

 From: "dont worryboutit" <> [Save Address] [Block Sender] 

              To: "jeffrey west" <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Subject: Victor Antonio from San Antonio

Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 22:35:20 +0800


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Victor the Liberator

    Hello, my name is Victor Antonio. I am 26 years old. I am from

San Antonio, TX. I am a long-distance walker/journalist. Or at least

that's what I like to call myself. With the Internet I have

discovered a way to fight the world's greatest problem. What would

you say that is? I say it's ignorance. The root of all problems, if

you ask me. Nobody listens. We're not learning. We're not evolving.

We are stuck. The technology is here. We already know better...but we

are still killing the world and nobody cares. 

    With the Internet(and you're going to think I'm crazy, just like

I want you to) I plan to eliminate money, make everything free, prove

that it's human-nature to be generous and bring world peace. I am

going to get rid of cars in big cities, make everybody healthy(and

height/weight proportionate) and save the ozone layer. AND, I am

going to get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out. I've got it

ALL figured out. 

     I will tell you exactly how I plan to do this if you are willing

to pay attention, and only then. I hate wasting my time. This project

of mine takes precedence over anything else you have to do. I am

bringing world peace. 

    What are some problems you run across when you have a new idea

and are trying to get it out? Well, for one, if you are telling your

ideas orally, by mouth, you sometimes run into the problem of not

remembering the whole story, so you're not as effective as you want,

because no one is perfect. Second, mainly, you have ignorance. People

are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways. Deathly afraid of

change even if it's for the better. They won't even listen to you.

They think you're crazy. 

    I have found a way to jump both of these hurdles with the

Internet. What I will do is run an FTP server off my computer giving

anyone in the world access to my hard-drive. Only the files and

directories I want them to access. On my hard-drive I will have a

directory with all my ideas. Just plain simple text files that anyone

can read with any web browser. Simple webpage. Text, no graphics.

This way, people can read my stuff uncensored, first off. At their

discretion, they can finish it when they want to. But, every single

time the whole story will be told. It just seems to me that's what

the Internet is for. It's a global-medium. It's not part of the


    Guess what I am basing all this freedom on. The pirated-software

scene on the Internet where everything is free already and has been

since the birth of the Internet. You can download new movies still in

theaters and watch them at home for free. Any music you want out

there, you don't have to pay for it. Hell, I even had Windows XP

months before it was even released. 

     It is an accepted-underworld. Companies will spend more money

tracing and litigating each person doing it than they are already

making from all the suckers paying for it anyway. It's not

cost-effective to them so they just ignore it. It's sort of like

alcohol in the 20's, just way too widespread to control. So, what I'm

gonna do is just tell everybody. I'll massmail detailed instructions

on how to get free stuff off the Internet, so everybody stops paying

for things and we have to get rid of money. 

     What bigger sign do we need? There is a way to get things, not

pay for them and get away with it, that anyone can do. It's the next


    You can't stop bytes. 

    Wouldn't you work for free if all your needs were taken care of

and you didn't have any bills? So you wouldn't be bored at home all

day? Provided you had a job you enjoyed? Well, if everybody else was

doing that, what would we need money for? It's the root of all evil,

just like it's always been said. When I ask people this question

sometimes they reply with, "Wait, that's communism. It's already

been tried and it doesn't work." Well, what's the root word of

communism? Commune, community. Communism didn't work in it's time

because the technology was not there to support it(like it is now).

Let's not call it communism, though. That name has a bad stigma.

Let's just call it what it really is. Freedom. 

    Then people tell me, "Money is not the root of all evil. The

love of money is the root of all evil." Well, if money didn't

exist, what would there be to love? Wouldn't getting rid of money be

worth getting rid of all evil? 

    Just think, if things didn't possess a monetary-value, would

people steal? Even if they did, the stuff stolen could be replaced

easily if everything was free. 

    I say everybody just keep their same job, as long as they like

doing it, just do it for free. It all comes back to you. Then people

tell me, "Oh, what about jobs people don't like doing like

garbageman or sanitation worker?" After eliminating money when

those jobs don't get done the demand for them will increase and nice,

generous people will do them. Just because they need to be done. It's

simple supply and demand. 

    In the end we would just stop doing things we don't need to do. 

