




Foreword ·

In a world full of mystery, the single most compelling riddle that puzzles us is the creation of our universe. Its beginnings have been pondered by humankind for millennia, and it continues to beckon and call for it is woven into the very fabric of our being. Among those believed to have gained an intimate understanding of our cosmos are the inhabitants of a time referred to as the last Atlantean era. But all we have about this epoch are myths and legends — tales and fables of the lost continent of Atlantis.

The story of Atlantis can be traced back to the famous Greek philosopher Plato who, in his Timaeus and Critias dialogues, expounds upon the formation and nature of the universe. While historians regard Atlantis as an invention of Plato's mind, Plato himself suggests Atlantis was real. He says its story came to light when Solon, a Greek statesman, traveled to Egypt, seeking to learn more about the antiquity of Greek civilization. It was at an Egyptian temple that Solon met with learned priests, experts in history who recounted the tale of Atlantis.

Ancient Egypt, considered by some to be a legacy of the Atlantean era, marked the end of a cycle of human development; a cycle dominated with such a keen awareness of life that archaeologists and historians classified it as one of history's most developed and outstanding civilizations. Its sophistication was profound and undeniable, and would influence cultures for centuries to come. With the deterioration of Egyptian society went their secrets. Insight into their techniques of craftsmanship, science, and methods of awareness became obscured by a wave of ignorance that would ultimately plunge the Earth into the abyss of the dark ages, a pit from which humankind has since been emerging, for such is the swing of the pendulum.

Those ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who sought to understand the esoteric, realized that all outward manifestations of the universe were under the influence of an ultimate guiding reality from which elemental forces follow. The moment our universe was born, fundamental laws of nature began guiding and shaping the cosmos, manifesting untold forms and appearances. Established at the beginning of time, these natural laws constantly make their presence known as the universe dances through gyrations of progression and evolution. Whether the universe exists as a point of singularity or an infinite expanse, whether it be a homogeneous soup of subatomic particles or separated into countless developed individualized entities, the universe rests upon the framework of these universal principles.

Although these principles are in constant operation, the masses are unable to recognize or realize their significance and the depth at which they operate. Most are oblivious to the principles, and for those who do manage to notice them, the principles are simply taken for granted and valued lightly if at all. It is a paradox, for the treasure of these principles is hidden in plain sight. Whether or not one perceives them and appreciates their importance is dependent on the condition of the mind. The beliefs, opinions, and biases that one typically holds create a veil that obscures the principles and prevents a clear point of observation.

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