

 * Now talking in #metal

* Topic is '<Lotlorien> tame me*'

* Set by therion23 on Sun Mar 30 07:22:40

* Deathking has joined #metal

* dammit is now known as dammit-

<dammit-> its done

<dammit-> its done dammit

<darnit> badass

<darnit> thanks dude

* darnit is now known as dammit

<dammit-> i can see the future

<therion23> you two have timesharing of a nick?

<dammit> lol

<dammit-> yeah

<dammit-> nasty :(

<dammit> hey..guess what i'm gonna do guys..

<dammit> with the internet i plan to..

<dammit-> kill me

<dammit> - eliminate money, make everything free and bring world peace.

<dammit-> pls dont :S

<therion23> download porn?

<Chrom> ok back to playing black hawk down

<Chrom> away

<dammit> - get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer

<dammit> and

<therion23> dammit good luck, you NEED it

<dammit> - get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out.

<dammit> i've got it ALL figured out..

<therion23> fuck man you have my vote

<dammit> i just got out of jail yesterday.

<dammit-> how about letting Irc have 2 guys with the same nick be online together at the same time

<dammit> i'm sitting on a sure-win lawsuit

<dammit> which means mega publicity for my ideas

<dammit-> oh cool

<dammit-> how are u planning to do so?

<dammit> ok, i'll explain

<dammit> what are some common problems you come across when you have a new idea and you're trying to get it out?

<dammit-> money

<dammit> for one, if you're telling your ideas orally, by mouth

<NocturnoC> wt do u think of the War against Iraq? with or against?

<Opethian> Are u a bot, fucking kill yourself why don't you do, don't you think of iron maiden?

<NocturnoC> wt do u think of the War against Iraq? with or against?

<dammit> you sometimes run into the problem of not remembering the whole story and not being as effective as you want every time

<dammit-> not now NocturnoC

<dammit-> we're talkin to dammit

<dammit> because nobodys perfect and we all make mistakes

<dammit> secondly, you have IGNORANCE

<dammit> people are too set in their old fashioned, lazy ways, deathly afraid of change(even if it's for the better)

<dammit> and they won't even listen to you

<dammit> they think you're crazy.

<dammit-> true

<dammit> well, i've found a way to jump both of those hurdles with the internet

<dammit-> get to the point man

<dammit> patience my fellow dammit

<dammit> what i'll do is run an FTP server off my computer, giving anyone in the world access to my hard drive

<dammit> only the files and directories i want them to access, of course

<dammit> on my hard drive i will have a directory with all my ideas, that anyone can read with any web browser.

<dammit> simple web page, just text, no graphics

<dammit> people can read my ideas UNCENSORED

<dammit> at their discretion.  they can finish them when they want to

<dammit> but

<dammit> every single time, the whole entire story will be told

<dammit> it just seems to me that's what the internet is for

<dammit> it's a global-medium and it's NOT PART OF THE SYSTEM

<therion23> if only it was that easy

<dammit> you can't stop bytes

<therion23> oh yes you can

<dammit> you know what i'm basing all this freedom on?

<therion23> take Saudi Arabia for instance

<dammit> the pirated software scene on the internet

<therion23> they have firewalls and proxies blocking all non government approved sites in the world

<dammit> where everything is free already, and has been since the birth of the internet

<dammit> you can download new movies still in theaters and watch them at home on your computer

<dammit> sometimes the same day or before theyre released

<dammit> hell, i had windows xp months before it was released to the public

<dammit> for free

<dammit> it's an accepted underworld

<dammit> software companies will spend much more money tracing and litigating each offender, than they're already making on everyone paying for it anyway

<dammit-> that looks like an Andi

<dammit> it's just too widespread to control

<Opethian> Zilla likes it when men take control.

<dammit> you can compare it to alcohol in the 20s

<dammit> and everyone knows how well prohibition worked

<therion23> then theres one hurdle left

<ArabJew> i know, i'm sexy.

* bumbklaat has quit IRC (Quit)

<therion23> what would make people listen to you instead of watching porn?

<dammit> "Prohibition only drives drunkeness behind closed doors and into dark places.  It does not diminish or cure it AT ALL.   - Mark Twain

<dammit> I'm just expediting human-evolution here.

