

 check out her profile:

Name: MaryJane, it is my real name...pretty cool, huh?

Location: San Antonio, Texas

Sex: Female

Marital Status: I do everything legally, my job

Hobbies & Interests: tests for drugs, so I don't use, but I am trying to educate people as to why Marijuana should be legal

Favorite Gadgets: Marijuana has many medicinal purposes. Growing weed would make us a much wealthier country. Do you know most of our farmers, who

Occupation: could be growing this profitable cash crop, live below the poverty level? Contact your legislature, your state reps, your

Personal Quote: senators, your congressmen. We can make this happen! Keep the recreational pot smoker out of jail and in the mainstream where he belongs. Alcohol kills...Grass heals!

i sent her an email telling i was gonna send her all my shit and did

- victor


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