
HoityToity Diana1

 Subj: hey  

Date: 4/16/03 10:57:30 AM Central Daylight Time 

From: HoityToity Diana 



fighting with people online is useless

why do people chat online? cause they crave the social attention they do not receive in real life. online you can be whoever you want without the judging eyes of other people

mind you people online judge ... but their comments are not as valid as someone who isnt online

all these people who tell you... oh i have a life off line... dont

if they did they would not need to constant validation AOL gives them

manny and roland "chat it up" because in real life no one will listen to them

in real life they have no one to talk to

in real life they are losers who will end up spending theirs lives trying to be something more... always wanting something more

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i am going to send a copy of your email to roland and manny, i will keep you anonymous unless you don't care.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  thanks, by the way 

 HoityToity Diana:  ya know victor   

 HoityToity Diana:  manny is just a big pussy   

 HoityToity Diana:  he is fat and lonely   

 HoityToity Diana:  all he has is his job   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  oh yeah, i've known that since the day i met him 

 HoityToity Diana:  he thinks he is smart   

 HoityToity Diana:  but he isnt   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  he doesn't get shit for thinking though 

 HoityToity Diana:  someone must have told him once "good idea" and he ran with it   

 HoityToity Diana:  the thing they were saying about communism   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  yeah, he's just merely following everyone elses lead.. 

 HoityToity Diana:  well... it is a global way of thinking   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i can't blame him though.. 

 HoityToity Diana:  the whole world has to be that way in order for it to work   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i lay the blame on the real criminals, money, greed and ignorance 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  the roots 

 HoityToity Diana:  and you would have to erase the idea of "having more than others" from peoples head   

 HoityToity Diana:  yeah greed   

 HoityToity Diana:  america ... humans are all about greed   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  like i say, anything is possible  

 HoityToity Diana:  it is   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  and you gotta start somewhere 

 HoityToity Diana:  but you are preaching to the wrong people   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  no, i am going to educate the idiots first.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i'm playing this game by my rules 

 HoityToity Diana:  these people would rather die than give up their possessions 

 HoityToity Diana:  nah   

 HoityToity Diana:  you need to get rid of the idiots   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  because plain and simple, there are more idiots out there than educated people.. 

 HoityToity Diana:  they will never be educated   

 HoityToity Diana:  they wont change their mind   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  so i am going to educate them and we will be unstoppable 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  just watch them 

 HoityToity Diana:  im telling ya   

 HoityToity Diana:  once an idiot always an idiot   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  and i'm telling you 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  it's never too late to become what you might've been 

 HoityToity Diana:  ya know   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  do you mind if i forward that email to manny and roland? 

 HoityToity Diana:  yes i do mind   

 HoityToity Diana:  hahaha   

 HoityToity Diana:  haha   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i could just copy it and exclude your sn, if you prefer 

 HoityToity Diana:  yeah   


 HoityToity Diana:  that would be ok   

 HoityToity Diana:  manny tries to fight with me   

 HoityToity Diana:  and i just answer his questions   

 HoityToity Diana:  and he tries to preach to me   

 HoityToity Diana:  and i tell him... i didnt ask   

 HoityToity Diana:  and i dont even know why roland is online   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  hehe, thanks again di :] 

 HoityToity Diana:  ya   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  now would be a perfect time to say you wrote that email 

 HoityToity Diana:  no i wanna see who he thinks wrote it   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  wow, what an interesting day in the sa chat today, eh 

 HoityToity Diana:  about roland   

 HoityToity Diana:  he isnt a bad guy   

 HoityToity Diana:  he is gonna be a teacher   

 HoityToity Diana:  which i think is very admirable 

 HoityToity Diana:  but    

 HoityToity Diana:  until he starts to teach   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  he needs to learn first 

 HoityToity Diana:  he is still online looking for validation   

 HoityToity Diana:  see...he is online now cause he hasnt started to teach   

 HoityToity Diana:  once he does he wont need AOL    

 HoityToity Diana:  so he wont be a loser   

 HoityToity Diana:  manny...   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i wouldn't want to be learning from some aol loser 

 HoityToity Diana:  manny will always be online   

 HoityToity Diana:  haha   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  hehe, i know 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  Subj: Re: look what someone emailed me guys..

Date: 4/16/03 11:40:52 AM Central Daylight Time

From: GuitarForDummys

To: DONT BE WASTEFUL, Roland7350

tell diana i said hi


 HoityToity Diana:  he sent you an email saying to tell me hi?   

 HoityToity Diana:  haha   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  yeah, hehe 

 HoityToity Diana:  haha what an ass   

 HoityToity Diana:  and let me also say   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  because in it i put "she will remain anonymous" 

 HoityToity Diana:  i never said I was not a loser   

 HoityToity Diana:  i am too   

 HoityToity Diana:  we all are losers   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  exactly why i should be trying to live up to my name, dontcha think? 


 HoityToity Diana:  until we self actualized our dreams  

HoityToity Diana:  see these people criticize and never look and around and notice that they are in the same boat 

 HoityToity Diana:  which makes them dumb automatically   

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  "The fellow in the boat with you never bores a hole in it."

- Anonymous 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  if that were only true.. 


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