


     ok, i want to let everyone know about this because anyone with an internet connection now has the choice to pay for stuff or not.  now, instead of paying your hard-earned cash, you are able to just download things.  as long as its in byte-form, you can get it for free on the web if you know where to look.  you can download new movies that are still in theaters, new games, new programs, pornography, you name it.  basically anything people desire thats been digitized, which is almost everything now, can just be downloaded for free.  aint technology grand.  software companies want as few people to know about this as possible, because they know theres no stopping it.  so, here you go, detailed instructions on how to get started saving lots of money.

from aol:

     Click on the Private Chat button and go to private room: cerver.  Cerver is usually full, so try Cerver2, Cerver3, Cerver4 and so on, until you get into a room.   in Cerver rooms people run email-servers containing pirated software.

     ok, look for something like this:
UPS r0xz 0n: •UPS• epidemic xp serving 21613 mails my list
UPS r0xz 0n: •UPS• "/edro" send x; x-y[2000]; x,y,z[10] my list
UPS r0xz 0n: •UPS• "/edro" find x; x,y,z[5]; mn:3|max:20 my list

     before, and im sure youll run into some that are still doing it, one would type "/edro send list" and before you knew it, you had a list in your email containing all the things the server had available.  let me show you an example:

[1] - •UPS• Wutch.v1.0.WinALL.Cracked-BLiZZARD [1/1]
[2] - •UPS• Winternals_ECSF_V1.0_Retail-FCN [1/1]
[3] - •UPS• WinRescue.XP.v1.07.26.WinXP.Regged-ACME [1/1]
[4] - •UPS• WinMPG.Video.Convert.v2.10.WinALL.Cracked-BLiZZ
[5] - •UPS• WinMPG.Video.Convert.v2.10.WinALL.Cracked-BLiZZ
[6] - •UPS• WebGet.v1.0.WinALL.CRACKED-LUCiD [1/1]
[7] - •UPS• WebGet.v1.0.Keygen.Only-EPS [1/1]
[8] - •UPS• WebcamXP.PRO.v1.00.244.WinAll-PH [1/1]
[9] - •UPS• UltraEdit.v9.20b.Incl.Keygen-EPS [1/1]

     you see how every item is numbered?  lets say you wanted that webcamxp pro software.  you would simply type "/edro send 8" in the chat room.  soon, you would have the software in your mail ready to download, FOR FREE.  
     things have been changing a little and now servers dont need to send you a list first.  now they can have a link like where it says "my list" that you can click on and the list with the numbered items pop up which you can scroll down and see what they got.  just watch what other people in the room do and youll pick up on it by yourself.  its truly very simple and anyone can do it.
     there has been a pirated software scene on aol since it began.  the name for the rooms used to be "server", but aol made it to where you cant name a room that anymore.  right after aol did that, people just made a new private room, cerver.  you see, you cant stop bytes.  
     aol truly doesnt give a damn about its members.  theyre not going to go through the trouble and cost of tracing and litigating all the people getting software for free through their service.  it wouldnt be cost-effective to them, and we all know all aol cares about is money.  they just ignore it.  why would aol care if they lose members when theres thousands more ready to sign up for new accounts?  
     dont get paranoid, youll never get busted.  imagine the publicity piracy would get it they criminalized it.  then people would see how easy it is not to pay for stuff and EVERYONE would be doing it.
     even if they were to bust you, you could tell them, "why arent you busting the people im getting it from?  eliminating the end-user doesnt solve anything.  theres people out there that do this shit for a living almost, go bust them."  you can compare software-piracy to alcohol in the twenties.  its just too widespread to control.  if they come after you, they have to go after everyone.  dont we deserve equal treatment under the law?  like i said, you cant stop bytes.  theres more than one way to skin a cat.

     now, i havent paid for aol since 1997.  getting free access is just plain simple.  aol has a knack for making everything very simple.  therefore, it attracts a lot of fools.  theres tons of people out there that have easy-to-guess passwords like 'password' and 'aol123'.
     theres programs out there where you can load up a list of screen names and a list of possible passwords and it goes through and tries each combination.  its just a numbers game.  eventually youll find matches.  with someones password you can log onto their accounts, check their email and do whatever you want on it.  
     there are two different types of accounts on aol.  there are master accounts, which is the first screen name you create.  with a master account, you can create sub accounts, up to 6 for each master account.  this way, i can make whatever screen name i want.  i can also behave however i want to, also.  i dont have to worry about aol's rules because if i get reported and the account dies, oh well, it wasnt my account to begin with.  if i lose it, next.
     if you want to learn how to exploit aol and use anti-aol programs, download them from and go to private room: phishy and ask around if you cant figure it out.
     ok, thats how you get free shit off aol.

