

 Oh Kati,
     What a magical weekend I have had.  See, the Bob Marley Fest was in town.   Let me tell you about Marley Fest last year first(in case I never did, if I have I'm sorry, hehe).  
     I was just out scorin' courtesy rides on the bus one day.  I wound up at Travis Park dowtown.  I was just standing there eating a hotdog when some kid walks by me, sees my rainbow beanie and asks me if I'm going to Marley.  I hadn't even heard it was in town.  I told him, "Nah, I don't believe in paying for music."  He tells me, "Then sneak in with us."  I thought about it for like a ¼ of a second and I go, "OK!"  
     So bam, I hit Marley Fest.  They were having it at the Sunken Gardens outside theater.  We rode the #8 bus there, went and smoked some weed in these woods closeby and snuck in a big hole in the fence.  I don't know why they've never fixed it.  It's been there for years.  Anyway, I walk through the hole and behold, STONERS EVERYWHERE.  The entire back of the theater, up in all these boulders, were just filled with stoners puffing on weed.  I was in awe.  
     A couple hours passed and it dawned on me, "I need to fly my sign here."  I needed a marker.  Well, the very first girl I asked out of the crowd had a black Sharpie.  Then, I went to some vendor and I asked them if they had an empty cardbourd box.  He looks around and tells me no.  Then, right at the last second he goes, "Wait, I can empty one out for you."  Bam, supplies.  I made up my sign quick.  The same one I had in Berkeley stating all my mission objectives topped off with, "just doin' it for the cause."  
     Off I went showing my sign to all the stoners.  It got an excellent reaction.  Everybody was receptive to it.  I even had this girl smile and tell me, "I know you can do it."  It was later in the afternoon and I realized I would have a lot of trouble flying my sign in the dark.  Well, lucky for me I always had this little light diode hooked to my cariber(same one I had in Arcata, still have/use it).  I was just walking up to people asking them to read my sign and shining the light on it.  Perfection.

     Well, I had been waiting for Marley Fest again all year.  I knew it was in April, but not sure exactly when.  Last week someone told me Marley Fest was on the 3rd!  I was psyched.  
     Hold on, I had a pretty busy weekend scheduled.  I had made it a point to show up at First Friday on St. Mary's.  It's this cool event they have on the first Friday of every month where people sell their crafts and stuff.  I was gonna show up to spread some peace.  I got there around 7pm, but it wasn't too crowded.  They had loud music all over so I said, "Forget it.  I need to tell people my story."

----- Original Message -----
From: Kati Texas <>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 13:13:17 -0800 (PST)
To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: Re: Is there anybody out there?

