

 Session Start: Tue Sep 05 10:12:18 2023

[10:12.19] ->> JustBeKalm is (...)

[10:12.19] ->> JustBeKalm is on: #Civics #newsgarden #Gulag #political 

[10:12.19] ->> JustBeKalm using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[10:12.19] ->> JustBeKalm 17 secs seconds idle, signon time 3:30 PM 9/5/2023

[10:12.19] ->> JustBeKalm :End of /WHOIS list.

[10:12.45] <wptmj> you may be agnostic, but I am almost positive you believe in LOVE, right?

[11:07.16] *** Server disconnected on Seattle.WA.US.Undernet.Org

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