

  Medmandy:  well it sounds like an interseting idea 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  can i send you a really interesting story 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  nothing but the truth.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  just harmless text.. 

 Medmandy:  only if you tell me a little about yourself first 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  what would you like to know? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i'm an open book 

 Medmandy:  my name is mandy, what is yours? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  victor, nice to meet you mandy.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  :] 

 Medmandy:  alright nice to meet you too 

 Medmandy:  so what does your screen name stand for? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  well..i live in peace.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i am free to.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  why doesn't everyone else? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  it's one of many sn's i have had...they're always dying.. 

 Medmandy:  that is a good question..i like your name is actually has real meaning behind it 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  thanks :] 

 Medmandy:  well you can send your text to me if you like and i will read it 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  done..check your mail.. 

 Medmandy:  your welcome 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  and if you me at: 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i got plenty more good, free non-fiction 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  nothing but the truth.. 

 Medmandy:  okay i will 

 Medmandy:  okay, that sounds good, so why did you decide to pick me? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i did a member-directory search for "reading" 

 Medmandy:  okay that makes a lot of sense 

 Medmandy:  i love to read no matter what it is 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yeah, people who don't read won't have the patience to read my story.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i did searches for "writing" and "walking", too... 

 Medmandy:  ignorance is bliss 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yes, sadly.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  but, i believe i have discovered a way to effectively fight ignorance.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  finally.. 

 Medmandy:  good for you 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  it's simple evolution.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  check out my story, sister 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  :] 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  well..i have to get to work on my mother's back yard/jungle.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i am mowing her lawn..without a lawn mower 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  just pulling weeds and grass with gloves.. 

 Medmandy:  all right well i am about to read the reading material 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  thanks..can i send you some more of my stuff?  you can read it whenever.. 

 Medmandy:  that sounds so fun, i am glad that my parents live in another state 

 Medmandy:  yeah send me anything that you want 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yeah, my mom is as ignorant as they come...just like the rest of her generation.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i sleep at my mom's, but i live in the whole city.. 

 Medmandy:  that is so sad 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i can't blame her though.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  she just doesn't know any better.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  the parents can't handle the fact that us kids know better now.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  we have the advantage of learning from their mistakes without having to make them ourselves.. 

 Medmandy:  well some parents just act like they were never young 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  kids have always known better.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  like i said...simple evolution.. 

 Medmandy:  so true but oddly enough my parents told me the same things that you are telling me 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  there are many exceptions, of course.. 

 Medmandy:  i am glad that i got one of them 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yeah, you lucked out 

 Medmandy:  so are you from san antonio 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yes 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i was born in puerto rico and moved to san antonio when i was 3 

 Medmandy:  i recently moved here from las vegas 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  congratulations...that city is pretty evil 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  so i've heard 

 Medmandy:  so i am still getting to know my way around here 

 Medmandy:  actually its the people more than the city 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  it's the money.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  what side of town do you live on? 

 Medmandy:  um...i think that it is the north east side 

 Medmandy:  blanco and west ave 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  cool, just wondering.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  in vegas..did you ever ride the bus? 

 Medmandy:  yeah everywhere 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  great for you 

 Medmandy:  i was and still am a broke college student 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  san antonio has an excellent transit system 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  ahh...go ahead, work, waste your life away 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  hehe 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  traditional schools only teach you how to be like everybody else.. 

 Medmandy:  oh yeah, via is the greatest 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  not only do you remember the stuff out of the books.  if you're lucky because the stuff stays in the books.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  but you are also programmed with the professor's bias' and opinions..which aren't necessarily right.. 

 Medmandy:  well but i am interested in curing people through dna, that is new material everyday 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  if there is anything i want/need to know..i learn it on my own.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  it's a whole lot cheaper.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  isn't that what the internet is for? 

 Medmandy:  i wish but mainly i spend about 5 hours a day in a lab 

 Medmandy:  with other students figuring out genetics 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i think all schools should be free.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  but they're just one big business.. 

 Medmandy:  well i am going to school for free 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  good job 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  score! 

 Medmandy:  the gov't gave me grants 

 Medmandy:  no loans just grants, that is the best part 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  kickass 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  well mandy, i need to finish up the back yard before it gets too hot... 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  it was great talking to you... 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  remember, email me at: 

 Medmandy:  alright, it was nice talking to you too 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  if you want  

 LIVE lN PEACE:  peace, sister.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  :] 

 Medmandy:  i will e-mail you after i read at your  

 LIVE lN PEACE:  ok, cool 

 Medmandy: me if i am online 

 Medmandy:  nice talking to you 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  cool, willdo 

 Medmandy:  have fun 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  likewise 

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