


Friday May 20, 2005


  • The weirdest shit. I'm at the hospital. Umm, I bummed a cigarette off of Lucifer! Right now I just told him my whole story, dude. Odyssey and all. It was funny, I asked him, "Your name is Lucifer?" He said, "That's right. I'm the one. I'm Satan." He dismissed himself to go to the restroom. He said, "I have to go be human for a little bit." I told him I hoped everything came out alright. He told me he was going to give me some information when he gets back. Let's see what Satan tells me.

         Be sure to look up Buckminster Fuller on the Internet.

         What's a Buckyball?

         Lucifer: The Buckyball was created in 1987. There used to be a thing back in the 1600's called alchemy. Alchemy didn't work because we weren't high-tech enough to know how to do it. The way they did it, it was more of uhh theory. It was a good idea though. Buckyballs are the carbon octagon hollow spheres and you change molecular structure with Buckyballs. You can make lead out of gold. You can make gasoline. And it will be the key future to exasperate extraterrestrial capability and technology to leave this Earth and come back into the Earth without the aid of shuttlecraft. At speeds controlled..not at high speeds, you can go at high speeds, but you'll be able to control the entry to the point to the point where there is no need for shielding. Well, there is always need for some shielding, but not shielding like they would have on a shuttlecraft. There won't be a need for the certain type of technology that they produced in the spacecraft that they now have. It's been around a little bit longer than 1987. It was only put out on the Internet just recently. It's only been allowed to become known since 1987. In 1963 my grandfather built the gyro for the Boeing 747. He designed it. My uncle woke up my sister and I. We were just young kids. He wasn't a technician or anything. He just cleaned out the jet-fuel and inside the engine. He was pretty much a janitor for the jets. But, for some reason he had advanced knowledge that you wouldn't think a jet janitor would have. Anyway, we were woken up early in the morning, but it was still dark. My Aunt Jean and Uncle Chet, we looked out their bedroom window and there were these colored balls glowing green and red and purple, all over the place.

         Victor: I've seen them(9-21-03). There's a guy in the middle with all the orbs spinning around him, right? Was it like that?

         Lucifer: No. Anyway, the were just doing unbelievable aerodynamic shit that shouldn't even be going on. Well, through my uncle Chet and my grandfather I got my hands on the diagram for these aircraft. They are extraterrestrial aircraft, but everybody thinks that they're people from outer space. They're not. They're the next evolution of mankind that will happen in the next ten years.

         Victor: I would love to see this diagram. I would love to have it on my site.

         Lucifer: What I'm trying to tell you is that the creatures that they've been seeing coming out of these machines, they're not aliens. Man came from ape and evoluted into man. These creatures are more evolved because they are us. They are our offspring.

         Victor: They're from the future.

         Lucifer: They're from the future. The main thing is that it was necessary to control time because you can create paradoxes. Some of those paradoxes can be the most terrible things you've ever seen. I'm talking about world change for the worst. But each paradox exists in a different time, in a different space. Hitler was a paradox. In one paradox he was able to succeed. So another paradox was created because at the end of the paradox, well there's no real end, at some point people realized just how terrible it was what he was doing. They woke up. So a new paradox was created and that paradox was Jesus Christ.

         Victor: Who created the paradox?

         Lucifer: You don't know? Read your bible. He's the son of man. Think about it. The future. A paradox was created to go back in time to create the perfect man. One that can heal.

         Victor: Everybody has it in them, the power to heal.

         Lucifer: Oh, everbody does. Because a change in the paradox. If too many people knew that they could go back in time then you would have paradoxes on top of paradoxes on top of paradoxes. Which is not necessarily cool. Because there are some real evil people in this world.

         Victor: But paradoxes also occur when good is done, no? I'm thinking when I put out that incentive of doing good, and people start practicing love all the time, then love will conquer all. It will overcome, like it's always been said. I am really glad to be alive at this moment in history. So are you saying you have eternal life, Lucifer?

         Lucifer: I can't die. You see this very hospital? Here my heart stopped. I was braindead.


  • I'm talking to Lucifer about Mars. What's going on with Mars?

         Lucifer: Mars consists of approximately 97.6% carbon dioxide. Give or take. Then there's some argon and some other stuff. Carbon dioxide can be...we can terraform Mars. We would have to live underground or with acrylic domes uhh, powered by solar energy and umm ion powered batteries. Stuff that Cal-Tech is working on. Liquid isotope batteries is what they are. That will be the future energy. Because we're not going to want to deal with plutonium and the crap that's radioactive. I mean, we are all radioactive. Radioactivity is in everything. But, control of the energy and making sure and making sure that you don't make mistakes, that's key. Uranium and things like that, those energies were used to control people, because you have one power station controlling an area and then you had to pay for that power. It is no longer necessary to pay for that power because you can create an isotope battery and create all the energy you could possibly ever need. And that would help in the terraforming of Mars. Mars is 60 degrees in the daytime. During the night it drops way below freezing. No one could survive in the night, on the surface. But under the ground it is possible to survive.

         Victor: Does Mars have a magma-core?

         Lucifer: The magma-core of Mars is so old. It's pretty much inactive in comparison to the Earth.

         Lucifer: I mean, we have telepathic capabilities, I do. I hear people's bullshit all the time. It's not schizophrenia, because the difference between schizophrenia and paranoia it the kind of craps, and now this is what the doctors say, if you're paranoid that means that you're afraid of something with no reason. But if you're afraid for a reason, that's not paranoia. It's the same thing with telepaths. One of the creatures was captured. It's not the first time.

         Victor: They're still not perfect.

         Lucifer: I won't go into happens. But there was a telepathic communication between this creature and I. A human creature. They had him bound and tied up. They thought he was nuts. They didn't know what he was. In society anything abnormal they're going to lock it up. They're afraid of it. That's societies response to everything.

         Victor: How did this thing communicate with you? What did he tell you?

         Lucifer: Well, that's private. Anyway, I also have the capability of reading people.

         Victor: Have you read me?

         Lucifer: No, not yet.

         Victor: I invite you to.

         Lucifer: Well, we're verbally talking. I prefer that. Anyway, in the future there are several differnt types of beings just like there are black people and Mexicans, there's short, tall. There are individuals. There is a specific type of individual that has the power to physically stop you from hurting him or her. Telekenesis.

         Victor: There's a shield around them which you are unable to penetrate?

         Lucifer: They're cabaple of sending out telekenesis to the point where, there are nerve areas on the body that can be, just like aikido. You know, non-harmful.

         Victor: Peacefare, as opposed to warfare.

         Lucifer: They're also capable of levitation. But that's enough of that.

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