<dammit-> take over

<dammit> look at star trek, they lived without money

<dammit-> kill Bill Gates and take over

<dammit> wouldn't you work for free if all your needs were already taken care of?  some of your wants even

<dammit-> but they're stuck in a space ship

<dammit-> no life

<dammit> so you wouldn't be bored at home all day, provided you had a job you enjoyed

<dammit> if you wouldn't and don't want to contribute, then be independant and don't rely on anyone else.

<dammit-> so when will this Idea of yours commence?

<dammit-> i wanna contribute somehting too

<dammit> soon, i'm going to file my lawsuit monday

<dammit-> dude

<dammit-> why were u sent to jail anyway

<dammit> see, i've been spreading my ideas all over AOL for months now

<dammit> since i know my keyboard shortcuts, i can just pull up all the places room and haul ass sending out my shit

<dammit> the seed has already been planted

<dammit-> u mean Spamming

<dammit> no

<dammit> see, when i first started sending out my ideas, i would just send it to the whole room

<dammit> people would get it, think it's junk mail and just delete it

<dammit> so

<dammit> what i do is msg every person individually with, "do you mind if i send you some of my ideas?"

<dammit> most people tell me sure

<dammit-> it would help if u have a community to back u up

<dammit> some tell me no, but i send to them anyway and tell em

<dammit> "fine then, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does"

<dammit> i check the status on all the mails, and like 98% of the people open it

<dammit> essentially, i'm slowly making myself famous

<dammit> but i'm doing it all for free, not for the glory or fame

<dammit> it's not that i want to be famous, i just will be

<dammit> now, i know fair well that i could be assasinated for having all these great ideas

<dammit> but 

<dammit-> so wat do we have to do?

<dammit> i take comfort in the fact that if i am killed, not only will i die a martyr

<dammit> because i'm not breaking any law

<dammit> but

<dammit> it will only expedite my mission

<dammit> think of the publicity my death will attract

<dammit-> there will be any?

<dammit> EVERYONE will want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote

<dammit> it would be totally worth it.

<dammit> one life to save a planet

<dammit> now, let's say i actually pull this off and bring world peace with the internet

<dammit> wouldn't that make me the happiest man in the world?

<dammit> not to mention, the most successful


<dammit> hey, somebody's gotta do it.

<dammit> my name is victor, i'm just trying to live up to my name here

<sonne`646> victor ur crazeee

<dammit> don't you have to be at least a little crazy to make a difference these days?

<dammit> what? you people don't download pirated software?

<dammit> come on, you're on IRC.  

<dammit-> i actually like to see dammit succeful

<dammit-> would be cool

<dammit-> no, not cool

<dammit-> would be masterful

<dammit> just click on that List Channels button and type in "warez"

<dammit> and hit Get List!

<dammit> as long as it's in byte form, you can get it for free on the web

<dammit> you just have to know where to look

<dammit-> wat about food

<dammit-> u need money to but food

<dammit> hehe, i don't

<dammit> nobody does

<dammit> check this out

<dammit> i am a long-distance walker.  i walk and ride the bus all day

<dammit> whenever i get hungry, i'll walk into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager

<dammit-> why

<dammit> i tell them, "hi.  my name is victor and i'm a long-distance walker.  i don't suppose you would care to donate any gasoline for my stomach?  if it's a big problem and you can't afford it, don't worry about it.  I'm sure the next place i walk by will be generous and help me out."

<Opethian> What do you walk the walk?

<dammit> dude, like 99% of places hook me up..

<dammit> i'm not a beggar, i'm not a taker

<dammit> i'm an asker, an acceptor

<dammit> when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision.

<dammit> i'm not twisting anyone's arm

<dammit> all this just goes to prove, for a fact

<dammit> that it's human-nature to be generous and we don't need money to live

<dammit> also, that there is an acceptable loss that every company figures into their finances every month

<dammit> that makes it OK not to always charge for it.

<dammit> you see, money is just a game

<Knut3dsmx> who are you talking to?

<dammit> you don't have to play it

<dammit> a lot of people compare my ideas to communism

<dammit> but what's the root word of communism?

<dammit> community damnit

<dammit> communism didn't work in it's time because the technology wasn't there to support it

<dammit> like it is now

<dammit> but let's not call it communism, that name has a bad stigma

<dammit> fuck labels

<dammit> lets just call it freedom.

