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14 Nov 2007 - 25 Feb 2008
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Victor Antonio Gruber slots the Missing Piece

 topic posted Sun, April 8, 2007 - 10:50 AM by  ChangNoi
His mission (
"Well, here is my idea, with the Internet (and you're going to think I'm crazy . . . just like I want you to) I plan to eliminate money, make everything free, prove that it's human-nature to be generous and bring world peace."

He is probably the only person I know that has a neutral carbon footprint, and he lives entirely off the goodwill and compassion of others.

The Dalai Lama has taught me that I, too, only exist through the kindness of others. Why not take advantage of that for the betterment of all?

As I've babbled about in here before, part of the purpose of MetaPhaith is to create a tribe of Peaceful Warriors, Healing Monks, Wise Heyoka. In the utopia, where the forest supports all effortlessly, they are the guardians, communicators and cultivators. No more "join the army to build some character by killing other people." Instead, wouldn't it be great if you could just go to the Ranger Training Camp and learn to be a doctor, architect, forest garden engineer?

So here's where I came upon a stumbling block. How could such a meme like this spread? Memes do not spread unless they confer some advantage or benefit on their carriers. Of course, unless they do it through the fear of negative consequences. But we want to free people from those kinds of shackles, not set them up for new ones.

It does bring benefit on people to recieve good deeds. It also is valuable to them to commit good deeds. In fact, my heart feels that one of the nicest things anyone can do for me is give me the opportunity to do a good deed. We're hammered at all sides all day long by the media reporting the bad deeds of others. We start to think it's "human nature" to be a jerk!

Thank you Victor! Your tape recorder has solved the problem!

Or rather what you use it for and why: You use the tape recorder to document kindness. In front of the person who has done the kindness. For the purpose of writing a book about it. Instead of "begging" you explain your mission and GIVE SOMEONE THE OPPORTUNITY TO PERFORM A GOOD DEED. When they do, you document, log, and eventually write about it.

Now practicality speaking, this is fantastic from both sides! You are more successful with your panhandling; in return people get a more immediate, deeper feeling of having done good. I've talked briefly about inverting the power structure back to the have-nots, and this is exactly the way to accomplish that on an individual yet expandable scale.

And why not? I can think of so many reasons why this project benefits and few detrimental reasons. However, I recommend tape recorders and notepads only to develop memory skills. We need to bring back oral traditions, and this is a good way to start building memories!

So to recap since my brain is slow in the mornings: MetaPhaith Druids now have a method and technique to bring value to others (aside from their other barterable skills or Basic Needs provision). This technique is to give people the opportunity to be kind. They document this compassion, compile and publish it. What a positive way to give someone a feeling of being a part of something bigger too! Too see their acts of compassion documented in a book or website. The assembly to compile kindnesses provides a communication network for the Druids themselves. In this way they are building a mobile, multifaceted mob of monks. Neutral or Negative carbon footprints travelling wherever whenever, taking the pulse of compassion, providing knowledge and skills and fame for kindness.

I would like to submit some Precepts, and remind you all that it's your duty to help me trim these down, keep them simple and unrestrictive, but explanatory of the core of MetaPhaith. Think elevator speech, mission statement, Ten Commandments.

Support Life

Give more than Take

Repay with Kindness

Document, Compile, and Publish Compassion

Now remember I'm not trying to create some sort of caste or class. I'm trying to create a framework in which people who want to can lead compassionate lives, meet others who do the same and learn from them and teach them and reward those who give so that we can start thinking "elite" means "him who has given everything everything away so is free."

There are many people out there living lives of kindness and generosity. There are people like Victor Antonio out there not only surviving, but prospering and giving back out of the kindness of others. This is just a framework for us to draw the Leukocytes together into a Spleen, dig? To make the prospect of Differentiating oneself into Leukocyte more attractive than Cancer.

Please help me use the power of the internet for collaboration, brainstorming, consensus building, data compilation and publication.
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  • Great idea! i look forward to reading these stories of compassion and generosity. I will be on the look out for people and actions that could be profiled.

    It's true that the mass media seem to have a grim view of human nature. Let's continue to build our own media and focus our thoughts on the magical kindness of people all around us.

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