

  Keltic799:  what is the addy? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  hold up, lemme make you a personal account on my server.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  ftp://Keltic799:Keltic799@ 

 Keltic799:  is that the addy? 


 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  copy and paste 

 Keltic799:   whwhat is the site? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  ftp://Keltic799:Keltic799@  

 Keltic799:  no what kinda of site is it? 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  file transfer protocol(FTP)..simple webpage 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  just a directory of the files on my hard drive.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  no graphics or nothing 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  harmless text files 

 Keltic799:  so whay do I want to go there? 

 Keltic799:  why* 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  so you can see how with the internet, i'm going to eliminate money and bring world peace.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer 


 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out.. 

 Keltic799:  the last part is kool with me 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  read it brother and be amazed 

 Keltic799:  i'll see what i can do 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  appreciate it..the more people that know the more powerful my stuff will be 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  with today's technology just sit back and watch one person make a difference.. 

 Keltic799:  so whats your name my friend? 


 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  i'm only trying to live up to it.. 


 Keltic799:  lol kool i will check it out 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  here, if you rather read my stuff in email-form, i'll send them all to you..just to have in my sent mail so i can forward 

 Keltic799:  go for it 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  ok, that's the bulk of my stuff 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  happy reading.. 

 Keltic799:  thanks man 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  and if you find it interesting, help me out and send it to everyone you know.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  together we can all do this.. 

 Keltic799:  sure 

 Keltic799:  no prob 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  somebody has to, before it's too late 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  kids have always known better.. 

 DONT BE WASTEFUL:  it's simple evolution 

 Keltic799:  i hear you  


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