

  SUCK A BIG DlCK:  hey, wanna have sex? 

 HoneyB479:  i'm only 11 years old   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  wups 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  my bad 

 HoneyB479:  does anyone actually say yes to that crappy line?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  hehe, actually i am doing an experiment for my book on generosity and human-nature.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  it's all a number's game.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  someone will say yes eventually 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  not yet though, i've had a couple maybes 

 HoneyB479:  So your writing a book and this is a study?   

 HoneyB479:  I would have said No cause I'm married and its in my profile   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  oh, so you're saying if you weren't married you would have considered it? 

 HoneyB479:  No, I'm not a whore-in my opinion if they say yes there looking for something they dont have-no not dick-they dont love themself   

 HoneyB479:  But I believe it that you have actually gotten a yes   

 HoneyB479:  it dosent suprise me one bit   

 HoneyB479:  well good luck with your book   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  may i send you what i have so far? 

 HoneyB479:  sure   

 HoneyB479:  what is it?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  you see, up until me, humans have been too preoccupied with treating symptoms(and charging money for it).. 

 HoneyB479:  If you figured out I'm not actually 12   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  well, i believe i have found the cure.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  and i'm gonna give it away.. 

 HoneyB479:  and whats that   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  one second, let me make you a private account on my server.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  ftp://HoneyB479:HoneyB479@ 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  highlight the link, ctrl+C to Copy, ctrl+K for Keyword, ctrl+V to paste, then hit enter.. 

 HoneyB479:  wait I stillhave no idea what your really doing   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i am backing my shit up 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  here, i'll send you emails if you're wary of my server... 

 HoneyB479:  yeah it wants me to download I'm not downloading anything   

 HoneyB479:  been there done that before   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  no need to worry, FTP is a legit internet protocol, you're browser probably needs to be updated.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  but that's cool, i sent you my stuff in email 

 HoneyB479:  ok   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  but, on my server, i log every single conversation i have...and they will be on my site.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  that the whole world will read.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  say hi to your mom, or something 


 HoneyB479:  what is this like a diary?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  nothing but the truth, baby.. 

 HoneyB479:  and why are you doing this?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  no, it is the ultimate form of self-expression 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  why? 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  because somebody has to 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  before it's too late.. 

 HoneyB479:  too late for what?   

 HoneyB479:  are you still in jail?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  no 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i guilted my mom into bailing me out after 6 days.. 

 HoneyB479:  and what were you in there for?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i have a court date may 1st 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  read my stuff and get to know me.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  ALL questions will be answered in my stuff 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i am an open book 

 HoneyB479:  My husband works for the Wilson County Sheriff's Department-lol   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  lol 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  read my stuff and tell me if you think i have a case then 

 HoneyB479:  Who are you putting a lawsuit on?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  the guy who kidnapped me at gunpoint 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  and possibly hays county 

 HoneyB479:  opps havent gotten that far   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  yeah it's a lengthy read.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i discuss the current issue on 7a, 7b 

 HoneyB479:  inoticed   

 HoneyB479:  you dont work do you?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  sure i do.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i just don't get paid money for it.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i feel it's my job to make humans elite.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  this species ain't your fucking industry.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  :] 

 HoneyB479:  why?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  somebody has to.. 

 HoneyB479:  why you?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i'm just trying to live up to my name 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  and why not? 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  because it feels like i am the only one the answer has been made obvious to.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i feel i am the one who's supposed to open everyone's eyes.. 

 HoneyB479:  to what?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  you call me The Liberator 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  hehe 

 HoneyB479:  I dont see your point   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  the truth 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  why are you in such a hurry? 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  read my stuff 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  all will be explained 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  let me show you how crazy i really am.. 

 HoneyB479:  I'm not in a hurry I'm actually watchinga bitch in welp right now live on the web   

 HoneyB479:  I'm egtting the clue   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  so if you're not 11, how old are you? 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  ok, let me tell you my mission objectives which should spark your interest a little more.. 

 HoneyB479:  go ahead   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  with the internet, i plan to eliminate money, make everything free and bring world peace... 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  and 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i've got it all figured out 

 HoneyB479:  and you think you will get this?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  all in due time.. 

 HoneyB479:  For one without cars what will we do?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  we have two legs for a reason and it's not to push the gas and the brake.. 

 HoneyB479:  No money-lol tahts a joke and will never happen   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  walk and ride the bus.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  well, with today's technology...just sit back and watch one person make a global-difference.. 

 HoneyB479:  youknow I live in a small town and do you know how long it will take me to get to HEB?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  well if you read again, i did say get rid of cars in big cities.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  everything in moderation.. 

 HoneyB479:  lol you have alot to do then   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  sure do 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i'm only telling you so when it happens 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  you'll know who was responsible.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  :] 

 HoneyB479:  how old are you?   

 HoneyB479:  tell me?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  how old would you guess i was? 

 HoneyB479:  young   

 HoneyB479:  in your 20's   

 HoneyB479:  probably late 20's   

 HoneyB479:  am I close?   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  hehe, kids have always known better.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  and i'm going to prove that.. 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  i turned 25 last groundhogs day 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  feb 2 

 HoneyB479:  lol I'm smart   

 HoneyB479:  well better go Hubbys home   

 HoneyB479:  bye   

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  you're logical 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  ok honey, it was great talking to you 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  don't let him see my screen name 

 SUCK A BIG DlCK:  hehe 

 HoneyB479:  you too   


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