<dammit> money truly is the root of all evil

<dammit-> no, satan is

<dammit> just think, if things didn't possess a monetary-value, would people steal?

<dammit> if they did, it would happen so much less

<dammit> and the things stolen could be easily replaced if everything was free.

<dammit> so why would anyone steal?

<mR_str3ss> bye peeps

<NocturnoC> fuck Marilyn manson

<dammit> it's going to happen sooner or later.  let's make it sooner before it's too late.

<dammit> like i said, it's all just simple evolution

<Loreley^> .8ball should dammit take a valume?

<dammit> hey, my email is

<dammit> if you want to read my true stories, email me

<dammit> i'm going to send out my stuff after i talk to a lawyer

<dammit> i'm all paranoid the feds are watching my hotmail and dcc's

<dammit> :P

<dammit-> send me a file and have it say "Fuck you Feds"

<dammit> hehe

<dammit> anyone from texas?

<dammit-> well

<Opethian> Texas is a communist.

<dammit> yeehaw

<Knut3dsmx> .stat dammit

<Opethian> dammit: 12052 words, 3105 lines, 3.88 words/line, 261 actions, 118 curses, 137 joins, 0 bans, 0 kicks, 95 nicks, 0 modes, 0 topics, 1.60 idle-factor, time: 3 days 10 hours 39 minutes .

<dammit> that's all gay

<dammit> shit, don't kick me before i log this

<dammit> hehe

<dammit> ok, i logged the channel convo

<dammit> you can kick me now

<dammit> :P

<Loreley^> no opethian i am not :(

<Opethian> Loreley^, Yes, i repeat, you.

* chegevara is now known as rachelle

* rachelle has quit IRC (Quit)

* marilyn_M is listening Moonspell-Nocturna

<Loreley^> i know you repeat opethian, you are a bot

<dammit> i'm gonna sing a song

<Opethian> Loreley^, Toonsis is smarter than him but he doesnt like it, i repeat, you.

* Hanged_Me has quit IRC (Quit)

* Hafstad has quit IRC (Quit: gotcha.)

* Hanged_Me has joined #metal

<Loreley^> opethian are you happy?

<Opethian> Loreley^, You're a bot, and why would i shut up? Are you just happy to see me?

* nana_z has joined #metal

<Loreley^> lol

<dammit> my dinner's on fire while she watches tv

<dammit> and if you've ever wondered what it's like to be me

<dammit> she takes all my money and leaves me no smokes

<Loreley^> you know dammit you can just type lyrics

<Loreley^> like here i am can you see me

<Loreley^> cause im out on my own

<dammit> yells at my buddies and insults my folks

* dammit- is now known as Bush-Lame

<Loreley^> to a place i've only been in my dreams before

<Loreley^> things like that

<dammit> i'm breaking my back doing the best i can

<dammit> she's got time for the dog and none for her man

* Hanged_Me has quit IRC (Quit)

<Loreley^> breaking your keyboard

<dammit> and i'm no dope, but i can't cope

<dammit> so hit the fuckin' road and piss up a rope

<Knut3dsmx> [sings] for det fins ikkje sol på en kåbbåys pistion [/sings]

<Loreley^> opethian: how important is it to be number on on stat?

* Sting has joined #metal

<Knut3dsmx> \m/

<Opethian> Loreley^: How important is it sizzling on the ground divided by the number of little pebbles under e.s sucks.

<dammit> you can piss up a rope

<Opethian> Heavy metal is \m.

<Knut3dsmx> pistol

<Loreley^> opethian manowar

<Opethian> Loreley^, ^Baron^ has felatio orgies with manowar.

<dammit> and you can put on your shoes, hit the road get truckin'

<nana_z> hi u all 

* Sting has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client)

<Loreley^> WOW

<Loreley^> hi nana

<dammit> pack your bag, i don't need the ag

<Loreley^> opethian other bands

* Marina` has joined #metal

<Opethian> Loreley^, Tamari is my favorite bands are opeth god's among men?

* bang00 has joined #metal

<Loreley^> opethian: baron

<Opethian> Loreley^: Baron and then i could suck a golf ball through a guitar player.