    As far as cars go. I think the end of this world(or at least life

as we know it) is going to come, not when Jesus comes back or

anything like that, but when that invisible ozone layer up in the

sky, that is there to protect us from all the cancer-causing rays of

the sun is there no longer. People will drop like flies from skin

cancer and it will all be because of our modern invention, the

internal-combustion engine. The end of life as we know it will be

mankind's own fault(unless I do something about it). 

     Even if we could design a car that didn't pollute at all(which

the technology is here for already, but we don't use it because it

doesn't make money)cars would still be 60mph bullets that kill

people. It's a known fact that everybody makes mistakes. Mistakes in

cars just happen to kill people. Is it really that convenient? 

     I haven't been sick in over four years, since my car broke down

and I had to walk and ride the bus. Walking is the secret to life. If

you take care of the body it takes care of itself. Walking is a full

body exercise, working even the mind. I have excellent muscle tone

just because I walk. I'm 6'6" and I only weigh 160lbs. That may

sound underweight, but there's barely any body fat. I am not skinny.

I am streamlined. 

     Cars are death machines. Cars have made everybody lazy,

impatient and overweight. We have two legs for a reason and it's not

to push the gas and the brake. Walking and riding the bus will teach

you patience and delayed-gratification. Remember, good things come to

those who wait. Why is everybody in such a hurry? 

    The little money I spend walking and riding the bus beats the

hell out of a car payment, insurance, gasoline and maintenance. Not

to mention, the risk of dying in a car accident. Don't you have

better things to spend your hard-earned money on? 

    Oh yeah, but walking doesn't make money. It saves it. 

    Okay, here is what everyone is waiting for. As far as marijuana

goes. Is it just a coincidence that two, naturally-occurring things

in this world, humans and marijuana, have a certain reaction when you

put them together? Is it just a coincidence we have THC receptors in

our brains? It is here for us to use in moderation and responsibly

like everything else. I mean, how can alcohol be legal?! Now, what do

you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and

smoked some weed? 

    They didn't call them peace-pipes for nothing. 

    I repeat, how can alcohol be legal?! Drunk people do things sober

people wouldn't. It takes control of your mind. Oh yeah, it's so

cost-effective that it doesn't matter(note the sarcasm). Look at all

the lives it claims. Oh yeah, people get addicted to it and it makes

tons of money. Even from the deaths and hospital bills which stem

from it. The government is cashing in on all this misery. They seem

to like it. 

    Then there's the people that say, "I don't smoke because

weed is illegal." I tell them, "And what? You trust our

goverment? The same goverment that is killing the world?" 

    Marijuana will always be readily-available. Do you know why?

Because you can't stop life! So, the government turns it into a

money-making "drug" and brainwashes everyone into thinking

it is too. The government knows the legalization of marijuana will be

the catalyst to world peace and everybody knows peace isn't

cost-effective. Neither is good health. As long as marijuana stays

illegal it is making the government money by busting people for it.

They just see it as a cash-crop that will never stop paying off,

because so many people know better and smoke it. They really don't

give a damn. 

    Marijuana is a safe, organic peaceful enhancement. Nothing more. 

    You can't stop life. 

    Ok, now that you are aware of my platform I can continue with the

story and it will make sense. Actually, It's more of a legend. 

    Since I walk so much in San Antonio I have made myself as

independant from money as possible. Anytime I get hungry I'll walk

into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager. I tell

him/her, "Hi, my name is Victor. I am a long-distance walker. I

don't suppose you would care to donate any gasoline for my stomach?

Hey, if it's a big problem and you can't afford it, don't worry about

it. I'm sure the next place I walk by will be generous and help me

out." Dude, everybody hooks me up. Like 98% of places. Which

just goes to prove that not only is it human-nature to be generous

and that we don't need money to live, but also that there is an

accepted loss that every company figures into their finances that

makes it okay not to always charge for it. They just write it off.

Money is just a game you can choose not to play. 

    Now, I'm not a beggar. I am not a taker. When I give people the

choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision. I am not

twisting anyone's arm. I am giving people the chance to feel good

about themselves. There is an exchange taking place. How many people

do you know will do something for nothing? Ask and thou shall

receive, no? I am only practicing what I preach. 

    The only thing I beg for is to differ. 

