

Session Start: Fri Aug 04 01:26:14 2023

[13:26.15] ->> KarenAnne_ is ~KarenAnne@ (KarenAnne)

[13:26.15] ->> KarenAnne_ is on: #masturbation +#Moms 

[13:26.15] ->> KarenAnne_ using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[13:26.15] ->> KarenAnne_ 20 secs seconds idle, signon time 7:06 PM 8/4/2023

[13:26.15] ->> KarenAnne_ :End of /WHOIS list.

[13:26.16] <wptmj> do you like raunchy jokes?

[13:26.24] <KarenAnne_> sometimes

[13:27.02] <wptmj> i've got tame and cute jokes too :]

[13:27.42] <wptmj> i also have intelligent conversation if you enjoy that

[13:28.48] <wptmj> Is it true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away?  

[13:28.54] <wptmj> Or is that just one of granny's myths?

[13:28.57] <wptmj> :P

[13:29.06] <KarenAnne_> kiwi and bitter melion

[13:29.23] <wptmj> new zealand?  i dated a kiwi once

[13:29.38] <wptmj> friggin psycho

[13:29.41] <wptmj> :P

[13:29.56] <KarenAnne_> yes   fuji islanders are better

[13:30.21] <wptmj> where are you?

[13:30.32] <KarenAnne_> i cant quite figure it out

[13:30.51] <wptmj> right, is the world a globe? is it flat?  who the hell knows

[13:31.06] <KarenAnne_> parabola

[13:31.11] <wptmj> we are being deceived

[13:31.26] <KarenAnne_> by whom

[13:31.33] <wptmj> sacred geo

[13:31.48] <wptmj> by the devil pretending to be god

[13:31.58] <KarenAnne_> ying and yang

[13:32.06] <wptmj> and the toxic suicidal ideation 

[13:32.22] <KarenAnne_> flying spaghetti monster

[13:32.27] <wptmj> bad does not need to exist for there to be good!

[13:32.34] <wptmj> we can learn better and stop the bad, damnit!

[13:32.36] <KarenAnne_> 42

[13:32.43] <wptmj> 45 here

[13:33.02] <KarenAnne_> no...that is not my is the meaing oflife

[13:33.23] <wptmj> figured you would explain :P

[13:33.46] <KarenAnne_> Subgenius

[13:33.58] <KarenAnne_> i am 38 div mom and jacobin

[13:33.58] <wptmj> chess player :]

[13:34.28] <wptmj> ever heard of a lancet fluke?

[13:35.12] <KarenAnne_> is that in the liver

[13:36.27] <wptmj> very good, yes, they call them liver flukes

[13:36.54] <wptmj> i came across a great ted talk the other day pertaining to dagerous memes

[13:37.00] <KarenAnne_> ok

[13:37.02] <wptmj> an old one

[13:37.16] <KarenAnne_> about flukes

[13:37.51] <wptmj> comparing them to toxic ideas in humans

[13:38.07] <wptmj> it was so good i typed up the first five minutes of it

[13:38.24] <wptmj> please read its not long

[13:38.27] <wptmj> +

[13:38.48] <wptmj> if you dont want to click i can copy and paste, if you are interested

[13:39.00] <wptmj> dont mean to bombard your attention like this

[13:39.09] <wptmj> you are free to ignore me :]

[13:39.35] <KarenAnne_> its 42

[13:40.11] <wptmj> ok i know you want me to ask now :P

[13:40.20] <wptmj> how is 42 the meaning of life?

[13:40.32] <KarenAnne_> its 6x7

[13:40.32] <wptmj> numerology?

[13:41.14] <KarenAnne_> phycology

[13:41.15] <wptmj> i once had my numerology done in San Luis Obispo.  Lady told me i was a master teacher

[13:41.18] <KarenAnne_> Fudd's Law

[13:41.18] <wptmj> whatever that means

[13:41.32] <KarenAnne_> If you push something hard enough, it will fall over.

[13:41.52] <wptmj> hell, i want to obliterate it :P

[13:42.20] <KarenAnne_> push hard

[13:42.53] <wptmj> i'm not pushng the envelope

[13:43.00] <wptmj> i am shredding it :P

[13:43.17] <wptmj> Sign on meternty room door:  

[13:43.25] <wptmj> "PUSH PUSH PUSH"

[13:43.31] <wptmj> :P

[13:43.47] <KarenAnne_> are you enjoying yourself

[13:44.10] <wptmj> against the assualt of laughter nothing can stand!

[13:44.26] <wptmj> hell yeah, this beats jerking off any day :]

[13:44.36] <KarenAnne_> oh i dont believe that

[13:45.14] <wptmj> Most people take sex jokes too far.  

[13:45.18] <wptmj> I mean, CUM on, people!

[13:46.35] <wptmj> My pet rock leaves pebbles all over the house.

[13:46.57] <KarenAnne_> we need to renegotiate

[13:47.09] <wptmj> there needs to be a truce

[13:47.19] <wptmj> and redistribution

[13:47.26] <KarenAnne_> i am with you on this

[13:48.04] <wptmj> the children need to stand up and be counted

[13:48.13] <wptmj> theres way more kids than anyone!

[13:48.29] <wptmj> its simple evolution!

[13:48.52] <wptmj> please read my hopeful blog if you're really with me on this

[13:48.58] <wptmj> its not religious! i promise!

[13:49.01] <KarenAnne_> i will soon

[13:49.01] <wptmj> :P

[13:49.11] <KarenAnne_> i am a freelance monotheist

[13:49.54] <wptmj> i think god is the simple personification of LOVE!  god pretends to be LOVE!

[13:50.17] <wptmj> thats the great deception talked about in the book!

[13:50.33] <wptmj> demiurge

[13:50.57] <KarenAnne_> coconut water

[13:51.56] <wptmj> diatomaceous earth

[13:52.11] <KarenAnne_> dortmunder lager

[13:52.58] <wptmj> umm, turnbeutel :P

[13:54.07] <KarenAnne_> Erector set

[13:55.21] <wptmj> Why isn't there democracy in North Korea? 

[13:55.28] <wptmj> Because every time they try to pronounce "election" everyone starts to giggle.

[13:55.58] <KarenAnne_> pesidential erection

[13:56.03] <KarenAnne_> makes sense in the usa

[13:56.42] <wptmj> here's something else that makes sense

[13:56.45] <wptmj> +

[13:57.42] <wptmj> ive had that memorized for over twenty years and i orate it every chance i get

[13:57.43] <KarenAnne_> without chemicals, he points

[13:57.55] <wptmj> people LOVE it

[13:58.03] * KarenAnne_ (~KarenAnne@ Quit (EOF from client)

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