* marilyn_M is listening Moonspell-2econd Skin

<dammit> on your knees you big, booty bitch start suckin'

* Bush-Lame is now known as SexyMatt

<Loreley^> hmm

<dammit> you ride my ass like a horse in a saddle

<Loreley^> .place

<Opethian> Loreley^ is in place #88 out of 709.

<Loreley^> hehe

<dammit> now you're up shit's creek with a turd for a paddle

<dammit> and i can't cope

<dammit> piss up a rope

<nana_z> howz u lorely?

<Loreley^> pretty good thank

<Loreley^> s

<dammit> uh, you can piss up a rope and feel the pissy dribble

<dammit> you can piss up a rope and watch me giggle

<dammit> for the last 6 months i've been packing your bag

<dammit> you can wash my balls with a warm, wet rag

* rembelos has left #metal

<dammit> till my balls feel smooth and soft like silk

<dammit> i'm sick of your mouth and your 2% milk

* VANAD|UM has joined #metal

<dammit> and i'm no dope, but i've lost all hope

<dammit> so hit the fuckin' road and piss up a rope

<dammit> :]

<dammit> that song owns to the bone

<VANAD|UM> .seen DarkJewel

<Opethian> VANAD|UM, DarkJewel ( was last seen 

quitting #metal 6 hours 31 minutes ago (30.03. 03:55) stating "Quit" after spending 23 minutes there.

<dammit> thank the lard for ween

* Marina` has quit IRC (Quit: Jag vet att jag kommer att ga vilse i skogen kvall igen...)

<VANAD|UM> lo dammit

* |Eivind| has left #metal

* VANAD|UM has quit IRC (Registered)

* VANAD|UM has joined #metal

<SexyMatt> man i hope ppl  wont get confused between me and dammit

<Knut3dsmx> mornin Vanadium

<VANAD|UM> hey Knut

<Knut3dsmx> sup?

<VANAD|UM> 11:27 pm in here

<VANAD|UM> hehehe

<VANAD|UM> everythings ok

* tjashy has joined #metal

* HateLord has joined #metal

<VANAD|UM> except for one thing

<Knut3dsmx> 17:27

<dammit> yeah, i'm a hot stud myself.  i would understand

* tjashy has left #metal

<dammit> :]

<Opethian> Zilla loves his poop log.

<SexyMatt> haha

* marilyn_M is listening The Gathering-Nighttime Birds

<SexyMatt> :>

<SexyMatt> :>

<VANAD|UM> i kept my love waiting here for 23 minutes


<dammit> hey, if you guys want that song, just download it off kazaa

<dammit> ween - piss up a rope

<VANAD|UM> too bad i cant connect

<dammit> remember,

<dammit> or "you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does"

<dammit> hehe

* Grindcore back from the dead

<VANAD|UM> lo Grindcore!!!!

<Grindcore> Therion man

<VANAD|UM> hehehe

<dammit> umm, i mean

* Afterlife has joined #metal

<VANAD|UM> thanks dude!

<Grindcore> Vanadium dude wassap

<dammit> either one, i check em both

<Grindcore> hows life

* racc has joined #metal

<SexyMatt> sent me it dude

<VANAD|UM> too bad

* Visena has joined #metal


* Opethian sets mode: +l 71

<SexyMatt> pls

<Loreley^> oops up

<dammit> monday matt, send me an email so i'll have your addy in my box

* twilight has joined #metal

<VANAD|UM> i left her waiting here for almost thirty minutes

<Loreley^> i want to make a list of the 10 most annoying things on irc

<SexyMatt> to much efort :D

<Loreley^> 1. asl plz

<Grindcore> Internet is nothing withoutta Porn surf

<dammit> oil well

<Loreley^> 2. wanna see hot chicks here?

<Opethian> Software is like sex, better my sister is fucking hot i wanna see you slaughtered, i think you're a rude potty mouth.

* marilyn_M is listening Poisonblack-Love Infernal

<Grindcore> 2.Hi

<VANAD|UM> i was hoping you were here to tell her again

* lucian008 has joined #metal


* lucian008 has left #metal

<Loreley^> ok 3. hi

<dammit> peace

* pifler[a] has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

<Loreley^> 4 anyone?

<SexyMatt> peace

<VANAD|UM> 5 yes

* dave^ has joined #metal

<Loreley^> heh

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