    In my possession I have over 6,000 people's email addresses. I

have been hard at work for years now. I walk up to random strangers

and ask, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? I am not

asking for anything. I just want you to listen." Every bus

driver hears my story. Every pretty girl on the bus. Hell, even the

ugly ones. My story is for everyone. As I was saying, I have over

6,000 people who will listen to every single word I say. I am jumping

the ignorance-barrier. It's going to spread like wildfire. 

    Let me tell you exactly what I have been doing for world peace

for the last three years. Me and me alone. I have had a minicassette

recorder with me at all times. I have just been logging my life.

Every detail. Whatever happens. I just recap every moment. My book is

writing itself. Nothing but the truth. I have headphones and I type

it all up. Time-stamps and everything. I transcribe it. It's simple.

I just send an email to myself. I am a one-man organization. Anyone

can do it. It's not rocket-science. I can go into almost any college

and use their computers in the library for free. Why pay to go to


    See, when my stuff hits the Internet, all these free rides I've

had to the West Coast and back, these magical adventures, following

signs, it is going to serve as proof in black and white. Nobody is

going to believe one guy could have made up so much stuff(I take

pictures too, over 2000 so far). It will be evidence we don't need

money to live. It will be The Better Book. 

    Don't you think the 100% true story of some guy who is walking

around the country telling people he's going to get marijuana

legalized and bring world peace and their reaction to that, the

places he goes, the people who help him and prove him right. Don't

you think that would be the most interesting story in the world?

Don't you think that would be an accurate state of the union? I am

going to bring the truth out of hiding and educate the masses. With

today's technology just sit back and watch one person make a global


    Let me tell you about my army. It's my generation and younger,

it's all the kids who don't think I'm crazy and belong in a state

hospital. With many exceptions. There are lots of cool older people

out there too. The way I see it, there is more of us than there are

of them. Global revolution. Kids against the parents. Let's make

things right before it's too late. It's our world they're destroying.

Kids are the future. I am going to prove, without a doubt, that

evolution exists. 

    Don't worry, it will be a peaceful revolution. I promise. 

    Now, I am well-aware that I might even be assasinated for having

all these great ideas. But, I take great comfort in knowing that if I

am killed not only would I die a martyr(because I am doing no wrong),

but my mission would be accomplished even sooner. My shit's already

on the Internet. Just imagine the publicity my death or dissapearance

would attract. Everybody would want to know what the guy who died for

the world wrote. It would just blow the lid on it. One life to save

billions. I would die one happy man. It would be a sacrifice to

benefit the all. Like I say, I can't, for the life of everybody, find

anything better to do. I am living proof we don't need money to work.

We don't need money to help. 

    You can't stop freedom. 

    When I prove that Karma really does exist and it really does come

back to you, people will think twice before doing bad things. I

seriously pity the individual, or group of individuals who plot my

assasination. Just look at all the work I have been doing to bring

world-peace. Can you just imagine the curse that will strike them and

their family members down for the rest of eternity? In the end

justice will be done. Plus, I bet you all the money in the world that

if I am killed, I'll get resurrected, hehe. 

    San Antonio is where it all starts. There's no place like home.

San Antonio is my headquarters. It's where all the love is. Deep in

the heart of Texas. My middle name is Antonio. I am San Antonio. 

    So remember, my name is Victor Antonio from San Antonio. When it

happens just know who was responsible. Actually, I'm not stupid. I

know world peace is going to have to be everybody's fault(at least

all the kid's). I'll just be the catalyst. 

    Now, I want everyone to do me a couple favors. I want you to all

think I'm crazy. That's the only reason I haven't been assasinated

yet, because no one is taking me seriously. Second, I want you all to

doubt me, that I can do this. It will make my victory so much


    I am a walking, talking self-fulfilling prophecy. It's going to

happen someday. Let's make it sooner than later. 

    Through word-of-mouth let it be known. The man who spends his

life on a mission, he's legendary. Traveling from coast to coast. I'm

the contemporary Johnny Appleseed. I'm just making sure that my

garden grows. I'll plant the seed in every town I go. 

That's a NOFX song. I already have a soundtrack. 

You can't stop bytes. 

You can't stop life. 

You can't stop freedom. 

You can't stop Victor. 

You can only get in my way. 

And exactly what are you doing for world peace? Besides fueling the

evil machine preventing it. 



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