst, to win a peaceful world for our children.  To be a true Victor.  To channel the spirit of Saint Anthony de Padua(who I bear a striking resemblance to).  Lots of other reasons too.  

     This world IS NOT overpopulated, just UNorganized.  If we tidy up a bit we can fit even more genius children in our world.  Then the kids will really be the future.

     The lying media puppets just want to fool you into believing it is.  Don't fall for it.  The world would shake us off like a bad case of fleas, a surface-nuisance, if it viewed humans as a threat to it.

     Plain and simple, the pussy bankers want to depopulate the world BECAUSE FEWER PEOPLE ARE EASIER TO CONTROL.  Duh.

     I KNOW MY PURPOSE.  I know what I was born to do.  I know what I need to do to live up to my name.

     I AM DOING IT.  IT NOT ONLY WILL BE DONE, IT IS IS BEING DONE.  RIGHT NOW.   Turn this thing around.  It's your tomorrow.  Right now, it's everything.  Right now.  Catch your magic moment and do it right here and now.  It means everything.

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