from IRC:

     now, let me tell you about internet relay chat(IRC).  irc is the free global chat service that has been around since the birth of the internet.  you can talk to anyone in the world on irc for free.  all you need is an internet connection.  
     you can download irc at  on the left side, click on the link labeled "Download mIRC".  Scroll down the list and select the state youre in to download the program.
     the same things apply to IRC than with AOL.  youll NEVER get busted.  i know of people that have been downloading stuff for over 10 years.  here are instructions for installing and using mIRC to get free shit:

1.  double-click on mirc603.exe that you just downloaded.

2.  click "next" and then "yes"

3.  on the next window leave everything how it is and click "install"

4.  it will install and tell you that installation was successful.  put a check mark in the box labeled "Launch mIRC" and click on "Finish".

5.  you will now see a little box with the picture of the author.  if you dont want this box to pop up everytime you launch the program, click on the little ex in the bottom, left hand corner.

6.  now you have a window labeled "mIRC Options".  in the top drop-down box where it says "IRC Network"  scroll down and select "Undernet"(server where all the free shit is).  

7.  fill in the blanks with your full name, email address, nick-name(sn) you will use and a backup nick unless what you want is already in use at the moment.  it can all be false information, dont put your real name.

8.  click on the "Connect to IRC Server" button.  if it doesnt connect to one, it should try again by itself.  if it hangs there for a long time, click on the second icon up on top with the folder and hammer and pick the next Undernet server manually and hit Connect again.

9.  when you sign on to the server, youll see all this text scroll by and a new window
should pop up labeled "mIRC Channels Folder" telling you to enter the name of the channel(chatroom) to join.  ex out that window, you dont need it yet.      

10.  click on the icon that looks like a globe labeled "list channels"(or hit alt+L).  in the "match text" box type in "warez" and click on "get list!".  it will go through and scan all the available channels on IRC with the word "warez" in them and give you a big list.  "warez" is the slang term used to denote pirated software.  afterwards, you can just click on the list channels icon again, and hit "apply" to bring up the same list.

     now, there are many ways to transfer files on mIRC.  thats what the program is all about.  

     when you visit the warez rooms, you may run across people advertising their own servers for anyone to download from.  with some of these servers(fservers) there will be a trigger you must type in and say in the room.  a trigger is just some selected text that lets the server know you want to download from him/her.  after entering the trigger you will be prompted to accept a chat session with that person.   
     if you know DOS, it helps here. you wont be talking to the person.  youll be talking to their file-server.  after you accept it and the chat window opens up, type in "dir" to see what the person has available to download.  anything without a . and an extension is a directory on their hard-drive.  if you want to see whats in the directory, highlight the name(because all you have to do to copy is highlight on irc, you dont have to hit ctrl+c or edit>copy), type "cd [name of directory you just copied]" and hit enter.  cd is the old dos command for 'change directory'.   files in directories have a '.' and extension(three letters denoting type of file) after them.  
     if you find a file you want to download, highlight the name of the file and type in "get [filename]" and hit enter.  the server should send it to you.
     there might be certain settings you need to configure before you can receive files.  ask people in the channel for help.
     now there are also plenty of FTP sites on irc.  FTP stands for file-transfer protocol.  basically, you can get a windows-explorer style view of someone elses hard drive and just drag and drop to download files.  you will need an ftp program.  you can get one at
     to log onto someone elses hard drive via FTP, you need to know their IP address(or web address),login and password, and port number.  you enter those into the FTP program and it tries to log on.  a lot of the times there are too many people already logged on to the server and it wont let you.  just keep trying different servers, its all a numbers game.  patience is virtue.  when you have free shit to motivate you, nothing can stop you.

     ok, that should be all you need to get started.  youre gonna have questions, im sure. dont be afraid to just ask in the channel/room.  observe what other people are doing and mimic them.  if you questions that no one will answer, email me at

     see, if enough people find out about this, its only a matter of time before we do away with money and bring world peace.  as long as its in byte-form, you can get it for free on the web.  you just have to know where to look.  im only trying to expedite human-evolution here.  

so help me out and forward this to every person you know.

- victor


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