> Glorious,
> I don't have much time to write now, I need to get to
> work, but I wanted to write and tell you taht I love
> you.  I think about you often, and I miss you.  I'm so
> happy that things are working out for you at home.
> Keep working towards your goal!  I'll be there at the
> finish line (so to speak)
> Love and Kisses,
> KatiTexas
> --- Victor Antonio <> wrote:
> > Hi again Kati-Pie,
> >      Good to hear from you.  Let me answer those
> > questions you had.  San Antonio is just beautiful.
> > I am so damn proud of my hometown.  It's a magical
> > place.  A couple days ago I was on the riverwalk by
> > the mall and I stumbled onto a statue I had never
> > seen.  It was of San Antonio.  I really wish I would
> > have had a camera.  It's kinda weird, but I actually
> > resemble him.  I will definitely go back and get a
> > picture when I get another
> > camera.  Oh yeah, the weather has been just heavenly
> > lately.  I rarely have to put my army pants on.
> > Umm, I crash at my mom's house most of the time, so
> > I don't usually sleep outside.  I hear crickets
> > sometimes, hehe.  As far as frogs go, I see them
> > sometimes in the ponds when I'm hiking, but there
> > aren't that many anywhere else.
> >      Lately I have been waking up early, like 5 or 6
> > and going on my daily 5 mile nature hike to the
> > Walmart where I catch the buses.  Whichever bus
> > gives me the courtesy ride, that's where I go.  I
> > can work everywhere.  I hang out at Travis Park
> > until they feed at noon.  Then, on a full stomach I
> > go to San Antonio College and type up my chapters.
> > Then, at night I catch the last bus to my old
> > telemarketing job and take a 7-mile nature hike back
> > to my mom's.  Like I say, I have a full-time job.  I
> > don't get days off.  My mom has chilled out a lot
> > and we get along much better.  She has accepted me
> > so much more.  I think it's because she sees me
> > actually getting up early and leaving the
> > house(before her even).  Hell, she's my mom.
> >      My mission is evolving beautifully.  Just today
> > my mom is going to make me some business cards with
> > my email address.  I have a plan.  Since I have
> > saturated this town with my presence and everybody
> > knows about my plan, I am going to stand on the
> > intersection of Loop 410 and Fredericksburg and fly
> > a sign.  It will read, "Spare change for supplies.
> > On my way to save the world."  I would have already
> > gone out there, but I want to have business cards I
> > can give the people who prove me right so I can
> > follow up with them.  I'll tell them, "Send me an
> > email and I'll tell you how."  Things should be
> > moving much faster soon.  
> >      Oh yeah, the cops never fuck with me in San
> > Antonio either.  They all know what I'm doing too.  
> >      I still wear my uniform, but I have 3 different
> > shirts I wear.  I always have my army pants in my
> > bag for when it gets cold.  I still wear my blue
> > polyester shirt with the white stripes, my rainbow
> > tie-dye from Truth or Consequences, NM and that
> > badass Willie Nelson shirt you gave me.  I love that
> > thing.  All my friends want it.  My friend Bob even
> > tried to give me like 2 ounces of weed for it.  It's
> > priceless, though.
> >      Oh yeah and the other day I ended up at the
> > Sunken Gardens, where you can sneak in through a big
> > hole in the fence.  We didn't get into the rock show
> > that was going on, but in the parking lot this guy
> > selling marijuana bandanas up and hooked me up with
> > one.  Just because he heard I was a walker(and
> > probably because of I looked like a hippie).  And,
> > while I was hiking I found a badass eons old fossil
> > shell that serves as the anchor for my bandana.  I
> > always have it hanging out of my cargo shorts
> > pocket.  
> >      So now with my rainbow beanie, badass new
> > walking stick, my Fearless Leader army pants, the
> > peace tattoo on the back of my neck and my marijuana
> > bandana hanging out of my pocket, EVERYONE will know
> > what I am up to.  
> >      Did I ever tell you about my new walking stick?
> >  See, I had been so proud that I had held onto my
> > old walking stick the whole 6 months I was gone from
> > home.  Well, when the trucker dropped me off in San
> > Antonio I threw my bags out of his truck and my
> > stick.  My stick broke when it hit the ground!  I
> > was sooo pissed!  Almost!  So, I remembered that
> > some guy in a neighborhhod closeby made walking
> > sticks.  Luckily I found his number in one of my
> > pocket calanders and called him.  The day when I
> > went over to look at the sticks, I told him about my
> > mission and stuff.  He still wouldn't hook me up.
> > He was a Christian dude.  Not even a discount.  I
> > ended up paying $28 for a stick of wood.  I was
> > pissed.  Fuckin' hypocrite.
> >      But, it's a badass 5ft Cedar stick with a
> > compass on top.  I had to have it when I saw that
> > compass.  Not that I even use it that much now, just
> > that it makes me look like a professional, hehe.  I
> > put the same handle my old one had and it I still
> > use my trademark tennis balls.
> >      About my scriptage.  Yeah, I know they're a
> > pain in the ass to "intelligent" people, but why
> > can't intelligent people see the logic in them?  I
> > am trying to document occurences exactly as they
> > happened.  Why would I go through the trouble of
> > making them different each time?  I am trying to
> > paint pictures with words, and paintings always stay
> > the same.  And again, I am doing it this way because
> > it's that important.  It's world peace I am after.
> > I am keeping things simple.  I'm educating the
> > idiots first, just because there are so damn many of
> > them.  
> >      I realize that I have voluntarily turned myself
> > into a robot.  Like I say, I am a self-programmed
> > peace machine.  I will spew out these text files
> > until it happens.  I am a walking, talking,
> > self-fulfilling prophecy.  It's going to happen
> > someday.  Let's make it sooner than later.  
> >      I have sacrificed having a "normal" life to do
> > this.  But, it's a sacrifice to benefit the all.  I
> > work on a reward-basis.  When I win, all will be
> > well..for everybody.  Soon, I will get everything I
> > want.  A lot sooner than you'd think.
> >
> >      Well Kati, I'm sorry if you had already heard
> > most of that before.  As much as I do it, I hate
> > repeating myself.  You understand me.  I know you
> > do.  
> >
> > I love you,
> >
> > - Victor Antonio
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Kati Texas <>
> > Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 14:36:48 -0800 (PST)
> > To: Victor Antonio <>
> > Subject: Is there anybody out there?
> >
> > > Victorious,
> > > It's good to hear from you lover.  I bet you ARE
> > > getting famous in sanAntonio, ya fuckin kook.
> > Glad
> > > you're out there doin good works.  I agree with
> > the
> > > chick on the bus tho.  You can't say the same
> > thing to
> > > two different people and expect them both to
> > > understand.  Plus intelligent people are turned
> > off by
> > > the script thing.  You've got a great plan for
> > > reaching idiots tho, and they do make up most of
> > the
> > > population.
> > > You didn't answer any of my questions:
> > > "  How's SanAntonio?
> > > > Is it
> > > > > getting hot?  What kinds of sounds do you go
> > to
> > > > sleep
> > > > > to?  Are there frogs near your favorite tree?"
> > >
> > > It's about the same here, 45-50ish, rainy and
> > foggy,
> > > with a few awesomely georgous days thrown in here
> > and
> > > there.
> > > I have to go now, work calls, but I'll write more
> > > soon.
> > > Love & Kisses,
> > > KatiTexas
> > >
> > >
> > > =====
> > > Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret
> > > You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she
> > always comes back
> > >
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